How to remove pus. How to act and what to use in the treatment of purulent wounds. The reasons for the development of a purulent process

Various injuries to the skin are called wounds. Most often they are harmless and are treated at home. But sometimes even minor damage to the skin leads to inflammation. Suppuration often occurs on the hands or feet, especially during the warmer months. Various skin lesions can become inflamed due to non-compliance with hygiene rules, reduced immunity or the presence of chronic diseases. In some cases, self-treatment of purulent wounds on the legs does not help, and it is necessary to carry it out in a hospital. It is very important to notice the appearance of pus in time and use the drugs necessary to remove it. If this is not done, inflammation can lead to the development of various complications.


This is damage to the skin, accompanied by the development of pathogenic microorganisms in it. Pus begins to form in the wound, swelling and redness are observed around it. The tissues are painful and often hot to the touch. Dull throbbing pain is felt, often severe. In severe cases, local symptoms are joined by general ones: increased body temperature, intoxication of the body, headache.

Causes of the appearance of purulent wounds

The inflammatory process can develop due to infection of the resulting injury. This is due to getting into. Very often this happens in the summer, especially if the skin on the legs is damaged. The appearance of a purulent process can also occur after surgery. Therefore, it is recommended to perform operations in the cold season and to observe sterility in patient care. Such purulent wounds are called secondary. But there are also primary wounds. They are characterized by the bursting of an internal abscess without external damage to the skin. It can be either a regular boil.

Such wounds are treated mainly with surgical opening and antibiotics. The appearance of a purulent process is influenced by the age and state of the patient's immunity, the presence of chronic diseases, especially diabetes mellitus, in which suppuration develops very often. Most often, purulent wounds appear in the elderly, complete and weakened by diseases. Home treatment will be difficult in this case.

Development phases of the wound process

Features of the treatment of a purulent wound depend on the stage of its healing. Most often, two phases of the wound process are distinguished:

At the first stage, it is necessary to eliminate edema, remove dead tissue, and also eliminate hemorrhage and an inflammation focus;

At the second stage, tissue regeneration and scar formation occurs. The healing of purulent wounds at this time can be accelerated by the use of special preparations. Modern medicines help to quickly regenerate tissue without the formation of a highly visible scar.

Purulent wound - treatment

Ointments for quick healing are now available to everyone. Therefore, the treatment can take place at home. But if you do not cope with the inflammation in time, serious complications can appear. Correct treatment of purulent wounds on the legs includes several areas:

Wound treatment - Removal of pus, dirt and dead skin.

Removal of inflammation, swelling and soreness of the skin.

Fight bacteria.

Acceleration of wound healing and stimulation of tissue scarring.

General treatment aimed at increasing immunity and combating intoxication. It consists in taking immunomodulating and vitamin preparations.

In severe cases, treatment of purulent wounds on the legs may require surgical intervention: opening and cleansing the focus of inflammation, and sometimes amputation.

How to properly handle a wound?

Proper care of the affected skin area is very important for faster healing and prevention of complications. In mild cases, you can do this yourself. Treatment of purulent wounds is carried out 1-2 times a day and includes:

Thorough disinfection of the hands and tools used for this is most often done with alcohol.

Removing the old bandage. Moreover, this must be done very carefully, and when the bandage dries, it must be soaked with "Chlorhexidine" or hydrogen peroxide.

Careful removal of pus from the inside of the wound, treatment of its edges with an antiseptic in the direction from it to the edges and draining with a sterile swab. Sometimes it is recommended to lubricate the edges of the wound with brilliant green or iodine.

Application of the drug or a napkin moistened with it. If the wound is very deep, tampons or drainage are inserted into it to better drain the pus.

Closing the wound with sterile gauze in several layers and securing it with adhesive plaster or bandage. Care must be taken to allow air access to the wound, otherwise anaerobic infection may develop.

In a serious condition of the patient, open purulent wounds are treated 3-4 times a day, each time leaving them in the air for 20-30 minutes.

Physical treatments

Previously, an open method of healing purulent wounds was practiced. It was believed that under the influence of air and sunlight, microorganisms die faster. In recent years, this has been abandoned, and a bandage is imposed on the wound. Of the physical methods of treatment, quartzing, ultrasonic cavitation, UHF and laser irradiation are now used.

Antibiotics for purulent wounds

In severe cases, antibacterial drugs are used to prevent the development of general blood poisoning and more quickly release the wound from infection. If their use is required in the first stage, when the pathogen is still unknown, they can be prescribed.They can be used in the form of tablets, injections and local solutions or ointments. Only a doctor should prescribe an antibacterial drug, after taking an analysis for the causative agent of the infection. After all, the inflammatory process can be caused not only by common staphylococci or streptococci, but also by Xibella, Proteus, Escherichia coli and even Shigella and Salmonella. Most often, sulfa antibiotics are used for purulent wounds, an emulsion of streptocide and sulfidin is applied externally. The best known antibacterial drug is penicillin.

External remedies to relieve inflammation

At the first stage of the development of a purulent process, it is recommended to use funds and ointments on a water-soluble basis, it is better if they contain antibiotics. Most often used are "Levomekol", "Levosin" and others.

Treatment of purulent wounds on the legs can be complicated by the fact that inflammation is caused by many microorganisms, often even a fungus joins. Therefore, it is advisable to use complex products, for example, "Iruksol". Antiseptic solutions are often used to treat wounds. The most famous of them - "Furacilin", hydrogen peroxide and sometimes turn out to be ineffective due to the appearance of microorganisms resistant to their action. New drugs are now being produced: "Dioxidin", "Yodopiron", "Sodium hydrochloride" and others.

Folk remedies

The healing of purulent wounds during the regeneration phase can be accelerated by various herbs and other home remedies. They are used both to treat the affected surface and to strengthen the immune system. Most often, there are frivolous purulent wounds. Home treatment is possible if the inflammation is small and there is no general intoxication. Folk remedies are often used in medical institutions, due to the fact that many bacteria have developed resistance to drugs, moreover, they are safer. But their use is permissible only in mild cases, with a small lesion area. How can you treat a wound?

The most commonly used alcoholic tincture or calendula.

Treat the wound with fresh juice of aloe, plantain leaves or burdock.

For lotions, you can use gruel from grated carrots, radishes, beets, or a cut onion.

You can prepare an ointment for the healing of purulent wounds: mix the stonecrop herb powder with petroleum jelly or honey with lard and xeroform. A mixture of goat fat, salt and grated onions cleans the wound well from pus.

To improve tissue regeneration during wound healing, fish oil and sea buckthorn oil are used.

Complications from purulent wounds

If you do not start treatment on time or improperly handle the affected area, complications may develop, or the purulent process becomes chronic. Why are purulent wounds dangerous?

Lymphangitis or lymphadenitis, that is, inflammation of the lymph nodes, may develop.

Sometimes thrombophlebitis appears, especially with purulent wounds on the legs.

The pus can spread and cause periostatitis, osteomelitis, abscess, or phlegmon.

In the most severe cases, sepsis develops, which can be fatal.

Prevention of inflammation

To prevent the appearance of purulent wounds, you need to carefully follow the rules of personal hygiene, especially if the skin is damaged. If you treat minor abrasions and scratches in time, you can protect them from infection. In addition, it is necessary to strengthen the immune system so that the body can independently fight bacteria that have got under the skin.

Abrasions, minor cuts, wounds, scrapes, injuries and bruises - we have to deal with all of this throughout our lives. The situation is complicated by the fact that various microorganisms inevitably penetrate into the wounds, and sometimes even foreign bodies.

All this contributes to the development of such a disease as panaritium, which manifests itself in an acute purulent inflammation of tissues on the fingers and toes. In order to prevent complications and the possible development of sepsis, timely treatment must be started.

How to treat wound suppuration at home?

Treatment of acute purulent inflammation (panaritium) at home is reduced to steaming and applying effective means that promote the release of pus.

  1. It is necessary to dissolve laundry soap in hot water in advance, then lower the inflamed finger into the resulting solution for 30 minutes. Since the water cools quickly, boiling water must be constantly added to the bowl. Then finely grate the onion, attach it to the sore spot and fix it with a bandage. This procedure must be carried out several times a day, as well as at night.
  2. An equally effective remedy that helps in the fight against a purulent disease is a strong salt solution. The concentration of the substance should facilitate the formation of crystals. A sore finger should be steamed in a hot salty solution. To do this, it must be lowered into a container with the contents for 30 minutes, not forgetting to constantly maintain the temperature of the solution. Then attach half of aloe leaf to it.

At home, it is possible only at the initial stage of the disease, when the purulent sac is not yet fully formed. Subsequent stages require specialized medical care, since advanced purulent inflammation can cause partial disability.

How to remove pus under the skin

  • If the affected finger pulsates and hurts, and the movements of the finger cause sharp pain, then this is a subcutaneous felon. For its quick ripening, it is recommended to bake one medium onion in the oven, then cut it in half and attach it to the sore spot. Secure the onion with a bandage. This dressing should be changed every 3-4 hours.
  • If the sore spot is severely inflamed, then it is recommended to do the following: bake garlic in the oven, then grind it and add grated laundry soap. From these components I make a cake, which is tied to the finger with a bandage. After 3-4 hours, it is recommended to change the compress to a new one.
  • If the affected part of the finger is too large and the panaritium itself has matured, then it is better to contact a surgeon. An experienced doctor will fix the hand to prevent wiggling, which can worsen pain and spread infection, and prescribe antibiotics. And when the pus is finally "ripe" it will be released. And before that, he will conduct UHF therapy, apply a balsamic bandage in the form of a warming compress.
  • There is another method: a tourniquet is applied to the forearm, and a medicinal mixture of novocaine and an antibiotic is injected into the enlarged veins of the hand, which enters directly into the focus of the disease itself and thereby dampens the pain, and causes the rapid death of pathogenic microorganisms.

How to pull pus out from under the nail

In order to draw out, you need to mix chamomile, plantain, sage and lilac leaves, add a little baking soda, then pour it all in a liter of water and put it on the stove. As soon as the broth boils, it must be removed from the heat and cooled to 15 ° C. Then pour the contents into a basin and lower the sore arm or leg into it for 10 minutes.

To get rid of pus, you need to lift the nail with a spatula and press on the pad of the finger or on the nail itself. The pus will gradually drain from the finger. At the end of the procedure, even if the pus has not yet fully come out, half a leaf of aloe or plantain should be applied to the sore spot. After 12 hours, this procedure should be repeated again so that the pus comes out completely and the wound begins to heal.

Around the big toe with an ingrown toenail

An ingrown toenail is the ingrowth of the lateral edge of the nail plate into adjacent soft tissue, which causes the skin to rub along the nail and cause inflammation at the base. If a purulent sac has formed on a finger with an ingrown nail, this is a sure sign that a foreign body has entered the damaged area of \u200b\u200bthe skin. An introduced infection can lead to subcutaneous felon. If pus has not yet begun to accumulate, then you can do without surgery, starting to quickly respond to the problem.

To treat problem nails, try hot foot baths with a little potassium permanganate and baking soda. This procedure should be carried out 2-3 times a day for 10-20 minutes. However, if pus has already begun to accumulate in the wound, then you cannot steam the sore finger.

When the nail softens a little under the influence of the hot solution, you can try to carefully cut off a piece of the ingrown plate. This procedure must be repeated until the nail is completely healed.

To treat a problem nail, you can use ointments that draw out pus. These are special agents that prevent the development of sores. Put the ointment on a bandage and press it tightly to the sore finger, wrap it all with simple plastic. Put a bandage on top again and put on a sock to fix this whole "structure". This procedure is best done at night. In the morning, after removing the bandage, you can try again to cut the problem nail, and then reapply the ointment.

Suppuration on the finger after a blow

After injury, first aid should be given to prevent the injury from growing back. To do this, apply cold to the injury. Small bruises can be treated at home using alcohol compresses. For this, vodka or alcohol is diluted in the same ratio. The gauze is moistened in this liquid, applied to the leg, after which a piece of polyethylene is wrapped on top with a warm scarf.

If the bruise is large and, moreover, suppuration has occurred, then in no case should one resort to self-treatment. To prevent unpleasant consequences, it is necessary to consult a doctor who, using a special drill or a drill, will make a small hole in the nail, and then, with the help of an esculap, remove the clot and wash the damaged area under the nail. With late treatment and severe pain caused by a large accumulation of pus, the surgeon will have to remove the nail plate.

Treatment of wound suppuration with ointments

Suppuration of the wound can be treated with special ointments that contribute to the formation of the head of the boil - pustules. The formation of which leads to the fact that the abscess opens on its own, and the pus comes out. It is impossible to squeeze out a boil, since such actions can lead to the spread of infection. The list of pulling ointments includes:

  • Levomekol;
  • which is also an anesthetic.

You can make a similar ointment with your own hands. To do this, you need to mix 1 tsp. corn powder with ½ tsp. ground ginger, add 1 tbsp. honey and a pinch of salt. The resulting ointment is placed on a piece of gauze, applied to the sore spot, and then covered with a film and two more layers of gauze on top.

Video: what to do if pus comes from the wound on the finger

Various reasons can lead to suppuration of the finger: wounds, injuries, improper pedicure or manicure, etc. All this makes the damaged area vulnerable to pathogenic bacteria that start the process of decay. How to remove an abscess near the nail and cure felon? You will find the answer to this question in the following video.

Purulent wounds occur when the integrity of the skin is violated, when there is purulent contents in the lumen, along the edges - an inflammatory process. Pathology develops after infection of a clean wound (after a cut, puncture, etc.) or is formed due to a breakthrough of an abscess.

Possible reasons

Such wounds are also found in the period after surgical operations: even with careful observance of sterility during their implementation, up to 30% of suppuration is noted. The causative agents in them are pyogenic microbes (streptococci, staphylococci, Proteus bacillus or intestinal, pseudomonas. Less commonly - mycobacteria, salmonella, shigella, pneumococci).

It is believed that any wound sustained by trauma is already infected (containing bacteria). For the infection to develop, several factors are required:

  • finding a foreign body, blood clots or pieces of dead tissue in the wound;
  • a high level of pathogenic microorganisms.

The main reason for the development of purulent puncture wounds is insufficient outflow of fluid from the wound due to a narrow wound channel and a small hole on the skin surface.

Suppuration of lacerated-bruised wounds occurs as a result of contamination of crushed tissues and a large number of dead ones. Suppuration of cut wounds is observed less often (their edges are slightly damaged, the wound channel is often shallow).

Other factors that increase the risk of developing suppuration:

Typical symptoms

All manifestations of purulent wounds can be divided into general and local.

Local symptoms:

  • the presence of damage to the skin with purulent contents;
  • regardless of the amount of pus under it, granulations and areas with dead tissue can form.

The color of the purulent contents and its consistency depends on the type of pathogen:

  • yellow or white thick pus - with staphylococcal disease;
  • brown-yellow liquidish - Escherichia coli;
  • greenish or yellowish watery - streptococcus;
  • brown with a fetid odor - anaerobic microbes;
  • yellowish, changing color in air - Pseudomonas aeruginosa.

The appearance of pus in the wound is accompanied by bursting or pressing pain. With a difficult outflow of purulent contents from the wound (with the formation of a crust), the production of pus increases, the affected area becomes inflamed. There is a throbbing pain due to increased pressure in the wound.

The skin around the wound turns red, hot to the touch. In advanced cases, the skin takes on a purple or purple-blue hue. The temperature rises, there is swelling of the tissues around the wound. Physiological functions are impaired (due to severe pain and swelling).

General symptoms are due to general intoxication as a result of the ingestion of toxins from a purulent wound:

  • body temperature rises;
  • general weakness;
  • increased sweating;
  • chills;
  • loss of appetite;
  • in a laboratory study, leukocytosis, accelerated ESR is noted in the blood, protein in the urine.

Purulent wounds that have not been previously treated are treated by surgeons. If suppuration occurs after the initial surgical treatment, traumatologists are involved in the treatment. Festering surgical wounds are treated by the operating doctors.

Antibacterial drugs are selected taking into account the sensitivity of the pathogen. Treatment of purulent wounds includes:

  • the appointment of antibacterial drugs;
  • detoxification measures (to remove toxins from the body, hemodialysis, hemosorption, forced diuresis are used, on an outpatient basis - heavy drinking);
  • (to increase the production of tissue protective factors and interferon by the body).

When a purulent focus is just forming, the goal is to thoroughly cleanse the wound, reduce inflammation, and eliminate pathogenic microorganisms. In the next step, it is important to speed up the regeneration processes.

The greatest effect is obtained by using:

  • vishnevsky ointment;
  • liniment synthomycin;
  • tetracycline ointment;
  • neomycin ointment.

How to cure folk remedies?

If the wound festers and you don't want to use medications, you can use traditional medicine:

  • use aloe juice to irrigate wounds and lotions;
  • gruel from grape leaves, applied to the wound, will cleanse it of pus within a day (it also has a hemostatic effect);
  • sauerkraut lotions will help remove dried blood and prevent the development of inflammation;
  • powder prepared from the root of calamus marsh can be poured directly onto the wound (has a bactericidal effect);
  • washed plantain leaves are applied to the wound for 20 minutes (the release of pus from small suppurating scratches stops and healing begins);
  • apply a paste of fresh garlic to the area with a purulent wound for several hours (itching may immediately occur, gradually the wound will begin to clear of pus, the bactericidal properties of garlic accelerate healing);
  • cut fresh leaves and flowers are applied to the wound, left for a few minutes. You can prepare a decoction of chamomile, used for lotions. Simultaneously with external use, it is recommended to take an infusion of chamomile inside.

You can not apply bandages with ointment on an open purulent wound - this complicates the outflow of pus and promotes its penetration deep into the tissues. For dressings, you should use gauze pads and bandages (instead of adhesive plaster) to provide air access to the wound.

In the presence of purulent wounds, you should refrain from visiting the bath, sauna, pool (in the summer - from swimming and sunbathing). Until the end of the course of treatment, it is not recommended to use essential oils (they can increase the flow of fluid to the affected area).

Prevention measures

To prevent wound suppuration, it is necessary:

  • handle any scratches, abrasions, cuts and other damage to the skin (solution of iodine, brilliant green, hydrogen peroxide, potassium permanganate);
  • use sterile instruments when treating wounds;
  • timely bandaging existing wounds;
  • fulfill all doctor's prescriptions;
  • take proper care of your skin;
  • use personal protective equipment at enterprises (where provided).

When treating purulent wounds at home, treatment with simple and safe means with bactericidal properties accelerates the healing process.

The most effective folk remedies for treating abscesses are baked onions and laundry soap. Below are many ways to help cure an abscess with available remedies. The recipes are taken from the "Vestnik HLS" newspaper.

How to treat abscesses with baked onions?
Baked onions are the most effective folk remedy for abscesses. Warm baked onions should be tied to the wound at night with a thicker layer so that the heat will last longer. In the morning, there will be no more pus in the wound, and the wound itself will quickly heal. (HLS 2010, No. 8, p. 33)

The woman had an abscess under her arm that could not break through for a long time. The pain was severe, it was impossible to move the hand. The folk recipe helped - the patient baked an onion, cut it in half and attached it to the abscess with a cut. The abscess has matured, pus has flowed out, the wound has healed. (HLS 2008, No. 8, p. 31).

If you cannot bake an onion, then boiled onions and an abscess will help cure. Boil water, throw an onion cut in half there. Cook for 3 minutes. Disassemble the halves of the bulbs into scales. Take the largest one, remove the film from the inside and attach the bow to the sore spot. Secure with a bandage. In the morning, cover the abscess with streptocide (knead the pill) and make a bandage. If the wound is not running, the abscess will clear up in 1 day. (2005, No. 1, p. 31).

After mastitis, a woman had abscesses on her chest every year. Every time the same thing: scalpel, cleaning, a tube for removing dirt. Once again, a friend advised her to fix a baked onion on her chest for the night. In the morning she woke up all wet and sticky - it turns out that the abscess opened up, and all the pus leaked out. The chest no longer poured. (HLS 2004, No. 22, p. 17).

Ointment for abscesses based on propolis tincture.
Take 1 tbsp. l. pharmacy tincture of propolis, butter and honey. Mix and place in a water bath. When the mixture is smooth, the ointment is ready. After cooling, store in the refrigerator. Apply this ointment to the abscess and bandage. (HLS 2013, No. 1, p. 27)

How did you manage to cure abscesses in a dog with the help of aloe.
Once a small lapdog was bitten by a large dog. For two days the bitten dog sat under the sofa, and they could not get it out. When she crawled out to the people, the dog had boils on its side the size of chicken yolk. The hostess squeezed out the pus, the dog groaned, but did not struggle. Then she tore off the largest leaf from the aloe and squeezed the juice directly into the wounds. The dog squeaked and crawled under the chair. I didn’t appear for a day, and when I came out, the dog's abscesses disappeared, the wounds healed, only small scratches remained. (HLS 2010, No. 12, p. 26)

Treatment of abscesses with ficus at home.
Indoor ficus helps to cure abscesses and boils. You need to take 2 sheets, scroll one in a meat grinder, and put the other in boiling water. Put the scrolled mass on a hot sheet and attach to the abscess, fix with a bandage, leave overnight. If it doesn't help the first time, repeat the procedure. (HLS 2010, No. 12, p. 31)

Potato treatment.
A pimple appeared under the man's knee, interfering with walking, the patient knocked it out. An abscess appeared in the morning. By the evening my whole leg was swollen, the temperature rose. In the morning, the doctor at the hospital was horrified by what he saw, frightened him with amputation, and made several injections.

And at home, a neighbor grated potatoes, put this gruel over her leg, and tied it up. Soon the pain subsided, the temperature subsided. By the morning, the abscess broke through, the wound healing began (HLS 2003, No. 22, p. 20)

Valerian from abscesses.
A woman had pustules in her nose during a cold. She took a cotton swab and dipped it in valerian tincture and smeared it. I did this 4 times in a day, and everything went away. (HLS 2008, No. 13, p. 4)

Tincture of garlic will help to quickly get rid of abscesses and colds at home.
Take a small vial and fill it 1/3 full with finely chopped garlic. Top up the bottle with vodka. After a couple of days, the tincture is ready. She should always be at home. At the first sign of a cold, inhale alternately one and the other nostrils.

When abscesses or pimples appear, lubricate them with this tincture several times a day, and they dry up quickly - repeatedly proven. The same tincture helps with insect bites. (HLS 2012, No. 22, p. 39)

Ointment for abscesses with wormwood.
In 200 g of heavy cream (preferably homemade) add 1 tbsp. l. chopped wormwood herb, boil for 2-3 minutes, cool until warm, strain. Put the resulting ointment in the refrigerator. Lubricate abscesses with this ointment as needed. Keep the medicine for no more than five minutes, then wash with a cotton swab or rinse with water. First, the abscess will pull and hurt. Then the wound will quickly heal. (HLS 2012, No. 12, p. 32)

How to cure abscesses with soap at home.
The woman developed an abscess on her finger. The folk remedies that she knew did not help. When the pain could no longer be tolerated, the finger swelled and turned purple, I went to the hospital. The surgeon said that it was necessary to cut, otherwise gangrene would begin. The woman did not agree to the operation.

At home, a neighbor suggested a simple folk remedy for abscesses - you need to moisten a piece of bandage, lather with baby soap, put it on your finger at night and fix it. The woman did just that. In the morning, pus began to come out, and the pain subsided after 2 hours. After several procedures, the finger became normal. (HLS 2008, No. 22, pp. 31-32).

Soap and milk ointment for abscesses: Boil 100 g of milk, add 1 tbsp. l. grated laundry soap. The soap must be freshly manufactured. Cook, stirring occasionally, until it thickens, like jelly, so that it does not spread, after cooling, the ointment thickens a little more. This ointment heals boils, boils, abscesses. One woman's son had 140 boils on his body, she already thought that her son would die, but this ointment managed to cure him (2002, No. 16, p. 4).

The grated soap can simply be diluted with boiling water to the desired consistency, applied to the abscess at night, with a bandage and polyethylene on top. In the morning all the pus comes out (2007, no. 6, p. 30).

How to prepare an ointment for abscesses at home:
mix 50 g of grated laundry soap and 150 g of boiling water, add 20-30 g of beeswax, 1 tbsp. l. vegetable oil, 1 tbsp. l. honey and 50 g of rye flour. Stir. If the wax has not dissolved, heat it up a little. The ointment is ready. Helps to treat abscesses, various abscesses, mastitis (HLS 2008, No. 7, p. 30)

Treatment of abscesses with melilot.
The herb and flowers of sweet clover are widely used in folk remedies for the treatment of abscesses, boils, and various abscesses. This herb accelerates the maturation of abscesses and the discharge of pus.

Melilot is used in various forms: in the form of a decoction for baths and compresses, an ointment for abscesses is made from it (melilot flowers are boiled for 30 minutes in interior pork fat), warm poultices are made (the grass is placed in a small bag and boiled in a small amount of boiling water for 30 seconds) ... In the field, the leaves and flowers of sweet clover are simply kneaded and applied to the wound to soften and resorb the swollen and to draw out pus.

Ointment for abscesses from sweet clover: 2 tbsp. l. grind sweet clover flowers with 3 tbsp. l. melted butter. Apply the resulting ointment to accelerate the ripening of abscesses. (HLS 2011, No. 18, p. 36)

Cedar gum can help cure an abscess at home.
Siberian foresters grease cuts and wounds with cedar resin, bandages with cedar resin are applied to the abscesses, which, accelerating ripening, helps to soften and draw out pus. For abscesses and furunculosis, an ointment is made by melting cedar resin, butter and wax. (HLS 2011, No. 2 p. 28,)

Bark decoction flatbread.
Boil the barberry bark for 10 minutes. Mix a small amount of broth with barley flour to make a dough. Blind the cake and attach to the abscess. It will mature quickly, the pus will come out. (HLS 2011, No. 7 p. 29)

Home treatment for boils with nettles.
Nettle tincture should always be at hand. It is suitable for the treatment of any wounds, bruises, abscesses, as well as treats joints and osteochondrosis. It is very simple to prepare it: in May, pick up young shoots of nettles, fill a container with them loosely, pour vodka and put in the sun for 2 weeks. Apply gauze moistened with this tincture to the sore spot.

If he picks up a finger near the nail, then tie a bandage soaked in tincture overnight, and wrap it with plastic on top. By morning, the abscess will break through.

If joints hurt, then rub them with this tincture. (HLS 2011, No. 10 p. 33).

In addition to nettle tincture, vinegar infused with nettle has great healing power: pour 1 cup of dry leaves into 0.5 liters of apple cider vinegar, leave for 3 days. To cure an abscess - apply a bandage to it with medicinal vinegar (HLS 2007, No. 13 p. 32).

Ointment for abscesses from resin and onions
Heat 500 ml of vegetable oil and add 100 g of pine resin and 100 g of wax. Cook for 30 minutes. Cut off the bottoms of 10 onions along with the skin. In a mixture of oil, wax and resin, throw the bottoms one by one carefully, the mixture may escape. Cook for another 20 minutes. Cool slightly and pour into jars through 4 layers of gauze. This ointment well heals abscesses and boils, as well as burns, frostbite, bedsores, scratches. (HLS 2004, No. 15, p. 24)

Treatment of abscesses with birch leaves
Pick up birch leaves, rinse, dry. Apply a layer of leaves to the abscess and secure. It is better to do this at night, by the morning the abscess will break through. (HLS 2009, No. 9, p. 13)

Folk remedy made from honey and flour
Mix 1 tbsp. l. butter, vodka, honey and flour. Put the resulting ointment on gauze and attach to the sore spot for 5-6 hours. Usually everything goes the first time, but if the abscess is large, then repeat the procedure. (HLS 2007, No. 14, p. 30).

An equally effective remedy for abscesses is a honey-soap cake. Melt 100 g of honey and 100 g of grated household soap in a water bath and combine with 100 g of flour to make a cake. Apply this cake to abscesses and boils (HLS 2007, No. 14, p. 32).

An even simpler folk remedy for the treatment of abscesses is a cake of liquid honey (if it has hardened, melt it in a water bath) and flour (it is better to take rye flour or 2 grade flour). Put 1 tsp on flour. honey and knead the dough so that it is elastic, but not hard crumbling and not liquid sticky. Make a cake from the dough and apply it to a sore spot: an abscess, a boil, a purulent wound, a bruise. This is a very effective remedy. (HLS 2001, No. 13, p. 18,).

Treatment of abscesses with beet leaf
The woman's little son pricked the heel, an abscess formed. A friend advised me to attach a beet leaf to the wound. The child immediately stopped screaming and fell asleep. The leaves were changed often, they pulled out the pus and the wound quickly healed. Since then, a woman has always treated abscesses with this remedy and dries beet leaves for future use between the pages of books, in winter she soaks them before using.

Once her mother got an infection during the injection, the injection site began to break out, then they remembered about the beetroot leaves - everything quickly passed.

Once a neighbor came to them to ask for an aloe leaf, because his daughter got a splinter under her nail. The woman gave him aloe, but in addition she gave him a leaf of beet. The next day, the neighbor again came for a leaf of beets, because the aloe did not help, the beets helped to cure the abscess in the child. (HLS 2006, No. 13, p. 31-32)

Garlic compresses.
When the abscess is just beginning, then you need to cut off a plate of garlic and fix it on the sore spot. If the bunks are already old, then you need to grate the garlic, put it in some small container - for example, a bottle cap, turn the contents over to the abscess and secure with a plaster. (HLS 2004, No. 18, p. 24)

Leg abscesses - celandine treatment.
A woman suffering from polyarthritis developed sores on the soles of her feet. For many years she could not get rid of them until her husband decided to use celandine. I passed the plants through a meat grinder, squeezed out the juice, mixed with alcohol 1: 1. The woman soared her feet every evening and rubbed the soles of her feet with the resulting product. All the abscesses passed and did not appear again. (HLS 2005, No. 7, p. 23)

An abscess in a newborn baby is a healing bath.
After the child was brought from the hospital, abscesses appeared on his head. The family lived far from the regional center, so they called the hospital. There they were advised to lubricate the abscesses with brilliant green, but this did not help - new ones appeared.

One old woman taught how to bathe a child like this: one day pour 0.5 liters of fresh milk into the water, the next day - a broth of millet (boil 1 glass of millet in 1 liter of water for 5-7 minutes. After three baths, the child no longer has new abscesses, and a week later everything went away. (HLS 2005, No. 14, p. 3)

The abscesses in the child's finger were cured with dew.
A one-year-old girl has an abscess on her finger. The child was treated for about eight months, but nothing helped, until one young doctor advised him to treat an abscess with dew. The child was taken to the village, and every morning and evening they took her through the fresh grass. After 2 weeks, the finger cleared and did not hurt anymore. (HLS 2003, No. 10, p. 21)

Treatment of abscesses with burdock root.
Dig out the burdock root, wash and refrigerate. In the morning on an empty stomach, cut off a piece and chew well, so that the whole mass is moistened with hungry saliva. Apply this mass to sore spots for a day. The next morning, repeat the procedure.

For quick treatment, it is advisable to apply the infusion inside - 1 tbsp. l. chop the root, brew with 1 glass of boiling water, insist overnight. Drink on an empty stomach in the morning, after chewing on the fresh root. Drink the whole portion at once - 1 glass .. (HLS 2003, No. 12, p. 16)

Burdock and sour cream.
The woman's finger became inflamed, an abscess appeared. The pain was terrible, the surgeon said "cut". And the old healer looked at her finger and advised at sunrise and sunset to apply a burdock leaf with sour cream to the abscess with the lower part, topple the hare skin and tie it with a rag. After 4 days, the abscess broke, the rod came out, the wound began to heal. (HLS 2003, No. 21, p. 3)

Suppuration of a closed wound is a complication of any injury, accompanied by an inflammatory process, an increase in temperature. In severe cases, it provokes the development of sepsis, which is fatal. To drain the infected focus, an ointment is used that draws pus from a closed wound.

Pus is a cloudy exudate that results from inflammation of damaged tissue. The cause of the development of a pathological condition is infection of the wound surface. Such wounds need to be pulled out with ointments.

Factors provoking the onset of the inflammatory process:

  • extensive wound, burn;
  • stabbed, bitten, crushed injury;
  • significant contamination of the affected area;
  • violation of the rules of asepsis when treating wounds, remnants of earth, other contamination in tissues;
  • low immunity;
  • avitaminosis;
  • high humidity of the environment;
  • late seeking medical help;
  • the presence of foci of chronic infection - internal infection. Bacteria enter the wound through the bloodstream.

Purulent discharge has an unpleasant, in some cases fetid odor. The color of the exudate is from white to yellow-green, bluish, green. At the initial stages of the inflammatory process, the masses are liquid, then thicken. They need to be pulled out with ointments.

Pathogens are found in pus:

  • staphylococcus;
  • gonococcus;
  • streptococcus;
  • meningococcus;
  • escherichia coli;
  • clostridia;
  • proteus;
  • others - brucella, candida, salmonella.

In rare cases, when carrying out bacterial sowing, the pathogen is not detected. In this case, they speak of bacterial lysis or a non-infectious cause of inflammation.

Closed wounds are an ideal breeding ground for a variety of flora due to the stable temperature and humidity. The lack of sufficient antibacterial effect to pull them out contributes to the activation of pathogenic microorganisms in the pus.

Signs of inflammation

Signs of a purulent process are divided into local, general. At the place of localization of damage, the following is observed:

  • hyperemia;
  • pains - dull, bursting. In the presence of a strong crust - twitching;
  • the formation of exudate;
  • the development of edema in the place from which pus should be drawn;
  • local temperature rise;
  • dysfunction of an organ, limb;
  • with prolonged suppuration. The skin around the closed wound becomes purple, bluish;
  • discharge from the wound - there is a smell, stench. The color is yellow, yellowish green.

Pieces of necrotic tissue are found on the bandage. The amount of exudate may vary. It must be pulled out with ointments.

General signs of a purulent process are associated with intoxication of the body with the results of the vital activity of bacteria. The patient has:

  • general weakness;
  • violation of appetite;
  • sweating;
  • increase or decrease in temperature;
  • headaches;
  • the level of leukocytes in the blood is increased. ESR is accelerated, anemia develops;
  • protein, urea is found in urine.

Any changes in the condition of a closed wound require the attention of a doctor; do not use ointments or other means for stretching yourself. It is better to visit the surgeon once again. To undergo treatment of injuries than to get into a purulent-septic or intensive care unit.

Ointments that draw pus from the wound

Ointments that draw out purulent masses from a closed wound are used for minor inflammatory processes. In such cases, a surgical check, treatment of the affected area is not carried out. The general condition of the patient is not disturbed, the risk of developing sepsis is minimal.

These drugs can be used at home. Pharmacological agents suppress pathogenic microflora. They relieve the inflammatory process, prevent the development of edema. The composition of medicines and ointments includes plant extracts, antibiotics, asepsis.

The general rule for using such stretching drugs is the absence of signs of intoxication of the body. Before applying the ointment, the wound cavity is treated with antiseptic solutions.


Vishnevsky ointment or liniment is a drug of official medicine. This is a thick brown ointment for pus with a specific odor.

The main components are xeroform, an extract from birch tar. It has an anti-inflammatory, mild irritant effect on tissue receptors. Accelerates wound healing, normalizes the trophism of the skin.

The drug is indicated for all types of purulent processes - from abscess, bedsore to frostbite, trophic ulcers. The ointment is well tolerated and draws out inflammation. The only contraindication is personal intolerance.

Liniment is applied to the affected area 2-3 times a day under the bandage. The closed wound surface must first be cleaned, treated with hydrogen peroxide. The duration of treatment is often determined, it can be from 6 to 20 days.

Control of therapy with ointments to draw out pus - no puffiness, pain, exudate, epithelialization of tissues. General satisfactory condition of the patient.

Do not apply liniment simultaneously with other medications. Possible interactions have not been studied.

Pregnancy, lactation are not a contraindication to the use of the ointment. Treatment of any purulent process during this period should be under the supervision of a physician.

Adverse reactions against the background of the use of Vishnevsky liniment for the process of pulling out the contents are exclusively local in nature. This is redness, rash, irritation. In this case, stop using the ointment.


Ichthyol ointment for drawing pus from a closed wound is a thick, viscous, black composition. ATX code D08AX. The main active ingredient is ichtammol.

A drug with analgesic, anti-inflammatory, wound healing and regenerative properties.

Ichtammol is incompatible with iodine-containing agents. Heavy metal salts, alkaloids. Iodine mesh and ichthyol ointment are not simultaneously applied for stretching.

The drug is applied to a previously cleaned surface 2-3 times a day under a bandage. The duration of treatment is individual.

Possible irritation of the skin, redness of tissues, the appearance of a rash after pulling out the substance. In this case, the use of ichthyol should be discontinued.

Pregnancy and lactation are not a contraindication to the use of the ointment. The drug should not get on the nipples, in the baby's mouth.


Levomekol is a combined preparation based on the antibiotic levomycetin and the healing component methyluracil. The ointment is odorless and white in color. ATX code D03AX.

The drug is not used to draw out pus from a closed inflammation. The ointment is used for clean wounds, after surgery, removal of an ingrown nail.

Levomekol is prohibited for use in children under 3 years of age. Ointment is impregnated with sterile dressings, applied to a closed wound. It is possible to inject the drug into the body cavity using a drainage tube. The duration of treatment is 4 days.

With the ineffectiveness of pulling pus with ointment: on the 5th day, correction of prescriptions is shown. Long-term use of the drug causes the development of resistance of the pathogenic flora to the components of the drug.

Side effects for localized inflammation. Redness, skin irritation. In this case, the use of the ointment should be discontinued.


Tetracycline ointment is an antibacterial agent for draining pus. The active ingredient is the antibiotic tetracycline. It has a bactericidal effect, and does not draw out purulent masses from closed inflammations. It is used to treat purulent, trophic wounds, abscesses, folliculitis. The active ingredient suppresses gram-positive and gram-negative flora.

Ointment for stretching is applied 1-2 times a day. Also treating healthy skin areas. A sterile bandage is applied on top. The duration of treatment depends on the patient's response. Makes from 2 to 3 weeks.

It is forbidden to use:

  • children's age (up to 11 years old);
  • individual sensitivity;
  • fungal diseases;
  • pregnancy and lactation.

Side effects are local. This is a rash, allergies, increased photosensitivity. In this case, the drug should be discontinued.

How to replace the ointment at home

It is impossible to pull pus out of a closed wound at home when systemic complications appear. Treatment is carried out in a hospital setting, and not with folk ointments for stretching.

For small abscesses - on a finger, arm or leg. A hypertonic sodium chloride solution will remove purulent masses. The ready-made hypertonic solution is sold at the pharmacy. To prepare it, you will need 1 sodium chloride per 10 volumes of water. A bandage soaked in liquid is applied to the affected area.

In the recipes of folk herbalists, there are recommendations for the use of baked onions, aloe leaves as an ointment for drawing out pus.

It is undesirable to treat purulent abscesses on the face on your own. This is fraught with the formation of cosmetic defects.

Suppurative wounds on the heels often occur in patients with diabetes mellitus. This can develop gangrene. The wound in persons with endocrine diseases should be examined by a doctor.

Treatment prognosis and possible complications

Predictions for purulent processes in most cases are favorable if ointments are used correctly to draw out the substance from a closed wound. Factors affecting the patient's recovery:

  • localization, volume of the closed wound surface;
  • the patient's age;
  • at what stage he applied for medical help;
  • treatment method - surgical measures, conservative therapy;
  • the presence of complications;
  • concomitant chronic diseases.

Complications of the purulent process are varied - from systemic sepsis, gangrene, limb amputation to death.

Don't look at the drug store or online for a remedy to drain pus from a closed wound. Especially in the presence of chronic diseases. See your doctor if the wound is open or closed. It is dangerous to experiment with such processes with different ointments.