What is the difference between full offers from incomplete. Incomplete sentences in Russian

How to distinguish incomplete sentences from full? Let's try to figure out!

Studying the topic "Full and incomplete sentences", my students are asked to clarify the examples of differences between incomplete two-part offers and incomplete single-maintained.

If you know how to find a grammatical foundation, you can learn how to determine the type of simple proposal in terms of the main members.

Twisted: She did not return home. Single maintenance: noon. I go on the road. I want to drink. No one can see.

We take into account the axioms that the two-part offers are more common in the book speech, and in colloquial speech it is preferable to incomplete two-part offers. They should be distinguished from single-maintenance proposals with one main member - to be or beyond.

We give examples of complete and incomplete two-part offers to clarify our statement.

No one came here for a long time. No one who failed did not come. This is a two-part offer.

- Did anyone come here?

"Come," I replied.

- Did not see…

In the first sentence there are both main member. But in the second two-part proposal, someone is missing. The offer was incomplete, although the meaning of it is so clear. In the third sentence, you can find the circumstance for a long time and restore the other missed words: someone came. And finally, in the last sentence we substitute to be subject to Ya.

What is happening? In a short dialog, except for the first sentence, everyone else is two-part incomplete sentences.

Let's figure out now with single-part offers. You ask: "Can they be incomplete if they already consist of one main member of the sentence? What are their infertion? " The fact of the matter is that the most necessary and only main member of the sentence is passed!

Check our output with examples.

- What are you carrying?

- Products.

- Nothing!

In this dialogue, the full offer is first. It is a single-part-personal. The rest are single-parting incomplete! Restore the failed from the second sentence - I carry (what?) Products (also definitely personal). Complete Third: Wow! Good (impersonal). The fourth looks like this: there is nothing good in this! (impersonal sentence).

It is easy to find off-replica, they tend to add a new one, without repeating the already known, and are more complete in composition than all subsequent. Responses depends depend on the nature of the issue and most often carry an additional situational burden, accompanied by certain gestures and facial expressions.

From the context, you can restore the missed as the main and secondary members of the sentence, which and without the name is understandable. But there is a special type of proposals that do not require context - elliptical. For example: Smirno! All up! What about you, Mikhail? Trikin - Further, author - Following.

In the examples of the dialogues, we met words-offers. For example: Wow! Nothing! The first phrase contains interjections expressing a certain assessment, the second represents the answer, unclear on the content, something between the statement and denial.

They express a statement or denial, give an emotional assessment or encourage action. There are several groups of such words suggestions:

Affirmative (yes. True. Good. Okay. Of course!);

Negative (not. Not true!);

Questionaging (s? Well? Yes? Good?);

Estimated (pah! Ay-ah! Lord!);

Interesting (TCC ... ay! Ksyz! Basta!).

The default figure transmits any inactiveness, it is used for interrupting for one or another cause of the statement: Stop, wait, and what if ... Is I ... say that she ...

Do not confuse them with incomplete offers!

Are there incomplete complex suggestions? Yes, of course.

First example:

- What do you mean where"? Here!

- Where is there?

- Where we go!

This dialogue presents complex proposals with the passage of the main and pressing parts.

The second example: in one hand I kept fishing rods, and in the other - a cage with crucibles.

Here is a complex proposal, the second part is incomplete.

Third example: moving differently: at a level place - on the wagon, in the mountain - on foot, under the mountain - a coward.

This is a complex non-union proposal, so the second, third and fourth units are incomplete.

    The concept of incomplete sentence.

    Types of incomplete sentences. Contentual and situational incomplete sentences .

    Elliptical offers

    Incomplete offers in dialogic speech

1. The concept of incomplete sentence

In Russian, taking into account the structure of the proposal allocated incomplete sentences.

Incompletea proposal is called the incompleteness of the grammatical structure. Those or other formally organizing its members (main or secondary) without the name is clear from the context or speech situation.

The functioning of incomplete proposals is associated with the laws of the construction of the text. For example, in the sentence: This juice is needed Lipa, the Lily of Lily, that pine tree, and the one - fern or wild rain. (Kuprin). Only 1st part This juice is needed Lipe It is characterized by the completeness of the grammatical structure, and all the others are incomplete, the passage of the main members in them - juice is needed -due to context, i.e. The presence of them in the 1st part of the sentence. The incompleteness of the grammatical structure of these proposals is manifested in the use of words in the function of dependent members: the form of definition tOT (M.R., units, I.P.) is due to the form of an unnamed the juice,form of supplements lily of Lily, Pine, Fern, Malina (DP)- Unnamed Managing Taken needed. Thus, despite its absence, these members participate in the formation of incomplete proposals.

Incompletes in their structure belong to the same types as full. They can be common and non-prolonged, twisted and, as some linguists consider, single-maintained. But we will take the basis of the point of view of linguists who believe that all single-delivery offers are complete.

Singness and infidency offers are completely different concepts. Incompletes have missed members in their structure, single-part - do not have any one major member. In incomplete missed members, as a rule, are restored. In one-point one can not be. In addition, not only the main members can be skipped in incomplete proposals, but also minor. Several members can be skipped immediately, for example:

1) Here expensive first timedivided b: 2) one went up the river, 3) other - somewhere right. (3rd Offer incomplete, missed led.)

The incompleteness of the grammatical structure of such proposals does not prevent them from serve the objectives of communication, since the skipping of certain members does not violate the meaning of the completeness and certainty of these proposals. Calculation with complete proposals is detected by the presence of words in such proposals that preserve grammatical functions and forms peculiar to them in the relevant full sentences. It is they who indicate "empty" positions of lowered members of the sentence.

In this regard, incomplete proposals differ from suggestion proposals that are interrupted for one or another reasons by statements, for example: Although wait, Kalinina, and what if ... no, it will not work ... (B. Paul.); - I'm, Momash. Is I ... people say that she ... (B. Paul.).

When classifying a simple sentence, in addition to division on one and twisted, great importance are of distinction on full and incomplete. In the written language, this issue is solved in different ways. For example, representatives of the logical direction for a sample of the Russian proposal took a scheme of logical judgment. The subject is predicate, i.e. The subject of thought and what is said about the subject of thought. Any Russian proposal tightened under this scheme, in addition, the presence of a bundle was assumed, some scientists considered it an independent member. The absence of a bundle in the form of the present time testified of the incompleteness of the proposal and any proposal that extending the subject of the subject - a bunch - the subject indicated the incompleteness. This approach is criticized by V.V. Vinogradov. Under the term "Incomplete"Chess united the various proposals in the structural plan, in some of which any members are missing, and this pass is confirmed by the action of the context, in other sentences, the meaning was fully expressed in them and they did not need to restore any members. A.M. Peshkovsky The basis for the definition of incomplete proposals put a comparison with full offers and mandatory restoration of missing members. Criteria of non-payment of offers:

- skipping any member;

Violation of syntactic bonds and syntactic relations;

Availability of dependent wordform in the proposal;

Restoration of missing member;

Incomplete offer - the proposal in which a member or group of members is missed and their skip is confirmed by the presence of dependent words as part of this proposal, as well as the context data or speech situations.

Full offer - a proposal where all syntactic positions are substituted, and incomplete, where at least one syntax position is not substituted, but by the context or in a situation we can easily restore it.

The classification of incomplete proposals is based on the principle of recovery.

If the position is restored from the context, then this contextually incomplete Suggestions, if from the speech situation - situationally incomplete. Contextually incomplete sentences are inherent in writing speech, where missed member is always in context. For example, commanders do not answer anything and silent.Contextually incomplete can be both twisted and single-maintained. For example, but can be made (predicate) silence a song?(addition).Complex three-membered lean, impersonal, single-main, complete. Singers (Supplement) - you can (led), and a song (addition) - never (circumstance). Single-part, incomplete.

Depending on the type of speech, incomplete dialogical and monological proposals differ. Dialogical incomplete (incomplete replicas of dialogue) are interrelated replicas (the so-called dialogic unity). For example,

-They are lying!

- Who? Incomplete, because omitted led away.

- Writers! Incomplete, because omitted led away.

IN situationally incomplete Proposals The missing members are prompted by the situation, the situation, gesture, failing.

If possible / inability to restore the missing members, another kind of proposals are allocated, which also omitted any member. Most often it is a verb or an accurate specific word "we". For example, I'm behind the candle - a candle in the stove.

Such suggestions are called elliptical - These are such proposals that possess one sign of incompleteness - structural. In the sense, they are completed and for their understanding no restoration of the faugible is needed. They are the following types:

BUT) Suggestions, compatible with complete, having a lean, expressed verbs of movement or movement in space. For example, Tatiana - to the forest, a bear behind it.

B)suggestions, compatible with complete, having a verb-faithful with an energetic value: grab, push, hit, throw, etc. For example, I am for the book (grabbed), that - to run (rushed).

IN)suggestions, compatible with full, which are in their composition a lean, expressed by the verb speech. For example, he is the weather (says), and I am about the case.

Transitional and rather complicated should be considered elliptical structures with a missing fault, a pronounced existent verb. For example, they have children (there). I have a son - a student.

A.M. Peshkovsky called such proposals "Suggestions with zero tajamp".

According to scientists, they come closer with complete (full, single-main, nominative).

Thus, incomplete sentences are a very peculiar type of Russian offer. They cannot be confused, on the one hand, with one-point, on the other - with infinitioned. Inhabitable proposals cannot be considered from the point of view of completeness / incompleteness, they do not allocate neither the main, nor HF. Incomplete, only syntactically clad twigs or single-parties can be incomplete. If the proposal is single, then it does not mean that it is incomplete.

In the scientific literature, the question of complete and incomplete proposals is contradictory.

Incomplete it is a proposal in which a member of a proposal or a group of suggestions is missing, whose pass is confirmed by the presence of dependent words of the proposal, as well as data of the context or speech situation.

Types of incomplete proposals are allocated taking into account the following factors:

Written or oral sphere of use

Monologue or dialogue

Interaction of sentences with context

Incomplete offers are:

    contextual (non-response - incomplete proposals in monologic speech; dialogue replicas - incomplete sentences in dialogic speech)


Incomplete dialogue replicas are very often found in colloquial speech. They are usually brief and enter into themselves the new thing that talking wants to inform the interlocutor.

In the target direction, incomplete replicas of the dialogue can be divided into 3 groups:

Response replicas. Contain the answer to the question specified in the previous replica.

Question replicas.

Continuing replicas report anything added to the initial proposal expressed.

Situational replicas are the type of incomplete proposals for spoken speech. They are used as full-fledged communication units only in a certain situation. When the situation of the speech itself suggests the interlocutors of the concepts that are discussed, but which are verbally in the composition of this replica are not expressed. Gone.

Elliptical offers.

Offers like " I am going home" In linguistic literature, the term elliptical proposals is used in different values:

    instead of term "incomplete offer"

    indicates a type of incomplete sentence

    serves as the title of the type of proposals adjacent to incomplete.

Ellipsis - this is a reduction in the verb phrases in the sentence; Elimination of the verb component without compensation in context.

Types of elliptic suggestions:

    Offer with the value of movement - movement. A person + word denoting the direction, goal, the final point of movement. In the function of an independent member of the sentence, a pronoun, a noun in I.P., denoting a person, an animal or an item capable of moving. As a second member, there are adventures of places, nouns in V.P. With a pretext b, on, or in D.P. With a pretext to

    Offer with speech or thought. They have an object in p.p. With a pretext about or about or in V.P. with a pretext about.

    Offer with the value to beat, hit. Subject of action + dependent words in V.P. etc. Here I am with a stick!

Equivalents offer

This is a special grammatical agent used in communication to express consent - disagreement, as well as emotionally expressive reactions to the speech of the interlocutor. Yes. Not! How wrong! Still would.

They do not have an independent informative meaning, but only confirm, deny or evaluate the content of a specific proposal with which correlated.

As the equivalents of the sentence, they have only intonation design, but are deprived of grammatical form and are not clad.

The value is divided into 3 groups:

    songs-proposals expressed by particles with a general meaning of approval or denial

    modal words-offers with an additional probability / assumption value.

    Interdudice words of proposals that are divided into: Emotional-estimated proposals are a reaction to the situation, a message, the question. Well?!; prompt offers; Suggestions that are an expression of speech etiquette.

Incomplete offers are simple proposals with incomplete implementation of the block diagram of phrases or suggestions.

Offers are incomplete monologue and dialogically (infidelity is more peculiar)

Types of incomplete offers:

Structurally complete, semantically incomplete (something hurt her.)

2. Structurally incomplete, semantically incomplete:

Situationally incomplete (- Bus goes? - goes.)

Contextual incomplete (king rides around the village. Rides.)

3. Structurally incomplete, semantically complete - elliptical offers.

Elliptical offers - Two-part offers, in which the verb is missing when the subject is missing, which can be restored by dependent wordforms \u003d\u003e Semantics of the proposal depends on the context or situation.

1) Proposals with the value of movement, movement (Tatiana in the forest, Bear for her.)

2) sentences with the "beat", "hit" (here I am a stick!)

3) sentences with the meaning of thought, speech (I am about the foma, and he is about Yerem.)

4) Suggestions with the value "Take", "grab" (I am for a candle, a candle in the stove)

Syntactically, indirect offers - proposals that cannot be divided into suggestions (word \u003d proposal), are in opposition with syntactically cladin.

The value is determined on the basis of the subsequent or previous context; The entire complex of grammatical signs inherent in the syntactically clad sentences \u003d\u003e are considered to be syntactic statements.

Morphological expression - particles, interjections, modal words, phraseological combinations, yes / no.

1) Affirmatives - with a direct affirmative response to the question or an expression of consent with someone's statement. (words - yes, so well, right, of course, right, etc.)

2) Negative - are a direct negative response to the question registered or express disagreement with someone's utterance (words / clock-op - no, no, no, no, can not be for anything, even so on. )

3) Questionally - contain a question with a shade of approval, denial, motivation, etc.; pronounced with a distinct question of intonation (words - yes, no, well, however, is it really, whether Oh, and well, etc.)

4) Interdudice:

Emotional - various feelings are expressed: joy, grief, surprise, fright, etc.

(non-derived. Interdomitia - Ah, Oh, Wow, Hurray, etc.;

derivative. Interdomitia - Batyushki, Mother, Lord;

intermal. Someone - My God, Batyushki-Sveta, damn it, etc.)

Increased - expressed will be expressed, incognizes to action:

Call to respond - Hello, Au, Hey

Call for help - Karaul

Call for silence - TC, CHS, Shsh

Call for attention - Chu

Movement to the movement or stop - Ida, Marsh, Stop, Shabash

If the interomotion is part of a simple sentence, it does not form an intercession proposal. (Ah, Kaby Night as soon as possible. - A. Ostrovsky.)

Syntactically, inhirens, serving to express the rules of etiquette, contain gratitude, greeting, apologies, a request. (modal words - thanks, please, hello, goodbye, goodbye, etc.)

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More on the topic 17. Proposals are complete and incomplete. Types of incomplete offers. Inhabitable offers.:

  1. Classification of a simple sentence. Clear and indirect offers. Two and single suction proposals, their differences. Full and incomplete sentences. The question of elliptic offers. Signs of punctuation in incomplete and elliptical offers.
  2. Full and incomplete sentences. The question of elliptic offers. Signs of punctuation in incomplete and elliptical offers.
  3. 6. Constructive minimum (\u003d base) PP. Common and non-prolonged offers. Nominative minimum. Incomplete offers. Elliptical offers.
  4. Structural and semantic classification of proposals. Simple and complex offers, their distinctive features. Classification of proposals for function and emotional color. Classification of proposals in relation to reality.