How to wash plastic windows and clean a window sill: effective means. Reliable ways to remove stains from a plastic window sill How to clean plastic doors

Plastic doors are becoming popular. They have many advantages when compared to other materials. First of all, it is an affordable cost. At the same time, the quality remains at a high level. they are environmentally friendly, easy to care for, and have an attractive appearance.

Despite all the positive characteristics, the question arises of how to properly wash PVC doors. Interior doors need proper care, like any other piece of furniture. More often, traces of dirty hands and dust appear on the canvases. In this case, the door surface itself and the fittings become dirty.

Attention! Experts advise to monitor the appearance of the door during operation. This eliminates the need to scrub off dirty prints or spend a significant amount of time cleaning. In this case, no tools are needed. You can get by with handy soap and water.

Washing plastic
    1. It is important to wash the PVC door leaf and fittings. Remember to adjust, tighten, or lubricate if it squeaks.
    2. PVC is considered resistant to changes in temperature and humidity, but keep an eye on the indoor microclimate, keeping it at a comfortable level.
    3. Close the door with polyethylene if you are renovating the house, painting the walls or decorating the surfaces closest to the door leaf.
    4. If the PVC fabric has a matte shade, add a couple of drops of ammonia to the water. This will eliminate the appearance of streaks.
    5. It will be possible to get rid of any contamination by means of a soap solution, which is easily created at home.
    6. As a rag, it is better to choose a soft option, the material for which is microfiber or suede.
    7. They pay special attention to the fittings, not forgetting to clean them. Additionally, handles are disinfected, since they serve to collect bacteria.

What is needed to wash plastic?

"Home" detergents

Asking the question of how to wash plastic doors, it often means which solution to give preference to. You can wash the door with your own options or purchased ones. All of them are universal, both for doors and windows. The difference lies in the fact that the windows additionally require high-quality cleaning of glass, which may not be present in the door leaf.

Soap solution is one of the most versatile means to clean a plastic door or window, with which it is easy. One of the recipes: grate the floor of a bar of laundry soap and dissolve in slightly warmed water. The result is a product that is applied to the plastic of a window or door and left for half an hour. After that, it is rinsed with ordinary water and the cloth is wiped dry with a rag. Such a tool will allow you to cope with any dirt, including oily stains.

How to wash plastic?

Another "home" remedy contains powder for washing and technical soda. The funds are taken in the amount of one tablespoon and dissolved in half a liter of water. Further, the actions are similar - the material is applied to the plastic and left for 30 minutes. After that, it is washed off with clean water. This method of cleaning plastic is used when there is serious dirt.

Use ammonia, which everyone in the house probably has. Take a tablespoon of the product per liter of water. Such a composition will cope with any contamination. If you suddenly notice that your plastic window or door is turning yellow, use chlorine bleach. It consists of three tablespoons of bleach dissolved in ten liters of water. Such a tool is applied to the door using an ordinary clothes brush. It is important that the movements are unidirectional.

Choosing purchased options

If you do not have the opportunity or time to prepare "home" plastic cleaners, buy ready-made compounds in the store. Choose trusted firms that create quality products. This will exclude possible damage to the plastic. Check out the reviews of other consumers to find the most optimal formulation.

Washing plastic material

The principle of using the store product and the preferred dosages are written on the packaging as instructions for use. It is not recommended to ignore them. Choose gel options from among all kinds of remedies. Abrasive particles in the composition are excluded. Their presence will lead to scratches on the plastic. As a result, dirt will accumulate inside scratches or cracks, which will lead to a loss of the attractive appearance of the structure.

If you notice streaks or streaks during the cleaning process, replace the cloth you are using. It is better to opt for microfiber, flannel or fleece. The rag should be damp at all times until all dirt has been removed. Otherwise, scratches may also appear. The final step is the use of clean water, which will get rid of the remaining contamination.

The final algorithm of work

In general, the algorithm for cleaning a door or window made of plastic is not complicated. It involves the following steps:

  1. Mixing the selected product for a plastic window or door in equal proportions.
  2. Application on plastic material, especially on stained areas.
  3. Gently rubbing into the plastic surface with a soft cloth or sponge.
  4. Let the product soak into the plastic of the window or door for a certain period of time.
  5. Rinse off plastic surfaces with plenty of water.
  6. Wipe the plastic dry.

Cleaning windows and doors made of plastic

Now you know how to clean the plastic material of a window or door. Follow these guidelines and consider the tips for each of the selected cleaning materials. It is not difficult to wash the plastic material. It is important to choose a universal product that will help wash away dirt, both on the window and on the door. Plastic is a versatile material that is easy enough to clean if you act correctly and listen to the basic recommendations.

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Personally, I find it impossible to hide the natural appeal of wooden windows and doors. However, wood requires regular maintenance, which is why more and more homeowners are choosing plastic insulating glass units.

Even builders prefer plastic doors and windows because they are more practical, less expensive and much easier to install. Insulating glass units are very easy to clean, which is included in the minimum maintenance requirements. Plastic windows and doors can easily withstand bad weather and can withstand the harsh Russian climate.

Simply put, plastic windows are ideal for Russia, where heavy rains are replaced by snow and frost. And while double-glazed windows are characterized by low operating costs, nobody canceled the washing of plastic windows.

Content of plastic windows and doors

To stay truthful, all you really need to do is wipe down the glass from time to time, as there is usually no need to repaint and otherwise handle the effects of bad weather.

In some cases, old plastic windows can become pale, and in damp climates, mold can form on the surface of the glass unit. Nevertheless, in such cases, nothing prevents you from returning the plastic windows to their original appearance.

People have their own habits when it comes to cleaning plastic windows, but it's important to remember that you should never use abrasive cleaners or brushes as you can peel off / scratch the top finish (shiny) layer. It's very easy to scratch it, believe me!

There are specialized cleaners designed for cleaning plastic windows and doors - LUXUS spray for glass and plastic surfaces lemon 500 ml Luxus 400382322, we would advise you to purchase it.

However, there are inexpensive as well as environmentally friendly ways to clean plastic insulating glass units that have worked well in practical tests on door and window frames.

You need to mix one part vinegar with four parts hot water, pour the mixture into a spray bottle, and spray the mixture onto the plastic. Let the mixture sit for a few minutes, then dry with a clean, soft cloth.

If plastic windows and doors have lost some of their original glossy shine, there are some great plastic window polishes you can use to bring back that shine.

We've also heard from users using baby wipes or liquid detergent that they are great for cleaning insulating glass. To be honest, you can clean most things in the house with baby wipes. Many families use them for delicate cleaning forms.

I would also like to point out that people tend to make some mistakes when cleaning plastic windows, mistakes that can be quite costly. Some of the more common mistakes are as follows:

  • Using an unsuitable cleaning agent for plastic doors and windows can cause serious damage, so use products designed for hand use;
  • Do not try to paint plastic doors and windows, it will end badly;
  • Scratches on plastic doors and windows are a disaster, unlike wood, because they cannot be filled and re-painted;
  • Lack of regular maintenance on the moving parts of the frame does not bode well either. You must check them regularly and lubricate them;

So, stay careful when cleaning plastic windows and doors, make sure to avoid harsh cleaners, and never paint plastic windows.

And if we had to make a choice and name the best cleaner for plastic windows, it would be the plastic window cleaner Help Orange, which is great for cleaning and removing dirt without scratches!

Use our tips for cleaning PVC windows and doors and you can save time without the hassle and result in shiny and crystal clear PVC windows.

General cleaning activities affect all aspects of life. We remove dust from all surfaces, wipe floors and wipe windows and household appliances. Among the standard procedures, the equally important, but less frequently produced processes are so easily lost.

Today we will talk about doors, or rather what means to wash them and how to do it. We will answer the most popular questions in the field of high-quality care for door leaf, glass and fittings.

Doors are an integral part of our home


Interior doors, no less than other objects in the apartment, accumulate dirt and dust. This is especially noticeable if the door leaf is not monolithic, but has various carved parts, glass. Traces of dirty hands immediately appear on light doors, and the fittings are covered with a sticky layer of dirt mixed with dust.

Eco-veneer is especially vulnerable to pollution, because by and large, it is just a textured film with which the canvas is glued. The film for eco-veneer is produced in different countries; Koreans, Japanese, Italians get a fairly high-quality material.

In order for the door to please us with its cleanliness and it was pleasant to touch it, we will have to take care of it during operation. In addition, now deaf canvases are not so popular, because the door is most often an integral attribute of the overall picture of the interior of the room, therefore it should be colorful and beautiful, which means clean.

Doors support the interior of the room

Let's highlight the main points in door care:

  • It is necessary to devote time not only to washing the door leaf itself, but also to cleaning and adjusting the fittings. If it looses, you need to tighten it, if it creaks, lubricate it.
  • If you have doors made of natural wood or solid wood at your home, it is worth adjusting the indoor climate. It is undesirable to allow the temperature to rise above 25 ° C, and the humidity above 70%.
  • Severe damage on high-quality doors cannot be hidden, there is no way to hide any scratches or dents, so try to be careful with the material.
  • In case of dirt and stains, try to wash your interior doors immediately, it is better not to wait for the dirt to absorb into the structure of the material.
  • Old doors are not of the best quality, or a modern eco-veneer can be additionally protected from contamination by varnishing. Not the smartest way out, but affordable for everyone.
  • When renovating, cover the doors with plastic, like other pieces of furniture, so as not to get dirty.

Doors are made of different materials: pvc, laminated, eco-veneer, natural veneer, solid wood. Ideally, each material has its own detergent composition, or just pure water. To wash and clean your canvases efficiently, you can use the following tips:

Pay attention to the door hardware when cleaning
  • Many modern doors are equipped with glass, in order to wash them without smudges and streaks, add a couple of drops of ammonia to the water, provided that they are not dull.
  • Metal parts on doors can be washed well with ordinary soapy water.
  • To avoid damaging the door covering, it is best to wash and wipe the surface with a soft cloth such as chamois or microfiber.
  • Dust will surely accumulate on decorative inserts and carved door elements, so do not forget to remove it during weekly house cleaning.
  • When finishing washing the door leaf, pay attention to the fittings, wash and disinfect the handles.

More often than not, the door breaks down or loses its aesthetically pleasing appearance through our fault, due to poor handling and lack of proper care. But we want the door to serve us faithfully for a long time, so we choose the right product and we will wash it.


Means for cleaning doors are selected taking into account the material from which it is made, the degree of pollution and the presence of decorative elements on the surface of the canvas.

Multipurpose detergents sold in spray form are very popular. They are very convenient to use, they do not have pronounced chemical odors and help to clean surfaces of different quality from stains and other contaminants: glass, wood, pvc, eco-veneer. You can buy detergents for a specific type of door covering in the same stores that you bought your doors.

White and light doors require more maintenance

Wooden doors require more attention to themselves than veneer or eco-veneer (3D film). They do not like a huge amount of moisture, so when doing wet cleaning, make sure that the rag is slightly damp. Wooden doors can be rinsed with plain water without using detergents, but in most cases dry cleaning will suffice. To protect the canvas from dirt, use a polish.

Among the folk detergents with which our compatriots are trying to wash doors, the following compositions can be distinguished:

  • Dishwashing liquid does an excellent job of removing dirt from veneer surfaces. Eco-veneer can also be wiped with a similar surfactant composition.
  • Greasy stains can be removed with potatoes by cutting a fresh potato in half and rubbing the stain on it. After removal, rinse the cleaned area with plain water and wipe dry with a cloth.
  • For doors made of solid wood and natural veneer, not particularly fond of wet cleaning, housewives have found a good way to remove greasy and dirty stains. Talc is poured onto the dirt, it absorbs dirt, after which it is washed off with a dry cloth.
  • You can add apple cider vinegar to the clean water used to make the veneer door shine. Approximate proportion: 1 tablespoon per liter of water. Some types of eco-veneer can also be processed with this composition.

Remember to remove the detergent from the door with clean water after washing, and then wipe the cloth dry. Do not use abrasive cleaning tools and compounds: brushes with iron bristles, scouring pads, detergent powders, with such a tool you will definitely ruin the decorative surface.

Working with glass

If frosted or ordinary glass is inserted into the door, it is worth starting to wash the door with it, and only then go directly to the canvas. Smooth glasses can be washed with ordinary soft rags with a minimum amount of lint; frosted glasses can be rubbed with a soft bristled brush.

Frosted glass is produced by sandblasting. With the help of sand, the top layer is knocked off a smooth surface, from which the glass acquires a cloudy appearance with a frosty effect. Frosted glass allows you to hide what is happening behind the door from a distance of 30-40 centimeters.

Frosted glass can be perfectly cleaned from greasy stains and fingerprints using dishwashing liquid or starch solution. To prepare the solution, starch is added to warm water, 3-4 teaspoons per 1 liter.

If desired, you can install all glass doors in the house

Complex, stubborn dirt is removed with alcohol, acetone, nail polish remover based on it. Frosted glass does not lose its decorative qualities. However, during operation, make sure that no solvent drops fall on the rubber elements of the box seal or the silicone filler next to the glass.

There is no need to process frosted glasses with solvents, gasoline, ammonia. Also, you do not need to scrape them with sharp objects, for example, to chip off traces of silicone.

If there are some defects on the door, they can be masked with polish. If cracks and scratches are more severe, then they will help to hide them. Match your door with a suitable shade, and rub a pencil into the surface of the canvas, let the wax fill in its flaws.

While maintaining proper cleanliness in the apartment, you will have to take care of your doors one way or another. Make them always look clean and tidy, because there is nothing difficult about this.

We touch the doors every day, more than once and not only we, but also guests, neighbors. As a result, on the surface doors greasy greasy spotsthat need wash off... And even if you put a new one entrance or interior door, cleaning cannot be avoided. Doors are now usually mounted using polyurethane foam and if they do it inaccurately, the remains spoil the view.

Task 1: clean the metal, iron entrance door

After installation or insulation input (usually metal, iron) doors there is a need to wash the remains of polyurethane foam.

This should be done either immediately, until the foam has dried or, on the contrary, wait until it dries. In the first case, use:

- solvents (white spirit, acetone, profit).

- special polishes for PVC - Cosmofen, Top Clean, Fenozol.

- special cleaners for cured foam (sold in many stores) on a metal front door.

Dried foam can only be removed mechanically by sanding the surface. The remains are washed off by the methods listed for the first case.

Solvents will also help remove greasy stains from metal surfaces.

Task 2: wash plastic, wooden doors

The surfaces of plastic and wood doors are similar in texture. At the same time, wooden doors are often painted, and plastic ones are laminated, so abrasive powders can scratch them. To launder such doors, you can use:

- a soft damp cloth;

- a solution that will help wash off greasy stains on the door: 2 tbsp. tablespoons of ammonia + 1/2 liter of warm water;

- wooden surfaces painted with oil paint are also best washed with water and ammonia. The dirtier the doors and windows, the more concentrated the solution should be: for example, 2 teaspoons of ammonia in 1 glass of water. Usually, it is enough to pour 2 teaspoons of ammonia per 1 liter of water;

- soap solution for stubborn dirt: shavings of laundry soap, dissolved in warm water;

- household chemicals: "Silit" for bathrooms, "Domestos", "Shumanit", "Profit";

- small amounts of solvents such as acetone and white spirit (do not use on painted surfaces);

- baking soda solution: moisten a soft cloth and wipe the door (be careful, the smooth laminated surface may scratch);

- liquid ammonia based glass cleaner excellent will wash away fingerprints on the surface of a plastic or painted wooden door.

Important when using any of the listed means, remember that a napkin soaked in solution should not be kept on the surface of the door for more than 5 minutes. Wipe with a damp cloth 1-2 minutes after processing.

Task 3: wash off greasy stains on the interior door

FROM greasy stains on the interior door household chemicals for washing dishes, as well as hand-made solutions based on table vinegar, ammonia, citric acid, will cope. Solvents (acetone, white spirit) are effective but should be used with caution on painted surfaces.

Preparation of cleaning solutions:

- In 1 liter of warm water, dilute 1 tbsp. a spoonful of baking soda and 1 tbsp. a spoonful of washing powder, mix, then add 3 tbsp. tablespoons of vinegar. Time-tested: these components dissolve dirt and grease well. Make sure that the soda and powder dissolve well, otherwise the grains can scratch the surface of the interior door. - A solution based on ammonia is able to clean not only windows, but also interior doors. It is dissolved in water in a ratio of 1:10.

- Vinegar is bred like this: 2 tbsp. tablespoons of vinegar per 1 liter of water.

Conveniently pour the solution into a container with a spray bottle and thus spray it onto the surface. After processing, be sure to wash off the remaining solution with a soft cloth soaked in clean water.

Creativity is a real way out!

In conclusion, I would like to express an idea of \u200b\u200bhow to transform interior wooden or plastic doors cheaply and beautifully: SELF-ADHESIVE! You can buy this kind of self-adhesive tape at a hardware store or wallpaper boutique. The assortment is huge: any colors, styles and textures. Purely or flowered - the choice is yours. Such a creative solution, by the way, is suitable for window sills and old shabby furniture.

The main advantage of plastic surfaces is their resistance to dirt. The glossy or smooth structure of the polymer contains practically no micropores and, accordingly, is easily wet cleaned. Its efficiency increases significantly and, as a result, the service life of plastic structures and surfaces increases if you use the right detergents and follow simple recommendations.

How to wash plastic windows? How do I clean dirty windowsills, plastic panels or doors? All plastic care products, conditionally, can be divided into 2 groups: factory and homemade (folk). Everyone is free to choose what he likes and can afford.

Factory detergents... There are a great many of them on sale: from well-promoted brands like Mr. Propper or Comet to numerous products produced by domestic manufacturers. The main sign by which it is worth choosing detergents for cleaning plastic (if, of course, the price does not matter) is the absence of solvents, acetone or acid-containing compounds in their composition. Cleaning products with aggressive components soften the plastic, violate the integrity of its surface.

Folk recipes... They are less effective (physical efforts for cleaning will have to be spent an order of magnitude more) than the products of chemical giants, but they have several significant advantages.

  1. Firstly, it is the only option for cleaning rooms where children are and spend time. The absence of chemical compounds makes their stay harmless, no vapors are released into the air.
  2. Secondly, the cost of a self-prepared detergent is several times less than chemicals for cleaning factory production.

For adherents of natural remedies, you can recommend preparing an ordinary soap solution. To do this, you can shave a small amount of laundry soap (30-40 grams), which will need to be diluted with warm water. The mixture is ready when, by continuously stirring it, it is possible to achieve complete dissolution of the soap.

Washing process for plastic surfaces... The easiest way is to clean the windowsills. It is enough to wash them thoroughly with detergent and rinse off the remains with water.

Advice! Remove (if any) the sill end caps before cleaning. This will prevent dirt from clogging up at the junction of the plug and the window sill.

Plastic panels are washed in the same way. If the plastic has significant seams between the elements, into which dirt gets clogged, it can be easily removed with a small rubber spatula and then washed.
Plastic windows and doors are a little more difficult to clean due to the fact that, in addition to the plastic surface, they have rubber seals, fittings and glazing. When washing these constructs, it is best to adhere to the following algorithm:

  • Preliminary cleaning of doors and windows with water. With its help, all light dirt should be washed off. At the same stage, drainage holes in plastic windows are cleaned and freed from dirt.
  • Even application of the detergent to the surface. After that, you can take a break for a couple of minutes to dissolve old dirt.
  • Directly washing. Use a soft cloth to wipe vigorously the entire surface of the windows, including the glass unit.
  • If uncleaned dirt remains, the procedure must be repeated locally from the second point.
  • With the help of plain water, the surface is cleaned from the residues of the detergent, the glass units are washed.
  • The rubber seals are lubricated with silicone grease to prevent drying out.
  • With the help of a glass cleaner, the final washing of glass units is carried out.

Advice! It is enough to lubricate the seals 2 times a year (before the onset of cold weather and in spring), and not at every cleaning.

  • Although plastic care products do not contain overly aggressive components, hands must still be protected with rubber gloves. At a minimum, this will help to avoid overdrying the skin and its microtraumas.
  • The ideal cleaning of plastic panels is obtained if the surface is freed as much as possible from all attachments (lamps, sconces, paintings, and the like). Although it takes a little longer, it significantly improves the quality of cleaning.

Advice! If attachments are removed, the ends of the wiring must be carefully insulated.

  • Any cleaning product you choose should be dissolved or gel-like. Detergents and other substances containing fine abrasive particles can scratch plastic surfaces. At first it will not be noticeable, but later, dirt will accumulate in these micropores and the plastic will quickly lose its visual appeal.
  • It is best to use a microfiber cloth for cleaning. It does an excellent job of cleaning and does not leave streaks or streaks behind. If you don't have a cleaning cloth on hand, you can use any fleece, flannel, or cotton piece of cloth.
  • Before using detergents, it will not be superfluous to wipe the plastic panels with a wet rag. It will remove light dirt and dust. After that, you can use special products for cleaning old and stubborn dirt.
  • Ordinary water should also finish cleaning. This is to permanently rinse off any chemicals or soap from the plastic surface.
  • Once cleaning is complete, the glossy plastic surfaces can be treated with a plastic polish available at any hardware store.

After reading this material, the video located on our website will help you with your questions. The video review shows the key points and subtleties of effective cleaning.