What a godfather should buy for a boy's christening. Clothes for the christening of the boy. Christening gown and baby baptismal towel

this is a special holiday that happens only once in a lifetime. It is believed that a person is born again on this day. On this day, the child acquires a heavenly patron and his new, Christian name.

All sins committed by a person before Baptism are forgiven, and the Christian becomes pure, as at the moment of birth. That is why the sacrament of Baptism is compared with the second birth. An adult comes to the decision on Baptism independently, guided by faith, and the baby's parents make the decision for the baby. The best time for an ordinance is eight and forty days from birth. For a boy, a godfather is enough, for a girl - a godmother. However, according to centuries-old tradition, both are invited. All relatives (except for parents) and acquaintances are suitable for godparents.

Boy's christening - preparation

Both the future godparents and the child's parents have a conversation “for the catechumens” (those who are preparing to receive Baptism). And then they read the Law of God. These days are special. Forget about fuss, empty talk, entertainment. Everything that will happen in the Temple is sacred and great, and therefore should be accepted and perceived with reverence, with awe. Try to fast for three days of preparation (fasting is optional for children).

Refrain on the day of baptism from cigarettes and alcohol, and the day before - from intimacy with your spouse. Be sure to confess (this applies to both your parents and godparents). God's Shrine requires special purity. The boy's christening is a responsible business. Only believers and previously baptized people can become godparents.

How to come to the boy's christening?

Your clothes should be modest and clean. Short skirts, tight-fitting trousers, cosmetics are inappropriate here. The head of a woman entering the temple must be covered (not only a scarf will do, but also a thin scarf, a beautiful shawl). Do not under any circumstances perform the ceremony if one of the women is "unclean" (menses). It is believed that a woman who entered the Temple with a child in her arms on such days dooms her godson to an unhappy life.

Duties of godparents

There is a statement among the Orthodox: "The parents of the godparents are more responsible for the child than the relatives of the parents." And this is understandable: godparents are the spiritual mentors of their godchildren. They go to communion with the children, pray for them, teach them piety and faith. Their own fate and the fate of a baby taken from the font depend on the performance of their duties as godparents.

What to give a boy for christening?

First of all, the clothes in which the child will be brought to the temple. The duty of the godparents is to dress the godson completely. These things are stored later all life, so pay special attention to the choice of a suit. A pectoral cross is required. Godfathers should buy it too. Usually, the choice of clothes rests with the mother, and the choice of the cross - with the dad. But it doesn't matter. Here you agree on your own. In addition to these things, buy a Bible as a gift for the boy's christening. Children's room, in a simplified version, with colorful pictures. A custom-made measuring icon will be a particularly original gift. It is made to the height of a godson (the height of a boy on the day of the Sacrament) with the image of the same-named saint.

Baptism for the Orthodox is the second (but in a certain sense, the main) spiritual birth of a person, his purification for subsequent existence, a kind of "pass" to paradise - the Kingdom of God. The newly enlightened person receives remission of previous sins. That is why Baptism, among all the Sacraments, is the first sacrament and is necessary for every person seeking salvation and the meaning of life.

Godparents: who are godparents?

The sacrament of baptism is a special rite. This is the cleansing of the soul and the spiritual birth of a person. According to the tradition of the Church, a baby should be baptized on the eighth or fortieth day of life. It is clear that at such an age it is impossible to demand from him faith and repentance - the two main conditions for union with God. Therefore, godparents are assigned to them, who undertake the obligation to educate their godchildren in the spirit of Orthodoxy. So the choice of godparents should be approached with all responsibility. After all, in theory, they should become a second mom and a second dad for your baby.

How to choose godparents?

When choosing a godfather for your little one, find someone you trust completely. These can be close friends or relatives with whom you maintain a good relationship at all times. According to church tradition, if something happens to the parents, the godparents are obliged to replace their godson.
A godfather can only be an Orthodox believer who is able to give an account of his faith. Actually, the boy only needs a godfather, and the girl only needs
godmother. But according to the ancient Russian tradition, both are invited. At your request, there can be two, four, six ...

According to the laws of the Orthodox Church, recipients (godparents) cannot be:

parents cannot be godfathers of their child;
husband and wife are godparents of one infant;
children (according to the decrees of the Holy Synod of 1836-1837, the godfather must be at least 15 years old, and the godmother must be at least 13 years old), because they are not yet able to vouch for the faith of the baptized person, and they themselves do not know the laws of Orthodoxy;
people are immoral and insane: the former because they do not deserve to be godparents by their very way of life, and the latter because, due to illness, they are unable to either vouch for the faith of the baptized person or teach him the faith;
the non-Orthodox are the recipients of the Orthodox.

What are the duties of godparents

Unfortunately, not every godparent can imagine why this is the name of his new “position”. It is good to visit the godson and give gifts for the day of an angel or birth. However, it is far from the most important thing. Caring for a growing godson includes a lot.
First of all, this is a prayer for him. Learn to turn to God once a day - before bed. It's actually not difficult at all. Ask the Lord for health, salvation, help in raising your own children, the welfare of godchildren and relatives. It will be useful to master the path to the temple together with the baby, to bring him to communion on a church holiday. It would be great to conduct educational games with the baby, read books to him. For example, many adults love to read the children's Bible. It describes all the main events of the Sacred History in an accessible way.
In addition, godparents can make life much easier for young mothers who find it difficult to find time to work with their baby. If everyone, to the best of their ability, spends free hours in communication with the child, then he himself will enjoy this.

The appearance of the godparents

At the ceremony, the recipients (this is another name for the godfather) must come with baptismal crosses consecrated in the church. In the traditions of the Slavic peoples in the temple, women have always had a covered head and a dress below the knee with closed shoulders (with the exception of little girls). You should not wear high-heeled shoes, since the baptism ceremony lasts from 30 minutes to 2 hours and most of the time you will have to stand with the child in your arms. As for men, there are no requirements for their clothes, but it is better to refrain from shorts and T-shirts. In church, such an outfit would look out of place.
Let the good old order not become burdensome for you, because your beautiful trousers and new fashionable haircut can be demonstrated in other places. In the church, it is better not to draw attention to yourself, focusing on the purpose of your ward.

Preparing for the ceremony

Currently, the ceremony is performed mainly in temples. Only in exceptional cases, if, for example, the child is very sick, the sacrament can be performed at home or in the hospital. Then a separate clean room is necessarily allocated for the ceremony.
To baptize a baby, you must first of all choose a church. Walk through the temples, listen to your feelings. But keep in mind that baptism does not always take place directly in the church. Most cathedrals have a baptismal (or baptistery) - this is a separate room on the territory of the church, specially adapted for this rite. In large churches, baptism usually takes place quite magnificently and solemnly. But, perhaps, someone will like the secluded and calm atmosphere of small churches. Talk to the priest or novices, they will tell you in detail how the baptismal ceremony takes place in this church.

How to choose the day of your baptism?

There is no church institution of Baptism on the fortieth day, this is primarily due to the fact that until the fortieth day the Church keeps the parent woman from entering the temple because of her postnatal infirmities and expirations that she has at this time. And the first entry of the mother into the temple after the break is accompanied by the reading of special cleansing prayers, before reading which she should not be present at the services.
But you do not need to take the day of baptism directly, you can baptize the baby a little later, a little earlier. And now sometimes, at the request of the parents, they baptize the child until the fortieth day, especially when there is at least some danger to the health of the child (baptism in this case is considered a protective rite).
In ancient times, the performance of the sacrament was most often timed to coincide with the greatest Christian holidays, for example, Easter. But baptism gradually turned into a family holiday. And now, on the contrary, the ceremony is held almost every day, with the exception of such large church holidays as Christmas, Easter, Trinity. These days the churches are usually overcrowded and the priests advise to reschedule the ceremony. Most temples can be visited without an appointment. Usually the sacrament of baptism begins at 10 o'clock, immediately after the service. True, in this case, it is highly likely that besides you, several more people will be baptized and you will either have to wait, or you will be baptized along with others. It is much more convenient to agree with the priest, who will perform the sacrament, on a specific date and time in one or two weeks. Then your baby will be baptized first and in splendid isolation. In addition, when choosing the day of baptism, try not to get it on the critical days of the godmother. The fact is that during this period a woman should not kiss the shrines: kiss the cross, icons, and it is better not to enter the temple at all.

Preparing the godparents for the rite of baptism

If you want to comply with all the rules, start preparing for the ceremony in advance. Godfathers need to go to church to confess, repent of their sins and receive communion. It is advisable (but not necessary) to fast for three to four days before the ceremony. But on the day of baptism, as well as before communion, godparents cannot eat and have sex. At least one of the parents must know the Symbol of Faith prayer by heart. As a rule, when a girl is baptized, the Godmother reads the Symbol of Faith, and when a boy is baptized, the father reads.
And one more thing: according to an unspoken rule, the godparents bear all the costs of baptism. In some churches there are no official prices, it is believed that after the ceremony, the godparents and those invited make donations as much as they can. These costs are optional and their size is not specified anywhere. But the custom is usually followed.
According to the church custom, the godmother buys a kryzhma or "garment". This is a special fabric, or just a towel, in which the child is wrapped when taken out of the font. In addition, the godmother gives a christening gown and a cap with lace and ribbons (for a boy - with blue ones, for girls - with pink ones, respectively). The baptismal gown is kept for life. The towel, according to custom, is not washed after the baptism of the child, but is used if the child is sick.
The godfather, again according to custom, buys a baptismal cross and a chain. Some believe that the cross and the chain should be gold, some - silver, while others are of the opinion that small children should wear a cross on a ribbon or string.

What prayers do you need to know?

Every conscientious Christian needs to know the basic prayers: "Our Father", "Virgin Mary", "Symbol of Faith". During baptism, the godparents say the Symbol of Faith prayer for the baby. All these prayers are in a short prayer book, which, if desired, can be bought at the church shop.

What to bring to the temple?

As already mentioned, baptism is a birth into a new sinless life. Perceiving the newly baptized from the holy font, the godparents accept an absolutely pure, sin-free being. The symbol of such purity is white clothing - a kryzhma, which is brought to the temple along with a cross on a chain or thread. Who should buy a cross and who should buy a chain, let the godparents decide for themselves. At the end of the ceremony, the priest will consecrate them and put them on to the baby.
An openwork diaper, a baptismal shirt or a new towel that has not yet been washed will serve as a canopy for a small child.

What happens during the ordinance of baptism?

The priest, godparents, and the child are the main participants in the ordinance. According to ancient customs, the mother and father of the child should not be present when the sacrament is performed. Although recently, the church has been more loyal to this prohibition and allows the father, and sometimes the mother of the baby, to observe the ceremony with those invited after saying a special prayer.
Throughout the ritual, the recipients stand next to the priest and one of them holds the baptized one in his arms. Before the ceremony, a priest in white robes walks around the baptismal room or temple and reads three prayers. Then he asks the godparents and godson to turn their faces to the west - symbolically, this is the abode of Satan. And, addressing the baptized person, he asks several questions.
Questions and answers are repeated three times. After that, the godparents should read the "Symbol of Faith" - this is a summary of the basics of the Christian faith, which all Orthodox Christians should know by heart. Then chrismation takes place. Having dipped a brush in a vessel with myrrh, the priest anoints the forehead, eyes, nostrils, mouth, ears, chest, arms and legs of the baptized person crosswise. And with each anointing he says: “The seal of the gift of the Holy Spirit. Amen". The godparents, together with the priest, repeat: "Amen."

After chrismation, a lock of hair is cut off from the head, which remains in the temple as a pledge of dedication and a symbol of sacrifice to God. If the child is baptized in the cold season or conditions do not allow him to undress (low temperature in the baptismal room), free the baby's arms and legs in advance.
Then the priest takes the child away from them and performs the baptismal ceremony directly - three times immersion of the baptized person in the baptismal font. If it is warm in the baptismal room, then, most likely, your baby will be dipped naked. But when it is cold in the temple, only the neck, hands and feet are exposed for anointing. Then one of the godparents takes the baby from the hands of the priest. That is why godparents are also called recipients. It is believed that by taking the baby in their arms after the ceremony, the parents undertake the obligation to educate their godson in the Orthodox spirit throughout their life and to be held accountable for this upbringing at the Last Judgment. If they cannot often see their godson, then they should at least mention him in their daily prayers.

Prayer Symbol of Faith

I believe in one God, the Father, the Almighty, the Creator of heaven and earth, of everything visible and invisible.
And in the one Lord Jesus Christ, the Son of God, the Only Begotten, born of the Father before all ages: Light from the Light, true God from true God, born, not created, one being with the Father, by Him all was created.
For the sake of us people and for the sake of our salvation descended from heaven, and took flesh from the Holy Spirit and Mary the Virgin, and became a man.
Crucified for us under the Pontic Pilate, and suffered, and was buried. And rose again on the third day, according to the Scriptures. And ascended into heaven, and sits on the right side of the Father.
And again coming in glory to judge the living and the dead, His Kingdom will have no end.
And in the Holy Spirit, the Lord, giving life, proceeding from the Father, adored with the Father and the Son, and glorified, speaking through vices.
In one, holy, catholic and apostolic Church.
I acknowledge one baptism for the remission of sins.
I look forward to the resurrection of the dead and the life of the century to come.

The rules of the rite of baptism of children.

Even the Soviet government was unable to break the tradition of baptizing a child. Children were baptized by everyone, even the leaders of the party. But this was done in secret, therefore, even among people of advanced age, today it is difficult to find a person who knows all the nuances. Parents of a newborn are faced with questions on the topic "how is it right and what is needed for this?" In our article we will answer the most important questions.
Timing of baptism.
Church recommendations suggest that baptism of a child is best done on the eighth day of his life. In most cases, the effect of the baptismal ceremony on a baby is very beneficial. Baptism can be performed on any day of the week, a holiday or fasting.


Baptism is a responsible step for both the parents of the child and the godparents. The Church says that from the day of baptism to the day of death, the responsibility for his spiritual development falls on the shoulders of the godparents, to a greater extent than on the parents. Therefore, the choice of godparents should be responsible and in compliance with simple but mandatory rules. It should be borne in mind that it is possible to refuse an offer to become a godparent only if there are very serious reasons, such as illness. If the parents have doubts that a person can refuse, then it is better not to even consider the candidacies of these people, otherwise you and them will find themselves in an awkward position. On the day of baptism, the godmother cannot be pregnant, she must not have monthly days. If it suddenly happens, then the godmother must inform the priest about this at confession. The Church strongly recommends that future godparents go through confession before the baby is baptized. At the same time, a wife and a husband, minors, nuns or monks cannot be godparents, a brother cannot baptize a sister, and a brother's sister. As a rule, twins are not baptized on the same day, but common godparents are permissible for them.

Duties of the godmother.

The godmother must purchase and present the child with a special cloth called "rizki", the child taken out of the font is wrapped in this cloth, and the godmother also gives a baptismal set: a baptismal gown, a cap and a blanket. These things should have a festive and beautiful look. There is a popular belief that if the shirt in which the older child was baptized is passed on to the younger, then these children will be close friends. Also, the godmother, according to an old tradition, gives the priest a silk scarf. And although tradition is very serious, but do not forget to observe a sense of tact: if you know that the future godmother has financial constraints, you can take these costs on yourself.

Duties of a godfather.

The godfather buys a cross for the baby, a gift, and also pays the costs of the ceremony. Many years ago, the godfather made gifts to the child's mother and godmother, nowadays this tradition is rarely observed.

Baby baptism ceremony. Stages:

The kid is turned to the west (place of darkness). Thus, detaching the little man from Satan.
Before diving into the font, the crumb is anointed with oil. This equips him with invincible power to fight Satan.
The child is immersed in a font. At this moment, the holy spirit invisibly descends on the baby.
The child is dressed in white outfits from the baptismal set and a cross is placed on the chest. This is a symbol of the purity of the soul and the protection of the soul from sin by crucifixion.
Walking around the font is the personification of the symbol of eternity.
Hair cutting. It symbolizes the giving of the newly baptized person to God's will.
The sacrament of baptism ends with the fact that, just as Saint Simeon held the little Christ, the priest takes your baby in his arms.
There is an opinion that the mother of the child should not be present at the ceremony, moreover, this is strictly prohibited. But this is not at all the case, the “permission” for the presence of the mother at the ceremony is given by the prayer of the fortieth day (it is also called “mother's prayer”), the prayer is read by the priest, before the ceremony begins or after it ends. This is allowed by the church, the time for reading the prayer is determined by the priest by his own decision. Therefore, if the mother of the baby has a desire to be present at the baptismal ceremony, she needs to go to the priest before the ceremony and ask him about it. Please note that the question will surely be asked: "When was the last time you went to confession?" You can't lie. Therefore, if you are not an actively religious person, then a week before the baptism of a child, still live according to the Orthodox canons: read prayers, fast for three days, attend a service, go to confession.
Do you believe that baptism is necessary for your child? Then do your best, think over all the little things so that this holiday takes place and is remembered for a lifetime.

The baptism of an infant is a sacrament in the process of which a small person is received into the fold of the Orthodox Church. This sacrament is considered the spiritual birth of a baby, one of the main events of his life on our planet. When a child is baptized, a guardian angel appears, invisibly present with him and protecting him for the rest of his life. Believers should take seriously the rite of baptism, the choice of godparents and preparation for this sacrament.

Preparing for the baptism of mom and baby

Before performing the sacrament of baptism, you need to discuss with the priest all questions regarding the rite. The presence of the mother at the baptism is discussed separately. It is believed that a woman who has given birth is cleansed only after forty days after giving birth. If the sacrament is performed earlier than this time, then the mother cannot be present at the ceremony. When a child who is over forty days old is baptized, the mother, if she wishes, can be present in the church, but for this the priest must read a special prayer over her in advance.

What is needed for the baptism of a baby

What to take with you to christening a baby

Preparation for the ceremony also includes the collection of things for the sacrament. When christening a baby, you need to take with you:

  1. Cross for the child. It is believed that the future godfather should present it for christening. A silver cross is suitable for the baby, which, according to signs, will protect him from the evil eye.
  2. A special shirt or dress. Today, children's stores sell many different varieties of christening gowns and dresses. You can sew this outfit yourself. By tradition, the future godmother should give it to the baby.
  3. Kryzhma or towel. The child is wrapped in it after the font. According to popular belief, such a towel cannot be washed after baptism. If a child is sick, then he should be covered with a canny.
  4. Baby's birth certificate and parents' passport.
  5. A blanket on which you can change your child's clothes.
  6. A bag in which the cut strand of hair is placed during the sacrament.
  7. Items necessary for the baby, such as diapers, pacifier, wet wipes, etc.
  8. Money. It is better to discuss the cost of the ceremony and other monetary issues with the priest conducting the sacrament in advance.

How to dress a baby for baptism

When choosing a christening shirt for a baby, you should give preference to soft, comfortable and natural outfits. It is better if the chosen garment allows easy access to the baby's body. Clothes can be light colors or white. When deciding how to dress a baby for baptism, you should also take into account the time of year when the ceremony takes place, and the temperature in the church where the baby will be baptized.

Adults who are going to be present at the christening of a baby should also pay attention to their clothes. Don't choose overly festive attire. Women, and even more so, a godmother, should wear a skirt or dress of sufficient length, and cover their head with a scarf or scarf. For men, it is better to choose a strict classic version of clothing, for example, trousers and a shirt.

Baby baptism: rules

The rules for christening a baby include the following points:

  1. The most important condition for the ceremony is the sincere faith of the parents.
  2. When choosing a date for baptism, it is worth checking the church calendar; it is better to refuse the sacrament on major holidays and during the period of strict fasting.
  3. Parents and godparents need to know at least the prayer "Our Father".
  4. Choose believers as godparents for the baby. It is desirable that they undergo the rite of confession and communion before the sacrament.
  5. All people who are going to attend baptism must dress appropriately.
  6. Future godparents must not be married to each other, nor can they be a father, mother, sister or brother to the child.
  7. At the ceremony itself, the presence of only one godfather is allowed.
  8. If the secular name of the baby is absent in the Orthodox canons, then it is worth choosing a suitable or consonant name for him, under which the child will be baptized. Subsequently, it is this name that is used when performing all church rites.

How is the ceremony of baptism of a baby

The duration of the baptismal ceremony can be up to one and a half hours. The godparents bring the baby into the church: usually the girl is brought in by the godfather, and the boy by the godmother. At the same time, the child should be completely undressed and wrapped in a baptismal towel or canteen.

At the beginning of the ceremony, the godparents make vows. They must answer the questions of the priest, since the baby is still too young for this. In the process of conducting the sacrament, the priest applies oil to the parts of the baby's body, and then, symbolizing the protection and patronage of God, puts his hands on the child. After that, the godparents read the prayer "Symbol of Faith", being near the font. It contains vows to keep the commandments and not succumb to the devil. Then the priest blesses the water in the font and plunges the baby into it three times, accompanying it with the reading of prayers.

Further, the rite of anointing takes place, in the process of which a cruciform application of the world to the baby's head takes place. After the child is given to godfathers, they put on him a pre-consecrated cross, shirt or dresses, and for girls - a cap or kerchief. Also, the priest cuts off a lock of the baby's hair as a symbol of obedience. In the process of churching, the first communion can take place, in which the boys are carried through the altar, and the girls are applied to the icon of the Mother of God and brought to the gates.

The sacrament of baptism ends with the entry of appropriate entries into church books and the issuance of a baptismal certificate.

After the end of the ceremony, parents usually invite all relatives and friends present at it to visit. The feast should not be too plentiful and it is better if it is not accompanied by the use of alcoholic beverages.

Infant communion after baptism

Children of any age can receive Holy Communion after their baptism. Quite a lot of time passes between the sacrament of baptism and the sacrament of the baby. Parents explain this by the inability to explain to the child the rules of behavior during communion and the basics of faith and the Orthodox Church. However, belonging to God is not tied to age, gender and other characteristics of a person; even babies can and should be given communion. The first communion should be given a few days after baptism.

How infants receive communion after baptism

During services in the church, diluted wine and a bowl containing pieces of bread are brought out. Above them, the priest reads the necessary prayers, invoking the spirit of Christ. Before communion with bread and wine, you need to receive the blessing of the priest for it. In this case, infants must be placed on the right hand of an accompanying adult, for older children, their hands are folded on the chest, and the right one must be on top. It is necessary to try to explain to the baby that a piece of bread needs to be swallowed. Children are usually given communion first, while the priest should be told the church name of the child.

  1. Breastfeeding babies should be fed about an hour and a half before the sacrament. Children who are over three years old are better off not feeding at all before.
  2. It is worth, depending on the age, to try to explain to the child the procedure of the sacrament and its meaning. During the ceremony, you need to cross your arms on your chest, not talk, play around and not laugh, calmly say your name to the priest and swallow a piece.

Going to church for communion, you must definitely put a cross on the baby's neck.

The Orthodox Church recommends baptizing a boy on his fortieth birthday. However, each parent can independently choose the date that is most convenient for them. For this important event, you need to properly prepare not only parents, but also godparents. slightly different from For example, it is believed that a boy must have a godfather, and a godmother may be absent. For girls, the opposite is true. But it is obvious that it will be better for the child if he has two spiritual mentors who will be with him not only on this day, but throughout his future life. How the boy is baptized and what is needed for this, we will tell in the article.

Here are the main questions that parents of a child usually ask:

1. Where to perform baptism? If the parents have a favorite church, which they regularly attend, then the boy can be baptized in it, having agreed in advance with the priest. If there is no such place, then you can choose any religious institution that you like best and whose clergyman will cause you the greatest trust and respect. In order to sign up for baptism, you need to call the office of the church and find out the dates on which it is possible to conduct this ceremony. You may be invited to a kind of interview, where you can personally communicate with the priest and ask him questions that interest you.

2. Who should be chosen as godparents? Very often they invite their friends to these important roles. But this is absolutely the wrong approach to such an event. Your baby's godparents should be those people who know a lot about spirituality and themselves regularly attend church. After all, the godfather will be a spiritual mentor for your child, who will always be able to help and suggest the right path, and therefore the people you have chosen should correspond to this high title. In addition, it is impossible for godparents to be a married couple or have an intimate relationship with each other.

3. The godmother gives the child a christening shirt and a towel, and the godfather gives the baby a cross. All this must be bought in advance and given to parents before baptism, so as not to forget anything. You may also be asked to bring gifts to the temple: bread, sugar, and other foods.

4. How do you prepare for the ordinance? The basic training will fall on the shoulders of the godparents. A week before baptism, they need to confess and receive communion in church. Three days before the event, they need to observe a non-strict fast, as well as learn or at least read several times (the prayer "I believe").

5. How is a boy baptized? The main role in the sacrament is played by the priest and who follow all the instructions of the priest. The temperature of the water in the font is checked and the priest begins his ceremony. Depending on whether you have chosen individual or general baptism, it lasts from half an hour to an hour and a half.

Now your child has found a Guardian Angel and godparents who will always be there. God bless you!

The godfather is able to make an invaluable contribution to the spiritual education of the godson / goddaughter by helping parents instill in their child love for God, explain the meaning of divine services, and teach the basics of the Orthodox faith. After all, it is spiritual guidance that is the main task of the recipient.

How to prepare the godfather for the rite of baptism in the Orthodox Church

Do not rush to give up this honorable mission if you feel a lack of knowledge about Christianity and church rules. You have an amazing opportunity to fix everything. Inspired by this important role, you can fill knowledge gaps through religious literature, temple visits, conversations with a priest, and become an example of virtue and obedience to the Lord for your godchild.

It is with the aim of conveying to future recipients of their significance in the life of godchildren that most churches practice obligatory public talks for godparents, who are preparing at the stage of preparation for the sacrament.

How to get an interview

The number of classes is determined by the level of church-going of the recipients. After the first conversation, the priest decides how many lessons are needed.

  • If future godparents regularly attend church, confess, receive communion, then one or two meetings can be enough.
  • If knowledge and understanding is not enough, then there can be three to five conversations.

During the interview, the recipients are not only told the order of the ceremony and voiced their responsibilities. The priest conveys the main meaning of the adoption of the Christian faith. After the first meeting, the godparents are given the task to learn basic Orthodox prayers (if they do not know such), and also to begin to study the text of the Gospel.

Fasting, confession and communion

At the stage of preparation, it is also necessary to visit the temple, confess and commune a few days before the sacrament. Before baptism itself, it is supposed to observe a three-day fast, which implies the exclusion of animal products from the diet. In addition, it is necessary to refrain from recreational activities, intimacy and foul language. On the day of the baptism of the godfather, like the godmother, it is forbidden to eat food until the end of the rite, since sometimes after the sacrament, the priest conducts the communion of the newly baptized and the recipients.

What prayers do the godfather need to know

The godparents must learn the main prayer of the rite. It is pronounced immediately after the words of renunciation of the devil and combination with Christ. Recipients must read and understand the meaning of prayer, which is a set of basic provisions of the Orthodox faith.

The list of significant prayers also includes: "Theotokos, Virgin, rejoice", "Heavenly King."

How to dress your godfather for a christening

At the rite of baptism, the godfather, like the godmother, must wear a consecrated pectoral cross. The appearance is supposed to be modest, not attracting much attention. It is not recommended to enter the temple in sportswear, shorts, and a T-shirt. On a hot summer day, it is better to choose light trousers and a short-sleeved shirt.

What you need to buy for baptism

The duties of the godfather include the purchase of a one-piece and or gaitan for him. He also needs to purchase an icon of the Guardian Angel and a nominal icon with the image of the saint, whose name the godson will be named after.

The godfather should visit the church where the ceremony will take place in advance, and clarify the moments of the organization:

  • Is it possible to take photographs;
  • There will be a mass or individual baptism, for how long;
  • Will the sacrament be on the day of baptism or will it be necessary to commune the godson in a week;
  • What should be brought to the church in addition to the baptismal clothes, icons and a cross;
  • When can a purchased cross be consecrated?

It is also the responsibility of the godfather to donate to the temple. The amount of payment for the ceremony can be found in advance. Candles are purchased on the day of the sacrament according to the number of invited guests.

Functions and Responsibilities of the Godfather During the Sacrament

Godparents renounce the devil and combine with Christ instead of the godson, then the main stage of baptism begins - immersion in the font, symbolizing death and rebirth from water and the Holy Spirit.

Baptized boy

When the boy is baptized, the godfather receives the godson from the font. Together with the godmother, he wipes the baby and helps to put it in white, the color of which denotes the purity and sinlessness of the newly baptized soul. The godfather holds the baby under one year old in his arms. Children over two years of age can stand in front of the recipient.

At the christening girls

The godmother accepts the girl from the font. The task of the godfather at this time is to constantly be near, to help undress / dress the baby, to say prayers.

What are the duties of a godfather after baptism

Turning to God in daily prayer, the godfather should mention the name of his godson and ask for health and prosperity for him. When visiting the temple, you need to write notes with the name of the child, order a magpie about health.

The godfather is of particular importance for the boy. He should become for him an example of masculinity, piety, mercy. It is very important to take a grown up baby with you to church, to teach him to pray, to honor Orthodox laws. It is good when the godfather will bring the child to the first confession and communion. It is necessary to visit the temple together on big church holidays, as well as on Angel's Day, to light candles for health, to say a prayer to the heavenly patron.

For baptism or during the first year of life, the godfather needs to give the godson a children's Bible, so that as he grows up, the baby gets acquainted with the life of Christ. For birthday, Angel's Day, Christmas and other holidays, it will be right to purchase gifts with a spiritual meaning.

Communication between the godson / goddaughter and the godfather should not be interrupted throughout life. Relationships built on trust will allow an adult child to turn to a recipient for advice or support in a difficult life situation. The godfather, in turn, must be ready to come to the aid of his godson or daughter.

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