What is the difference between modular kitchens and kitchen sets. Economy class modular kitchens: types, materials, manufacturers overview. What is a modular kitchen

A modular kitchen is a great solution for those who are looking for truly versatile furniture. Many people are interested in what is the difference between a modular kitchen and a kitchen set, which seems to most to be a more familiar concept? The difference lies in the fact that the set is a static piece of furniture designed specifically for a specific space. But the modular kitchen consists of separate blocks that can be combined according to your preference. Today it is very popular and is sold in almost all furniture stores, so the question "where can I buy modular kitchens" does not arise.

Benefits of a modular kitchen

The main advantage of a modular kitchen is that it fits the room of any parameters. This greatly simplifies the search for the necessary furniture. An exception is non-standard types of premises, for example, with a niche in the wall. They require an individual approach.

What does a modular kitchen mean for a simple layman? First of all, this is an affordable price. In addition, if there is not enough finance for a complete set of kitchen furniture, there is always the opportunity to buy additional modules gradually. Due to the fact that the modules can be combined in different ways, each buyer of this type of furniture has the opportunity to get a truly original-looking kitchen, not like the one in the neighboring apartment. The advantage of such furniture is that it can be rearranged at any time, changing the interior of the room.

A big plus of a modular kitchen is that all the modules are usually in stock, so the buyer does not have to wait for them for months. Having chosen the necessary cabinets and cabinets, you can receive your goods in a complete set the very next day.

Modular kitchen meets all the requirements of progress. It has separate modules for any built-in appliances, so you don’t have to worry about where to put a bulky microwave or dishwasher. At the same time, when assembled, such a kitchen looks very elegant and harmonious. Modern manufacturers also offer a wide range of different materials. Thus, each person can choose a modular kitchen according to his taste and wallet.

Since the range of modern furniture is quite extensive, many buyers have to think carefully about how to choose the right modular kitchen. First of all, you should pay attention to the material from which it is made. In today's market, most kitchens are made from MDF or chipboard. These are quite high-quality materials and they are inexpensive. Recently, plastic kitchens have also attracted the interest of buyers. They look very original and make life much easier for their owners due to the fact that they are easy to care for. Solid wood kitchens look noble, but they are quite expensive. Therefore, wooden kitchens are most often made to order. This is one of the answers to the question, what is the difference between a built-in kitchen and a modular one.

Choosing a modular kitchen, you should pay attention to its design, the presence of decor. This choice depends solely on the preferences of the buyer. High-tech kitchens are popular today. They look very stylish and modern. A good choice would also be a classic kitchen, or a kitchen in modern style. You should not chase the latest fashion trends, because fashion is quite whimsical at home, and the kitchen, as a rule, is bought for a long period of time.

07.10.2019 13:10 69

What is a modular kitchen? A set of pieces of furniture, made in the same style, suggesting the ability to change the order of the arrangement of the details of the headset. This is a practical option, suitable for different kitchens: in style, size and shape.

The right choice of furniture will increase the functionality of the room, fill it with aesthetics and comfort.

Features of choosing furniture for the kitchen

  • Headset functionality: it is worth answering the questions: “How will I use the room?”, “What elements of the kit do I need?”, “Do I need built-in appliances that the furniture facade will hide?”.
  • Color scheme: be guided by the features of the lighting of the room, its area, your own preferences, trends. Popular options: bright colors combined with neutrals, light pastel colors, natural wood shades that are always relevant.
  • Style: take into account all the nuances of classic and modern design options, take into account the advantages and disadvantages.
  • Dimensions and shape: if you have a medium-sized and well-shaped kitchen, there are no niches, obvious flaws, you are in luck. The remaining problems - a small area, irregular shape, poor lighting - will have to be solved with the help of furniture and decoration.
  • Materials: kitchen furniture facades are resistant to moisture, fading, temperature fluctuations and chemical detergents. The customer chooses any type of material offered.

Advantages of modular furniture

What are modular kitchens? This is an opportunity to furnish the premises in the most practical and functional way, emphasizing the advantages and hiding the shortcomings. The advantages of modular sets include:

  • Ample opportunities: the elements of the headset can be swapped if it is necessary to increase functionality or the existing arrangement is tired.
  • Modular sets to order are performed, taking into account all the wishes of the customer, the features of the room - this is the best way to hide the shortcomings of the kitchen.
  • No hassle when moving: if you change your place of residence, but want to take the furniture with you, it is quite possible! The modular design can be easily disassembled and assembled at a new location.
  • Maximum functionality: the kitchen space will be organized as successfully and rationally as possible.
  • Variety of materials and colours: modern modular construction offers a wide range of colors, textures, natural and artificial facades.

: we solve all problems!

In the process of choosing a headset for the owner of an apartment or house, difficulties often await:

  • Small or too spacious kitchen: the core of the problem lies in the standard dimensions of the furniture that most boutiques offer. Ordering according to individual parameters competently organizes space.
  • Narrow kitchen-pencil case: it is required to make a set with the minimum possible depth, massive furniture will “eat up” all the free space.
  • Non-standard shapes: in new buildings, rooms often have unusual shapes, beveled or rounded corners - standard furniture will not work, you need to order a set that fits perfectly.
  • Individuality: standard headsets will not appeal to connoisseurs of creativity. A personal design project will help to realize all the wishes in terms of shape, color and style.

Types of modular furniture

The main classification criterion is the options for arranging the headset in the room:

How to choose facade material?

Materials for kitchen furniture - aesthetic, environmentally friendly, functional, durable, moisture resistant, durable:

  • Solid wood with a protective coating is a traditional, natural material that harmoniously fits into a classic interior.
  • Veneer, MDF - beautiful and stylish, profitable, stylistically versatile.
  • Plastic - resistant not only to moisture, but also to chemicals, does not fade, inexpensive.
  • PVC, laminating film is an inexpensive type of coating for a modern kitchen. Advantages: strength, durability, variety of colors and textures.

Modular kitchen - what is it? This is an opportunity to embody any style: classic, hi-tech, minimalism, modern, ethno, hiding the flaws of your kitchen. The set harmoniously fits into the studio, loft.

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Modular kitchens are a simple and budget solution for decorating your kitchen. Any kitchen furniture is a set of cabinets and drawers made in the same factory, in the same style and color. Buying and assembling such your own kitchen will be inexpensive, but the disadvantage will be a certain monotony and banality. Indeed, many people throughout Moscow, the country or even the world will have the same furniture, differing only in the size of the details. In this article we will talk about what kitchen modules are and what they are.


Benefits of modular furniture

Ready-made kitchen modules are convenient in terms of design. You do not need to puzzle over how to choose the chosen cabinets according to the style, because here all the little things have already been thought out for you. So, let's talk about the advantages of a modular kitchen:

  1. Standard view. You simply choose from the proposed options in the store or on the photo in the online catalog. You won't need a complex design project or consultation with a professional in this matter, as all modules look standard. You need to choose the elements that you like and arrange them in your kitchen.
  2. Variability. Usually, the same module is produced in several versions at once. For example, a hanging cabinet may have two or three doors.
  3. Price. Firstly, the price of a piece-by-piece kitchen set is less than that of a set sold as a set. Secondly, you can easily calculate this price yourself.
  4. Speed. All items are delivered quickly, because they are already in stock and waiting in the wings. You do not have to languish in anticipation of when your furniture will be made.

What materials are made from

Economy class modular kitchen sets are, in general, a positive solution for your apartment. The purchase is really cheap, but you should not count on very small amounts. The cost varies depending on the material of manufacture.

What are the hulls made of?

  • Chipboard - the main advantage of this material is its low price. And the very drawback that all the mistresses of the kitchen made of laminated chipboard suffer from is hydrophobicity. Particle board is terribly afraid of moisture, it begins to swell from direct contact with water. There are chips and cracks in the corners of the furniture. This can not be prevented, but delayed with a special silicone neutral sealant;


  • MDF - the advantage of this material is its affordable cost and variability in forms due to flexibility and elasticity. But here there is one problem: a thin layer of coating, which is used to finish MDF furniture, can begin to peel off in areas of intensive use. Such flaking will give your kitchen an untidy look, but it will last longer than if made from chipboard.


What are facades?

  • film is the most inexpensive finish. A film coating imitating a solid wood coating is stretched over the base;
  • veneer - this type of facade design is more expensive, but it also looks nicer. It also imitates wood trim;
  • plastic is one of the most practical finishes because the material is strong, durable, easy to use and clean. However, you should abandon the gloss - this reduces the solidity of the design. Instead, look for matte or semi-gloss surfaces;
  • frame - not the most budget option, but looking very stylish. Tempered frosted glass or plastic is inserted into the aluminum alloy frame. It looks fashionable, modern, but remember that the glass needs to be wiped often, and there should be order inside the cabinet.

Types of cabinets in modular kitchens

Assembling a modular kitchen resembles a children's designer. There are many variations of elements made in different configurations and sizes, but the same in style and color scheme. You only need to choose the right dimensions of furniture that fit into your kitchen, as well as the appearance that would be most pleasant.

By installation type

According to the type of installation, kitchen cabinets are divided into hanging and floor, and the main furniture set consists of them. In the store, it is better to immediately look for these elements in pairs so that they match in width and height.

Some models do not have a work surface. Here, the focus is on purchasing similar elements, installing and covering with one common worktop without seams, purchased separately.

Often there are situations when hanging cabinets are used more than floor cabinets. This usually happens in a place above the stove, if it is possible to mount an extractor hood in the cabinet above it. Floor cabinets can have not only the look familiar to us. There are also cupboards and cabinets for the island kitchen. They are modern furniture, perfectly fit into the interior of the room, adding an unusual detail to it.

By type

Cabinets can be different in the set of drawers, their height, door combinations, and so on. Modular corner kitchens are popular for L-shaped and U-shaped rooms. The furniture, which is located in the corner of the kitchen, should be spacious and deep, so that the object inside does not have to reach far. Therefore, they are made in two types:

  • two separate cabinets - hinged doors, which each open in their own direction, are not very convenient, since not all the place is easily accessible;
  • one cabinet in the shape of the letter L - one door that folds like a book when opened, providing access to a large interior space.

End cabinets are usually placed on the outer corner of the composition and perform a decorative function. On their shelves it is not possible to place something for frequent use. Such models look beautiful because of the curved shape, but are of no practical importance.

Economy class modular kitchens: cabinet selection procedure

First of all, choose whether you are renovating from scratch or simply replacing a few pieces of furniture. In the first case, you need to start thinking from the headset, place sockets under it, run pipes and electricity, rearrange the stove, sink, refrigerator.

In the second case, you already have equipment installed that you will not move. Then you need to be guided by the following plan of action:

  • choose a countertop under the sink;
  • pick up corner cabinets;
  • measure the dimensions of cabinets with built-in appliances, select similar ones;
  • consider whether you need end cabinets;
  • fill the rest of the space with ordinary floor cabinets.

We figured out how to assemble the kitchen element by element, using separate modules in the work. It is not difficult, the main thing is to correctly determine the dimensions so that they fit into the room. Enjoy the shopping!

Video: modular economy kitchens

The kitchen is a place where a person spends time not only for cooking and eating, but also just for spiritual conversations with friends and acquaintances. To make it as pleasant and comfortable as possible, it is desirable that the kitchen set is beautiful, original and comfortable. After all, when everything is at hand, and cabinets, countertops and aprons are pleasing to the eye, then being in such a kitchen is a pleasure. Another thing is that it is not always possible to choose furniture from the standard range that meets all requirements. And therefore, an excellent solution in such a situation is modular kitchen furniture. With its help, you can optimally design the space of a room, even a small one, even a large one, taking into account individual needs.

A modular kitchen is a set assembled from separate modules: cabinets, shelves, countertops, frames for built-in appliances, and other additional elements. They can be combined as you like, arranged in a different order, swapped over time, easy to replace when something breaks. The advantages of the modules are also that in the store you can buy only the most necessary of them, which will always be actively involved in the kitchen.

Advantages of modular kitchens

Modular kitchen furniture has a number of advantages:

  1. Ideal for a small kitchen. Even if the kitchen room is 5-6 square meters, individual modules can be placed in it and arranged in a certain way;
  2. Easy to assemble and disassemble. It is not difficult to assemble the cabinets on your own and change some of their elements that will be damaged during operation. Mounting them on the wall is also not difficult: just draw a straight line on the wall, drill holes at a certain distance, install dowels, screw in self-tapping screws, hang modules on them and not spend money on the services of craftsmen;
  3. Universal. Tired of any module? It can be easily dismantled and installed in its place by another, diversifying the interior. At the same time, the old one does not need to be thrown away - it is enough to install it in another room or disassemble it, take it to the dacha and mount it there. Another option is to swap modules;
  4. Functional. You can independently choose the type and number of modules, their depth and height, choose the mechanisms for opening and closing doors, combine cabinets as you like and install them anywhere - even under the ceiling.

Disadvantages of modular kitchens

Modular furniture for the kitchen, despite its many advantages, has a number of disadvantages, these are:

  1. fragility. For the most part, modules are made from cheap materials that need to be looked after in a special way. If water gets on the edges of the cabinet walls, they can swell and have to be changed;
  2. The presence of foreign odors. Quite often, modular furniture made of MDF, chipboard, chipboard does not smell the best, and this smell does not disappear for a long time and is poorly removed with the help of special means. It arises as a result of the use of chemical impurities in the manufacture of furniture.

Types of modular kitchens

Kitchen modules can be arranged in any order, so it is easy to create any kind of headset based on them. The most popular are the following modular kitchens:

  1. Single row
    Single-row kitchens are modules installed along the wall in one row. They are ideal for installation in small kitchens, as they allow you to conveniently decorate the space where the dining table will be located, as well as place the refrigerator in the room. As a rule, the length of single-row modular kitchens does not exceed three meters, so that the hostess is as comfortable as possible during the cooking process.
  2. Kitchens in two rows
    Two-row modular kitchen sets are suitable for spacious rooms. Modules can be located both along parallel walls, and near one wall and in the center of the room. Often, the set is mounted so that cabinets for a sink, a built-in stove are installed along one wall and at the same time there is a working space, and on the opposite side, modules for dishes, for food, as well as for pots, spoons, forks, pans are installed. This approach to space zoning greatly facilitates the process of cooking, and also allows two or three housewives to comfortably sit in one kitchen at the same time.
  3. Kitchen corner
    Corner kitchens come in two types - U-shaped and L-shaped - and are more suitable for spacious kitchens. But often the owners of a small kitchen space dare to install a corner set, and such a decision is justified. Corner modules are good because they can accommodate a lot of household appliances and kitchen utensils. And in such kitchens they often make a bar counter or use one of the countertops as a dining table.

Materials from which the modules are made

Most often, modular kitchen furniture is made from:

  1. MDF (fine wood fraction). MDF boards are the basis, which is covered with acrylic, plastic, liquid plastic, veneer or enamel on top. Kitchens made of this material are presented in a wide range of colors, MDF can even imitate metal, not to mention natural wood;
  2. LDSP (laminated chipboard). This material is cheaper than MDF, but also of lower quality, but it is more popular due to its availability. The protective laminated film gives the chipboard a fresh look, improves the strength characteristics of the material, and prevents the ingress of harmful substances contained in the chipboard into the surrounding space. Disadvantages of laminated chipboard - a short service life (over time, the fasteners begin to loosen, the facades deform), the usual appearance, poor moisture resistance;
  3. Chipboard (chipboard). The cheapest material, but at the same time less quality. It is made from sawdust and shavings and is also impregnated with formaldehyde resins. This is a big drawback of this material, and it has very few advantages, so it is better not to consider chipboard kitchens;
  4. Furniture with solid wood inserts. Modular kitchens with solid wood inserts are a great alternative to kitchens made from expensive materials. The array is used to frame the frame of the facade, or the facade is completely made from it. The cost of such kitchens is slightly higher, but their appearance is much more attractive.

This is important: when buying furniture made of chipboard, chipboard or MDF, ask the seller what emission class they have, it is better if it is class E1. In this case, the formaldehyde content in the material is minimal - 10 milligrams per 100 grams of the plate.

Style design of modular kitchens

Modular kitchens, like built-in sets, can be made in any style solution, from classic to minimalism. Therefore, by purchasing them at a lower cost, you get at the same time full-fledged furniture that will please the eye. So, the main style directions in which modules are produced are:


This style has always remained popular and has not lost its uniqueness over the years. Classic modular kitchens look great in an interior made in the same style. They are characterized by straight symmetrical lines, the presence of arches, rectangular recesses, glass in the doors, and gratings. The most popular material used for the production of classic style modules is MDF covered with PVC film, veneer or solid wood.


Modern is the style that is most common today. Kitchens in this style are characterized by: curved shapes, smooth lines, a variety of design solutions, functionality, the absence of sharp corners, asymmetry. Modern style modules are made of MDF, plastic, glass, metal; acrylic, lacquer, enamel, PVC film are used in the design of the facade.


This style is chosen by people who do not like unnecessary clutter in the interior of the kitchen, but prefer only the most necessary things and at the same time the most functional. Features of minimalist kitchens - a lot of free space, a minimal set of utensils, clear forms of facades, the presence of white, black and brown colors, the absence of ornament or decor. Modular kitchens in this style are made from chipboard, acrylic, plastic, plastic in an aluminum profile.