The features characterizing the conversational style of modern Russian language. Spoken style and its features

Spoken style as one of the varieties of literary language serves the sphere of the relaxed communication of people in everyday life, in the family, as well as the sphere of informal relations in production, in institutions, etc.

The main form of realization of the spoken style is Oral speech, although it can manifest itself in writing (informal friendly letters, notes for household topics, diary entries, replicas of characters in plays, in certain genres of artistic and journalistic literature). In such cases, the features of the oral form of speech are recorded.

The main extrallinguistic signs that determine the formation of a spoken style are: ease (which is possible only with informal relations between speakingrs and in the absence of installation on a message that is official), the immediacy and unpreparedness of communication. The sender of speech directly participate in the conversation, and its recipient, often changing with the roles, the relations between them are installed in the act of speech. Such a speech can not be advantageous, the direct participation of the addressee and the addressee determines its mainly dialogic character, although a monologue is also possible.

The monologue in a conversational style is the form of a relaxed story about any events, about something seen, read or heard and is addressed to a specific listener (listeners), with which the speaker must establish contact. The listener naturally reacts to the story, expressing consent, disagreement, surprise, indignation, etc. Or asking about something speaking. Therefore, the monologue in colloquial speech is not as clearly opposed to the dialogue, as in writing.

A characteristic feature of colloquial speech is emotionality, expressiveness, evaluation reaction. So to the question Written!instead No, not writtenemotional-expressive responses of the type are usually followed. Where they wrote there!or Straight¾ Written!; Where they wrote!; So wrote!; Easy to say¾ Written!etc.

A large role in spoken speech is played by the situation of speech communication, the situation, as well as non-verbal means of communication (gestures, mimic, the nature of the relationship between the interlocutors, etc.).

His most common linguistic features, as standard, the stereotype of the use of language agents, their incomplete design, in syntactic, phonetic and morphological levels, intermittentness and inconsistency of speech from a logical point of view are connected with the extralyinguistic features of the spoken style. , breaking of the proposal of various types of inserts, repeats of words and suggestions, widespread use of language tools with a pronounced emotional-expressive color, activity of language units of the specific value and the passivity of units with an abstract-generalized value.

Conversational speech has its norms that do not coincide in many cases with book-speech standards recorded in dictionaries, reference books, grammar (codified). The norms of colloquial speech, unlike the books, are installed by the izus (custom) and are not consciously supported by anyone. However, the native speakers feel them and any unmotivated retreat from them perceive as an error. This allowed researchers (O.B. Sirotinina, A.N. Vasilyeva, N.Yu. Swedovaya, O.A. Lapteva, etc.) to argue that the modern Russian speaking speech is normalized, although the norms in it are quite peculiar. In colloquial speech, ready-made designs, sustainable turns, various river clichés (greeting formulas, farewell, appeals, apologies, gratitude, etc.) are created in colloquial and recurring situations. These ready-made, standardized speech products are automatically reproduced and contribute to strengthening the normative nature of spoken speech, which is a distinctive feature of its norm. However, the spontaneity of speech communication, the lack of preliminary thinking, the use of non-verbal means of communication and the specifics of the speech situation lead to the weakening of the norms.

Thus, stable speech standards reproduced in typical and repeating situations coexist in a conversational style, and outstanding speech phenomena that can be exposed to different displacements. These two circumstances determine the specifics of the rules of the spoken style: due to the use of standard speech tools and receptions of the spoken-style norm, on the one hand, are characterized by a higher degree of commitment compared to the norms of other styles where synonymy, free maneuvering with a set of permissible speech tools . And on the other hand, outstanding speech phenomena, characteristic of spoken style, may be more than in other styles, exposed to various offsets.

In the conversational style, compared with scientific and official-business, significantly higher than the proportion of neutral vocabulary. A number of stylistically neutral words are used in portable values \u200b\u200bspecific to this style. For example, stylistically neutral verb cut off('Separate anything, part of something') in a conversational style is used in the meaning 'sharply reply, wanting to stop the conversation' (Said¾ cut off and no longer repeated), fly('Move, move through the air with the help of wings') ¾ in the meaning' break, deter (Flew the internal combustion engine).See also: dump('Shifting the guilt, responsibility for anyone'), throw up('Give, deliver'), put('Appoint to any post'), remove('Dismissed from office') and others.

Widely used vocabulary of household content: greeding, braking, mig, tiny, non-domestic, fetch, slowly, electric train, potatoes, cup, salt, mockery, brush, plateetc.

The use of words with a specific value under consideration is common and limited with abstract; Uncharacterically use of terms, foreign language words that have not yet become commonplace. Author's neologisms (occasionalism) are active, polyground and synonymy are developed, and the situation is common. A characteristic feature of the lexical system of spoken style is the wealth of emotional and expressive vocabulary and phraseology (Tarmers, Darmot, Starik, Stormy; Floor, Vorti, Cut the shadow on the woven, take for the throat, climb into a bottle, to take anger).

Phraseologisms in colloquial speech are often rethought, change the form, the processes of contamination and comic updates of the phrase are active. The word with a phraseologically caused value can be used as an independent, while maintaining the value of the whole phraseologicalism: do not sue¾ lump up¾ To poke the nose is not in my case, disappeared¾ break outThis is the expression of the law of savings of speech funds and the principle of incompleteness. A special kind of colloquial phraseology is standard expressions, the usual formula of speech etiquette type How are you?; Good morning!; Be kind!; Thank you for attention; I apologizeetc.

The use of non-industrial vocabulary (jargonisms, vulgarizes, coarse and graft words, etc.) ¾ This is not a normative phenomenon of spoken style, but rather a violation of the norms, as well as the abuse of bookmarks, who gives spoken speech, artificial character.

Expressiveness and evaluation are manifested in the field of word formation. Extremely productive education with submitted assessment with the value of masculinity, decreasing, neglect, (no) approval, irony, etc. (daughter, daughters, daughter, crucible, evil, greater).Active formation of words with the help of affixes that give conversational or illustrate shade. These include nouns with suffixes -Ak (Syan): Walker, Dobryak; -K-A: stove, wall; -Sh-A: Cassis, secretary; -an (-yan); Starikan, confused; -One: Bouncen, Govorun; - Salid: Kind, baby; -L-a: imagined, rare; Rev-I: running, plump;adjectives with suffixes caution): Great, thin;with the prefix pre-: Promotional, subsequent;verbs of prefixal suffix education: boost, walk, teach, philantal;verbs on -Not: model, grimace, wander, joinery;on the (-And) -the: Pusk, bug, bug, burst, blame.Conversational speech to a greater extent than books, the use of multiplustic verb formations (re-election, press, reflect, rose).Popular and return verbs with bright emotional-estimated and figurative expression are used. (felt, work out, arrange, think),complete Popular Education (Adjacent, Phone, to participate).

To strengthen expression uses the doubling of words, sometimes with prefixation (Big-big, white-white, quick-fast, small-premium, high-density).The tendency to reduce the names, the replacement of non-aluminous names of challenges (Cumbling book ¾ recallerdecade School ¾ decadenautical School ¾ navigatsurgical compartment ¾ surgery,eye disease specialist ¾ oculist,sorry schizophrenia ¾ schizophrenic).Metronic names are widely used. (Today a meeting of the trade professional will be held¾ Today is trade professional; Dictionary of the Russian language, compiled by S.I. Ozhegov¾ Ozhegov).

In the field of morphology, it can be noted, firstly, grammatical forms that function mainly in the conversational style, and secondly, the consumption of stylistically not marked grammatical categories, their ratio here is different compared to other functional styles. For this style are characterized by form on -butin the nominative case of a multiple number, where in the book styles is a normative form on - (bunker, cruiser, spotlight, instructor),forms on the parent and proposed case (kilogram sugar, glass tea, bunch of grapes, in the workshop, on vacation);zero Flexion in the Parental Padge Multiple (five grams, ten kilograms, a kilogram of tomato,compare Book: grams, kilograms, tomatoes).

Specifically quantitative distribution of the case forms of nouns: In the first place in the process, an immunity is facilitating, the pet is rarely used with the value of comparison, high-quality characteristics; Not consumed by the factory with the value of the act of action.

Used attractive adjectives, synonymous forms of indirect case of noun names: pushkin's poems (Pushkin's poems), Brigadier Sister (Brigadier sister), Katin Brother (Brother Kati).In the predicative function, a brief form of adjective is usually used, but full: The woman was a laconic; Conclusions are indisputable(Compare Book: The real wisdom of a few; The conclusions are indisputable).Brief forms of adjectives are active only in amplifying structures, where they are characterized by a pronounced expressive color: Well, heter!; It hurts it simple; Bad are yours!

One of the characteristic features of the conversational speech ¾ is a wide use of pronouns that are not only replacing nouns and adjectives, but also used without support to the context. For example, pronoun suchmay mean positive quality or serve as an amplifier (She is such a woman!¾ beautiful, gorgeous, smart; Such beauty around!).The pronoun in combination with the infinitive can replace the name of the item, i.e. Exclude noun. For example: Give than to write; Bring what to read; Do you have something to write?; Take something to eat.Due to the use of pronoun in colloquial speech ¾ decreases the frequency of use of the names of nouns and adjectives. The insignificant frequency of the latter in spoken speech is also associated with the fact that objects and their signs are visible or known to the interlocutors.

In the conversational style of verbs prevail over noun. The activity of personal forms of verb increases due to the passivity of the exclusive nouns, as well as communion and verbalists that are almost not used in colloquial speech. Of the forms of communion, only a brief form of the suffering communion of the past time of the average sole number (It is written, smoking, repached, done, said).Significantly the number of adjusted communion (Knowing specialist, working man, wounded soldier, torn boots, fried potatoes).The bright sense of spoken speech is the use of verbs of multiple and single action (he read, sat down, guarded, turned, drove, blushed),as well as verbs with an ultra-action value (knock, bryak, jump, skok, fuck, row).

The immediacy and unpreparedness of the statement, the situation of speech communication and other characteristic features of the spoken style are especially affected by its syntactic strict. At the syntactic level, it is more active than on other levels of the language system, the explicitness of the expression of the meaning of language means is manifested. Infant structures, ellipticity ¾ This is one of the speech savings and one of the most striking differences between the spoken speech from other species of the literary language. Since the conversational style is usually implemented in conditions of direct communication, everything that is given by the situation or follows from what was known to the interlocutors even earlier, sank out of speech. A.M. Peshkovsky, describing the speaking speech, wrote: "We always do not agree our thoughts, omitting everything that is given by the situation or the previous experience of talked. So, at the table we ask: "Are you coffee or tea?"; Meeting a friend, ask: "Where are you?"; Hearing boring music, say: "Again!"; Offering waters, say: "Boiled, do not worry!", Seeing that the pen from the interlocutor does not write, say: "And you pencil!" etc."

In the colloquial syntax, simple sentences prevail, and there is often a verb-faithful verb, which gives the statement of dynamism. In some cases, the statements are understandable outside the situation and context, which indicates their language system (I'm in the movies; he is in the hostel; I would be a ticket; tomorrow in the theater),in other ¾, the missing verb is prompted by the situation: (in the mail) ¾ Please envelope with brand(give). Suggestions are used (affirmative, negative, motivating): ¾ Buy a ticket?¾ Necessarily; Can you bring a book?¾ Of course;¾ Read a note?¾ Not yet;¾ Prepared! March!Only colloquial speech is typical of the use of special words and relevant proposals expressing consent or disagreement (Yes; no; Of course; Of course),often they repeat (¾ Go to the forest?¾ Yes Yes!;¾ Do you buy this book?¾ No no).

Of the complex offers in this style are more active in complex and non-union. The latter often wear a pronounced spoken color, and therefore are not used in the book speech (Come¾ Call; There are people¾ Do not regret yourself).Inappropriate to the statement, no possibility to pre-think through the phrase prevent the use of complex syntactic structures in the conversational style. Emotionality and expressiveness of colloquial speech due to the widespread use of question and exclamation purposes (Have you really not watched this movie? Do you want to see? We go now in "October", well, you are sitting at home! In this weather!).Active interdudice phrases (No matter how much!; Oh, well!; Well, yes ?; still!; Oh, whether you!);connecting structures are used (The plant is well equipped. According to the latest technology; he is a good man. Besides cheerful).

The main indicator of the syntactic relations in the conversational speech is the intonation and order of words, while the morphological means of communication ¾ transmission of syntactic values \u200b\u200bwith the forms of the word ¾ are weakened. Intonation, closely related to speech, tone, tone, melody, voice timbre, pauses, logical strokes, etc., in a conversational style is a huge semantic, modal and emotional-expressive load, giving speech naturalness, ease, livelism, expressiveness. It fills what is inadequate, contributes to strengthening emotionality, is the main means of expressing current membership. The topic of statements is highlighted using logical accent, therefore the element acting as a remods may be located anywhere. For example, the purpose of the trip can be clarified by questions: Are you going to Moscow on a business trip? ¾ Are you going to Moscow on a business trip?¾ Is traveling to Moscow on a business trip? ¾ Are you going on a business trip to Moscow?Circumstance (B. business trip)it may take a different position in the statement, as it is highlighted by logical stress. Remain selection with intonation allows you to use question words where, when, why, whyet al. Not only at the beginning of the statement, but in any other position (When will you go to Moscow? - In Moscow when you go?¾ Will you go to Moscow when?).Typical feature of the collaborative syntax ¾ intonational separation of the theme and remedies and the design of them into independent phrases (- How to get to the circus?¾ To the circus? Right; How mach is this book?¾ This? Fifty thousand).

The order of words in colloquial speech, not being the main means of expressing current membership, has high variability. It is more free than in book styles, but still plays a role in expressions of current membership: the most important, essential element that has the main importance in the report, is usually placed at the beginning of the statement: Snow is strong in the morning; He is strange; Fluffy was a Christmas tree; Quickly need to run.Often, the first place is put forward noun in the nominal case, as it serves as a means of updating: Train station where to go?; Shopping mall, how to pass?; The book was lying here, did not see?; Red bag, please show!

For the purpose of expressive allocation, a complex proposal begins with the pressing part in cases where its postposition is in other styles. For example: What to do¾ I do not know; What is not frightened¾ well done; Who is bearer¾ come out

The simultaneity of thinking and pronouncing speech with direct communication leads to frequent perestroins phrases on the go. At the same time, the proposals are broken, then add-ons to them, then their syntactic structure changes: But I do not see any particular reasons to worry so much ... Although, however, ...; Kitics they bought recently. Moyny suchetc.

Table of differential signs of functional styles

In linguistic literature The discussion remains the question of legitimate highlighting artistic style. A number of scientists do not emit artistic, motivating the fact that the language of fiction chooses other functional styles, does not have specific linguistic techniques, performs a special aesthetic function.

Others are attributed to functional styles. And artistic style. Their arguments are that artistic speech, occupying a special position in the style system, turns out to be one of them. Artistic speech uses only individual features and elements of other styles that are used aesthetic function. Dominant Art style is the formation and aesthetic significance of each element.

Lexical features Artistic style do not know restrictions: neologisms , individual images, spacious, jargonisms, dialectisms, voice irregularities (for character characteristics). The vocabulary is mostly concrete, small details are important, details in the description.

how morphological feature It can be noted the activity of verb forms, which contributes to the activation of the reader's imagination, which is visible and figuratively represents the picture of the events.

A variety of language funds are widely used, the fiction language will not be stylistically closed.

Colloquial speech - a specific variety of literary language used in casual communication and opposed within the literary language of a codified book speech (E. "Russian Language", P. 249).

One should distracted Spoken style and speaking speech. Conversation style is a special functional system with a lower degree of normalization (does not include coarse surprise).

Disabled factors:

Spontaneity, unpreparedness,




Emotional and expressive repayment,

Conversational speech is carried out Mostly orally, implies direct contact between the communications. The addressee and the addressee often change roles, the relations between them are set in the act of speech, it can not be advantageous.

Communication is carried out in a specific situation, therefore speakers have a certain overall stock of knowledge, which are called background. They allow you to build such reduced (abbreviated) statements that are incomprehensible outside background knowledge.

Conversational speech refer to style, which is called conversational, colloquial, colloquial, colloquial.

Dominant language function - Exchange of views, the main form of speech is the oral, typical view of speech - dialogue, polylog, the method of communication - personal, contact, the tone of speech is conditioned situationally.

Conversational style serves the scope of everyday domestic communication, characterized by the absence of official relations between the speakingrs.

Spoken speech has its own rules. The norm recognizes what is constantly consumed in speech and "does not cut a hearing." They are installed zasus (custom) and are not consciously supported by anyone.

Phonetic norms. Under the conversational pronunciation is understood as it is characterized by a smaller tension of the speech organs, less clarity of pronunciation, which leads to a change in the quality of sounds up to their loss. For example, a plane, university, degrees, in general, a trip, a student, today.

In everyday life, intonation plays an exceptional role. This is accompanied by a sharp increase in the tone, "stretching" vowels, lengthening consonants, chanting (distinctly pronounced) syllables, pauses, changing the tempo of speech, rhythm.

Lexical features. A characteristic feature is its lexical heterogeneity there are general-jet vocabulary, terms, foreign words, high stylistic color words, spacious, dialects, jargon.

The lexical norm is the use of neutral vocabulary. However, in its use, the specifics of spoken speech are manifested.

Specific vocabulary (man, work, house, yes) is widely used. Household (soup, potatoes, electrician, greeding), vocabulary of related relationships (mom, dad, son, daughter), own names, animal nicknames.

It is possible to use words with spacious color (living creatures, darkened, threatened).

Developed Multivality I. synonymy , incl. Titizhva (remove - dismiss from office, pay - salary, walked - cold).

Rich Emotional-expressive coloring (disabled, burglar, worker, worker, launcher, crumbber). The combinations of words are wider than regulatory generals.

Using abstract limited. Rich phraseologists(grab the head, rushing into the eyes, beat the bumps). They are often rethought, change the form, can be used as an independent, while maintaining the value of the whole phraseologist (do not fall, do not lead from, to poke the nose is not your own business).

Word formation.

Researchers celebrate two types of word-forming models:

1) What is constantly used in conversational speech and is neutral in it (newsletter, condensed milk),

2) The fact that in colloquial speech is highlighted as a reduced or expressive (vocal, scarlet). Word-forming capabilities are associated with its expressiveness and evaluation.

Productive suffixes With the meaning of masculine, diminity, magnificitization, disapproval (granddae, house, hefty, thin). Active suf. -Ak (Yak), -Un, -an (Yang), -Sh, -Sh (a), -L (a), -Ag (a), -H (a), -ul (me), -Ok (a), -Yh (a), -n (I), -Ob (hedgehog), - -the, -the: weak, kid, cashier, Grubian, rare, giving out, Chernukha, model, shake. For colloquial speech, it is characteristic: to sort (prefix.-suf.), Darkness-dirty (repeat one.), Reducing names and replacement in one word: diploma, dilution, reader, offset; Massay, core, seasonal, coaster; Let go (about goods in the store), to do, note, meet (on time).

Morphological features. The morphological norm consists in a specific ratio of speech parts.

The verbs prevail over the exist., The activity of personal forms of verb. It is rarely used., Deeprich. In their straight lines, only as a priv. And adveria (trembling voice, said without thinking).

Raren brief adjectives are active only in amplifying structures (well, a licker, bad things).

Typical predominance to them. Pad. (there is a traffic light, a house, pharmacy ...), the presence of a special challenge form (Tan, Kohl!). Rarely - genus. Pad., No creature. Pad.

In MN. them. Pad shapes on -a, instead of: instructor, vacation; in the genus and before. Pad. M.R. on-y: in the workshop, on vacation; in the genus Pad. On-site - zero flexion: one hundred grams, five kilograms.

Two milk, three borscht - substances. SUD in counting form.

Pronoun are widely used: it is so, such a beauty.

A trend towards the incontestability of the first part of the component names (to Mar Petrovna) and compound numerics. (five hundred sixty rubles).

Relatives- Words used as a response to the situation or the statement of the interlocutor: Well, well!, Of course ... it would still be.

Syntactic features. Immediateness and unpreparedness determine the syntax peculiarity.

Characterized by incomplete sentences: leaving scary. But we have to. I do not know…

They are to the station (notification of the verb-fag); Every day - English, music (learn), we are already - and to the teacher (addressed), let's follow, and then - the same thing (speech), tomorrow for the exam.

Short simple sentences: somehow came to school / just frost was / in the second grade studied / well and fizru / skis / canceled ...

but From the interlocutor, there may be aspects from the interlocutor, sometimes the addict itself makes adding to speech (it is necessary to think about vacation in advance / written after all / announcement hanging. It is possible to use plug-in structures, inner words.

The perestroika of the phrase on the go (the phone is it), the broken structure with intonation interruptions.

Observed The activity of inter-dometephrase phrases (oh?), phrases predicates (like this!), The presence of words proposals (yes. No. Why?).

The word order is free. More often to the fore the land is put forward. in them. Pad., Prepictive position may occupy ad. (Kiev is a fresh cake?).

Using structures with relative pronoun or impart into the function of the SUM. (Buy what to wash, put where the cabinet).

The words-actualizers are characteristic (pronouns, denying. Or will approve. Particles): So wrote? Yes?

Actual components can be repeated (such a goal was scored. Beautiful goal).

In the NGN, the setting of the Union before the Putting Party and at the end: I apologized, not right because.

Consuming short non-union offers: come - Call, you will see ours - say hello.

Spoken style is appropriate in the field of domestic, everyday and professional unofficial relations. The prevailing form of speech oral (conversation, conversation), but it is possible to use spoken style and in some genres of writing - personal diaries, notes, private letters.

In the texts of the colloquial style to a greater extent than in the texts of others with tiles, the function of communication is implemented, or communicative.

The main properties of conversational style texts include informality, ease, unpreparedness of communication, the lack of pre-selection of language funds, participation of gestures, facial expressions, dependence on the situation, characteristics and relationships of speakers, less regulation, compared with book styles.

Since spoken texts have a predominantly oral form, the means of the phonetic level - intonation, pauses, rhythm, speech rate, logical stress play a special role. Unlike other genres that exist orally, a scientific report, a political speech, lectures - the texts of the spoken style are characterized by incomplete, sometimes in an inadequate pronunciation of sounds, syllables, words, a rapid tempo of speech. Orphoepic, or spokenitative, the norm of spoken speech allows Options: Healthy, Leksey Mikhalych (Hello, Alexey Mikhailovich), "Treaty" with an emphasis on the first syllable (in the scientific report, lectures, the speech is undesirable).

For the text of the colors texts, the predominance of concrete words over the abstract (table, chair, sleep, there is), widespread use of words with emotional-estimated (eagle, dog - about man) and colloquially spacious (dry, plump) in color, as well as metaphor (Vinaigrette, porridge, okroshka - about confusion; Kisel, noodles, smelting - about sluggish inactering person) against the background of neutral vocabulary. Largely consumer book, foreign language and terminological vocabulary. The feature of the colors texts is the so-called empty words that can replace any other words (the matter, thing, thing): "I drink without sugar, but with this thing (pie)." In domestic communication, it is possible to call objects in a special way: "Give me what to hide me (blanket, plaid, sheet). Speech occasions are often used - created in the process of speaking words, and the value of them is understandable without additional explanations (the opener is a canning knife, the sinks - high-heeled shoes). Often, synonyms are often used, including occasional, permissible expansion of the combination of words.

On the word formation level, the emotionality and evaluation of the texts of the spoken style is implemented using the subfixes of a subjective assessment with the meaning of masculine, disapproval, magnificitia (chipping, frying, tummy, thin), the repeats of words (barely bare-pre-pristoy). The tendency to save language funds in the texts of the spoken style is manifested in the fact that the phrase can be replaced by one word (condensed milk, stew - stewed meat, minibus - route taxi) and in the formation of new truncations (Mago - tape recorder, teacher - teacher , video is a VCR, cash - cash, strain - voltage).

At the morphology level, the conversational style is characterized by the predominance of verbs above the noun, frequent use of personal pronouns (I, we, you, etc.), particles (but, well, here, because), the use of interjections as the faugible (it is jumping into water) of the present time in the meaning of the past (it happened that: I am looking, and it stands and hides), the availability of special challenges (Sasha! Zhen!), as well as unchangeable forms (the mood is so-so), the absence of communion, verbalism and brief forms of adjectives . Only in the texts of the colloquial style, it is permissible to simplify the declination of phrases (I do not have one hundred twenty-five rubles, ask Yegor Petrovich from Egor Petrovich), consuming the case-ending endings (get out of the house, be on vacation; Wed: get out of the house, be on vacation) , on-and in them. p. MN. h. (contracts, sectors; Wed: contracts, sectors) and in the genus. p. MN. Numbers of zero graders in some words (orange, tomato, kilogram; Wed: oranges, tomatoes, kilograms), the use of comparative degree forms on-and with the prefix (stronger, faster, better, simpler; Wed: stronger, faster , better, easier).

In the syntax of spoken texts, as well as on phonetic, word-formative, lexical and morphological levels, general properties are being implemented - expressiveness, evaluation, desire to save language funds, unpreparedness. This is manifested in private use of incomplete (I'm in the store; Do you have coffee or tea?), Impersonal 93hko today), questionnaire (when will you come back?), Intelligent offers (come on soon!), The free order of words (to the central market how to pass?), in specially faded (and she dance again; he sits reads; he does not know), passing in the main part of the complex proposal of the correlative word (put where he took; Wed: Put where it took), in the use of introductory, plug-in designs (I Probably, I will not come; Zoyka will come (she is my sister's cousin)), interception (it is necessary!). According to scientists, non-union and complex proposals prevail in conversational texts over complex (complex proposals in conversational texts, are 10%, in the texts of other styles - 30%). But the most common are simple suggestions, the length of which on average ranges from 5 to 9 words.

An example of the text of the spoken style:

My dear, my darling of Anya, got your cute letter, and very sad it was to read how the kids rocked when I left. Cute doves! Tell them now that dad remembers them, kisses and speaks to St. Petersburg. I hug and kiss continuously and bless. I, Anya, all unhealthy, nerves are very annoyed, and in the head as a fog, everything is exactly spinning. Never even after the strongest seizures did not have such a state with me. Very hard. EXACTLY DREAM AND DREAM, and I can't wake up everything. It would be necessary to relax at least two weeks from work and care is continuous - that's what. (Dostoevsky F.M. Full. Cons. Op.: At 30 t. T.29. KN.1.m., 1986, p.2-9).

The text of the spoken style is presented in this case in writing, although the most common is oral form. The general properties of the text include informality, ease (the author and addressee of the letter are close people), the lack of careful selection of language funds.

In the text of the letter, mainly neutral vocabulary is used, although there are conversational words (dad, although it is necessary). The emotional nature of the text give words with estimated suffixes (dovetone, doves, anechka, week); verbs transmitting the state of the author (remembers, kisses, blesses); figurative means of language, such as comparisons (in the head like fog, accurate sleep and dorm); Expressive appeals (cute my dove Anya, cute doves); Personal pronouns (I, I, with me, me), particles (and even, even if). For text syntax, various types of proposals are characterized, the free order of words (we would need two weeks to relax), frequent use of homogeneous members. There are extremely brief proposals (very hard); There are even unfinished (... that's what). The text composition is free, the actual information, description and narration, thematic communications, emotional means of impact on the addressee are predominant. Type of recipient reaction to text - emotion, action (for example, a response letter).

general characteristics

Conversation characteristic

Spoken style (PC) is opposed to all other styles (book) on the following grounds:

1. The main function of PC is a communicative (communication function), the functions of the same book styles are informative and affecting.

2. The main form of the existence of the PC is oral (in book styles - written).

3. The main type of communication in the PC is an interpersonal (personality - personality), in book-group (spectacular speech, lecture, scientific report) and mass (print, radio, television).

4. The main type of speech in PC is a dialogue or polylog, in the book-monologue.

5. RS is implemented in the situation of unofficial communication, while it is assumed that the participants in the dialogue know each other and are usually equal to social (youth, ordinary people, etc.). Hence the ease of communication, a great freedom in behavior, in the expression of thoughts and feelings. Most often, the PC is implemented in domestic communication, these are the dialogues of family members, friends, acquaintances, colleagues, comrades for study, etc. At the same time, they are mainly discussed by the topics of a household and non-professional, non-primary nature. The books of the styles are implemented in the conditions of the official and serve speech communication practically on any topic.

The main characteristics of the spoken style:

1) spontaneity, i.e., out of prepaidity of speech, lack of prior selection of language agents;

2) The automatism of speech, i.e., the use of the established verbal formulas characteristic of certain situations ( Good day! How are you? Go out?);

3) expressiveness (special expressiveness) speech, which is achieved by using reduced words ( scream, drag, shack), emotional expressive vocabulary ( dilda, Kimor, Lobotryas), suffix ( daughter, granny, sympathet);

4) contemplance of content;

5) Basically, the dialogic form.

The formation of speech in the conversational style is influenced by non-language factors: the emotional state of speaking, their age (cf. speech of adults among themselves and their conversation with young children), the relationship between the participants of the dialogue, their related and other bonds, etc.

Spoken style forms its system and has features that distinguish it from book styles at all levels of language.

On the phonetic The level for PC is characterized by incomplete style of pronunciation (fast paced, reduction of vowels up to the disappearance of the syllables: San Sanych, Glebich etc.), admissible collapse options ( cottage cheese, cooking, gave etc.), more free intonation, the incompleteness of the statement, pauses for thinking and under.

VocabularyRS is heterogeneous and varies with degree of literature and emotional expressive characteristics:

1. Neutral vocabulary from everyday speech: hand, Leg, Father, Mother, Brother, Run, Watch, Hear and under.

2. Spoken vocabulary (the main stylistic agent) - words that give speeches unofficial character, but at the same time devoid of rudeness: verpushka, Verkhoglyad, Warming, Vniek, Evivoisi, Durea, Dough, saw.

3. Evaluation vocabulary as part of conversational words, which expresses a joking, joking-ironic, ironic, gazing, dismissive emotional assessment: baby, daughter, kids, baby, boy; Ryash, Scripture, Haltur, Outtail.

In the dictionaries, conversational words are given with the mark "Response" And additional litters "jest.", "Iron.", "Presenter.", "Lask.".

4. The emotionality of a large number of conversational words is associated with their portable value. : Konra. (about close, dark, dirty room), calancha (about high growth man) stick(It is annoyed to pester with something) and under.

5. Due to the fact that the boundaries between the colloquial and integral vocabulary are often unscluded, as evidenced by the double litter "break-simple." in dictionaries, the PC includes and rough-expressive Spatrical words, the expressiveness of which allows you to "close your eyes" on their coarseness: belly, dilda, cannors, karga, kimorois, cavalo, lobotryas, plug, sang, squeezeand under. They briefly and neglect the attitude towards a person, subject, phenomenon, and often contain an additional semantic shade, which is not in neutral Word, Wed: "He sleeps" and "He Dryknet." In the word "Dryknet" is expressed by the conviction of the face: someone sleeps, while he had to go somewhere or deal with something.

Such a vocabulary can have in sensible dictionaries with the main litter "simple." Additional litters "Fam", "Bran.", "With a shade of neglect", "jog.", for example: Durandulet is simple. jelly (Dictionary D.N. Ushakov).

On the phraseological the level for spoken style is characterized by the use of proverbs and sayings from folk speech: although stand, even fall; sit down in a puddle; crash into the cake; swing the nose; Hunting in the forest and under.

Word-formative The level of spoken style characterizes:

1) spoutious suffixes

For nouns: -One, -nu (I): govorun, Govorunya; Boltun, Boltunya.;

Sh (a): cassis, doctor, elevator;

Yag (a): poor fellow, sympathy, courtyard, hard worker;

Them (a): doconian, doctor, cook;

To (a): buckwheat, manka, overnight, candle,

including abbreviated words from -K (a): suggage, reader, dryer, dressing room, tap; Father, "Literary";

N (I), -the (s): running, burning, gnawing, ribbed, kill;

Yatin (a): bedian, Dahletina, Vlytina;

In the verbs: - Him (h), - Nich (s): echidook, kindly greedy;

Well (h): take, spit, grab;

2) Predesomy's subfixtary surfacial formations:

climbing, worst, shake;

wonder, shudge, look;

get sick, get out, play;

3) Submitted evaluation suffixes:

Magnifying: domyschi, Borodchi, Swirl;

Reductive: house, Borodka, Sly, Tikonko, Tikhonechko;

Reductantly-caressing: daughter, daughter, son, son; Sun, Lapushka;

Disgusting: ruffer, Domishko, Old Man, Balaganschina, Rustic, borodynka;

4) half-one ( Vanka, Lenka.), caressing ( Masha, Sashok) and brave names ( Niki - Nikolay, Zizi - Suzanne).

5) Doubling words to enhance expression: big-predicted, black-black;

6) Education of adjectives with an estimated value: eyes worst.

IN morphology:

1) the predominance of verbs above the noun (verb character of speech), the prevailing activity of the verbs of the movement ( jump, jump), actions ( take, give, go) and status ( sore); cf. In NA and ODS, the most common verbs of the change ( it should be committed) and verbs-bundles ( is worth);

2) a high percentage of personal use ( i, you, he, we, you, they are) and index ( that this one, such etc.) pronoun;

3) the presence of interjections ( ah, oh, wow, oh et al.) and particles ( here, well, she is- tA, is he de he said mOLsaw);

4) the presence of verb interjections ( jump, Skok, Build, Together);

5) widespread use of attractive adjectives ( Petina sister, Fedorova wife);

6) Conversational case forms of nouns: the genital case of the only number on -u ( from the forest, from home), the proposed case of the only number on -u ( at the airport, on vacation), the nominative case of the plural number on -a ( bunker, year, inspector, anchors, huntsman);

7) rarely meet and brief forms of adjectives are not used, verbalism is not used.

On the syntax level:

1) Simple proposals are not used by involved and verbal turns, complex proposals are not used, except for apparent definitions with an allied word which the;

2) Free word order in the sentence: I was yesterday at the bazaar;

3) Skip words (ellipsis), especially in the dialogue:

- Have you been in the store? - I'm at the Institute. And you home?

- Was.

4) lexical reasons: I tell him, I say, and he does not listen;

5) Syntactic reversals (equally built offers): I walked to him, I told him ...;

6) Type speech turnover "Well, you are well done!", "Well, you are!", "What for such a composite one!", "Well!";

7) type design You have something to write? " (i.e. pencil, handle); " Give me how to hide! " (i.e., blanket, plaid, sheet);

8) "Non-deproad" phrases, i.e. proposals without clear boundaries, which are obtained as a result of the interpenetration of two proposals: In the fall begins such storms, there, the sea ...;

9) frequent restructuring of structures along the dialogue, correction, repetition, clarification;

10) Rhetorical issues: Does he listen to me?

11) Questionative, exclamation and motivating proposals;

12) In the "non-smooth" phrases use a nominative theme when the first part of the proposal contains a noun in the nominal case, and the second - information about him, and both parts are grammatically independent: Grandma - she will talk to everyone. Flowers, they are never extra.

A big role in the implementation of the RS is played by non-verbal means of communication - gesture and Mimicawhich can accompany the words of the speaker pointing to the form, size and other characteristics of the subject of speech: I bought such a round (gesture) hatBut can also perform on the site of a pause as an independent means of communication, in the function of individual replicas of dialogue, as an answer to the question, request: to nourish your head with the value of "yes", shake shoulders - to express bewilderment.

Historically functional or, as they say, speech styles are divided into books (among them - scientific, official-business, journalistic and artistic) and conversational.

Read more about book styles in previous articles on our site. Look the analysis of examples of style, and. And here we will analyze the conversational style in detail.

Specified essay or coursework in literature or other subjects? Now you can not suffer yourself, but just to order a job. We recommend contacting \u003e\u003e here, here they are doing quickly and cheap. Moreover, you can even bargain
Houses, by the way, there are also doing 😉

So, the conversational style of the text is called such a style that includes language units (words, cliche, sustainable expressions, phraseological units) characteristic of oral speech. Similar style is the style of relaxed communication, the exchange of information in an informal setting. In general, it is considered oral, but it is often used in writing forms.

For example, in the artistic speech, the conversational style is often drawn up the dialogs of the heroes, which helps to give the artistic reality of the work more reliability.

Traits of spoken style:

  1. Common form - dialogue, less often a monologue.
  2. Non-stated selection of language agents and simplicity (and slanging words, and professional terms, dialectisms, and curses), imagery and emotionality.
  3. Spoken simplification of words (now - right now, what - what), sentences (one cup of coffee is one coffee). Phrases are often truncated and "customized" to a specific situation in which the clarifications and details are not needed (the door closed, got up and came out); It is common to doubling words (yes, right, right).
  4. Fuzzy observance of the logicality and specifics of speech (if the interlocutors lose the thread of the conversation and depart from the initial topic).
  5. The situation of speech communication is important - facial expressions and gestures of interlocutors, emotional reactions.
  6. Frequent use of exclamation and question purposes.

Moreover, the written forms of colloquial style (essay, essays, notes, stories) are also distinguished by informality and "conversational" application.

Consider examples of analyzing colors texts.

Spoken style: analysis of examples

Take to analyze an excerpt from Essay K. Powesty.

Ease of essay:

I am sure that for complete mastering by the Russian language, in order not to lose the sense of this language, it is necessary not only for constant communication with simple Russian people, but communication with theirs and forests, waters, oldestae, with the casualties of birds and with each flower that Nod nods from under the halter of the slash. It should be, each person has its own happy discoveries. I had one such summer discoveries in the wooded and meadow side of Central Russia - summer, abundant thunderstorms and rainbows. This summer passed in the Gule of Pine Forests, Crane Crees, in White Grounds of Kuchp Clouds, the night sky game, in the impassive fragile thighs of Toll, in militant cocks and songs and songs of girls among the evening meadows, when the sunset Golden's eyes and the first fog carefully smoke over the pools . At this summer, I learned anew - to the touch, taste, on the smell - a lot of words, former than that time, although well-known to me, but distant and not experienced. Previously, they called only one ordinary meager image. But now it turned out that in every such word laid the abyss of living images.

As already mentioned, this text is written in the essay genre and refers to a conversational style.

Note the signs of the named style that are observed in the given passage.

1. Morphology:

  • there is some preference for nouns in front of verb shapes;
  • often used communion and verbalism;
  • quantitative and ordinal numerals are used and there are almost no numeral collective;
  • there is a characteristic electoral attitude towards pronouns (used, primarily relative and index).

2. The logicality of the presentation is achieved With the help of the transition of binding units from the offer to the offer. ( "For full mastering, communication - the opening time - it happened and I have summer discoveries - this summer passed in - I learned a lot of words about this summer - it turned out that in every such word laid the abyss of living images" etc.)

  1. This type of speech corresponds to deployed complex syntaxesdesigns ("It took this summer in the Gule of pine forests, caraviline shouts, in the white grudge of cumulus clouds, the night sky game, in the impassive fragile thickets of Tolody, in militant cocks and songs and songs of girls among the evening meadows, when the sunset Golden's eyes and the first fog carefully smokes over waters "), filled with descriptions and experiences, expressed in grammatical structures - a first-person narration, frequent use of pronoun "I", preference in the use of nouns and adjectives before verbs.

4. Actively use the theses of the verb building: "I am sure that for full mastering by the Russian language, in order not to lose the sense of this language, it is necessary not only for permanent communication with simple Russian people," "every person happens his happy discoveries," in every such word laid the abyss of living images ". The theses of the nominative structure in the proposed text are not marked.

5. Words and phrases related to both books and colloquial vocabulary: the abyss, abundant, re-, golden, maiden, impassive, screams, casual. There are no specific terms in the text.

6. Emotional and expressive language tools are used. (First of all, the conversational vocabulary), which adds the text of emotionality, liveliness, imagery, transfers the feeling of the author.

7. Frames of artistic imageUsed in the text: Private Elimination ( "With each flower, that nods heads from under the bush of the slash, the night sky game"), metaphors ( "Sunset Golden") adjectives ( "In white grudges of cumulus clouds"), Repeat ( "It happened and I have one such summer discoveries in the wooded and meadow side of Central Russia - summer, abundant thunderstorms and rainbows"), epithets ( "Militant cocks").

8. Language features of text in connection with the syntax designs are marked by alternating complex and simple proposals, when one complex proposal comes to shift two simple or vice versa.

Consider a second example of analyzing the text of the spoken style.

Excerpt from the article:

Borovoy walked great for war. The good half was burned. Cattle almost no remaining. Gardens rises. And which gardens were! Long-way to look! I detected the village. As ours came, so, maybe the sixth part of the collective farmers in the village remained, and maybe less. Whoever left - to the east, who was in the partisans, and whom Fritz in Germany stolen. Oh, it was bad! True, in Borov, the German has not yet been lying as in the neighboring villages, but still ... Yes, what to say - the village ruined. And now do not know Borovoy ...

Text style - spoken. Signs of style in this passage:

  1. The latitude of the literary norm (concerns all language levels).
  2. Using common vocabulary, on the background of which special words reflecting the general attitude of the text are used. (Raised gardens. And which gardens were).
  3. Morphology is characterized by:
  • some preference for nouns in front of verbs and verb forms (Borovoy worshiped wage. Good half burned);
  • selective attitude towards pronouns (use of relative, indicative: such as, after all, our);
  1. The logicality of the presentation is achieved through the transition of binding units from the proposal to offer (crippled - burned - it was not left - rises - (what were there any and expensive to look) - he was detected - the sixth part remained - who himself left - oh, it was bad - the truth was not so lazy - I ruined the village - not to learn now).
  2. Deployed complex syntactic structures (As our came, so, maybe the sixth part of the collective farmers in the village remained, and maybe less. Who he himself went - to the east, who - in the partisans)filled with descriptions and experiences, which is reflected in grammatical structures - a first-person narration, preference in the use of nouns and adjectives before verbs.
  3. Words and phrases related to both book and conversational vocabulary (increased, Fritz, lyutoval, was bad). Specific terms in the text is not observed. The choice in favor of emotional expressive expressions, the figurative means of the language adds emotionality, liveliness, imagery, well transfers the feeling of the author.
  4. Frequent use of trails: metaphor (Borovoe great choke) , metonymy and synengo (Borov, German has not yet been lying, ruined the village), Hyperbolic (resumed the village), Disphemisms (Fritz, ruined German).
  5. Language features of text in the syntax are marked by alternating complex and simple proposals, when one complex proposal come to replace two simple or vice versa. (I detected the village. As our came, so, maybe the sixth part of the collective farmers in the village remained, and maybe less. Who he himself went to East, who was in the partisans. Oh, it was bad!).

Thus, the conversational style for the use of language units, according to the semantic content, is sharply different (and in many respects is opposed) to book styles.