How to process wooden doors. How to paint a wooden door at home. The choice of shade of interior door structures

It is quite possible to save the budget on buying a new door and refresh the interior of the room. To do this, it is enough to update the old door structure, adhering to the technology of preparing and painting the canvas.

Everything about the choice of paint, the features of painting different types of doors and the stages of painting work, is written in the article.

Distinctive features of painting different types of doors

Old interior and exterior doors often have a high-quality frame and a durable canvas. Various models, even those made of fine wood, lose their original gloss over time. The layer of paint accumulated over the years spoils the appearance of the doors and needs to be reconstructed.

The easiest and most affordable way to update the entrance structure is to cover it with new paint. Any home master will cope with this work, it is enough to know the features of door materials, modern varnishes and paints, as well as follow the painting technology.

The process of painting different types of doors has its own characteristics:

  1. An array of wood. Doors made of this material are smooth heavy structures. This option conveys the natural structure of wood as much as possible. To update the array, you should choose a transparent varnish or translucent glaze. If the canvas is outdated, then wood-like glaze will do.
  2. MDF. The design of such a door consists of sheets of chipboard and insulation. Painting an MDF door is quite simple, but before that, you should carefully prepare the surface.
  3. Paneled canvases. The frame is made of MDF, and the inserts are made of thin boards or plywood sheets. Before painting, the structure will have to be disassembled into its constituent elements. Due to the large number of joints, paneled doors wear out faster and require updating more often.

How to choose materials for painting doors

Quality paints can't be too cheap. In this case, the savings are not justified. Sometimes, shortly before the expiration date, stores reduce the price of paints and varnishes. If painting a wooden door is planned for the coming days, then this option will save money without losing quality.

Optimum door paint

Reflecting on the question: "How to cover the door?" you need to have a general idea of ​​​​paint and varnish products, their pros and cons. The range of all paints is usually classified into transparent and opaque.

Opaque paints include alkyd and oil coatings. The most commonly used nitro paint, acrylic and alkyd enamel. Each of these colors has its own characteristics.

Alkyd enamel - the most affordable, presented in a wide range of colors and shades. After drying, a durable, resistant to external factors coating is formed. The material is wear-resistant, economical in consumption and dries relatively quickly.

A significant drawback of alkyd paint is an unpleasant odor that lingers in the room for about two days after painting. Vapors adversely affect the health of allergy sufferers and people with respiratory diseases. Alkyd enamels are not desirable for use in children's rooms.

Nitro paint has high aesthetic properties, the color palette of materials surpasses acrylic / alkyd enamels. Significant advantages include high wear resistance and strength. However, nitro paint is even more harmful to health than alkyd enamel. Paint fumes are very toxic, painting work is carried out only in well-ventilated areas in compliance with safety regulations. Until the paint is completely dry, do not enter the room.

Water-based acrylic enamels are best suited for painting interior doors. The composition is easy to apply, fits well, and when dried, there is no unpleasant toxic odor.

Cons of acrylic paint: higher price and low strength. To increase the wear resistance of the coating and maintain an aesthetic appearance from above, the paint is coated with a special acrylic varnish.

Lacquer for wooden doors is more often used for solid wood structures. Varnishing, like painting with paint, protects doors from moisture, bright light and other external influences. There are transparent and tinted varnishes. Some materials are used in conjunction with paints. The choice of one or another varnish depends on the result that you want to get.

Tinted varnish gives the door a certain shade. Transparent conveys the color of natural wood tone on tone.

Advice. When buying varnish, you should pay attention to the drying speed. It is better to choose a quick-drying coating - such a varnish does not spread over the surface and is harmless to health.

Choosing the color of interior doors

Today's range of colors allows you to realize the most daring design solutions for decorating a room. In modern design, there are three main trends in painting interior doors:

  • gentle, light colors of blue, peach, green, pink, lavender;
  • dark saturated shades of brown, cherry, blue, chocolate;
  • bright colors - orange, yellow, red.
  1. Dark shades such as "cherry", "red walnut", "dark chocolate" will add sophistication and luxury to the living room. Light colors are well suited for decorating the bedroom and children's room, creating a cozy and comfortable environment.
  2. A snow-white bedroom set is combined with the same white door, decorated with golden panels.
  3. For a wooden house, it is better to choose solid wood doors covered with transparent oil impregnation.
  4. A classic interior with antique furniture can be complemented by an artificially aged wooden door.
  5. The color of the door frame should be either lighter or darker than the color of the walls.

How to properly paint a wooden door: the process

Required Tools

The first step is to take care of the tools. For work you will need:

  • bath for paint;
  • paint brushes;
  • gloves;
  • rags;
  • putty knife;
  • masking tape;
  • emery skin;
  • a vacuum cleaner;
  • flashlight - can be useful for conveniently searching for defects on the door leaf;
  • stools (4 pcs.) or goats (2 pcs.).

From the materials you will need:

  • putty;
  • primer;
  • paint or varnish;
  • solvent.

Surface preparation

It is more convenient to work with the canvas removed. Therefore, the door is first removed from the hinges and placed on a support, for example, on 4 stools. If the door is to be painted with an alkyd composition, then work is best done in the yard, on the terrace or balcony.

After removing the door, dismantle all fittings. Non-removable handles and hinges can be wrapped with paper, secured with tape or wrapped in foil. Fix the lock mechanism and seal with adhesive tape.

In order to properly paint the door, it is necessary to properly prepare it. How smoothly the paint will lie on the door depends on the quality of this stage. Preparation procedure:

  1. Remove old paint, putty and primer layer down to the wood. To facilitate the work, you can use a grinder, sandpaper, a special remover for wood.
  2. Perform pre-sanding. This will help remove minor dents, scratches, and paint residue. Grinding is carried out with a grinder, medium-grained emery. Vacuum the surface.
  3. Putty visible wood imperfections with a special putty. Pay special attention to the gaps between the decorative elements and the canvas, the lintel and the jamb.
  4. After the putty has completely dried, sand the door again with sandpaper - first medium-grained, and then fine-grained.

Advice. Wood that has darkened over time can be lightened with a solution of chlorine bleach and water in a ratio of 3: 1, respectively.

door painting scheme

The color scheme depends on the design of the door:

  1. Shield door. Painting takes place in three stages. It is advisable to use a roller - it does not leave marks, hairs and ensures uniformity of painting. Painting starts from the upper corner of the door in the transverse direction from left to right. After applying the first layer, the paint must be completely dry. The second layer is applied in the longitudinal direction, and the third - in the transverse direction.
  2. Paneled door. First, with a brush, all the recesses in the canvas are painted. It is important not to allow excess paint. In the end - the entire door is painted with a roller, adhering to the sequence of painting the panel structure.

Having decided on the painting technology, you can proceed to further actions.

Staining order

  1. Lay the prepared canvas horizontally, after covering the surface with polyethylene. Protect the glass in the door with masking tape.
  2. Paint with a brush small elements of a wooden door, panels and protruding parts.
  3. Apply the first coat of paint with a roller.
  4. Leave the door to dry completely and repeat the painting in a perpendicular direction.
  5. If it is necessary to achieve a brighter and more saturated color, the door is painted in three layers.

How to properly paint solid pine doors: process features

The advantage of inexpensive pine is the pleasant aroma of pine needles, which adds peace to the house and promotes a serene sleep. Pine is a soft wood species, therefore it is susceptible to environmental influences. To make the material more durable and wear-resistant, it is necessary to protect it with the right paintwork.

Some designers are reluctant to use solid pine doors in the interior due to the presence of knots. This deficiency can be corrected with a tint stain. The tool will not disturb the pattern of wood, but will give a noble shade.

Before painting, the surface must be puttied, sanded. Resin drips and pockets should be removed, the door leaf should be sanded.

The sequence of painting a pine door:

  1. Sanding. The door, both new and old, must be pre-treated with sandpaper.
  2. Clean the surface from dust.
  3. Prime the canvas. The primer promotes uniform application of paint and additionally protects the wood from decay. For better antiseptic protection, it is recommended to use a special impregnation.
  4. Staining. Using a roller, apply the stain of the desired shade to the door. To completely paint over the texture, opaque paints are suitable.
  5. Paint the door.

How to paint pine doors: video

Opening with varnish - the practicality and durability of wooden doors

Consider the technology of how to properly paint the door with varnish:

  1. The first stage is preparation. The order of preparatory measures is fully consistent with the technology of painting with paint.
  2. Mix the selected varnish directly in the jar to obtain a homogeneous mass (during storage of paint and varnish materials, the material may delaminate). Stirring is done very slowly so that bubbles do not form.
  3. The first layer is a primer. It is performed with diluted varnish, diluted with water or solvent (depending on the type of base). The primer is applied along the wood structure with a brush. When painting, you can not stop, otherwise a stain will form on the surface, which will have to be sanded.
  4. After the primer has dried, sand the door with a fine sandpaper to remove protruding wood fibers.
  5. Applying a layer of varnish. This layer is applied in a cross direction with the previous one.

The door is opened with varnish until a perfectly smooth surface is formed. You will need to apply at least three layers.

How to paint a fiberboard door: step by step instructions

Fiberboard is a very porous material, so it must be primed before painting. This will reduce paint consumption and increase the wear resistance of the coating. As a primer, ordinary drying oil is suitable, which must first be heated to a temperature of + 40 ° - + 50 ° С.

The sequence of painting a fiberboard door:

  1. Remove the door from its hinges, lay it horizontally, clean it of debris and dust. Wipe the surface with a cloth soaked in alcohol.
  2. Apply several coats of primer. Careful impregnation will significantly increase the strength and water resistance of fiberboard. Drying oil can be replaced with a primer mixture with fungicides / insecticides. Such compositions are devoid of an unpleasant odor and it is enough to apply them in one layer.
  3. Putty visible cracks and leave the door to dry completely.
  4. Sand the surface with sandpaper.
  5. Alkyd, oil, acrylic or water-dispersion paints are suitable for coloring. When choosing a composition, it is necessary to take into account the type of fiberboard. For example, water-resistant fiberboard will repel water-based paints.

When installing new wooden doors in the bath, you should immediately take care of their protection from the negative impact. Steam, high temperature, drafts from ventilation contribute to damage to wood, its deformation and loss of external attractiveness. Painting doors will help to avoid this - a simple and effective way. The most important thing is to choose the right paint and apply it correctly.

Paint products are classified as follows:

  • by appearance - varnishes, paints and impregnations (oil, wax, stains, penetrating and film-forming);
  • by chemical composition - on an organic basis and water;
  • according to the method of application - internal, external and combined;
  • according to the protective effect - from temperature and humidity fluctuations, from mechanical damage, from chemical and organic irritants.

In addition, all coatings are divided into transparent and opaque. The former include varnishes, glazes and oil impregnations, while the latter include acrylic, alkyd, polyurethane and oil-based paints and enamels.

Type of composition for wood processingBasic properties
Suitable for painting interior and exterior doors, has high moisture resistance. Transparent, emphasizes the structure of the tree. Disadvantage: long drying time.
Safe for health, suitable for any wood, quick drying. Provides high protection against ultraviolet radiation, gives the surface increased resistance to dirt and moisture.
The most harmless to health, non-flammable, used indoors. Not suitable for external doors. Retains the natural texture of wood and its original color.
It is easy to apply, penetrates well into the wood, gives the wood a darker shade. It is used for processing before staining.
Deeply gets into a tree, perfectly protects from moisture, a fungus and pollution. Gives additional strength and a pleasant surface shine.
It is applied to external and internal surfaces, creates a durable dense coating with water-repellent properties. Has a high hiding power with a glossy or matte effect.
It is easy to apply, has a low hiding power, thanks to which it retains the texture of the wood. It has high breathability, so it allows the tree to "breathe".

Opaque paint for bath doors is used less often, since the natural pattern of wood fits more harmoniously into the interior. Traditionally, the interior decoration of the bath is made of wood, so doors with a pronounced texture look more advantageous.

But if tiles are used for wall decoration, you can make the doors plain by choosing the appropriate color.

When using paint, pre-treatment of the surface with antiseptic impregnation and fire retardant is required if the door is in the steam room. It is advisable to choose all products from one manufacturer, this will improve their interaction and make the coating better.

The best choice for bath doors are alkyd-based varnishes and paints, the main advantage of which is resistance to temperature fluctuations and water resistance.

And one more thing: paint and varnish products should be purchased only in specialized stores where storage conditions are observed, especially temperature conditions.

Wood varnish prices

varnish for wood

How to paint new doors

Untreated wood absorbs moisture well, and if you put new doors in the bathhouse without impregnation with protective compounds, they will swell very soon and stop closing tightly. Therefore, before installing the doors, they must be properly prepared and painted. All work should be done indoors so that dust does not get on the paint.

Step 1. The door leaf without handles, hooks and loops is laid on a flat, stable surface. During the manufacturing process, the material was already amenable to grinding, but small roughness or protrusions could remain. Therefore, with the help of a grinder or sandpaper, the doors are once again processed on both sides and at the ends. Remove all irregularities, wipe the canvas from dust.

Step 2 If paint is chosen for the doors, the canvas is first impregnated with a primer. The recesses are treated first, then flat areas. Since the doors are in a horizontal position, drips do not form and the absorption is more even.

Step 3 Allow the surface to dry completely and re-treat it.

Step 4. Now you can paint. For a panel door, a roller is more suitable; for a paneled door, use a narrow brush. The paint should not be too thick, if so, dilute it with thinner. Do not apply paint in a thick layer, this will only lose the quality of the coating. Depending on the covering power, 2 to 4 coats of paint may be needed, each of which must dry completely before applying the next.

Step 5 While the door dries, paint the opening. You can’t leave it unfinished for the same reason as the doors, besides, a painted door in an unpainted opening does not look very harmonious.

After the paint has dried, hinges, a handle, a hook are screwed onto the door and installed in the opening.

If a stain is chosen for the door, a primer is not used. The stain penetrates deep into the wood, staining the fibers and increasing the protective properties of the material. There are several ways to apply stain, which give different results.

Trituration.This method requires a stain with a long drying time. Using a roller, apply the composition to the door leaf and carefully rub it with a foam swab or a piece of dense fabric. It is necessary to rub with effort, centimeter by centimeter, so that the liquid penetrates well into the pores of the tree. The painted surface has a very pronounced pattern.
Spraying.The stain is chosen in light colors and 2-4 layers are applied with the help of an airbrush. This method of staining gives a less pronounced texture, but perfectly hides minor defects in wood.
Normal application.Suitable for flat surfaces. The stain is applied with a roller, as a result of which the surface is painted evenly and does not have streaks.
Staining with a brush.The product is generously applied with a wide brush, first along the fibers, then across. Thanks to this method, the tree acquires a deeper and more saturated shade.

Advice. To avoid discrepancies in color, stain should be purchased with a margin and mixed well in a jar before use. Coloring pigments tend to settle to the bottom, as a result of which, when painting doors, one part may differ in tone from the rest.

stain prices

stain for wood

Use of oil or wax impregnation

Processing doors with oil impregnation also has its secrets. If applied incorrectly, streaks and darker areas may appear on the surface. Before use, the impregnation must be stirred very well, and this must be done several times during the work. Impregnation is applied in any convenient way - with a roller, brush, sprayer or foam rubber sponge. The number of layers depends on the porosity of the material.

So, they collect a little money and evenly distribute it over the surface from edge to edge. It is more convenient to do this along the width of the door leaf. Next, the impregnation is carefully rubbed with a brush or rolled out with a roller, avoiding sagging. The surface dries from 8 to 12 hours, depending on the composition and air temperature. The second layer is applied no later than 24 hours later, otherwise it will not be able to absorb well and its protective properties will decrease.

Wood impregnation prices

impregnation for wood

Painting old doors

Old doors in the bath can also be reanimated and made no less attractive than new ones. Although this process is more laborious, everyone can cope with it. For convenience, the door must be removed from the hinges and laid horizontally, but if for some reason it cannot be removed, you will have to work like this.

Step 1. The door leaf is removed from the hinges, laid on a flat surface. Unscrew handles, hinges, take out locks. If you can’t unscrew it, wrap them with tape or foil.

Step 2 Using an abrasive nozzle, remove all layers of old paint to the base.

If there are puttied areas, the putty is also completely cleaned. There is another convenient way to remove the paint: the top layer of the coating is heated with a building hair dryer until the paint begins to swell, and then scrape it off with a metal spatula.

Step 3. Sweep pieces of paint and dust from the canvas, after which the surface is carefully polished. In hard-to-reach places it is convenient to use sandpaper. After grinding, there should be no rough areas, small irregularities, scratches.

Sanding the door leaf

Step 4 Carefully inspect the door from all sides, check the tightness of the connections, if necessary, strengthen the frame with metal corners and self-tapping screws.

Step 5 The resulting recesses and cracks must be repaired with a new putty. Putty is suitable for any color under alkyd paint, it will not shine through anyway. If it is planned to treat the surface with oil impregnation, wax or varnish, the shade of the putty should match the color of the door leaf.

Advice. If the wood has darkened greatly from time to time, it can be bleached a little: bleach is mixed with water in a ratio of 1: 3 and the surface is abundantly moistened. When it brightens, the door is well washed with clean water and dried in the air.

Sanding dried putty

Step 8. With a damp cloth, wipe the canvas from dust from all sides. Next, cover the door with a uniform layer of primer. Instead of the usual primer, you can take an antiseptic impregnation. Joints and recesses must be especially carefully processed.

Step 9 For staining you will need a thin brush and roller.

When the primer dries, take a brush and first paint all the jumpers, recesses, decorative overlays, panels. Further, with the help of a roller, even wide areas are painted.

The paint is applied in a thin and even layer, carefully rubbed in one direction. The second layer can be applied no earlier than the first one dries. In this case, the top layer is always applied perpendicular to the bottom one, that is, if the first layer was applied along the width of the doors, then the second one must be done longitudinally. It is especially important to observe this rule when using a brush that leaves strokes.

Step 10. Leave the canvas to dry, start painting the door frame in the opening. It is exactly the same here: a thin brush is used at the joints, and a roller is used on flat areas.

Wood paint prices

wood paint

If the door is not removed from the hinges, for convenience it is fixed with wooden wedges on both sides so that there is maximum access to all parts of the leaf. The wedges should be fixed as firmly as possible, otherwise the canvas may move during operation. All further actions are performed in the same way. When painting, be careful not to form streaks. Handles and hinges, other fittings should also be cleaned of dirt, sanded, relubricated for ease of movement.

When processing doors with a stain, it should be taken into account that dark spots remain from splashes that have fallen on clean wood, which appear through 2-3 layers of dye. Therefore, if you are painting a door that has not been removed from its hinges, it is recommended to apply the stain very carefully and from the bottom up. The roller or brush must not be dipped too hard into the liquid to avoid streaks. A canvas with streaks and dark spots looks sloppy even under a layer of varnish.

From the use of water-based stain, wood fibers tend to straighten out, from which the surface becomes rough. To eliminate such a defect, sanding with fine-grained sandpaper will help. After secondary treatment with a stain, the canvas remains smooth.

Video - Painting wooden doors

Video - Door painting technology

Do you want to update the interior of the apartment, but do not have the necessary funds? Or have you moved into a new home, and you categorically do not like the doors left from the previous owners? You can save a lot by painting the doors.

What coatings to use

Paints differ in the basis used for the manufacture.


They are convenient for painting, and the coating of them is practical in operation: it is enough just to wash off dirt from the surface with a damp cloth. One layer is enough. But if you want to get a deep rich shade, then you can use pine or oak in two layers. In addition, several layers will reliably protect the array from external influences.


They do not have an unpleasant odor, are non-flammable. The paint fits well on the surface of a solid wood door, dries quickly (about 24 hours). If there is high humidity in the room, the drying process may take a little longer. When applying acrylic paint to an old coating, further cracking can be avoided due to the special composition and structure of the paint.

Wood stains

Stain differs from ordinary paints in that it does not remain on the surface of a wooden door as a separate layer - it penetrates inside the wooden sheet. This impregnation is suitable for emphasizing the natural structure of solid pine and other beautiful woods.

The stain will help change the shade of the interior door, make it deep and rich. When using a stain, the color of the canvas will look uniform. Oil-based or water-based impregnations can be used for coloring immediately after purchase. If you purchased them in powder form, then dilute with methyl alcohol. After applying to the solid pine, it is necessary to cover the door with a layer of varnish.


Well protects the massif of a pine and other breeds from external influences. Due to its structure, it makes the wooden door resistant to moisture and scratches. There are many types of varnishes that will help give a new look to solid wood doors. In this way, the deep rich color of solid pine can be emphasized with the help of a suitable varnish.

Advantages of stain and varnish

Protective stains differ from classic impregnations. If the door is covered with such a composition, it will "breathe". The coating in this case is resistant to moisture and cracking. There is a large selection of stains on the market. They are suitable for products from the array:

  • pines;
  • oak;
  • spruce and other species.

Some of the stains are transparent. Such solutions emphasize the beauty of wood and protect it from harmful effects. Brushes must be used for application. Carefully read the instructions: some manufacturers offer to cover with one layer, and some recommend applying in several layers.

The door, pre-painted with paint, it is desirable to cover with a transparent varnish. In this case, it will be less susceptible to external negative influences, retain the gloss and color of the coating. If you covered the door with acrylic varnish and notice that a whitish tint remains, do not worry - after complete drying it will become transparent.

By choosing a special cold curing lacquer, you can make the solid pine door finish glossy or matt.

How to start updating the canvas

The process includes the following steps:

  1. Before painting, remove the door from its hinges, remove decorative elements.
  2. Remove top coat. If you do not remove it, then the effect of subsequent painting will be insignificant, in addition, the varnish or paint will lie unevenly and may peel off over time.
  3. Remember that when sanding with sandpaper, you need to make smooth movements along the fibers. Cross-sanding will show the grooves after the final varnishing.
  4. After removing the top layer, mask all cracks and potholes with putty.
  5. Re-treat the surface of the pine massif with sandpaper. The presence of roughness and irregularities is unacceptable.
  6. After that, vacuum the door, wipe it with a damp cloth and dry it thoroughly.
  7. It is easier to paint in a horizontal position. So the coating will lie flat, and it will be much easier to carry out the work.

Coloring can be done with tools:

  • brushes;
  • rollers;
  • spray guns.

The choice of tool depends on your preferences and skills in working with them. The spray gun is used in the work of professionals, in addition, it has a high cost. If you need to paint or varnish just one door, then you should think about the advisability of buying it.

Features of applying stain and varnish

Any wood is suitable for staining: pine, oak, birch. It should be applied generously so that the surface is saturated. After the wood has absorbed the stain, it is necessary to remove the remnants. For laundering, a brush and acetone are used. It is necessary to carry out this procedure until the composition ceases to be washed off. After that, the door should dry well.

Varnishing is done in two stages. After the first layer is applied, it is necessary to wait for it to dry and remove the roughness and unevenness with sandpaper. After that, it will be necessary to process the varnish coating again.

Painting veneered fabric

If your interior doors are made of veneer, then the grinding procedure should be carried out with extreme caution. It is unacceptable to use grinders - they can break the top layer of veneer. Work must be carried out manually, and it is better to entrust this matter to professionals.

It is necessary to carefully select the material for coating:

  1. If the door is brand new and you just don't like the color, you can do without sanding. Just select the desired shade of varnish and get to work. If there are small defects, you can simply varnish them, and then rub with a polish.
  2. Faux veneer doors are suitable for painting. But there are some difficulties associated with the fact that such a door has a smooth surface from which paint will roll. You can use a primer, but in this case the effect of the natural wood structure will not be preserved.

In this case, the paint must be applied in two layers. For painting veneer doors, you should choose water-based paints. If the paint structure is dense, the individual coating pattern will be lost.

Before processing a veneer door, carefully consider and evaluate the front of the upcoming work. If there is a small flaw in the form of a scratch, you can get by with local painting. If you need to radically change the color, carefully consider the choice of coverage. If you change the surface of the outer layer with chemical dyes, environmental friendliness will be violated.

If you follow the suggested tips and recommendations, updated interior doors made of solid pine or other wood will become your pride and enliven the interior of the apartment.

An old wooden door that has lost its attractiveness can be easily restored by painting. To give the canvas a really new look, you need to choose the right paint and do the preparatory work. Coloring compositions based on aggressive solvents are a thing of the past. An excellent choice for painting a door block is an unscented enamel, stain, or water-based varnish.

Having decided on an independent restoration of interior wooden doors, you need to learn an important rule: odorless paint is intended for interior work, and all other enamels and varnishes are for external use.

When choosing enamel for windows and doors, take into account the features of the canvas:

  • The door block is made from different types of wood and waste from the woodworking industry. From density material depends on the amount of absorption of the paint before it dries. The extra layer is an additional cost. When choosing an expensive paintwork material, it is wise to use drying oil. After impregnation, loose wood will be covered with a film, and the absorption of paint will decrease.
  • The consumption of varnish or enamel for doors depends on the surface. smooth It is enough to go through two thin layers of paint. Rough material requires more layers.
  • When restoring door blocks, it will not be possible to completely remove the previous coating. New paintwork material must not contain aggressive substances, corroding old paint. During the reaction, swelling and peeling will appear on the canvas.

Additionally, when choosing a paintwork material, take into account usage intensity door block, as well as the level humidity and temperature environment.

Choice colors is a personal preference. The new canvas looks beautiful under a transparent varnish or with the addition of a stain. After cleaning, it is better to enamel the old door, choosing the right color.

Frequent change of interior is not complete without repainting the door block. To avoid future difficulties, choose a paintwork material, easily removable from the surface.

How to process a wooden door?

Wood has a big drawback - it absorbs moisture. The expanded sash cannot be closed or opened normally. In order not to swell the wooden door from dampness, before painting it must be treated with a protective impregnation and preparatory measures should be taken.

Especially well it is necessary to process a wooden front door, since on the street the canvas is constantly exposed to moisture and temperature changes.

How to paint a wooden door?

Door leaf paint must meet high performance characteristics and be safe for human health. Conventionally, paints and varnishes are divided into two groups:

  • transparent it is better to paint new wooden interior or entrance doors with varnishes and impregnations. The applied layer is a decorative glaze that does not hide surface defects. A transparent coating is able to emphasize the interesting structure of the new wood.

  • Opaque paints or enamels for windows and doors are made from solvents with the addition of pigments. Under a new layer, it is easy to hide wood defects, uncleaned areas of old paint, or simply give the door block a new original look.

Most often, when restoring a wooden sash, preference is given to opaque paints.

From a wide variety for interior work, it is optimal to choose a safe paint or water-based varnish. From the street, a wooden canvas can even be coated with nitro paint.

Alkyd paint

It is advisable to use alkyd paint during a major overhaul, when no one lives in the apartment. During this period, all toxic odors will have time to disappear. The dried surface can be matte or glossy, but in any case it repels dampness well.

Alkyd quick-drying enamel is characterized by the presence of a pungent odor. Its popularity is justified by a variety of colors, low cost, resistance to aggressive environmental influences.

Alkyd varnish

Due to the transparent structure, they are better to cover a new wooden interior or front door. The disadvantage is the pungent odor and prolonged drying. Shiny transparent glaze will emphasize the beauty of natural wood.

acrylic paint

The best choice to paint wooden interior doors indoors. The advantage of the coloring composition is the absence of a toxic odor, as well as the ability to preserve the texture of wood. A thin layer of wood allows it to "breathe".

Acrylic enamels dry quickly, and after painting there is no toxic smell inside the room. Another advantage is the large selection of colors. The disadvantage is the high cost. After drying, the surface becomes matte. Additional opening with acrylic varnish further increases the cost of painting a wooden structure.

Acrylic lacquer

Acrylic lacquer is perfect for covering a new unfinished interior door. Non-flammable, harmless to human health, the composition will retain the color and texture of the wood. The wooden door leaf from the side of the street is not covered with acrylic varnish.

Thermal enamel

It is unreasonable to use for an interior door block. Paint is expensive and its main purpose is to protect the painted surface from low and high temperatures. If desired, a wooden or metal door can be painted at the entrance to the house. Thermal enamels differ in scope. Bosny spray paint is suitable for a wooden canvas, which can withstand, depending on the brand, heating up to a temperature of + 200 ° C or + 650 ° C.

Nitro paint

The most durable and durable paint for wooden doors is nitro varnish or nitro enamel, but it is better not to use it for interior door blocks. They are highly toxic and should only be handled in well-ventilated areas. Nitro paint is suitable for the front door. If in the future it will need to be removed, then this is not at all easy to do.

Polyurethane paint

Polyurethane paints are gaining popularity, characterized by good adhesion to wood. With proper preparation of the wooden surface, you can not be afraid of blisters on the door. The dried layer of paint is completely harmless to humans, retains a bright color for a long period of operation, and is also resistant to scratches. The main advantage of the polyurethane layer is elasticity. With a slight deformation of the wood, cracks will not appear on the paint.

Advantages of stain and varnish

For wood, stain and varnish give not only a beautiful appearance, but also additionally protect the natural material from aging. Often a combination of two components is used. The stain penetrates deep into the wood, where, together with tannins, it forms a protective barrier against moisture and preserves the natural color of the wood from fading. The varnish creates a decorative sheen on the door, and also additionally protects against moisture.

Painting veneered fabric

A veneered wooden door must not be painted with aggressive solvents. First of all, it concerns nitro paint. From chemical exposure, dull spots will appear on the veneer. It is better to choose tint varnishes on a water, glyptal or polyurethane basis.

To paint a varnished veneered wooden door, the surface is cleaned with a special floor solution. After removing the old varnish, the veneer is primed, and when it dries, it is painted.

It is necessary to update the entire wooden door block in case of damage to the coating over a large area. Small scratches are easier.

No residential or public space is complete without doors for various purposes. Quite often, these doors are made of wood or modern wood substitutes (laminate, MDF, veneer).

Due to its natural specificity, a wooden door cannot remain flawless for a long period.

Any wooden door requires the right approach to the choice of material for coating.

There comes a time when you have to change the old design for a new product. But not everyone can afford to replace all the doors or the quality of the old door is so good that it can be given a new life. Then a legitimate question arises - how to cover a wooden door. The answers may vary. It depends on what you want to see in the end result. Consider the methods and materials that are most accessible for independent use.

Giving new life to an old wooden door

Most often, the question of how to cover a wooden door arises from the owners of old interior structures that have been inherited by the apartment since construction.

Do not rush to throw away old wooden doors. They have a solid construction and can last for many more years with the right approach.

The multi-year layers of paint begin to crack, crumble, the design of the facade does not fit into the new modern interior. The time has come for a major restoration of the wooden canvas and the box. The main requirement is to prepare the structure for a new decorative coating. After a thorough cleaning, it is necessary to choose a base coat so that you know what work needs to be done before covering the wooden door. For coating, you can choose paint, varnish or stain. The sequence of work will be the same. The difference is only in the finish layer and the drying time of the surface.

Painting an old wooden door

If the decision is made not to buy, but to cover the old door with paint, then the choice must be made between two types of paint:

    • alkyd enamel;
  • acrylic enamel.

The choice of paint dictates the sequence of further actions.

    • Alkyd paint dries out within two days, has a very pungent smell, which does not bring comfort to you or your family members. The only plus is the fact that alkyd enamel is resistant to abrasion, does not require varnishing, if a glossy composition is chosen, it is affordable.

If you or family members are prone to allergies, acrylic paint should be preferred for covering a wooden door.

When thinking about how to cover a wooden door, do not forget to buy a wood primer and putty.

Putty and primer on wood will be needed to prepare the door for coating with paint or varnish.

These funds will be needed to prepare the canvas for subsequent painting.

Having considered the properties of two types of enamel, we will get acquainted in detail with all the stages of returning the old wooden door to a new life.

How to cover a wooden door: instructions for working with paint

If an old wooden door is chosen for the interior space, then all work must begin with the purchase of materials and tools.

What needs to be prepared:

to remove old paint

    • putty knife;
    • sandpaper of different fractions;
    • rag;
  • building hair dryer if the paint is poorly removed.

for fabric preparation

    • putty on wood;
    • wood primer;
  • roller or brush.

for painting

    • enamel of suitable color and composition;
    • brush, roller, sponge;
    • wood varnish;
  • protective agent for the face, hands.

Stages of work on updating a wooden door:

    1. The door must be removed from the hinges, because it is difficult to perform a high-quality coating of the canvas in a hanging position. There is no way to get close to all sides of the facade without problems, the paint will go down with smudges, the fittings will be stained with finishing materials, which will affect their external and functional qualities.
    1. On the floor, prepare a bedding to prevent contamination of the coating. If you are using strong-smelling compounds, then if possible, do all the work on the street or balcony to reduce the presence of smell in the room.
    1. Lay the canvas on the prepared surface and remove all fittings. The hardware may also need to be updated.
    1. Let's start removing the old coating. Remember that wood is soft and can be easily damaged. So proceed with caution. Some experts advise using special washes to remove old paint. You can use these tools, but after studying their composition and effect on the wood flooring. If it is difficult to peel off the paint, you can use heating elements that will soften the paint and allow you to remove it all without residue.
    1. Inspect the canvas and eliminate any defects with sandpaper, putty or wax-based mastic.
    1. After drying, the surface must be sanded again to remove any irregularities that may appear during the application of the final coat of paint.
    1. We proceed to the application of paint according to the instructions on the package. It depends on the chosen type of enamel.

Let's take a closer look at how to properly varnish a wooden door, because it can be used as a basis for restoration.

Choosing a varnish to cover a wooden door, the specifics of applying glue to the surface

If the method of staining does not suit you, or you need to cover not the old door, but a new one, but without finishing, then varnish is best suited to maintain the natural texture and shade of wood. But you need to choose the right varnish, because each surface has its own composition.

Varnish and any other agent applied simultaneously to the canvas must have the same properties.

The assortment of varnish can confuse an ignorant person. Some compounds have a very pungent odor, others are felt slightly. There are several types of varnish:

    • Alkyd - the basis is a solvent that has a pungent odor. The varnish is resistant to water. When properly applied, the wood is given a slight yellow tint. Dries within one day. To improve the properties, a hardener can be added.
    • Nitrolac - similar in composition to the first option. Dries quickly. For uniform application, it is better to use a paint sprayer.
    • Polyurethane varnish - the most resistant to external influences, it stays on the surface longer than other varnishes. But it must be remembered that this varnish can darken the wood if you do not apply a primer first.
  • Acrylic varnish is the most environmentally friendly of all listed, because it is water-based. It does not have a strong smell, which also causes respect. But acrylic varnish, like acrylic enamel, is less resistant to abrasion. You should not count on long-term preservation of gloss at a wooden door.

The choice is yours.

We varnish the door-blank

Many people, trying to save on, buy products without finishing. They are cheaper and can fit perfectly into the interior, if you know how to cover a wooden door and how to do it right.

Lacquered wood doors retain their natural color and texture.

If the workpiece is not intended for painting (a panel with a white matte finish), then select the varnish of the desired composition so as not to spoil the canvas.

    1. Basically, door blanks are sold in polished form, but do not be too lazy to check the entire surface again for chips, dents, roughness, which the varnish will show even more. Repair defects if necessary.
    1. Apply a coat of primer and let it dry. The primer will protect the surface of the wood from darkening.
  1. We proceed to the application of varnish, after stirring it and pouring it into a jar. It is necessary to apply the varnish quickly, with cross movements, without smudges. Procrastination is useless here. The varnish sets quickly to the surface. The more strokes, the less even the layer will be. This will lead to additional processing from divorces. The varnish must be applied in three to four layers, allowing each layer to dry.

Your efforts will be visible in the end result - a beautiful glossy canvas of a natural shade of wood will fit perfectly into the interior of any room.

You can varnish not only a new wooden door, but also an old varnished canvas. Restoration begins with a thorough cleaning of the old coating. The process is similar to working on a painted old door, minus the enameling step. Masters advise using more toxic varnishes for long-term use of lacquered doors, because they are more resistant to abrasion.

Let's not forget the stain

Stain is also still appropriate to cover a wooden door. If you want to change the natural shade of wood, wood stain will do this very well. Any wood can be stained. The shade depends on the intensity of application of the composition to the surface. The more stain, the more the natural shade changes. But you need to do everything carefully to avoid dark spots or smudges on the door.