What does your face shape say about you? Find out your personality type, I matched! What parts of the face can tell about a person

How often do we dream of understanding what a person is when we first meet. It turns out that nothing is impossible. It is enough to master the basics of the science of physiognomy in order to learn how to read by faces.

Nowadays, various ulugs of psychics, astrologers, tarologists and clairvoyants are very popular. People often turn to them to find out information about a particular person. However, consultations with esoteric specialists often take a lot of time and money, because you need to tune in to the necessary mood, make a layout on the cards or draw up an individual horoscope. But you can independently use the exact science called physiognomy.

This science appeared in ancient times. China is considered to be its homeland, where sages and philosophers tried to draw parallels between a person's character and his external features. It should be noted that many have done this quite successfully. Having mastered the basics of physiognomy, you will notice how much easier it will be to figure out what the interlocutor is without running to the help of a Higher Power.

Face shape

- oval or elliptical shape face indicates that a person cannot sit in one place. If you see that the chin is pointed and directed downward, resembling an egg, you can be sure that you have a fidget man in front of you. People of this type are always in search of thrills, vivid emotions. They often change classes, get carried away with one thing, lose interest, move on to the next. People with an elliptical face are inquisitive, sensitive, smart enough. At the same time, they sharply strive for power and prefer not to take risks.

-square face inherent in decisive, courageous and persistent people. Sometimes these qualities coexist with rudeness and lust for power. Such people are very good and responsible performers. But their life must be in constant struggle. Lack of competition leads to boredom and loss of interest in the business. Men should be extremely careful if there is a woman with a square face next to them;

- triangular shape(or inverted egg) indicates the giftedness of a person who absorbs information like a sponge. At the same time, they are selfish, overly stubborn and purposeful people. Wearers of a triangular face rarely become strongly attached to others. More often they live according to the principle: a new day - a new page in life. They often give the impression of being cunning and unprincipled people with whom it is difficult to establish contact.

-trapeze. The owner of this type, both externally and internally, is very similar to the previous version. But their qualities are a little smoothed out, especially increased pride and purposefulness. Among the owners of a trapezoidal face, there are a lot of sensitive and artistic natures. Women with this shape usually have a pleasant character;

- a round face is a sign of a peaceful, calm person. Its owners, as a rule, are moderately emotional, good-natured and attentive to others. In the process of communicating with such people, you will feel comfortable and at ease. These natures do not seek to gain power, as they realize how many difficulties are associated with it and what a huge responsibility it is. Although people with a round face are often leaders and occupy leadership positions.

What does the shape of the forehead say?

- a round forehead is present in a person with an original way of thinking, a rich and non-standard imagination. Such people do not know the limits and do not tolerate restrictions;

- sloping forehead is a sign of good memory, quick reaction. A person with such a form is inclined to use only well-known proven methods, he does not like and is afraid of various innovations;

- straight forehead- a sign of straightness. People with straight foreheads like to have order in everything, do not tolerate chaos, prefer a calm way of life. Such people do not perceive confused information well, but remember it well.

- those who became the proud owner of the browbones can boast of the ability to live by the rules. Their absence speaks of a penchant for everything new;

- forehead wrinkles also have their own meaning. True, now many are trying to get rid of them using Botox and other fashionable cosmetics. But people, whom nature has awarded with three clear lines, have perseverance and bring any undertaking to the end. Two stripes indicate the complexity and inconsistency of character. But one wrinkle usually occurs in natures who like to suffer, constantly dramatize any situation. When communicating with such people, you need to think about whether everything is really as serious as the "actor" describes. But if you have a large number of small wrinkles on your forehead, you are a nervous and ambitious person who does not know how to correctly perceive criticism and remarks addressed to you. And your self-esteem is too low.

What can your eyebrows tell you?

- stiff thick eyebrows- a sign of stubbornness and absolute intractability;
- thin eyebrows indicate the nobility of nature;
- wide eyebrows are usually present in strong and courageous people;
- raised eyebrows talk about your generosity;
- face with long eyebrows most often belongs to a calm person who does not like to take risks and prefers a calm life to various kinds of adventurous actions;
- short eyebrows possess "people-lighters" who are very quick-tempered, do not make contact, often grab onto something new, but quickly lose interest;
- if the eyebrows come together with each other at the bridge of the nose, you are straightforward, decisive and resourceful nature;
- shaped eyebrows boomerangs have resourceful personalities who are constantly striving to get new information and come up with something.

Eyes are the mirror of the soul

- big eyes are a sign of sensitivity, artistry, frankness and decisiveness. Their owners often fantasize too much, and they themselves believe in their illusions and live in a fictional world, not wanting to take any active action.
- small eyes are in self-sufficient, withdrawn and stubborn people. They are often fanatically jealous, suspicious and distrustful of anyone but themselves;
- wide-set eyes talk about good imagination and highly developed intuition;
- close-set eyes, as a rule, belong to attentive and diligent people who see what others do not even pay attention to and try to thoroughly understand any issue;
- the direction of the outer corners of the eyes also matters. If they are bent upwards, this is a sign of the ability to subtly feel others, the ability to forgive and sympathize. These people also know how to anticipate future events and solve problems even before they arise;
- if the outer corner is on the same level as the inner, stubborn person, really looking at things;
- Eyes bulging e are in people who like to be in the center of events, trying not to miss anything important, possessing excessive enthusiasm and a desire to be in time everywhere.

Nose shape

- a long nose is not at all a sign of curiosity, as is commonly believed. Rather, conservative people have this form;
- and if the nose is not only long, but also large, then you have a capricious genius in front of you;
- a short nose is common for sociable, open-minded and hardworking people;
- snub-nosed natures love the atmosphere of constant fun and celebration, are optimistic and quite emotional;
- a hump on the nose indicates personal pride, stubbornness and arrogance;
- a large nose of an ordinary form is most often found in managers;
- if your nose tip raised up, it means you are impulsive, and if he is pointed, you are also curious;
- forked tip belongs to timid shy people;
- small nostrils are among the thrifty people, and the big ones are among the generous;
- if during a conversation the nostrils flare, a person is very poor at controlling his emotions.

What can you tell by the lips?

- now many women trying to correct the natural shape of the lips, trying to make them plump. The owners of this form are usually very self-confident, sexy. In addition, they are very sociable, open, and often the soul of the company. But among them it is rare to find disciplined persons, accustomed to order in everything;
- thin lips - a sure sign of cunning, deceit, secrecy. Such people are very careful, do not trust anyone, they are often closed, it is difficult to make contact with others;
- protruding lips indicate impulsiveness, a sharp mind. If the lower lip is more prominent, the person is very responsive, if the upper lip is indecisive.

Here are the basic principles of physiognomy. Now you can safely take a mirror and study your features, and then move on to studying the faces of others. If you remember at least half of the signs, you can understand a lot about a person already at the first acquaintance, because this is very important. It will always be useful to choose the right communication tactics from the first minutes of the conversation.

There is such a science - physiognomy. This is a teaching about what parts of the face can tell about a person. Today we will look at how to determine what kind of person is in front of us by the lips, nose, cheeks, eyes, forehead, chin and jaw. I think it will be interesting to a lot of women, because it will tell you how to behave with a man in a given situation or learn much more about a man who is nearby.

Let's start with one of the most sensual and sexy parts of the face - the lips.

In ancient Chinese teachings, the mouth is that part of the face that can tell about your fate at 60 and reveal some character traits. Compare this with information received from other parts of the face and you will get an almost complete psychological portrait: yours or someone close to you. Do not forget about the expression lines that appear when a person smiles.

Big mouth.

According to the Chinese, such a mouth is a sign of poor understanding with parents, as well as independence and impudence.

Small sensual mouth.

People who are not hungry for fame are always ready to help and, as a rule, are quite modest.

Raised corners of the mouth.

Friendly, always surrounded by relatives and friends. It is believed that such people will be lucky in life, and people with such a mouth shape are open to communication and are always ready to help.

Dropped corners of the mouth.

Usually, this is a sign of a difficult childhood and a tumultuous adult life. These people are prone to exaggeration and, to some extent, rhetoric.

Plump lips.

This means that a person is very freedom-loving, does not like to stop there. He knows how and loves to speak beautifully, but often makes promises, which are then difficult to keep.

Short lips.

According to the Chinese, a person with short lips, especially if the teeth are visible even when the mouth is closed, will face trouble at the age of 60.

Mole on the lip.

If a person has a mole on their lip, they most likely have a very inquisitive mind. Such a person should always be aware of the events and know what, where, when, why and with whom. They are often very talkative, perhaps that is why it is easy for them to make friends and just interlocutors. If the mole is small - such a person will have a comfortable life, if there is more grain of rice - on the contrary.

What can mimic wrinkles tell?

However, lips are far from the only part of the face that can tell a lot of interesting things about a person. When we smile, expression lines appear. The Chinese believe that by these wrinkles you can determine how long life awaits you. For example, people who developed these wrinkles before the age of 40 most likely lived a difficult life. But if after - this is a good sign. Let's take a closer look at this ...

Almost imperceptible "smiling" wrinkles.

If at the age of about 40 your wrinkles are poorly visible, then they are visible, then they are not visible, unfortunately, you will not become an influential person and you will not achieve great heights in your career.

"Hungry" wrinkles.

According to the Chinese, this is a rather alarming sign and it means that at the age of 56-57, something unpleasant can happen to a person with hungry wrinkles that will make him feel needy. By the way, "hungry" wrinkles are wrinkles starting from the nose and ending directly at the corners of the mouth. If a person has only one such wrinkle, and the second is either longer or shorter ... it is likely that everything can be done.

Long wrinkles.

Oh ... this is one of the nicest signs that you will have a carefree old age.

Long wrinkles are those that run from the nose to the chin.

Short wrinkles.

These are the ones that start at the nose and end at the corners of the mouth. Unfortunately, this means that after 59 you will need to take care of your health, for one reason or another.

Wrinkles that appeared before the age of 40.

Such a person will encounter many obstacles on the path of life.

Complex smile line.

A complex smile line is when a wrinkle goes from the nose to the corners of the lips, and further downward diverges into several lines. This is a good sign that can improve the fate of a person and extend his life.

So, we examined what such a part of the face as lips and mimic wrinkles can tell about a person.

Let's move on to the strong-willed parts of the face - the jaw and chin.

Let's start with the jaw. In China, they believe that this part of the face can be used to predict what will happen to you at the age of 74-75 years. Ideally, the jaw should start just below the ear and converge symmetrically at the chin. The jaw is easily visible from behind. If the jaw is visible from behind and protrudes slightly from under the earlobe, this is considered a bad sign, since the owners of such a jaw have irrepressible energy and are able to walk over the heads of others to achieve the assigned task. Usually they get their way at any cost. Uneven jaw. The Chinese believe that such people should be more often in a good, calm mood, since they are usually fickle in their emotions. Smooth jaw line. This means that a person has a calm, reasonable disposition, strives for justice for everyone. By the way, the jaw line is finally formed by the age of 20. So, with the jaw sorted out, what can the chin tell? The chin is in the same line as the jaw. In China, by its shape, one can determine what awaits a person aged 61-75 years. According to the Chinese, ideally, there should be a depression directly under the lower lip, otherwise a person will face some unfavorable event in his life at the age of 61. So let's take a look at what the chin line and shape mean and what they can tell you about a person. The chin is rounded. This is a good sign, meaning that its owner knows how to enjoy life. But he also knows how to work well, in addition to entertainment. He knows how to arrange things so that others worked and wanted to work for him. A square chin Such a chin betrays people with a stubborn character, they are more likely to find someone to blame than to admit their guilt. They often become hostages to their own principles. Pointed chin. Sociable, cheerful people. They do not like loneliness. Double. Oddly enough, the Chinese believe that if the owner of such a chin is thin, it means that fate favors him at a more mature age ... for example, relationships with children will be very successful. But, even if a person is in a body, this is a sign of good luck and good luck in general. Now ... what kind of chin do the Chinese consider ideal? The shape of such a chin cannot be unequivocally attributed to one of the above, it is exactly what it should be! Such people have an established firm view of the world, but they are always ready to revise it, if there is good reason for it. They are sociable and rarely offend the people around them, as they try to look at the situation from different angles.

So, we're done with the chin ... isn't it curious how many interesting things this part of the body can tell about a person.

Let's move on to the forehead!

The forehead contains information about our life in the period from 15 to 30 years. It is one of the most important part of the face and reflects the entire life path of a person. Surprisingly, the forehead has an amazing variety of shapes and shapes.

Rectangular forehead.

This is undoubtedly the best option. With such a forehead, its width is proportionally greater than its height and the hairline is rectangular. As a rule, people with such a forehead are very intelligent and educated, since the learning process is very easy for them. Such people are distinguished by their interest in the opinion and advice of the older generation.

Narrow forehead.

This means that the forehead is narrower at the temples and widens towards the middle. As a rule, this person does not differ in luck, he does not value knowledge - hence the difficulties in building a career.

V-shaped forehead.

It looks like 2 arches connecting at the center of the forehead. Such people can be lucky in science if they successfully combine work and study. They need to put in a little more effort to achieve academic and career success.

The forehead is oval.

This means that the hairline has a rounded shape. If the owner of such a forehead is a woman, she usually gets along well with people, if a man is stubborn and unstable, because of this, she can miss many chances that fate gives him.

The forehead is round.

If you look at such a person in profile, the superciliary arches and temporal arches protrude forward. These impetuous personalities, if they have a goal, will bring it closer in every possible way. They are independent, and almost never deviate from their intended goal.

M-shaped forehead.

This means that the hair is framed by the temples and there is a small wedge in the middle. Usually they are people of art. I think comments are superfluous.

Sloping forehead.

Adventurous and reckless, they cannot live without risk.

"Disordered" forehead.

Such a person does not have a specific hairline, it is usually asymmetrical, and so on. The owners of such a forehead go through life on their own, the concept of family ties is very poorly developed in them.

Naturally, many people cannot distinguish one clear forehead line, they have several distinctive features.

And now, what can such a complex part of the face, like the eyes, tell about a person?

It's not a secret for anyone that the eyes are the mirror of the soul and they can tell a lot about a person's character and his actions. According to Chinese teachings, the eyes show if there is fire in our soul. A woman, looking into men's eyes, can see future relationships. By the eyes you can read what awaits us at the age of 35-40 and whether we will develop relationships with children. Here are the main types and shapes of eyes:

Small eyes.

Usually such eyes characterize a person who pays special attention to detail, they are reasonable and calm, get along well with others and have an analytical mindset.

Protruding eyes.

These are people who know their purpose in life. They immediately identify who they like or vice versa. From the outside it may seem that such people are not sociable and even repulsive ... However, as soon as they find those with whom they are comfortable, they are ready to give a lot of attention and smiles. If the eyes protrude strongly, this is a leader by nature - a lot of the desire to communicate and work is concentrated in him. The peak of career success will be just 35-40 years.

Deep-set eyes.

Ambiguous people. On the one hand, they are always happy to help someone else's grief, even to the detriment of themselves, and those around them consider them to be successful people, because they are able to almost always smile and say that everything is fine, on the other hand, it is easy to push such people into the background, which many people use. , and others do not understand when they need help .. because such individuals keep everything in themselves.

Bright and big eyes.

This is not an entirely unambiguous sign of character. If such eyes are combined with sharp facial features - a person is most likely sharp and aggressive, and he will have career success somewhere in 35-40 years, and if these are soft facial outlines, then, without a doubt, you have a soft, sociable, loving to help others.

Sleepy eyes.

This does not mean that the eyes are small, they are just slightly covered, so they seem sleepy. Such people are attentive to details and scrupulous in everything that concerns money, they always have a "stash" for a rainy day. However, as a rule, relations with their own children do not develop very well.

Triangular eyes.

An alarming sign, it only seems that such people are kind and gentle. As a rule, these are cunning, greedy and envious people. They see almost everyone as a rival, including family members and friends.

Eyes with visible protein in three places.

This means that the protein is visible not only near, but also below and above the pupil. They are generators of ideas and and energy. But they should be wary of overwork, leading to heart disease. Especially, this applies to the age of 35-40 years. It is impossible to achieve and remake everything - remind them of this often.

Raised corners of the eyes.

Generous, but stubborn - this is how you can characterize such people. Moreover, it is important who the owner of such eyes is - a man or a woman. If a woman, then do not expect comfort and tranquility from a married life, but relations with children will develop very successfully. If a man has raised corners of his eyes, this is usually accompanied by success and they are able to take on a lot of responsibility, which is very good for marriage.

Reddish eyes.

The Chinese believe that there is too much fire in such people, so they recommend drinking more tea or water. In general, visible capillaries mean a rather bad character, such people easily lose control over themselves, as a result of which self-harm is possible. At the age of 35-40, there is a danger of problems with the law.

Protruding lower eyelid.

The most successful period is from 35 to 40 years old. Boys are born much more often than girls. Such people are especially good at developing relationships with their own children.

Mole under the eyes.

Sentimental, romantic people. They love to overprotect their children.

High eyebrows.

This means there is a lot of space between the eyes and the eyebrows. It is a sign of destiny, meaning good luck and fortune throughout your life, especially in real estate matters. Among other things, they bring good luck to those around you.

Advice to women - carefully read the eyes of your loved one, especially if you are going to marry him. By the way, do not ignore the eyebrows of a man.

What can such a seemingly insignificant part of the face as the eyebrows tell about?

The Chinese believe that eyebrows determine the fate of a person aged 31-34 and are responsible for relationships with brothers and sisters. In addition, if you change the shape of the eyebrows, the fate of a person changes. Now, when millions of women ... and men too, change the shape of their eyebrows, it is difficult to reliably determine the natural shape, but for general education it is worth reading.

Long eyebrows.

This means that a person can have up to 6 siblings.

Short eyebrows.

The opposite is the case with brothers and sisters. 31-34 years is a dangerous period. There is a risk of getting into trouble in both your personal and professional life.

Dark, bushy eyebrows.

Again, there may be problems at this age. However, if you work before this period, problems can turn into positive events. In general, these are smiling and friendly people, they love communication, music and friends.

Light eyebrows.

If a woman has light eyebrows, she is usually an excellent organizer, almost always follows the instructions and is an indispensable assistant.

Straight eyebrows.

These are people with a well-established and firm outlook on life. Whatever happens, they will look at the world through their own prism.

Brows by the house.

This is a leader who is comfortable living and communicating with others, adhering to business ethics. The same is demanded of others.
Irregular eyebrows.

Again, 31-34 years is a dangerous period. And this sign also means insufficient attention from loved ones.

Fused eyebrows.

According to the Chinese methodology, a successful streak in the life of such people will begin no earlier than 30 years old, in their studies they are not very strong, and often follow the lead of their mood. What can be advised to such people in order to avoid difficulties at least a little - just remove the hair between the eyebrows.

Eyebrows in a semicircle shape.

For such a person, there is no concept of strong family ties. In the period 31-34, they can fall under someone else's bad influence.

Unequal eyebrows.

Such people, quite possibly, will have more than one father and mother during their life. And luck will change over the course of these 4 years.

Crescent eyebrows.

They are pragmatic and reasonable people. If this is a woman, then she is quite conservative in relations with a man and in matters of marriage and children. During this period in their careers, they may be lucky.

Sloppy eyebrows.

Not a good sign. Identifies your inept attitude towards money. And, even if the rest of the face tells you about luck, it will be very difficult to reverse the influence of sloppy eyebrows.

First of all, it's luck. Especially if the mole is inside the eyebrow. If it is clearly visible, then the person will be very rich. If not, there will be less money, but in either case, a mole means a person's poor ability to save money. Advice - save a little money each time.

So, we talked about almost all parts of the face that can tell us about a person. But, no less interesting remained - the nose and cheeks.

What does the nose tell us?

The nose occupies the central part of our face and tells us what awaits us in the period 41-50 years. In addition, the nose is a money point, which means that it can tell us about the role of money in a person's life and whether he knows how to dispose of it.

Big nose.

A big nose is a lot of money. However, there may be influence from the rest of the face. But this is all up to 41 years old - then all carriers of such a nose will shine financial luck.

Small nose.

Less luck with money, they are meticulous, attentive people.

Roman nose.

At the age of 41-50 years - financial difficulties await the owners of the nose, the tip of which is directed downward and the nostrils are wide. They constantly strive to lead, even in the family.

Curved nostrils.

These are spenders, they do not know how to handle money at all. But at the same time, caring and kind people.

The most unfortunate shape of the nose.

This is when there are 3 tubercles on the nose: at the base, in the middle and at the end. Usually, these are very irritable natures, to preserve their own "I" for them is much more important than relationships with the opposite sex.

41-50 years is an unfortunate period for such people in all spheres of activity.

Lion nose.

Round nostrils, closed by the wings of the nose. The tip is also rounded. These are financial lucky ones. In the period from 41 to 50 years old they will be lucky. If the owner of the nose is a woman, she will marry late, or her husband will be much older than her.

Straight nose.

Like the shape of the nose, these people are straightforward. They can offend a person without even realizing it. Such people can be characterized as independent and hardworking.

Rounded nose.

This is a treasure trove of talents. This is an excellent business partner. It is pleasant and easy to do business with him. In such people, the bridge of the nose is slightly rounded.

Straight wings of the nose.

The wings have no curves, and the nostrils are not visible. This means that a person knows how to handle money and everything connected with it.

They are willing to wait, comparing prices in stores or waiting for sales, only to buy what they need at a lower price.

This is a sign that repels money. Moreover, at the age of 41-50, such people should be afraid of financial losses.

Well, what is your nose or the nose of your chosen one, does it promise a lot of money or vice versa? Okay, let's move to the final part of the face - the cheeks.

What do cheeks tell us about a person?

The cheeks are responsible for a period of 46-47 years. Reveal or show our essence.

High cheekbones.

This means that a person has a lot of energy or ambition.

Wide cheekbones.

Ideal for women, this means that she can stand up for herself and her discretion.

High and wide cheekbones.

These people are proud and determined. But there is a danger here - the appearance of envy. The main thing for them is to derive their own benefit. Again, if this is a man, it is very difficult to maintain a comfortable relationship with a woman.

Flat cheekbones.

Not to say that such people are leaders. But with a certain amount of harshness, you can be successful and get others to listen to you.

Well, did you learn something new about yourself and your chosen one? When you see him, look carefully and write down every aspect of the psychological portrait that every part of his face told you about. And do not pay attention to his perplexed look ... tell us later - there will be a surprise!

There is such a science - physiognomy. This is a teaching about what parts of the face can tell about a person. Today we will look at how to determine what kind of person is in front of us by the lips, nose, cheeks, eyes, forehead, chin and jaw. I think it will be interesting to a lot of women, because it will tell you how to behave with a man in a given situation or learn much more about a man who is nearby.

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Photo gallery: What parts of the face can tell about a person

Let's start with one of the most sensual and sexy parts of the face - the lips.

In ancient Chinese teachings, the mouth is that part of the face that can tell about your fate at 60 and reveal some character traits. Compare this with information received from other parts of the face and you will get an almost complete psychological portrait: yours or someone close to you. Do not forget about the expression lines that appear when a person smiles.

Big mouth.

According to the Chinese, such a mouth is a sign of poor understanding with parents, as well as independence and impudence.

Small sensual mouth.

People who are not hungry for fame are always ready to help and, as a rule, are quite modest.

Raised corners of the mouth.

Friendly, always surrounded by relatives and friends. It is believed that such people will be lucky in life, and people with such a mouth shape are open to communication and are always ready to help.

Dropped corners of the mouth.

Usually, this is a sign of a difficult childhood and a tumultuous adult life. These people are prone to exaggeration and, to some extent, rhetoric.

Plump lips.

This means that a person is very freedom-loving, does not like to stop there. He knows how and loves to speak beautifully, but often makes promises, which are then difficult to keep.

Short lips.

According to the Chinese, a person with short lips, especially if the teeth are visible even when the mouth is closed, will face trouble at the age of 60.

Mole on the lip.

If a person has a mole on their lip, they most likely have a very inquisitive mind. Such a person should always be aware of the events and know what, where, when, why and with whom. They are often very talkative, perhaps that is why it is easy for them to make friends and just interlocutors. If the mole is small - such a person will have a comfortable life, if there is more grain of rice - on the contrary.

What can mimic wrinkles tell?

However, lips are far from the only part of the face that can tell a lot of interesting things about a person. When we smile, expression lines appear. The Chinese believe that by these wrinkles you can determine how long life awaits you. For example, people who developed these wrinkles before the age of 40 most likely lived a difficult life. But if after - this is a good sign. Let's take a closer look at this ...

Almost imperceptible "smiling" wrinkles.

If at the age of about 40 your wrinkles are poorly visible, then they are visible, then they are not visible, unfortunately, you will not become an influential person and you will not achieve great heights in your career.

"Hungry" wrinkles.

According to the Chinese, this is a rather alarming sign and it means that at the age of 56-57, something unpleasant can happen to a person with hungry wrinkles that will make him feel needy. By the way, "hungry" wrinkles are wrinkles starting from the nose and ending directly at the corners of the mouth. If a person has only one such wrinkle, and the second is either longer or shorter ... it is likely that everything can be done.

Long wrinkles.

Oh ... this is one of the nicest signs that you will have a carefree old age.

Long wrinkles are those that run from the nose to the chin.

Short wrinkles.

These are the ones that start at the nose and end at the corners of the mouth. Unfortunately, this means that after 59 you will need to take care of your health, for one reason or another.

Wrinkles that appeared before the age of 40.

Such a person will encounter many obstacles on the path of life.

Complex smile line.

A complex smile line is when a wrinkle goes from the nose to the corners of the lips, and further downward diverges into several lines. This is a good sign that can improve the fate of a person and extend his life.

So, we examined what such a part of the face as lips and mimic wrinkles can tell about a person.

Let's move on to the strong-willed parts of the face - the jaw and chin.

Let's start with the jaw. In China, they believe that this part of the face can be used to predict what will happen to you at the age of 74-75 years. Ideally, the jaw should start just below the ear and converge symmetrically at the chin.

The jaw is easily visible from behind.

If the jaw is visible from behind and protrudes slightly from under the earlobe, this is considered a bad sign, since the owners of such a jaw have irrepressible energy and are able to walk over the heads of others to achieve the assigned task. Usually they get their way at any cost.

Uneven jaw.

The Chinese believe that such people should be more often in a good, calm mood, since they are usually fickle in their emotions.

Smooth jaw line.

This means that a person has a calm, reasonable disposition, strives for justice for everyone. By the way, the jaw line is finally formed by the age of 20.

So, with the jaw sorted out, what can the chin tell?

The chin is in the same line as the jaw. In China, by its shape, one can determine what awaits a person aged 61-75 years.

According to the Chinese, ideally, there should be a depression directly under the lower lip, otherwise a person will face some unfavorable event in his life at the age of 61.

So let's take a look at what the chin line and shape mean and what they can tell you about a person.

The chin is rounded.

This is a good sign, meaning that its owner knows how to enjoy life. But he also knows how to work well, in addition to entertainment. He knows how to arrange things so that others worked and wanted to work for him.

Square chin

Such a chin betrays people with a stubborn character, they would rather find someone to blame than admit their guilt. They often become hostages to their own principles.

Pointed chin.

Sociable, cheerful people. They do not like loneliness.


Oddly enough, the Chinese believe that if the owner of such a chin is thin, it means that fate favors him at a more mature age ... for example, relationships with children will be very successful. But, even if a person is in a body, this is a sign of good luck and good luck in general.

Now ... what kind of chin do the Chinese consider ideal?

The shape of such a chin cannot be unequivocally attributed to one of the above, it is exactly what it should be! Such people have an established firm view of the world, but they are always ready to revise it, if there is good reason for it. They are sociable and rarely offend the people around them, as they try to look at the situation from different angles.

So, we're done with the chin ... isn't it curious how many interesting things this part of the body can tell about a person.

Let's move on to the forehead!

The forehead contains information about our life in the period from 15 to 30 years. It is one of the most important part of the face and reflects the entire life path of a person. Surprisingly, the forehead has an amazing variety of shapes and shapes.

Rectangular forehead.

This is undoubtedly the best option. With such a forehead, its width is proportionally greater than its height and the hairline is rectangular. As a rule, people with such a forehead are very intelligent and educated, since the learning process is very easy for them. Such people are distinguished by their interest in the opinion and advice of the older generation.

Narrow forehead.

This means that the forehead is narrower at the temples and widens towards the middle. As a rule, this person does not differ in luck, he does not value knowledge - hence the difficulties in building a career.

V-shaped forehead.

It looks like 2 arches connecting at the center of the forehead. Such people can be lucky in science if they successfully combine work and study. They need to put in a little more effort to achieve academic and career success.

The forehead is oval.

This means that the hairline has a rounded shape. If the owner of such a forehead is a woman, she usually gets along well with people, if a man is stubborn and unstable, because of this, she can miss many chances that fate gives him.

The forehead is round.

If you look at such a person in profile, the superciliary arches and temporal arches protrude forward. These impetuous personalities, if they have a goal, will bring it closer in every possible way. They are independent, and almost never deviate from their intended goal.

M-shaped forehead.

This means that the hair is framed by the temples and there is a small wedge in the middle. Usually they are people of art. I think comments are superfluous.

Sloping forehead.

Adventurous and reckless, they cannot live without risk.

"Disordered" forehead.

Such a person does not have a specific hairline, it is usually asymmetrical, and so on. The owners of such a forehead go through life on their own, the concept of family ties is very poorly developed in them.

Naturally, many people cannot distinguish one clear forehead line, they have several distinctive features.

And now, what can such a complex part of the face, like the eyes, tell about a person?

It's not a secret for anyone that the eyes are the mirror of the soul and they can tell a lot about a person's character and his actions. According to Chinese teachings, the eyes show if there is fire in our soul. A woman, looking into men's eyes, can see future relationships. By the eyes you can read what awaits us at the age of 35-40 and whether we will develop relationships with children. Here are the main types and shapes of eyes:

Small eyes.

Usually such eyes characterize a person who pays special attention to detail, they are reasonable and calm, get along well with others and have an analytical mindset.

Protruding eyes.

These are people who know their purpose in life. They immediately identify who they like or vice versa. From the outside it may seem that such people are not sociable and even repulsive ... However, as soon as they find those with whom they are comfortable, they are ready to give a lot of attention and smiles. If the eyes protrude strongly, this is a leader by nature - a lot of the desire to communicate and work is concentrated in him. The peak of career success will be just 35-40 years.

Deep-set eyes.

Ambiguous people. On the one hand, they are always happy to help someone else's grief, even to the detriment of themselves, and those around them consider them to be successful people, because they are able to almost always smile and say that everything is fine, on the other hand, it is easy to push such people into the background, which many people use. , and others do not understand when they need help .. because such individuals keep everything in themselves.

Bright and big eyes.

This is not an entirely unambiguous sign of character. If such eyes are combined with sharp facial features - a person is most likely sharp and aggressive, and he will have career success somewhere in 35-40 years, and if these are soft facial outlines, then, without a doubt, you have a soft, sociable, loving to help others.

Sleepy eyes.

This does not mean that the eyes are small, they are just slightly covered, so they seem sleepy. Such people are attentive to details and scrupulous in everything that concerns money, they always have a "stash" for a rainy day. However, as a rule, relations with their own children do not develop very well.

Triangular eyes.

An alarming sign, it only seems that such people are kind and gentle. As a rule, these are cunning, greedy and envious people. They see almost everyone as a rival, including family members and friends.

Eyes with visible protein in three places.

This means that the protein is visible not only near, but also below and above the pupil. They are generators of ideas and and energy. But they should be wary of overwork, leading to heart disease. Especially, this applies to the age of 35-40 years. It is impossible to achieve and remake everything - remind them of this often.

Raised corners of the eyes.

Generous, but stubborn - this is how you can characterize such people. Moreover, it is important who the owner of such eyes is - a man or a woman. If a woman, then do not expect comfort and tranquility from a married life, but relations with children will develop very successfully. If a man has raised corners of his eyes, this is usually accompanied by success and they are able to take on a lot of responsibility, which is very good for marriage.

Reddish eyes.

The Chinese believe that there is too much fire in such people, so they recommend drinking more tea or water. In general, visible capillaries mean a rather bad character, such people easily lose control over themselves, as a result of which self-harm is possible. At the age of 35-40, there is a danger of problems with the law.

Protruding lower eyelid.

The most successful period is from 35 to 40 years old. Boys are born much more often than girls. Such people are especially good at developing relationships with their own children.

Mole under the eyes.

Sentimental, romantic people. They love to overprotect their children.

High eyebrows.

This means there is a lot of space between the eyes and the eyebrows. It is a sign of destiny, meaning good luck and fortune throughout your life, especially in real estate matters. Among other things, they bring good luck to those around you.

Advice to women - carefully read the eyes of your loved one, especially if you are going to marry him. By the way, do not ignore the eyebrows of a man.

What can such a seemingly insignificant part of the face as the eyebrows tell about?

The Chinese believe that eyebrows determine the fate of a person aged 31-34 and are responsible for relationships with brothers and sisters. In addition, if you change the shape of the eyebrows, the fate of a person changes. Now, when millions of women ... and men too, change the shape of their eyebrows, it is difficult to reliably determine the natural shape, but for general education it is worth reading.

Long eyebrows.

This means that a person can have up to 6 siblings.

Short eyebrows.

The opposite is the case with brothers and sisters. 31-34 years is a dangerous period. There is a risk of getting into trouble in both your personal and professional life.

Dark, bushy eyebrows.

Again, there may be problems at this age. However, if you work before this period, problems can turn into positive events. In general, these are smiling and friendly people, they love communication, music and friends.

Light eyebrows.

If a woman has light eyebrows, she is usually an excellent organizer, almost always follows the instructions and is an indispensable assistant.

Straight eyebrows.

These are people with a well-established and firm outlook on life. Whatever happens, they will look at the world through their own prism.

Brows by the house.

This is a leader who is comfortable living and communicating with others, adhering to business ethics. The same is demanded of others.
Irregular eyebrows.

Again, 31-34 years is a dangerous period. And this sign also means insufficient attention from loved ones.

Fused eyebrows.

According to the Chinese methodology, a successful streak in the life of such people will begin no earlier than 30 years old, in their studies they are not very strong, and often follow the lead of their mood. What can be advised to such people in order to avoid difficulties at least a little - just remove the hair between the eyebrows.

Eyebrows in a semicircle shape.

For such a person, there is no concept of strong family ties. In the period 31-34, they can fall under someone else's bad influence.

Unequal eyebrows.

Such people, quite possibly, will have more than one father and mother during their life. And luck will change over the course of these 4 years.

Crescent eyebrows.

They are pragmatic and reasonable people. If this is a woman, then she is quite conservative in relations with a man and in matters of marriage and children. During this period in their careers, they may be lucky.

Sloppy eyebrows.

Not a good sign. Identifies your inept attitude towards money. And, even if the rest of the face tells you about luck, it will be very difficult to reverse the influence of sloppy eyebrows.


First of all, it's luck. Especially if the mole is inside the eyebrow. If it is clearly visible, then the person will be very rich. If not, there will be less money, but in either case, a mole means a person's poor ability to save money. Advice - save a little money each time.

So, we talked about almost all parts of the face that can tell us about a person. But, no less interesting remained - the nose and cheeks.

What does the nose tell us?

The nose occupies the central part of our face and tells us what awaits us in the period 41-50 years. In addition, the nose is a money point, which means that it can tell us about the role of money in a person's life and whether he knows how to dispose of it.

Big nose.

A big nose is a lot of money. However, there may be influence from the rest of the face. But this is all up to 41 years old - then all carriers of such a nose will shine financial luck.

Small nose.

Less luck with money, they are meticulous, attentive people.

Roman nose.

At the age of 41-50 years - financial difficulties await the owners of the nose, the tip of which is directed downward and the nostrils are wide. They constantly strive to lead, even in the family.

Curved nostrils.

These are spenders, they do not know how to handle money at all. But at the same time, caring and kind people.

The most unfortunate shape of the nose.

This is when there are 3 tubercles on the nose: at the base, in the middle and at the end. Usually, these are very irritable natures, to preserve their own "I" for them is much more important than relationships with the opposite sex.

41-50 years is an unfortunate period for such people in all spheres of activity.

Lion nose.

Round nostrils, closed by the wings of the nose. The tip is also rounded. These are financial lucky ones. In the period from 41 to 50 years old they will be lucky. If the owner of the nose is a woman, she will marry late, or her husband will be much older than her.

Straight nose.

Like the shape of the nose, these people are straightforward. They can offend a person without even realizing it. Such people can be characterized as independent and hardworking.

Rounded nose.

This is a treasure trove of talents. This is an excellent business partner. It is pleasant and easy to do business with him. In such people, the bridge of the nose is slightly rounded.

Straight wings of the nose.

The wings have no curves, and the nostrils are not visible. This means that a person knows how to handle money and everything connected with it.

They are willing to wait, comparing prices in stores or waiting for sales, only to buy what they need at a lower price.


This is a sign that repels money. Moreover, at the age of 41-50, such people should be afraid of financial losses.

Well, what is your nose or the nose of your chosen one, does it promise a lot of money or vice versa? Okay, let's move to the final part of the face - the cheeks.

What do cheeks tell us about a person?

The cheeks are responsible for a period of 46-47 years. Reveal or show our essence.

High cheekbones.

This means that a person has a lot of energy or ambition.

Wide cheekbones.

Ideal for women, this means that she can stand up for herself and her discretion.

High and wide cheekbones.

These people are proud and determined. But there is a danger here - the appearance of envy. The main thing for them is to derive their own benefit. Again, if this is a man, it is very difficult to maintain a comfortable relationship with a woman.

Flat cheekbones.

Not to say that such people are leaders. But with a certain amount of harshness, you can be successful and get others to listen to you.

Well, did you learn something new about yourself and your chosen one? When you see him, look carefully and write down every aspect of the psychological portrait that every part of his face told you about. And do not pay attention to his perplexed look ... tell us later - there will be a surprise!


To determine what a person is thinking, you can only look at the expression on his face. There are exceptions when the individual is able to mask emotions under the guise of indifference. But how can you determine by traits with whom you will have to live, work, or who you want to entrust with the execution of a responsible task?

The science of physiognomy helps to unravel the secret nuances of character. It is guided by people working in high positions, it is adhered to by recruiters.

It will also help you to correctly establish the character of the person with whom you decided to share your own future. The method is based on research carried out by scientists in different countries of the world.

Character traits by general characteristics

Research within the framework of a multifaceted teaching provides correct ideas about the traits of character, qualities and unique abilities. Alan Stevens (psychologist - the founder of the method for determining character by facial features) claims that the muscles on the face, as well as on the body, are capable of developing with regular training. The more often a person uses them, the more they are developed.

If a person's eyebrows are located at a greater distance, he prefers to have an individual space. Psychologists attribute this to the development of muscles that are used to express surprise.

You will recognize a confident person by the ratio of his face length and width. If the width is more than 70 units in comparison with the length, then the person can be called confident. Those whose face is less than 60% of the length are cautious and not prone to adventures.

Patient and loyal to other people's mistakes, a person with wide-set eyes. If the upper lip is naturally plump, he is generous in speech. People with thin lip lines tend to keep their thoughts to themselves. Individuals with a thick fold in the eyelid possess an analytical mindset, and those who have a thin fold or are completely absent from it have decisiveness.

Face shape and character

Rectangular - sensitive, balanced natures with organizational skills. They are able to set goals and overcome them. Even in leadership positions, such people show delicacy and tact. They know when to firmly express an opinion and when to remain silent.

Square - they are distinguished by a sharp mind, analytical thinking. At the same time, individuals tend to dominate and show aggression.

Triangular - contradictory character traits are characteristic. There is inherent cunning, sensitivity and desire for loneliness. Natures have giftedness and the drive for self-development in the spiritual sphere.

Trapezoidal - optimists, carrying a sense of happiness and tranquility. They are upbeat and mildly characteristic. They are great workers, but not leaders.

Oval - hardworking practitioners. They do the work methodically, but at the same time are able to admire their hard work. They are characterized by narcissism, which is why communication with colleagues often does not work out.

Round shape - indicates softness and peacefulness. They are open to learning new things. They are benevolent, but do not tolerate encroachment on their own comfort. This, for which material values ​​are in the main place.

The profile of the face also leaves an imprint on the character of a person.

A convex profile (large nose, wide and thick eyebrows, sloping forehead, plump lips) testifies to stubbornness and exactingness.
The concave profile, characterized by flat eyebrows, a small snub nose, a prominent forehead and chin, speaks of patience and good nature.
The flat profile is a calm person with a permanent character.

What traits affect character?

Saying "facial features" means its separate parts: eyes, nose, mouth, eyebrows, ears and lips. When determining the character, keep in mind that they can be artificially modified, especially in women.

Forehead and eyebrow lines

A high and wide forehead in volume will indicate indiscipline. Tall and sloping reveals the practicality of the mind and the activity of a person.

Thick eyebrows made of coarse hairs are evidence of intransigence. They have a trait of stubbornness and a tendency towards cruelty. If the eyebrows taper towards the end into a thin strip, nobility is inherent in a person, if the tip is lifted up - cruelty and enterprise.

Hair growth also influences character. Fused eyebrows indicate decisiveness, and divorced to the sides - about treachery of character. Short, but thick eyebrows - a person is closed. He is prone to negative emotions and is often quick-tempered.

Those that go beyond the eyes indicate intelligence. If the eyebrows are almost invisible, cunning is inherent in the person.

A forehead widening to the bottom indicates such a character trait as curiosity and a tendency to develop mental abilities. Pronounced creases above the eyebrows indicate an active character.

A forehead widening towards the top indicates talent. But such a person is closed and does not take into account other people's opinions.

Set character by eyes

The expression of the eyes is easy to control, so it is often not possible to establish character along this line. But the form is given by nature and it is possible to determine the characteristics of a person by it, knowing what it means:

small eyes are a sign of jealousy, if they have a double lower eyelid - inconstancy;
big eyes are a sign of sensitivity, if the eyelids slightly cover the eyes, the person has a domineering character;
narrow - a sign of secrecy;
deep-set eyes - beware of such a person, as he can be treacherous;
raised edges indicate courage and good nature;
corners directed downward - excessive emotionality.

Submission is inherent in people whose outer corner of the eye is directed downward.

Nose length and character

The nose is the most truthful of all to tell about the character. The expression of the mouth and eyes is easy to change, but changing the nose is possible only with surgery.

Small, indicates pettiness and jealousy. A thin nose with a slight hump characterizes a stubborn person. A long nose indicates conservatism, and if it is still wide, the person has poise and calmness. Too long is a sign of capriciousness and intelligence.

If bones appear on the back of the nose, it means that the person does not know how to concentrate. The wings are located in proportion to the large and flat back - prudence, coldness.

Pay special attention to the tip of your nose:

round - luck and luck, the individual gets everything he wants;
convex - self-sacrifice is inherent;
a rounded nose, like an eagle - nature is subject to revenge;
saggy tip - supersexuality;
the tip raised up speaks of openness and inability to keep a secret;
a sharp tip is a fickle nature, capable of betraying.

The shape and location of the auricle

If the upper part of the ears is located at the level of the eyebrows, the person is stubborn and often dissatisfied. Is the top line of the auricle on the line of the eyes? The person has a developed intuition.

The proportion of the auricle is difficult to see immediately, but it is also easy to determine the character of a person from it. Is the width less than the height? A person is characterized by weakness and a superficial mind. Vice versa? A strong personality with a domineering character.

Rectangular is a sign of perseverance and the ability to achieve goals. Protruding ears will tell you about sexuality, and too-tight shells are evidence of conscientiousness and hard work.

Does the person have large earlobes? So fortune is on his side. Ears with short lobes will tell you about a complex, unbalanced character.

If the outer line has convex shapes, the person has talents. Ears with a round shape will convey energy and leadership skills.

Mouth and lip shape

Self-centered and stubborn people have different lip sizes: the lower lip is wider than the upper lip. Thin lips will talk about cruelty, and thick ones about sensuality and a sharp mind. If you see a wide mouth on a small face, think that in front of you is a real leader, to whom the ability to manage people is given from birth.

A wide mouth on a large face is a sign of isolation. Such a person pays attention only to his own affairs. A small mouth is an indicator of weak will.

If the corners of the lips are down, the person is stubborn, up - sensitive. If the corners are not in proportion, then a person is able to deceive and betray. If a person has a large mouth and at the same time it is slightly open, know that this is a careless person, subject to indecision.

When choosing a girl for a life together, remember that closed lips indicate a desire to climb the career ladder. At the same time, family life will be in the background.

Chin and its features

Wide - speaks of the spirit of rivalry, unwillingness to lose. Pronounced traits will tell about stubbornness and endurance. This is a person who possesses and adheres to a system of values. Weak features of the chin in a person with a weak will and weak character. He is influenced and lives by the standards of others.

How to learn to recognize character by facial features?

Not everyone can determine character abilities. To obtain an accurate analysis it is required to have a medical degree as well. Only an excellent psychologist is able to catch the shades of mood, to contemplate the full picture of the character.

After all, traits should be considered in general, taking into account proportions and balance. The length of the nose or ears can only be determined according to other traits. Comparing them, we can say: large, small, proportional or not.

Pay special attention to balance. The more clearly it is expressed, the stronger the character of the personality is manifested. First of all, examine the shape of the eyes, mouth, nose, ears and eyebrows. Then evaluate the forehead and chin, temples and cheekbones.

Based on the records, a more accurate estimate can be made.

An important feature is the eyes. They are more powerful than others to reveal the essence of a person. Ancient scientists distinguished 39 forms of the eye. Each of them spoke about certain features of the human character. They were used to determine the presence of talent and leadership qualities. In an outstanding, outstanding person, they are proportional and go well with the nose, mouth, ears and other features.

March 22, 2014 Not many of us know what physiognomy is, and so, this is science, or rather an unfounded teaching, which is directly focused on determining the character of a person and his mental qualities based on the analysis of facial features, head features and facial expressions. So in China and Japan, this art was especially developed in the Middle Ages. In these countries, schools were created where the human face was carefully studied, and it was studied literally every millimeter, while paying attention to every tubercle, redness or paleness of the skin. And after that, based on the accumulated material, physiognomists tried to determine the character of a person and even determine his fate.

Outline of the article:

Physiognomy principles

Many scientists have tried to prove the fact that it is necessary to study physiognomy, but, unfortunately, today this science is considered frivolous. But nevertheless, the study of the connections between the traits of a person's character and his thoughts, as well as the expression of his face, is necessary primarily for artists and the actor, as well as for those people whose work is directly related to people, that is, investigators, teachers, salespeople, etc. .d.

Four of the available five senses are directly in the face, it is with their help that we receive information about the world around us. Eyes, ears, nose and mouth act as peculiar antennas, it is with their help that we perceive the information happening around us. Basically, a person perceives this information most strongly at the age of five or six years. This is even clearly visible on the face of the child, many, most likely, paid attention to the fact that children have large open eyes, sometimes it seems that he wants to see everything at once, ears that hear everything in the world, a nose that tries to feel everything smells, even the most subtle, the mouth, where it sends everything that only comes under the hands, it is these senses that help children call out the surrounding information.

Unfortunately, over time, the acuteness of feelings passes, dulls, and an adult already loses the ability to notice everything that previously brought him so much joy and surprise, this, in turn, is the result of the fact that a person gets used to the world around him, to its influence, and these he does not need sensitive antennas. As for the human psyche itself, it, in turn, becomes rigid, and this is directly reflected on the person's face. That is, the process of reduction begins, that is, the eyes lose their shine, become a little sunken, they are less interested in what is happening around them, the face loses its mobility, and the mouth takes the form of a narrow slit. The character of a person becomes closed, and he gradually withdraws into himself. For each person, such changes occur at a different rate, regardless of age, for someone, the face begins to change only by the age of seventy, and for someone, such changes have occurred already at twenty.

For a person whose face quickly lost its liveliness, pessimism is characteristic, he already fears everything new, suffers changes rather painfully. His character is characterized by the manifestation of introvert traits. It is quite difficult to persuade such a person to do something that could. Such people are inclined to believe by the age of forty that life is over and they only have to wait in the wings. But people with this type of character are quite rare. Basically, people with such behavior suffer from some kind of ailment, or suffer for some reason, but when everything bad that happens to him ends, this person in a fairly short time is transformed right before our eyes. He is getting younger, his antennas begin to work with renewed vigor, receiving signals from the world around him, and he is again interested in everything new.

You can often find people in old age who, despite their gray hair,. The faces of such people are often not subject to reduction and, accordingly, their antennae do not close until very old age. By the type of their character, these people are extroverts, in their hearts they always remain big children. They quite simply find a common language with others, it is easy for them to make a new acquaintance, but at the same time it is very easy for them to quit what they have begun in order to do something more interesting and informative. Such people are distinguished by open and shining eyes, due to which they are often very popular in society.

Nowadays, a lot of attention is paid to the language of facial expressions and gestures. This way of information is considered natural. We all quite often pay attention to the body movements of other people, and in this case it is worth noting that they not only carry information that our mind perceives, but are also capable of influencing another person. It is because of this that sign language has become quite widespread in the field of politics and business. People use gestures and facial expressions much more interest people in this or that business, which in turn helps to conduct presentations much more effectively, to captivate the audience with their speech, etc.

As for the direct perception of gestures and facial expressions of the people around them, it is they who determine our reaction and attitude towards those people. It is necessary to learn to better understand the given bodily signals and correctly use this knowledge, applying it for more effective interaction with people.

When communicating, in addition to spoken phrases, a person makes many subtle or noticeable gestures, which are also not made senselessly, they also express his point of view on given circumstances. Each of the interlocutors perceives these gestures on a subconscious level, but basically our consciousness does not lend itself to rational analysis. Having learned such a hidden language, you can read all the hidden information.

Scientists believe that this ability to read other people's thoughts by facial expressions and gestures is inherent in all people. Due to external signs, starting from facial expressions and right up to the adopted posture, it will help to guess the intentions and feelings of a particular person.

Reading information about which gestures and facial expressions speak is possible due to the fact that regardless of the cultural level of people and specifically of a person, the words and, accordingly, the movements accompanying them coincide with such a degree of predictability that a well-trained person, even by voice, will be able to determine which movement will be made by his interlocutor while pronouncing a particular phrase.

The ability to communicate with other people, an understanding of their psychology, intentions and interests prevails in any communication. A person who knows how and can put himself in the place of another person and understand him will always be successful in life.

The very shape of his face says a lot about a person's character. Basically, it is classified into four types: 1) round; 2) square; 3) triangular; 4) rectangular; 5) trapezoidal.

Types of faces and their characteristics

A round face is characterized by an expansion in the middle part, in the area of ​​the cheekbones and neck. The dimensions of the face in this case are very close both horizontally and directly vertically. Roundness is observed in the area of ​​the lower jaw, chin and temporal cavities.

This type of face shape characterizes people with heavy weight. If at the same time a person has a small nose, then this characterizes him as a carefree nature who loves the comfort of life. A man with such features is a great gourmet and lover, by his nature he is very soft and peaceful, gentle. People with a round face do not strive for high position or fame, because they are more materialists. They are mostly not ambitious. People with a round face, keen eyes, prominent cheekbones and a high bridge of the nose are thinkers with a characteristic ordered mind.

The square face itself is wide in the middle and cheekbones, the lower jaw is much heavier, wider, and the angles of the lower jaw are sharply expressed. A square face is characteristic of a courageous, rude, thin type of people who have a rather quick temper. Such a person is by nature a great fighter, a leader. As a rule, they are stubborn, persistent, slow-witted, decisive both in deeds and in love, have an immediate desire for success and good performers. If a woman is endowed with such a face shape, then she, in turn, is a stubborn rival in any business, occupies a dominant position in family life.

The trapezoidal face has the shape of a compressed upper part, in the region of the temples, while the lower part of the face is heavier, and the corners of the lower jaw are sharply expressed and deployed.

This face shape suggests that this person is quite artistic, intelligent and receptive, but, unfortunately, he lacks fighting spirit. Women with this type of face are generally very loving, their family life is always happy.

The triangular face has the shape of a pointed chin, the area of ​​the lower jaw.

This form suggests that a person is busy with himself and is hypersensitive. This face shape is found in intelligent people, smart, resourceful, cunning, devoid of affection and devotion, jealous. Triangular-faced people can be great scientists, philosophers or art, but they can also be unabashed businessmen, traitors and spies.

An elongated face is characterized by an elongated chin and a high forehead; in this case, the vertical dimensions are superior, in contrast to the horizontal ones.

An elongated or rectangular face needs the same width of the jaw and forehead. It is also called the aristocratic face shape. Such a face is characteristic of a sensitive, intelligent, far-sighted and prudent, calm and fair person. People with this type of face are endowed with excellent organizational talents and are great at working with other people in order to achieve their goals. Basically, these people are successful in life.

Combined face shapes

Oval face - has smooth outlines, especially for the chin, cheekbones and lower jaw. Such a face is usually called classic or ideal.

Rhombic face - this type of face is characterized by strongly protruding cheekbones, which in turn are outlined by the cheekbones, and a narrow forehead. In the upper area at the temples and lower - the chin and jaw, parts of the face narrows, but in the cheekbones it expands.

As for the facial muscles themselves, they can also tell a lot, depending on how relaxed or tense they are. People who are characterized by hypertonicity of facial expressions, or in other words, great muscle tension, which in turn can be manifested in all sorts of twitching and tics, as a rule, have many problems that worry him. These problems can be both real and far-fetched, it is no longer important, the main thing in this case is that they do not let you forget about yourself for a minute.

Because of this, such fears often prevent a person from making new decisions that completely change the situation, he is afraid that everything that he built with such difficulty will take and collapse, and as a result he will have to start all over again. But, despite this, such people are quite energetic, in the case when they are confident in the success of a new business, take on it with great enthusiasm, are rather easy-going, in addition, they have a much stronger ability to make all kinds of decisions. and they need communication much more.

And a person who has relaxed muscles behaves in a completely different way, that is, with a hypotonic face. This type of face is characterized by a somewhat pronounced sagging of the cheeks, sleepy, half-closed eyes, a slightly open mouth, and on the face there is basically an expression of complete indifference. Thoughts of such people flow more slowly, and actions are devoid of enthusiasm and energy, if they do something only because it is necessary, if it was their will, they would hardly do anything at all.

They do not want to solve any problems, and, in fact, they do not have those either. They let it all go by itself, so that it dissipates by itself. It is also worth noting that muscular hypotonia and hypertonicity are only a reflection of the state of the human nervous system, its immediate stability and excitability. Accordingly, the higher the muscle tone, the much easier the nervous system is excited, and the faster the hypertonicity is replaced by the hypotonia, the less stable it is. Such changes are mainly observed in people with an affective type of face.

The affective type of face is characterized by a somewhat rough face, too uneven, with sunken cheeks, protruding cheekbones, and with many protrusions and depressions that are left directly by strong emotions that arise quite often. A person with this type of face quite easily enters a state of passion, namely, when a strong emotional excitement appears, it happens to him quite often, he cannot control it.

This type of face can directly belong to both an introvert and an extrovert, and equally. This is manifested in extroverts with open faces, and in introverts with reduced ones, affects, of course, manifest themselves in different ways. For example, if an extrovert's anger, anger and resentment very emotionally and violently spills out, then for an introvert negative emotions find their manifestations in emotional experiences, for a long time, corroding his soul.

Physiognomists mentally divide human faces into three parts, the first is called vital, comes from the word vita - life, it shows how strongly a person defends his right to exist. This part directly includes the chin, which perfectly makes it clear to what extent a person uses his volitional qualities in order to achieve his goal. It is clearly seen that when a person needs to defend his point of view, he unconsciously begins to strain the muscles of the lower part of the face, therefore, the more often and more successfully a person defends his rights, the more developed his chin.

But a harmoniously developed chin can already tell a lot about its owner, namely, that this person basically achieves his goals, although he is able to abandon the goal, if he sees that it is inappropriate. A person who has a well-developed chin often has a square shape, achieves the goal in any way, rushes to the break like a tank, this person does not care much about what remains after he reaches the target. It is typical for him to storm new and new heights. But with regard to the small chin itself, which can be said to be somewhat soft, such a person can easily deviate from his plan, just imagining what difficulties and obstacles may be associated with this. But this may not happen, especially if a person is ruled by a strong desire, or, conversely, an unwillingness to achieve anything.

The second zone is called emotional, it directly includes the cheekbones, nose, cheeks, mouth. The mouth is the most mobile part of the human face, since it is the first to react to various changes in the emotional background, reflecting the emotions that a person is currently experiencing, even if it only lasts a couple of seconds.

Emotions such as joy, anger, resentment, contempt, and so on, expresses the curl of the lips, even in the case when their owner is in good control of himself and tries to hide his mood from others, anyway any emotion will be reflected on his face for an instant. most of it in the mouth area, so you should be very careful not to miss this moment. If you saw that your interlocutor is slightly biting his lips, then in this case, this means that at this moment he is thinking about something, and quite tensely, but interrupting his thoughts or not, already depends directly on you.

In the event that a person is in some kind of critical situation, he can bite not only his lip, but also his tongue. The nose also conveys the feelings of a person very well. During arousal, of any origin, the wings of the nose begin to swell. If a person sees something that annoys him, then the nose wrinkles in this case.

In addition to the lips, the mouth also includes two nasolabial grooves, the chin groove and the corners of the mouth.

Depending on how the mouth opening is, the mouth can be small or large, and as far as the corners of the mouth are concerned, they can be lowered or raised.

If a person has a wide mouth and a square face, then this indicates that the person is authoritative and has the talent of an organizer.

If the mouth is large and does not close tightly, then this in turn suggests that this is an indecisive and careless person.

If a woman has a large mouth, then she is more likely to be more capable of a service career than for housework.

In the presence of a wide mouth on a full firm basis in people with a large bone structure, it indicates that the person is aggressive and ambitious, adventurous, indifferent to his defeats and successes.

About a person with a small mouth, we can say that he is constantly busy with the struggle for existence, has a weak shy character that does not dare to take responsibility. A protruding mouth (a person's mouth is considered in profile with closed lips) - indicates that a person is active and decisive, has a quick mind.

Characteristics of a man by his lips

If the lower and upper lips overlap one another and the lower lip is protruding, then this suggests that the person is selfish by nature, may be unsuccessful in marriage.

In the case when the upper and lower lips overlap one another and the upper lip is the protruding lip, this indicates that the person is vain and indecisive, has an insatiable libido and often has extramarital affairs.

If the line between the lips bends to the bottom, then this characterizes the person as stubborn and self-centered, who gives in to himself only with the help of praise and flattery.

The presence of thin lips, poorly closing and matching each other, speaks of a person that he does not have special business ambitions, he is characterized by criminal inclinations.

In the event that the line between the lips bends up in the middle, this indicates that the person is agile and resourceful.

A wide, rough, long upper lip and a pointed or small lower lip suggest that these people are bad businessmen who can become victims quite easily.

What will the nose tell us?

And he says the following:
  • Oddly enough, but the nose controls the fate of a person from about 41 to 50 years old, it is during this period of life that the question of success or failure of a person is resolved.
  • So, the owner of a long nose, the following main character traits are manifested - unsuitability for business enterprises and conservatism. They show elements of contemptuous and arrogant behavior, they have the ability to achieve intellectual achievements (in the field of science or technology).
  • The owner of an over-long nose is characterized by: conservative spirituality, quite often an unrealistic and capriciously speculative personality.
  • A short nose, characterizes its owner as a person with an open character, optimistic and friendly, having a free sexual morality, he can easily get annoyed by little things, emotional impulses are a good motive for doing work, so he must be constantly patted on the shoulder.
  • A bony nose with a slight hump and a high bend speaks of its owner that he is a proud individual, stubborn, aggressive and decisive.
  • A high and very bony nose says that a person lives in life alone. And if the nose also has a pointed tip and looks quite full and flat, then in this case we can say that the person is endowed with a rather enterprising spirit and impulsiveness, which in turn quite often repels relatives and friends, thereby dooming himself to complete loneliness ...
  • A skinny bony nose indicates that it is very difficult for a person to concentrate. In the case when the nose is located quite high in accordance with the face as a whole, then about such a person we can say that he is a very proud person, difficult to communicate and arrogant. If such a person is endowed with power, then problems with subordinates are inevitable, sometimes even in family relationships he does not go beyond simple tolerance.
  • If the nasal bridge is well rounded, then this person is quite artistic and happily married.
  • If the pad of the nose has a kink, a depression and horizontal lines crossing the dorsum of the nose, then this person is endowed with poor health, even early death is possible.
  • If the nose has a high tiny area between the eyes, then this person has close family ties, is loyal and has a long life expectancy. In the event that the site is full and flat, this, in turn, says that the person has a warm heart and is quite happy in marriage.
  • If the nose has a broken back with many small ridges, then poverty and deprivation are characteristic of such a person.
  • If the nose is narrow and looks like the edge of a sword, then such a person's life is full of hard and exhausting work.
  • If the back of the nose is slightly flattened and, moreover, intersects with horizontal lines, then such a person will face misfortune.
  • When the nasal bridge is flat, well balanced by both wings of the nose and large, then this person is a calculating nature in itself, with a forecast for wealth.
  • If a person's nose has a weak back, then this person is endowed with chances for early success and, unfortunately, late failure in life.
  • A nose whose back is widened in the middle and only slightly covered with flesh in combination with small nostrils and low cheekbones, this, in turn, says that a person has a somewhat banal and boring life, full of hard work and practically no reward.
  • If the nasal bridge is tilted to the side, then this suggests that, most likely, a person will be haunted by failure.
  • The nose, whose back is crossed by deep lines, says that the fate of such a person will be connected to some extent with disasters.
  • In women, such a nose is evidence of a difficult marriage and an imminent divorce.
  • If veins are visible on the back of such a nose, then this is the possibility that it will have.
  • If the tip of the nose hangs down like a nut, then this person will occupy a fairly strong position in society, and prosperity in business.
  • If the tip of the nose hangs down strongly, then this indicates a person's oversexuality. If the tip of the nose is pointed and not fleshy, then this suggests that the person is prone to betrayal and treachery.
  • If the tip of the nose has the shape of an eagle's beak, then this is a vengeful person, we can say that to some extent he is obsessed with mania, that everyone constantly interferes with him. In the case when the tip of the nose has a slightly reddish tint, it indicates that his owner is lazy and unsteady, he will not be a careerist, but he is quite perceptive and gifted with foresight.
  • In the case when the back of the nose is high, in the presence of weak cheekbones and jaws, this indicates that a person was born in a family with a high social status, in middle age he will face disasters, and in old age - deprivation.
  • When the nose has a drooping shape and a skinny tip, which in turn covers most of the upper lip, then this is a treacherous and treacherous nature.
  • If the tip of the nose is split, then this person is suspicious, vindictive, shy, preferring to solve their problems on their own, with the help of their original mind.
  • If the nose has a full, large, convex tip, then this indicates that a person is sincere, kind-hearted, always ready for self-sacrifice, if there is a controlled glint of the eyes.
  • A nose that has a round and full tip that covers a certain part of the groove above the middle of the upper lip, then this person has extraordinary energy, unlimited business acumen and an astute mind.

The ideal nose is considered to be a nose of normal length, balanced with the mouth, eyes and chin. There must be two deep lines on either side of the mouth. Such a nose speaks of a person that he is honest, temperamental, sexually active, proud, active and has great authority.

The third area of ​​the face directly includes the upper part of the face, eyebrows, forehead and eyes, this part is called intellectual. In the eyes of a person, the thought processes taking place in a person's head, their speed and direction are always quite clearly displayed. Shiny eyes and a lively look indicate that their owner is full of enthusiasm and is carried away by some idea. And, accordingly, half-closed eyes with a dull look indicate that a person is depressed or depressed. American scientists have found that people basically look in six different directions, this directly depends on what is happening at the moment in their brain.

For right-handers, it is typical, when some memory or if they represent something, to direct their gaze up to the right, and for left-handers, respectively, up to the left. When remembering some sound of music, the right-hander will direct his gaze to the right, and if he imagines some sound, then to the left. The right-hander looks down to the left in those cases when he wants to remember a sensation, taste, smell, and looks in the opposite direction when he conducts an internal dialogue. As for the left-hander, then he has the same thing, only in the opposite direction.

If you want to check who is in front of you, then you can ask that person to remember some image or sound and accordingly look at the movement of his eyes. It is worth noting that in Chinese physiognomy, wrinkles that directly appear in the corners of the eyes when laughing are called the tail of a goldfish. And the larger and more magnificent this tail, it means that this person is sympathetic and kind. On a person's face, two small vaults can often be seen above the eyes, they are especially noticeable in people with great observation. It is generally accepted that they mean a desire to help and increased attentiveness.

Quite often, but not in all cases, a large forehead is a sign of great intelligence, but sometimes circumstances develop in such a way that a person cannot develop his intellectual potential. But it also happens that a rather intelligent person, in the field of knowledge, does not understand at all in another field. Therefore, as far as the assessment of the mind is concerned, here it is necessary to be rather careful with each person. In adults, a furrow in the middle of the forehead can be clearly visible, which in turn indicates that he is an introvert and has a high degree of introspection. In the case when a person concentrates quite often, focusing on something, he accordingly has several vertical folds above the bridge of the nose.

The eyes are like an open book, you can read a lot from them

If a person has large, balanced eyes with irises, then this person is conservative, calm and kind.

Adequate eyes, but smaller than usual, indicate that a person is modest by nature, tries not to attract attention to himself, a person who is dull, stubborn and internally self-satisfied. Women with such eyes are characterized by purity and inaccessibility; married women remain loyal and loyal, but very jealous.

Comparable eyes, but more than normal, tell about a person that he is a sensual and receptive nature, dominant and courageous. For women with such eyes, an aesthetic face and inclinations are characteristic.

Small eyes with small irises are inherent in people who are not satisfied with their position in life, they are grumbling, and do not want to accept the existing order, they are characterized by the manifestation of cruelty and the use of force to achieve their goals.

Eyes are raised up, which means a person is sensitive, courageous, greedy and decisive. If, at the same time, a person has a crocheted nose and a low forehead, then these features are negative. For women with such an appearance, foolishness, jealousy and violence are characteristic.

In the case when the outer corner of the eyes (the one at the temple) is sharp and long, then such a person is endowed with a strong mind and insight, ruthless and artistic.

Eyes slanted to the bottom indicate that a person is optimistic, good-natured, who knows how to ingratiate himself.

If the corners of the eyes look down, then this person is calm, pessimistic and submissive by nature.

It would seem that eyebrows are just a trifle, but they also say a lot about the character of a particular person. They are directly thin, wide, fused on the bridge of the nose. If the eyebrow is short and thin, then this indicates that a person is alone in the struggle for life. If short eyebrows have an uneven or rough texture, then this means a changeable career. Too thin and almost invisible eyebrows - characterizes its owner as dissolute and cunning. As for the general characteristics, a thin eyebrow is primarily a sign of an amorous nature and a happy life in marriage.

If a person has an eyebrow shape that resembles a boomerang, then by nature he is a person who is inventive and quite strong, able to give way to his ideas and transform them into actions, this is a self-confident and sexual nature. A woman with such eyebrows tries to take the initiative in a love relationship for herself, she dominates in marriage, has a rather strong physical attractiveness.

In the event that the eyebrows are closely connected and form a horizontal line, they are sometimes so stiff that they can bunch together at their outer ends. A person with this type of eyebrow is characterized by resourcefulness and determination.

If the eyebrows are located obliquely, and practically converge in the middle of the forehead, then this person has a wonderful imagination, courage, foresight. For a woman, at first, some violation of beauty is characteristic, but later she will succeed in her career.

When both eyebrows and, accordingly, the eyes are at the same level, well balanced and proportional, this suggests that a person is by nature very good-natured, honest, serious, successful, conscientious, and is in excellent relationship with society.

In the event that part of the eyebrows goes in the opposite direction, it means that this is a rather stubborn person, devoid of flexibility, is uncompromising in relations with people.

The eyebrows join and form a heavy and thick streak, characteristic of a straightforward person who does not consider the opinions of others. A woman with this type of eyebrows is endowed with a rather strong character, she does not have a tendency to housekeeping, most likely her marriage will end in divorce, but as far as her career and professional activities are concerned, everything is successful here.

By the features of a person's face, as well as by his facial expressions, you can say a lot, what kind of mood a person is, what he thinks about, how he will behave in the future, but in order to be able to read this in the face, it is necessary to study the facial features and possible further behavior.