What should be in the director's office. The interior of the study in the office: style and fashion trends. Work office decoration. Photo examples

The director's workplace is the "face" of a firm or company. Many factors directly depend on its setting and arrangement: successfully concluded contracts, effective negotiations, the emergence of new ideas for earning money, productive meetings of the work collective, etc. If the offices of ordinary employees are often equipped according to the standard principle - convenience, practicality, comfort and coziness, then the director's office must also be refined, stylish and multifunctional. To equip the necessary premises for all the requirements of our time, you need to know just a few secrets. This article will help you make a stylish executive office out of an inconspicuous and gray room.

Features of the director's office

In order for the office to correspond to all the necessary characteristics and the status of the manager, when arranging it, it is necessary to first think over several important details. These include:

  • color design of walls, ceilings, flooring, furniture;
  • interior furnishings;
  • lighting elements;
  • decor elements and accessories.

Color scheme

Since the study is a place for making important decisions, its color scheme should be pleasing to the human eye. When choosing a color, do not pay attention to bright or very dark paints, motley wallpapers. Experts recommend using only natural shades and tones that will not stand out too much. The most popular ones are:

  • brown;
  • gray;
  • terracotta;
  • beige.

Interior furnishings

Important! The office can be equipped in various styles: classic, French, Gatsby, minimalism, Scandinavian, with eco-style motives, etc.

The best option for the director's office is classic-style furnishings. With its help, a more favorable atmosphere is created, which sets you in the mood for work, and not for rest. Natural colors and finishing materials, beautiful and massive pieces of furniture, classic chandeliers or lamps, stylish decor elements - all these are irreplaceable and characteristic elements of the classics.

Important! When choosing a stylistic setting, it is imperative to take into account the requirements or wishes of the manager.

Premises zoning, principles of their arrangement

The office is conventionally divided into several zones: a place of rest, for conducting business meetings or negotiations, a working space. Each of them must be equipped according to a certain principle.

  • Work zone

Ideal for placing your workspace in a central area or an area near a wall. In this place, it is worth installing a massive writing desk made of natural materials, which will become a worthy decoration of the entire office. It should be not only beautiful and convenient, but also roomy (with a large number of drawers) to accommodate all documents (statements, orders, orders) and some office equipment.

Important. For small offices, it is best to choose transforming work tables, which can be converted into a place for negotiations in a few seconds.

The chair should not be deprived of attention. It is an indispensable element of the director's office. This item should be made of leather (eco or natural), be comfortable, roomy and wide, and also have armrests and an adjustable back.

  • Negotiation area

Mandatory elements of this area are a long table with plenty of chairs to accommodate employees or business partners. This furniture, as well as a work table, should be made of natural materials and fit harmoniously into the overall interior of the room.

Important! If the manager often conducts informal meetings or negotiations in his office, then for such purposes, you can install a comfortable leather sofa, several additional chairs with a small table.

  • Rest area

This place is not always equipped with a sofa or a folding chair; some managers prefer mini golf courses, table football or hockey, chess or checkers.

Lighting elements and decor

To illuminate the study, you can use both classic ceiling chandeliers and additional lamps, sconces or. They must harmoniously fit into the interior of the room, complement it.

As a decor, such a room would be best suited:

  • beautiful clock;
  • expensive stationery;
  • wall-mounted;
  • vases with fresh flowers.

Since the manager's office is the business card of the company, its arrangement must be taken with the utmost seriousness and responsibility. You should not skimp on the purchase of furniture or any other accessories, the overall impression of the boss's workplace and the company as a whole will depend on their appearance and quality characteristics.

Head office interior: video

Head office: photo

Address: St. Petersburg
Area: 30 m²
Implementation period: 2 months
Client: deputy director of a large industrial plant, a young girl

The office design project was commissioned for a young girl, deputy director of a large industrial enterprise. Initially, the premises consisted of two small offices - for the director and the secretary. However, it was decided to combine both parts into one spacious office, allocating a separate workplace for the secretary. To illuminate the small office of the secretary, windows were provided in the wall separating the main and additional rooms.

The peculiarity of the project was that the office area was initially small, only 30 sq. The office was located directly in one of the buildings on the territory of the industrial zone and was a rather gloomy room. The task was to transform the original object into a presentable and cozy office.

Drag the slider to compare the Before and After layouts

Features of the organization of an office on the attic floor

The attic room has a number of features in comparison with the standard one. As a rule, a large number of communications are concentrated here. In our case, there was a slight slope along the roof and a structure of beams on the ceiling (caissons). In addition to everything, a communication pipe was located along the window, which was not possible to remove or hide from prying eyes. To beat her without losing the airiness of space was not an easy task. On the visualization of the project, you can see that the difficulties that seemed at first in the project later became its highlight.

A white-painted pipe - what is not a highlight of the new interior?

The ceiling bevels were also painted white, thus visually expanding the entire space. The beams on the ceiling were played with polyurethane cornices and painted white, which made the room light and airy.

Not a hint of gray concrete walls left

Let there be light! The task of creating the background for the future office has been completed.

The "right" office for a female leader

An office is a place where a person spends a considerable part of his life. A comfortable environment is conducive to a positive working attitude, which means making the right decisions.

On the other hand, the office of the deputy director of a large plant is intended for serious business negotiations with customers and is also, to a certain extent, the face of the enterprise. The office should also be distinguished by a modern and interesting design, which implies the success and prosperity of the enterprise in the eyes of potential partners.

Taking into account all the listed requirements and wishes of the future owner of the office, a balance was reached between the presentable severity of the office and the girl's inner attitude.

The main task of creating a bright, spacious room has been completed. The starting point was a light laminate (Quick Step) “bleached oak”. Modern white furniture was matched to it. Light chairs of laconic design perfectly fit into the new interior. Two small comfortable sofas make for an informal conversation.

Refined rigor and lightness of a modern office

The furniture was made to order, since the quality of the finished samples did not suit the customer. Upholstered furniture was chosen and ordered on the website of the DEFO company. When choosing doors, we were guided by the color of the furniture. We stopped at the usual - glossy white Fineza Puerta.

Let there be light! Color, light and play of contrasts

The central caissons on the ceiling have become the main light sources - custom-cut plexiglass with interleaved LEDs. Built-in spotlights, the most common ones, are mounted on the sides. The windows located on the inner wall of the office to the right of the work table let in enough light to the secretary's work area.

Walls for painting Tikkurila (base "Euro 7") are in perfect harmony with the life-affirming orange color, which is painted on the wall directly behind the manager's workplace. Textiles in the form of bright turquoise curtains and exquisite pop art style emphasize the individuality of the hostess. The TV area and contemporary painting add the necessary accents and coziness.

There are no many windows!

Modern office for the head of a large enterprise

When creating a design project, we took into account all the wishes of the Customer, not forgetting about the purpose of the office and the structural architectural features of the premises. The result is a spacious, light office with comfortable working conditions. At the same time, the office emphasizes the individuality of its owner and is made in a modern style.

    The head of any self-respecting company accepts business partners directly in his office. That is why maximum attention should be paid to the design of this room.

    It will act as the business card of the company and can largely predetermine the outcome of important negotiations.

    If we talk about the choice of colors, the interior design of the executive's office is best done in natural colors, beige, gray or brown. They, firstly, make the premises stylish and in line with modern trends, and secondly, they help to tune in to a business mood.

    It is undesirable to use pastel colors that relax and distract from any work moments.

    Features of zoning space in the office of the head

    When developing the interior design of the director's office, it is necessary to pay attention not only to the color scheme. An important step is also zoning the room.

    Any such room must have the following functional areas:

    A competent design of a manager's office also means well-thought-out lighting. It is especially true for the work area.

    It is best to use spotlights in it, complementing the main chandelier and allowing you to better focus on performing your duties.

    In the recreation area, it is better to use floor lamps with soft and not too bright light.

    Office of the head for a woman: design features

    As the all-knowing statistics show, the representatives of the fair half of humanity cope with the functions of heads of various companies no worse than men.

    If you look at the photo of the interior design of the director's office, which is a woman, you can easily find a number of differences from the "male" premises:

    In the photo of the interior design of the office of the female executive, you can also see a large amount of vegetation.

    Indoor flowers, bonsai and so on are not only pleasing to the eye, but also bring undoubted benefits, exuding pleasant aromas and saturating the room with oxygen.

    Male head office: distinctive features

    A male leader in the overwhelming majority of cases is a strong, purposeful person who knows how to organize work at all levels. Who, moreover, is endowed with very extraordinary abilities.

    The interior design of his office must necessarily emphasize all these qualities. In addition, it is important to create an atmosphere of complete stability and prestige.

    Senior executive offices are best designed in a classic style, with a strict yet luxurious setting. All furniture should be made from natural and environmentally friendly materials.

    As a floor covering, it is better to choose a parquet board of a dark color. An alternative to this material can serve as a laminate, which allows you to create a perfectly flat aesthetic surface.

    Wall decoration can be done with expensive embossed wallpaper, wood paneling or beautiful clapboard, which is covered with transparent varnish.

    The main colors in the interior design of the office of a male executive are:

    Middle and junior executives, as well as young top managers prefer a modern style in the interior. It includes the use of metal and glass elements, the use of multifunctional computer tables in the setting, comfortable chairs on wheels.

    If we talk about decorative elements in the interior, then the male leader is better off forgetting about his hunting trophies and other souvenirs that tell about the owner's hobby. They are perfect for decorating a country house or a country cottage.

    In the office, it is better to use a variety of diplomas and certificates in beautiful frames under glass, awards for any achievements of the company in business.

    Such decor will surely win over a potential large client or business partner to the manager.

    In the office of the head, it is imperative to use modern systems and devices that allow you to maintain an optimal climate and provide comfortable lighting.

    It is only important to know that all this should be of the highest quality possible. The desktop must be kept in perfect order.

    In addition to working documents, only a laptop or a computer monitor, a telephone, and family photos can be placed on it. Anything else would be a completely unnecessary addition.

    Design of a small executive office

    If the director's office is located in a small area, it may consist of only one functional area - a workplace.

    In this case, it makes sense to set up a large table, on the one hand of which the manager will be engaged in solving current problems, and on the other - to conduct short meetings or "five-minute" sessions with subordinates.

    The modern market also offers a huge variety of built-in or folding furniture items that will help to equip a room in accordance with fashion trends, without taking up all the free space.

    If we talk about a style solution, then hi-tech is best suited for a small office, which suggests:

    • exceptional functionality, selection of design elements in such a way that each of them performs at least one target function;

    • a harmonious combination of glass and metal used for the manufacture of furniture, finishing of building structures;

    • With the right approach, even the smallest manager's office can be designed in such a way as to provide comfortable places for work, negotiations and rest.

Each room has its own energy. For example, the bedroom should breathe with coziness, the living room - with cordiality, the kitchen - with convenience. As a rule, in the arrangement of residential premises, we can be guided by our own preferences and tastes, however, the design of work and industrial areas must obey strict rules.

The most difficult and at the same time important to arrange a manager's office. Since this room is a kind of "visiting card" of the company, its design should simultaneously be presentable, stylish and cozy. How to achieve this, today "Dream House" will tell its readers.

Head office

Head office color scheme

Often, it is in the manager's office that the most difficult work issues are resolved and serious negotiations are conducted. All the details of this room should not only be in harmony with each other, but also create a favorable impression on the visitors.

According to psychologists, the first thing we pay attention to when entering a room is its color scheme. Absolutely all colors affect our mood in one way or another. Since the specifics of the head's office oblige to concentrate attention, psychologists recommend using the most natural tones in the design of this room - brown, terracotta, beige and gray shades. But it is better to refuse pastel and, especially, white tones, because subconsciously, these shades are associated with a hospital room.

The color of the walls in the office of the head

Head office photo

A win-win option for the decoration of this room is, gravitating towards natural finishes, restrained colors and solid massive furniture. But, at the same time, the design of the boss's office may be subject to the specifics of his activities, as well as personal preferences.

For example, if the classic style in the interior of the office completely suits the male leader, then the woman will certainly want to add notes of coziness and comfort to the design of her “second home”. In addition, it is logical that the design of the office of the head of a machine-building plant will be somewhat different from that of the director of a concert agency.

Minimalist executive office design photo

Design of the office of the head of a man photo

Interior of the office of the head of a woman photo

As a rule, the chief's office is conventionally divided into several zones: a working area, a negotiation area and a recreation area.

The design of the office should begin with the arrangement of the working area. It is optimal if this space will be organized either in the center of the room or against the wall, so that when entering the office it is immediately visible. The main piece of furniture in the working area of ​​the office is the desk. The executive table is usually made of natural wood. By design, it should be roomy, wide and comfortable. In addition to the work surface itself, it is very important that the table contains additional compartments for office equipment and storage of documents. If necessary, you can choose a table with a built-in brief, which expands the working area, transforming into a place for negotiations.

Executive office desk

An important element of the office and work area, in particular, is for the manager. Traditionally, natural or eco-leather is used for its manufacture. Besides the personable design, the chair should be comfortable. It is very important that it has an anatomical backrest, wide seat and sturdy armrests. Some models of executive chairs are equipped with additional functions that facilitate the workflow - built-in massager, vibration, swing function, heating, etc.

Chair in the office of the head

In the negotiation area, as a rule, a long table and chairs for visitors are installed. Furniture items in this area should be in harmony with the furniture and design of the office as a whole. If the specifics of the activity involves informal negotiations, a comfortable leather sofa, armchairs and a laconic table can be installed in this area.

Head office decoration

Executive office furniture

Office furniture for the head office

In the recreation area of ​​the executive's office, there is most often a sofa, armchairs and a table for tea drinking. If desired and possible, here you can organize some kind of entertainment element, for example, table hockey, a table with chess, etc.

In addition, for comfortable work in the office of the head, there should be capacious racks or cabinets for storing the necessary folders and documents.

Modern office of the head

Head office interior

Executive office details: lighting, accessories

Properly organized lighting is an important component of the interior of the executive's office. First of all, you need to take care of comfortable lighting of the working area. If a central chandelier is used in the room, you can supplement the lighting with suitable sconces and lamps. If the design of the office allows the use of built-in lamps and lighting, it is advisable to distribute the lighting evenly over the entire area of ​​the room.

The fact that the design of an office for a manager should be restrained and strict does not mean that beautiful accessories and decorative elements cannot be used in this room. Often it is the accessories that complement the interior with presentability and representativeness. Accessories that are harmonious for this room include high-quality stationery, expensive, original, elegant vases with flowers, etc.

Executive office accessories

As for the curtains, most often laconic blinds and roller blinds are used in the manager's office. However, if the design allows, the window in this room can be decorated with suitable textile curtains.

Curtains in the head office photo

Feng Shui head office

According to the teachings of Feng Shui, the correct arrangement of the manager's office helps to establish well-being and achieve success in the professional field. So, according to this teaching, the writing table in the office should be opposite the front door. This arrangement increases the boss's credibility in the eyes of employees and makes his decisions wiser.

To improve financial affairs in the southwestern sector of the cabinet, it is recommended to install some kind of water element. This can be a painting with an image of the ocean, or any other suitable accessory. If the activities of the boss depend on active actions and making important decisions, Feng Shui recommends installing an element of fire in the workroom - a candlestick with a candle, a torch-shaped lamp, etc.

The office of a business person requires careful thought and planning. Indeed, in this room, not only short-term staff meetings are held to discuss working moments, but also long-term meetings with partners, signing contracts, viewing presentations and other important business processes. Therefore, we made every effort to design the workspace of one of our customers. The main problem in their work was the small size of the future office.

Functional zoning in the design of the head office of a small area

Male executive office design. Photo 2015

In the photo of the interior of the office of the male leader, it can be seen that the room is divided into two functional zones. The working area is furnished with a massive table for work and negotiations, complemented by comfortable armchairs and a stylish pendant lamp in the shape of a spotlight. Since any presentation is impossible without the use of high-quality electronics, the room is equipped with a large-format TV panel that allows colleagues to visually demonstrate the planned business processes, the company's financial condition, its development progress and other important information to colleagues.

The second functional area is a place for a casual conversation with partners and a pleasant rest over a cup of coffee. For these tasks, a comfortable semicircular sofa and a coffee table were included. Their location in the office allows you to enjoy soft natural light during the daytime. If there is a lack of lighting in this area, a second luminaire in the form of a spotlight can be used. Proposed on Photo the light source is one of the most fashionable elements of furniture and equipment, used both in the space of living quarters and. Its metal construction, massive tripod and overall style blend perfectly with modern interiors.

Business style of the office of the male leader

Office design in a modern style. Photo 2015

The business atmosphere is highlighted by the wooden walls and floors, as well as the executive's desk with a similar structure. The brown palette of the room is set off by the black accents of armchairs and spotlights and the clear contrast of the chrome surfaces of the conference table and spotlights. Extra juiciness design project give a purple sofa, a white table and a light carpet, diluting the severity of brown and black tones.

Text: Rimma Alexandrova