What can be prepared from cauliflower. What can be cooked from cauliflower? To prepare an extinguish on this recipe, you should stockday


One of the varieties of ordinary cabbage is cauliflower. She received its name at the expense of different colors, of which only white is distributed in Russia. Lovers of vegetarian cuisine, and just fans of vegetables Surely wondered what kind of cauliflower dishes are? In fact, there are a huge recipes.

Cauliflower is very easy to prepare, uncomplicated, combined with many other products. What can be cooked from cauliflower?

What simple preparation recipes are most popular? Consider some of them.

Cauliflower with chicken fillet baked in the oven

As already mentioned, cauliflower is perfectly combined with many products, complementing them. And the chicken is no exception. Cauliflower in combination with chicken is a beautiful and fairly simple dish, which will decorate even a festive table and delight your relatives and loved ones. Chicken can be replaced by turkey. From this dish will not lose their taste, but will only become more dietary. It is not required for this dish, the side dish is required, because the cauliflower itself acts as a side dish. But if you still want to do this dish, you can apply boiled potatoes or rice to it. So, for the preparation of this dish, you will need the following ingredients:

  • Cauliflower - 500 g;
  • chicken fillet - 400 g;
  • sour cream - 200 g;
  • onions - 1-2 pieces;
  • green - 1/2 beam;
  • salt and spices to taste.
  1. The cooking process begins with the preparation of cabbage and separation of it on inflorescences. Then lower it in boiling water and boil for 5 minutes. Frozen cauliflower cooking does not require.
  2. Meanwhile, finely cut the onions and fry it in a small amount of sunflower oil on a preheated pan.
  3. Chicken fillet must be chopped into small pieces and send to the same pan, where onions are fried. Fry all together for 10-12 minutes.
  4. Take a baking form. Ingredients will be laid out by layers. To lay out cauliflower, lubricate it with sour cream top, sprinkled with salt and spices to taste. Lay out the chicken, roasted with onions. On top of the chicken, lay out sour cream and season your dish. From above the dish you can sprinkle with any fresh greens (parsley, dill, cilantro, basil).
  5. Send shape to the oven, heated to 180 ° C, for 30 minutes. A ready hot dish can be sprinkled with grated cheese if desired. Dish is ready.

Cauliflower baked in a pot

Immediately it is worth saying that the dish on this recipe is very juicy and tasty. It will not be necessary to make a large number of ingredients for the preparation of the dish, it is prepared very simple and fast enough. So, for cooking dishes you will need the following ingredients:

  • Cauliflower - 0.5 kg;
  • chicken egg - 2 pcs.;
  • bread crushers - 7-8 tbsp. l;
  • cream - to taste;
  • butter creamy - 30 g;
  • salt and spices to taste;
  • greens (any) to taste.
  1. To begin with, rinse with cauliflower and disassemble it for inflorescences. Lower it into salted boiling water and boil for 5 minutes, and then lay out on a colander and rinse with cold water.
  2. In a separate bowl, you need to beat chicken eggs with salt, add cream there. Add a cream to taste: If you want to have a lot of sauce in the dish and it was more juicy - add more cream. Their fatty may be any, but the fatter - the more tastier.
  3. Color cabbage distribute equally in the pots, pour it with a ready-made sauce of cream and chicken eggs, sprinkle with breadcrumbs on top. In each pot you need to put on top of a piece of cream oil. The dish can be sprinkled with crushed fresh greens on your choice. And it is possible to decorate the grain already ready to dish.
  4. Send the prepared pot into the oven preheated to 200 ° C and bake until the golden crust appears. Dish is ready.

Cauliflower stewed in sour cream sauce

The dish is very gentle and tasty. It is prepared very quickly and easily, does not require special financial costs.

Preparation of this dish implies the use of the following ingredients:

  • Cauliflower - 1.5 kg;
  • onions - 2 pcs.;
  • sour cream - 200 g;
  • orego - 2 h.;
  • salt, pepper to taste;
  • greens Fresh (optional).
  1. To begin with, rinse the cabbage and divide it on inflorescences. Send to boiling salted water and boil for 10-15 minutes.
  2. Cut the shallow onions and send it to a heated frying pan with sunflower oil. You can use olive oil, at the expense of which the dish will acquire some piquancy and benefit.
  3. After the cauliflower is welded, it must be divided into even smaller inflorescences, and then send to the onion to the pan. Close the lid and extinguish 15 minutes.
  4. Then add sour cream in the pan, salt and pepper to taste. If you wish, you can add some mayonnaise, which will give a pleasant sourness. Touch all about 5 minutes.
  5. If you wish, cut the small greens (to choose from), add to the pan and extinguish another 5 minutes. Dish is ready.

Cauliflower in egg chicken

Cauliflower fried in the egg will become an excellent addition to fish and meat, and it can serve as an independent dish. Cooking is very simple, does not require special skills in cooking. For cooking the following products will be needed:

  • Cabbage color - 700 g;
  • chicken egg - 2 pcs.;
  • flour - 2 tbsp. l.;
  • a pinch of salt;
  • vegetable oil - 2-3 tbsp. l ..
  1. Color cabbage should be rinsed, dry and disassemble for inflorescences. Then send it to boiling salted water, where it is boiled 7-8 minutes. Then lay it out on the colander and rinse with cold water.
  2. In a separate dish, take the chicken eggs, add salt to taste, if you wish, you can add spices. Add 2 tbsp in the egg. l. Flour and carefully whisk for a fork.
  3. Pour sunflower oil in the pan and put on gas. Every piece of cauliflower is dipped into a prepared egg solution, and then send to a preheated frying pan.
  4. It is necessary to fry it on both sides before the formation of a golden crust.

Recipe for vegetable stegu

This dish will surely please your loved ones and guests. The recipe is simple enough, cooking does not take much time, and the result will be sure to please you. For this dish you will need:

  • Cauliflower - 0.5 kg;
  • fresh tomatoes - 5 pcs.;
  • onion onion - 1 pc.;
  • fresh carrot - 1 pc.;
  • potatoes - 2 pcs;
  • vegetable broth (can be replaced with water);
  • ground coriander, salt, pepper and kary powder - to taste.
  1. Cabbage disassemble small inflorescences. Then the onions and carrots are cleared. Onions are finely cut, and carrots are cut into small cubes. Pour the tomatoes with boiling water, remove the skin and finely cut. Potatoes Clean and cut into small cubes.
  2. In boiling salted water, send cauliflower and boil for 5-7 minutes.
  3. In a preheated frying pan with sunflower oil, fry the onions onions. Then add sliced \u200b\u200bcarrots to it and roast a few more minutes. After the onions and carrots are frying, add tomatoes to the pan, reduce the fire and extinguish all together for a few minutes. Then add potatoes to the pan, pour water or vegetable broth, cover with a lid and extinguish 15 minutes.
  4. By the expiration of this time, add a cauliflower, a kary and ground coriander powder into the pan, mix everything thoroughly and extinguish until the potatoes are ready.

Cauliflower in acute refueling

The recipe for the preparation of such an interesting cauliflower dish implies the use of the following ingredients:

  • Cauliflower - 1 kg;
  • olive oil - 1/4 tbsp.;
  • sour cream - 2 tbsp. l.;
  • lemon juice - 1/4 tbsp.;
  • mustard Dijonskaya - 2 h.;
  • greens fresh (to choose from) - 1 bundle.

First you need to disassemble the cabbage into small inflorescences and send to a saucepan with salted boiling water, cook for 5-7 minutes. After you need to put it on a colander and cool in cold water.

Meanwhile, the greens need to rinse, dry and chop finely. Greens can be chosen absolutely any, your taste (basil, parsley, dill, kinza, celery).

Cook the sauce: in a twisted jar, send olive oil, lemon juice, mustard, sour cream and greens. Close the jar and mix everything thoroughly. Ready sauce must pour a dish and mix everything thoroughly. This dish will serve as an original and tasty snack.

Cabbage Cutlets

This recipe is very interesting, the cutlets are delicious, dietary and useful. Such cakes can be served with boiled potatoes, rice or other vegetables. The recipe for cooking is very simple, under the power of every mistress. So, for the preparation of such cutters you will need:

  • Cauliflower - 0.5 kg;
  • chicken egg - 2 pcs.;
  • onions - 1 pc.;
  • potato starch - 3 tbsp. l.;
  • vegetable oil for frying;
  • salt, pepper and other spices - to taste;
  • greens (optional).
  1. Color cabbage grind in the combine or kitchen knife. Then lay it out in a colander, pour boiling water and give water to the water.
  2. Meanwhile, finely cut the onions and grind the greens.
  3. Mix cabbage, pre-whipped chicken egg, greens, onions, starch, salt and pepper. Mix everything thoroughly.
  4. Scroll to warm up, add sunflower oil. The finished mass should be laid on the pan with a spoon (as pancakes) and fry before the appearance of a golden crust on both sides. Cutlets are ready.

Cauliflower Salad with Walnuts

This recipe is distinguished by its originality, unique taste and ease of preparation. To prepare a salad, you will need the following products:

  • Cauliflower - 800 g;
  • greens to choose from - 1 beam;
  • walnuts - 150 g;
  • salt to taste;
  • mayonnaise.
  1. It should be immediately noted that the salad can be prepared both from raw cauliflower and from blanched. If you decide to blanch cabbage, for this you need to send it, disassembled to inflorescences, in boiling, slightly salted water. After 3-5 minutes, it should be pulled out to the colander and give water to the water.
  2. After she cooled, you can chop finely.
  3. Greens also finely cut.
  4. Walnuts are slightly frying in a frying pan, and then grind them into the mortar. It is not necessary to grind too small, the pieces should be large enough.
  5. Mix cabbage, greens and walnuts. Season to taste with salt and add mayonnaise. Salad ready.

Cauliflower with mushrooms

The dish is not only full of vitamins, but is also lean. If you wish, you can add other ingredients that complement the already beautiful taste. By adding cereals to this dish, it can be made not only very useful, but also satisfying. Crow can be used absolutely any, and you can do without it without it. The recipe implies the use of the following products:

  • Cauliflower - 0.5 kg;
  • couscous - 3/4 tbsp.;
  • leek - 1 pc.;
  • salad sheets - 1 beam;
  • champignons - 10-12 pcs.;
  • chicken or vegetable broth - 1-4 tbsp.;
  • canned beans - 1/2 art.;
  • dried cranberries - 1/4 tbsp.;
  • butter creamy - 30 g;
  • vegetable oil - 1 tbsp. l.;
  • salt, pepper to taste.

In a small saucepan, bring to a boil 1 tbsp. Waters, then add Couscous there, mix well and close the lid. On slow fire. Preparing a croup for 5 minutes.

Meanwhile, cut the white part of the onion-row with circles. Salad sheets will also wash, dry and cut. You can replace them with spinach.

Clean mushrooms, wash and cut into thin slices. Cold cabbage share on inflorescences and hide with boiling water. Send it to a preheated frying pan, add vegetable oil and a piece of creamy. Mix thoroughly thoroughly, add leek and mushrooms. All fuse 7 minutes.

In the pan, add wrapped boiling water cranberries, leaf salad and beans, salt and pepper to taste. Take another 8 minutes, and then turn off. Feed the dish is hot.

The diversity of cauliflower dishes cannot but rejoice, just to include fantasy. Try, experiment.

Discussion 4.

Related Materials

The nutritional value of this product is very significant: vitamins and important trace elements in its composition take part in all processes of vital activity of the human body. In addition, despite the close "kinship" with a white-grained variety, the inflorescences of color do not cause increased gas formation in the intestine. That is why cauliflower is useful in breastfeeding, enriching the diet with vitamins without risk to cause colic in the baby.

For baby food, by the way, such a vegetable is also very useful. You can already give a puree with a pure cabbage with a six-month older., This vegetable is recommended for the first dust. Cauliflower in significant amounts contains iron, so you can consider such a product for preventing anemia - a frequent problem in infants.

Calorie cauliflower is low, only 30 kcal per 100 grams. Vegetable, so people who follow their weight must be taken note.

It is recommended to regularly use this vegetable and cores, because the record maintenance of potassium helps to prevent the development of heavy defects and failures in the work of the heart muscle. It is also useful for people suffering from gastrointestinal diseases in acute form. Unlike other species, cauliflower does not contribute to the formation of gases in the intestine, therefore it can be introduced into the diet even after gastritis.

On the other hand, cauliflower is not a panacea, it is necessary to use it in reasonable doses, because even the most useful product has its own nuances and contraindications with which the following information will also be introduced.

In which cases this vegetable should be avoided:

  • Increased acidity of the stomach. It is not necessary to completely refuse, in minimal quantities you can use.
  • Diseases of kidneys and hypertension. In the diet, enter only by the testimony of the doctor.
  • Allergic reaction. Naturally, full failure.
  • Gout is also the reason to abandon any use of cauliflower. Purines contained in it can not only provoke an attack, but also contribute to the further progression of the disease.

By observing a reasonable compromise, and not abusing any product, you can expand as much as possible and diversify your diet, getting from food not one pleasure, but also a natural benefit.

How to choose and cook cauliflower

The choice of a suitable Kochana is easy. It is best to buy strong and fairly tight plugs with snow-white coloring. If there are dark spots on the surface, the leaves are no longer green, but with yellow, such a vegetable is almost spoiled and does not fit for food.

Preparation of cauliflower is short-lived, boil inflorescences for about 10 minutes, after which the main ingredient is considered ready. Boiled inflorescences are used for baking, roasting and making mashed potatoes. A variety of options will help choose the optimal cauliflower recipes. All ingredients are perfectly combined with a magnificent taste of this vegetable. The best options are submitted further in our article.

Cauliflower recipe in Klyar

To do this, traditionally use a clarity of dough or cheese. Such a dish can be confidently called the "business card" of this vegetable, because it is with him that most of us cauliflower is associated. Cooking will take a maximum of half an hour to reduce calorie content. It is possible to flush the oil with a paper napkin. Cauliflower in the batter will have a wonderful taste, the possibility of filing to the table in a hot form and as snacks.

Required ingredients:

  • kochan about a kilogram of weight;
  • eggs - 4 pcs.;
  • flour - 4 tbsp.;
  • salt and spices;
  • oil for roasting.

How to cook:

Kochan Disassemble the inflorescences of approximately one size, boil and cool. So far, the inflorescences can be cooking can be prepared. For this there are several options: the usual liquid dough (egg, salt, flour and some cold water) or more interesting cheese panicing. For her cooking, you can simply add grated solid cheese or sprinkle hot inflorescences at the end of cooking.

Fried cauliflower can be simply climbed in breadcrumbs and slightly roasted in a skillet. For some gourmets, it is preferable to use beer clearance, where instead of the main ingredient - water, a little non-alcoholic beer is added.

Cauliflower in the oven

More useful preparation will be the use of a brass cabinet. You can make dietary dishes and feed the pickly child. Such recipes can be invented independently according to the principle: which lies in the refrigerator.

Cauliflower baked in the oven with cheese

Required ingredients:

  • kochan small size;
  • milk - 3 tbsp.;
  • sour cream - 4 tbsp.;
  • solid cheese - 200 gr;

How to cook:

Kochan disassemble and boil. In the meantime, the fill is preparing: mixed with milk, spices and scorched cheese. Melted butter is well lubricated by a baking sheet, after which they lay boiled inflorescences. From above, evenly pour the refueling and send to bake in the oven (220 degree temperatures) for about 15 minutes. Cheese can be simply sculpting from above, but already at the end of the baking.

Casserole of cauliflower in the oven

Required ingredients:

  • medium-sized forks;
  • cream - 0.5 glasses;
  • eggs - 3 pcs.;
  • chicken fillet - 400 grams;
  • solid cheese - 200 gr;
  • oil for lubrication Night;
  • salt, spices and chopped greens.

How to cook:

Cabbage to boil in inflorescences, chicken fillet also cook and cut into small portions. From eggs, cream and spices make sauce. Cabbage and meat mix and lay out on the tray. Top to pour sauces and put an oven in a preheated to 200 degrees for 20 minutes. About five minutes before the final readiness to sprinkle with grated cheese and chopped greens. Serve hot.

Cauliflower Soup Recipe

Diet food is impossible to imagine without the first dishes. The cooked cauliflower soup is characterized by excellent taste, low calorie and at the same time it is extremely nutritious and useful. Such sues can not only make domestic, but also serve to the feast.

Useful and low-calorie soup

Required ingredients:

  • half Kochan;
  • chicken meat - 300 gr;
  • rice cereals - 100 gr;
  • potatoes - 3-5 pieces;
  • water - 2.5 l;
  • carrots - 1 pc.;
  • spices, salt and greens.


Swim broth, pull meat and divide into pieces. In the finished broth cook rice and chopped vegetables: carrots, potatoes and onions. At the end of the cooking put meat and separated cabbage inflorescences. After the readiness of rice and potatoes, serve to the table, decides the soup of greens,

Cauliflower Soup

Required ingredients:

  • medium sized cabbage;
  • potatoes - 3-5 pieces;
  • bulb (can be used sometimes) - 1 pc.;
  • cream - 200 gr;
  • carrots - 1 pc.;
  • salt, spices and greens to taste.


Vegetables clean and cut: potatoes and onions - cubes, carrots by half rings. Kochan Disassemble the inflorescences of approximately one size. Pour a lot of oil to the bottom of the pan, fry carrots and onions. After add potatoes, cabbage and pour everything with warm water (preferably boiled, from the kettle). Salt and cook to the final potato readiness.

Vegetables take out and grind in a blender. For a more delicate consistency, it is advisable to add a little to add water from the beam. Soup can be twisted with spices and crushed garlic. Pour the resulting creamy mixture again into the pan, add cream and warm up a bit, trying not to boil. Decorate with greens and serve to a table with cooked crackers from wheat bread.

Cauliflower salad

Required ingredients:

  • medium-sized cauliflower;
  • one green apple;
  • sour cream for refueling - 4 tbsp.;
  • marinated vegetables: pepper, eggplants and garlic - 1 pcs;
  • oil for roasting;
  • salt and spices.

How to cook:

Inflorescences to disassemble and boil. In order to find out how much cooking cauliflower, it will be enough to check it out for a fork or a knife. Water merge, leaving a little marinade for refueling. In the frying pan fry inflorescences, dry on a napkin from excess butter. Apples, peppers and other vegetables cut into cubes, garlic - petals. In the salad bowl, connect all the ingredients, salt to taste. The refueling is supplied in a separate container. To make her cooking, it is necessary to mix sour cream and a little cooled cabbage beam, add greens and chopped garlic.

Such a salad will definitely produce a furor at the table, so be prepared to share the sevent of cooking.

Marinated cauliflower

Excellent snack option. It is preparing quickly and easily, so there is a chance to please even unexpected guests. The use of spices can be adjusted to your taste, it is usually easier to buy a ready-made set, for example for Korean salads. Korean cauliflower will delight many gourmets who are accustomed to navigate their own preferences.

Required ingredients:

  • medium sized cabbage;
  • olive or sunflower oil - 3 tbsp.;
  • wine vinegar - 2 tbsp.;
  • green onion - 1 beam;
  • garlic - 3 teeth;
  • salt and spices to taste.

How to cook:

First of all, it is necessary to boil the inflorescences to half-preparation and make marinade. To do this, cut down onions and garlic, fry a little on a frying pan to give a brighter fragrance and a specific taste. In a separate container, mix vinegar and spices, you can even add a little raisin and fenhel grains for piquancy. Roasted bow Add to marinade, dilute with 4 tablespoons of cabbage beam, then pour the baked inflorescences obtained by the resulting liquid. Leave for marinating at least an hour, after which the dish is ready to use.

Cauliflower in a slow cooker

This unique device has greatly facilitated the life of hostesses around the world, so it is not surprising that there are more and more recipes and ways to prepare your favorite dishes using multi-curren. When choosing the necessary modes, repel from the model of your technique, as well as from the experience of previous preparations.

How to cook cauliflower in a slow cooker?

Pre-welded inflorescences to cool. Beat two eggs with salt and spices, to dilute a mixture with cold water. To the resulting carcaste of the cabbage, then rewind in breadcrumbs, a semolina or flour and fry in a slow cooker on a suitable mode without a cover. All must be intermitted periodically, after the appearance of a golden crust - pull out and slightly dry on the napkin. To the table to serve with greens.

Cauliflower dishes are an excellent option for a casual dinner and a festive table.

There are many successful recipes, thanks to which you can truly enjoy these tasty, and most importantly, wealthy vegetable. The use of boiled inflorescences in children's and dietary food is very justified, because the content of beneficial trace elements and vitamins in cauliflower has few competitors. There are also contraindications, neglect which is unreasonable, so familiarize yourself with them.

The best recipes presented in this article will prompt and help you learn how to cook a cauliflower is delicious, quickly and maintaining the unique composition is intact. Using basic methods as a basis, you can alternate and vary the components used to get absolutely new dishes and flavors.

Vegetables in human diet - products necessary. They constitute proper nutrition, diets, give vitamins and fiber for the body. Cauliflower, understandable case, is no exception and is the source of a set of beneficial substances. 100 grams of this vegetable contains 30 kilocalories. In addition to proteins, fats and carbohydrates in cauliflower, a large variety of vitamins and substances that feed the human body are contained.

  • Cabbage contains phosphorus, which strengthens the bone, improves metabolism.
  • Magnesium, which helps to strengthen the nervous system, prevents the appearance of stones in the kidneys and normalizing blood pressure.
  • Selenium, contributing to the growth of hair and nails and enhancing immunity.
  • Copper and iron that significantly improve blood quality. Calcium and zinc, strengthening bones and musculoskeletal system.
  • Sodium supporting water balance in the body, and manganese, which reduces the risk of allergic reactions.

In addition to the useful substances, "Curly" cabbage contains vitamins of groups A, B, C, E, K. RR, N and dietary fiber.

Food fibers clean the body, help in the fight against excess weight and restore the microflora of the intestinal tract. But at the same time, despite the many advantages, in some situations, cauliflower can bring human damage organism.

This vegetable is contraindicated in large quantities of those who have diseases such as gout, a high level of uric acid, thyroid disease, kidney disease, with a tendency to allergies, hypertension, kidney disease and after transferred operations in the chest and abdominal cavity.

Cooking recipes step by step with photos

With different thermal processing of cauliflower with this vegetable, you can create a large variation of various dishes.. Such dishes are perfect for diets, attempts to lose weight, in the post and just with healthy diet (more nuances about dietary recipes from cabbage can be found). Consider step by step a few, how easy and tasty prepare cauliflower dishes, which can be done from it quickly.


This recipe is perfect for those who follow the post, as well as for vegetarians.

The soup from the "curly" vegetable on this recipe will be very tasty and gentle.

We will need to prepare the following ingredients:

  • Cauliflower (1 pcs).
  • Potatoes (2-4 pieces).
  • Carrots (1 pcs).
  • Onion onion (1-2 pieces).
  • Canned corn (1 pack 200-250 gr), can be replaced by canned peas.
  • Vegetable oil (50 gr).
  • Salt to taste.
  • Greens and spices to taste.


  1. First you need to clean, wash and cut into potatoes.
  2. Throw it in 2.5 liters of boiling water.
  3. During the cooking of potatoes, clean and wash the onions and carrots, then grind carrots on a large grater.
  4. From onions and carrots to make a roast: on a heated frying pan with vegetable oil throw ingredients and fry, stirring, 5 minutes.
  5. Wash and split cabbage on inflorescences.
  6. When potatoes will be ready, mix in a saucepan of corn, inflorescences and roasted, salt, add spices and leave boiled on slow fire about 5 minutes.
  7. After cooking, the soup is given to breed 5-10 minutes and serve with sour cream and greens.

More information about the recipes of cauliflower soups can be found.

We offer to prepare cauliflower soup on video recipe:


The peculiarity of such a dish as a salad is that the ingredients do not require special heat treatment, vegetables are sufficiently crushed in a certain way. For the preparation of small-calorie salad from cauliflower will be the following components are needed:

  • 400 g of cauliflower.
  • Cherry tomatoes (6-8 pieces).
  • Cucumber (2 pieces).
  • Bulgarian pepper (1 pcs).
  • 1 clove of garlic.
  • A pair of parsley twigs.
  • 1-2 Art. Spoons of lemon juice.
  • 3-4 tbsp. Spoons of olive oil.
  • Salt to taste.


  1. Cucumbers and peppers cut into cubes (pepper pre-clearing from seeds), tomato cut into quarters.
  2. The cauliflower must be rinsed, divided into inflorescences and grind in a blender to a large crumb to consistency.
  3. After that, fold all the ingredients in the salad bowl, mix and give a salad to have a drink within 10 minutes.
  4. Light vitamin salad ready.

Such a salad will bring great benefits for the body and saturate with it with vitamins.

How to cook various cabbage salads can be found.

We offer to prepare cauliflower salad on video recipe:


For those who are not a fan of traditional soups, cream soup is an excellent way out. Fast cooking, this soup is very tasty and useful.

For dishes you will need:

  • 300 g of cauliflower.
  • Medium-sized potatoes (4 pcs).
  • Middle size onions (2 pcs).
  • Clot of garlic.
  • Fresh parsley (5-6 twigs).
  • 200 ml of cream.
  • 1 tbsp. Spoon of cream oil.
  • Bay leaf (1 leaflet).
  • Salt and pepper taste.
  • Approximately a glass of water.


  1. Purified potatoes cut into small pieces, onions - on a semiring, to divide the cabbage to inflorescences, and to separate the parsley from the stalks, cleaned and cut garlic.
  2. Petrushka chopped together with garlic, in a saucepan heat the butter and fry onions in it before transparency (on medium heat), and then salted, pepper.
  3. Add potatoes in a saucepan and two minutes later add water and bring to a boil.
  4. After adding a laurel sheet and pecking for 10 minutes on slow fire.
  5. Laurel leaf remove and pour cream, at the same time add cabbage cream and, not allowing boil, cook 10-15 minutes (until the cabbage is readily).
  6. After cooking, beat the soup in the blender to the gravel consistency.
  7. Sprinkle a dish with chopped with garlic parsley.

Cold cabbage cream soup is very gentle and nutritious.

We offer to prepare cauliflower cream soup on video recipe:

Fried in a grain on the second

  • Cabbage color, Kochan.
  • 3-5 eggs.
  • 2-4 tbsp. Spoons of flour.
  • One and a half teaspoon salts.
  • Paul teaspoon of ground pepper.
  • Vegetable oil (100-150 ml), can be replaced with creamy.


  1. Cutting crucifably on the Kochan Kochan cabbage, pecking it into a slightly salted water of 7-8 minutes, strain.
  2. To beat the eggs with the remaining salt and pepper, gradually adding flour to mix to a homogeneous state.
  3. Cut cabbage to suitable pieces suitable, to dip in the clarity and fry on a frying frying pan to a golden crust from all sides. Bon Appetit!

To prepare such a dish, you can still use breadcrumbs (on how to cook a vegetable in breadcrumbs, read B). They can be added to Clar. So cabbage will get crunchy.

For more information about contrasting cauliflower in Klyar, it is possible to find out how to do it in a skillet, read.

We offer to cook cauliflower in a video recipe:

Garnish from vegetable

You will need:

  • Cauliflower.
  • Butter.
  • Salt.
  • Greens.


  1. Cabbage to split on inflorescences, rinse and.
  2. Boiled cabbage sprinkle with greens and pour melted creamy oil - ready!

You can find out more detailed about the cauliflower garnish.

Korean snack

A sharp-sweet snack with a wonderful aroma.

For the recipe will be required:

  • 1 kg cabbage colored.
  • Bulgarian pepper (3pcs).
  • Acute pepper (2pcs).
  • One carrot.
  • Garlic head.
  • Litere of water.
  • Bunch of parsley.
  • Coriander teaspoon.
  • 200 grams of vinegar (9%).
  • 50 grams of vegetable oil.
  • 2 tbsp. Salt spoons.
  • 150 gr sugar.


  1. Cabbage inflorescences to boil, give them to cool.
  2. Clean and wash carrots.
  3. In a saucepan with water, add sugar, salt, butter, then boil.
  4. Carrots grate, Bulgarian pepper without seeds cut into strips, and sharp - chopped with seeds on rings.
  5. Garlic snapped, and greenery to crumple.
  6. After the boiling of the marinade add all the ingredients and cabbage to it, mix and keep it thoroughly after cooling in a coolness of 12 hours.
  7. Snack is ready.

About how to prepare cauliflower in Korean, read in.

We offer to prepare Caulded Korean Cabbage by video recipe:

What else can you cook and how to do it in a simple way?

If lean and vegetarian recipes are too low-calorie, fresh, not enough nutritious, well, or just want meat, then in the above it is easy to add some more ingredients.

  • Soup You can boil with meat or with champignons or shiitak mushrooms (more nuances about soups from cabbage can be found).
  • IN salad You can easily add other vegetables and greens. For example, the unusual taste of Salat will give basil, celery, arugula. From vegetables you can add zucchini or eggplants - calories and taste will immediately increase in the salad (more detailed about salad recipes can be found).
  • In ready cream Soup Add fried champignons with crackers, and bacon - fried or dried to cauliflower in the crook.

As for the garnish of cauliflower, it can be served both to meat and fish. Cauliflower options are a huge set - experiment can be safe.

How to serve on the table?

Save your culinary creation - the case is simple.

  1. Soups can be decorated with chopped greens and croutons, salads - thick balsamic sauce, or sour cream sauce.
  2. The leaves of basilica, dill and arugula are perfect for a hot dish.
  3. Cauliflower dishes, especially hot, you can sprinkle with grated cheeses, it will add taste and looks aesthetic.
  4. Walnuts, cedar and hazing hazelnuts look in salads.

Cauliflower is not only a package of nutrients, it is not only very nutritious and, while, low-calorie, it, with proper cooking - insanely tasty. Now we know that you can cook "peristers" and tasty. Try, cook, look at cauliflower dishes and eat them - solid pleasure.

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As if the nature itself, we were granted a unique chance - to bite flowers! It is no secret that this grade - cauliflower - is distinguished by developed inflorescences, and we use them into food. Of course, most of the beginner caspers do not think about it too much, do not know this fact: they are most interested, with which to make cauliflower. Well, there is a lot of options here, and the inflorescences themselves have to a wide variety of dishes. Let's try to cook?

Pleasant taste and benefit

Excellent vitamin qualities and benefits of this vegetable involuntarily lead to the question, how to make it delicious to cook cauliflower? Recipes with the participation of ripe inflorescences, as, however, with other types of vegetables, are traditionally distinguished by variety. These are soups, and all sorts of casseroles, and stew, and even salads. Cauliflower dishes are often used as an ingredient a welded product. And also baked in raw form, marinate. And I must say that it has a very spicy taste with gentle and in the measure of a crunchy structure. Frequently vegetable roasted, here you can recall the famous recipe "in the batter" or - crawled in crash, cauliflower with eggs.

What and how to cook

Preparation of dishes are best produced in stainless steel dishes on a small fire. The cabbage contains sulfur, which can promote the gas, and this method of cooking helps to avoid unwanted effects. Below will be described, with which to make cauliflower in the pressure cooker (all the utility contained in a vegetable is best preserved here. With the same purpose - the preservation of vitamins - prepare cauliflower and in a double boiler or in a slow cooker. In addition, very appolutely, with a constant crispy crust, it will turn out in the oven. Baked in the oven can be made of raw, and from the boiled component.

In terms of the main rule, it should be reminded how easy it is to cook cauliflower so that it turns out to be the maximum delicious. It should not be too digested and firing, otherwise it will be a tasteless, not very useful. By the way, the recipe from the raw ingredient is also available. Such an option, like, for example, to make raw, however, should be reminded that such rough food is not suitable for any stomach. And the preparation of the term processing is safer in this sense. For example, the optimal recipe from cauliflower - baking with cheese. Or - cream-soup with cauliflower, or - casserole from it or - roasting in the batter. As you can see, you can pick up the dish almost anyone. Undoubtedly, they will be useful to vegetarians and performing the post. So beholding this product, choose recipes on your saucer and enjoy beautiful vegetable (or rather, its inflorescences).

As in a frying pan

The whole secret of this dish is that the pre-prepared main ingredient is quickly roasted in the oil and immediately served on the table. We will need: kilo cabbage disassembled on inflorescences, oil for frying (it is desirable to take olive, but you can get along and sunflower), half a cup of crumbs of bread (or very small crackers), garlic, parsley, salt / pepper to taste.

Preparing simply


How to make cauliflower tasty in a frying pan? To do this, there is a good proven way - roasting in the batter. We will need simple ingredients: kilo inflorescence, pollocking flour, four pieces of eggs, lean oil, solid variety cheese - any spices for taste.

Neatwise the main ingredient is disposed of inflorescences. Make sure that the pieces are not too large, otherwise they can remain solid in the process of cooking dishes. All pieces need to be carefully flushed and cook up to 15 minutes in a slightly salted water in a saucepan.

Separately prepare calcine: spices, eggs, flour. It is advisable to make sure that Clar is a walk. Then the frying process will not cause additional nuances. If you love salinaries, we boldly add a little salt into the dough, just should not be too zealous.
Slices of inflorescence dip in the clarity and fry until golden. Before you lay out cabbage to a frying pan, we make sure that the lean oil has already gotten enough, otherwise the calcine will be burned (the test can be carried out, slightly drowned with water to oil).
I rub the cheese in large and sprinkle with it hot, ready already cabbage. Apply to the table. You can decorate greens. By the way, some cheese chews are added to the clarity itself, and this test version also has its right to life.

Casserole with chicken and cauliflower

What to cook cauliflower? Of course, the easiest way can this be done with chicken. This ingredient is quite cheap and accessible, and it turns out delicious! Ingredients for the existence: Shelves of inflorescences, grams of three hundred chicken files, half a cup of cream (can be replaced by milk elder, but then you need to take a little more), 100 grams of solid cheese, 3-eggs raw, a couple of garlic teeth, salt and greens.

The cooking process is very simple. First we disassemble the cabbage to inflorescences, rinse. I boil in a saucepan within 10-15 minutes (do not digest). Firing boil in a separate dish. Cool and cut on not too large pieces (in proportion to inflorescences). We mix these two main ingredients in the prepared cooking dishes. Sauce prepare: cream, eggs, crumpled by a fork of garlic, salt slightly. Fill the mass laid out in the mold received sauce. From above, the greens are petty and grated. Casserole prepare in the oven at 160-180 degrees 15-20 minutes.

Supach-mashedral with cauliflower

What to cook cauliflower yet? We advise the excellent first dish that can be used both as a festive, and as everyday - universally. We will need:
Sheltered cauliflower, water, several potatoes, a pair of carrots, 1 melted fun (not a cheese product - and real), cream, fresh greens.

Vegetables boil and cut into small cubes. Melted cheese put on a briefly in the freezer, so that it was solid (do not hold it for a long time, so it will freeze, which means it will lose taste). Prepared cheese with three large on the grater, mix with vegetables, after whipping a lot of blender.

We put a saucepan with a vegetable mass with cheese on a small fire, add cream and a little water (so that the soup has lost its density). We bring to a boil, salt, we clean the dishes from the fire. Before serving the dish in the table, we spill a portion and sprinkled with chopped fresh greens.

Fritters: how to make cauliflower tasty

A step-by-step recipe for cooking will require quite a bit of time and strength, and it turns out unusual and very tasty. We will need: kilo cauliflower, a pair of eggs, half a cup of wheat flour, several mayonnaise spoons, a dough dough on a knife tip, a bit of salt and a mixture of peppers, lean oil for frying.

Kochan disassemble with the help of a knife into small "spare parts", slightly soaked in the salt water (about an hour and a half), drain the water, dry the inflorescences and rubies in bed.
In the main ingredient, add eggs and flour, mayonnaise and baking powder. From the cooked mass (it should be thick, but the fluid, approximately, as for ordinary fritters), taking the spreading drops on two sides. You can "drip" with a tablespoon or a little half. And the optimal sauce for the exemption will be sour cream of medium fat. You can add crushed garlic and spices to taste.


How else to cook cauliflower? A step-by-step recipe for an uncomplicated cauliflower salad will delight homemade or looked at the light of friends.

Ingredients: Shelves of inflorescences, a couple of tomatoes, a pair of cucumbers (both, and the other - in the fresh form), lean oil (better take from olive), a pair of bulbs, salt-sugar - for personal preference.

I boil the cabbage until ready, so that the Kochan was already soft (you need to salt water). Kochan disassembled on inflorescences, and cucumbers with tomatoes cut into small cubes. Onions - half rings. Salad refills with oil, added slightly salts with sugar at discretion. Everything is thoroughly mixed - and a delicious simple salad is ready for use, you can and to the table!


And finally, delicious and gentle cutlets that can become an ornament of any, even a festive table. Ingredients for Jam: Cauliflower Kochkishchik, White Baton Bread, Couple-Troika Eggs Raw Milk, Female Wheat Flour, Grams of 200 Solid Grand Cheese, Couple of garlic.

Preparing simply

The pulp of bread-bats swing in milk so that the cakes turned out soft and inextinguity. Cabbage disassemble, rinse and drunk in salted water (up to 7 minutes). Cool, we skip through the meat grinder. Yolks separating from proteins and add to cabbage. We also send a loaf, interfer flour, pepper with salt. But the proteins must be thoroughly beat to the foam and inactively introduce into the total mass. Forms of cutlets and fry them on both sides on the lean oil. Pleasant appetite!