What to do for people with HIV. Is there an intimate life with HIV? Prevention of HIV and AIDS

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HIV (Human Immunodeficiency Virus) is the virus that causes AIDS (Acquired Immunodeficiency Syndrome). HIV attacks the immune system, destroying white blood cells (leukocytes) that help the body fight infections and diseases. A blood test for HIV is the only reliable way to determine if you have HIV. The following symptoms can help you suspect you have HIV and then test your blood for HIV.

I. Visible symptoms of HIV

The visible symptoms of HIV are fatigue.

1. Notice if you feel severe weakness for no apparent reason.

Unreasonable weakness can be a symptom of many different illnesses, but it is also one of the persistent symptoms of people with HIV. If weakness is the only, isolated symptom, then this is not a cause for concern regarding HIV infection, but in conjunction with the symptoms that we will consider below, this symptom should alert you.

  • Acute weakness is not the same feeling as drowsiness. Do you feel constant fatigue even after a night's rest? Do you feel a greater urge than usual to take an afternoon nap and avoid hectic activities? do you feel little strength? This is the type of weakness that should make you alert to HIV infection.
  • If you have acute weakness for several weeks or months, be sure to get tested for HIV.

The first signs of HIV are groundless sleepiness.

May the hand of the giver not fail

Project "AIDS.HIV.STD." - a non-profit, created by volunteer experts in the field of HIV / AIDS at their own expense in order to convey the truth to people and to be pure before their professional conscience. We will be grateful for any help to the project. Yes, you will be rewarded a thousand times: DONATE .

2. Pay attention to feeling hot (fever, fever) or profuse night sweats.

These symptoms are characteristic of the early stages of HIV infection (acute HIV infection). Not all people with HIV experience these symptoms, but if they do, they usually last 2 to 4 weeks after they become infected with HIV.

  • Fever and night sweats are also symptoms of flu and colds. But they are seasons, i.e. usually occur in autumn and spring.
  • Chills, muscle aches, sore throat and headache are also symptoms of the flu or cold, but they can also be signs of an acute HIV infection.

The first signs of HIV are enlarged lymph nodes.

3. Check for swollen (swollen) cervical or axillary lymph nodes.

Lymph nodes enlarge when there is an infection in the body. This does not happen to everyone who is infected with HIV, but if it does, it increases the likelihood that you are infected with HIV.

  • In HIV infection, the cervical lymph nodes tend to swell more than in the armpits or groin.
  • Lymph nodes can swell from many other types of infections, such as the common cold or flu, so further testing is needed to determine the cause.

The first signs of HIV are nausea, vomiting, diarrhea.

4. Pay attention to bouts of nausea, vomiting, and diarrhea.

These symptoms, which are usually associated with the flu, can also indicate early HIV infection. Get an HIV test if these symptoms persist.

The first signs of HIV are ulcers in the mouth and genitals.

5. Pay attention to the presence of ulcers in the mouth and genitals.

If you have an ulcer in your mouth, in the presence of the above symptoms, then it's time to sound the alarm, especially if you rarely had ulcers before. Genital ulcers may also indicate that you have HIV infection.

II. Recognizing specific symptoms

Specific signs of HIV are a persistent dry cough.

1. Persistent dry cough

This symptom appears in the late stages of HIV, sometimes several years after HIV infection. This symptom is often overlooked, thinking that the cause of this cough is either an allergy or a cold. If you have a dry cough that cannot be relieved by allergy medications, it may be a symptom of HIV infection.

The specific symptoms of HIV are erratic rashes.

2. Look for irregular rashes, spots (red, brown, pink, purple) on the skin.

People with HIV often have skin rashes, especially on the face and torso. They can also be found in the mouth and nose. This is a sign that HIV has entered its final stage - AIDS.

  • The spots can also look like boils or bumps.
  • A rash on the skin, as a rule, does not appear with flu or colds, so if you have these symptoms at the same time as the others mentioned above, then immediately consult a doctor.

The specific signs of HIV are pneumonia.

3. Pay attention if you have pneumonia.

Pneumonia is common in people whose immune systems are not working properly. People with advanced HIV infection are prone to Pneumocystis pneumonia, which does not occur in people with normal immune systems.

Specific symptoms of HIV are plaques, thrush in the mouth.

4. Check yourself for fungus, especially in the mouth.

In the later stages of HIV infection, thrush in the mouth is very common. It can be seen as white plaques, spots on the tongue, inside the mouth. This is a sign that the immune system is not working effectively.

Specific signs of HIV are nail fungus infection.

5. Check your nails for signs of fungal infection.

Yellow or brown colored nails, cracked, broken off are typical of people with advanced stages of HIV infection. The nails become more susceptible to fungal attack than with normal immunity.

Specific signs of HIV are weight loss.

6. Determine if you have an unreasonable weight loss.

Cachexia - exhaustion, with AIDS, body weight drops sharply.

In the early stages of HIV infection, rapid weight loss can be caused by excessive diarrhea; in later stages, this is manifested by cachexia (severe exhaustion) and is a strong reaction of the body to the presence of HIV.

Specific signs of HIV are depression, memory loss.

7. Look for problems with memory loss, depression, or other neurological conditions.

HIV affects the cognitive functions of the brain ( memory, attention, feelings, presentation of information, logical thinking, imagination, ability to make decisions) in later stages. These symptoms are very serious and cannot be ignored.

III. Understanding HIV

Determine if there was a risk of HIV infection.

1. Consider whether you were at risk of contracting HIV.

There are several different situations that can be very dangerous in terms of HIV infection.

If you have had one of the following situations, then you are in danger:

  • You had unprotected anal, vaginal, or oral intercourse.
  • Have you used shared needles and syringes.
  • You have been diagnosed with a sexually transmitted disease (syphilis, chlamydia, gardnerellosis, genital herpes, etc.), tuberculosis, hepatitis B or C.
  • You received a blood transfusion between 1978 and 1985, years before safety measures were taken to prevent a transfusion of infected blood, or you were given suspicious blood.

2. Don't wait for symptoms to appear to get tested.

Many people with HIV do not know they are sick. The virus can exist in your body for over ten years before symptoms begin to appear. If you have reason to think you may have contracted HIV, do not let the absence of symptoms stop you from getting tested. The sooner you know, the better, the sooner you can take action to keep others free and start treatment.

3. Get tested for HIV.

This is the most accurate method for determining if you have HIV. Contact your local clinic, laboratory, AIDS center to get tested for HIV.

  • Testing is a simple, affordable and reliable (in most cases) procedure. The most common test is done by examining a blood sample. There are also tests that use mouth secretions and urine. There are even tests that you can use at home. If you do not have a regular doctor who can provide testing, contact your local health center.
  • If you've been tested for HIV, don't let fear prevent you from getting your test results.

Knowing whether you are infected or not will change your life forever.

What should I do next?

Determine the risk of infection using a test:

Test to determine the risk of HIV infection.

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Time is over

    You have NO risk of contracting HIV.

    But if you are still worried, then get tested for HIV.

    You HAVE a risk of HIV infection!
    Get tested for HIV urgently!

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    Question 1 of 10

    1 .

    Have you had unprotected intercourse with a person who is (or may) be infected with HIV, AIDS.

  1. Question 2 of 10

    2 .

    Have you had intercourse through the anus with a person who is (or may) be infected with HIV, AIDS.

  2. Question 3 of 10

    3 .

    Have you had contact with the body fluids of a person who is (or may be) sick with HIV, AIDS.

Good day, dear readers!

In today's article, we will consider with you such a serious disease as HIV infection, and everything connected with it - the reasons, how it is transmitted, the first signs, symptoms, stages of development, types, analyzes, tests, diagnostics, treatment, medications, prevention and other useful information. So…

What does HIV mean?

HIV infection in children

HIV infection in children in many cases is accompanied by developmental delays (physical and psychomotor), frequent infectious diseases, pneumonitis, encephalopathy, hyperplasia of pulmonary lymphatic catches, hemorrhagic syndrome. Moreover, HIV infection in children, which they acquired from infected mothers, is characterized by a more rapid course and progression.

The main cause of HIV infection is infection with the human immunodeficiency virus. AIDS is also caused by the same virus, because AIDS is the last stage in the development of HIV infection.

Is a slowly developing virus belonging to the Retroviridae family and the Lentivirus genus. It is the word “lente” in Latin that means “slow”, which partly characterizes this infection, which develops from the moment it enters the body and until the last stage rather slowly.

The size of the human immunodeficiency virus is only about 100-120 nanometers, which is almost 60 times smaller than the diameter of a blood particle - an erythrocyte.

The complexity of HIV lies in its frequent genetic changes in the process of self-reproduction - almost every virus differs from its predecessor by at least 1 nucleotide.

In nature, as of 2017, 4 types of virus are known - HIV-1 (HIV-1), HIV-2 (HIV-2), HIV-3 (HIV-3) and HIV-4 (HIV-4), each of which differs in genome structure and other properties.

It is HIV-1 infection that plays a role at the heart of the disease of most HIV-infected people, therefore, when the number of the subtype is not indicated, the default is 1.

The source of HIV is people infected with the virus.

The main routes of infection are: injection (especially injection drugs), transfusion (blood, plasma, erythrocyte mass) or organ transplantation, unprotected sexual contact with a stranger, unnatural sex (anal, oral), trauma during childbirth, breastfeeding of the baby (if mother is infected), trauma during childbirth, the use of non-disinfected medical or cosmetic items (scalpel, needles, scissors, tattoo machines, dental and other instruments).

For HIV infection and its further spread throughout the body and development, it is necessary that the infected blood, mucus, sperm and other biomaterials of the patient get into the bloodstream or the lymphatic system of a person.

An interesting fact is that some people have an innate defense against the human immunodeficiency virus in their bodies, so they are resistant to HIV. The following elements have such protective properties - CCR5 protein, TRIM5a protein, calcium-modulated cyclophilin ligand (CAML) protein, and interferon-induced transmembrane protein CD317 / BST-2 (“tetherin”).

By the way, the CD317 protein, in addition to retroviruses, also actively counteracts arenaviruses, filoviruses and herpes viruses. The CD317 cofactor is the cellular protein BCA2.

Groups at risk of HIV infection

  • Drug addicts, mainly injecting drug users;
  • Sex partners of drug addicts;
  • Persons with promiscuous sex life, as well as those who have unnatural sex;
  • Prostitutes and their clients;
  • Donors and people in need of blood transfusion or organ transplantation;
  • People with venereal diseases;
  • Doctors.

The classification of HIV infection is as follows:

Classification by clinical manifestations (in the Russian Federation and some CIS countries):

1. Stage of incubation.

2. The stage of primary manifestations, which according to the flow options can be:

  • no clinical manifestations (asymptomatic);
  • acute course without secondary diseases;
  • acute course with secondary diseases;

3. Subclinical stage.

4. The stage of secondary diseases caused by the defeat of the body by viruses, bacteria, fungus and other types of infection developing against the background of a weakened immune system. Downstream is divided into:

A) body weight is reduced by less than 10%, as well as frequently recurring infectious diseases of the skin and mucous membranes - pharyngitis, otitis media, shingles, angular cheilitis ();

B) body weight decreases by more than 10%, as well as persistent and often recurring infectious diseases of the skin, mucous membranes and internal organs - sinusitis, pharyngitis, shingles, or diarrhea (diarrhea) for a month, localized Kaposi's sarcoma;

C) body weight is significantly reduced (cachexia), as well as persistent generalized infectious diseases of the respiratory, digestive, nervous and other systems - candidiasis (trachea, bronchi, lungs, esophagus), pneumocystis pneumonia, extrapulmonary tuberculosis, herpes, encephalopathy, meningitis, cancer (disseminated Kaposi's sarcoma).

All variants of the course of the 4th stage have the following phases:

  • progression of pathology in the absence of highly active antiretroviral therapy (HAART);
  • the progression of pathology on the background of HAART
  • remission during or after HAART.

5. Terminal stage (AIDS).

The above classification largely coincides with the classification approved by the World Health Organization (WHO).

Clinical classification (CDC - US Centers for Disease Control and Prevention):

The CDC classification includes not only the clinical manifestations of the disease, but also the indicator of the number of CD4 + T-lymphocytes in 1 μl of blood. It is based on the division of HIV infection into only 2 categories: the disease itself and AIDS. If the parameters below meet criteria A3, B3, C1, C2 and C3, the patient is counted as an AIDS patient.

Symptoms by CDC Category:

A (acute retroviral syndrome) - characterized by an asymptomatic course or generalized lymphadenopathy (HLAP).

B (AIDS-associated complex syndromes) - may be accompanied by oral candidiasis, herpes zoster, cervical dysplasia, peripheral neuropathy, organic lesions, idiopathic thrombocytopenia, leukoplakia or listeriosis.

C (AIDS) - may be accompanied by candidiasis of the respiratory tract (from the oropharynx to the lungs) and / or esophagus, pneumocystosis, pneumonia, herpetic esophagitis, HIV encephalopathy, isosporosis, histoplasmosis, mycobacteriosis, cytomegalovirus infection, cryptosporicomidiosis, cryptosporicomidiosis Kaposi, lymphoma, salmonellosis and other diseases.

Diagnosis of HIV infection

Diagnosis of HIV infection includes the following examination methods:

  • Anamnesis;
  • Visual examination of the patient;
  • Screening test (detection of blood antibodies to infection by enzyme-linked immunosorbent assay - ELISA);
  • A test that confirms the presence of antibodies in the blood (blood test by immune blotting (blot)), which is performed only if the screening test is positive;
  • Polymerase chain reaction (PCR);
  • Tests for immune status (counting CD4 + lymphocytes - performed using automatic analyzers (flow cytometry method) or manually, using microscopes);
  • Viral load analysis (counting the number of copies of HIV RNA in a milliliter of blood plasma);
  • Rapid HIV tests - diagnostics is performed using ELISA on test strips, agglutination test, immunochromatography or immunological filtration analysis.

Tests alone are not enough to diagnose AIDS. Confirmation occurs only with the additional presence of 2 or more opportunistic diseases associated with this syndrome.

HIV infection - treatment

Treatment of HIV infection is possible only after a thorough diagnosis. However, unfortunately, as of 2017, officially, adequate therapy and drugs that would completely eliminate the human immunodeficiency virus and cure the patient have not been established.

The only modern method of treating HIV infection today is highly active antiretroviral therapy (HAART), which is aimed at slowing the progression of the disease and stopping its transition to the AIDS stage. Thanks to HAART, a person's life can last for several decades, the only condition is the lifelong intake of appropriate medications.

The insidiousness of the human immunodeficiency virus is also its mutation. So, if drugs against HIV are not changed after a while, which is determined based on constant monitoring of the disease, the virus adapts, and the prescribed treatment regimen becomes ineffective. Therefore, at different intervals, the doctor changes the treatment regimen, and with it the drugs. The reason for changing the drug can also be its individual intolerance to the patient.

Modern drug development is aimed not only at achieving the goal of effectiveness against HIV, but also at reducing the side effects from them.

The effectiveness of treatment also increases with a change in the lifestyle of a person, an improvement in its quality - healthy sleep, proper nutrition, avoidance of stress, an active lifestyle, positive emotions, etc.

Thus, the following points can be highlighted in the treatment of HIV infection:

  • Medication for HIV infection;
  • Diet;
  • Preventive actions.

Important! Before using medications, be sure to consult your doctor for advice!

1. Drug treatment of HIV infection

At the beginning, you need to immediately remind once again that AIDS is the last stage in the development of HIV infection, and it is at this stage that a person usually has very little time to live. Therefore, it is very important to prevent the development of AIDS, and in many respects it depends on the timely diagnosis and adequate therapy of HIV infection. We also noted that the only method of HIV treatment today is considered to be highly active antiretroviral therapy, which, according to statistics, reduces the risk of AIDS formation by almost 1-2%.

Highly active antiretroviral therapy (HAART) - a method of treating HIV infection, based on the simultaneous administration of three or four drugs (tritotherapy). The number of drugs is associated with the mutagenicity of the virus, and in order to bind it at this stage as long as possible, the doctor selects exactly a set of drugs. Each of the drugs, depending on the principle of action, is included in a separate group - reverse transcriptase inhibitors (nucleoside and non-nucleoside), integrase inhibitors, protease inhibitors, receptor inhibitors and fusion inhibitors (fusion inhibitors).

HAART has the following goals:

  • Virological - aimed at stopping the reproduction and spread of HIV, an indicator of which is a decrease in the viral load by a factor of 10 or more in just 30 days, to 20-50 copies / ml and less in 16-24 weeks, as well as maintaining these indicators as long as possible;
  • Immunological - aimed at restoring the normal functioning and health of the immune system, which is due to the restoration of the number of CD4 lymphocytes and an adequate immune response to infection;
  • Clinical - aimed at preventing the formation of secondary infectious diseases and AIDS, it makes it possible to conceive a child.

HIV medications

Nucleoside reverse transcriptase inhibitors - the mechanism of action is based on the competitive suppression of the HIV enzyme, which ensures the creation of DNA, which is based on the RNA of the virus. It is the first group of drugs against retroviruses. They are well tolerated. Side effects include -, lactic acidosis, bone marrow suppression, polyneuropathy and lipoatrophy. The substance is excreted from the body through the kidneys.

Among the nucleoside reverse transcriptase inhibitors are abacavir (Ziagen), zidovudine (Azidothymidine, Zidovirin, Retrovir, Timazid), lamivudine (Virolam, Heptavir-150, Lamivudin-3TC "," Epivir "), stavudine (" Aktastav "," Zerit "," Stavudine "), tenofovir (" Viread "," Tenvir "), phosphazide (" Nikavir "), emtricitabine (" Emtriva "), as well as complexes abacavir + lamivudine (Kivexa, Epsicom), zidovudine + lamivudine (Combivir), tenofovir + emtricitabine (Truvada), and zidovudine + lamivudine + abacavir (Trizivir).

Non-nucleoside reverse transcriptase inhibitors - delavirdine (Rescriptor), nevirapine (Viramune), rilpivirine (Edurant), efavirenz (Regast, Sustiva), etravirine (Intelens).

Integrase inhibitors - the mechanism of action is based on blocking the viral enzyme, which is involved in the integration of viral DNA into the genome of the target cell, after which a provirus is formed.

Integrase inhibitors include dolutegravir (Tivikay), raltegravir (Isentress), elvitegravir (Vitecta).

Protease inhibitors - the mechanism of action is based on blocking the viral protease enzyme (retropepsin), which is directly involved in the cleavage of the Gag-Pol polyproteins into individual proteins, after which mature proteins of the human immunodeficiency virus virion are actually formed.

Protease inhibitors include amprenavir (Ageneraza), darunavir (Prezista), indinavir (Crixivan), nelfinavir (Viracept), ritonavir (Norvir, Ritonavir), saquinavir-INV ( Invirase), tipranavir (Aptivus), fosamprenavir (Lexiva, Telzir), and the combined drug lopinavir + ritonavir (Kaletra).

Receptor inhibitors - the mechanism of action is based on blocking the penetration of HIV into the target cell, which is due to the effect of the substance on the CXCR4 and CCR5 coreceptors.

Among the receptor inhibitors can be distinguished - maravirok ("Celsentri").

Fusion inhibitors (fusion inhibitors) - the mechanism of action is based on blocking the last stage for the introduction of the virus into the target cell.

Among the fusion inhibitors, one can single out - enfuvirtide (Fuzeon).

The use of HAART during pregnancy reduces the risk of transmission from an infected mother to her baby by up to 1%, although without this therapy, the percentage of infection of the baby is about 20%.

Among the side effects from the use of HAART drugs are pancreatitis, anemia, skin rashes, kidney stones, peripheral neuropathy, lactic acidosis, hyperlipidemia, lipodystrophy, as well as Fanconi syndrome, Stevens-Johnson syndrome and others.

A diet for HIV infection is aimed at preventing the patient from losing weight, as well as providing the body's cells with the necessary energy and, of course, stimulating and maintaining the normal functioning of not only the immune system, but also other systems.

It is also necessary to pay attention to a certain vulnerability of the immunity weakened by the infection, therefore, to keep yourself from infection with other types of infection - be sure to follow the rules of personal hygiene and the rules of cooking.

Nutrition for HIV / AIDS should:

2. Be high in calories, which is why it is recommended to add butter, mayonnaise, cheese, sour cream to food.

3. Include plenty of drinking, it is especially useful to drink decoctions and freshly squeezed juices with a large amount of vitamin C, which stimulates the immune system - decoction, juices (apple, grape, cherry).

4. Be frequent, 5-6 times a day, but in small portions.

5. Water for drinking and cooking must be purified. Avoid expired foods, undercooked meats, raw eggs, and unpasteurized milk.

What can you eat with HIV infection:

  • Soups - vegetable, on cereals, with noodles, in meat broth, it is possible with the addition of butter;
  • Meat - beef, turkey, chicken, lungs, liver, lean fish (preferably marine);
  • Groats - buckwheat, pearl barley, rice, millet and oat;
  • Porridge - with the addition of dried fruits, honey, jam;
  • Bread;
  • Fats - sunflower oil, butter, margarine;
  • Plant food (vegetables, fruits, berries) - carrots, potatoes, cabbage, squash, pumpkin, legumes, peas, apples, grapes, plums and others;
  • Sweet - honey, jam, jam, jam, marmalade, marshmallow, sugar, sweet pastries (no more than once a month).

Also, with HIV infection and AIDS, there is a deficiency of such and

3. Preventive measures

Preventive measures for HIV infection that must be followed during treatment include:

  • Avoiding repeated contact with the infection;
  • Healthy sleep;
  • Compliance with the rules of personal hygiene;
  • Avoiding the possibility of infection with other types of infection - and others;
  • Avoiding stress;
  • Timely wet cleaning at the place of residence;
  • Refusal from prolonged exposure to sunlight;
  • Complete rejection of alcoholic beverages, smoking;
  • Good nutrition;
  • Active lifestyle;
  • Rest on the sea, in the mountains, i.e. in the most environmentally friendly places.

We will look at additional HIV prevention measures at the end of the article.

Important! Before using folk remedies for HIV infection, be sure to consult with your doctor!

St. John's wort. Pour well-dried chopped grass into an enamel pan and pour 1 liter of soft purified water over it, then put the container on fire. After the product boils, cook the product for another 1 hour over low heat, then remove, cool, strain and pour the broth into a jar. Add 50 g of sea buckthorn oil to the broth, mix thoroughly and set aside in a cold place for infusion, for 2 days. You need to take the product 50 g 3-4 times a day.

Licorice. Pour 50 g of chopped into an enamel saucepan, pour 1 liter of purified water into it and put on the stove over high heat. After bringing to a boil, reduce heat to low and simmer for about 1 hour. Then remove the broth from the stove, cool it, strain, pour into a glass container, add 3 tbsp. tablespoons of natural, mix. You need to drink the broth in 1 glass in the morning, on an empty stomach.

Propolis. Pour 10 g of crushed half a glass of water and put the product in a water bath to simmer for 1 hour. Then cool the product and take it 1-3 times a day, 50 g each.

Syrup made from berries, apples and nuts. Mix together in an enamel saucepan 500 g of fresh red berries, 500 g of lingonberries, 1 kg of chopped green apples, 2 cups of chopped, 2 kg of sugar and 300 ml of purified water. Set aside for a while until the sugar dissolves, then put the product on a low heat for 30 minutes and boil the syrup from it. After the syrup must be cooled, poured into a jar and taken in the morning, on an empty stomach, 1 tbsp. spoon, which can be washed down with a sip of boiled water.

HIV prevention includes:

  • Compliance;
  • Blood and organ donor examinations;
  • Screening of all pregnant women for the presence of antibodies to HIV;
  • Monitoring the birth of children in HIV-positive women and preventing breastfeeding;
  • Conducting lessons on informing young people about the consequences of certain sexual relations;
  • There are drug addiction movements with the aim of providing psychological assistance, teaching about safe injections and exchanging needles and syringes;
  • Reducing the incidence of drug addiction and prostitution;
  • Opening of rehabilitation centers for drug addicts;
  • Promotion of safe sex;
  • Refusal from unnatural sexual relations (anal, oral sex);
  • Compliance by medical workers with all safety rules for working with biomaterials of infected people, incl. diseases such as;
  • If a health worker has contact of mucous membrane or blood (cut, puncture of the skin) with an infected biomaterial, the wound must be treated with alcohol, then washed with soap and again treated with alcohol, and also after that, in the first 3-4 hours, take drugs from the HAART group ( for example - "Azidothymidine"), which minimizes the possibility of developing HIV infection, and to be observed by an infectious disease specialist for 1 year;
  • Compulsory treatment of sexually transmitted diseases (STDs) so that they do not become chronic;
  • Refusal of tattooing, as well as visiting unverified beauty salons, cosmetology masters at home, little-known dental clinics with a dubious reputation;
  • As of 2017, a vaccine against HIV and AIDS has not yet been formally developed, at least some drugs are still undergoing preclinical trials.

An expression such as “People living with HIV” (PLHIV) is used to refer to a person or group of people who are HIV-positive. This term was coined in connection with the fact that PLHIV can live in society for several decades, and die not from the infection itself, but from the natural aging of the body. PLHIV should never be a stigma to be avoided and kept in isolation. Also, PLHIV have the same rights as an HIV-negative person - to medical care, education, work, and childbirth.

Which doctor should I go to for HIV infection?

HIV infection - video

Is there an intimate life with HIV?

HIV + changes lives and relationships, but does not completely exclude them.

It's no secret that HIV-positive people today can create families, build happy relationships, give birth to children. Moreover, on the Internet, you can find a large number of stories of happy relationships in which the disease is observed only in one of the partners. Such pairs are called discordant. Couples that form after HIV has been detected in one of the partners, as a rule, are both mentally prepared and theoretically grounded in building a life together than couples with already established relationships, into which the infection bursts unexpectedly. Unfortunately, not all couples can truly (not only outwardly) accept the changes that the diagnosis entails - there is a hidden fear in communication, everyday fears, very often a healthy partner tries to avoid intimate relationships. Some partners go, on the contrary, "all bad" and violate all the rules of safety and personal hygiene. How, then, can the former "spark" and true trust be preserved in a relationship?

First, of course, the HIV-negative partner should be periodically tested for HIV infection. Secondly, partners are advised to undergo joint consultations and ask specialists as many questions as possible, disturbing and raising doubts. In addition, this allows, by combining efforts, to immerse yourself in the situation, sincerely support each other, understand what and when an HIV-positive partner needs. You need to be absolutely sincere in all thoughts, feelings. Psychologists recommend sharing even the most insignificant and petty thoughts, desires - this will allow you not to lose trust and understanding in larger issues. It is important not to fall prey to stereotypes and speculation. You need to talk about HIV and at home with each other, you need to share your fears and experiences. Living with an HIV-positive partner is part of your new life. You cannot dwell on this thought, but it is also wrong to exclude it.

It is important to discuss your plans for the future, plan your pregnancy. From now on, your life can still be happy, but it requires a careful forecast.

And, of course, thirdly, they need to follow safety rules. In particular, the third point raises the most questions - how should the relationship change? Could there be an intimate relationship? Should I think about children? What kind of contraception should be? Can a healthy partner be avoided?

Of course, such sexual relations must be protected, and condoms must be the only possible contraceptive method. Yes, the therapy that HIV-infected people undergo is able to prevent the infection of a partner, but in no case is it worth risking again. Naturally, this measure is removed when the couple begins to plan a pregnancy before the moment of conception. Pregnancy in discordant families needs to be considered separately. The HIV + partner's doctor must be notified of such decisions.

It is important to understand that unprotected sex with an HIV-positive partner not only increases the risk of infection in a healthy partner. There are a number of diseases that can be present in the body of a healthy person in "dormant mode". An HIV-infected organism may not be able to cope with these viruses. This can cause more rapid development of the disease.

In all couples, there are disagreements and misunderstandings - in no case should they be associated with the diagnosis. If in doubt, advice is needed - do not be afraid to communicate with similar couples. Nobody says that old friends are not friends anymore. But it would be nice to make friends with couples who have already gone through all these stages and are ready to help not just with support (all true friends will cope with this), but with practical advice.

I have HIV! What will my life be like with HIV? This question is immediately puzzled by a person who has learned about his diagnosis. The patient cannot imagine how he will continue to live. However, getting sick is not a shame! Being among the infected means being careful. Life with the virus will be different, but not necessarily worse. Much depends on the patient himself, only he is able to really help himself in a difficult life situation. And yet, how to live if you have HIV?

Find out your diagnosis? The main rule is not to fall into despair and depression.

How can you live happily and happily with HIV? To do this, you need to know how to support yourself and not harm others. HIV infection is incurable today, but the diagnosis is not a sentence that takes effect immediately. In Russia, people live on average 70 years. Those infected usually live up to 63 years of age, and this figure is constantly progressing.

If you follow medical advice and fight for yourself, a person with HIV-positive status can live a long and happy life. Every day today is worth its weight in gold. New drugs are released annually to help achieve positive results in the treatment of the disease caused by the human immunodeficiency virus. Someday the panacea will recede.

Rules for the HIV-infected

Living with HIV in modern society is not always easy. Not only the patient's way of thinking changes, but also the people with whom he lived, communicated, studied, and was friends.

The primary issue is the safety of healthy family members and the entire human environment. At the same time, a huge responsibility is imposed on the infected. A sick person tries to live fully with HIV without becoming a threat to society.

However, there are a huge number of people living with this diagnosis. For all of them, HIV infection was the beginning of a new life, but not everyone accepted this situation and, having changed their own way of life, subdued a serious illness. How can you be among the strong and walk the difficult path with dignity?

Join the HIV positive group, someone else's experience can help you too

Get rid of fears

To overcome the initial shock after diagnosis, it is important to be aware of it. Thanks to the fruits of modern technology, it is much easier for a sick person today to find the information they need about the disease.

Social media support can play an important role in the acceptance process. There are communities of people on the Internet who have contracted HIV at different times in their lives. Here you can also get acquainted with the real attitude towards HIV-infected people: a conscientious society is ready to help the sick, to respect the patient's rights and not to regret, but to support.

After realizing what has happened, the infected person faces two main fears:

  • fear about your health;
  • fear of the health of close people (husband, wife, children, parents, etc.).

Indeed, there are cases when people living in the same house with HIV-infected become infected with the virus. We'll talk about how to prevent this later.

Now let's look further, deeper into the problem and touch on the fear about our own health. To overcome emotions, you need not only to operate with information, but also to believe in your bright future. In no case should you complain about how it managed to get you infected, putting an end to your own life. We need to get together! If you cannot do this on your own, you need to contact a specialist in the field of psychiatry.

And the most important thing that the patient has to understand: in order to maintain health, you need to immediately begin treatment, even if you do not believe in a favorable prognosis at all.

Living with HIV starts with food

HIV is not the flu, and the approach to dealing with this disease is regular and complex. Link number 1 in this chain is the patient's nutrition. This is not about traditional calorie counting and diet. In most cases, patients will have to completely change their eating habits, revise their diet. So, planning the patient's daily menu is based on the following five steps:

  1. Eat fruits and vegetables and drink less juices. Include dried, fresh, or frozen vegetables and fruits in your diet. Choose foods of different colors.
  2. Include cereals on the menu... Give preference to whole grains (buckwheat, whole wheat, oats).
  3. Enrich your diet with dairy products and their substitutes... When choosing a substitute, make sure it is fortified with vitamin D and calcium.
  4. Don't exclude animal products from the menu.We are talking about lean meat, fish, poultry, eggs.
  5. Add a small amount of fats and oils to the diet (15-30 ml daily).You can give preference to olive, rapeseed, walnut oil.

As you can see, the diet of a sick person cannot be called strict. In the case of HIV, as, in principle, and with the flu, chickenpox, respiratory infection, it is important to eat a balanced and regular diet.

To charge every day

It's not worth talking about the positive effect of morning exercises. Exercise not only strengthens the immune system, but also helps to overcome depression, recharge with energy for the whole day ahead.

Nothing harmful

This paragraph is not only about the exclusion of harmful food from the diet of the infected (fried and fatty foods, fast food, sugary carbonated drinks, etc.). An HIV patient will have to give up bad habits: do not smoke or drink alcohol.

The fact is that the human immune system after infection is incredibly loaded. The effectiveness of the treatment and further prognosis will depend on the state of the patient's immunity. Additionally, it is not worth checking the strength of the protective function of the body.

Important! Taking drugs in case of illness is also unacceptable.

You need to completely eliminate drugs, alcohol and cigarettes from your life.

In the mornings and evenings

It is important for HIV-infected people to adhere to special prevention, which, first of all, involves observing personal hygiene every day. This aspect is very important, since multiplying bacteria can lead to the development of secondary diseases, which progress very quickly against the background of weak immunity.

In addition, the patient should use public transport less often and visit crowded places, and should always wash his hands after using the toilet and outside.

As you can see, a sick person does not have to follow any special technique - everything is quite simple.

Living with HIV: Patient Responsibility

Despite the fact that HIV treatment is often accompanied by a high degree of discrimination against patients, a person with a positive HIV status should be aware of the importance and necessity of antiviral therapy for the illness. The main goal of treatment is to reduce the number of viral particles in a person's blood, strengthen the immune system and curb AIDS.

In this section, one cannot fail to mention the high degree of responsibility that a pregnant woman diagnosed with HIV assumes. Of course, girls with an infectious dose in their blood are not doomed to infertility. However, the patient must understand that the baby can become infected during pregnancy, childbirth or breastfeeding. Such an unfavorable outcome is observed in 1% of cases, however, it exists.

This should also include another area of \u200b\u200bresponsibility - the safety of others, because HIV is a contagious disease. More on this below.

Keep others safe

The first thing that should be emphasized is the need for patients to use a condom during sexual intercourse. This protective measure plays an important role in ensuring the safety of others and the infected person. In the latter case, we are talking about sexually transmitted diseases. When a disease affects a sick organism, the person's condition deteriorates sharply, the disease progresses rapidly.

Maintaining good hygiene and using personal hygiene products will provide additional safety.

Is it possible to get HIV in beauty salons with manicure, pedicure, piercing or tattooing

There is a risk of transmission of infection during the mentioned manipulations. It is possible to minimize it only through special processing of the tools used in the work.

Is it possible to get HIV during a fight

An unusual question. But oddly enough, the possibility of transmitting the virus during a fight is not excluded. The statement is relevant when the blood of an infected person comes into contact with an open wound of a healthy person.

HIV treatment prognosis

In the fight against the disease, antiviral therapy is used today, which is aimed at preventing the development of AIDS (blood disease, progression of secondary diseases and other disorders) and prolonging the patient's life. However, HIV does not yet belong to the category of curable pathologies.

With the beginning of therapy, the patient is shown compliance with medical recommendations. A healthy lifestyle, combined with medication, gives the infected person the strength to fight the disease. Subject to the systematic intake of drugs and adherence to medical recommendations, the patient manages to prolong life by an average of two decades.

Which doctor to contact

Which doctor should I go to if I am HIV positive? An infectious disease specialist specializes in HIV care. The therapist is often the first to listen to the patient.

Modern advances in treatment

There are currently 4 revolutionary methods of HIV therapy.

  1. Vaccine (facilitates treatment, helps to reduce the dosage of drugs, provides an immune response of leukocytes). In addition to the main one, there is also a recently developed second vaccine - Renum, which is also applicable only in tandem with an antiviral course. The good result demonstrated by the described method gives hope for the likelihood of complete control over viral particles.
  2. Implant (a revolutionary method of taking the drug: the drug is placed under the skin in the form of a cylinder, from which the substance enters the bloodstream gradually). This approach to treatment greatly facilitates treatment: it allows you to take drugs irregularly.
  3. Blood and bone marrow.There is information about a single case of complete recovery from infection. The patient had blood cancer, he underwent a bone marrow transplant from a donor who possessed one of the main "weapons" against HIV - innate immunity. It is believed that only 1% of people on the planet belong to the group of such lucky ones.
  4. Antiviral therapy. Nowadays it is a classic, but once it was a revolution.

What determines life expectancy

The life expectancy of a person with HIV depends on the following factors:

  • type of infection;
  • the amount of the virus;
  • the patient's attitude to his health;
  • having bad habits;
  • treatment systems;
  • the level of immunity;
  • condition of other organs and blood (kidneys, liver, etc.);
  • the presence of concomitant diseases;
  • psychological state;
  • nutrition;
  • the patient's lifestyle.

Today, innovative therapeutic methods have appeared that slow down the development of an insidious disease. Practice demonstrates cases when HIV-infected people restored their physical condition and returned to their usual life.

Work to develop improved HIV tools continues to this day. Perhaps in a couple, three years, scientists will invent a drug that will kill the virus, or at least make it possible to guarantee "keep it in check."

How many years do HIV-infected people live without treatment

According to statistics, in the absence of treatment, HIV leads the patient to the grave 10-12 years after infection. This indicator applies to residents of developed countries. In third world countries, this figure is reduced by several years.

Long-term impact of HIV

If we talk about the long-term impact of HIV on the territory of Russia or around the world, the risk of a decrease in the life expectancy of the population is of prime importance. Many infected people die much earlier than the potentially possible period of their lives.

Another aspect is the decline in fertility. HIV-positive women rarely give birth (for obvious reasons), at the same time, the number of infected has been growing over the years.

Your beauty will remain if you start treatment right away

The psycho-emotional state of the world population is also under threat. Not all HIV patients are able to fully live side by side with the disease, not paying attention to the existing restrictions. In addition, believing that he will not live long, the patient often goes to suicide.

To protect the world's population from such "prospects" at the moment is possible only through prevention, which involves the use of protective equipment during sexual intercourse and other measures.


How can AIDS be detected? The question is irrelevant, since in this case we are talking about the thermal stage of HIV. Even before the development of AIDS, a person is guaranteed to know about his discovered disease. It is simple to identify a serious illness: a person's immunity "gives up", all organ systems suffer (digestive system, intestines, central nervous system, etc.), oncology develops.

When a disease is discovered in the thermal stage, it can be argued that the person will die in a few years. Unfortunately, it is not necessary to think about a long life with AIDS today.


Exactly how long a person with HIV or AIDS will live is impossible to say for sure and unshakably. Yes, we are talking about a very insidious disease, which is not easy to live with. Antiviral treatment, although it is unable to completely rid the patient of the "sore", significantly prolongs the patient's life.

A patient who wants to live a full life with a difficult diagnosis must understand a very important thing. It is very important not only to promptly respond to the symptoms that appear, but also to immediately begin treatment, that is, switch to taking antiviral agents. Under such circumstances, the patient has a chance to live for about 30 years (this is if we take into account real cases), however, modern forecasts say that the life of the treated patients is not limited.

It is clear that the figure of 20-30 years has been announced by practicing doctors. And it is quite real, since we are talking about a "young disease". And at the moment there is no way to operate with real examples of carriers of the virus that have survived to half a century.

However, in reality, there are no limitations on the life span of a patient who systematically takes medications.

People with HIV are also members of society! But often, when representatives of the society find out about their HIV status, many unpleasant moments arise. Alas, such situations are not uncommon, because people do not even know general information about the disease, do not delve into the details. But HIV-infected people also need communication, support and just attention. The purpose of this article will be to convey general information about the permitted actions, if your loved one, friend or just acquaintance is infected with the immunodeficiency virus. Also, in this article you will find information about why HIV is not a reason to stop communicating with a sick friend.

An HIV distributor is a person who has an infection in the body, but at the same time there is no manifestation of the disease. A person can be a carrier of infection for a long time without even knowing about the presence in his body. At the same time, an infected person poses a danger to others, because, without knowing it, he can transmit the virus to others. The presence of the disease can only be determined with the help of HIV tests, which can detect the presence of specific antibodies.

An HIV carrier is a person who has the virus, but is not identified due to the absence of symptoms of the disease. Also, if a person is taking HAART medications, then the risk of transmission is minimized. However, "carriage" does not disappear anywhere, because the virus is present in the body, albeit in a depressed state.

By and large, there is no difference in these definitions, since an infected patient is both a carrier and a distributor, the only difference is that the degree of risk of infection changes.

General information everyone should know about HIV

First of all, it is worth knowing that the spread of infection occurs only when infected blood or other bodily fluids get from the carrier of the virus to the healthy one. :

  1. During the injection of narcotic substances using a syringe that has already been used;
  2. By means (it makes no difference whether it was homosexual or heterosexual intercourse - you can get infected even after one sexual contact);
  3. If a blood transfusion was performed from a person with an unknown status;
  4. When conducting, which imply the presence of traumatic situations (injections, punctures, cuts, excisions);
  5. In the process, ulcers or open wounds;
  6. Transmission of the virus can occur during pregnancy, during childbirth, or while breastfeeding.

As mentioned earlier, a person may not be aware of what is the carrier and spread of the virus during a long period of life with HIV.

If a person has a strong immune system, then it can contain the spread of infection for many years, and then suddenly surrender. Then the disease will begin to progress and quickly move into the stage of AIDS. During this period, infectious diseases appear, which proceed with complications. At the same time, weeping wounds and ulcers that do not heal for a long time may appear on the skin. Also, the body begins to suffer from candidiasis, sarcomas, anorexia and other unpleasant diseases.

Life expectancy with AIDS is generally short. After the transition of the disease to the AIDS stage, diseases caused by conditionally pathogenic flora develop. Without proper therapy, life expectancy is about 2-4 years. If the disease has progressed to an irreversible stage, then any viral disease can be fatal.

An HIV-infected child who has not received antiretroviral therapy can live no more than 10-15 years after infection. If the disease is detected in time and treated to suppress the infection, then children with HIV live just as fully, lead an assetlife, like peers.

Passing a timely examination of your body is mandatory to control your immune status. If the immunodeficiency virus is detected at an early stage and antiretroviral therapy is timely carried out, the infected patient will be able to live a full life. But one must remember that there is no cure for AIDS. The drugs that are used now only stop the development of the disease, but do not cure.

How to communicate with HIV infected

In case of HIV infection, a nursing process is carried out, the purpose of which is to provide psychological and medical assistance to the patient. They inform relatives about the correct communication with those infected with the immunodeficiency virus, about the peculiarities of cleaning the premises, about conducting a special diet, and a host of other various events.

Due to the lack of awareness of the population about the features of AIDS, there is discrimination against HIV-infected people. An infected person may lose his job, lose friends and acquaintances, even close people begin to shun him, since the majority of the population has a fear of contracting HIV when communicating with an infected individual. This is due to the lack of awareness of society about the mechanisms of transmission of infection, about how to live next to an infected person without the risk of infection.

If you find out that a close relative, friend or family member has become infected, you do not need to react harshly to such news. Better support, make it clear that there is a friend nearby. It is difficult for those infected to communicate with society, since for most of those around them, the fear of infection often takes precedence over common sense. Therefore, unobtrusive help, normal communication will enable HIV patients to quickly accept new living conditions. Yes, you will have to reconsider some aspects of behavior, but the person remains the same friend and close.