How to close the insulation on the wall outside the house. Materials for thermal insulation (insulation) of walls outside. Installation of a metal crate

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Home insulation is one of the most important factors affecting the savings of the family budget. After all, if the house is blown from all sides, heating costs increase many times over. Experienced craftsmen do not recommend warming the premises from the inside - this leads not only to a decrease in usable area, but also to the destruction of the walls due to the formation of condensate between the walls and thermal insulation, which means that such work should be done outside the buildings. Types of insulation for walls outside, the price and materials for the manufacture of thermal insulation - this is the topic of our conversation today.

Wall insulation is very important for saving the family budget.

The reason for the external insulation is that the thermal insulation for the walls, made inside the room, does not allow the internal air to warm up the building. As a result, in the cold season, on the cooled wall, from the inside, condensation forms. Thermal insulation does not allow it to evaporate, which entails not only the formation of mold and fungus between the insulation and the wall. This leads to a rather rapid destruction of the wall. In addition, literally after a year or two, a persistent smell of dampness begins to appear in the home, which is quite difficult to get rid of.

Extruded polystyrene - what is it

This material has a higher cost, but at the same time its technical characteristics are much better. The most famous of these heaters for walls outside can be safely called penoplex. It is strong enough, although it has a porous structure. It is also very convenient in plastering. Installation is carried out on special mastics, adhesive bases without the use of acetone, but special plastic anchors can be called the best option for exterior decoration.

For rodents and various pests, such a heater is of no interest. In addition, in its manufacture, substances are used that are not susceptible to the formation of fungus. In fact, there is only one minus - high flammability. The weight of the plates is small, which, coupled with its strength, makes it possible to carry out work on the insulation of the house from the outside with foam plastic to one person without any help.

Polyurethane foam - what are its disadvantages and advantages

Such material has been known for a long time and has found application not only as a thermal insulator. It is used as a filler in armchairs and sofas, car and bus seats. To put it simply, this is foam rubber, which is probably known to every person.

As a heater, it can only be used under panels. Its soft structure does not allow plastering. Although some home craftsmen, using foam rubber as a heat insulator, then close it or, which allows subsequent plastering of the wall.

It's important to know! Its biggest disadvantage is its high temperature instability. In addition, “due to” its chemical composition, this thermal insulator, when ignited, releases very toxic substances that are quite easy to poison, unlike extruded polystyrene foam, which is not subject to combustion.

Many are now talking about the harm that the phenol allegedly emitted by this material causes. However, scholars are divided on this. Some say that it is absolutely neutral, while others, on the contrary, argue that it causes colossal harm to the body. We will not take sides, limiting ourselves to stating facts - this material is now used in almost all furniture, in cars, and even as a filler for pillows. And if its harm had been proven, then a self-respecting manufacturer would hardly have dared to poison people.

Mineral wool, its varieties and the possibility of using it for thermal insulation

This heat insulator can be used inside or outside thermal insulation of walls followed by siding or wall paneling. It is most widely used in the construction of ventilated facades and insulation. Most often, for these purposes, its variety is used - plates of a certain size of basalt insulation, the price of which is relatively low.

Mineral wool has a higher thermal conductivity and vapor permeability than previous options. It is due to this that it is the cheapest insulation. However, when using it, the heat in the house becomes quite enough. A rather unpleasant moment can be called the fact that when working with it, the body begins to itch. Of course, not as strong as it was with its predecessor - glassy, ​​but still sensitive. In addition, it is quite brittle and fragile material. But still, for such a type of insulation as a ventilated facade, such a thermal insulator is practically indispensable.

Liquid wall insulation - how to use it and how it performs its functions

In appearance, such a heat insulator resembles thick paint. There is no doubt about the quality of his performance of his functions. However, its popularity is reduced by its high cost - not everyone can afford it. It is for this reason that professionals advise applying it only in the corners of the house and at the joints of the foundation and walls. It is better to cover the rest of the area with a more affordable heater. It will be very wasteful to choose it to insulate all wall surfaces.

Such material can be divided into 2 groups - this is heat paint and liquid foam. Both of them do an excellent job not only with warming, but also with. Fits well on them, which means their compatibility with any material. High adhesion allows the use of this heat insulator on any surface, be it stone, concrete, brick or wood.

The main manufacturers of thermal insulation materials - a brief overview

There are a lot of manufacturers of thermal insulation in Russia. And each of them is good in its own way, and therefore it makes no sense to make any kind of rating, it makes no sense. So today we will just say a few words about each of them.

  • "Ecover" is a manufacturer of very good quality basalt slabs. In addition to wall products, it produces roofing heat-insulating materials and sandwich panels.

  • "Knauf"- the same mineral wool, however, the peculiarity of the manufacturer is that he produces it not in slabs, but in rolls. The layer thickness can be different.
  • "Isover"- glass wool and its varieties. Such a thermal insulator has a very big drawback - the organization of moisture removal is required
  • "Penofol"- basalt slabs are quite high quality, but the heat-insulating material made of extruded polystyrene foam brought great popularity to this brand.
  • "TechnoNIKOL"- a brand known throughout Russia and having factories in many regions. In addition to roofing material and other roofing materials, it produces XPS boards and basalt insulation.
  • "URSA"– mainly basalt and fiberglass boards of excellent quality
  • "Penoplex"- the name has become a household name. "Penoplex" is now called all the plates of their XPS, regardless of the manufacturer
  • Ecoteplin- unique and absolutely natural tile materials, which include flax fibers, borax and starch.

  • "Astratek"- liquid heaters, which have no analogues in Russia. High-quality thermal insulation is achieved already when applying a layer of only 3 mm.

Related article:

By choosing plates of suitable thickness, you can ensure a sufficient level of thermal insulation of walls, floors, ceilings. Let's talk about this heater in more detail in our review.

The list of manufacturers is endless, we have named only a few of the most famous.

Features of wall insulation outside the house - ventilated facade

Mineral wool is used for the ventilated facade. In simple terms, without the use of building terms, a frame made of a metal profile with cells according to the size of mineral, fiberglass or basalt slabs is assembled on the wall, or the same profiles are attached in a line from the bottom to the top of the building, between which insulation is laid. After it closes with a special hydro and. Facing is made with ceramic-granite tiles (usually 50 × 50 cm), which are fixed to the same guides using special metal clips called "crabs".

Thus, the developer achieves a solution to several problems at once - insulation, vapor barrier and finishing.

Three-layer wall construction - installation features

Thus, the walls of low-rise buildings from or are often insulated. The technology is pretty simple. A building made of rough bricks is insulated from the outside with the help of any polymer thermal insulator, and then lined with facing bricks. But although the quality of such thermal insulation is not bad, this method has its drawbacks. The main of them can be called the low durability of the insulation in comparison with the building and facing material. Despite this, the popularity of such insulation is quite high.

Calculation of insulation for the walls of the house: convenient online calculators

It is not difficult to calculate the required dimensions of the plates along the length and width of the wall. A much bigger problem here is the calculation of the required thickness, which depends on many different parameters, including the region in which the residential building is located. That is why we suggest you use our online calculators, which will perform all the calculations themselves.

Online calculator for calculating the thickness of the insulation of the walls of a wooden house

natural board glued plywood sheets OSB clapboard or MDF panels natural cork chipboard boards or fiberboard sheets

board or natural clapboard plywood OSB sheets clapboard or MDF panels natural cork chipboard or fiberboard sheets drywall

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Online calculator for calculating the thickness of wall insulation with foam foam

Insulation of the walls of the house is carried out in the case when the house is intended for living and the walls do not retain heat enough.

All devices for heating a house (steam, stove, gas heating) consume maximum energy, but heat is not stored.

Thermal insulation can provide a comfortable environment in the house by insulating the walls, because the wall is a vulnerable place in the house, which experiences a large wind load.

With insufficient insulation of the walls, the cold easily penetrates the house.

Insulating walls from the inside or outside is an individual decision. Less popular way of warming - from the inside. With this method, the area of ​​\u200b\u200bthe room is significantly reduced.

This disadvantage of the method plays an important role in deciding the method of thermal insulation in favor of external insulation work. In addition, there is a high probability of moisture inside the wall, especially in regions with high humidity.

Wall insulation from the outside is significantlymore often. This method requires more costs, but the internal area for living in the house is preserved, which is especially important in houses, the area of ​​\u200b\u200bwhich is already insignificant.

Wall insulation methods

Types of thermal insulation, their advantages and disadvantages

Among the many heaters, those that are most suitable in terms of their physical characteristics and heat-insulating properties predominate.

What is the best way to make external insulation? The main types of wall insulation intended for external thermal insulation are:

  • (good thermal insulator, resistant to warping, waterproof, but poor vapor permeability, risk of damage by rodents, toxic when burned);
  • (low water resistance, durability, resistance to temperature extremes, but is vapor-tight, prone to rodents);
  • (durable, low thermal conductivity, durability, resistance to temperature changes, no seams during application, however, it can create pressure in the cracks of the building, exposed to ultraviolet radiation, low fire safety during application);
  • (an excellent heat insulator, sound insulator, non-combustible, durable, but emits harmful formaldehyde during installation);
  • (waterproofing, soundproofing, environmental friendliness, durability, lack of seams, not affected by mold, rodents, however, shrinks during application, which can provoke peeling, recommended for combined insulation);
  • glass wool(thermal insulation, sound insulation, not affected by mold, rodents, fire safety, moisture resistance, non-toxicity, but due to the fragility of the fibers, it requires additional protection);
  • fibrolite(thermal insulation, sound insulation, environmental friendliness, fire resistance, durability, but with all the positive properties it is short-lived, not recommended for rooms with high humidity: baths, saunas);
  • cork material(light, durable, non-flammable, environmentally friendly, heat insulator, sound insulator, but quite expensive). In addition, there are other materials, but they are less popular.

The choice of insulation

Differences in the insulation of aerated concrete, wooden, brick houses

From what material the walls of the house are made, the method of insulation depends. If we compare houses made of wood, brick and aerated concrete, we can highlight the following points that deserve attention:

  • unlike brick walls and houses made of aerated concrete, a prerequisite for installation is the installation of a crate to provide ventilation. Installation of the lathing of block walls is carried out only under or other hinged cladding;
  • the most suitable heaters for aerated concrete and brick walls are materials with a high moisture resistance index (foam, expanded polystyrene), while for wooden houses, breathable mineral wool boards are ideal insulation;
  • the thermal conductivity of a brick wall is higher than that of aerated concrete, so the wall must either be insulated with a thicker layer of insulation, or the thickness of the brickwork must be increased;
  • with external insulation of a wooden house, the surface should be carefully prepared by treating it with antiseptics;
  • most often, fastening the layers of a wooden wall pie requires the installation of chipboard or OSB sheathing.

In addition, one should keep in mind all the indicators of the materials from which the walls are built, such as moisture resistance, thermal conductivity and thermal resistance.

How to calculate the thickness of insulation for walls

Before you buy a heater, you need to correctly calculate the thickness of the purchased material.

An indicator of the thickness of the material is the result of thermal resistance. The value for each region is different and is determined in accordance with the indications of SNiP.

For the region of the central part of the Eurasian continent, it is approximately equal to three.

The thickness of the insulation layer is equal to the difference between this indicator according to SNiP and the total amount of thermal conductivity of each material that is present in the wall.

To determine the thermal conductivity coefficient for each material, use the formula:

P=R/K ,

where R is the thickness of the material, K is an indicator of its thermal conductivity (the manufacturer indicates on the packaging).

After adding all the coefficients, the value is subtracted from the three. It turns out the thickness of the material necessary for insulation.

Wall pie device

Wall cake is a collection of layers of materials that are stacked vertically in a certain order.

Each layer of the pie wall has its own styling features. If the sequence of layers is violated, then there is a risk of destruction of the entire structure.

The device of a wall cake for external insulation must correspond to the order of laying materials, starting from the inside of the walls:

  • interior decoration;
  • internal bearing layer (drywall, sheathing);
  • vapor barrier (required in frame houses);
  • bearing wall;
  • insulation;
  • waterproofing (depending on the insulation);
  • crate;
  • ventilation gap (depending on the heat insulator);
  • finishing.

Wooden wall cake

Such a scheme for laying materials should be followed if the house is timber, frame or log.

If the wall is brick or aerated concrete, then the wall pie is slightly different:

  • interior decoration;
  • Brick wall;
  • insulation;
  • ventilation gap (if mineral wool is used);
  • load-bearing layer outside or crate (if you want to mount facade materials);
  • finishing (plaster, siding, porcelain stoneware).

"Wet" wall cake

Particular importance should be given to waterproofing and vapor barrier.

Lathing installation

Lathing for external insulation is necessary when attaching siding as an external wall finish. With vertical siding, the crate is fixed horizontally, and vice versa: with horizontal - vertically.

The crate can be made of wooden beams or their metal profile.

Lathing of beams

Before proceeding with the crate, it is necessary to prepare the bars: treat with an antifungal agent.

  • saw off a beam of the required size;
  • fix the brackets around the entire perimeter with self-tapping screws according to preliminary marking;
  • fix the beam as guides on the right and left sides of the wall;
  • if there is no thermal insulation, then it is necessary to fasten the beam to the wall by drilling holes for dowels and fixing it with self-tapping screws.

Run the crate along the entire wall, if it is necessary to level the surface, use special mounting wedges.

Lathing of beams

profile crate

The metal profile should be fixed with hangers and brackets.

Installation of a metal crate:

  • fix the profile on the right side of the wall and on the left side so that there is at least 100 mm from the corner to the guide;
  • according to the marking, drill holes for dowels and attach brackets along the entire wall;
  • if thermal insulation is installed, then the insulation plates are pricked onto the brackets;
  • lay the vapor barrier in the same way as a heater;
  • install a metal profile along the edges of the wall;
  • set the height of the profile with a thread and fix the profile along the entire wall;
  • fasten stiffeners from the remains of the profile between the elements.


It is better to choose a metal profile for siding with curved edges.

It is best to use a good quality aluminum profile.

profile crate

Why do you need a counter-lattice

Lathing and counter lathing are concepts that are often confused. The crate is necessary for attaching the coating elements to it.

The counter grille is attached perpendicular to the crate and performs the function of ventilation and at the same time fixes the hydro-barrier.

Counter rails must be installed in the walls on the sheathing or on the rafters.

The walls of houses that are equipped with a counter-lattice are called ventilated.

With a ventilated facade, the properties of the cake materials are preserved and the formation of moisture and mold is prevented.

Installation of waterproofing and vapor barrier

When installing waterproofing outside the wall of a wooden house, it can be done:

  • by applying a special solution to the walls;
  • with the help of additional materials (waterproofing polyurethane foam).

If the wall is brick, then you can use special solutions or resort to an adhesive form of waterproofing: roofing material. Glue it vertically, overlapping, removing the formed air bubbles and gluing the joints with mastic.

When using decorative facing materials, special plaster waterproofing is used.

Waterproofing mineral wool

When installing a vapor barrier from the outside, films should be used that protect the surface of the wall from the outside and allow moisture to pass from the side of the walls.

Installation of vapor barrier films is reduced to the rules:

  • they should be laid between the insulation layer and the wall;
  • provide a gap for ventilation between layers;
  • overlap the film, glue the joints, fasten the film with brackets.

If the vapor barrier is installed on a round beam, then there is no need to install a ventilation gap. In the case of square boards, such a need is mandatory.

External wall insulation with mineral wool for siding

For effective wall insulation with mineral wool prepare the surface for subsequent installation work: clean up debris, close up gaps, remove gutters and other decorative elements, apply markings, attach hangers.

  • laying mineral wool slabs from the bottom up between the guide posts end-to-end, pushing the material onto the suspensions and attaching the dowel-nails;
  • close the cracks with pieces of insulation;
  • lay a vapor barrier membrane similar to a heater;
  • attach racks to suspensions;
  • then proceed to the lining.

Metal crate

This method is suitable for metal profiles.

If a wooden beam is used, then the mineral wool insulation is somewhat different:

  • on the prepared wall, attach the bars with corners at a distance of the width of the mineral wool slab;
  • the insulation is laid end-to-end between the racks, fixed with a pair of dowels, the slots are sealed with mounting foam;
  • if a second layer of insulation is needed, then counter-rails are attached to the racks and mineral wool slabs are laid between them;
  • the diffusion membrane is attached to the frame with staples;
  • install a counter-lattice, which serves as the basis for fastening siding panels and creates an air gap in the wall cake.

Wall cake for siding

Fastening mineral wool to the wall with dowels

External insulation technology using foam

Styrofoam can be used to insulate the walls of a private house from the outside. The order of work on foam insulation provides for the sequence of work performed:

  • preparation of walls (cleaning of debris, sealing cracks, primer);
  • applying the necessary markup;
  • attach a profile at the bottom of the wall, which will serve as the basis for even laying the first row of plates;
  • attach the foam by applying an adhesive solution, starting from the bottom corner. The second row of sheets is attached in a cross order;
  • after the final drying of the glue, fix the foam plastic with umbrellas;
  • joints are sealed with mounting foam, if large - with pieces of foam. After solidification, the excess foam is cut off;
  • for finishing slopes and corners, special corners should be used, which are glued to the reinforcing mesh tape.

Laying sheets in a checkerboard pattern

Sheet fastening


It is better not to insulate wooden houses with foam, since with a breathing tree it is better to use a porous insulation that can pass moisture and air vapor.

In this case, mineral wool is ideal.

The main mistakes of insulation

External insulation of the walls of a country house must be carried out in accordance with the requirements and rules for the installation of materials. Errors that most often occur during insulation contribute to improper circulation of air flows and the formation of moisture inside the cake, which leads to a weakening of thermal insulation qualities:

  • incorrect calculation of heat resistance;
  • in the absence of a basement rail at the bottom of the wall, the insulation may come into contact with the ground;
  • polystyrene foam during installation should not be left in the sun for a long time;
  • gaps between the insulation plates lead to the appearance of cold bridges;
  • at the corners of the building and around doors and windows, expansion dowels should be installed to securely fasten the material.

In addition, you should not save on materials, since in addition to their correct installation, the poor quality of the material should not cause poor-quality insulation.

Thus, when insulating the walls, the living area is preserved, a careful study of the details is required to calculate the amount of materials and determine the order of installation work.

Useful video

Mineral wool insulation technology in video instructions:

In contact with

In most cases, people are used to insulating houses from the inside, although this is not entirely correct. Thermal insulation of walls with external insulation has a number of advantages compared to the internal insulation of an apartment. Insulation installed indoors reduces the usable space of rooms, especially when it comes to corner apartments or private housing construction.

By laying insulation only on the inner walls of the house, not all energy saving problems can be solved. In such a situation, the building outside will continue to freeze and accumulate excess moisture, which after a while can penetrate inside the house. Therefore, it is advisable carry out external insulation. But immediately before starting installation work, you need to learn how to understand the main characteristics of external wall insulation.

Advantages of external wall insulation

The main advantages of wall insulation from the outside are saving usable space inside the building, protecting the house from freezing and increasing the overall operational life of the building. At the same time, external wall insulation does not increase the load on the building structure and does not put additional pressure on the foundation.

Special attention deserves warming the house high degree of protection from freezing. First of all, this is due to the fact that the laying of thermal insulation from the inside prevents heat from escaping the room to the outside, while the walls continue to freeze at low temperatures. Between the inner walls and the heat-insulating material, a zone is formed in which water condenses, which accompanies the formation of fungal mold and the rapid cooling of the room under the influence of moisture.

Moisture-soaked insulation inside the room does not dry out even in the summer heat, creating a permanent zone of water accumulation, which significantly affects the service life of the building. When using external insulation for walls, the point of condensation is shifted towards the heat-insulating layer. The walls, insulated from the outside, do not cool down and retain heat, reducing its loss for a long time. External heat-insulating materials quickly lose moisture, retaining their main characteristics, increasing the operational life of the walls. To the main benefits external wall insulation can include the following characteristics:

  • saving thermal energy in winter;
  • keeping cool indoors in the summer heat;
  • energy savings when heating or cooling the house;
  • increase in the operational resource of the house;
  • preventing the development of fungal mold;
  • the aesthetic component of the external insulation transforms the house.

Another advantage of using external heat-insulating materials is the high sound insulation of the room. If in the buildings of the private sector this issue is not so important, then in large metropolitan areas soundproofing of premises remains relevant.

Requirements for external insulation for walls

Conducting external thermal insulation work should be comprehensive. This is due to the fact that the correct choice of insulation depends on the material from which the structure is built. So, for brick houses, the familiar polystyrene is most often used. In turn, it is better to insulate wooden buildings with mineral wool. Naturally, the final choice remains with the homeowner. At the same time, when choosing an external insulation for walls, it is necessary to pay attention on the following material characteristics:

But regardless of the insulation used and its main characteristics, the main thing is to try to create a rational heat-insulating structure that will avoid a lot of undesirable problems of external wall insulation. In particular, you need take into account external factors, such as rain, snow and other precipitation, as well as a strong temperature difference in winter and summer, which the outer thermal insulation material must withstand.

Varieties of fastening of external insulation

To the most popular ways carrying out installation work on wall insulation with external insulation include the following:

Naturally, each version of insulation has its own characteristics and difficulties of implementation. To date, the market has a mass of materials of a combined type, which not only solve the issue of building insulation, but, subject to the installation technology, provide waterproofing and fire safety of the building.

Selection criteria and types of external heaters

Regardless of what thermal insulation material the choice of the homeowner will be stopped on, he will cope with the tasks assigned to him. But they all differ in their main characteristics and, of course, in the price, which plays an important role in external insulation. At the same time, you will have to choose from the following typical materials:

  • foam or polystyrene foam boards;
  • mineral roll insulation;
  • plates or liquid polyurethane foam;
  • basalt insulation;
  • cellulose insulation material.

If we consider the main differences between external heaters, then they are in the degree of moisture resistance, vapor permeability and heat conductivity. In this case, the first two parameters should be selected based on the climate conditions of the region in which the structure was erected. In turn, the thermal conductivity of the material affects the thickness and installation of insulation, depending on the goals pursued.

Preparatory stage of work on insulation

Having selected a heat-insulating material that is suitable for the price and quality, you can proceed to the stage of external wall insulation. But for starters surface preparation in progress. If necessary, the old plaster is removed in some cases up to the foundation of the building. The result of these works should be a flat surface of brick or stone, it all depends on the material used in construction.

An important role is played by the primer, which is often neglected by people who carry out independent repairs. If differences or other wall defects that exceed a few centimeters are found, they are sealed with mortar. The most suitable primer is deep penetration. To obtain an even heat-insulating layer that will not interfere with the next stages of finishing work, you need to install beacons on a plumb line. This will allow you to outline the outer plane of the wall, which will facilitate the installation work.

Self-tapping screws are fixed on the upper edge of the wall surface, to which a construction cord is tied, which is supplied with a load at the end and lowers to the very bottom of the wall. Horizontal ropes are stretched between the extreme cords to form a control grid, which will be the main reference point when installing external thermal insulation. Then they proceed to fastening sheets of material, the installation of which differs depending on the characteristics of the insulation.

We insulate the wall of the house from the outside with polystyrene foam

Insulation sheets are attached to the wall with adhesive and additionally fixed with dowels. The reliability of the dowels will directly affect the quality of the insulation retention under strong wind loads. In this case, there are two main types of dowels with a standard and extended spacer zone. At the same time, standard fasteners are used to fix polystyrene foam on concrete and brick walls. In turn, it is advisable to use elongated dowels for walls made of porous material - foam block, lightweight concrete, etc..

Plates of polystyrene insulation have one significant drawback - the high combustibility of the material. Although manufacturers were able to solve this problem through the use of new technologies in manufacturing. Therefore, it is the resistance of the material to fire that should be given special attention when choosing.

After the adhesive composition is applied to the surface of the wall, proceed to fixing the plates. Glue is applied in sufficient volume so that the composition completely fills all the irregularities. The insulation plate is tightly pressed against the wall surface, while excess adhesive solution comes out from under it, falling under the adjacent plate, due to which the joints become more reliable. After that, the plate is additionally fixed with dowels in the corners and in the center of the product. Neighboring joints of plates, as well as dowel caps, are smeared with mastic.

After laying the outer insulation perform reinforcement of the resulting structure. To do this, use a fiberglass mesh, and, if necessary, metal products. The plates are opened with adhesive compositions, on which the mesh is laid, by pressing against the heat insulator. For greater reliability, the mesh is fastened with an overlap. After the adhesive composition dries, it is sanded and proceed to the application of the finish. The most popular is decorative plaster, which, after drying, is opened with a layer of weather-resistant paint.

Liquid polyurethane foam - quality and durability

Polyurethane foam is considered one of the most interesting and effective ways of external wall insulation. This liquid insulation has a lot of advantages compared to plate materials. The preparation of the material takes place immediately before applying the insulation to the wall surface. In addition, polyurethane foam There are a number of other benefits:

The process of installing polyurethane foam itself consists of spraying a layer of heat-insulating polymers on wall surfaces of any shape, followed by hardening of the insulation. In a special container mixing of two polymers foaming with carbon dioxide. The resulting composition is sprayed from a pistol onto the surface of the wall, covering it with an even layer.

At the final stage of insulation, a decorative finish is applied over the heat-insulating layer. Thanks to this topcoat, the insulation will be completely protected from the effects of external environmental factors. Plus, it will improve the aesthetic appeal of the building.

Only by choosing the right material for external wall insulation and only by observing the technological process of its installation, the homeowner can be sure that his house will be cool in summer and warm in winter for a long time.

As soon as we decide to insulate the house, a huge pile of questions appears in our head:

  • How to insulate walls?
  • How to insulate walls?
  • What is the best way to insulate, outside or inside?
  • But will the house become warmer, and will I not throw money away?

In this article I will try to answer all these questions in as much detail as possible, as well as talk about the currently popular materials for insulation.

How to properly insulate the walls of the house, outside or inside

Try to ask any builder how best to insulate the walls of the house, outside or inside? The answer will be obvious. Everyone knows that it is necessary to insulate walls from the outside, and to resort to thermal insulation of walls from the inside only in extreme cases. But at the same time, not everyone knows why the thermal insulation of the walls from the inside of the house is so undesirable.

Let's try to figure it out. The diagram shows three states of the wall of the house, with insulation from the outside, from the inside and no insulation at all:

Speaking in ordinary human language, the dew point is the place where water vapor turns into water, thereby creating condensate.

If you look at the diagram, you can see that to the left of the dew point is a positive temperature, and to the right - negative.

When insulating from the inside:

  1. The wall remains unprotected by domestic heat, since the heat barrier from the insulation will not let it into the wall. Thus, in winter, it will be largely subject to frost, constant moisture, and will not have time to dry out, since we blocked the way from the inside with a heater to the heat that protected the wall earlier.
  2. In the place of the dew point, condensate collects (air water vapor is converted into water droplets), this point will be as close as possible to the room, which means that the formation of moisture in this place will be maximum. As already mentioned, the insulation from the inside will interfere with the natural drying of the wall.
  3. The constant formation of condensate, without natural drying, can lead to the appearance of various kinds of fungi and mold on the wall. Do not console yourself with the fact that the fungus is behind the insulation and nothing terrible will happen. Mold and various kinds of green-black formations on the wall adversely affect not only the appearance, but also the health of the residents of such a house.
  4. If you look at the diagram, it shows that even without insulation, there will be less moisture on the wall from the inside than with insulation from the inside.

When insulating from the outside:

  1. From the side of the street, the wall is protected by insulation from the cold, and given the technology of insulation, and from moisture, and from the side of the room - with domestic heat, which warms up the wall sufficiently and even in cases of various kinds of condensate and moisture absorption by the wall, will contribute to its rapid drying.
  2. We take the dew point away from the room towards the street, which means that we also take the condensate away from the room.
  3. Insulation from the outside will greatly preserve the warmth and comfort in your home.

I think now it has become clear to everyone why everyone refuses to warm the walls of the house from the inside, and more and more often resort to warming from the outside. And it is necessary to insulate the walls from the side of the room only if there is no other way out.

How to properly insulate walls with expanded polystyrene and extruded polystyrene foam (EPS) from the outside

I described in detail about the insulation of walls with polystyrene foam in one of my previous articles. Here I will mention some of the main points.

Preparing the wall for the installation of insulation

The first thing to do before insulating the walls with polystyrene foam or EPS is to clean the walls of the house from the outside of dirt, dust and, which is not unimportant, trim them. After that, they must be primed if you use glue to install the insulation.

If there are significant holes on the wall that you cannot level with glue, then after installing the insulation, a void may remain between the expanded polystyrene plate and the wall. And this is highly undesirable, because even a light blow or push on the insulation to the place where the hole is, can deform or break it.
If a small tubercle comes across during the insulation process, it will be difficult for you to glue the expanded polystyrene sheet in that place tightly to the wall.

Installation of expanded polystyrene and EPS on the wall

Styrofoam, as a rule, is glued to the wall with a special glue for polystyrene foam boards, and sometimes with special "fungi".

In the case of insulation of extruded polystyrene foam (EPS), it is necessary to make the surface on which the adhesive will be applied rough. There are no such problems with foam plastic, the glue sticks it well without additional processing, and XPS has a smoother surface, so it needs to be processed.

Very often, for reinforcement, polystyrene foam is attached simultaneously to both glue and “fungi”, which is the most reliable and correct solution.

After installing the insulation, as a rule, the walls are plastered from the outside, or lined with facing bricks.

Styrofoam insulation with wooden slats

There is another type of installation of polystyrene foam boards - using a frame made of rails or other suitable material.

Rails are mounted to the wall, the thickness of which should not be less than the thickness of the insulation, and even better, that it be larger to create a ventilated space between the polystyrene foam and the cladding. The distance between the slats is chosen so that the polystyrene boards are tightly inserted between them without falling out.

This type of installation is acceptable if you do not plaster or brick the walls, but sheathe them with siding, for example. In this case, the slats will also become the basis for fixing facing materials.

How to properly insulate walls from the outside with mineral wool

Another popular insulation for the walls of the house are mineral wool insulation.

Wall insulation with mineral wool differs from wall insulation with polystyrene foam boards, primarily because of the characteristics of the heaters themselves.

Mineral wool, unlike expanded polystyrene, is not a sufficiently rigid insulation, therefore, the installation of mineral wool is carried out, as a rule, by the frame method. But if the cotton insulation is of sufficient density, then the builders also do not disdain mounting on glue.

A frame is constructed from slats or small bars, and mineral wool is laid or rolled between them.

If the wall is concrete or brick, the bars are attached to the wall with dowel-nails. Well, if the wall of the house is wooden, then with self-tapping screws.
Additionally, you can fix the mineral wool with “fungi” so that it does not roll down.

Since wool insulation absorbs moisture very well, it will be necessary to provide waterproofing on top of the insulation. Without this, mineral wool will absorb moisture from the street and you can forget about the effect of warming.

It is also desirable to build a more or less reliable protection against various rodents by installing metal strips along the edges of the wall.

When facing the walls from the outside with brick, the insulation is laid between the main wall and the cladding, while these two walls are connected with special bundles that pierce the mineral wool and at the same time hold it inside the wall, preventing it from rolling down in the future.

Wall insulation from the outside with polyurethane foam (PPU)

This is the most modern type of insulation, but also one of the most expensive. The advantages of wall insulation with polyurethane foam are many:

  • after application, it expands, filling all the depressions, cracks, etc.
  • at a certain density, the vapor permeability is very low, which excludes additional vapor barrier
  • has good adhesion, i.e. sticks well to the wall
  • after hardening has good mechanical strength
  • good heat and sound insulating properties

Of course, any coin has two sides, so here, too, there are enough shortcomings:

  • polyurethane foam with low density, has good vapor permeability, which must be taken into account when insulating.
  • low fire resistance
  • expensive material
  • spraying is recommended to be applied by professionals, which practically excludes do-it-yourself warming
  • aging of polyurethane foam over time, with deterioration of heat-insulating properties

It is better to entrust the insulation of the walls of the house from the outside with polyurethane foam to professional workers using personal protective equipment, since dangerous toxic substances are released during the spraying process.

Many are faced with such a problem, heat is not stored in a heated room, the reason for this may be the dissipation of thermal energy through the walls. How to deal with it? How to keep warm inside the house? How to insulate a house? What is the best way to insulate a house from the outside? For this, the house is insulated. The most correct solution would be to insulate the walls of the room, their outer part, you can use any heat insulator for this.

He will be able to create protection for warm indoor air from the outside cold and will effectively maintain the necessary microclimate of the room. Also, the advantages of insulating external walls include their protection from water vapor and light radiation, which will significantly extend their service life.

What is the best way to insulate the walls of the house from the outside? What is the best way to insulate a house? How to insulate a stone house, brick or wooden? High-quality thermal insulation is the key to comfort and coziness of a private or country house.

How to insulate a house with your own hands? How to carry out good thermal insulation and do it in the best way?

In total, there are three main types of thermal insulation work in a private house:

  • The insulation is fixed directly to the wall using special glue or other devices. Then it is covered with a construction mesh and plastered for finishing materials.
  • In this case, the heat insulator is also mounted on the wall of the room, but then an additional brick wall is installed on the foundation. A small air space or gap is left between the insulation and the wall. With this method, the heat insulator is not plastered.
  • This option of insulation consists of several phased works. First of all, the walls of the house are covered with a special waterproofing film, then the material selected as insulation is mounted, after which it is necessary to install protection against water vapor and wind. And only after that, with the help of a special frame made of wooden beams or metal guides, materials for the external cladding of the room are installed, such as various siding, lining, ceramic tiles and much more. The use of this variant, the so-called ventilated facade, can be carried out at any time of the year, since there is no need to use any mortar.

The considered options represent a general direction, in each of them there may be certain changes associated with the use of certain materials as a heater. The modern market for thermal insulation materials is quite wide and some of them may require a different installation method.

Also, the choice of a heat insulator, its parameters depend on the material from which the walls of the house are made. As an example, consider the principles of installing insulation for wooden, brick and concrete walls.

Installation of heaters

What to insulate? Any heat insulator has certain properties, but in any case, it will be able to keep your home warm. They differ in price, in the material from which they are made and in such parameters as moisture resistance, vapor permeability and thermal conductivity. Heaters that are presented on the construction market: expanded polystyrene, mineral wool, polyurethane foam, basalt slab and cellulose insulation.

The use of one or another insulating material is associated with climatic conditions, the method of installation work and the coefficient of thermal conductivity. The calculation takes into account the width of the bearing wall, the thermal conductivity of the insulator, the internal temperature of the room. Then you can start installing the heater. How to prepare a wall for the installation of insulation?

Consider the instruction:

  • First of all, it is necessary to clean the wall from old plaster and other materials up to the material from which it is made.
  • After that, it is necessary to level the wall surfaces, close up cracks and pits and chop off protrusions, clean dust and dirt, and carefully apply a primer, not missing a single centimeter of the area.

A primer should be used that has the property of deep penetration into the wall, choosing one or another type depending on the material from which the primed surface is made.

  • Installation of insulation should be done in an even layer without surface distortion, depressions and protrusions, using the tools provided for this: beacons, plumb lines, levels, corners and others. Otherwise, you may encounter problems with further plastering of the wall or installation of facing material, that is, applying different thicknesses of plaster material and installing additional guides. What does the beacon system look like? Screws are screwed on the upper edge of the surface, several pieces depending on the length of the wall, on which a dense thread is hung with a metal plumb line at the bottom.
  • After that, horizontal threads are installed that connect all the vertical ones. Thus, a network is formed that will determine the level during the installation of a heater or frame system. After carrying out such preparatory work, you can proceed with the installation of a heat insulator.

Can be made with different materials. How to insulate the walls of the house from the outside? How do materials differ from each other?

Use of Styrofoam

Use of expanded polystyrene as a heater. How to insulate a house from the outside with polystyrene foam? You need to properly insulate according to the instructions.

Installation instructions for this thermal insulation product:

  • At the beginning, it is necessary to install a corner along the lower edge of the wall, observing the desired level - the first layer of heat insulator will be aligned along it. It is installed using special glue, glue for ceramic tiles is also suitable.
  • The sheets are pressed tightly against the wall and leveled with plumb lines and a level. The second layer of material is applied after the final drying of the first, so as not to knock it off the level.

It should be noted that the sheets of each subsequent level are mounted in a brick order, that is, the seam of the lower level is located in the middle of the sheet of the next row. This is done so that the sheets of the bottom row hold the top ones.

  • From the second row, expanded polystyrene is attached using special anchors, "umbrellas", as they are called differently. They are driven into each of the four corners and into the center of the sheet.
  • Vertical and horizontal seams are glued with construction tape with reinforcing properties. In window openings and at the corners of the walls of the insulation, it is additionally fastened with corners made of metal.
  • After the wall is completely covered with insulation, a building mesh is mounted on it, then plaster can be applied.

Expanded polystyrene is best suited for insulating walls made of brick and concrete. This installation of insulation has its negative sides. So, for example, this material has a low permeability to water vapor, as a result of which the condensate that will accumulate in the wall can eventually lead to it getting wet.

To avoid this, before installation work on the installation of insulation, the walls must be dried with high quality. It is also important to keep them dry during operation. If all this cannot be achieved, then in this case it is better to use the method of installing insulation, which provides for its ventilation.

Remember that in the end there should not be a place where there will be access to polystyrene foam, otherwise small rodents can damage it, and it will also be affected by the environment, which will lead to damage and loss of properties.

Do-it-yourself thermal insulation of the house can be carried out using polystyrene foam.

The use of mineral wool

Many are inclined to believe that it is better to insulate the walls with mineral wool. Mineral wool is another popular insulation. How to insulate a private house with mineral wool? The installation of this insulation is similar in its technological procedures to thermal insulation made using basalt or cellulose slabs.

Installation instructions for mineral wool:

  • In the beginning, wall preparation is always required. We will clean the walls of old plaster and try to level the surface.
  • Then you should proceed with the installation of the frame. It is made of wooden beams, by creating a vertical and horizontal crate. At the same time, the width and length of the empty space should be less than the insulation sheet by about thirty millimeters - these are the necessary conditions for the mineral wool sheet to enter it easily and not form a large gap.
  • As a fastening of mineral wool sheets, anchor bolts are mounted, on which the material is hung. Since most often the walls remain uneven, it is better to use mineral wool, consisting of two layers. At the same time, a softer layer is installed directly on the wall, thanks to its structure, the most excellent connection of sheets with a heat-insulated surface occurs.

On some versions of mineral wool, plaster can be applied after installing the construction mesh or a special vapor-permeable insulating film can be installed. Then it is necessary to strengthen it and the heat insulator with additional wooden beams, after which the facing material is installed. Suitable lining, various siding, tiles and facing bricks.

This type of home insulation, three-layer ventilated, has proven itself in all climatic zones. It is especially suitable for walls made of wood, as it allows this product to breathe and not dampen.

Use of polyurethane foam

How to properly insulate a house with polyurethane foam? When mounting this insulation, it is necessary to adhere to the same frame structure as when insulating with mineral wool with the installation of wind protection. At the same time, polyurethane foam is foamed onto the wall in a place free from the frame under the film, forming a very strong connection with the wall, thanks to this, an excellent result is achieved in preserving heat inside the premises.

But there is one drawback - when using this type of insulation, when mounted on vertical walls, it is difficult to form a layer of the same thickness, so it is most often used on horizontal surfaces such as ceilings or roof slopes at a slight angle. Insulating walls with polyurethane is not difficult. It is necessary to insulate the house (booth) using additional products.

The use of basalt slabs

The insulation of the walls of the house from the outside can be carried out using basalt slabs. During the installation of this thermal insulation product, it is necessary to additionally apply a vapor barrier film.

Laying this protective film is carried out on the bars, which have a horizontal position, and between the rafters. Then it is necessary to seal the formed joints. Sealing is carried out using a specially designed tape. The layer should be 200 millimeters. Next, a layer of wind protection is laid, and a coating of purlins is made thanks to the beams. This is done in order to provide ventilation.

Before starting the insulation of external walls with this material, it is necessary to make a coating of purlins - this is different from the thermal insulation of the internal walls of a building. Leave a gap for ventilation. Attachment of basalt slabs is carried out thanks to self-tapping screws. The final stage of installation includes finishing the surface with siding or some other coating.

To insulate walls from the outside with basalt slabs, you must strictly follow the rules. Warming of a private house is often carried out using basalt slabs.

Cellulose use

How to insulate walls with cellulose? Cellulose can be mounted using three methods: mechanical, dry, wet.

The first method of mounting involves the use of dedicated hardware. Do-it-yourself wall insulation mechanically from the outside is quite expensive. The mechanical method has a high performance. This method allows the walls to "breathe". Therefore, it is not necessary to apply a vapor barrier layer.

The dry mounting method is used only for thermal insulation of horizontal surfaces. How are walls insulated from the outside using this method? The insulation product is applied to the walls manually without the use of special equipment. First, the pulp must be fluffed, this is done with a drill.

Then it must be poured out of the container to the surface. Next is its tamping. If, nevertheless, the insulation must be applied to a vertical surface, then the work will take place in two stages. First you need to build a wall from the frame, the height of which should be 50 centimeters. Then you need to pour in a heat-insulating product and tamp it. So other parts of the walls are also insulated.

Wet method - it is used for thermal insulation of vertical structures. First, the cellulose must be moistened with water. Thanks to this procedure, the cellulose will seize without problems.

All methods of insulation can be used to insulate a private house from the outside. Or it will be the insulation of a country house.

What is the best way to insulate a house from the outside? There are various materials for insulating walls outside. Each thermal insulation material has its own advantages and disadvantages. The main thing is to be cheap, inexpensive, but of high quality. Use the material for warming the house outside, which has high technical characteristics.

We hope that the description of each of them will help you make the right choice. Wall insulation from the outside is an important element in achieving overall comfort. You can insulate the house from the outside with your own hands without anyone's help. You will achieve maximum comfort and coziness in the house.