Cleaning tile joints with home remedies. How to clean tile joints in the bathroom and on the floor. A mixture of baking soda, lemon, toothpaste and mustard

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Facing bases with decorative ceramics has long ceased to be something exotic, but at the same time, due to the many advantages of tiles, it has not lost popularity. Modern technologies cause the emergence of new types of ceramic tiles with improved characteristics, however, the method of constructing a decorative coating from them remains unchanged - the orderly laying of sheets on the adhesive composition, followed by the arrangement of the joints of adjacent elements.

Tiled joints, arranged with a fixed width or with a system variation of this parameter, are rubbed after installation of the tiles - they are filled to the full depth with special hardening compounds, and the overall impression of the decoration of the room depends, among other things, on the aesthetics of such joint design.

However, grouting compositions are significantly inferior to ceramics in terms of durability, especially in the period of preservation of decorative characteristics - evenness, uniformity and color of the outer surface. This difference is most relevant for floor cladding exposed to aggressive factors - moisture, dirt, abrasion especially strongly. Since it is absurd to change a ceramic floor due to contamination or worn grout, let's look at how to effectively clean tile joints using available products, depending on the type of problem.

Cleaning the joints of floor ceramics

For the arrangement of tile joints, mixtures based on reactive resins with zero permeability are rarely used. In most cases, cement-based compounds are used, which, after curing, form a less smooth surface and have a certain porosity, which contributes to surface contamination with subsequent penetration of dirt inside. Therefore, we will consider methods for cleaning joints filled with cement adhesive mixtures.

The floors in the premises of public buildings with high attendance of people experience a high abrasive load, therefore their lining is done with tiles made of hard types of natural stone (granite, marble), often dark in color with joints of a minimum width. As a rule, such joints are filled with grout mixtures of also dark tones, so that the natural stone cladding looks monolithic. The seams of such a finish, even covered with street dirt, do not stand out against the general background and do not require thorough cleaning. But in some cases, for example, after painting work indoors or accidentally spilled paint, even these interfaces need to be thoroughly cleaned.

As for the floor cladding of cultural buildings, offices, housing, especially sanitary and hygienic rooms (bathrooms, showers, baths), in order to increase aesthetics and make it easier to control their cleanliness, tiles for decoration are chosen from materials of bright, light colors. The seams of such ceramics are rubbed with white or bright colored compounds that stand out against the general background and are additional design elements. Such joints especially need periodic thorough cleaning of dirt and grease.

Cleaning seams with steam

This technology has been used recently and is suitable for removing fresh surface dirt, including fungus. With the help of a special device - a steamer, which looks like a floor polisher, ceramics are exposed to steam without an accentuated effect on the seams with simultaneous mechanized removal of softened layers of dirt. For domestic use, it is hardly advisable to buy this unit, but in firms specializing in consumer services to the population, the use of such equipment is cost-effective.

Cleaning tile joints with special compounds

If the contamination of the grout is not caused by some specific effect such as spilled paint, then the seams can be cleaned with the certainty of achieving a positive result with products specially designed for this.

Of the special products for cleaning tile joints both on walls and on the floor, it stands out with efficiency MellerudFageReiniger- composition for domestic use made in Germany.

The instruction on the package contains all the necessary information on the use of the product and compliance with safety precautions, so the consumer can only follow it to achieve the result.

Valo Clean- an equally effective product from a Russian manufacturer for cleaning tile joints with a smooth and rough surface, successfully coping even with persistent long-standing dirt. Recommended for indoor use, regardless of their purpose - residential, catering, medical facilities, etc.

Do not confuse VALO Clean for cleaning joints with similarly named products for other purposes (removing grout, washing sanitary ware, etc.) - the scope is clearly indicated on the bottle.

Groute from the Canadian company EcoMist - an absolutely non-toxic composition based on components of plant origin (grain, potato and tree sap extracts) for surface cleaning of tile joints with restoration of the original color without bleaching, removes old mold and dirt stains.

The use of Grout does not require the use of personal protective equipment (gloves, mask, goggles).

In many cases, it is possible to successfully wash the joints of ceramics without the use of special products, using household cleaners and detergents.

If the grout is white, the task is simplified - to restore its whiteness, the bleach in the detergent is not only not terrible, but even desirable. But to refresh the colored grout, you can use only household chemicals without chlorine-containing components.

To clean the grout of floors finished with glass mosaics, do not use detergents with a high concentration of alkali or acids (Sanfor, Sanoks, Sarma, Dosia) - such compounds can dull the glass or distort its color.

The method of application of each type of household composition is described on its packaging, and from an improvised tool for applying, cleaning and flushing solutions are used, regardless of the chosen agent, the following are used:

  • An old toothbrush or hard clothes brush.
  • A flap of penofol or woolen cloth.
  • Foam rubber or clean rags.
  • Bucket for clean water.

Refreshing floor seams in artisanal ways

Without special or universal cleaners / detergents at hand, tile joints can be successfully cleaned with compounds prepared from food and household ingredients.

To restore the whiteness of the joints between sheets of tiles on the bathroom or kitchen floor, you need to take baking soda, lemon juice and 9% vinegar in a volume ratio of 0.5: 0.33: 0.25 - a mixture of juice and vinegar is slowly poured into soda while mixing. The resulting composition is diluted with one and a half liters of water, after which the solution is ready for use - it is applied to the grout and rubbed into it with a toothbrush. After half an hour, the bleached joints are washed with clean water.

Successfully removes most contaminants with an aqueous solution of ammonia, prepared in a ratio of 1:15. The finished product is applied to the seams, and after 15-20 minutes the dirt is washed off with warm water using dense foam rubber.

A good effect when bleaching floor joints is also given by the use of a solution of hydrogen peroxide, which is applied to the joints with a brush or a piece of foam rubber, and washed off with clean water after a quarter of an hour. But this method, as well as using lemon juice or soda, is unsuitable for the restoration of colored seams.

To get a better idea of ​​​​folk methods for restoring the color of grouting floor ceramics, watching this video will help:

Mechanical methods of refreshing floor tile joints

Without resorting to any chemistry, you can renew the joints of ceramic cladding using sandpaper. To do this, you need to take a sheet of this abrasive material and fold it in half or three times - with the abrasive facing out. Depending on the width of the finishing seams, sandpaper can be wrapped around any plate of suitable thickness that has one straight side. With the resulting edge from sandpaper, it is necessary to clean the joints with longitudinal wiring along their surface, removing the contaminated layer of the solution from the grout, but without deepening by more than 1 mm.

After the end of the procedure, a special protective layer with antifungal additives is applied to the surface of the seams, cleaned of dust.

If the floor tiles are made of dark natural stone (granite, marble), then unwanted layers at the joints that stand out in color can be removed with a metal brush - the hardness of such tiles guarantees no scratches after the procedure is completed.


When planning to restore the color of the grout composition of the floor ceramic cladding, the following rules must be observed:

  • Prior to the restoration of the grout, the entire area of ​​​​the cladding should be thoroughly washed.
  • After finishing the refreshment of the joints, it is necessary to cover their surface with a protective composition, taking into account the factors that led to the restoration.

If you do not wash the walls and floors after every bath or shower, sooner or later the joints between the tiles will become dirty. Moisture, dust, lime deposits linger there, and sometimes a fungus settles. Want to know how to clean bathroom grout lines effortlessly and keep them clean for a long time? I will tell my secrets.

home methods

I'll start with tips for economical housewives who do not want to spend money on expensive "chemistry". Although the rejection of it may be due to other reasons. For example, with allergies or a desire to use only environmentally friendly cleaning methods.

Ways to clean the seams in the bathroom depend on the degree of contamination and the presence of fungus. Here are the most popular homemade recipes.

Recipe 1 - whiteness and soda paste

This is an excellent tool for fighting mold, which not only cleans and disinfects, but also whitens the seams. But not suitable for colored seams.

Remember to take safety measures: put on rubber gloves on your hands and a gauze bandage on your face.

Instead of whiteness, you can take any liquid chlorine bleach and mix it with enough baking soda to make a thick, viscous mass. Apply it with a spatula and leave to act until dry.

Then rinse with water using a brush, washcloth or the hard side of a dish sponge. The main thing is that the tool does not scratch the surface of the tile.

Recipe 2 - a solution of vinegar, soda and citric acid

A mixture of water, vinegar, citric acid and soda also helps to clean the seams between the tiles from dirt and fungus. This is perhaps the most popular recipe for many housewives. For light dirt, undiluted 6% vinegar will help to cope. It must be poured into a spray bottle, treated with tiles, and washed off after 10 minutes.

Recipe 3 - ammonia solution

If you don't know how to clean limescale and restore shine to bathroom tiles, use this recipe:

  • Add a tablespoon of ammonia to two liters of water, mix;
  • Pour the solution into a spray bottle and spray it from a short distance onto the contaminated surface;
  • Wait 10-15 minutes;
  • Wipe with a damp sponge and then dry with a soft cloth.

Recipe 4 - hot steam

The ideal way to clean without using any cleaning products at all is to use a steam cleaner. It not only generates hot steam, but also delivers it under high pressure.

A powerful jet softens and literally knocks out any dirt from the tile joints. And exposure to high temperatures, reaching 150-170 degrees, kills mold and fungus.

But the best part is that during cleaning you do not have to come into contact with aggressive substances and breathe their fumes. The only safety precaution is to keep your hand or foot away from the hot jet.

As you can see, all the described methods really do not require much effort from you: you don’t have to rub and scrape the seams with your own hands for a long time. But their effectiveness is often insufficient.

professional tools

If you have no prejudice to the use of household chemicals, it is not at all necessary to do home alchemy and prepare a cleaning agent from improvised ingredients. There are many effective formulations on the market. They not only clean complex contaminants, but also disinfect surfaces and protect them from plaque and mold in the future.

Here are the most popular ones:

Image List of effective remedies

"Atlas Dolphin" is a ready-to-use emulsion for joint protection. It does not clean, but penetrates into the pores of the grout and forms a film impervious to dirt and bacteria on the surface.

Apply it either immediately after installing the tiles and hardening the grout, or after cleaning the joints. With this protection, bathroom maintenance will be quick and easy.

The main thing - do not dilute the emulsion and do not mix it with other agents.

BOZO- a viscous concentrated liquid that removes lime deposits and rust, disinfects the seams, eliminates unpleasant odors.

Before cleaning the tiles in the bathroom, it must be diluted with water in a ratio of 1: 4. Fungus and dirt that has eaten into the seams are best treated with undiluted concentrate.

"Mellerud"- a special tool for the care of tiles in bathrooms. Easily removes soap residue, dried water stains, other visible and invisible dirt, while refreshing the color of tiles and grouts.

If you need to deal with old dirt, it can be used in its pure form. The product is applied with a sponge, and after a few minutes it is washed off with water.

« HG"- unlike the previous product, it is designed specifically for cleaning seams.

It does not contain bleach, so it can also be used for colored seams without the risk of discoloration.

Whitening pencil "Snowball"- destroys fungi and bacteria, restores the whiteness of the seams.

To do this, it is enough just to draw lines for them along all the joints. But it is effective only if the mold did not have time to penetrate deep into the cement mortar.

Melamine sponge. This is also a kind of cleaning substance, not a cleaning tool. It works like an eraser, erasing dirt and at the same time quickly erasing itself.

But the price of such a sponge is very low, so you can not save. All that is needed is to moisten it with water and rub the seams.

All these remedies work much more effectively than home remedies. What can be considered a plus. The disadvantages will have to include the insecurity of most drugs: you can work with them only with gloves and a mask, ensuring a good flow of air into the room.

Although whiteness can not be attributed to the category of harmless liquids. Therefore, it is up to you to decide how to wash the tiles in the bathroom.

What to do with deep-seated mold

All the described methods and means cope only with household dirt and recently appeared mold. If the fungus has penetrated deep into the structure of the grout, their use will not work. Here we need drastic measures.

It is best to completely remove the tile, clean and disinfect the substrate, and install a new floor. But this is not always possible, there may not be money or time for major repairs.

However, you can’t leave the fungus - mold spores are very dangerous to health. In this case, you will have to completely clean the seams between the tiles, removing all the grout.

It is tedious, dirty, hard, but necessary work. It can be performed using a special hand or electric tool:

Before starting work, the seams must be moistened with water acidified with vinegar. to soften the grout.

After its complete removal, all joints must be thoroughly washed, treated with antifungal drugs and dried. Then rub again.


Summarizing all that has been said, we can draw the following conclusion: tile joints are easier to keep clean than trying to clean them from old dirt and fungus colonies. Now you know not only several ways to wash them, but also how not to start them again. To do this, it is enough to treat clean and dry seams with a protective agent that will not allow dirt and fungal spores to penetrate into the grout.

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Grouting the joints between tiles is the finishing touch to a bathroom that not only gives it a finished look, but also performs important practical functions. The fact is that ceramic tiles are protected by glaze only from above, while the lower side and edges can eventually collapse from moisture penetration.

The grout composition closes these weak points due to its high moisture-proof properties. However, the service life of high-quality tiles is calculated in tens of years, while the grout serves many times less. To update the decorative wall covering from tiles, it is necessary to remove the old grout. This article will help you clean the seams quickly and efficiently.

Reasons for premature wear

If very little time has passed after the renovation of the bathroom, and the tile has already lost its attractiveness in it, most likely the point is that the seams have darkened or changed color. There are several reasons why this problem occurs:

  • Poor sealing of the seam when it is not completely filled, not to the full depth or with gaps;
  • Error in the choice of grout composition. The type of grout is chosen based on the temperature, humidity of the room, the nature of its use and the equipment to be installed;
  • An error in the preparation of the solution. If, during the manufacture of the grout composition from a dry mixture, its consistency turned out to be more liquid, if the manufacturer's recommendations are not followed, the reliability and durability of the joints are reduced;
  • The lack of efficient ventilation, which only contributes to the appearance of dampness in the bathroom;
  • Incorrect technology for applying grout to tile joints;
  • The use of aggressive acid-based detergents that corrode the grout;
  • The emergence and penetration deep into the grout composition of mold;
  • Active pollution of seams of light shades.

To understand that removing the old grout is really necessary to help cleaning, if even a thorough cleaning with an aqueous solution of citric acid did not improve the condition of the tile, then feel free to get to work.

The need to clean the seam

If the seams have changed color and cannot be wiped off with a stiff brush using detergents, mold has most likely “settled” there. To understand that it is time to take up the tool, the following signs will help you:

  1. The grout falls out of the joints in pieces, gaps are clearly visible in some places, the mortar has already fallen out of the finished solution;
  2. Darkening is not removed when cleaning the top layer with sandpaper;
  3. The seams look dirty.

A seam affected by a tile is useless to clean or paint over, it requires a complete reconstruction, however, if the tile itself is already "backlash" or falls off, it is more advisable to think about a major overhaul of the bathroom.

There are several ways to remove a grout that has become unusable from a tile, depending on which tool is used:

  • Mechanical with the use of power tools;
  • Mechanical with the use of hand tools;
  • Chemical.

Power Tool Application

To remove the grout from the tile joints, use an electric tool, for example, a grinder or a drill. This method is good for its speed, but is only suitable for experienced craftsmen with a steady hand that will not waver when stripping. This method is used only by true professionals who are confident in their abilities, it is not suitable for use by amateurs. Please note that the use of power tools is associated with the risk of damage to tiles, the appearance of chips, which entail serious financial costs to eliminate flaws.

To clean the seam from the grout with a drill or grinder, you need to draw a cutting edge or a drill along it, observing the same pressure. You need to act quickly and clearly, stay exactly in the middle of the gap between the tiles. Corners deserve special attention and caution. If you are still worried about the safety of the tile, adjust the stopper so that it covers its edge.

Manual stripping

The mechanical way to remove the grout is to eliminate the grout from the joints using a hand tool. It is associated with a more serious investment of time and effort, but is more delicate in relation to the decoration of the bathroom. You will need:

  1. Opener or sharp paint knife;
  2. Chisel;
  3. Composition for a primer with antibacterial components;
  4. Sponge;
  5. Fine sandpaper;
  6. Individual protection means.

Advice! To remove the grout from the seam using a hand tool, you should protect the surface of the tile with a film, and the edges with masking tape, it will not be superfluous to cover the floor with something, as dusty work lies ahead.

To quickly release the seams from the solution, follow these steps in sequence:

  1. Take the opener in your hand, in the absence of a tool, you can use a well-sharpened knife, draw a line along the seam to be cleaned to its full depth;
  2. Using a chisel, cut the grout from the edge of the tile to the cut point on one side first. Then repeat this procedure with the other;
  3. Carefully sand the edges of the tile with fine sandpaper to remove the remaining grout;
  4. When the seam is released, it must be thoroughly coated with an antibacterial primer, which will protect against mold and improve the adhesion of the new layer of grout. After the primer has dried, the wall is ready for embedding.

chemical method

If the mechanical method seems too expensive for you, try getting rid of tile grouting with chemical solvents. Manufacturers offer fairly aggressive compounds that can cope with any grout. However, to select a solvent, you need to know the type of grout mixture used. Using the chemical method blindly will not work, because to achieve the optimal result, you can go through a lot of options. An affordable way to make stripping easier is the folk method, according to which you need to treat the seams with a solution of one part vinegar to two parts water and leave for an hour.

To clean the inter-tile space from grouts, proceed according to the plan:

  1. Cover the edges of the tiles with masking tape to protect them. If the tile has a pronounced structure or you are worried about its safety, cover it with a film;
  2. Gently apply the appropriate grade of chemical solvent to the surface of the joints;
  3. Leave the solvent for the time indicated in the instructions for better interaction;
  4. After the specified period, check the degree of softening of the tiles, if necessary, repeat the treatment;
  5. Clean the softened grout from the inter-tile space with a chisel or spatula;
  6. Rinse off the remaining reagent with a sponge, wipe dry with a soft cloth.

Seam restoration

In situations where the grout is not damaged by mold, but only darkened as a result of contamination, or you don’t like its color, there is no need for complete removal. In this case, you can restore the aesthetic appearance of the seam using a simple technique:

  • Make sure that the grout is really not damaged by mold and has retained its integrity;
  • Cover the edges of the tile with masking tape to protect it from accidental damage.;
  • Take sandpaper of medium degree of abrasiveness and in small circular motions remove the top layer of the grout;
  • Treat the surface with a primer with antibacterial components and let it dry;
  • Apply a new layer of cement putty to the seam with a rubber spatula or use a special coloring marker.

After drying, the protective tape is removed and a wax polish is applied to the entire surface of the wall to give the finish a fresh look. This option of masonry restoration is the simplest and most delicate in relation to the bathroom decor.

Cleaning Safety

On the one hand, cleaning tile joints is not the most dangerous operation. On the other hand, it is associated with certain difficulties and requires the use of the following means of protection:

  • Respirator. It will protect the worker's respiratory tract from dust, fungal spores, toxic poisoning with solvents;
  • gloves. Durable construction gloves are designed to protect hands from exposure to chemicals and accidental cuts, as a sharp tool is used in the work;
  • Overalls.

It is better to work in a well-ventilated area, take breaks every half hour. At the time of processing, the presence of an assistant is necessary, who will assist in case of injury or an allergic reaction to the reagent.

Whatever tool you use, after the restoration of the seams, the bathroom will look as if the repair ended just yesterday.

Video instruction

If you neglect to clean the walls and floors after each bath, sooner or later, repulsive dirt and mold will appear on the walls and floor. Water, lime and dust accumulate at the joints between tiles, which is an excellent breeding ground for the growth of fungus.


Tiles are an excellent finishing material, which belongs to the category of durable and easy to clean. However, rarely does anyone manage to avoid darkening, against which the usual wet cleaning is powerless. The sloppy look of tile joints that were recently white will upset any hostess.

Before moving on to learning how to clean the seams, let's figure out why the tile seams darken. The level of pollution depends on the purpose of the room in which the tile was laid. Often, in the corridor and in the kitchen, the coating quickly loses its appearance, because these rooms are more polluted than others. The tile itself is cleaned regularly, but cleaning the seams is much more difficult, so this space is cleaned infrequently. The method of combating darkening must be chosen depending on the type of pollution. They lead to the remnants of food and detergents, dust, street dirt.

Unfortunately, the grout loses its original appearance very quickly, because it has a rough surface in which dirt easily gets stuck. Therefore, when thinking over the repair and design of the room, it is important to take care of practicality and choose a darker grout, otherwise the snow-white seams will delight you with whiteness for a very short time.

We clean from dirt

Even after a general cleaning, tile joints may have a sloppy appearance. But there are still ways to return the seams to their original state, and there are a lot of them.

The choice of method depends on the color of the grout and the type of tile itself. The key differences between these methods are the use of household chemicals or home remedies. Both of them are quite effective.

soda and vinegar

It is necessary to make a mixture of water and baking soda in a ratio of 3 to 1. You should get a thick paste that is suitable for cleaning colored joints, but can harm natural limestone and marble materials. The algorithm of work is as follows:

  1. The paste is applied to the joint with fingers in rubber gloves, so as not to cause microtrauma to the skin of the hands;
  2. A solution of water and vinegar is made in a ratio of 1 to 1. The solution is poured into a container with a spray bottle;
  3. The agent is sprayed onto the applied paste. The mass begins to bubble, therefore, the process of a chemical reaction has begun;
  4. Wait for the bubbling to stop;
  5. Scrub the joints with a stiff brush;
  6. Do a wet mop several times to wash off the remaining solution.

Oxidized bleach

  1. Oxidized bleach in the amount of 2 tablespoons is dissolved in 2 glasses of water;
  2. It is necessary to test the liquid in an inconspicuous place before applying it to the entire tile surface. In some cases, there is a discoloration of the grout, so make sure you don't ruin the grout;
  3. We pour the seams with a solution.
  4. We clean in small areas so that puddles of liquid do not collect on the floor;
  5. Rub the solution into the joint with a brush. Especially carefully it is necessary to walk around the corners and edges;
  6. At the end, rinse the floor well.

Hydrogen peroxide, baking soda and dishwashing liquid

Make a paste with 3/4 cup baking soda, 1/4 peroxide, and 1 tablespoon dish soap. This method is very effective due to its components:

  1. Baking soda works as an abrasive;
  2. Peroxide reacts with soda, thereby providing a whitening effect;
  3. Detergent for dishes easily copes with grease.

Apply the paste evenly with a brush to the joints and leave for a quarter of an hour. Wash the seams with warm water several times.

Steam cleaner

Steam cleaners perfectly clean and disinfect gaps between tiles without the use of chemicals. This household appliance is not necessary to buy, for sure you will find offers to rent it. A steam cleaner comes with a hose and a brush attachment.

Clean with a steam cleaner according to the instructions. After switching on, wait until the device reaches the required temperature. The instructions will tell you how long to wait. The steam method is effective not only for removing dust and dirt, but also mold.

Summing up, it becomes clear that it is easier to maintain constant cleanliness between the tiles than to fight an unequal battle with old dirt and try to wipe off the fungus settlements. To prevent the stains from starting again, apply a protective agent to the joints, which will prevent the penetration of dirt and mold into the grout.

We remove mold

Another enemy that is extremely difficult to overcome is black mold. Her disgusting growths on the walls and floor between the tiles able to cross out even the most expensive and sophisticated renovation in the bathroom.

There are several methods that can get rid of this blackness. Let's start with homemade recipes, because many housewives do not welcome the use of chemicals in everyday life, for fear of harm to health. In addition, home methods are much more economical than buying expensive detergents.

The most effective recipes for the destruction of mold:

  • Paste of soda and chlorine powder. Whiteness or any other cleaning powder containing chlorine will do. The resulting mixture of soda and whiteness effectively brightens and disinfects the surface. But as mentioned above, mixtures containing bleach are not suitable for colored seams. Wear gloves and a protective mask when working with a corrosive substance such as chlorine. The mass is applied with a spatula to problem areas until dry. Then it is all washed off with water.
  • Citric acid, soda and vinegar. Another working home method for fighting mold is a solution of water, vinegar, citric acid, and baking soda. If the moldiness is insignificant, then the lesions can be treated with vinegar without dilution, then washed off.
  • Ammonium chloride. Dissolve two tablespoons of ammonia in two liters of water. Then spray the solution onto the affected area. After a quarter of an hour, walk with a damp cloth and wipe dry. The antimicrobial action of ammonia will help get rid of black plaque.
  • Steam. The steam generator will help to cope not only with dirt, but also with mold. The device supplies hot steam under pressure, which softens and pushes dirt out of the tile joints, and the high temperature destroys mold and fungus.

This method is by far the most pleasant and convenient. When cleaning, you do not have to breathe in caustic chemicals and dilute dampness in the room. However, there is a risk of burns, so you need to work carefully.

Household chemicals

It is not always possible to get rid of blackness with home methods, and then you should turn to specialized tools aimed at combating mold. Home chemistry does not always give the desired results, and there is little pleasant in the smell of vinegar and bleach. Today, you can buy a lot of effective products that will get rid of mold and protect against its occurrence in the future. The most popular tools include:

  1. "Atlas Dolphin"- this is a protective emulsion, it does not clean, but creates a film that prevents the deposition of dirt and bacteria. It is applied immediately after grouting or after cleaning the seams. This protection will help keep the bathtub clean.
  2. "Bozo"- a concentrate that removes lime and rust, disinfects and eliminates odors. It is diluted in a ratio of 1 to 4, but the fungus is directly processed with a pure concentrate.
  3. "Mellerud" - Great product for bathroom tiles. Quickly removes soap and lime stains while refreshing the color of grout and tiles. For scheduled cleaning, it is recommended to dilute 125 g of the product in a bucket of water. For stubborn stains, use undiluted.
  4. "Snowball"- a special pencil that whitens the seams and kills the fungus. The tool is effective for shallow lesions.
  5. Melamine sponge- this is not an absorbent cleaning item, as you might think, but a detergent. It is a kind of eraser that erases dirt and erases itself. It is enough to wet the sponge and try to clean off the dirt with it.

All these substances are much stronger and more concentrated than home-made components, and this is certainly a plus, but their high toxicity is a minus, so it is better to work in a respirator, providing room ventilation.

In advanced cases, more serious measures are needed, since the fungus managed to settle deep in the grout. The best thing, of course, would be to remove the old tile, clean and disinfect the surface and put in a new one. If major repairs are not included in the plans, then you will have to deeply clean the seams.

Under no circumstances should mold be left unattended. Fungal spores are extremely dangerous for health, which, as you know, is the most expensive.

Grouting is tedious and hard work, but it's worth it. The work can be done with a spatula, but it is better to use a drill with a half-disk nozzle, this will somewhat simplify the task. Before work, the tile joints must be wetted with water and vinegar to make the grout more pliable. After that, the joints must be washed, dried and treated with antifungal agents, and then wiped again.

Ceramic tiles have been used as a facing material for premises since the time of the Persian Empire. Attractive appearance, durability, ease of maintenance of cleanliness of ceramic surfaces - this is not a complete list of the advantages of the material. However, time is inexorable and gradually dark stains of pollution appear in the sparkling beauty of the coating of walls, floors, and sometimes ceilings. Sometimes cleaning the seams between the tiles on the floor is not only difficult, but almost impossible. But only until a suitable remedy is found that allows you to scrub and wash even old dirt and grease, making the tile shine. It can be either a universal homemade recipe from the time of "our grandmothers" or a modern, innovative cleaning agent.

Causes of pollution and discoloration of tile joints

The only known way to keep ceramic tiles and grouts perfectly clean is not to use the rooms where they are used as decoration. In all other cases, the operation of coatings and exposure to aggressive environments cause their natural aging and contamination.

All types of dirt and soils affect the tiles in the hallway: clay, sandy, black earth, brought into the room with shoes. Not a single seam will last!

In showers and bathrooms, the atmosphere saturated with water vapor and the lack of ventilation contribute to the accelerated development of fungal, mold and other microorganisms, which, having settled in tile joints, lead to their blackening, and the use of modern cosmetic and hygiene products no less successfully contributes to the accumulation of dirt.

Tiles on floors and walls in the working area of ​​the kitchen are contaminated with fats, oils, food waste. In the kitchen, the most difficult thing is to wash the seams between the tiles on the floor.

The beginning of the accumulation of mud deposits in the seams can be laid even when laying tiles, when the technology of tiling was not followed, namely:

  • lack of a primer with protection against fungus and mold;
  • the grout was not covered with a protective compound;
  • grouting without prior cleaning of glue;
  • violation of the laying process;
  • residual adhesive mixture in the seams.

No less important are some operational aspects, or rather the absence of a number of factors:

  • ventilation;
  • heating;
  • timely care.

All three indicators must be present without fail. In the case of the last point regarding timely care, one should take into account the fact that the initial pollution is an excellent environment for the development of fungi and mold.

Important! The effort spent on cleaning tile joints after they are dirty always exceeds the cost of maintaining cleanliness. Good ventilation of the premises, a sufficient level of heat (heating), regular maintenance of ceramic surfaces using special “cosmetics” for tiles and joints will preserve their original freshness and beauty.

How to clean the seams between the tiles on the floor

If, with all efforts, it was not possible to save the grout between the tiles, and its original color has changed beyond recognition, you will have to update the tile using different means.

Light grease stains, smudges from the use of detergents, light limescale, darkening of the grout color are easily removed with degreasing agents - CIF, Silit, Fairy. The presence of signs of mold, the appearance of fungus will require the use of liquids, which include chlorine. A good result will provide Domestos or Whiteness. The method of their application is simple: apply to the surface of the seam and rinse with water after 5 minutes. The best results for all types of dirt are given by products specially designed for cleaning tile joints. Available ones include BOZO, Ultra-Stripper, Sif and their analogues.

A small stain is removed with a marker with a waterproof dye. The agent is powerless against mold. Another way to get rid of simple dirt is a melamine sponge. Despite the high cost, its use justifies itself. In addition, it allows you to clean any light surfaces, including household appliances, easily removing stains. The main thing is to wash off its remnants well, as it crumbles. It also does not hurt to rub the surface well to a shine, since not a single divorce will decorate it, and after the sponge there are many stains.

Rather than washing the tiles on the floor with ordinary water, and then suffering because of its unsightly appearance, it is better to immediately take care of its beauty using professional cosmetics.

Cleaning methods

Tiles and tile joints can be cleaned not only by different means, but also in different ways, depending on the degree and type of pollution. It is important to know not only how to wash the tiles on the floor so that there are no stains, but also how to get rid of grease, dirt and tile adhesive.

Manual mechanical cleaning

A simple, effective, but time-consuming method. Allows to remove pollution of tile seams by mechanical processing. Depending on the degree and depth of damage to the seam with dirt, it is used in the following cases:

  • For minor contamination - a variety of abrasive pastes and powders.
  • In more difficult cases - fine-grained sandpaper.
  • Another option is a kitchen scraper.
  • A semicircular chisel of small diameter has proven itself well.

Manual mechanical cleaning should be used carefully. The main thing is not to overdo it and not erase the grout completely, because then it will have to be completely changed. Otherwise, this is better than cleaning the tiles on the floor from stubborn dirt, you can quickly and efficiently.

Household chemicals

The achievements of modern chemistry are enormous, and if the application of the means listed above did not give results, this does not mean that the situation has reached a dead end. Household chemical stores offer a wide range of tile cleaners.

The choice is up to the user, who can make it based on the degree and nature of the contamination.

  • For the bathroom, it is recommended to use bleaching and chlorine-containing products. They remove fungus and mold to the middle stage of neglect.
  • The kitchen will need alkaline preparations. Available in spray and liquid form. For seams, you can use oxygen bleach, which is recommended to be diluted 1 to 2. Special markers also work well with this task.

Steam cleaner (steam generator)

Modern technologies make their own adjustments in the technology of cleaning ceramic surfaces. The use of an apparatus that generates high-pressure steam for processing joints between ceramic tiles will allow you to easily cope with all types of pollution, get rid of bacteria, kill fungus and destroy mold.

A nice feature of its use is the absence of dried mud smudges and stains, maintaining the integrity and structure of the grout. With a steam cleaner, you don't have to worry about how to remove old adhesive from ceramic tiles.

Folk methods, methods, recipes

The experience of grandmothers, friends and neighbors, accumulated over decades of stubborn struggle with dirt in tile joints, often helps out in difficult times. We offer a list of the most popular and effective recipes with which the question of how to clean ceramic tiles from tile adhesive, grease, dirt, stains will be removed along with dirt.

Blend #1 (lemon juice, baking soda, vinegar)

Cooking sequence:

  1. Pour 1.5 liters of boiled water (20°C) into the container.
  2. Add the juice of half a small lemon, half a glass of baking soda, a quarter glass of vinegar (9%).
  3. Stir with caution, since as a result of the combination of the components, a violent reaction is observed, accompanied by the release of foam.
  4. The agent is applied to the contaminated surface of the seams by rubbing.
  5. For work, a sponge for washing dishes with a hard side or an old toothbrush is used.
  6. After 20-25 minutes, the solution is washed off with water and wiped with a rag.
  7. Evaluation of the result, which in this case will depend on the degree of contamination.

Important! You can only work with rubber gloves!

Blend #2 (bleach, soda)

The product is only suitable for cleaning joints with white grout! Contains chlorine, so it is only allowed to work with rubber gloves and a respirator (gauze bandage).

Cooking method:

  1. Focusing on the total area of ​​\u200b\u200bthe seams to be cleaned, bleach is poured into the container for preparing the mixture and, gradually stirring, soda is added until the mixture acquires the density of sour cream.
  2. With a spatula, apply the finished mixture to the seams and leave to dry completely.
  3. To wash off the remnants of the mixture and clean the seams, use a kitchen sponge or brush.
  4. The tool perfectly copes with mold and clarification of seams.

Blend #3 (Baking Soda, Mustard, Lemon, Baking Soda, Tooth Powder)

For 1 liter of water you will need the following ingredients:

  • Mustard (powder) - 1 tbsp.
  • Lemon juice - from 1/3 of the fruit.
  • Baking soda - 0.5 cups.
  • Tooth powder (paste) - 1 tsp

All components are combined in a container and mixed thoroughly. The resulting mixture rubs the contaminated seams (a sponge is used). Leave for half an hour, then wash off with warm water.

Ammonia solution (ammonia)

The simplest and most effective way to combat fresh mold. It is also a good antimicrobial agent. We prepare a solution of 2 liters of water and a tablespoon of ammonia. It is sprayed with a sprayer over the entire surface of the tiles and joints. After 20-25 minutes, the tile is wiped from the remnants of the mixture and dirt.

Radical Methods

In particularly difficult cases, when the defeat of tile joints by mold or fungus has gone so far that neither professional nor folk remedies help, there are only two options left:

  1. Completely remove the old tile, treat the surfaces with antifungal agents and lay a new tile in compliance with all technologies;
  2. Remove all grout from infected joints, treat with an anti-fungal agent, wipe the joints with fresh grout, cover with a protective layer to prevent re-infection.

Both in the first and in the second case, it makes sense to use the services of professional tilers. Pleasure is not cheap, but the result is guaranteed. The main thing is to control the removal of the adhesive, so that later you do not suffer how to remove the old tile adhesive from the tile.

If this is not possible, and only the second option is available for independent execution, we recommend that you consider the following tips:

  • Use a scraper, a paint knife, a chisel or a power tool - a drill, a screwdriver, an electric chisel, a grinder.
  • Safety rules above all! Work with power tools should only be in protective goggles and a mask.
  • A weak vinegar solution is suitable for softening the grout.

Helpful information

Carrying out grouting work between tiles and choosing the means to achieve the best results requires knowledge and understanding of the characteristics of each type of tile.

  • Do not use products containing acid when working with glazed tiles. The icing will fade and lose its luster.
  • Do not use concentrated acids and alkalis to clean glass mosaics and tiles.
  • Matte tiles without glaze after cleaning the joints need to be washed and applied a layer of protective mastic.
  • Epoxy-based grouts have increased strength and resistance to mold and mildew, which justifies their use for grouting tile joints on floors.

In order not to wonder how to clean the seams quickly or how to remove the adhesive from the tiles, it is better to do it right away. Not a single remedy will give an instant desired result.