What to insulate the ceiling with wooden floors. Why insulate the ceiling in a private house is better outside than from the inside. Calculation of the number of insulation

Those who consider the insulation of the ceiling with a cold roof is optional, it is worth remembering the condensate and significant heat loss in the winter. Condensate drops formed on the ceiling and inclined surfaces when the temperature drops are falling for a collar and headwood - very unpleasant sensations at any time of the year.

Warm air rises up by the law of convection - for further circulation. When it gets significant cooling from the cold ceiling, the heating of the room can be considered ineffective.

That is why any method of insulation of the roof, ceiling and attic rooms are considered the most effective measure of heat saving.

How to warm the ceilings and attics of private houses?

In the construction of private houses, everyone wants to save. But no one will challenge that cheap building materials are not effective or have a limited life. It is better to master the laying technology, where it is available to save on the installation of insulation with your own hands.

ATTENTION: The more technological is performed by each stage of construction from high-quality materials, the longer the house will serve, without requiring overhaul. This is the essence of saving to the future.

In any construction supermarket, a complete list of insulation, which are used in the roof construction or after the completion of rough work is completed.

They are produced in different form:

  • rolled materials;
  • porous briquettes;
  • leafy insulation;
  • sprayed two-component mixtures;
  • bulk materials;
  • fibrous insulation;
  • foil wrapper.

The selection of insulation for the ceiling of one or another construction depends on the type of surface and the temperature regime in the interior.

At the same time, it is mainly about the outer insulation - the fields of the attic or the attic (on the other side of the ceiling of residential rooms in residential buildings). For example, materials that are not suitable for energy saving methods in a bath where a high level of humidity, and vice versa.

In some cases, you have to use special equipment. Without it, do not do when the polyurethane foam is sprayed.

But this method is indispensable when it comes to the processing of inclined and negative surfaces, a metal frame and a combination of various materials used when installing the roof of a complex shape.

It is much easier for lags to make insulation with sawdust or clay (any fraction). They relate to bulk materials that do not need complex laying.

In addition to alignment, nothing needs to be done with them, then the substrate and cladding fit, if it is a residential attitude. For an empty attic, you can leave bulk materials without bonding.

Tip: In some locals, bulk insulation costs free. In seaside sites, these are dry seaweed, which throws out the storm on the coast. In the area of \u200b\u200bsawmills and woodworking enterprises a lot of sawdust, chips and crushed bark.

Internal insulation attic on beams and rafters - laying mineral wool by large briquettes, but the floors (reverse side of the ceilings) insulate necessarily.

The specificity of the cold roof and its insulation

Based on modern technologies, any roof is asked like a multi-layer sandwich or sandwich, hence the borrowed name. It is assumed to hydro and vapor barrier, thermal insulation and a multi-layer roof.

We need to process construction materials by fungicides (from fungi), antiseptics and chemicals so that mice did not start in the attic. Rodents are easily climbing the stairs and any inclined or porous surface.

Cold roof - dubious savings, but it is appropriate in different cases:

  • for country houses that do not enjoy in winter;
  • for auxiliary buildings;
  • with high-quality insulation, the ceiling in the house (outside and on the side of the attic);
  • when the foundation stands on unstable soils, it is impossible to do a larger load in the form of several floors and the insulated roof of the intricate configuration;
  • if the attic or attic is not used under residential rooms, and the house is quite warm, built on energy-saving technology, as well as in the form of a church (from natural wood).

In these cases, it is necessary to make the ceiling insulation in the house under the cold roof.

Along the way, all communications, chimneys and heating pipes are insulated, passing by the attic roll, foil and sprayed materials.

The advantages of such insulation:

  • Comfortable microclimate all year round.
  • Minimum temperature difference.
  • Additional soundproofing from the roof (shower, hail, gusty wind).
  • An obstacle to the formation of condensate.
  • Energy saving.

If possible, overlapping between the last floor and the non-residential attic room of cold-type is made in both sides.

You can use tension and suspended ceilings, multilayer structures from GOC, which are easy to hide wires and communications. A good example - in the photo of the ceiling insulation.

Tip: If possible, use non-combustible materials or not supporting combustion to reduce the likelihood of a fire to a minimum.

Common insulation

Consider that high-quality insulation can only be complex - windows and doors, external and internal surfaces.

Sprayed polyurethane foam

To work with your own hands it is necessary to rent a special installation for mixing a two-component composition, which is supplied through a sprayer with nozzles in the form of "snowflakes".

They are well poured on any surface, not even treated with expensive primers. Advantage - supply tube to all hard-to-reach places in attics.


A bulk material in the form of small pebbles based on clay, which is scattered throughout the horizontal surface of the attic.

Cellulose Ekwata

Reminds flakes that also pour over the surface without consolidation.

Foamed sheets and rolls

Popular material, since the insulation of foam refers to the most affordable means. It can be laid in specially prepared cells or sewing the reservoir over the entire surface.

Mineral or stone wool

Practical non-combustible fiber-porous material in which mice and insects do not come. Released with reservoirs, briquettes and rolls.

Today, the insulation of mineral or basalt wool remains the most popular, thanks to the properties of the material and convenient packaging.

Wood waste

Available insulation. Although wood belongs to flammable materials, without supplying oxygen and preheating will not ignore. But for the guarantee, additional processing is recommended to fire ametic mixture.

The disadvantage - you can make pests of wood, which are capable of damage to wooden floors overlap.

As natural insulation, there will be waste of agriculture or vegetable waste suitable for these purposes. These are cake and husk, hay and straw, crushed reed and corn, fond of foliage and needles.

They can be mixed, apply separately if there is no other alternative, fall asleep over the clamp. The layer is 5-7 cm enough to preserve the heat being tangible.

To reduce the likelihood of ignition, vegetable waste is better mixed with clay or sprinkled on top of sand. Vegetable mixtures are susceptible to rot, so over time you have to change the old layer on a new insulation.

The laid wires need additional insulation, so they usually conclude in hollow corrugated tubes from non-combustible polymers. Consider that every heat insulating material has its own method of laying and life.

Photo of insulation ceiling

The ceiling insulation must be done in any private houses or apartments that are located on the upper floors. According to the laws of physics, warm air rises always up, and cold - rushes down. If the ceiling is slit, the warm mass of the air will be disappeared, the room will always be cold. In order to "not scratch the street", it is recommended to approach the ceiling insulation issues.


It happens that there is no possibility in the apartment of a high-rise building to insulate the ceiling from the outside. The only option in this case is to carry out installation work indoors. To understand the peculiarities of insulation in a private house, inside should first consider the structure of the insulation and the amount of necessary work. The following layers must consistently combine:

  • external waterproofing;
  • dooming for fastener insulation;
  • thermal insulation;
  • finish finish of the upper planes.

What to insulate?

In order to insulate the room inside use several types of materials. Most often used special heat insulating material, which is called pergamine. It has the following advantages:

  • economically beneficial;
  • practical;
  • resistant to temperature drops;
  • it is well opposed to moisture.

As well as insulation, which have similar characteristics. They belong to their number like:

  • nenophol;
  • polystyrene foam;
  • isolon;
  • penoplex;
  • technical wool;
  • bung.


As a waterproofing, the PVC film is most often used, which reliably protects from leaks. The term of its service is several decades. Film use is beneficial, because it is inexpensive.

PVC film should be combined to be combined, this is done so that the condensate does not penetrate the surface of the supporting structures. The inner layer of waterproofing is sinking, the seams are close in scotch, they should be hermetic.


Plasterboard is good because it provides an ideally smooth surface without seams, with it you can make any kind of ceiling. To work with plasterboard, such two types of crates are used as:

  • from wood - It is easier to work with such a material, it costs cheaper;
  • from galvanized profile - It is more durable, does not deteriorate under the influence of temperature difference, it is not rotated by mold or fungus.

Technical Wat.

The ceiling insulation in private home ownership with the help of technical wool is performed as follows:

  • using a stapler to the ceiling, PVC film is mounted, which reliably protects moisture on the plates;
  • cuts from wooden bars a doom with a step of 40-50 cm. The size of the bar must correspond to the thickness of the heat plates, that is, have 5 cm;
  • the plates of technical wool are stacked, they are attached to special mounting rails. This design is reliable and simple, not subject to deformation.

Mineral wool has several important characteristics.

  • A small thermal conductivity is 0.036 W / (m * k), a layer is sufficient for insulation no more than 10 cm, which corresponds to the usual thickness of beams.
  • The material has an increased vapor permeability, by 50 kg of weight on the cubic meter coefficient is 0.7 mg / (m * h * pa). This indicator is higher than wood.
  • Small hygroscopicity, that is, in contact with the liquid, the material will absorb no more than 2% of moisture from the total volume.
  • Minvati plates have high fire safety. A similar insulation does not ignite, does not contribute to the spread of fire.
  • Minvata has good sound insulation characteristics, can effectively delay the sound waves of the most different frequency. It is especially profitable to use basalt insulation, because it is not deformed, has a long service life. One package is enough to treat about twenty square meters.
  • The material is not subject to a destructive action of fungus or mold, has antiseptic properties.
  • The porous material that has a specific low weight cannot be burdensome for carrying structures, which contributes to a long service life.

Condensate adversely acts on technical wool, it inevitably loses its useful properties. PVC plates are not afraid of moisture, erosion has not been defeated or spread fungus. The advantages of mineral wool are that it is not afraid of moisture, does not rejoice. Minvata is cheaper PVC plates, does not contain toxins, foam plates allocate harmful components.

It is worth remembering that when working with mineral wool, it should be used to use gloves and glasses so that the microparticles do not get into the eyes or on the skin of the hands.


The easiest installation on the inside of the room is a basalt insulation. It is dense and easy to handle. In order to secure it, special equipment or any special mechanisms is required. Plywood is suitable for launching inter-storey overlap beam. This material is well to sow carrying structures that are attached from below. They can support insulation slabs that are put between the beams.

Most often apply 1 cm thick with a thickness of 1 cm, so it is the most popular brand of FC. There are often cases when Plywood FSF brand is also used. It is less "phoney" formaldehydes. In addition to plywood, such materials as GLCs, kv and lining are also used. Plywood is mounted as follows:

  • the sheet is converted to the necessary dimensions;
  • there is a gap of about 2-3 mm between the wall and plywood;
  • with the help of self-sufficiency, harvested elements are fixed;
  • the distance between the self-pressing is approximately 15-25 cm.

And also use constantly polyurethane glue implemented in large cylinders. It is good for this material by the fact that, with proper application, it is not necessary to use expensive mounting foam. Such material is well sealing joints in thermal insulation, for example, in the attic. If the premises in the attic is a residential, then the use of a t-shirt board will be required. If the room has a technical purpose, then it is more correct to apply Fan.

Special primer for wood should be present at mandatory, because it is being worked out by beams, overlappings and a doom. Special primer reliably protects wooden structures from the action of microorganisms and malicious insects.

To secure communications on the ceiling, you should use a plastic or wooden box. Such work is easy to make it yourself. Last years, cylinders of foamed PVC have also become increasingly used. Sometimes boxes are also plated by mineral wool, which reduces the level of fire hazard, it creates additional noise insulation.

Installation of the insulation in the attic occurs in this way as:

  • the harvested heat plates from the technical wool are stacked on a horizontal surface, which is laid by waterproofing film;
  • so that the plates have become in their place, they must be prepared in advance;
  • the task of fitting the heat plates is important because the gap between the material must be minimal;
  • often, the space between the plates is filled with mounting foam, which guarantees the absence of "cold bridges".

The main materials used by homeowners for insulation are the following:

  • glass gaming;
  • basalt plates;
  • kamnevat;
  • painopople in rolls;
  • foam plates;
  • polyplex;
  • polystyrene;
  • ceramzit.

And also often applied so-called opil. It is wooden chips that are mixed with lime, cement mixture or clay. This process is a time consuming requiring a fair amount of time. Therefore, it is resorted to it only in cases where there is a large number of such woodwashers.

PVC plates are considered the most popular. They can be successfully used both inside and outside. The duct roof is inspected primarily on the inside, and massive beams are processed, during the cold season they can be a significant source of cold.

Accommodation in the conditions of a sufficient harsh climate imposes major obligations to preserve heat in the room. Especially if you have a spacious private house and at least a third of heat losses fall on the ceiling surface. Add here more losses through window and doorways - and get a very bad picture. Today we will tell you about how to insulate the ceiling on the side of the attic in a private house - as it turned out, this is a fairly simple procedure, with which to cope with everyone. Carefully examine our detailed instructions - and start saving heat in the house today.

Advantages of insulation outside

If insulation is carried out directly indoors in the conditions of apartment panel houses, then for owners of private real estate there is a choice: insulation the ceiling by the attic if it is present in a private house, or to do the basic option from the inside of the room.

The first method has a number of indisputable advantages:

  • additional overlap warming and a significant extension of its service life;
  • the decision to insulate the ceiling on the side of the attic in a private house does not affect the height of the room at thenime;
  • ease of trim;
  • reliable protection against condensate in the overlap cake;
  • preservation of interior decoration of residential premises;
  • fast replacement of overlapping;
  • easier, cheaper, more convenient.

Second option - warming from the inside - It is also common, but it is preferably used when the height of the ceilings allows you to sacrifice tens of other centimeters without any damage to your own comfort.

What material to use?

The main criteria for choosing a suitable material is thermal conductivity, hardness, resistant resistance to any kind of pressure and deformations.

Based on this, any of the following materials will be the optimal choice at a correct progress of work:

  • basalt slabs of the limit degree of rigidity;
  • extruded polystyrene foam;
  • durable foam;
  • polyurethane foam;
  • vermiculite;
  • foam glass;
  • sawdust;
  • ceramzit.

Sawdust and ceramzite are beneficial on the background of other low-cost materials and full-fledged environmental safety. Therefore, you can note in advance for yourself these two options.

Preparation of tools and materials

That's what you will need for the qualitative implementation of all scheduled works:

  1. nails;
  2. screws;
  3. self-tapping screw;
  4. screwdriver;
  5. lobzik;
  6. hacksaw;
  7. perforator;
  8. mounting foam;
  9. reiki;
  10. boards.

Preparation of the attic

The insulation of the ceiling in a private house from the side of the attic should be started with the preparation of the room, where the direct sheathing of the heat-saving material will be held. For this:

  1. remove the old furniture, which often lives its secluded life in such premises;
  2. clean the floor from dirt and dust;
  3. prepare an exceptionally clean and even base - otherwise the insulation will fall to bed, and all works can go to the pump.

Definition of exact space

  • if you know the area of \u200b\u200bthe room from the passport information of the object, it will be worthwhile to check them in person: often information from the passport is approximate and rounded upwards;
  • determine with the help of measuring instruments the length and width of the room, based on the information received, calculate what exact amount of material for insulation is required.

Observation of the base

If you have chosen as insulation mineral Wat or basalt plates and do not know how to insulate the ceiling on the side of the attic with them correctly, then pay attention to the following action algorithm:

  1. first, create a layer of vapor barrier to preventing the flue of the selected material - for this, from the receipt of warm air, put the layer of standard rolling vaporizolation (perfectly suitable pergamine or foil);
  2. apply a layer of the clay solution, to determine the thickness of the layer, follow the number of up to 2-3 centimeters, such a screed can be additionally reinforced with wire reinforcement, but this is not a mandatory procedure;
  3. place the selected thermal insulator between the lags of the overlap - this will allow you to level the load transmitted to the floor, partially weaving the weight of the bars from the overlap;
  4. stage laying a waterproofer: For this, you can use a conventional polyethylene film, it will perfectly cope with the protection of the insulation from moisture and will allow it to preserve its heat insulating properties;
  5. floor Cake Mounting Stage: Such a draft flooring from the boards will allow you to move freely in the attic and in parallel protect your insulating design from mechanical damage.

In the case of a choice of some other material for the insulation of the ceiling by the attic, the creation of a vaporizolizing layer is not a mandatory point of installation (read about vapor barrier for the ceiling in wooden floors).

Visuality, giving a better idea of \u200b\u200bhow to properly insulate the ceiling on the side of the attic:

  1. avoid using glass gambles, slag blocks and similar in the composition of insulation - they do not relate to the class of environmentally friendly materials and can greatly harm your health;
  2. when using foam for insulation of the ceiling in a private house, do not forget to close the joints of the mounting foam - otherwise the strong thermal losses and consistent destruction of the design you mounted are inevitable;
  3. sawdust is one of the cheapest and simple ways of insulation of the ceiling in a private house by the attic, however, at the same time, it is a considerable threat due to the potential fermentation opportunity: the result of this may be particularly dangerous pairs;
  4. it is best to insulate the ceiling with sawdust in the summer season, during the strong heat - and be sure to treat them with a solution of born and borants.


If you have your personal real estate in the suburbs, then know how to insulate the ceiling on the side of the attic in a private house - your duty. Thermal losses are one of the reasons for establishing an unhealthy atmosphere in the private house, high humidity and rapid deformation of ceiling floors. The presence of a attic allows you to significantly simplify the procedure of insulation - and preserve, thereby, the necessary height of the premises being located. Of course, you can always additionally insulate the room and inside - such economic vigilance will be reliable and guaranteed protection against heat loss in the house. As a result, you can significantly save on the heating of the room. Proper performing the covering of the heat insulating layer is the key to the fact that in your home will always be cozy. Is it not important?

High-quality ceiling insulation in the house allows you to keep warm in cool weather and do not give to warm the room into frying. Heat the ceiling in a private house - it means to win economically and increase the level of comfort. But how to insulate the ceiling for less? The market offers a large selection of solutions for this.

First steps with ceiling insulation: general rules

Ceiling insulation The necessary event, despite high labor costs. As a result, the owner will receive comfortable accommodation conditions at low fuel consumption for heating in winter.

How to insulate the ceiling in the house? Main rules:

  1. Choosing an eco-friendly and safe material.
  2. The insulation must be from non-flammable material.
  3. The material must have not only thermal insulation properties at a high level, but also not to break the natural humidity. That is, I have to breathe.
  4. The material should not be exposed to moisture.

Note! Only adherence to all parameters guarantees high quality heat insulation after work.

Preparatory work: the choice of material

The above criteria corresponds to 5 materials. They are recommended for use when installing the thermal insulating layer on the ceiling of the private house with their own hands:

  1. Styrofoam. The polymer for which the fire safety and the lack of susceptibility to moisture is characteristic.
  2. Penosole. Polymer with a porous structure, which has an unlimited life.
  3. Mineral wool. Feature - absorbs moisture, so water in one or another should not fall on it. The most popular material.
  4. Equata. Saves heat not worse than mineral counterpart. Produced on the basis of cellulose.
  5. Ceramzit. Made based on clay - natural component. Dignity - rodents never come in it. In addition, the ceramzite is not afraid of moisture. Bulk.

Only 2 last material are natural. But the rest also do not have a negative impact on human health.

You can create a warm ceiling by budget funds that are always on hand in excess:

  1. Slag. Negatively affects the service life of overlaps. Rades a small proportion of radiation.
  2. Sawdust. With time, the insects are spoiled, losing some of the properties.
  3. Dry grass. Promotes the institution of insects and rodents.

Economical decisions have drawbacks, however, have the right to use in non-permanent housing and economic buildings of an old type, where large means are sorry to invest - dachas, old houses or in the bath.

Mounting insulation: location options

The main heat loss in the house occur through the ceiling of the last floor, over which the attic is located with the roof. Accordingly, the method of mounting insulation 2:

  1. Outer.
  2. Interior.

The desired result gives both ways. But there are differences. They conclude not only in the features of the installation, but also from what materials are used. Namely:

  • Paramotable.
  • Waterproofing.

That is, it is how the material can work with moisture - to absorb and skip it or repel it. For decoration inside the room use vapor-permeable material, and outside the repellent water.

It is used if there is no attic on the residential floor. Required:

  1. Install the framework. As a rule, from a tree, on the floor of the attic. The final construction depends on the insulation material.
  2. Fill the frame of the heat insulating material.

In this layer, the insulation can not be touched. However, if the attic is periodically used in domestic needs and in its sex you have to go, then the insulation of the layer is required to cover:

  • Concrete.
  • Plywood or clapboard.

Internally insulation

If there is a regularly used room, in the form of an attic or warehouse, it is advisable to apply an internal insulation design. Disadvantages of the method:

  1. Thoughtfulness.
  2. Reduced wall height.

Note! With the internal method of laying insulation, waterproofing will be required, between the insulation and the ceiling. It is needed if a vapor-permeable material is applied.

When building a new house, if the project was not provided in the internal insulation, it suffices to make changes to the project. But for the already introduced house, it may become a problem, especially with a low ceiling height. And if the design of the ceiling of wood can be changed, then the concrete ceiling cannot be changed.

For work, a framework is also formed, which is filled with insulation. The design is then closed with plasterboard.

Note! The feature of the use of wool (mineral and eco) is that it cannot be contacted to reduce thickness. It contains pores that reduce its thermal conductivity. Therefore, it should be used with caution during interior decoration.

Examples of performance

Each material is unique and stacked on the ceiling it is necessary in its own, separate technology. Required materials and tools:

  • Boards or metal profile for frame formation.
  • Insulation.
  • Tools for cutting.
  • Fastening.
  • Protection - glasses, respirator, gloves.

Nuances of the work:

  1. There should be no discontinuities on the vapor. Including between the seams. Runs should be laid outlaughter.
  2. The range of distances between the rails should be less than 1-2 cm. The width of the insulation sheet. The height of the frame - by 1-2 cm. Above the thickness of the insulation to ensure air circulation to the waterproofing layer from above.

Below are the methods of insulation of the ceiling by popular insulation.

Bulk material that has gained popularity as a thermal insulating floor layer. Recently, it is used as an inexpensive insulation on the ceiling. Characteristics:

  • Not subject to oxidation, including burning.
  • Harmful substances do not highlight.
  • Does not attract rodents and is not covered with fungus.
  • Given the cotton and foam in the heat insulating properties.
  • Heavy. Apply only on strong ceilings with support beams.

Installation technology:

  1. On the floor, the attic rims a layer of vapor insulation. You can use the usual film.
  2. Niche between the beams fall asleep with clay. It is advisable to use fractions of different sizes to form multiple layers. Thickness - at least 20 cm. When cold climates - from 40 cm.
  3. The material is aligned.
  4. Vaporizolation is mounted on top.
  5. Floor laying.

Alternative material - foam glass. It is better kept warm.

This material is called liquid foam. Special additives make it non-combustible and scare rodents. Failure to install - need qualified workers with equipment that can be improved correctly.

Technology is simple. On the vaporizolator, pre-shy, foaming the thickness of the layer layer 20-30 cm. When necessary, you can mount the floor from above.

the insulation of the ceiling overlap of mineral wool is the most popular way. Easy is done with your own hands. Types of mineral wool:

  1. Slag. Make from a domain slag. Inappropriate material for insulation due to increased hygroscopicity and high thermal conductivity.
  2. Stone. Produce from rock with clay adding. Has low thermal conductivity.
  3. Glasswater. It has the lowest thermal conductivity. Differs low cost. When hitting the mucous man causes irritation.

Installation order:

  1. Put a steam insulating layer.
  2. Mount the frame.
  3. Put wool.
  4. Attach the waterproofing to the cotton.

Polymer cellular material. By heat insulating properties, it is similar to glass. Properties of material:

  1. Low cost.
  2. Low weight.
  3. Gulf, with a poisonous substance. When heated, they can also be allocated.
  4. In it can reserve the rodent nest.
  5. Promotes the greenhouse effect.

Installation options:

  • With the skeleton.
  • On glue.

The frame of the foam falls like a method with cotton. However, it is necessary to pre-apply liquid nails on the frame racks and the top of the foam. Installation with glue:

  1. Stripping and washing surface surface. It will take primer.
  2. On the upper part of the foam should be glued and press the sheet to the surface of the ceiling.
  3. The glued sheets are covered with a layer of plaster, and then strengthened with reinforcing fiber. From above, it also goes to the plaster.

In accordance with the laws of physics, the air during heating rises up, so the ceiling insulation in a cold roof house is not a way to get rid of extra money, but a solution dictated by expedientness. If you live in a private house, they directly faced the problem of a cold ceiling in the room, which is located in the attic. It is usually not heated, and its own thermal insulation is minimal to ensure normal temperatures in the cold season. As a result, there is a source of constant heat leakage.

Heat the ceiling in a private house can be from the inside or outside. Both options have their own advantages and disadvantages, the use of which is dictated by rationality, circumstances, technical nuances and other meaningful characteristics.

Ceiling insulation outside rolled material source buildfun.ru

Why insulate the ceilings in private houses

Laying the insulating material optimal for a particular structure will provide a thermal barrier between the room and the attic. It will prevent the cooling of heated air, reach it through microcracks in concrete or natural pores in a wooden ceiling, will raise the total temperature in the room, protect the overlapping and walls from the freezing and save a considerable amount that is regularly spent on heating.

Features of the ceiling insulation in a wooden house

When working with wooden buildings, priority should be paid to the end weight of an insulating layer. Overly high mass increases the likelihood of collapse or formation of cracks in the ceiling coating.

Some are trying to insulate the ceiling in a private house with a cold roof with a decrease in the insulation layer, but the standards of work require a certain value for each region in accordance with the temperature and humidity indicators. When the thickness drops, the heat insulating properties decrease, and the meaning of the insulation laying disappears.

Warming Ceiling in a wooden house from the inside Source EVEJOY.TOP

List of materials used for insulation

For thermal insulation, installers use materials that are divided into four large groups:

    bulk - Ceramzit, dry sawdust, eclaw;

    rolled - mineral wool and its varieties from other materials;

    slab - sheets of compacted mineral wool, polystyrene foam (foam), cork plates;

    spray / bulk - Penosole.

Choosing a heater for the ceiling in a wooden house, you need to know what of which is the best isolation properties. To do this, it is necessary to take into account a number of factors affecting the end result:

    outdoor or internal installation;

    weather conditions and an average annual temperature in a particular area affecting the thickness of the layer;

    the need and list of additional works;

    the time spent and budget of the project.

The combination of these features will indicate the rationality of the use of a particular type of thermal insulation.

On the photo of a bulk version of the ceiling insulation Outside - heat insulation by clay Source Hi.DecorexPro.com.

Outdoor insulation

In most cases, the ceiling insulation in the house outside a more convenient way to prevent heat leakage. It allows you to expand the list of used insulation materials, reduce the costs of time to work and reduce, in comparison with internal installation, the cost of thermal insulation when insulation in the house with finishing finish.

On our site you can find contacts of construction companies that offer home insulation service. Directly to communicate with representatives, you can visiting the exhibition of houses "Low-rise country".
There are several options to insulate the ceiling outside:

The cheapest among all variants of bulk insulators. Thanks to the ample value of the material and minimum additional costs, the total cost of work is the lowest among those described.

Certain requirements are presented to wood distributions.

    Be sure to minimal moisture content, otherwise the mold will begin to form. For this, the material is kept in a dry room for about a year.

    Speakers are mixed with antipirens to reduce flammable.

    Connection with antiseptic substances, fungicides and haired lime will prevent the appearance of fungus and protect against rodents.

The ceiling insulation in the house sawdust is made in two ways. In the first, they are mixed with dry cement, followed by adding a small amount of water. Cement acts as a connecting material. The second method involves dry falling asleep without adding a connector, but due to the natural shrinkage of the material and the need for regular addition, it is not popular.

Ceiling insulated sawdust source Ohiogas.info

Ceramzit as insulation

The second is the frequency of using bulk material for insulation. Among his advantages:

    acceptable price;


    thermal insulation properties are above average.

However, the application has a number of restrictions:

    own weight of the ceramzite does not allow to use it on thin wooden ceilings, concrete overlaps are desirable.

    the material has a low moisture resistance, so the first layer is stacked by vaporizolation.

    to ensure high-quality heat conservation, you will need a layer of more than 20 cm thick (in cold areas of the country, it is increased to 50 cm).

Using clayzit, specialists use a mixture of large and small fractions to ensure a high percentage of filling empty space. From above, a layer of material is poured with a cement solution with a thickness of 5-10 cm, which provides protection against moisture and serves as an outdoor coating.

Ceiling insulation outside clay Source Obustroeno.com.


Contemporary insulation for the ceiling at home made of secondary cellulose, with the addition of flame retardant to ensure fire resistance and boric acid serving protection against fungus and harmful microorganisms. The main advantages of the Matrial:

    high-quality coverage of the entire floor space, thanks to the small weight of individual parts of the cotton, the wool easily fills in all the slots;

    the composition does not contain harmful compounds;

    the low consumption of the material to ensure reliable thermal insulation.

The disadvantages include:

    low resistance to moisture, you will have to spend money on laying vaporizolation;

    handy installation without special equipment is impossible either will be distinguished by low quality;

    equata is susceptible to shrinkage, so it will take about 15% with a stock;

    if smithing - loses thermal insulation qualities, so it is necessary to hide the board with a layer of boards to ensure the possibility of moving around the attic.

Tip! Specialists do not recommend using the material close to chimneys and other sources of high temperature, despite the addition of antipirens. If it is impossible, you will need to make an additional fencing of fire-resistant coating reflecting heat.

Source ko.decorexpro.com.

Mineral wool as insulation

The ceiling insulation in a wooden house mineral wool has several advantages:

    low value of material;

    high laying speed;

    good thermal insulation properties.

Not without minus:

    wool shrinkage is 15-20%, so experts advise to take the corresponding stock.

    the material does not differ in moisture resistance and quickly gains water, which immediately increases its thermal conductivity. It will take to lay an additional layer of waterproofing.

    mineral wool can not be crushed, the impermeability of the thermal barrier is largely depends on the air contained between the fibers, so you will have to spend money on the laying of the outer coating so that the attic can be free to move freely.

For insulation of mineral wool workers, wooden lags are necessarily mounted. They will delimit the space on the sectors and will be the support of the future floor covering.

In the photo, the process of thermal insulation ceiling mineral wool source iobogrev.ru

Warming Penosol

Depending on the type of installation, the foosen is sprayed or poured. But to use this material, it will be necessary to contact a specialized company, since there are specific equipment, plus, the protective suits for workers and professional skills are used.

The advantages include:

    high degree of penetration into all slots and microcracks;


    environmental safety for man;

    does not represent interest for rodents;

    the substance contains a large number of air bubbles that provide high-quality insulation.

The minuses include high cost and fragility of the material, which independently restores the form in the case of mechanical damage.

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Which insulation is better divisted warm, look at the video:

Tip! When working with foamizol, it is recommended to wait for a complete pouring, it has a small shrinkage, which will have to fill in order to prevent the formation of voids.

The process of thermal insulation ceiling by foaming source Lestorg32.ru

Inner insulation

Residential attic, a house for several hosts, the presence in the attic of engineering communications and other situations that make outdoor insulation is impossible, requires heat-insulation from the inside of the room. Based substances for obvious reasons are not used.

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Ceiling insulation From the inside, look at the video:

Sheet, rolled or sprayed materials are used. Choosing a heater on the ceiling in a private house, it is worth paying attention to polystyurol slabs or compressed mineral wool. They have the best ratio in the category / Quality category / speed. Do not forget about foamizole, which will become an excellent option with an increase in budget.

The process of insulation of the ceiling from the inside by foam Source nl.decorexpro.com.

Heat insulation ceiling from inside polystyrene foam plates Source Barmanlive.ru.

What to choose - Outdoor or Internal Warming

The choice between these types of work is based on the aggregate of factors:

    in the absence of finishing decoration, they are equal in the degree of thermal insulation;

    if the room repair is completed, then you will have to remove the ceiling coating, which will increase the cost and time of operation;

    laying from the inside reduces the shrinkage of the material, but increases the thickness of the ceiling, reducing the total volume of the room;

    with internal insulation, the ceiling overlap is not protected from low temperatures;

    outdoor insulation allows the use of a wider list of heat insulators.

Before insulationing the ceiling in a private house, you need to carefully calculate all the pros and cons, only after that you can take an unequivocal solution that it is better to use in your case.


When choosing a certain material for ceiling insulation, it is always better to apply for professional help. Each business has its pitfalls and stumble upon them, hoping for their own strength, it is a loss of time and money. It is better to make repairs once, and get a guaranteed quality result - it will save you from excess spending and for many years ahead will provide a house with warmth.