How to paint the wooden steps of the stairs in the house. How to paint a pine staircase: the choice of paints and varnishes and technology. Painting a wooden staircase

Stairs are very sensitive to environmental influences. Even plain water has a negative effect on the coating, and in fact, various detergents are often used during cleaning. It must be borne in mind that all materials, be it wood, metal or concrete, have their weaknesses and can be damaged during operation. Even those stairs that are indoors are exposed to changes in humidity, temperature fluctuations, and sunlight.

If you do not take care of surface protection in time, external factors will significantly reduce the life of the product. The most effective way to prevent aging of the material is to cover the stairs with enamel, varnish, paint and stain. Depending on certain conditions, you can choose one or another paintwork. Let's figure out how to cover the stairs for you.

Oil paints

When choosing paint, consider the design of the room. The staircase should be in harmony with the interior, and not contradict in any way. Alkyd paints are easy to apply, urethane-alkyd paints are great for already painted surfaces, and pigmented paints will hide minor defects.

Paints are divided into thickened, sold in the form of a powder, which must be dissolved with drying oil, and ready for use. Drying oil can be artificial or natural. Artificial varnishes are cheaper, but give a lower quality coating.

For painting internal products that will only experience mechanical stress, paint for stairs on artificial drying oil is suitable. If it is supposed to process a street structure, then mixtures are needed exclusively on a natural basis;

Lacquer for stairs

If you want to paint the flight of stairs and at the same time emphasize the beauty of natural wood, then you better buy a varnish for stairs. Most of them dry quickly and are easy to apply. To decide what kind of varnish to cover a wooden staircase, pay attention to the conditions of its operation and the type of wood from which the product is made.

Oil varnishes

is a mixture of vegetable oils with artificial or natural resins, such as oil-rosin varnishes. When dry, the varnish forms a hard layer of yellowish color. Due to the low resistance to external factors, oil varnishes are used for painting stairs installed inside the house.

Alcohol varnishes

When alcohol interacts with natural resins, such as sandarac and shellac, varnishes are obtained with a concentration of 30-45%. Due to the high rate of alcohol weathering and the low rate of dissolution of resins, it is possible to apply several layers without destroying the previous ones. Coatings with excellent resistance to mechanical damage and adhesion to most materials are obtained. The treated surfaces are well polished, but have low water resistance.

To date, oil and alcohol varnishes are produced in small volumes, since their production requires expensive natural raw materials. As a rule, they are used in special cases, for example, to cover musical instruments.

Alkyd varnishes

The films are transparent, hard, with a slight tint. Have good adhesion to many surfaces, waterproof. They are used for both outdoor and indoor stairs. In everyday life, alkyd varnishes are often confused with oil varnishes - this is wrong, because, although vegetable oils are used in the production of alkyd resins, which have a serious impact on the characteristics of the final product, alkyd varnishes differ from oil varnishes in chemical and qualitative composition and significantly surpass them in properties.

Cellulose nitrate varnishes

Nitro-varnishes cover the surface with a dense, almost colorless, quick-drying film. Usually nitro-varnishes are used for varnishing wooden stairs. However, in some cases, they are used to paint a metal product, applying the last layer. Cellulose nitrate varnishes are great for indoor use, less often they are used for protection from natural factors.

Polyester varnishes

Surely, many have applied the epithet "polished" to the shiny surfaces of wooden fittings - this is the result of applying polyester varnishes. These protective coatings for wood are multi-component mixtures and require special precision. Polyester varnishes do not shrink, because the solvent does not evaporate during the curing process, but polymerizes with the dissolved resin; form solid thick films resistant to water and other reagents.

Based on them, high-quality automotive putties are produced.

Epoxy varnishes

They are used with special hardeners, the volume of which depends on the type of resin and the nature of the hardener itself. Epoxy varnishes are distinguished by increased resistance to water and alkalis, compatibility with other coatings and mechanical strength, however, they remain insufficiently weather resistant.

Polyurethane varnishes

They are characterized by exceptional mechanical strength and high wear resistance. Probably the best lacquer for stairs. Polyurethane coatings are expensive, but the outstanding performance and extended life make up for the high cost. For example, parquet floors, stairs and fittings in the halls of museums and palaces, which are of artistic value, are covered with these varnishes.

Water-based polyurethane varnish refers to innovative developments. It combines the environmental friendliness of acrylic varnishes and the strength of polyurethane. Water-based varnishes are inferior to pure polyurethane, but the use of special additives significantly improves performance.

For varnishing large areas, a sprayer is useful, and if the stairs are small, then a wide brush will do.

Some varnishes are durable, resistant to wear, absolutely transparent and do not have a strong odor, but at the same time they have one significant drawback: it will be possible to use the stairs treated with this coating only a week after painting. If you are not satisfied with this prospect, use another paintwork that is also wear-resistant, but dries almost instantly. Naturally, it will cost more or be inferior to the first in a number of other characteristics.


Enamels are obtained by mixing coloring pigments and varnishes, combining the advantages of both materials. Enamels, like varnishes, envelop the surface with a shiny protective film, and, like paints, give a certain color. However, the enamel is destroyed by water, which is why it is almost never used to cover stairs.

There are glyptal, oil, nitro enamels and other types of enamels. Depending on the type of varnish added, you can get a glossy, matte or semi-matte surface.

Stains and impregnations

Mordant is a kind of impregnation, which also has antiseptic properties. After treatment with a stain, the tree becomes non-flammable. Sometimes, a layer of varnish is still applied on top. In this case, care must be taken to ensure that the stain and varnish for the stairs are compatible with each other.

When choosing a stain, it must be remembered that under its action the wood darkens slightly, the color becomes more saturated. For an inexperienced craftsman who decides what varnish to cover a wooden staircase with, wax or oil-based impregnations can be recommended, which can be applied in several layers. There are also alcohol impregnations and nitro impregnations.

Oil for stairs

To date, oils are produced using modern technologies and are based on wax and natural vegetable oils. The product contains:

  • jojoba oil;
  • sunflower oil;
  • linseed oil;
  • candelilla wax;
  • carnauba wax;
  • beeswax.

Oils for painting stairs are a worthy replacement for traditional varnish. The material is deeply absorbed into the surface, forming a protective coating for wood, withstands significant loads and highlights the texture of wood. The surface of the steps acquires excellent performance characteristics. In addition, the oil has good bactericidal properties: tree fungi and mold do not form on the treated surface. Suitable for use in high traffic areas.


  • ease of application;
  • has water-repellent properties;
  • suitable for local repairs;
  • increases the level of wear resistance;
  • no unpleasant odor;
  • is an environmentally friendly product.

After you have decided how to paint the stairs, you can proceed directly to the processing of the material. If you do not have sufficient experience, seek the help of professionals, but remember that this will affect the final cost. If you are going to do everything yourself, then let's take a closer look at how to paint a wooden staircase.

How to paint a wooden staircase

The surface must be prepared before painting. The painting technology largely depends on the type of wood, on whether you want to hide the texture of the tree or, on the contrary, highlight it, and what exactly you decided to cover the flight of stairs with.

Preparatory work

If dense staining is expected, then the surface of the stairs must be carefully cleaned and covered with putty, which will hide all chips. Then the wood is polished, and the work is carried out in two stages with a break of several days. This is how the maximum result is achieved. After that, a primer is applied.

If painting has been done before, try applying urethane-alkyd paint to a small area. If the layer lies evenly, does not exfoliate or warp, then you can continue. Otherwise, you will have to remove the old paint. To do this, use a flush composition. Alternatively, you can try heating the wood with a blow dryer and then scraping the paint off with a spatula.

Deresining of coniferous wood

Coniferous stairs, such as pine, require special attention. This material, due to its cheapness and ease of processing, is very popular, but requires additional processing - deresining. It is necessary for several reasons:

  • the protruding resin creates a sticky film that prevents the absorption of the protective composition;
  • places where resin accumulates darken and look ugly;
  • because of the resin, the product is painted unevenly and of poor quality.

Wood deresining is a process of wood surface treatment for the purpose of complete or partial removal of excess resin. Basically, various solvents are used for deresining. For pine, a 25% commercial grade acetone solution is best, applied with a brush, then rinsed with warm water and dried thoroughly. Too large tarred places will have to be cut with a knife and patched with putty.

Listed below are the components that make up the deresin solution.

  1. hot water - 1 l;
  2. potash - 50 grams;
  3. baking soda - 45-50 grams;
  4. soap flakes - 30-40 grams;
  5. acetone - 200 grams;
  6. alcohol - 10 grams;

Further painting of pine stairs is possible only after the tree is completely dry.

Painting a wooden staircase with your own hands

It is important to know not only what, but also how to paint the stairs. It is best to apply paint and varnish coatings with a spray gun. There are electric and pneumatic sprayers. With their help, you can cover the product with an even layer. But if this device is not available, ordinary wide brushes will do. With thick and slow-drying paints, it is recommended to work with brushes with a short and hard bristle. For more fluid finishes, use soft hair brushes, also called flute brushes. The brush should be held at a 45 degree angle to the work surface. To clean the brush, soak it in solvent or turpentine.

The paint coating should be applied in 2-3 layers, evenly distributing over the entire surface of the product. First paint one side, then turn over and cover the other side. In this case, it is necessary to have time to paint the entire surface before the coating dries, so that there are no bumps and smudges. In order to make it more convenient to work, and the paint or varnish is not smeared, it is necessary to adapt wooden stands. And periodically stirring the paint, you will prevent the appearance of lumps and sediment.

  1. When deciding how to cover the steps, keep in mind that it is better not to use glossy enamels, as the painted surface will become slippery. If you decide to use varnish for stairs, then give preference to matte or semi-matte finishes that will hide the flaws;
  2. If you know how to properly paint a wooden staircase, then it is not a secret for you that the paintwork must be applied in three layers. The first layer of paint is applied along the structure of the tree, then across the fibers and again along. Each subsequent layer is applied only after the previous one has dried;
  3. In the case when long-drying varnishes or paints are used, and there is no spare lift, it is recommended to coat the wooden staircase with varnish through the step. So you will be able to operate it, although it is not very convenient;
  4. Before you paint or varnish the stairs, make sure that not only the steps and railings shine clean, but the whole room is cleaned. Otherwise, the dust will settle on a dry surface and spoil all the work.

How to paint a metal staircase

In a private house there is sure to be a metal staircase, the durability of which largely depends on the protective coating. Therefore, you need to know how and with what to paint the stairs.

In this case, the preparatory work is reduced to the removal of rust. For this, a grinder with a hard wire brush, sandpaper or special solvents can be used.

After the rust is removed, the metal surface is degreased and coated with a primer. The stairs can only be painted after the primer is completely dry. Places where there was rust, it is recommended to handle especially carefully.

If you are working on a ladder that has welded seams, be sure to sand them to a shine.

The coating of a metal staircase must be highly resistant to abrasion and environmental influences. Choosing the right enamel or paint , proceed directly to the application of paintwork. If the staircase has been previously painted, coat a small area. If, after drying, the paint lies well and the old layer does not shine through it, you can continue to work. If the quality does not satisfy you, the old paint will have to be removed.

The painting of the steps should be carried out very carefully, usually twice as many layers are applied to them as to other elements.

Painting a concrete staircase

Painting concrete not only gives the product a more attractive appearance, but also protects the surface from premature wear, damage, and weathering.

The following options are possible:

  1. adding coloring pigments to the concrete mixture;
  2. painting a finished staircase, as in the case of a wooden or metal structure.

In the first case, special pigments are used that are resistant to moisture and sunlight. To achieve cleaner tones, it is recommended to use white concrete. This method allows you to get a more saturated color and uniform coverage. The disadvantage is the high cost, laboriousness and inability to use ready-made concrete stairs.

The second option provides that flights of stairs are covered with special paints for concrete:

  • one;
  • acrylic;
  • polyurethane.

At the stage of preliminary preparation, the stairs are sanded to eliminate irregularities and primed to ensure better adhesion to the surface. And then, having decided what color to paint the stairs, you apply the coating to the steps using a wide roller with a medium length pile.

The internal staircase is a functional element and a noticeable accent in the interior of the house. Most often it is built from pine wood. The task of the designer is to make sure that the architectural component blends harmoniously into the environment and performs its tasks for as long as possible. To do this, a pine staircase is treated with special products and painted in accordance with the overall design.

What are the advantages of making stairs from pine

During the construction and decoration of budget wooden houses, an array of pine is used. This wood is not as durable as oak, cedar or larch, but is quite durable, more common, cheap and available. Pine is better than spruce because it has a denser texture and much less knots that reduce the strength of lumber.

Pine products are distinguished by a pleasant light golden or almost white color and a unique pattern.

Pine has a pleasant light golden or almost white color.

Features of pine wood

Pine is somewhat more difficult to work with than cedar or oak. Soft wood needs fine sanding and careful selection of processing agents.

The density of the material depends on the growing conditions of the tree:

  • In warm periods, intensely growing fibers form a loose array. Cold years provide hard and dense wood.
  • Pine harvested in the mountains has a dense and uniform texture, while pine grown on sandy soils has a light, loose, fibrous texture.
  • The northern pine is better than the material obtained in the southern latitudes.

Therefore, most of the resulting lumber absorbs the processing agents unevenly. Unsightly spots appear under the transparent coating, which is extremely unpleasant for aesthetic reasons. Gum (resin) contributes to the appearance of color spots on the surface of pine products. If the raw material is harvested in winter, when the bulk of the resin is pumped by the tree into the root system, the fibers remain drier, cleaner and stronger. They evenly absorb processing agents. On wood cut down during the spring-summer sap flow, stains and stains appear. Brought into a warm, dry room, it begins to push the resin out.

The steps of internal stairs are usually built from edged massive boards. But often they use a glued board, which has greater strength and wear resistance. The difference in the color of the lamellas from which such a board is assembled is especially noticeable. In addition, due to changes in humidity, the lamellas begin to warp over time, gaps form between them.

On a glued board, the difference in the color of the lamellas is especially noticeable

If you want to leave the interfloor wooden staircase in its original natural color, you will have to use special processing tools: primer, mastic, wax, stain. A simpler option is to apply a decorative opaque coating to a pine staircase.

Why you need to paint your home

The statement that a tree is beautiful and does not need to be painted is fundamentally wrong. Wood does have an attractive appearance, but it is very vulnerable to insects, mold, hard shoe soles, dirt, and fire. Steps wear out especially quickly.

Stair rungs wear out the fastest

Therefore, it is necessary to paint a pine staircase. If you want to see the natural pattern of wood, paint at least with a colorless varnish, but be sure to paint!

The paint creates a hard protective coating that does not allow the wood fibers to be “damaged” prematurely. It is inedible for the bug and unsuitable for the settlement of rot and mold. Impregnation at times enhance protection and extend the life of the product.

How to paint

For the processing of pine stairs are used:

In order for the coating to turn out to be of high quality and durable, cover the wood only with high-quality materials purchased in specialized stores or from manufacturers.

Which coloring material to choose: a comparison table

Types of paints




Moisture-resistant, saturated color, create a reliable protective film

They dry for a long time, do not “breathe”, have a sharp toxic smell, lose their shine in places of wear, are afraid of alkalis, and can peel off over time

Moisture resistant, form the most durable and smooth surface, dry quickly, lie flat

They give only a matte surface, are intended only for interior work

Acrylic, acrylate

Moisture-repellent, breathable, water-soluble, quick-drying, low-odour, smooth application

Gives only a matte finish


Moisture resistant, dry quickly, form a smooth surface with a polishing effect

For stairs, use matte or semi-gloss paints. Glossy steps and railings from constant use lose their luster over time and look untidy. It will not be possible to quickly refresh the color, you will have to grind and repaint all surfaces.

Materials and tools

  • Primer
  • Thinner, paint cleaner
  • Paint, enamel, varnish
  • Putty on wood
  • sealant
  • masking tape
  • Protective film
  • Putty knife
  • Napkins, rags, rags
  • Scraper
  • Sanding tool, sandpaper
  • Mini rollers, brushes
  • Protective equipment: gloves, respirator ("petal" or others).

How to work with paint or enamel

All work with paints and solvents should be carried out in the warm season to ensure constant ventilation of the room.

Video: How to paint steps with paint

The procedure for working with varnish

Preparation and coating of stairs with wood stain + video

  1. Perform all preliminary work: protection of adjacent surfaces, cleaning, puttying, sealing, grinding.
  2. Use a paint brush to apply stain to one step. Leave on for 2-3 minutes to absorb. With a dry, lint-free cotton cloth, carefully wipe off excess material, moving it only in the longitudinal direction.
  3. Treat all steps, balusters, railings in the same way.
  4. If the color of the impregnation turned out to be uneven, repeat the treatment. In order for the stain to lay down more evenly, not to leave stains, to better emphasize the texture of the wood, moisten the surface with water before applying it. When working with the stain, wear rubber gloves, as contact with soiled rags is inevitable.

Before staining the entire staircase, experiment with the tone in a small, inconspicuous area.

Finishing varnish (with video instructions)

  • For stairs, it is desirable to use matte and semi-gloss varnishes. They do not show signs of wear, and the slip coefficient of the matte surface is lower, which makes the stairs safer.

Glossy surface wear looks especially unsightly

  • Combined coatingFor painting the internal stairs, you can use the combined method. For example, paint the vertical parts of the steps and balusters with paint, and protect the more worn horizontal parts of the steps and railings with parquet varnish.

The best varnish for steps is polyurethane parquet. It is expensive, but extremely durable.

When working with a spray gun, the use of a respirator is mandatory.

Painting internal stairs does not present serious difficulties and is quite affordable for a home master. If you have purchased high-quality materials and followed the technology while working, your staircase will fulfill its tasks and look brilliant for a very long time.

A wooden interfloor staircase in private housing construction is common. Wood is an easy-to-work material that can be used to make a strong and beautiful structure, but it requires special care.

To protect wood from rotting, drying out, premature wear, it is varnished or painted. Moreover, for the steps, you should choose especially durable paints that can withstand the daily load.

Material selection rules

In the huge variety of paint and varnish products that manufacturers offer today, there are several materials suitable for painting wooden stairs. These are various varnishes, stains, impregnations and paints that are easy to apply with your own hands using a roller, brush or sprayer.


Varnishes are most often used for processing wooden structures, because they do not cover the pattern of wood, which is very important when decorating the interior of rooms. To decide which varnish is best to process a wooden staircase, consider their main types.

Oil products are a mixture of resins (artificial or natural) with vegetable oils. Not the best option, because it has low wear resistance, but cheap.

Alcohol varnishes are a solution of resins with alcohol. In the process of application, the alcohol quickly evaporates, leaving a sufficiently strong layer of resin on the treated surface. The lacquered surface is easy to polish, but has low water resistance. Such compositions can be used for painting balusters.

The production of alkyd varnishes is based on alkyd resins dissolved in white spirit or other organic solvent. They have high wear resistance, increased strength, they are not afraid of changes in temperature and humidity. So they can be safely used when processing street stairs.

Epoxy varnishes are characterized by high mechanical strength, water-repellent properties, as well as inertness to alkalis. Two-component formulations are often sold that need to be mixed before application.

Experts believe that polyurethane and polyurethane-acrylate varnishes are best suited for processing wooden stairs. They have all the advantages of the above compositions, but have one drawback - a high price, which is offset by a long service life.

Yacht varnish can also be used to paint outdoor wooden stairs. It is made on the basis of the same polyurethane or other polymeric substances and includes special additives that provide high strength.


First of all, it is necessary to indicate that paints hide the pattern of wood, so they are used only if the task is not to emphasize the texture of wood. Although there are glazing compositions, with which you can only give a light shade to a wooden product.

In terms of the variety of colors they have no equal. But not all brands on the market can be used to paint stairs made of pine, oak or other wood.

  • acrylic . The resulting coating is resistant, waterproof and breathable, it is not slippery to walk on. Acrylic compositions are suitable for painting stairs to the second floor inside the house, they can handle railings, steps and balusters;
  • alkyd. Withstand negative temperatures, form an even, smooth surface when painting. They must be applied to well-dried wood;
  • oil . Once these paints were the most common, but now they have been replaced by acrylic compounds. They dry for a long time and form streaks, if you work carelessly, they spread a specific smell when painting;
  • enamels. In fact, this is a mixture of varnish with pigment, so the composition is the owner of the characteristics of the varnish that was used in its production.

If the wooden staircase is indoors, then interior acrylic composition is quite suitable for painting it. For outdoor wooden stairs, it is better to choose more durable finishing materials, such as polyurethane.

Impregnations and stains

Antiseptics and are used as impregnations for the treatment of wooden stairs.

The former fight against the formation of colonies of harmful microorganisms on the surface of the wood, the latter are fire-fighting agents. Today, manufacturers offer universal impregnations that have these two properties.


Painting technology

With seeming simplicity, it is not so easy to paint a wooden staircase in a house correctly. Regardless of whether the staircase structure will be varnished or painted, it is desirable to treat it with an antiseptic and flame retardant. It is better to process all the details of the stairs before the assembly begins.


Coniferous wood due to its cheapness is very popular in private housing construction. But such wood has one big drawback - it releases resin, which prevents the application of coating compounds. Therefore, the areas where the resin is released are subjected to special treatment. For example, they are treated with a 25% acetone aqueous solution. It is applied to the defective area with a brush, then washed off with warm water, then dried.

If the resin defect is large enough or deep, then it will have to be removed by harsh means, such as a knife or chisel. After that, you need to clean the recess and putty.


This is the most difficult stage in the process of preparing a wooden staircase for painting.

If the staircase will be covered with paint, then before applying it, the wooden parts of the structure (steps, balusters, railings, etc.) are primed. If varnish or oil is used for decoration, then no additional coatings need to be applied.


Paint and varnish products can be applied with different tools, but most often at home they use brushes and a roller. If the staircase structure is small, then this coloring option is justified. But keep in mind that the consumption of paint or varnish will be more. If the staircase is large, then it is better to give preference to the spray gun. With it, the layer of applied material is thinner, which reduces consumption, and uniform application is better.

Note! The stairs are painted in 2-3 layers, regardless of whether the spray gun or brush is used.

Professionals who paint often and process large areas give some advice in this matter.

Between glossy and matte paints and varnishes, it is better to give preference to the latter. The surfaces of the steps treated by them do not slip, which is the main criterion for safe operation for stair structures.

If brushes or a paint roller are used to paint a wooden staircase, then the first layer of material is applied along the wood fibers, the second across and the third again along. It should be borne in mind that the subsequent layers of the compositions are applied to the previous ones only after their final drying.

Note! If long-drying compositions are used, then it is better to paint the steps through one, in order to leave the possibility of moving along the staircase structure.

Before moving on to painting, it is recommended, in addition to the stairs and its parts, to clean the entire room. Because dust from the same floor or window sill can rise and settle on the varnished surface, reducing its quality and presentable appearance. The wall near the stairs must be sealed with masking tape, which will help to carry out the work neatly and get clear, even lines.

In almost every private house today you can find stairs to the second floor. It is one of the main structural elements of the house and, in addition to the functional load, is of great aesthetic importance. However, due to heavy loads, the wooden staircase gradually loses its attractive appearance. If the wood is not processed in time with special compounds and paints, its structure may collapse, and the frame and steps will become unusable. When the need arises for painting, the questions of how to properly and most importantly how to paint a wooden staircase in a house to the second floor come to the fore. If the wrong tool is chosen or the painting is poorly done, this will affect not only the appearance of the stairs, but also its functional characteristics.

The staircase inside the house is constantly exposed to both physical and mechanical stress. The quality of wood is negatively affected by temperature and humidity changes in the room, the sun's rays falling on the steps contribute to the drying of the wood. All these factors lead to wear of the ladder elements.

Steps, spans and handrails are especially affected, which get dirty and erased due to the constant walking of the inhabitants of the house. Therefore, a wooden staircase cannot stay for a long time without appropriate processing and painting.

Requirements for dyes

The wooden staircase to the 2nd floor is indoors, therefore, only products intended for interior work, which are safe, do not emit odors and toxins, are suitable for painting the structure.

To determine the best way to paint a wooden staircase with your own hands, you need to take into account the following factors:

  1. What breed is the ladder made of? Coniferous trees emit resins, which impairs adhesion with paints, in addition, the needles absorb varnishes and paint inhomogeneously, so several layers are required. Larch is a more plastic breed, and if there are no knots on it, it is very convenient to work with.
  2. Wood color. When choosing what color to paint the stairs, it is worth considering the fact that the varnish retains the natural pattern of the tree, and in order to visually emphasize the beauty of the wood, it is advisable to choose a tone that is close to natural. Covering paint completely hides the wood underneath and forms a monolithic coating of a different color. Under the paint it is easier to hide small defects and irregularities.
  3. Location of the staircase. If it is located on the south side and is constantly under the sun's rays, it is necessary to choose products that have increased UV protection.
  4. Ladder load. If the staircase to be painted is the main one in the house and it is used frequently, it is necessary to choose wear-resistant products.

If the question is how to paint the wooden steps of the stairs: glossy or lacquered, then, as a rule, the choice falls on matte or semi-matt dyes, which are more practical. The glossy coating is very quickly erased and loses its appearance.

Tools for painting wooden stairs

To give the staircase a finished look, you can use different types of coatings, which today are presented in a rich assortment:

  • paints
  • enamel
  • impregnation

Colorless varnishes create a transparent film on the surface, emphasizing the beauty of the wood pattern. There are also varnishes, which include coloring pigments, these products only slightly tint the surface.

  1. Transparent acrylic varnishes, which are based on water, are non-toxic and safe. However, they do not withstand mechanical loads well and are subject to abrasion, so they are best used for painting small stairs and are not recommended for use on stairs with a high load intensity.
  2. Colorless varnishes based on alkyd resin are well suited for wooden stairs. They form a transparent and water-resistant coating, so they are suitable for use even in damp areas.
  3. Oil varnishes are tinting and are used in cases where they want to change the shade of wood. An important parameter is the percentage of oil in the composition of the product. You can paint stairs if the varnish contains at least 65% oils. If 50% or less, then the agent can only be used for the primary coating, on which it is necessary to apply the finishing layer of another varnish.
  4. An excellent coating for stairs are polyurethane varnishes, which are resistant to temperature extremes, humidity, and abrasion. However, this coating may turn yellow after a while.

To cover the stairs to the second floor, it is necessary to use paints intended for interior decoration. To determine which paint is better to paint a wooden staircase, let's take a closer look at their characteristics:

  1. One of the most popular are alkyd dyes. In addition to the coloring pigment, their composition includes antiseptics that protect the tree from the appearance of pests, fungus and mold.
  2. Acrylic paints are based on acrylic resins. They dry quickly, have no smell, do not interfere with the air exchange processes of wood, and retain their original appearance for a long time.
  3. Oil paints have a rich palette of colors, are distinguished by economical consumption and good covering ability. However, if the wood is painted with this paint, it loses its ability to "breathe", in addition, the paint is quickly erased.


Enamels have a denser texture than paints. They are based on two components - a colorless varnish and a coloring pigment. Enamel creates a durable color film on wood, which is distinguished not only by excellent decorative characteristics, but also has good protective properties. It protects wood from ultraviolet radiation, moisture, high temperatures.


Impregnation is a pigmented liquid that gives the tree a certain shade. The composition also has antiseptic and fire retardant properties. On top of the impregnations, a varnish coating can be applied. Wooden stairs are best treated with wax and oil based impregnations. They lay down well and are distributed over the entire surface in an even layer.

Many are concerned about the question: how to paint the stairs in a wooden house? To create a beautiful and durable coating, it is necessary not only to choose the right coloring agent, but also to prepare the surface well. A wooden staircase, like any other wooden surface, requires careful preparation.

Preparatory work

Stair preparation consists of the following steps:

  1. If the staircase is made of softwood, before painting it is necessary to remove excess resin, which prevents the absorption of paint. There are special tools designed for this purpose.
  2. In the presence of an old paintwork, the stairs must be treated with a wash, and then remove the swollen paint with a spatula.
  3. The main structural elements are polished first with coarse-grained and then with fine-grained sandpaper. You can use a grinder with a grinding nozzle. Initially, the surface is treated with an abrasive No. 60-80, then a nozzle No. 120-150 is used. Steps, railings and spans need to be sanded especially carefully - places that are rubbed faster than others and lose their appearance.
  4. After cleaning the surface of wood dust, it is necessary to putty all existing cracks and cracks. Putty is desirable to choose the color of the wood. If the gap is deep enough, you can close the hole with a piece of wood previously lubricated with PVA glue.
  5. Next is the final polishing with fine sandpaper. After grinding, you should get a perfectly smooth surface without knots and bumps.
  6. A primer is applied to the treated and cleaned surface with a roller or brush. A day after the first layer has completely dried, the staircase is re-treated with an antiseptic primer.

Traditionally, the stairs are made in one color, the surface can also be painted in two colors. But in any case, the first layer, which covers the entire staircase, should be plain.

The stairs are painted from top to bottom. First, large areas are painted - steps, railings and stringers. If you need to use it, you can first paint not all the steps, but after one, and after drying, paint the rest.

Before applying the dye, it must be mixed well. If the paint turned out to be very thick, it can be slightly diluted with a solvent.

Thick paints adhere better to the surface when using bristle brushes. Liquid products are best applied with flutes. When painting with a brush, it must be held at an angle of 45 degrees to the surface.

The stairs are painted in 2-3 layers. In some cases, at least 5 layers are required for a high-quality coating. A new layer is always applied after the previous one has completely dried.

Painting options

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Do-It-Yourself Mistakes

When painting stairs with your own hands, it is not always possible to achieve a good result. And this is not surprising. Many home masters, having no experience and skills in coloring, carry out work in violation of technology, do not carefully prepare the surface, and apply coloring agents incorrectly. Because of this, quality suffers, the coating wears off very quickly and loses its original appearance.

The staircase is the main decorative and functional element of the house, which is constantly subjected to heavy loads. Even minor errors in coloring lead to a reduction in the life of the stair covering.

Professional staircase painting

Services for painting a wooden staircase include all the required stages of surface preparation: sanding, puttying, priming and applying several layers of the selected dye.

All work will be performed by the specialists of the company "Master Srubov", who are professionally trained, have considerable experience and the necessary skills. The paints and varnishes we use in our work are certified and safe. We guarantee a long service life of the coating and an exclusive quality of painting, which we will perform at a reasonable cost. In the section you will find the coordinates where you can contact us.

The stage of finishing work during the construction of a house is considered one of the most responsible, since the mistakes made during this period will force a person to repeat the work soon, to make cosmetic repairs again. One of the most important places in the house that require special treatment is the stairs leading to the second floor. If processing is not carried out as soon as possible after construction, then the structure will last much less, and reliability and attractive appearance will decrease.

How to beautifully paint a wooden staircase to the second floor in a house with your own hands

In order for the work on painting the stairs to the second floor to be easy, and the result turned out to attract attention and cause admiration, you must follow simple rules, among which accuracy and attention to detail play an important role.

The first thing to do is to decide whether the staircase will be used during paint or varnish coating. Your best bet is to find alternate ways to get to the top floor, or not use it for a couple of days. You can use the trick - paint the stairs through the step on the first day, then let the finishing material dry completely and paint the rest - this way it will be possible to complete the task and not limit the space. However, if you need to apply a pattern or ornament, then such a solution will complicate the task.

Another detail - how is it more convenient to paint the stairs: when it is already erected and ready for operation, or when the steps and railings are still a building constructor? It is important to understand here that if the house has just been built and the staircase has not yet been installed in it, then it will be more convenient to carry out the work in disassembled form, while for redecorating the stairs already in operation, it is more rational to paint without disassembling the structure.

In order not to interrupt the workflow, it is better to immediately prepare all the necessary tools and materials for staining. This will allow you to fully concentrate on the coloring process, therefore, the result will be positive. For self-painting a wooden staircase leading to the second floor, you will need:

It is important to note that masking tape can be useful not only as a limiter, but also become an indispensable assistant if the interfloor staircase is additionally decorated.

The basic rules for successful self-painting of wooden stairs:

This is necessary because several factors can negatively affect the speed at which the paint or varnish dries completely.

Painting pine stairs - photo

The staircase is a decoration of the house, and therefore the choice of color for it should be approached responsibly. If the main material is pine, you can choose from several options, ranging from milky white, used in English-style houses, to rich brown, to better emphasize the structure of the tree. It is important to pay attention to the fact that the colors of the stairs and the floor should be in harmony with each other.

Meanwhile, it is required not to forget about one feature of pine - the resin in it does not form passages, as, for example, in spruce, but completely impregnates the entire volume, respectively, it will not be easy to tint. Here it is best to use enamel. It can be diluted and then it will turn out to repeat the wood pattern or, using a thick one, paint the stairs completely.

Before painting, you will need to sand the steps twice - 1 time with coarse sandpaper, and 1 time with fine grain.

After that, cover the steps with putty, dry and enamel in 2 layers, drying each of them. No less successful result is shown by the use of water-based paint.

How to cover wooden steps - paint options

The simplest and at the same time the most commonly used option for painting stairs is to use special paints and varnishes.

These include the following compositions.