What if you lost work. Jobs in your city

Loss of work in our unstable economically time can lead not just to emotional experiences, but even to the strongest stress and depression. Psychologists argue that dismissal or reduction negatively affects the psychological state of a person: "It is not surprising if, losing a job, a person feels empty, lost and even devotees."

How to cope with the loss of office and gain strength to search for new work? Experts of the employment agencies known in Ukraine offer 5 strategies that will help cope with stress and get out of the situation with the winner, despite the fact you live in Mariupol or in any other city.

And it will also pass

Do not hurry to panic and believe that the end of the world has come. In the end, no matter how hurts and disappointing, it will not last forever. Think: After all, before finding this job, you were quite a happy person, which means that your well-being does not depend on the specific place of work. Yes, perhaps you are overcome by negative emotions, and everything seems in black, but over time the pain will pass. No one says that, remaining without work, you need to have fun - the experience is a normal reaction. Just do not forget to remind yourself that "and it will also be held." Everything will fall into place, you will find another job and calm down.

Protect yourself

In such a difficult life time around you, the mass of people who love to do from the fly of the elephant and without tired of sranking themselves unhappy. For such martyrs, you can become a tailed piece - after all, your experiences can be cultivated and generously squeezing with universal sadness. In a word, if you want to quickly come to yourself, if possible, limit communication with negatively tuned tweaks. By the way, the sad films and books can be expected here. But isolate yourself too, nothing! Walk with friends for walks, you will choose a movie or deal with your loved one, which will make you distracted.

Share yourself

When thoughts sink the bee, the earth leaves from under the feet and it seems that nothing is glued, it's time to go. Yes, yes, in depression, you will always have time to go, but it's time to do sports. In order to overcome the psychological crisis, do in the morning jogs or evening walks - to whom you like more. It is not a secret that physical activity contributes to the production of hormones of happiness and allows you to quickly cope with the consequences of stress.

Pour negative

Psychologists choir claim that he should not keep negative emotions. We have already discussed the fact that to join the support group "Defective Fate" is not the best option, so how to be? Very simple - make a diary. And not any online LiveJournal, but the usual paper notepad, where in the evenings you can write your thoughts, experiences, feelings, plans - in a word, everything that will come to mind. Recommendation from psychologists: Every day, write three things for which it is worth being grateful in this life. This will help you to focus not on your failures, but on what you really are lucky.

Go to the offensive

Soothed a little? Thoughts lined up in slender series and require action? Well, then it's time to realize that the loss of work is not a catastrophe at all, but an open door to new features and unknown perspectives. Around full of real stories, when, having lost jobs, people even in adulthood radically changed their lives. It turned out that it was originally molded to the end of the world, became their starry hour! Act: attend educational seminars, study the exciting interviews of specialists, send a summary in the company you are interested in - look for your new place!

Lost work? We present valuable advice to help overcome the most negative thoughts and build steps for further self-realization.

Situation when man unexpectedly loses workUnfortunately, it is often found in our lives.

Numerous abbreviations, dismissal at their own desire due to the impossibility of building a career or due to conflict with employees or bosses.

All this happens, no one is insured from this!

For example, a person who has lost its job is a sense of unnecessaryness, no time, offensive, often begins to doubt its own forces, which is why it is afraid to take any real steps on employment.

It is only important to be able to understand the problem in time so that it does not drag on.

How to help yourself get out of depression?

Step one. Please accept the fact of loss of work

Without this step, it is impossible to move on any way.

Try soberly, without unnecessary emotions determine what she meant to you!

Or it is easy to replace similar work (for example, you worked as a seller in the store), or this activity that you have developed for a long time, conducted at the cost of your own efforts and deprivation.

Of course, in the second case, it will be harder to correct.

We will consider the second case when you failed in.

Step second. Analyze your mistakes in the former work.

It is necessary in order to avoid them in the future.

In the process of such deep analysis, you can meet with your own pain, misunderstanding, despair.

All these feelings need to be overcome so that they do not interfere with moving on, to fully implement their purpose.

Stick up with past insults.

It is very important to learn how to transfer them to the future.

Step Three. Determine your goal.

It is very important that you can clearly designate it.

Unfortunately, very many instead of acting, begin to rush through life, do stupidity, abuse, for example, alcohol.

All this not only does not help, but also prevents the return to an equilibrium state.

As soon as possible, you need to try to regain your balance and former confidence in your abilities.

When you understand what you really want, it will become easier, new positive thoughts will appear how to realize the conceived.

Even if you have never been involved in the fact that you really like it, do not despair, do not hurry to bury the dream: there are advanced training courses, trainings for work.

Use any opportunity to grow professionally and stop panicing!

Step fourth. Strictly hold the scheduled course.

It is natural that as soon as you decide to live for yourself, act within our capabilities, others begin to distract you.

You should not give in to the proposals to relax in the club, relax by active shopping.

First, you will spend a lot of money, secondly lose time that can be used for business.

You need to communicate with friends and can be, but let it be in advance organized and will not greatly hit the pocket in your financially unstable position.

Let's talk about how to treat loss of work. You lost work. And it does not matter whether you fired you or the company was eliminated due to the difficult financial situation. What's the difference! It is important that you had a job, and now it is not. And tomorrow you will not have to jump around the alarm clock, drink a strong coffee, take a shower, hastily paint in front of the mirror and break your head to the subway. How to fill out your days? How to start looking for a new workplace? Where to get money?

In the first moments, someone or late wishes will be helped to help you. I advise you to turn off the phone, shut down in your room and stay alone.

Whatever your friends and relatives are told that you are not appreciated at this work and inadequately paid your work, it's still any confidence in tomorrow and stable money. And now? Now what? What to do in case of loss of work?

And where to look for a new job? By ads? Is it real? Everywhere requires young highly professional frames, and you do not approach this category. The head flops from these Dums, which are in your head as annoying bees. One-single question is unequivocated in front of you: what to do?

And nothing. Turn off the light and try to fall asleep. In your position it is the best way out. All the same now, when your nerves are tensioned as a string, you can't come up with anything good, just screw yourself up. It means that you need to calm down first of all, because the cold head is thinking better.

The next day I advise you to clean the apartment. This is a good remedy for stress. Your hands are busy, the head is free. If a panic thoughts come to it again - throw them out of my head. Try not to think about anything.

The past is like a web, it is very easy to get bogged in it and it is difficult to get out. Why do I advise you to remove all the rules? You simply, in this case, clean the apartment not only from the physical, but also from the energy mud. And then it will become easier. Try!

To survive the loss of work, after cleaning, deal with relaxation. The next day, continue to do homemade. Make purchases, go to shops, deal on the mezzanine. Do not think about anything.

To stay in our time without work is a catastrophe, tells any of your friends. And will be right. Partly. Because the work of the work is distributed. Actually, what did you do lately? If you lost your job and do not know what to do, tell me honestly: she was the work of your dreams?

What such brilliant perspectives awaited you in the near future? Enhanced service or weight gain salary? Hardly your answers to these questions will be affirmative. Most likely, you will be surprised why they themselves did not quit this work, but regularly went to the service every day.

To survive the loss of work, I advise you to trust your intuition. It's no secret that many of us have not been engaged in your loved one for many years, and "worked" (that is, there was a watch, days and years in a certain institution), because once finished the institute for some specialty, and in another institution, Where we would like to learn, did not do - I didn't have enough knowledge, a Blat Stay or money.

Now in our country with an unstable economy and the lack of clear prospects, you are given the richest opportunity to make finally a favorite thing that you dreamed of a long time ago from the young age. For example, you wanted to become a photographer, and at the insistence of Moms entered the pedagogical institute, from where they escaped at the first opportunity, as they realized that this profession was not yours.

What if you lost work? And what prevents you from now to go to courses, where you will learn the profession of the photographer, and then try to find a job in one of the urban photo accessories? Or you will be helped with employment in the same courses (it happens quite often).

Of course, you can not count right away to get a job in a large advertising agency or a prestigious magazine. Do not wait for sharp and cardinal changes, just work in good faith and comprehend the secrets of your new profession, and the result will not make yourself wait.

But even if you do not break down to the shining altitudes of the new, desired profession and will not become a new Heidi Hollingger (the famous woman photographer, whose pictures of the Russian political elite went around the whole world), do not worry! Stars in any business always become units.

What you will finally be able to realize yourself in your favorite profession is already a great benefit. If you have lost work, you will not spend most of your life on what you do not have a soul. But the time we spend at work in our volume is incomparable with the clock of rest or communicating with close people.

If you think about it, it becomes scary: what we coffin our life for years! So is it not better to change everything, especially since fate gives us such a chance?

Loss of work - a chance for a new life

Cases when people who lose their jobs were successfully mastered by other professions, many. I can give two examples.

Lena M., with honors who graduated from the Moscow Institute of Communications, worked for several years in one of the "mailboxes" until its salary ceased to grab even elementary needs and needs. Before Lena, the question arose: what to do next?

She drew a whole life well, at one time he studied at an art school and often gave her friends to the still life or wrote portraits from them. Lena decided to try to put his best work on Izmailovsky Vernissage. It was uncomfortable to stand herself, and she asked to go to the opening day of his father-pensioner.

Success exceeded all its expectations. Five still lifes reacted in an hour. During the next weekend, my father went there again. She went away from the fallen work and devoted all his time to his long-time passion. Sale of paintings brought a good wealth to the family, but 1998 made his own adjustments to Lenin's plans.

After consulting with the artist's husband, she decided to reach the apartment in Moscow and move to the village where her mother bought a house a few years ago. So she came. I recently met her. Lena lost weight, but the eyes are still shining by delight: "What beautiful places in our village! If you just saw! I am so well spelled! Come to us in the summer, and you see everything yourself! "

Katya T. In due time he graduated from the psychological faculty of the Pediatric Institute, but he worked for a long time in school - two years, and then he went into free swimming - journalism, work in the real estate agency ... She was even an employee of the Yunnist station. But the love of psychology did not fade away: Katya helped her friends in difficult everyday situations, with brilliance predicting and calculating the consequences of those or other things.

Katya walked "the truth in the last instance", they were treated as a oracula or a wizard. Gradually, she began to lead group trainings on psychology, and also tried to establish consultations at home. Now she spends business seminars in Russian sanatoriums and homes, successfully combining them with private practice.

It all depends on you, your desires and aspirations. "Look for - and pay."

I brought these examples with the sole purpose - to convince you: there is nothing impossible in life, it is only for wanting - and you can find a job in the sphere that best suits you. In this case, the loss of work can be a start for you in a new life.

And if you are able to connect high earnings with creative queries, then it is great, it means you just lucky! Remember: we ourselves choose people, work, and ultimately life.

Now you know what to do if you lost your job.

© Oksana Chekhvana
© Photo: Depositphotos.com

And what actually do, if you lost your job?

First, it is not necessary to panic, this is the most important thing that many make a mistake, losing the work fall into the uglings and depression. After analyzing the reasons, it will become clear why it was impossible to keep the place of work. But it will only comfort the understanding that the work is lost, and not by the fault of its own, and even if on objective or subjective reasons. Will it be easier when you need work, and the main thing is necessary to extract the livelihood, and give them an honest person - can only work.

Secondly, not in the loop to climb from such an annoyance that now the damned work went to someone else!? We must think about that this work was not the one that I would like to have. It doesn't matter what work liked, was familiar, highly paid, etc. What lost the work of your holling, rejoice this and take a look at the world with other eyes. There is so much good and pleasant around that work, it's not something on what to worry so much.

Thirdly, it is necessary to realize that not only work can make a profit. There are so many philanthropes and a downtime that does not do anything, have much more than the puberty work, which has managed to lose. It is a chance to get more decent work and forget as a terrible dream, about what happened misunderstanding.

Fourth, the work itself cannot reject one who can perform it. Around the work itself, many all kinds of chiefs and the "Life owners" are spinning, for which the work is not a means of existence, but a means of enrichment, and those perverted by them to disgust. And about the loss of such work should not be regret at all. Such work should roll to all traps! It was necessary to refuse independently and throw such work, and not wait until she was lost.

Fifth, without panic, you need to give yourself calmly rest, get together with the forces, update and send the resume. And the work itself will begin to look for his artist. It will never be superfluous to ask friends, maybe they have work, at least part-time or temporary. Any work on the search time will help, to refuse such a job.

Sixth, the search for new work is necessary in all directions. If the previous work was official and there is a document on the dismissal, then go to the labor exchange and try to gain the unemployed status will not be an excessive event. There it is possible, at least whether it is, even if there is even a seduction job or a temporary hacktur, but not, so on unemployment benefits will cope with black bread and kefir. And you can also produce and recalculate the rent, gaining the status of the unemployed. This is also some kind of help when I lost the workplace.

Summarizing, it should be noted that the loss of work is not such a terrible event. Just do not need to bring the situation to such a turn, but you should take care of the new work, working in the same place. Keep "under the pairs" vacancy for myself never burdensome anyone. If any force majeure is influenced, then a backup work is useful, even if it is enough for some time.

The situation in this wild world is so unpredictable that losing work is easier than to find. This is not a planned Soviet economy, but a wild market. Each employer as a lion in the hierarchy of the wild jungle, so it is necessary to be in this situation: a cunning, agile and very hot rabbit so that you will not be devoured with all the guts.

You can lose work for various reasons: either you are a fucking worker, or the bosses did not appreciate your efforts, in general, however, it happened, you are unemployed. Even if you work not on, all the same dismissal the thing is unpleasant. But you can cope with this nuisance, and you need, because who knows how many more layoffs have to survive.

1. Do not panic

Calculate up to 10, brewing seagull and calm down. The universe has not collapsed from what they were fired. Even you yourself have not collapsed.
You lost your job.
Unpleasant? Yes. Deadly? Not.

2. Watch your personal (or family) budget

Make a new financial plan, taking into account the absence of a source of constant income. Reduced expenses, where possible, give up time from expensive entertainment and buying things that cannot be called necessary.

4. Think about possible sources of income - temporary work, part-time

Perhaps you can try to freeland, or, in the event of an acute financial need, get a loader or seller and in parallel to keep looking for a really interesting job.

5. Make a job search plan

As in the old good times, take a lined piece of paper and write in detail on it, what actions and in what order are you going to take in the near future.
Record the names of the companies you intend to contact, as well as any other steps (update resumes, register in professional social network and so on.), Performed by you during the search for work. Coffin your list on the fridge and cross what you have already done. This approach will allow you to abide by the vector of motion and track

6. Google How to make summary

As well as . Even if you consider yourself in this case pro, there is a risk that some points described in articles, for example, on Brodude, will still be in a novelty for you. After reading the actual information on the question of interest to you, do not forget to update - expand, add - an old summary or write a new one.

7. Purge of skills

Why not use the released time to work on yourself - Sour a couple of new skills, improve already existing, learn English, learn how to cook soap soup, in the end!

8. Tell me all friends and familiar, you are looking for work

Friends can periodically throw the shabbies, as well as information about the "hidden" jobs.

9. Take the search for "hidden" vacancies

We already wrote about the fact that there are no information on the network or in the media. About 50% of vacancies were never and will never be made public, and you can find them only coming out for direct contact with the employer. Dare!

10. Do not panic Vol.2

No, you are not worthless nothing - good work in a couple of days do not go. And, no, you are not tunese. I noticed how much time and time is required only to create a resume and write a couple of accompanying letters? Job search is also a job.

11. Rest

Seriously, for once in your life there is no this nasty feeling called "Tomorrow to work," who spoiled you a lot of Sunday evenings, in which no one calls you with unpleasant questions, no one demands anything from you. Enjoy this moment, at least a week to devote yourself.