How to clean a frying pan from soot and fat at home: an overview of store and folk remedies for different materials and coatings. Only for strong men - clean the pan with electrolysis! Ceramic coated

How to clean old burning pans from pans at home? What should be done to ensure that the pans are always perfectly clean and that there is no grease or carbon deposits on the surface? These questions are of interest to many housewives, since the ideal cleanliness in the kitchen, always washed and cleaned dishes is not only a desire, but also a necessity.

Frying pans are most susceptible to burning on the outside and inside. The carbon deposit itself is a layer of fat and soot, which was formed due to exposure to high temperatures and open fire. If you wash the pans every time after use, you can avoid the formation of a thick layer of soot and grease, but if such measures were not followed, you will have to get rid of carbon deposits at home.

Why is it important to get rid of carbon deposits on time?

Since carbon deposits are the remains of old fat, soot, when heated, such a mixture releases carcinogens that are dangerous to human health. Each time the food is cooked, it will slowly kill family members.

Doctors have long proven that carbon deposits, soot and the remains of old fat are a sure way to the development of cancer. They gradually harm the proper functioning of all internal organs, causing slow intoxication.

In addition, when cooking food is stirred, chunks of adhering fat can fall off and fall into the dish. This is not only dangerous but also wrong.

Determine the type of material from which the dishes are made

The secret of proper cleaning from old carbon deposits lies in the correct choice of cleaning agents and the type of material from which the device is made. To date, housewives use these types of pans:

  1. 1 Cast iron. They have been used for a long time, while they have a thick layer of metal, which makes them durable.
  2. 2 Stainless. They are made of a durable type of metal, while its thickness is insignificant.
  3. 3 Teflon. This is a modern type of frying pan that has a special non-stick coating. It already has a protective layer, but it requires proper care, cleaning and protection.
  4. 4 Ceramic. This type is very convenient for preparing various stews, meat delicacies, but there are rules for cleaning and maintaining these pans that must be followed.

Each of the presented types of dishes requires its own cleaning method, so you need to find out exactly what material the pan is made of so as not to harm the surface.

Cleaning of cast iron products

How to clean a cast iron pan from carbon deposits? This type of metal is the easiest to remove old grease. To do this, you can use the following methods:

  • Blowtorch.

For this work, you will have to ask for help from a man. The flame of the blowtorch is directed to the surface of the cookware, and carbon deposits will begin to fall off the surface by itself. The main thing is to remember that carrying out such work requires an open space (preferably outdoors), away from the house or animals, in order to avoid a fire.

  • Bonfire.

The cast iron surface is perfectly cleaned under the influence of high temperatures. Outside, you can get rid of carbon deposits with a fire. It is enough to heat the pan over an open fire and remove the adhering formations with an emery or a knife. This method is ideal for pots or cauldrons that are made of cast iron.

  • Sand.

In order to get rid of burning inside, you need to pour river or ordinary sand into the dishes and put on a slow fire. After a couple of hours, it is enough to pour out the sand and rinse the surface with clean water. This method helps to remove carbon deposits even without additional cleaning. The only safety measure: all work should be carried out in an open area, as the smell during heating the sand will not be pleasant.

  • Acetic water.

The vinegar is diluted with water in a ratio of 1: 3 and poured into the pan. The dishes are put on low heat and the mixture is brought to a boil. On low heat, the liquid should boil for about 3 hours, after which the surface will be perfectly clean. But this requires its own protection measures. During boiling, vinegar vapors will adversely affect a person's sense of smell, so the hood must work and the window must be open. If safety rules are ignored, a person can lose their scent for a long time.

  • Activated carbon.

An easy and affordable method of surface cleaning is the use of activated carbon. It is enough to moisten the coating of the dishes and sprinkle it with crushed activated carbon tablets. After an hour, it must be cleaned with any detergent.

  • Digestion.

This method will ideally clean not only pans, but any kind of pot. To prepare the composition for digestion, take 1 bar of washing soap (brown), 1 small bottle of silicate glue, 200 g of soda ash. All this is added to a pot of water and brought to a boil. Then a frying pan or any other utensil is placed in this liquid and boiled for 30 minutes. This method can be used to wash off any dirt that forms on the surface.

Also, fat is quickly removed from the surface when digested in a solution from water and citric acid. For this, 1 tbsp is taken per liter of water. l. acid, and the dishes are digested within 15 minutes. After that, the carbon deposits are either removed from the surface with a cleaning sponge or gently scraped off.

  • Mechanical cleaning with a drill and an iron brush.

Many builders will tell you how to remove carbon deposits from a cast-iron surface. To do this, you can use a drill and a metal attachment - a brush for cleaning the surface. With quick and light strokes, the entire surface will be cleaned and polished. The main thing to remember is that this method can be used in utility rooms or in a garage.

We clean the non-stick surface

Cookware with a non-stick coating must be cleaned very carefully, it can be thrown away at the slightest damage. At home, cleaning can be done in the following ways:

  • Dishwasher safe.

In modern machines, a special function is provided that ideally cleans the burnt fat inside and outside in the initial stages.

If the non-stick coating on the ceramic cookware, use a liquid cleaner to clean it to avoid scratching the surface.

  • Digestion.

You can also clean a non-stick pan by boiling. It is enough to prepare the following solution: 3 liters of water, 200 ml of detergent and 50 ml of soda ash. In such a solution, the pan should be boiled for no more than 30 minutes, after which the surface is wiped with any soft rag.

  • Boiling in Coca-Cola.

This method has long been proven to be reliable and effective. Some housewives call this drink "I clean myself", as it perfectly copes not only with burnt fat, but also with lime deposits on surfaces.

A small amount of the drink is poured into a frying pan and boiled for 30 minutes. If you need to get rid of carbon deposits from the outside, then the dishes are placed in a drink and boiled.

My aluminum frying pan

Cleaning an aluminum pan is much more difficult. The metal itself is afraid of the effects of aggressive cleaning agents, it is very sensitive to powder agents. The best option for such dishes would be soda. Outside, residual fat is removed by gentle friction, and inside you can draw water, pour soda and boil for 30 minutes.

Tooth powder and a brush can also aid in cleaning. For household appliances or aluminum cookware, toothpaste and a brush can be the ideal solution.

Cleaning the ceramic surface

Ceramic dishes are very demanding to maintain and take a long time to clean. Sometimes you need to apply great effort, so you need to clean the pan immediately, as it gets dirty, and not wait for a large and thick layer to form.

You can remove carbon deposits from the surface using the following methods:

  1. 1 For light dirt that has just appeared on the surface, you can use rubbing alcohol. It is applied to cotton wool and wipe the place of pollution.
  2. 2 You can fight the fumes by boiling. It is enough to put water into the pan and pour in some detergent and boil for 30 minutes. To get rid of contamination from the outside, the dishes are placed in the same solution.
  3. 3 For ceramic surfaces, you can use special detergents. They are sold in specialized stores and are ideal for removing carbon deposits.

We get rid of pollution on stainless steel

The stainless surface is one of the most capricious and demanding to care for.

It is strictly forbidden to use powdered cleaning agents for it, since scratches and streaks cannot be avoided. In addition, such surfaces are most susceptible to food scorching during cooking. But you can clean such pans, for this you need to use the following methods:

  • Edible salt.

Pour half a glass of salt at the bottom of the pan and leave for a couple of hours. Salt reacts with carbon and grease and softens them. After that, the salt is removed, and the surface is washed off with plain water and detergent.

  • Baking soda.

Rubbing with baking soda on stainless surfaces is prohibited. It is enough to wet the sides of the pan, apply baking soda on them and leave for several hours. Baking soda also reacts with grease and soot and softens it. After that, it is enough to clean the surface with water.

  • You can wash off burnt food residues and fat inside with vinegar and citric acid.

A little vinegar is poured inside and a spoonful of citric acid is added. All this is covered with a lid and boiled for several minutes.

For ceramic surfaces, specialty cleaning agents are available in specialized stores. All of them cost a lot of money, but if you take into account the cost of the dishes themselves, then these means for the care and cleaning of the ceramic surface are quite justified.

Preventive measures

When it was possible to completely get rid of the remnants of fat or a thick layer on the surface of the pan, then it is necessary to take all preventive measures in order to prevent its reappearance in the future. To do this, follow a few simple rules:

  1. 1 The outside and inside of the surface must be cleaned immediately after cooking, before the dishes are completely cool.
  2. 2 Do not wash the surfaces of the pans in the dishwasher all the time. Perform manual cleaning several times a week. This will allow you to notice the formation of burning in the initial stages and easily get rid of it.
  3. 3 Before using a new frying pan, it should be lightly treated with sunflower oil and washed with detergent.
  4. 4 Minimize the use of powdered cleaners, iron sponges, or other abrasive materials at hand.

You have learned above how to clean pans made of different materials. The most important thing that every housewife needs to remember: do not allow a harmful and disgusting layer of soot to form on the dishes, which not only makes the dishes unattractive, but also harms the health of all family members.

Any housewife at least once in her life faced the unpleasant problem of the appearance of carbon deposits in a pan. After all, soot was and remains a constant companion of all culinary specialists! Even the most neat.

Note that removing carbon deposits is not a very pleasant job. Getting rid of it is so difficult that often, in order to get rid of carbon deposits, you just want to throw out the old pan and buy a new one instead! Nevertheless, for most zealous housewives, this option is not acceptable. But the Teflon and ceramic-granite coating that modern pans are equipped with reliably protects the dishes from the formation of any soot or greasy deposits.

It is generally quite difficult to smoke or "set on fire" such dishes, unless, of course, the frying pan or brazier has been used longer than the prescribed period provided by the manufacturers. Modern pans are generally very easy to handle thanks to their non-stick coatings. And they don't weigh much, unlike their heavy cast-iron predecessors.

Of course, modern pans also have their drawbacks. These disadvantages, first of all, include the taste of dishes prepared on them. On a non-stick coating, the food is not so fragrant - it does not have the notorious and usual “fried” taste.

Second, the much-vaunted safety of today's trendy non-stick coatings continues to cause serious controversy. And some pundits generally talk about the dangers of such coatings (note, not without reason). Most likely, this is why many of us continue to use traditional cast-iron pans for cooking cutlets, goulashes and pancakes, which burn and turn black over time. Therefore, we suggest that you still figure out how to wash the pan from carbon deposits.

How does carbon deposit form?

According to a Kurdish proverb, it is necessary "first to know the strength of the enemy, and only then to enter into a fight with him." Therefore, dear hostesses, before taking on a battle with our enemy, soot, let's take a closer look at it: both the notorious phenomenon of soot, and the reasons that cause its appearance.

So, according to the dictionaries, carbon deposits are nothing more than a layer of brown-black color that is dense inside and loose on the outside. This layer appears on the surface of the pan during its use. In fact, this is ordinary burnt fat, embedded in the surface of the frying pan that was used for cooking.

Over and over again, layer by layer, carbon deposits build up after each use of the pan and even after thorough washing. Gradually, a hard, firmly adherent scale appears on the bottom and sides of the pan, which is very difficult to remove. Carbon deposits are an ongoing process. If you do not take any special actions to get rid of it, then very soon you can completely forget about the impeccable appearance of your frying pan.
But to get rid of the soot from the frying pan, you can use different means and take different actions.

Removal of carbon deposits with modern chemicals

Common household chemicals can be a great way to remove carbon deposits from the pan. Only you need to use it wisely. It is best to use household chemicals for preventive purposes. After all, it is much easier to prevent the appearance of carbon deposits than to scrape off this hated black layer in the sweat of your brow.

The Fairy detergent is very popular among housewives. Indeed, it has proven itself to be a reliable fat cleaner. Not worse than this tool, the no less famous "Mister Muscle anti-fat", like its counterparts, copes with the task. Means such as the usual "Sanita", "Sun Wedge", "Domestos-cream" or "Shumani" will also help to restore the lost appearance of the pan.

And yet, chemistry is chemistry, albeit a household one! And these funds are aggressive. So think carefully before you spend a lot of money on the purchase of miracle drugs, praised in advertising. After all, you will use them for washing and cleaning the dishes in which food is prepared. If the aggressiveness of household chemicals does not scare you, and its use is the only available option to clean the pan from carbon deposits, then use protective equipment. Wear rubber gloves and protect yourself with a respirator. And if you consider these actions unnecessary, then at least clean the pan in a room that is well ventilated or equipped with a powerful hood.

How to wash the pan from carbon deposits using folk remedies?

Time-tested folk remedies to get rid of soot will help to do without aggressive and hazardous household chemicals. Note that other "prehistoric" means may seem very extravagant and even extreme. For example, you might be shocked by the way you use a blowtorch to remove deposits. However, they used it before and not without success.

The first thing to remember is that the "purification rite" is carried out only in open space. There should be no buildings, animals or people nearby. This method is not at all suitable for women's gentle hands and no less gentle mental organization. Therefore, attract a man to extreme experiments.

All that is required of you is to stretch out the hand in which the handle of the pan is clamped. Let the man do the rest. And he will need to turn on a blowtorch and direct its torch to the frying pan disfigured by soot. Five minutes of such a torch action - and any carbon deposits will disappear from the surface of the pan! However, especially advanced ladies may well do without male participation. Haven't used a blowtorch yet? Now is the time to start!

Don't you risk burning carbon deposits with a blowtorch torch? Then get by with "little blood". Simply ignite your cast iron skillet by leaving it on medium heat for a few hours. To heighten the effect, the pan can be filled with clean sand. True, the side effect will not please you - the whole process will be accompanied by a fumes and a burning smell. But the result will please you! The frying pan freed from soot in this way will shine like new.

As in the first case, it is advisable to carry out this procedure for cleaning the pan in an open space. After firing, all that remains is to lightly tap the pan, and all the carbon deposits will come off it like a fur coat.

Ordinary vinegar will also help remove carbon deposits from the pan. How to do it? You need table vinegar (9%) or diluted to such a concentration vinegar essence mixed with water (1 part vinegar - 3 parts water). Then this mixture is poured into a frying pan and put on low heat, where it is left for several hours. At the same time, you must not forget that the water boils away, therefore, as necessary, renew the vinegar mixture in the pan.

After such a bath, carbon can be easily removed from the pan with a stiff brush. The method is effective, but also with a side effect. The strong vinegar smell will remain after this procedure not only in the room. The pan will also smell like vinegar. But the room can always be ventilated, and in a frying pan you just need to boil water in soda or lemon juice.

Another remedy that will help rid the pan of burning is activated carbon. How to use it? It is necessary to grind 10-15 tablets and sprinkle the dirt with the resulting powder. Just remember to moisten the pan with water first. After about an hour, the carbon deposits can be easily removed by cleaning the pan with any dish soap.

From Soviet times, this method of removing carbon deposits also came to us. Pour a bucket of water into a large tank or boil. Next, you should trim or grate ordinary laundry soap and add it to the water. Mix a pound of soda ash and 100 g of silicate glue, and then dissolve the resulting mixture in soapy water. Then you need to put a tank of water on fire and immerse all smoked braziers and pans in it. After boiling for half an hour, all carbon deposits will easily come off the pan.

If all of the above methods do not suit you for some reason, then only one thing remains - it is long and difficult to scrub the pan with a metal sponge. Seven sweats will go away, but soot will lag behind. True, such a merciless scrubbing is possible only for cast iron pans. If your frying pan is ceramic, Teflon, or lightweight aluminum, you need to do otherwise.

How do I clean a non-stick pan?

Non-stick coatings are ideal for cooking. And carbon deposits on such pans appear only when they are used in violation of the rules of operation (they scratch with metal spatulas or simply heat up a lot). But we usually don't have time to read instructions, and they don't always work.

Therefore, savvy housewives managed to come up with several rather effective ways of cleaning Teflon, ceramic-granite and ceramic pans from carbon deposits, no matter how thick this layer is. The main thing here is to learn one rule! Soot should be washed off very carefully from the same Teflon coating!

The first way to help clean the Teflon pan from carbon deposits is to boil for two hours in a special solution. The composition of this magic solution is as follows: two hundred grams of any effective dishwashing detergent (for example, "Gala" or "Fairy"), three handfuls of soda ash. All this must be mixed and dissolved in three liters of hot water. After that, you just need to lower the frying pan in need of cleaning into the solution and boil for about half an hour. This boil will gently remove carbon deposits from the thin non-stick coating, which will not be damaged.

If you have a dishwasher, just use it to remove the deposits from the pan. Fast and easy! However, you will have to repeat the cycle several times. Because it is not at all easy to clean a Teflon or ceramic pan from carbon deposits.

Just remember that non-stick coatings are very fragile and will not tolerate rough handling. Therefore, only delicately, only, only carefully clean the carbon deposits and in no case expose the dishes to sudden temperature changes.

And even if you know how to cleanse a frying pan of carbon deposits, do not forget to wash off the greasy deposits after each cooking. Only then is there a chance that carbon deposits will not appear too quickly.

A frying pan is one of the main items in the kitchen of any housewife. But when it is used regularly for the preparation of some dishes, then carbon deposits gradually form on it. How do you remove it from the pan?

Why plaque forms

As a rule, animal or vegetable fats are used to prepare any dishes in a pan. When exposed to heat, these fats evaporate, leaving a loose black coating on the surface of the cookware. If it is not washed immediately after cooking, then each new use of the pan increases the amount of carbon deposits, which are not so easy to clean.

How did our ancestors remove plaque from cast-iron pans?

This method has been used for centuries to remove burnt fat from the pan. For this, a fire was made, bricks (or other similar supports) were placed on the sides, on which a frying pan was placed over the fire. It is recommended to keep the dishes over such an open fire for no more than half an hour. Then carefully (so as not to burn yourself), the pan is removed from the heat and wait until it cools down. After such firing, carbon deposits can be easily and quickly cleaned with ordinary river sand. Kitchen utensils inside and out begin to shine like new.

In Soviet times, when there were no household chemicals on sale for cleaning dishes from scale and soot, enterprising citizens cleaned the utensils as follows. A large vat was placed on the gas, dirty dishes and pans with soot were loaded there, water was topped up so that the contents were completely covered. Soda ash (150 g) and ordinary liquid office glue (500 g) were added thereto. We boiled it all for 5 minutes. After cooling down, the boiled utensils could be easily cleaned with a metal grater.

Now in any hardware store there is a huge selection of household chemicals that can be used to remove carbon deposits from dishes without difficulty. It is enough to soak the pan for a few minutes with a cleaning agent, and then remove the fat deposits with a metal grater under running water. True, such products contain substances that negatively affect the skin of the hands. Therefore, when using similar household chemicals, rubber gloves should be used to wash off plaque on dishes. As you can see, now it is not difficult to solve the question of how to clean the carbon deposits from the pan.

Housewives use vinegar to fight black carbon deposits on the inner surface of pans. It is diluted with water in a ratio of 1: 3, poured into a frying pan and boiled for a couple of hours over low heat. After cooling down, the surface can be easily cleaned to a shine both outside and inside with a metal float.

Removing carbon deposits from teflon coated dishes

Pans with ceramic or Teflon coating are loved by modern housewives. Their advantages include:

  • frying any products in them can be done without adding fats (which is important for those who are on a diet, for example), while the food does not burn;
  • practically no carbon deposits form, which then needs to be cleaned from the surface;
  • after cooking, ceramic and Teflon surfaces are easy to clean.

But such kitchen utensils have their drawbacks:

  1. The taste of food cooked in ceramic and Teflon coated dishes is much worse than that cooked in conventional cast iron.
  2. Modern housewives are not sure that such a coating is so harmless to human health.
  3. Such a surface cannot be scrubbed with metal floats, otherwise the Teflon layer is destroyed. In this case, the food begins to burn, and carbon deposits form as quickly as in conventional pans.

The considered methods of how to clean the pans from a thick layer of carbon deposits will help you tidy up the dishes. A thick crust of carbon deposits not only spoils the appearance of the dishes being prepared, but also contributes to their burning. There are many recipes on how to clean a cast-iron pan from perennial deposits that are very easy to apply.

We clean the cast iron pan

Many gourmets and lovers of cooking all kinds of dishes prefer cast iron products for roasting. They believe that a Teflon-lined pan is not capable of conveying the flavor of food that can be achieved in a massive cast iron pan.

Important! Under no circumstances should you clean the pan with a knife, wire brush or other similar accessories. Coarse cleaning will damage the coating and anything you fry will burn.

There is no dispute about tastes, everyone is free to decide for himself what kind of dishes to use for cooking. However, cast-iron pans also tend to get dirty from the outside with carbon deposits. For example, if you are frying pancakes or cutlets, potatoes or mushrooms, in any case, oil splashes will leave their mark on the walls of the dishes, both internal and external. There are several ways to clean a cast iron skillet:

1. Firing. For better warming, the pan is placed on a hot stove, having previously poured coarse salt or plain sand into its container. It is necessary to let the pan heat up, and then peel off the carbon layer with a spatula. The method is quite effective, but there is an unpleasant moment of getting an unpleasant smell in the kitchen, after which you should thoroughly ventilate the room.

2. Mechanical cleaning method. Here you will already have to use a drill with a soft wire sponge attachment. Using this cleaning method, do not forget about safety measures. You can wear glasses to keep thin metal shavings out of your eyes. Gloves should be worn on hands.

You can remove a layer of soot that has formed recently with a cleaning agent. In this case, you will not need to spend a lot of time, since the dishes will be cleaned very quickly and are ready for further use.

No matter how you would like to update your utensils designed for cooking fried or stewed foods, you should carefully look at the instructions for use. If you don't have one, you threw it away a long time ago, just heed our advice.

Do not use coarse cleaning methods. If you begin to scrape off carbon deposits from a cold frying pan with a sharp object, you run the risk of getting utensils unsuitable for further use. Use gentle cleaning methods, and they will bring you joy in further kitchen work.

Advice! Don't use cleaning products as they don't always help. It is best to trust folk remedies, baking soda, and other techniques.

We clean the Teflon pan

Everyone understands that modern dishes have a protective Teflon layer on both sides that prevents them from sticking, but it also tends to wear out. So you must definitely remove it. For a better cooking process, it is recommended to remove carbon deposits from the pan. Disadvantages of carbon deposits:

The taste of the prepared dishes deteriorates;
the aesthetic beauty of the frying pan is lost;
pieces of carbon constantly fall off and fall on the stove, or in the dish that you are cooking;
Carbon deposits absorb oil and fat, which also has a very negative effect on cooking efficiency.

For delicate cleaning of a Teflon pan from carbon deposits, hot water is poured into it, a certain amount of a washing layer and 3-4 tablespoons of baking soda are added. The mass obtained on the surface of the pan softens after a while and remains to be removed with a soft sponge for dishes. It is extremely rare to think about how to wash the pan from carbon deposits, it is best to keep it clean all the time.

Advice! In no case should you resort to quick cleaning steps using hard sponges, as they can damage the Teflon layer, leaving scratches on the surface. After that, the cooking process will become more problematic.

Cleaning a Teflon pan with baking soda

Now, knowing how to clean the pans from a thick layer of carbon deposits at home, you can easily tidy up your dishes. Of course, the factors presented are incredibly important, since the quality of your dishes will depend on it. These are the most common techniques you can use.

There is another method to remove thicker build-up of grease and oil on the outside and inside of the pan. To do this, you need to prepare a special solution:

1. Pour water into a three-liter container to the base
2. Add a cleaning agent that has anti-grease properties.
3. Add 3 tablespoons of baking soda.
4. After that, you need to boil the pan with the prepared composition for half an hour.
5. Then rinse the surface using a soft sponge.

Important! It is best to use cast iron pans when cooking at home. They are ideal for roasting, stewing and other functions. They are also very easy to clean.

Dishes are of great importance to humans. We deal with it almost every day and the pan must be in the appropriate state. Therefore, having figured out how to properly care for the accessories presented, you should apply everything in practice.

Tips from professionals

Cleaning the pan from carbon deposits at home will not be a problem, but here are some rules and recommendations that will simplify all the work for you. Many chefs practice the techniques that were common above and advise you to also adhere to the following aspects:

Use rubber gloves when cleaning carbon deposits;
in no case should you rub the surface of the pan with various sharp objects;
use chemical cleaners in extremely rare cases;
spend more time cleaning the pans, that is, as often as possible;
store cookware in suitable conditions.

By following these guidelines, you will be able to protect the pan from soot and soot. It is very important to clean on time, as the taste of the cooked food depends on it.

Advice! Before you clean your pan, find out what material it is made of.

Today there are an incredibly large number of varieties of pans, which differ in the material of manufacture, functional features and other possibilities. Therefore, for each type, you need to find an appropriate approach to care. Many manufacturers indicate in the technical passport the technology for cleaning carbon deposits. This is very important to know as the above technique may not work.

The cast iron skillet is durable. It is important to properly care for the thing and remove carbon deposits from it in time, not to allow it to become rusty, moldy. Carbon deposits can be easily removed with a knife if the pan is heated.

A good recipe from the times of the USSR: soda + 72% soap + silicate glue.

Many housewives are interested in the question of how to clean the cast iron. And it can be spoiled by carbon deposits, rust. Using our tips, you can remove them.

Some people think they need a cast iron skillet every time.

This is not entirely true, but it is better to clean it immediately after contamination. Carbon deposits are a layer of oil and fat and are already non-stick. On this surface, it is great to fry steak, fries and whatever you want.

After use, it is best to use another cast iron cookware under running hot water. You can use a sponge or rag, but no cleaning products are needed. The thing must be dried immediately.

If there are any solid food residues in the pan, then you can get rid of them. in one of several ways.

  1. Take a sponge or nylon bristle brush. Pour hot water or Coca-Cola into a skillet.
  2. If you want to quickly remove solid food from the bottom or sides of the pan, you need to remove the dishes from the hot water, add kosher salt and rub using paper napkins. Rubbing movements should be circular. The iron is also cleaned with salt. Believe it or not, coca will similarly remove food debris.

If you know from experience that it is difficult to remove the stain using the above methods, fill in a cauldron or other dish with water, boil it, and the carbon will lag behind. You can pour a thin layer of vegetable oil into the pan after washing.

How to remove rust?

Rust appears on the surface of a frying pan if the dishes are not dried in time or if they are placed in a place that is too damp for storage.

Walk dry with coarse sandpaper. Polish the dishes gently with fine-grained sandpaper. This will remove the rust from the cast iron.

We cleanse Coca-Cola

Not everyone believes, but coca will really remove carbon deposits from the pan. The liquid dissolves old fat.

Submerge the container in the drink, or pour it inside the kitchen utensils and soon the soda will eat away the fat. Cleansing with Coca-Cola is an easy procedure.

Cast iron frying pan firing methods

Carbon deposits in the frying pan appear due to the fact that fat and food residues have burnt. Over the years, if the kitchen utensils are not cleaned, a decent layer can build up.

It is removed by burning. Some of these methods can be implemented at home, while others are too dangerous because they threaten with fire.

Method number 1

Choose the hotplate with the highest heat. Turn it on at full power and heat one side of the pan.

So you can also clean the cauldron. After 2-3 minutes, you need to remove the dishes from the heat and try to remove the layers of carbon with a strong knife.

Does not work? Continue heating the same side for 2-3 minutes. Removed from this edge? Do the same with the other parties.

Rinse the pan with a soapy sponge under warm running water. Pat dry with disposable paper towels.

Method number 2

Here, a blowtorch is used to remove carbon deposits. The fat that makes up carbon deposits burns and turns into soot.

It can be easily removed. This is how men clean the cauldron, removing carbon deposits. They wear fire retardant mittens for protection like welders and do it in garages.

Rust is cleaned with sandpaper.

Refrain from such experiments in the house or apartment. A fire may occur.

Method number 3

Are you going to update the cauldron, remove carbon deposits from your favorite frying pan? Do it right at the stake.

For example, this procedure can be performed in nature, if you kindle a fire, throw a cauldron or frying pan there. If it has a cast-iron handle, then the container is placed in the fire as a whole.

If the handle is wooden or plastic, remove it and only then can you leave the pan in the fire for 15 minutes.

Then take it out with a stick and remove the carbon with a knife.

If the procedure does not bring the desired result, put it back into the fire and reheat it. Work diligently with a knife to remove stubborn deposits.

There are other ways to clean cast iron. For example, by chemicals. Let's consider them.

Effective chemicals

Let's figure out how you can remove carbon deposits from household chemicals. Use such funds.

  1. If the layer of fat in the frying pan is small and you purchased it not so long ago, then wash it with a washcloth with a detergent for washing kitchen utensils, for example, "Fairy" or another similar high-quality detergent.
  2. Have you been using a cauldron or frying pan for years? In the evening, rinse the container with the grease remover, and then apply the product that is used to clean the oven. Wrap the greased skillet tightly in the bag. Let it lie down until morning. All spots will disappear in half a day. If it remains somewhere, rub it lightly with a metal washcloth (it also removes rust).

When you handle the pan with strong chemicals, do it with rubber gloves.

If scratches remain on the frying pan after using the metal scraper, you can remove them using fine-grain sandpaper. It is also convenient to clean the iron with it.

Universal solution since the times of the USSR

During the Soviet Union, hostesses passed on to each other this recipe:

  • 0.5 kg of soda;
  • bar of 72% soap;
  • silicate glue - 2 pcs.

To digest a frying pan, you will need a boil or other roomy container.

The handle made of wood or other material must be removed. But the iron should be wiped with a sponge soaked in solution. Sandpaper will remove the rust. For kitchen utensils, stick to the following instructions.

  1. Fill a container with water and put it on the stove to heat up.
  2. Grate the soap on a coarse grater and add it to the water. Now add baking soda and silicate glue.
  3. Mix all the ingredients of the recipe and immerse the pan in water.
  4. Put a frying pan in boiling water for 15 minutes. Now turn off the water, and close the container with a lid. By the way, coca can be used instead of water.
  5. Let the pan sit there for 2 to 3 hours. Then you need to take a sponge and wash off the tan with it. In difficult places, use a metal scraper.

The smell with this method will not be the most unpleasant. It is best to carry out this procedure outdoors, if this is not possible, open a window wide open or turn on the hood.

When you're done stewing or frying, immediately rinse and dry the pan. If you do not dry your kitchen utensils before storing, mold may develop on them.

Store your inventory in a cool and dry place. The iron will not deteriorate in any humidity.

If you live in an area with high humidity, do not cover it with a lid when you put the item for storage. Otherwise, it may rust and need to be cleaned.

Now you know how to properly care for a cast iron frying pan at home. Rust can be removed with sandpaper, carbon can be removed with Coca-Cola. Take care of it carefully, and your dishes will serve you faithfully for many years.