How to decorate the front door. DIY ways to update interior wooden doors. The effect of antique decoupage from artistic materials

Sooner or later, any, even the most elegant and sophisticated part interior needs updating. Interior doors in the interior is no exception. Doors, and there are at least two of them in the apartment ( entrance And in the bathroom), in addition to their main purpose, are also an important decorative element. Few people will decide to update their doors themselves. It is much easier to purchase a ready-made model, but if you are full of inspiration and creativity, template variations are not for you. Perhaps you are one of those far-sighted owners who simply do not want to start local repair work, knowing that the matter will not stop there, but will spread to protracted repairs of the entire apartments. In any case, you have a little free time, enthusiasm and available tools, as well as a great desire to surprise your friends and family with the proud expression: “My work.” Let's get started.


An inexpensive and quick way to give a door a second life (albeit not so ideal) is to apply several layers of a single-color paints. To do this, the door is removed from its hinges, but you can also leave it in an upright position, having previously covered it with something floor so as not to stain it. The next step, which requires patience, is removing the old paint with a spatula. After this, the surface is cleaned with medium-grain sandpaper, all cracks and irregularities are sealed with wood putty, and everything is sanded down again. The internal glazing and the part of the wall adjacent to the panels are sealed with masking tape. If the budget allocated for repair work allows, purchase acrylic or latex washable paint (glossy or matte at your personal discretion). These types of paint are odorless and dry quickly, forming a durable protective film. Easily washed off with water upon contact with skin.

To emphasize the expressiveness of the door leaf, there is a technique for highlighting moldings (relief contours). Black moldings on - a classic solution. Any other people also have the right to a worthy decorative championship color combinations. If the canvas is solid, you can purchase or make to order thin wooden planks already painted in the required color and make the moldings yourself (they are securely glued with liquid nails).

You can not stop at decorating the moldings alone, but also completely decorate the door in several colors. These can be compositions of rhombuses, circles, squares, vertical stripes, etc. In combination with the interiors of the two rooms where the door is installed, your own color palette can be selected. To create different shades you will need white acrylic paint and a set of colors.

When funds do not allow you to undertake a large-scale renovation, and your soul asks for change, decorating the doors yourself can be an elegant solution. Craquelure, patchwork, decoupage doors can be more than just pretty words: an experiment in decorating doors, multiplied by a creative impulse and a moderate risk of an unexpected result, can give them a second life. And perhaps this second life will be better than the first.


One way to get an original door with your own hands is to simply paint it.

Choose paint to taste, fixing varnish, arm yourself with a spatula, brushes or - and you can update the door. The sequence of actions is simple:

  • remove the door leaf from the hinges and lay it horizontally;
  • remove old paint with a spatula;
  • sand with sandpaper;
  • fill up unevenness and cracks;
  • clean and degrease;
  • to paint;
  • apply fixing varnish.

Important! It would seem that everything ingenious is simple. But if you skip or undercomplete at least one of the stages, the idea will remain only simplicity, no genius.

The nuances matter, compliance with which will give an excellent result:

  1. The best choice is acrylic paints.
  2. To avoid drips, you need to paint with the door leaf laid horizontally.
  3. It is better to choose a roller or spray gun as a painting tool if the process will take place in an open space.
  4. The paint should be applied in two or three layers, each of which should dry well.
  5. Securing the final layer of paint with varnish is a prerequisite for quality work.

Interesting. If you cover a painted door with a special varnish that imitates a cracked old surface, you will get a craquelure-style door decoration.

Painting highlighting moldings

If the door leaf is decorated with moldings, they can be painted in a contrasting color. This decoration using basic color combinations will give the door a fresh look. If there are no moldings, you can make them yourself from special strips.

Artistic painting

A door painted with your own hands will definitely take first place in terms of originality. If you have at least minimal artistic inclinations, a sense of harmony and style, the door has every chance of becoming exquisite. Landscape, ornate ornament, the plot of a famous painting - you choose.

Stencil painting

If the makings of an artist are poor or completely absent, but you really want to have your own “door to art,” you can resort to the help of ready-made stencils. They are sold in an assortment in specialized stores and are easy to use.

First, the door leaf is painted in the background color and completely dried. Afterwards, the stencil is firmly fixed on the surface, and the design is painted over with a roller. Decorating the front door in this way will undoubtedly make it clear that behind it lives an esthete and an original.


An express option for the impatient is wallpapering the door leaf. There may be “design experts” who will assure that the wallpaper on the doors is grandma’s version, which has become obsolete. Don’t listen to anyone: you won’t encroach on someone else’s door, but you can figure out your own without advisers. And if you are a follower of any of the trends, you have every right to wallpaper your doors in absolute accordance with the style.

In order to properly wallpaper an old door, you need to clean it, level the surface, sand it and degrease it. Using PVA glue, stick the wallpaper, pressing it tightly and pushing out air bubbles.

Photo wallpaper

Photo wallpaper intended for doors is an even faster option than pasting with regular wallpaper. No measuring or cutting, just choosing the desired theme and size. The result is a complete transformation of the door.

The gluing procedure is the same as with regular wallpaper.

After a while, having parted with a certain amount of money, the boring wallpaper can be replaced with a new theme.


One way to decorate a door is to cover it with patchwork fabric scraps. This decoration of the door surface implies the following points:

  • you need to choose fabric taking into account shrinkage and stretching;
  • the glue should not leave marks on the fabric;
  • the edges of the fabric must be processed;
  • fabric finishing is not suitable for the door to the bathroom, as well as the entrance and kitchen;
  • You should not glue light-colored fabric in the area of ​​door handles.

Using a furniture stapler, glazing beads and PVA glue, you can decorate with fabric both the entire canvas and a separate part of it in the form of an image composed of rags.


Decorating the door leaf with your own hands using decoupage allows you to achieve the effect of painting or even inlay. This technique, popular today, is good because it is suitable even for people who do not know how to draw at all. Postcards, napkins, and magazine clippings can be used. The best option would be to purchase special decoupage cards or regular three-layer paper napkins with a suitable pattern.

In addition to napkins or drawings on another basis, for work you will need:

  • sharp scissors;
  • PVA glue;
  • brushes, sponge, roller for applying paint and glue;
  • acrylic paint and protective varnish.

Door decoupage is performed as follows:

  • The surface is sanded, primed with acrylic paint or PVA glue and dried.
  • The design depicted on the napkin is carefully cut out along the contour. Two extra layers of paper without an image are removed, leaving only one thin layer.
  • The cut out design is carefully applied to the door surface, and a layer of glue is applied to it with a brush.
  • The decoration is secured with wood varnish.

Stained glass

A door can gain individual features if it is decorated with stained glass. You can simply buy these glass inserts, or you can make them yourself, which is much more interesting.

All these methods of “reanimating” doors are easy to implement, inexpensive and interesting.

Doors are the guardians of our home, reliable and simple-minded. Decorating the doors with your own hands, decorating them to your taste means elevating these guards from ordinary conscripts to the rank of guardians of peace and comfort. And remember: all attempts to listen to your inner creative instinct and give free rein to your imagination are always rewarded. At a minimum - a surprise, at a maximum - a non-trivial appearance of your home.

After renovating a room, the owners may be faced with the fact that the old interior door does not match the new interior, although its functionality may still last for some time. In this case, you should think about how to update the interior door with your own hands. There are several decorative techniques that differ in the complexity of execution and the cost of materials. All you have to do is choose the most suitable one.

Preparatory work

Before decorating interior doors, they are prepared. The following tools are used for this:

  • construction adhesive;
  • tracing paper;
  • press.

The door needs to be removed. Then examine the canvas for defects. If the old box has scratches, they need to be repaired with wood putty. You can decorate the canvas with photo wallpaper. If the doors are peeling in some places, then an adhesive mixture is applied, tracing paper is applied, and pressed. An adhesive mixture is also used to seal cracks and microcracks. If the defects are large, chips with a fine dispersion are added to the adhesive composition.

Door Upgrade Methods

Simple ways to update the canvas include:

  • applying varnish;
  • coloring;
  • use of stain and veneer;
  • stained glass

Painting, varnishing and staining

Old wooden doors can be updated by painting, varnishing and staining.

Water-based, synthetic and organic dyes are used. After this, the door takes on a neat appearance.

The door leaf is possible. Wood varnish is well absorbed into the wood, evenly covering the entire surface of the structure. The main advantage of the protective and decorative composition is the presence of a tint base.
To apply the varnish, use a sprayer or brushes. Experts advise decorating the wood with a brush, which easily follows the structure of the structure, well saturating hard-to-reach areas. To increase the protective properties, it is recommended to paint the door in 2 layers.

If you have to refresh the box again, stain is used. Then the coating is treated with varnish. Stain can be used to update the color scheme of the canvas. It prevents the mixing of tones, and subsequent varnishing enhances the brightness of the color. Sanding gives it a matte finish.

If there is no need to create a matte surface, polishing and drying are carried out after grinding. This technology gives the door a crystal shine.


Veneer is used to decorate the door. This technique for decorating wooden canvases is used if they are made from cheap sawdust. Due to veneering, the door acquires an aesthetic appearance. Veneer must be glued transversely to the wood fiber.

Veneer gives the door the noble appearance of real solid wood

Self-adhesive film

You can decorate the box with self-adhesive vinyl that imitates wood. Using this technique, coating defects can be easily hidden. Before gluing a wooden door, you will need to prepare a hairdryer, fabric, and scissors.

At the first stage, the coating is cleaned of various defects. This stage is considered the most difficult. Next, marking is done using a tape measure. These canvases are transferred to millimeter markings made by the manufacturer on the back side of the film. A knife is used to cut the product.

The film hides all minor defects and gives the surface the appearance of natural wood.

The cut pieces of self-adhesive are applied to the desired area of ​​the door. On the reverse side of the film there is a protective layer, under which there is glue. A few centimeters of the layer are carefully peeled off to stick the product on the door.

The lining, completely applied to the door, is smoothed with a rubber spatula or soft material. Self-adhesive is wrapped on all ends of the covering. Immediately cut the corners of the PVC product and install a lock with a handle.

Photo wallpaper

With the help of modern photo printing, an image of the desired size is transferred to paper. Photo wallpaper on wooden doors looks beautiful. Any image can be printed. To do this, you can use the services of an advertising agency or printing house. The image can be selected at home or with the help of specialists.

One of the options for updating interior doors is photo wallpaper.

Polyurethane or foam moldings can be glued to plain wallpaper. In this case, the style in which the doors were decorated will change. The resulting design is suitable for a room decorated in a classic style. If you use a colored background or moldings with curves, then the doors will be decorated in Provence style.

Before applying the design, the surface is leveled and treated with glue. If paint comes off the door, remove it. Wallpaper is also treated with glue.

A rubber roller is used to level the canvas. If any bubbles remain, remove them with a plastic spatula. Then the remaining air is removed from the center of the structure to the edges. Using this spatula, smooth the wallpaper joints (if any). If the technology is performed correctly, then the joints are not visible.

Wallpaper with moldings is suitable for interiors in a classic style

The edges of the wallpaper need to be trimmed with a knife. This is done until the wallpaper softens from the glue. Otherwise, they will tear and stretch easily. It must be left to dry for several hours. The process of decorating fiberboard or solid wood continues after 12-24 hours. This depends on the temperature and humidity level.

A simple pencil is used to apply markings. After the drawing has been applied, you will need to measure the length of the component elements of the molding with a tape measure. Then they are cut off and the edges are filed at an angle of 45 degrees. Using PVA glue, apply the back surface of the pieces. They need to be glued according to the marked markings. When the canvas has dried, it can be installed back. Using this principle, you can update the doors of a bedroom, nursery, or kitchen at home.

Drawings and paintings

The advantages of this decor include:

  • beautiful and original appearance;
  • simple execution;
  • the ability to use ready-made stencils;
  • wide choice of materials;
  • embodiment of different ideas.

The disadvantage of this method is that its application requires artistic skill..
At the first stage, the coating is degreased with alcohol and treated with a primer. The last composition is applied twice. Acrylic paint is used in the same way. Each subsequent layer of paint is applied after the first layer has dried.

When zoning, the shape of the paneled part of the covering and the geometry of the ornament are taken into account. To give the surface a vintage look, the contours of the zones are covered with a different color. The paint can be applied with a sponge. The stripes that protrude on the door can be painted golden. Then the ornament is transferred to the surface and painted in suitable colors.

Decorating using decoupage technique

Decoupage does not require dismantling the door structure. You just need to wash and dry the coating. The opening is preliminarily covered with mounting tape. The tree is primed well and efficiently. The surface is rubbed with a simple paraffin candle and then painted. The next stage is gluing the decoupage card. It is pre-soaked in water for 12 minutes. The remaining drops of water are wiped off with a rag. The back of the strips and the surface of the door are treated with PVA glue.

To decoupage the door, special decoupage cards are used

Each piece is glued tightly. In this case, you need to make sure that folds and bubbles do not appear. If such defects are not eliminated immediately after they appear, the coating will turn out uneven.. If the coating has dried, putty is applied to the edges of the component elements. Excess composition will need to be removed with a wet rag or sandpaper. A varnished box will require longer preparation for painting. The varnish is first removed and defects are eliminated.

If necessary, the edges of the canvas are processed and abrasions are left. This technology will give the coating a vintage style. If the step-by-step instructions are followed, then the finished decorated doors will look original with details of different shapes. They can be cut from napkins. The color of the future canvas is selected taking into account the shade of the interior of the entire room. The material is glued using the method described above. The finished coating is varnished with an acrylic base.

Antique decoration

An antique wooden door can be seen not only in apartments, but also in houses and offices. At the same time, decor that imitates antiques is rare. It gives the door leaf individuality. Craquelure means two layers of varnish applied to the door. Particular attention is paid to the process of selecting varnish - each layer should have a different composition and different drying time. The coating is first cleaned, degreased and dried.

Craquelure gives the door the look of old wood

To age a door, you will need some materials:

  • special varnish for craquelure;
  • bitumen varnish, which gives an antique effect;
  • acrylic paint.

Craquelure varnish is applied to the prepared coating. If the 1st layer is dry, apply the 2nd layer - bitumen varnish. It is necessary to enhance contrast when using a white background. If a dark tone is applied, acrylic paint is used. This technology is considered the best. If necessary, craquelure varnish is replaced with simple PVA glue, vinegar, egg white or gelatin. This method of updating doors is suitable for people who like an antique style.

Decor with stencils

If you have skill in processing wooden products, you can use a more complex renewal of the canvas. To apply decor with a stencil you will need:

  • leather;
  • glass or mirror tiles;
  • stained glass;
  • mat;
  • bamboo curtains;
  • bars;
  • veneer.

Carrying out such decoration requires perseverance and good imagination. As a result, it will be possible to make an original door that will fit perfectly into any interior.

Using stencils you can change the door design

The door, the panel of which is replaced with stained glass, gives the room an unusual look. To implement this idea, water paint is used. The desired pattern is first sketched onto the surface. Paint is used to transfer the design onto the glass coating. This procedure is performed in a certain sequence:

  • preparing a sketch of a drawing on paper;
  • glass processing by cleaning and degreasing;
  • substituting the design on the glass and then tracing it from the back with a thin brush;
  • painting the outlines of the drawing with different colors of paints.

After completing the process, the paints must dry within 22 hours. Then the glass fragment is mounted in the door and fixed well.

Updating the opening and slopes

In addition to the door itself, the doorway is also updated. If this is not done, then the canvas will have an unfinished appearance. To successfully complete the work described above, it is recommended to think through the finishing step by step.

The finishing of the slopes and openings should correspond to the interior of the door and room

At the first stage, the support guides are processed. Then they are repainted in the same color as the door leaf. In case of severe wear, plasterboard sheathing is mounted on the guides. If there are roughnesses, perforated corners are used for cladding. Then the opening is repainted.

In the future you will need to correctly. For their installation, special clamps are used that hold the platbands well. If there are no fasteners, glue or self-tapping screws are used.

If the door is updated only with the opening, and the slopes remain the same, then the decorating process is considered incomplete. Various methods are used to finish slopes. More often, special MDF strips are used to update slopes. You can also install plasterboard slopes, which are fixed with perforated corners or glue.

Another technique for finishing a slope is plastering. This process is the most labor-intensive and requires experience and qualifications in this matter. Experts believe that the optimal solution is plastering followed by installation of perlite slopes, which are not cheap. But in the end you can get strong and durable slopes. Mold does not appear on them.

Just as a person is judged by his clothes, any living space is judged by its doors. Therefore, sometimes in order to update the design of a room you do not need to carry out expensive repairs, but you can make original door decor with your own hands.

Doors perform two complementary functions: firstly, they limit and separate the spaces of one room from another and, secondly, they are elements of the general interior of neighboring rooms or even the entire apartment, which form the visual and functional space of the rooms limited by doors. However, decorating a door can be done not only due to the aesthetic renewal of the living space, but also for trivial reasons, such as the appearance of scratches or cracks, as well as chips on the canvas. In these cases, the main purpose of decoration may be to hide various defects in the door leaf, but this may become an opportunity to update the design of the entire living space.

So, there are a huge number of ways to decorate interior doors with your own hands, as well as decorate the front door, and the simplest and most affordable of them involve decorating door panels using wallpaper.

Wallpapering the door

To carry out such decoration, doors are used both on paper and on another basis, as well as fabric and various types of liquid wallpaper. Any method of updating doors using decoration involves preparing the door leaf for this procedure. Decorating an interior door is no exception to this rule. In the process of preparing for decoration, they not only get rid of the previous coating - this makes it possible to identify and also eliminate previously unnoticed hidden defects of the product.

Preparation for door decor is as follows:

  1. In removing old paint. To do this, use a hair dryer to heat up the old paint and scrape it off the canvas with a spatula.
  2. In sealing with putty, detected defects, as well as eliminating irregularities. Then all problem areas leveled with putty should be treated with fine-grained sandpaper.
  3. In carrying out puttying the entire surface of the canvas. This makes it possible not only to level its entire surface, but to additionally fasten its individual elements, which is very important especially for paneled canvases. After applying the putty and letting it dry, you can go over it again with fine sandpaper.
  4. In painting doors with a primer.

The choice of wallpaper and how to paste it, for example, to use either the same type or panel pasting with different types of wallpaper, depends on the individual preferences of the one who will do it himself. In this process, the main thing is to correctly select the most suitable glue for certain types of wallpaper, and also dilute it strictly following the instructions included with it. In addition, you need to make sure that there are no missing areas left on the surface that is spread with glue, and you also need to carefully smooth the just pasted wallpaper with a damp cloth or roller to prevent wrinkles and air bubbles from forming.

When drying the pasted surfaces, it is necessary to prevent the presence of drafts. Otherwise, all the work of such door decoration will go down the drain.

Door decor with photo wallpaper, fabric

The decor looks original with fabric wallpaper, as well as with the help of photo wallpaper. However, in the process of decorating a door with fabrics, in addition to the standard preliminary preparation of the door leaf described above, it is necessary to take into account the degree of shrinkage of the fabric. To do this, you need to test the fabric, measure a small piece of it and wet it with water until it dries. After this, measure its dimensions again and compare to obtain the shrinkage result. Moreover, if the degree of shrinkage of the fabric is high, it must be completely wetted and allowed to dry, and then you can begin the gluing process.

It is necessary to take into account that you can use both solid fabric and its fragments of different textures, as well as different colors. Now this technique of decorating doors and other surfaces is quite widely used by professional designers, who call it “patchwork”.

Decorating doors using liquid wallpaper

Liquid wallpaper is good because it has versatility, that is, it can cover absolutely any surface, creating very original and varied compositions and patterns. However, they have significant drawbacks - they are afraid of moisture (which means they cannot be used for decorating bathtubs and kitchen doors), and, unfortunately, they are short-lived.

In order to decorate yourself, you will need the following materials, as well as tools:

  • the mixture you selected for decoration in dry or diluted form;
  • several sized types of spatulas;
  • the so-called hopper gun, which is a device for applying liquid mixtures;
  • roller;
  • the color you have chosen;
  • clear nail polish.

For decoration using liquid wallpaper, standard preparatory work has a slightly different look in terms of covering the door leaf with an alkyd-based primer and white oil-type putty.

Preparing wallpaper mixture for decoration

The process of decorating the door itself consists of diluting the wallpaper mixture with warm water, and it needs to be mixed thoroughly - this can be done absolutely safely by hand. After a quarter of an hour, the mixture needs to be mixed again, but now adding the color you have chosen to it. Moreover, as for the color saturation of the mixture, the more color is added, the more saturated the color will be. For example, for moderate tones, it is enough to dilute one measuring cap of color per five liters of mixture. To realize the idea of ​​a color composition when decorating, you need to dilute mixtures with different colors in different containers.

When working with wallpaper mixtures, it should be noted that their instructions for use indicate the need to infuse them for 12 hours before using them.

In order to apply the mixture, you need to take it in small portions on a spatula and apply it to the surface, smoothing it and stretching it to the sides. In the process of applying the mixture to the door, you need to ensure that the drawings are followed, and that its layer should be of the same thickness. To give a textured surface, you can use a textured roller. After the decor has dried, which will take up to three days, you will need to cover it with clear varnish.

The advantage of working with mixtures is that if you didn’t like the first version of the door decor, as they say, the first thing happened, then the coating can be easily washed off with warm water and then reapplied.

How to decorate a door with a mirror

As for the use of a mirror for decoration, this method is, first of all, preferable for small and dark rooms, as it allows you to visually increase the space of the room, adding light to it.

It is problematic to use classic mirrors for decoration due to the fact that they cannot be adjusted to the size of the door itself or its individual elements. So-called acrylic panels with an amalgam surface, which, in fact, is a real mirror surface, are ideal for this. Moreover, mirrors made of plastic can be easily cut, they are available in a wide variety of color shades, ones that will help you easily realize the most daring original ideas and plans. They cannot be broken, they are light, they attach well to any surface, but they have one drawback - their high price.

But as they say, a good thing a priori cannot be cheap, so you have to pay dearly for high quality, practicality, and aesthetics. However, with regard to acrylic mirrors, these are justifiable costs.

To install these mirrors on the door leaf itself, as well as on the back side of the acrylic, you need to apply a special deep-penetrating primer, and to fix the elements of a cut or solid mirror, you can use double-sided tape or mounting adhesive.

Decorating the door in vintage style

This style involves the implementation of artificial aging of products and things, which should contrast with the brilliance of their individual decorative parts for greater sophistication and sophistication. As a rule, products decorated in vintage style are a kind of work of decorative art and are therefore exclusive, that is, they are not similar to any other things.

To decorate a door in vintage style, using the so-called decoupage technique, you need, for example, to have:

  1. Acrylic paint, usually white.
  2. Various rollers and brushes.
  3. Coarse sandpaper.
  4. Any mounting adhesive.
  5. In addition to assembly glue, there is also PVA glue.
  6. Old newspaper paper, as well as old music notebooks.
  7. Baguette black or any other dark color.
  8. Clear nail polish

In order to paint a door to match the decor of the door using the decoupage technique, it must be removed from the awnings and laid horizontally. Then you need to remove the old paint and you can sand it with coarse sandpaper.

The decoupage algorithm may look like this:

  1. Painting is done with a thin layer of white paint. Moreover, this is done with a wide brush in one direction.
  2. After the paint has dried, it is sanded to an “antique” state with coarse sandpaper.
  3. Then they begin to decorate the central part or its paneled parts of the canvas, having previously torn old newspapers, as well as music notebooks into random pieces of paper and randomly laid them out on areas of the door leaf smeared with glue. You can smooth the paper either with your hands or with a roller. And then you can apply two layers of transparent glue.
  4. The perimeter of the paper decor is covered with a black baguette or any other dark color using mounting adhesive.

You can create original decor with your own hands in other ways, using household materials, using your own irrepressible imagination, and also implementing the ideas of your family and friends.