How to insulate euro windows from the inside. How to insulate a plastic window for the winter with your own hands? Rubber seal lost elasticity

In the article, we will figure out how to insulate plastic windows for the winter with our own hands in order to enjoy a pleasant temperature in the house during frosts.

What is the reason for the need for insulation?

By installing polyvinyl chloride (PVC) windows, which are modern high-tech structures, many consumers are sure that such products will protect their homes from the cold. Theoretically, this is how it should be. Properly installed plastic windows perform their task for a long time - they retain heat. But even the best PVC profiles lose their performance over time and the level of thermal insulation of the room decreases. If plastic window structures were originally installed in violation of technology, problems with them will begin quickly enough.

Insulation of plastic windows of any manufacturer for the winter is usually required due to:

  • natural wear of the seal;
  • overlays extending from the double-glazed window;
  • violations of the geometry of windows caused by shrinkage of the wall of a residential building;
  • loose adjusting locking elements of PVC construction;
  • deterioration of the materials from which the products were made;
  • improperly mounted window sill or slopes.

Problems with PVC structures are solved in two ways. You can call the specialists of the company that deals with additional insulation, sale, repair of windows. And they will perform all the necessary work in a short time at a professional level. Conveniently? Undoubtedly. But the problem is that the services of such specialists are often similar in cost to the cost of acquiring a new PVC profile. Not everyone is willing to pay that kind of money. In this case, it makes sense to figure out how and how to insulate plastic windows. And try to do everything on your own.

What kind of work can you really do yourself?

At home, it is impossible to eliminate serious flaws in plastic windows. With your own hands, you can insulate only the following elements of a PVC product:

  • internal slopes;
  • the contour of the window frame;
  • ebbs and window sill outside the room.

At the same time, you should not forget about safety precautions. For example, outdoor work is undesirable in cases where windows are installed in apartments above the second floor of the building. An important nuance. Warming should be done only in warm weather. Pick a dry, windless summer or spring day, sort out the technology of work in advance, stock up on the necessary materials and tools. And only after that proceed to the restoration of the operational properties of the windows.

At the first stage, you need to clearly determine in which particular areas of the window structure you want to carry out insulation. Bring a lit lighter to the window profile and start moving it around the perimeter of the PVC product. In places where the flame begins to fluctuate, and it is necessary to produce insulation. The most vulnerable areas are the joints of the frame and wall surfaces, slopes and ebbs. With significant leakage, you do not even need to use a lighter. A breath of wind will be felt with an open palm.

You should also analyze the condition of window fittings. It is often the cause of a violation of the tightness of the plastic structure. If you see any defect on the fittings, a malfunction, just install a new part. You may not need to take any further action after this.

Be sure to examine the condition of the profile clamping mechanism. It is he who ensures the tightness of the window. Pay attention to the sealing gum. During operation, the gasket installed on the PVC structure loses its density (the phenomenon is due to climatic conditions, mechanical influences). This leads to a significant reduction in the volume and thickness of the gum. If the gasket has cracks, notches, wrinkles, it should be changed immediately. In the next section, we will describe in detail how to restore the tightness of the window profile.

We reanimate thermal insulation - the procedure for different situations

Let's start by replacing the worn sealing gum. If the reason is precisely in it (the gasket has thinned and lost its original elasticity), proceed as follows:

  1. 1. Dismantle the glazing bead along the section of the structure with the detected flaw.
  2. 2. Remove the lining, carefully remove the double-glazed window.
  3. 3. Pull out the old seal, put a new one. The length of the latter should be 40–50 mm longer than the initial piece. You will cut off extra centimeters after installing a new gum. Its installation should be carried out without stretching and applying excessive force.
  4. 4. Install previously dismantled parts (glazing beads, linings, package) in reverse order.

Before installing a new gasket, remove dust from the window grooves, wash them thoroughly and dry them. Then the installation of the seal will not cause difficulties. He will stand up like a glove.

In cases where the seal looks intact, proceed to adjust the clamping mechanism. To perform this operation, you need to stock up on a special window key. First, inspect the glass pane. Press lightly on it, release. If it doesn't wobble a lot, reinforce the clamp with silicone caulk. Such a composition should not include acids that can adversely affect the rubber seal. If the double-glazed window is noticeably staggering, you will need to adjust the special. trunnion key - metal cylinders fixed in slots. Loosen the existing bolts. And then tighten the hooks that hold the cylinders.

In some cases, it is necessary to adjust the adjusting locks on the windows. At the location of the plumb lines of the PVC structure, two screws should be found. One of them is responsible for the pressure level of the sash, the second holds it in a predetermined position. Take a screwdriver, loosen (completely) the fixing screw, and then gradually tighten the clamping element (clockwise). After tightening, close the window, arm yourself with a lighter, check the design for drafts. If the flame fluctuates, tighten the adjustment screw slightly again. Produce the specified sequence of operations until you are sure that there is no draft.

Insulation for PVC windows - which one to choose and how to use?

Additional thermal insulation of plastic window structures can be performed with different materials. As a rule, for these purposes they use:

  • Mineral or stone wool. Slightly outdated, but quite effective heat-shielding materials for plastic windows (especially their window sills).
  • Building foam. Use this heater with caution. It cracks, and then collapses under the influence of high temperatures and the rays of the sun.
  • Silicone sealant. Easy-to-use material with high energy-saving properties.
  • Primer composition with water-repellent characteristics (for example,). It definitely needs an additional coat of paint.
  • Styrofoam. It is used for sealing gaps in slopes.
  • Heat-saving film. A modern way of insulating plastic structures, which is very popular among home craftsmen.

Let's see how to use energy-saving film. This option of insulation guarantees a high-quality result with little effort. You will need a hair dryer, adhesive tape (necessarily double-sided), sharp scissors, and preferably a clerical knife. Insulate the window according to a simple algorithm. First, remove dirt and dust from the metal-plastic structure, using a damp cloth, degrease the cleaned areas. After that, paste over the window frame with double-sided tape.

Cut the energy-saving film to the required size with a utility knife. The resulting strips are attached to the adhesive tape. It remains only to spray the glued insulation with hot air from a hair dryer and, if necessary, remove air bubbles from under the film (carefully pierce them with a knife). The described technique for the owners of plastic products is the most profitable in terms of financial costs.

The internal and external slopes of the windows are insulated, as noted, with foam plastic, as well as three-layer special panels, pieces of extruded polystyrene foam, and fiberglass materials. Small gaps (up to 4 cm wide) can be sealed with mounting foam. The internal slopes are insulated with foam as follows: treat the problem area with a primer, plaster the surface, install the foam sheet using mounting glue, wait for the insulation to set, apply a layer of putty on top. Some home craftsmen additionally cover the heat insulator layer with drywall sheets.

Outside, the slopes are isolated a little differently. Treat them with a primer. In this case, it is necessary to use formulations with antibacterial additives. Then plaster the surface (if it is even, you can do without this step). Cut out a board from a piece of polystyrene. It should cover the entire slope. Mount the plate using a metal corner and dowels (you can additionally use mounting glue). On top of the resulting structure, install a fiberglass mesh. It is usually planted on an adhesive composition. After the slope has dried, it is necessary to paint it with water-based paint.

Preparing the window sill for the winter period is a simple matter!

Separately, I would like to say a few words about how to insulate the window sill of a plastic window. With poor-quality installation of this element of the PVC structure, there is a high probability of the formation of a wide and deep crack.

Also, an illiterate installation causes relatively small gaps between the contacting parts of the window sill, under which they often put. In both the first and second cases, cold air will enter the dwelling. This cannot be allowed. Do the following:

  • carefully open the spec. plugs on the windowsill;
  • using a screwdriver, unscrew the fasteners;
  • remove the window sill.

All problem areas that were not previously visible under the dismantled structure will open before you. Seal small gaps with silicone sealant or mounting foam. Large holes should be filled with stone or mineral wool, covered with a plastic sheet on top and secured with the latter. After that, put the window sill in place. Now your home will be much warmer.

If the cold enters the house through a plastic window, do not rush to call specialists. As you can see, many works are easy to do with your own hands, achieving good results. Try to return comfort and warmth to your home yourself!

Insulating windows for the winter is an invariable ritual that is carried out by the owners of wooden frames before the onset of cold weather, which allows you to increase the temperature in the room by 5-10 degrees and reduce heating losses. There are many ways to insulate windows for the winter, both with the use of special sealants and sealants, and with the help of improvised means available back in the days of our great-grandmothers.

Principles of window insulation

The meaning of insulation is to create the most airtight internal air space between the frames. As you know, air is an excellent heat insulator, provided that it is enclosed in a closed space. This space is the distance between the outer and inner frame. It turns out that in order to insulate windows, it is necessary to eliminate the gaps that allow cold air flows from the street to penetrate.

When insulating wooden frames, three methods are usually used: sealing gum is used, the gaps between the frames are sealed and they are glued with strips of paper, adhesive tape or fabric. At the same time, it is not recommended to seal the outer frame with vapor-tight tape - this will lead to their strong fogging, and in cold weather - to freezing. Internal frames, on the other hand, are best sealed to prevent moisture from penetrating into the space between the frames.

Between the frames, it is desirable to lay an adsorbent - silica gel, activated carbon, soda or salt. So that they do not spoil the appearance of the windows, they are placed in small white paper bags. However, in a city apartment with normal humidity, you can do without an adsorbent. If the humidity is high, it is better to sacrifice the appearance of the windows: moisture, condensing on the glass, flows onto the wooden frames, as a result of which the paint peels off and the frames begin to rot.

Before the start of insulation, windows and frames must be washed and wiped dry, check for large cracks, as well as the tightness of the glass. Poorly fixed glass not only allows cold air to pass through, but also rattles in the wind. If necessary, glass can be strengthened, how to do this is described below.

Glass repair and sealing

It happens that even insulated frames do not protect the apartment from drafts, and most often the problem lies in poorly fixed glass. Previously, glasses were framed on window putty, which looked like dirty gray hardened plasticine. Over time, due to temperature and humidity changes, the putty begins to dry and crumble, and after a few years or decades it does not remain at all. At the same time, the glasses begin to rattle, and large gaps are obtained between them and the frame. Silicone sealant will help to correct the situation.

Repair and insulation technology:

  1. Assess the condition of the glazing beads - rails that hold the glass in the frame. If they are rotten, stagger and crumble, it is better to immediately buy new ones in the required quantity.
  2. Gently pry the glazing beads and pull them out along with the nails. Take out the glass.
  3. Clean the frame from the remnants of old putty and excess paint at the place where the glass was installed.
  4. Remove putty residue from glass with an alkaline solution such as soda ash. It is not recommended to scratch the glass with a knife, as this will leave scratches that cannot be removed.
  5. The frames are wiped dry and smeared around the perimeter with a transparent silicone sealant, after which the glass is installed.
  6. The glazing beads are nailed into place using window nails. This must be done very carefully, trying not to pinch the glass, otherwise it will crack when the temperature drops.
  7. The remaining cracks are also smeared with sealant, removing its excess with a damp cloth. Let it dry for 2-4 hours. After that, the windows are wiped using a window cleaner and the frames are insulated.

Window insulation materials are sold in hardware stores; they are a narrow sealing tape with an adhesive layer of foam rubber or soft polymer. Sealing tapes made of polymeric materials can be used for several years, while windows can be opened and washed without removing the tape. The foam insulation gets wet when it gets wet, so it is better to remove it annually.

How to glue sealing tape? This process is very simple: a sealant is glued around the perimeter of the open window sash with an adhesive layer applied to it, after which the frames are carefully closed with locks. This is done with both external and internal frames; with large gaps, windows from the inside can be additionally glued with masking tape - it is also sold in household goods stores.

Insulation of windows with large gaps

If the frames are too old or severely skewed, they may have huge gaps that cannot be covered with sealing tape. In this case, you will have to caulk the cracks with cotton wool, foam rubber, rags or paper, or putty them with special mixtures. It is done like this:

Window insulation with putty

A more radical method, which allows you to qualitatively insulate not only windows, but also cracks in window sills, is to use building mixtures. For this purpose, you can use glue-based putties, a solution of alabaster mixed with chalk in a 1: 1 ratio, as well as window sealants.

The selected mixture is applied to the cracks with a metal spatula, leveled and left to dry completely. It should be remembered that the removal of such putties can lead to peeling of the paint, so this method must be used carefully. However, it is very effective for old frames that are supposed to be replaced soon - it is often impossible to insulate them with a sealing tape, and putties and alabaster mortar perfectly seal the space between the frames.

You can also use moisture-resistant sealants for outdoor use, while choosing white or colorless. The sealant is applied directly from the tube, smearing all the cracks with it, as well as the joints of the glass and the frame.

Cardinal method of window insulation

If you don't plan to ever open a window, you can use foam. The cracks are filled with it, they wait for it to expand and solidify, after which the excess is cut off with a sharp knife. To avoid yellowing and destruction of the foam, it is covered with ordinary white enamel for outdoor use.

In practice, this method is used extremely rarely, and mounting foam is usually used to insulate a window box, filling the gaps between it and the walls with it. This operation is performed at the stage of installing windows, but if you think that heat loss occurs precisely for this reason, you can open the window sill, window slopes and ebbs and foam the window frame.

Video - how to insulate wooden windows for the winter?


Up to 44% of the heat leaves our apartments through the windows. Including through plastic ones - no matter how they were praised in brochures or verbally by the installer. Therefore, we advise you to insulate windows, even plastic ones, with your own hands, and simple tips will help with this.

Even if you contact a specialized company, you will either be promoted to install new windows, or window insulation will cost more than new windows. Strange but true

Konstantin Izhorkin

Personally, I use Uncle Kostya Izhorkin as "my own hands". In the good old days, he worked at a construction plant as a master of industrial training, so he takes payment for any work "by ear". That is, while he is doing something, you must listen to his instructions. Occupational disease!

For a good 30 years, Uncle Kostya had to publicly putty, scrape, knead, lay masonry and hang a plumb line from day to day, continuously hammering undergrowths from vocational schools what, why and how he was doing!

Thermal insulation of plastic windows

You, the intelligentsia, of course, would not be advised to simply hang a window with a cotton blanket, - Uncle Kostya begins his teachings. - Yes, and do not, other times have come! How many kunshtyukov invented! he mutters, unrolling the heat-saving film. - Here you are! Pure lavsan!

I tacitly agree that PET (polyethylene terephthalate) used to be sold under the brand name "lavsan", but I can't agree with the fact that it is "pure". On the contrary, in the manufacture of a heat-saving film, it serves as the basis for the deposition of several layers of ions and oxides of various metals.

They create a kind of "mirror" that reflects heat into the room. By the same principle, and are created, only there oxides and ions are applied directly to the glass.

Smooth out, smooth out! - Uncle Kostya continues to mentor. - The main thing is to stick it in such a way that there are no swellings or folds! Otherwise, there will be no sense from your lavsan!

And sticks, as it should - neatly over the entire surface of the glass facing the room.

Insulation of PVC window sashes: is it necessary to insulate metal-plastic windows?

Laying insulation around the perimeter of the window sash

Eh, it was necessary to immediately put a metal-plastic window! - I grumble, but Uncle Kostya immediately stops my attempts to show mental and any other independence:

Well, you're in vain! No more than a third of the heat escapes through the glass itself. And everything else - through cracks and cracks in the frame and slopes.

Therefore, it is still necessary to insulate metal-plastic windows for the winter. Konstantin runs his hand under the doors and makes a diagnosis.

It carries from the cracks. When did you install the windows, maybe seven years ago? Here the seal is worn out.

Adjusting the position of the window sash with a hexagon

And he picks out the rubber cord laid along the perimeter of the sash.

- Probably, you slam the window a lot? Nothing, we'll change it now! - he takes out a tubular seal from the knapsack and quickly rolls it up in place of the old tourniquet.

- And you quickly wore it out because the sashes did not fit well to the frame. This is not an old wooden window for you! In plastic windows - everything is according to science! Look!

See the hex hole? He points his finger at the end of the sash near the handle. - Carefully take the tool and twist it! Adjust the clearance! And exactly the same from the side of the loops! - Uncle Kostya closes and opens the window several times, trying to see if he adjusted the sash too tightly.

“Don’t twist it tight,” he instructs, “otherwise the handle will break!”

One of the options for window insulation - there is an article on our website.
Another option to increase the comfort, safety and thermal insulation properties of your windows is to use.
One of the easiest ways to reduce heat loss through the windows of your apartment is to use thick

Rubber seal lost elasticity

This happens due to the constant opening or closing of the window. As a result of such habitual actions, gaps are formed between the doors and the product. The difficulty lies in the invisibility of problem areas.

The room is getting cold. The solution is to replace the worn seal with a new one.

Depressurization of areas between frames and slopes. If there is a loss of tightness in the indicated area, then the slopes are mounted incorrectly. The way out of the situation is to dismantle the corresponding products, followed by insulation and reinstallation.

Do-it-yourself insulation of slopes of plastic windows

This is how window slope insulation is done from the inside

It must be assumed, - the pro continues, - that when the slopes were filled with mounting foam, you didn’t follow the installation of a waterproofing and vapor barrier gasket? Now all the foam has dried up, it gets wet every time and freely passes the cold ... Well, now we'll fix it.

Uncle Kostya goes to the kitchen, builds a steam bath out of two pans and heats the paraffin in it.

Then, with the help of a strip of tissue paper, he examines the “passage courtyard” of my window and, having pumped a good portion of paraffin into a huge tin syringe, injects it into the most vulnerable places of the foam-like insulation and the cracks formed around it.

Thermal insulation of window slopes with foam plastic

Window slopes are insulated with foam

It's still flowers! he mutters. - And the berries will go when we insulate the slopes of your windows with foam plastic!

He leans out of the window, gluing foam blocks to the end of the wall, and then carefully covering them with reinforced mesh and plaster.

- That's not all! - the master explains, filling the cracks with sealant. - Next time you do it yourself, keep in mind that you need to use a special sealant outdoors.

When you go to the store, you’ll just ask: they say, “I need a sealant to cover the window frames from the outside, that is, from the street.” Understood?

Installation and insulation of slopes of plastic windows using sandwich panels

Insulation of slopes of plastic windows with sandwich panels

Then, when the plaster dries, cover it with drywall on top, Uncle Kostya continues. - He also keeps warm, and his appearance is aesthetic. There will be no shame in front of the neighbors.

However, now for those whose hands are sharpened only in the payroll to sign, special sandwich panels are sold.

Just keep in mind that to install them, you will have to buy a special profile, in the form of a channel, only from plastic. To make it clearer to you, a channel is a strip like the letter “p” in cross section.

So, you fasten this profile around the perimeter of the window, insert these sandwich panels into it, and you're done! Just do not forget to fill the mineral wool between this “sandwich” and the wall - to make it warmer - and cover it with tape. And then the condensate will wet the cotton, and after that the price is worthless!

The use of electric glass heating and other methods of window insulation

Hey, Konstantin, - I ask, when we are already sitting at the table, - maybe it’s worth installing electric heating on the windows?

Double-glazed window with electric heating

There are smart people, - Uncle Kostya squints, - who simply put an oil cooler on the windowsill. And so they live all winter: instead of a thermal curtain, it works for them.

I just don't like this option. Such an oil cooler has not yet been invented, from which oil vapors would not break out. And they give me a headache.

But electric window heating is a worthwhile thing. Just don't build it yourself. Because there it is necessary to lay an electric spiral on glass. Only the call of the master will fly into your “piece” of wood. Therefore, it is better to just hang thick dark curtains. Checked: cool additional insulation of plastic windows!

Well, be healthy and don't sneeze! - Raising a glass, Uncle Kostya completes his landmark lecture on insulating plastic windows with his own hands.

The perfection of the designs of plastic windows is far from the ideal that is presented in advertising. In practice, it turns out that both cold and loud sounds are passed into the room. That is why the question of how to insulate plastic windows for the winter with your own hands inside an apartment arises over time for most of their users.

The perfection of the designs of plastic windows is far from that ideal.

Reasons for the need for additional insulation

Violation of tightness is the main factor provoking the need for insulation work.

What causes leaks:

  1. Errors in the installation of the window block;
  2. Poor installation of slopes;
  3. Worn insulation;
  4. Loss of elasticity of the seal;
  5. Shrinkage of walls;
  6. Malfunction of mechanisms, window fittings.

Violation of tightness is the main factor

Interesting! A plastic window during installation requires significant destruction of the window opening. Often, builders resort to unscrupulous insulation measures, clogging the impressive holes formed during the construction of the house with literally anything - from construction debris to sand and cement.

Popular for sealing holes in walls and polyurethane foam

Popular for sealing holes in walls and mounting foam, which has a cellular structure, which over time, when condensate forms in facade cracks, peels off the surface and also dries out under the influence of ultraviolet rays. Therefore, over time, insulation will require not only window slots, but also a window sill.

Invite masters or insulate with your own hands?

For self-insulation of plastic windows, it is desirable to be familiar with the technological process of installing window blocks.

It is widely believed that it is better to trust professional specialists to eliminate defects in the sash seal and insulation along the glass contour, as well as malfunctions in window fittings and the locking mechanism. The advantage of performing work by experienced skilled craftsmen is that they provide a guarantee for their services.

The advantage of performing work by experienced skilled craftsmen

Remember! Independent work on the insulation of a plastic window will be considered a violation of the terms of warranty service, if its period has not yet expired.

Some types of work, for example, warming the contour of the frame, slopes, ebbs, window sills, can be done by hand. A rich selection of material on the Internet that describes in detail how to insulate plastic windows if it blows, with step-by-step instructions in video and text format, is accessible to anyone without special skills.

If there is any doubt about the success of the conceived business, it is better to put it in the hands of experienced people.

The decision on whether to insulate windows on your own or seek help from a master should be taken carefully. If you are sure that you can do it yourself, it is not necessary to spend money on such work. If there are doubts about the success of the conceived business, it is better to give it into the hands of experienced people.

Diagnostics of critical places

To determine what work is required, the window must be examined for places where wind and cold pass through.

You can understand exactly where the window lets the cold into the room through a simple trick: take an ordinary lighter or candle and examine the perimeter of the window for the presence of blown areas, observing the deflection of the flame. In the absence of a lighter, you can use an open palm.

The closest thing to consider is the junction of the window frame to the wall

On a note! The closest thing to consider is the junction of the window frame to the wall. Slopes, window sills and fittings are also subject to mandatory inspection.

It is especially convenient to find gaps on frosty days, when the temperature is contrasting outside compared to the room.

What materials to choose for insulation

The choice of material depends on the condition of the window system.

The most popular insulation for windows indoors:

  • Cotton wool, masking tape;
  • Foam rubber on an adhesive basis;
  • Mounting foam;
  • Sealant, putty;
  • Rubberized seal
  • Styrofoam;
  • Mineral wool.

Ordinary packing tape for window insulation will not work.

Important! Ordinary packing tape for window insulation will not work - it is very difficult to wash.

Insulation, if necessary, can be mounted using dowel fastening or adhesive mixture.

Decorative finishing can be done with a plaster mixture

Decorative finishing can be done with a plaster mixture, PVC panels or drywall.

Wash the window first

Not many people know that a dirty window is the cause of heat leakage from the room.

The thing is that heat tends to go outside the window in the form of infrared radiation. Standard window glass is transparent, while allowing the rays of the visible spectrum to pass through, it acts as a barrier to heat-transmitting infrared rays.

Glass covered with a layer of dirt loses its transparency

Interesting! Glass covered with a layer of dirt loses its transparency for the visible part of the radiation, but at the same time, the transparency of the glass for infrared rays increases.

Therefore, the banal timely washing of windows, performed before the onset of cold weather, will help maintain heat in the house.

Before insulating plastic windows for the winter, they should be washed

Before insulating plastic windows for the winter, they should be washed both inside and out. Detergents containing ammonia or ethyl alcohol will qualitatively wash window glass from dirt and greasy stains.

In any case, before carrying out insulation work, you should also thoroughly wash the frames and the window sill, since heaters, seals and heat-saving films do not adhere very well to uncleaned frames.

Window sash pressure adjustment

The rubber seal can lose its elasticity and volume due to the constant opening or closing of the window frame. Cold air begins to flow into the house through the gaps formed.

It is not necessary to change the gasket. You can adjust the clamping mechanism.

The rubber seal may lose its elasticity

Important! A completely leaky seal will have to be replaced.

There are special cylinders in the slots of the metal plugs. They go into the frame hooks and are called trunnions.

The hooks can be moved to the degree of pressure we need, or the trunnions can be adjusted. Loosening the bolt facilitates a change in the position of the hook. To increase the pressure, the hooks are moved towards the street, to loosen the hooks, they are moved to the side of the room.

For those who want to visually see how to insulate plastic windows for the winter with their own hands inside, using the methods of adjusting the clamping mechanism from the room, this process is presented in the video below.

Traditional ways of insulating plastic windows with your own hands

  • Cotton wool and masking tape. These materials remain the most economical. Large gaps and the entire frame along the perimeter of the window are laid with cotton wool, after which it is sealed on top with masking tape.
  • Adhesive foam insulation. Reliable protection against cold and wind, qualitatively attached to the window frame and does not fall off. In one roll - 3 meters of material, so before going to the hardware store, you can calculate the right amount. The only drawback is that the foam rubber can absorb the resulting condensate, as a result of which the tightness can be broken.

These materials remain the most economical

  • putty. This method is suitable for those who are looking for a reliable answer to the question of how to insulate plastic windows, if it turns out that it blows heavily in any of the sections of the frame. Putty is sold in bars weighing 300 grams. For one window you will need one such bar. Hands knead the mass until soft, after which it fills all the cracks. After hardening, the material hardens. The work is quite labor intensive. Putty does not absorb moisture and is very inexpensive.

Sold putty in bars weighing 300 grams

  • Silicone sealant. Reliable sealing contributes to the preservation of heat. Ideal for filling voids and gaps, as well as strengthening glass in a frame. However, frames cannot be filled with such material, since with the onset of spring the window may not open.

Reliable sealing contributes to the preservation of heat

  • Rubberized seal. Reliable and durable insulation. There are three types, depending on the thickness, for filling gaps of various sizes. Sold in skeins of 10-12 meters. The cost of such material is quite high.

Glass surface insulation

Cold glass has a considerable area and is a kind of refrigeration panel, since in fact it lowers the temperature of the air in contact with it.

Condensation forms on cold glass indoors, which, with prolonged exposure to the window opening and frame, provokes:

  • mold development;
  • accelerated seal wear;
  • the entry of fungal spores into the air inhaled by a person, which harms the health of all people living in the room.

A simple, effective and inexpensive solution for insulating a plastic window is to stick a thermal film on the glass surface. It consists of rare earth metals deposited in a thin molecular layer, as well as nickel and silver alloys that do not let cold air through.

The application of thermal film does not affect the transparency of glass.

Due to the formation of an air cushion between the film and glass, a heat retention coefficient of 154% is achieved. The application of thermal film has no effect on the transparency of glass.

For gluing thermal film you will need:

  • double sided tape;
  • scissors;
  • stationery knife;


  1. Before gluing, it is extremely important to perfectly wash and wipe the glass dry. It depends on how evenly the film “lies” on the glass surface and how long it will last.
  2. Apply double-sided tape around the perimeter of the window.
  3. Separate the edges of the film with a utility knife.
  4. Cut out a piece of canvas with scissors in accordance with the size of the window and stick it on the adhesive tape applied to the frames.
  5. Turn on the hair dryer and blow the film with warm air, leveling it on the glass surface. If small bubbles appear, they can be popped with the tip of a knife.

A reliable way to additionally insulate windows is blackout curtains

Checked! Another reliable way to additionally insulate windows is thick curtains that have an air cushion effect similar to thermal film.

Other ways to insulate plastic windows

More serious internal insulation work, such as:

  • installation of slopes (with dismantling of old ones);
  • window sill insulation with various materials;
  • replacement of sealant and insulation;
  • adjustment of the level of the window block due to shrinkage of the walls;
  • repair and adjustment of mechanical components and fittings

You can also do it on your own, with certain technical skills, attentiveness and diligence. How this is done, you can see in special videos, where all the instructions will be clear even to a beginner.

Plastic windows that really keep the heat in the house is an absolutely feasible task. It is important to detect all blown areas, and, having chosen the most appropriate method of insulation, perform simple step-by-step actions.

Heat loss in the house affects both the comfort of life of its cloisters, and when paying bills for heating. Energy efficiency issues are a priority today, and special attention is paid to this aspect in the construction of modern buildings. However, when moving into a new apartment, you can find some flaws, even in plastic windows, which are reliable.

When analyzing the condition of old housing for the penetration of cold, you can certainly find more than one source of heat loss. This problem becomes especially urgent in anticipation of winter. The inefficiency of housing protection can be caused by design or installation errors.

Information on how to insulate plastic windows on your own will help save on this operation without calling a professional whose services can cost a lot for the family budget. For repair, you only need desire and knowledge. When working, you can use a simple tool that is found in the house.

It is possible to make an analysis of the state of the apartment in preparation for winter in terms of heat-shielding efficiency at home, without seeking help from specialists. It is better to do this in the cold or cool season when there is no wind outside. Why is this the best way to test window construction?

Because the temperature difference in housing and on the street creates the prerequisites for the convection of air masses, which will help to correctly diagnose the problem and decide how to insulate plastic windows for the winter with your own hands. To identify hidden sources of cold penetration, you can create additional draft by opening the front door or turning on the exhaust ventilation.

An open flame is used as an indicator. You can take a lighter, matches. Better yet, use a candle. A trickle of smoke reacts more subtly to the movement of air. Incense sticks, in extreme cases, a lit cigarette will become an accurate tool for finding the smallest defects, poorly insulated areas through which the cold makes its way into the home.

Carefully, slowly examine the following areas in front of the windows:

  • adjoining a double-glazed window to a carrier profile;
  • porch of the sash to the impost and the box;
  • the junction of the window system with the opening;
  • windowsill.

Having found the places where the fire or the wisp of smoke begin to fluctuate, mark them. After completing the examination, begin a visual inspection. This will help to compile a list of works, and how to insulate double-glazed windows, slopes, window sills will be discussed below. In some cases, the causes are easily identified. Just enough to replace the seal.

Often you need to adjust the plastic windows. But sometimes it is difficult to understand why it is blowing in this place, although external prerequisites are not visible. In some cases, the plastic window structure will need to be partially disassembled before being insulated.

Causes of heat loss through window systems

When replacing old wooden windows with modern plastic counterparts, the installers promised that all problems were a thing of the past. But in practice it turned out that the apartment did not become much more comfortable. The vaunted soundproofing actually turned out to be not so effective, and is not much different from the time when there were wooden windows. Inspection revealed places through which heat flows out of the room in the winter.

Before you start insulating plastic windows with your own hands, you need to identify the reasons:

  • If heat leakage is detected through the junction of the double-glazed window and the profile, then the matter is in the seal. Two contours of the gasket should form a sealed volume, the outer one is installed on the profile, and the inner one on the glazing bead. The factory dimensions of the seats for plastic and metal-plastic windows are accurate and designed for the recommended thickness of the double-glazed window. The penetration of cold in this place means one of two things - incorrect dimensions of the double-glazed window or failed seals.
  • If heat escapes through the junction of the sash in the design of the window system, then 3 reasons are possible. The first is the incorrect position of the sash, when its parallelism with respect to the carrier box is not observed. The second is the incorrect adjustment of the fittings. The locking mechanism does not provide clamping, leaving a gap that reduces the level of thermal insulation of the housing. The third is a failed seal.
  • The penetration of cold through the gaps between the supporting structure of the wall and the window is one of the most common causes of heat loss. Incorrect installation, ignorance of the peculiarities of installing plastic windows lead to the fact that in the first year of operation, heaters lose all the declared qualities. There can be many reasons for poor thermal insulation of windows. This is poor-quality sealing of the technological gap, and incorrectly made slopes, both inside and outside, and the use of materials not intended for this type of work, and a failed insulation for plastic windows. The thermal expansion coefficient of a plastic structure is several times higher than that of a wooden counterpart and a metal-plastic system, therefore, such windows are installed taking this feature into account.
  • There are frequent cases of heat leaks in the window sill area. Quite often, cracks and gaps in this area are hidden, and it is not easy to detect them, although they can be a powerful source of cold penetration into housing. The reasons can be both improper installation and the quality of seat preparation, in particular, additional bricklaying or installation of a special design to obtain the required dimensions of the opening, into which plastic windows are then installed, the repair of which will subsequently become a laborious and costly operation. Often the source of cold is under the windowsill.

Many of the above reasons are eliminated on their own with the existing skills and experience of the home master. When we insulate the window area on our own, it is not necessary to have a professional tool, special knowledge and skills. It is enough to responsibly and carefully approach the solution of this problem and correctly decide how to insulate plastic windows in a particular case. What materials to choose? What technology to use to ensure maximum thermal insulation of housing.

Technologies and methods of insulation of plastic windows

Having identified the causes, you can proceed directly to their elimination. How to insulate a plastic window quickly, efficiently and inexpensively? If it is better to choose a cool time to search for places of depressurization, then repair and restoration procedures are carried out when the ambient temperature allows the use of materials for which frost and humidity are unacceptable.

On the packaging of building mixtures, sealants, the conditions of use are indicated, which must be strictly followed in order to achieve the desired result. It is better not to repair and insulate plastic windows in winter, with the exception of some emergency operations, adjusting mechanisms and replacing seals.

The best double-glazed windows for plastic windows are made from energy-saving glass, but they also do not cope with the task in the event of gaps. The reason for this is the sealant that has lost its qualities. To replace it, it is better to remove the sash and carry out operations in a horizontal position.

In order to understand how to insulate plastic windows with your own hands, you need to familiarize yourself with the order of work:

  • glazing beads are carefully dismantled;
  • the double-glazed window is removed;
  • old seals are removed from the grooves on the profile of the window system and glazing beads;
  • a new elastic insulator is installed in the seat;
  • a double-glazed window is inserted into place;
  • when installing the glazing beads, the pressure of the sealant on the glass should occur, that is, they are mounted with an interference fit;
  • the fit of the elastic elements along the entire contour on both sides is checked, and if vibration is observed, the movement of double-glazed windows inside the sash, then the wrong seal is selected. In rare cases, a factory defect is possible. The thickness of the double-glazed window is less than the permissible norms and a replacement with a new product will be required;
  • when the visual tightness test is passed, the sash is installed in the window unit.

If the window uses non-energy-saving glass, and replacement is not possible due to some circumstances, then you can increase the efficiency of double-glazed windows yourself. For this, a special film is purchased that has a reflective ability. Insulation of plastic windows in this way is economically and technologically justified. Following the installation rules and recommendations, the film is glued to the surface of the windows from the inside, thereby significantly reducing heat loss.

A lot of problems are caused by incorrect adjustment of the window system. Before doing it, you should make sure that the structure as a whole has the correct geometry, otherwise the work will be useless.

Deviations from the vertical of the side power profiles should not exceed 1.5 mm per meter. When measuring diagonals, the critical value defined by GOST R 52749-2007 is a difference in size of no more than 8 mm. The window structure itself cannot have bends and deformations.

This is checked by a building rule, a metal ruler, an even rail. The tool is applied to the horizontal parts of the structure. If both ends are tightly pressed against the profiles of the window block, and there are no gaps of more than 1-2 mm along the length, then the plane complies with the standards. Otherwise, repair of plastic windows or their reinstallation is required.

Now you can begin to adjust the position of the flaps relative to the box. The window is slowly closed, fixing the touch of the profile. If it occurs simultaneously along the entire length of the vertical line, then this position is considered correct.

Then check the size of the gap around the perimeter of the sash. It must be the same. If the conditions are met, but the window continues to blow, then most likely it is a worn seal, which changes in the same way as in a similar operation with a double-glazed window.

If deviations are noticed, then adjust the loops. Depending on the manufacturer's standards, the adjusting window screw can be a cross or hex. Use a screwdriver or wrench to adjust the window to a satisfactory condition.

Equally important are the adjustments of the shutter mechanism of eurowindows. When the handle is moved from the "open" to the "closed" position, the sash should be firmly pressed against the box. The lever operates in a range of about 2 mm.

If, when closing the handle, the sash remains stationary, this means that the seal, at best, only touches the box, although it should be slightly deformed, ensuring tightness.

Adjustable clamping eccentric at the end. Use a key or screwdriver to set the desired position. Setting up plastic windows for the winter is recommended to be done every season.

Slope insulation

Window openings when installing plastic windows have some nuances. Because they allow for greater thermal expansion, it is recommended that only technologies be used that can withstand these changes. It is not advisable to fill the technological gap between the box and the wall with concrete even for a metal-plastic window, which has a lower coefficient of thermal expansion.

It is better to do this with mounting foam, which is also a good insulation. This method of fixing the window system requires reliable protection from external influences, so special attention is paid to finishing on the outside. The sun and freezing destroy the structure of the foam. Slopes should go to the profile of the window block. This contributes to better insulation.

For high-quality thermal insulation protection of the euro-window to be repaired, old materials are removed.

Under the new decorative finish, an additional layer of insulation is laid outside:

  • Mineral wool. The material requires additional protection against moisture. When insulating with mineral wool, a waterproofing layer is necessarily made;
  • Foamed polymers based on polypropylene or polyethylene. It is important to insulate PVC windows with these materials, leaving no cracks and gaps, excluding the occurrence of cold bridges;
  • Composite materials. Sandwich panels are modern products, the production of which takes into account external influences. Additional materials for insulation are not required. Composite panels will be good thermal insulation for finishing external slopes.

The metal-plastic eurowindow on the inside requires more decorative finishing. Having provided external protection, the opening with the block will become an insurmountable barrier to the penetration of cold into the housing. Slopes are trimmed with insulating materials from the inside in cases where there is not sufficient thermal protection on the front side.

The sealing done with waterproofing is not enough to create a comfortable environment in the house. Understanding the principles of system installation, a decision is made on how to insulate metal-plastic windows using the best method.

window sill insulation

Inexperienced craftsmen do not pay close attention to this part. O equestrian structures, assuming that it is not necessary to insulate in this place. The result of this mistake will be cold indoors in winter. Outwardly, everything looks reliable, the window sill is tightly adjacent to the plastic profiles.

Insulation has been done for the window slopes, but cold air flows continue to penetrate into the room. The reason may be the insufficient level of thermal insulation of the window sills from below. The place for viewing is not convenient, it is difficult to determine the source of heat leakage there. It is not for nothing that during the initial analysis of the state of housing it is strongly recommended to do a full inspection of all obvious and hidden shortcomings.

Troubles can occur due to insufficient waterproofing from the outside. Leakage of water under the box and its subsequent freezing destroys the heat-shielding layer, so they begin to insulate the window sill of plastic windows from the outside. If necessary, remove the failed materials and lay new ones. But it is not necessary to be satisfied only with the replacement of thermal protection.

The layer should be securely protected from moisture penetration. First, they insulate, then cover the material with a waterproofing agent and mount a decorative finish or ebb. It is advisable to purchase a finished product for water disposal. Such low tides will become a reliable protection for euro-windows from getting wet and freezing of openings in the lower part. Easily mounted on a metal-plastic profile using sealants and self-tapping screws.

If cracks with a frame have formed on the window sills, then repairs should be done. Having insulated problem areas, it is necessary to protect them. It is desirable to use plastic materials for this purpose, for example, silicone sealants. Then the windows will be insulated, waterproofed and not subject to the formation of new gaps due to the elasticity of the polymer.

Filling gaps with dry mortar is not advisable. They don't adhere well to a plastic surface as opposed to a wooden frame where their use is justified. For the same reason, many craftsmen get rid of old finishes with traditional materials, preferring to decorate slopes with modern products.

If you insulate the window block with mineral wool, then it is impossible to plaster on it without reinforcement. It is preferable to use sheet materials. The final decision on how to insulate the window sill of a plastic window is made based not only on their technological, but also on aesthetic considerations using similar techniques used in interior decoration.