What is itching for what according to signs? What does itching mean in a particular part of a girl's body

When a person begins to itch some part of the body, for some reason he does not think that this is due to some kind of illness, but begins to look at signs that give an interpretation to such a condition. In general, superstitions explain many phenomena.

For example, people say that when both eyes itch, you need to expect trouble or misfortune. You can block superstition, that is, make it so that it does not come true, if you rub your eyes with your fists at the same time. Another way to avoid misfortune is to cross your eyes. They say that the banner of the cross scares away misfortunes.

Psychologists say that belief in negative omens sets a person up for failure. He loses self-confidence and a streak of failures begins in his life.

Therefore, they advise to ignore superstitions. Not everyone listens to these recommendations, and one of the frequently asked questions in this regard is why the right eye itches. You can find out the reason for this condition by referring to the interpretations of superstition.

When such a condition occurs, there is no reason to fear that it may portend a bad event. It has long been customary to consider the right side as the habitat of the guardian angel. In this regard, all the signs that concern her have a positive interpretation, but this is only one of the many versions.

According to one of the interpretations of the signs, why the right eye itches, a date awaits a person. If a person wants this particular superstition to come true, he can contribute to this. There is a ritual, after which you can begin to prepare for a meeting with your loved one.

A person, according to this rite, should stand at the window and close his left eye with his palm. With his left eye, he needs to look at all parts of the road that are available to his eyes. At this time, you need to make such a speech: “I am sitting at the window, waiting for a sweetheart, like a cat. I scratched my right eye - I ordered a date.

Another version of the interpretation of signs, for which the right eye itches, is that a person will have good luck and wealth. For such a superstition to come true, one rite must also be performed. Right eye itches with left hand. Then his shoulder is stroked and at the same time he says: “I’m waiting, I can’t wait, let joy come, sadness leaves.” Then you need to cross. Such a manipulation is carried out three times, after which gratitude is raised to the guardian angel. If luck and money are not called with bad intentions, the rite will be effective.

Esotericists have another vision of superstition, why the right eye itches. When such a state arises, it is the higher forces that send a warning to a person. He himself must guess what they want to tell him. You need to listen to your inner voice. He will give you the correct answer. Esotericists believe that such an interpretation is the most correct.

Scratching of the right eye by day of the week

Interpretation of scratching the right eye by day of the week:

  • On Monday such a state is a good omen. She portends reconciliation with a relative with whom, due to a quarrel, communication was lost for a long time. If the right eye itches on this day of the week, then this may also portend changes in personal life. If they happen, then only in a positive direction. In order not to frighten away such a chance, today you cannot quarrel, gossip and succumb to any negative emotions.
  • On Tuesday eye itches to tears. A tearful state will appear due to a quarrel or simply because of a bad mood. If today the right eye began to itch, you should not do important things. There is also no need to start a showdown and quarrels. Superstition does not always tell what is to come. Sometimes it warns of an event that can be avoided.
  • On Wednesday this condition portends a long trip - a vacation or a business trip. It doesn't matter what it will be associated with, because it will be successful. If the eye itches on Wednesday, then this may not foreshadow the trip of the person himself, but the arrival of guests to him.
  • On Thursday superstition says that a person will laugh, but it is silent about the reason for the occurrence of such fun. It doesn’t really matter why such a state arises, the result is important - on this day, nothing can spoil a person’s good mood.
  • On Friday superstition portends a find. Most likely, a long-lost thing will be found. Friday eye scratching may portend the discovery of money, but only those that were lost earlier. The interpretation of superstition does not tell how this will happen, it only calls on a person to be attentive to everything today.
  • On Saturday a sign tells a person that a date awaits him. If he does not have a loved one, then this does not mean that the omen is lying. A date can be appointed at any time by both an old and a new acquaintance for women and a female person for men.
  • On Sunday superstition may herald the beginning of a new romance for single people. For lovers, it can portend an imminent wedding.

Right eye scratching by time of day

The sign of why the right eye itches should be interpreted according to the time of day when such a condition arose.

If it appeared in the morning, it means that the person will receive good news. They might also surprise him. Any such event will be positive. Thanks to this, a person will have a good mood for the next week. Sometimes, with an itchy eye in the morning hours, higher powers send a sign to a person so that he prepares for good changes.

The right eye may itch at other times of the day. In the evening and at night, this state foreshadows the end of the black stripe and the beginning of the white one. A person is waiting for good changes in life. All the bad things that happened to him will remain in the past. If in the evening your eyes began to itch, you should think hard about your life. You need to understand what is in the way, what is missing and in what direction to move in order to achieve happiness.

Another interpretation says that if the right eye began to itch in the evening hours, then the guardian angel sends his praise to the person. He does everything in life correctly and there is no point in changing something in it.

Other signs about the eyes

There are other signs about the eyes. Most of them are related to eye color. Superstitions say that a person with brown eyes can jinx another person. Therefore, there was a period when such people were shunned. There was also a time when women with green eyes were considered witches. Not a single lady who had nothing to do with magic suffered from this superstition.

This is not all signs about the eyes. If a person has, it means that nothing but grief and tears awaits him.

There are several signs about eye twitching. If the right eyelid twitches, the person will receive good love news. In this state, good news about money can await him.

You can not look at your eyes in the mirror for a long time. If this is done, then old age will come to a person very quickly.

There is a superstition about not looking people in the eye before leaving the house. Some of them can jinx it, doing it completely unconsciously. It is not recommended to look into the eyes of people of advanced years. The reason is the same, but still, when talking with them, it is impolite to look away. This can hurt a lot. In order not to be afraid of the evil eye, you need to carry a security amulet with you or, during a conversation, scratch some part of your body below the waist.

Signs are just superstitions that you should not get hung up on. If they are taken seriously, then you can tune your energy field to a negative wave. Because of this, troubles and misfortunes will begin, and not at all because of signs.

The people have always paid attention not only to such “large-scale” manifestations of life as the weather. Death, birth, but also as trivial as the desire to scratch some part of the body. As a result of such observations, interesting signs and beliefs appeared, which in fact turn out to be not so idle conjectures ...

1. It itches in the groin - not good.

2. Chest itching - to grief or bad weather.

3. If the whole body itches, then the usual signs lose their significance.

4. If the lips itch - be at the hotel or at a party. Upper lip - kissing a man, lower lip - kissing a woman or a child. Both lips itch - kissing a married couple.

5. If the forehead itches - greet someone or bow to an arrogant one. In some cases, a sign is understood as a prediction of a conversation with a traveler of the opposite sex.

6. If both legs itched at the same time - to a long but vain road with a lot of failures. To avoid this, you need to lean against the wall, stand upside down and say - "To whom is dear, but to me - the help of God."

7. If two hands itch at the same time, there will be a lot of wasted work. To avoid this, you need to simultaneously rub your left palm on your right ear, and your right palm on your left.

8. If your tongue tingles - talk with a windmill, that is, with a person who came from the wind, with a stranger, the tip of the tongue - to gossip and evil intentions against you. To prevent evil intentions, it is necessary to tie a strong knot on something so that the mouths of spiteful critics are also tied up, or prick the tip of the tongue with a needle, or sprinkle the tip of the tongue with something sharp (salt, pepper, etc.) so that all evil back to the detractors. The sky and gums - to trouble.

9. If the hand itches, in order for the money to flow, you need to scratch or rub the back side of the table board with this hand. Right palm - to receive money (pay will be more accurate if you scratch your palm on a tree). Left palm - give money.

10. If itching in the nose - to good news or to secret neighborly good deeds. Nose bridge - you will hear about the deceased. The tip of the nose is to be in honor or drink wine (look into a glass), or look at a drunk, or to the news. The nostril itches - to the news of childbirth: the right - someone will give birth to a son, the left - a daughter. Nose on the side - to the news. Under the nose - to failure, ingratitude, etc.

11. If itching in the ears - to a newborn or to bad weather, to the wind. The right ear - someone scolds, the left - someone praises. The whole ear itches and burns: in winter - to a thaw, and at other times of the year - to fast news.

12. If the back itches - to sadness, the shoulder blades or between the shoulder blades - to bad weather and rain, the spine - to a change in weather, the lower back - to bad weather.

13. If the beard itches, kiss.

14. If the head itches - be cursed.

15. If the stomach itches - to sadness or to a sharp change in the weather, and if it itches from top to bottom, then the change will come within a day, from bottom to top or from the side - in a day. The navel and the place around it are either for a party, or for news from afar, or for a guest (guests) from afar.

16. If the collarbone itches - to be in an honorary meeting, at a party.

17. If it itches under the armpits - to a mild illness, under the right - to one's own illness, and under the left - to the illness of loved ones.

18. If the right eyebrow itches - to a date with a friend, or someone praises you. Left eyebrow - a date with a hypocrite, or someone scolds. Both eyebrows - you will look at sweaty horses, that is, at a guest who has come from afar, and you will bow to him or you will bow to someone for a good deed done to you.

19. If the sides itch, there will be guests or the debt will be returned.

20. If your eyes itch or under your eyes - on this day you will cry about something, regret. Left eye - to joy, right eye - to tears.

21. Ass itching - praised. The right buttock - to illness and sadness, the left buttock - to self-interest.

22. The back of the head itches - they will scold.

23. Itchy temechko - to thoughts about family and related matters, and the more it itches, the more important things to be resolved.

24. Itchy knees - pray on your knees in a strange church or repent for sins.

25. Elbow itching - to grief, or to sleep on someone else's bed, or fall on it. Right elbow - to a dispute, quarrel, fight. Left elbow - in front of a strange, unrealistic proposal.

26. It itches between the eyebrows - to a meeting with a married couple.

27. Toes itch and calluses on them - to change the weather to inclement, but this is true only for the elderly and at the same time sick people.

28. Soles itch - you have to work with your feet or set off on foot, to the road. In this case, the people say: “The soles are combed - to be boots behind your shoulders” (dangling boots on a staff). Right sole - go on a pleasant trip. Left sole - an unpleasant and difficult trip lies ahead.

The signs associated with the secrets of the human body excite the population of the modern world no less than in the old ancient times. If something happens to one or another part of our body, then it is not just like that, and something must definitely happen. And what itches for is signs that have taken root since time immemorial.

Superstition or folk tale?

Why does the forehead itch, for example? It turns out that forehead scratching is directly associated with a pleasant meeting, which means that a person will say hello to a close friend, and even a heart-to-heart conversation is possible. Eyebrows are located on the forehead of a person.

If the right eyebrow is combed, it means that someone has praised you very much, and if the left one, on the contrary, someone scolds or gossips about you. If the left eye itches, it means that soon you will have good news, and it is better for the right eye not to itch, otherwise, tears cannot be avoided.

Ear itched - girlfriend gossiping

Let's move on to the ears. “Why does the ear itch?” - you ask. So, when the right ear itches, a sign is used that is completely identical to the one when the left eyebrow itches. This means that people scold and slander this person. If the left ear already itches - someone gives this person praise and admires him.

Language, they say, is either my friend or my enemy - depending on the situation, people sometimes tend to make jokes, and vice versa, to remain silent somewhere. But why the tongue itches, it is better for each of them to know. If the tongue is completely combed, it means a quick conversation with a person unknown to you. But if the tip of the tongue is combed, they slander a person with unkind words. In this case, there is such a sign: you need to either bandage the tip of the tongue, or dip it in salt or hot pepper. Thus, as it were, their words are returned to the “well-wishers”.

Does your hand always itch for money?

The left hand usually itches for money and emergency financial assistance. But for an early meeting, maybe long-awaited or unexpected, the right hand itches. A peculiar and interesting sign about elbows.

If the right elbow itches, this can lead to an unpleasant quarrel or skirmish, which gradually develops into a scandal. It’s good if the left elbow suddenly itches: a very interesting, unexpected and profitable offer will come to a person, for example, it may turn out to be some kind of financial deal or real estate deal, but always on a large scale.

Back itches - "wings grow"?

Smoothly moving to the back, and then the people in the old days noticed why the back itches. But the back, just, itches to trouble, some unpleasant news will sadden a person, and he may become depressed.

When the spine itches, there will be a sharp change in the weather, this can negatively affect health.

Itchy heels - the rain will come to the beds

Feet usually begin to itch if a person has a long road ahead. On the knees, which suddenly itched, they determine the arrival of guests in the house. And on the heels you can determine the weather.

Previously, people knew why the right heel itched. It turns out that if it combed in the summer - it will be raining, and if in the winter - wait for the thaw soon

There are many superstitions and signs that are associated with scratching certain ones. Perhaps they will seem strange or funny to someone, but many generations of people have used them and continue to use them to this day, arguing that in most cases the predictions associated with them come true. It is these signs that help some to find out what awaits in the near future. consider in this article. Here are some of the beliefs associated with scratching, whether they are true or not - judge for yourself.

Folk signs: the eye itches

If you feel itching on your lips, then it is possible that this is not a sign, but a beginning cold. As for superstition, it is believed that this part of the face itches for a kiss. During the Second World War, all the men went to war, and only women remained in the villages.

Therefore, passing by the guy, the girl deliberately rubbed her lips, thus showing that she was not averse to kissing him. "Mouths itching - to eat goodies" - this is another meaning of the omen.

What itches for: ears

"The ear itched - wait for the news." Another prediction option is a change in the weather. Lobes, according to legend, itch to heat if you were born in the spring-summer season, or to cold - if in autumn-winter. Sometimes a person hears this is also a sign that has its own interpretation. If it rings in the right ear, then this is good news, if in the left - to bad news.

Other signs: what itches for

  • Eyebrow - to tears or a date.
  • Palm - the right hand itches for money, and the left for parting with them.
  • Elbow - to grief.
  • The bridge of the nose - to the dead, to death. Nostril - portends christening.
  • Cheeks - to tears.
  • Heels - to the road.
  • Knee - you will be jealous of your loved one.

Here are the main beliefs associated with scratching something. Of course, over time, some interpretations and signs have disappeared or changed. What's itching for? This question is no longer so relevant in our time and will seem ridiculous to someone. Although there are certainly people who still believe in omens and listen to their predictions.

Most signs that explain why the head itches promise quarrels and abuse. Pay attention to the intensity of itching - the stronger, the larger the squabbles will be. However, do not be upset - far from all beliefs promise trouble. There are other definitions that depend on which part of the head itches.

  1. A common sign says that the head itches to strife. Moreover, the scolding will begin out of the blue - one wrong word or the slightest reason will serve as the reason. Therefore, if you want to prevent such events, keep yourself in control and try to control emotions.
  2. Itching of the head may also indicate the purchase of a new piece of jewelry or clothing that is worn over the head.
  3. When your head itches - deal with those things that you have been putting off. This must be done in any case, regardless of whether there is a desire or not. Otherwise, the problems will grow like a snowball, and after that it will be much more difficult to deal with them.
  4. It is believed that itching also occurs while you are thinking. Remember, many often scratch their heads at the same time. This helps to put your thoughts in order, and you will gain the ability to generate new ideas.
  5. If your head itches, you will be scolded, as they say, a head washer is expected. Remember, perhaps there are unfinished business or you know where you were guilty. Correct the situation immediately, and then troubles can be avoided.

If whiskey itchs, then signs in this case promise disappointment. The case that has been worked on or on which great hopes are placed will not live up to expectations. In addition, itching in this area indicates a problem, the resolution of which will require effort.

Beliefs say that sometimes whiskey itchs for a conflict that will start over a trifle. You may hear unpleasant words addressed to you or a review that seems unfair. One tip - try to translate all the joke and avoid a quarrel.

Another sign says that in work it is worth listening exclusively to common sense and not allowing emotions to take over. Otherwise, you will become vulnerable to ill-wishers.

For girls, itching of the temples promises a meeting with a loved one. And if a feast is planned, you should be careful, as there is a possibility that you will not hold back before an abundance of alcoholic beverages. Follow the measure, and the rest will leave only positive memories.

Itching at the temples also symbolizes the need to meet with an influential person. Soon you will turn to such a person for help, and if the left temple itches, then you will ask for patronage from a woman, the right one from a man.

There is also a sign that explains in a different way why whiskey itchs: the right one - they are waiting for advice from you, the left one - you yourself need it and will certainly receive it. In the latter case, it is advisable to analyze the current situation and try to understand what caused it. Only in this way will advice help to resolve the situation in the best way.

In addition, the temple itchy on the left, according to signs, means an unpleasant conversation, and this will be a conversation with friends or relatives.

If you pay attention to the interpretation of superstitions that say why the top of your head itches, then signs promise news or changes in the financial sector.

  • Itching arose in the morning - a pleasant surprise will overtake. It will be a salary increase or a bonus.
  • The top of your head itched during the day - get ready for bad news that will be associated either with study or with work.
  • We felt itching in the evening - we are waiting for trouble at work or disappointment due to the fact that you cannot realize yourself in creativity.
  • At night, the temechko itches for news from relatives who are far away. Most likely, the news will be related to health problems.

There is another sign that tells why the top of the head itches - she advises you to prepare for an important conversation. If itching on the right - expect pleasant events, on the left - you will be reproached for working too long on the assigned task. But at the same time, the latter interpretation does not have serious consequences - it will be more a reminder than a threat that promises problems.

If - a sign prophesies long thoughts, doubts and difficulties in making a decision. At the same time, another belief promises a quick visit from a person who misses your company.

Sometimes the back of the head itches for a meeting with relatives. You will get together and can finally communicate, discuss problems and express your thoughts.

And also itching in the back of the head - a warning that you are surrounded by ill-wishers who spread gossip in order to denigrate your person. Perhaps one of your colleagues is trying to take your place, or scammers are developing a scheme that will help you get close to your finances.

At the same time, this may indicate an innocent prank of friends. It is difficult to formulate an exact interpretation, but at the same time, the sign suggests that someone's thoughts are occupied with you and have a negative connotation.

If you are far from your home or have not visited your parents for a long time, then the back of your head itches because of longing. If you're bored, visit your parents. Such a visit will not cause harm.

The head in the back of the head itches and to the problems that have arisen against the background of misunderstanding in the family. It is important to pull yourself together and not become the instigator of a quarrel. Otherwise, it will not be easy to restore order in relationships and make peace.

There is another interpretation that explains the itching in the back of the head as the presence of a ghost. Now he is behind. Do not panic, as we are talking about a loving soul who has come to tell the news. And they are not always bad.

What will help neutralize the bad omen

If the sign promises sad events, then wash your hair to prevent them. Water will smooth out the negative nature of the coming situation or carry it away along with the consequences.
And remember, whatever the color of the interpretation, there is no need to worry.

A sign gives a chance to prepare for a particular event, which means that there is an opportunity to get around sharp corners. And if you tune in to the positive, then even a bad omen will turn into good luck.