What to do with friends in the summer. Please yourself with different little things. Let the sun bunnies go

Summer is the shortest and busiest time of the year. You can think of a lot of options for leisure, but something more is needed to truly remember the summer.

First of all, you need to appreciate every summer moment - late sunset and early sunrise, a rainbow after the rain and the freshest berries and fruits, warm rain and bright sun. Therefore, the summer to-do list can be reduced to small romantic activities, such as jogging on the grass and sunbathing. I did this last year and is ideal for those who have forgotten about such small pleasures as walking home.

But when children appear in the house, willy-nilly, walks in the warm rain become your everyday life, and sometimes a headache. Therefore, my to-do-list for the summer of 2016 consists of only 20 points, which just need to be done this summer for any family with a small child. So,

USEFUL to-do list for Summer 2016 for the whole family

1. Make ice cream with your own hands

2. Family hike

I also included a hike in the spring to-do list, but in summer the duration and comfort of the hike are several times higher, and you can find a more distant place. For example, the Olenyi Ruchyi park - we have been going there for several years already, but we still will not get together ... done

3. Try out painting with flowers

Dandelions and daisies can be found in any yard, but the stamps from them are very interesting. You can also use tree leaves for stamps.

4. Water bombs

Another fun with children. You can buy small balls-bombs at fix-price, there are just a lot of them in the set. In this case, you can use ordinary balls, there will be many times more spray from them, and therefore pleasure. done

5. Organize a water battle

Water bombs and pistols, raincoats and rubber boots, friends and good humor. Such an event can only be organized on the hottest summer weekends. There simply cannot be a better time for this. The battle can be team or individual, elimination or points - it all depends on the scale of the battle and the amount of supplies. The main thing is to come up with a reason to bring everyone together.

6. Hike for berries and mushrooms

Early in the morning after the rain, put on rubber boots, take a basket and a small knife and go into the thicket of the forest in search of fresh fragrant mushrooms - here it is, summer romance in its purest form.

7. Colorful outdoor games

Throw eggs with paints, paint with colored foam, crayons or a plastic bottle of paint, making a hole in the cap. There are a lot of such games with paints, and the best place for them is in the yard in the open air. Fresh air multiplied by children's delight is the key to a great summer. done

8. Drawing with soap bubbles

When, if not in the summer, indulge in soap bubbles. The recipe is simple - soapy water, food coloring and a straw. Pour the tinted soapy solution into a low container and make a mini-geyser using a straw. When the bubbles rise above the level of the sides, put a piece of paper on top, on which magic soap stains will instantly be printed. done

9. A bike ride with the whole family

This item is quite simple to perform, but if you do not have a bicycle and a child's bicycle seat, do not rush to get upset - both a bicycle and a chair can be rented anywhere in the city. The main thing is desire, and the rest can be solved. done

10. Collect leaves and flowers for the herbarium

In summer, green leaves and beautiful flowers will be an excellent tool for various crafts, but you need to take care of their presence at home in advance. done

11. Open-air festival

Music festivals, theater and dance performances in the open air and, of course, the Holi festival of colors are a great way to diversify your summer leisure. In this case, the main thing is to keep your finger on the pulse and learn about certain events in a timely manner. For example, in Yekaterinburg, the first festival of colors has already passed, but there will be another one on 26 June. Information about such events can be found on city portals, Vkontakte or Instagram. done

12. Make a vegetable kebab

Meat barbecue is a tradition of any trip to nature. But what if the kebab is made not from meat, but from seasonal vegetables? Ruddy zucchini and garlic eggplant with onions and tomatoes are a healthy treat for the whole family. It remains to remember this when going to nature next time.

13. Ride the attractions

Our baby is already old enough to appreciate some types of attractions. This is a great occasion to remember your childhood and ride a long-forgotten Ferris wheel, swans or spinning cups. done

14. Go through the wardrobe

For summer outfits after wintering, as a rule, you have to wade through the autumn-winter wardrobe. The best way not to lose a single summer dress is to find it in time. It is also a great excuse to get rid of those things that have long been forgotten and make room for new, bright outfits. done

15. Reduce time spent on social networks

With the abundance of gadgets, we began to spend more and more time on social networks. Is it weak to set a limit on the time spent on this or that gadget? Can you manage for one day without phones, tablets and computers?

16. Hamako felting

Yes, on my to-do list there is an item on how to be lazy. A hammock is a great place to be lazy with the whole family and soak up the summer sun.

17. Make berry jam

All winter I dreamed of strawberry jam, so this year this item belongs to the “must-do” category for me. In general, jam can be made from a variety of berries to your taste. Homemade jam has a unique taste and persistent aroma, and most importantly, it is made with soul and therefore it is much tastier than any other. Although my talent for spoiling even the simplest dishes can be envied))) done

18. Smoothies and lemonade

These are two of the most summertime and healthiest treats you can think of. Smoothies from your favorite fruits or lemonade with fresh berries for breakfast ... You can arrange a whole Fresh-party in the rays of the setting sun or spend a romantic evening with your family, or you can pamper yourself with a different combination of flavors every day. What do you think?

19. Bury the message

How to arrange such a message, where to bury it and what to write there - I still have to answer these questions, but this is already secondary. The main thing is the idea itself.

20. Video about summer

Last summer I already did this and this is a great reason to capture on video the simplest joys of the fleeting Ural summer. I especially recommend it to those for whom a trip to warm countries in winter is a rarity. It is a great mood elevator and source of vitamin D.

If this list seems too short to you, read more summer ideas ⇓.

Hi everyone!

As I promised in the previous post "", today I will tell you about what to do in the summer on vacation.

So you've been waiting for the vacation for so long. I thought that, just a little bit more - and the long-awaited freedom. And now they (holidays :)) have come!

However, in the first days (for someone - weeks), you have already managed to get enough sleep, sit on VKontakte, watch all your favorite films and TV shows. Now you understand that there are still at least 2 months of summer ahead and you need to keep them busy. And, of course, the question arises: "What can be done in the summer?"

The main problem in the summer is the heat, because of which on some days you just do not want to leave the house. But, believe me, even such days can be spent profitably.

And now I offer you a whole list of what can you do at home in the summer :

  • Rest.Try to have a good rest during these couple of months! Don't blame yourself for not doing anything all day. You can allow yourself to do nothing for at least a week (after all, you deserve a rest!). Only here you need to take into account the most important rule - rest should be the opposite of work (that is, study). If you have spent the entire school year reading textbooks, then devote the summer to active rest: move a lot (it is especially good if it is in nature).
  • Chat with friends. On hot summer days, you can throw an Ice Party for your best friends (don't forget to use my tips ""). Also, do not forget about walks (especially in the evening, when it is not so hot). Another option is to spend the whole day with a friend (measure all your or her clothes, or make each other,).
  • Meet... Wherever you are: in the village with your grandmother, at home in the city or on the sea, you have a chance to meet new people everywhere. Be open to new acquaintances and everything will work out!
  • Learn something new... You can use summer to your advantage. Remember, maybe you have long wanted to learn how to dance / speak Spanish / do your hair or makeup / paint. In these 2 months you can learn a lot. The main desire! (I, for example, really want to learn how to make beautiful makeup and hairstyles :)).
  • "Pull up" your weak points... Do you have problems with English, history or literature? Then you have a great chance to improve your knowledge. Yes, I know that now some girls may think: "Aha, this is what I will study in the summer ...". Of course, you may think so, but personally I think that studying in the summer is beneficial. After all, you can do it in an unusual way (watch English films in the original, read historical novels, or choose the most interesting books from the course of literature). Just don't force yourself! If you don’t want to do this, then don’t. Enjoy your summer!
  • Take care of yourself... Now you have a lot of free time that you can devote: making masks for the face and hair, experimenting with makeup and hair. And, of course, do not forget about the figure: jogging, active games - all this will help make your body even more beautiful.
  • Read books... The most important thing here is to find what you like. You don't have to buy a book right away, but download it from the Internet in order to understand whether you like it or not. By the way, you can use the list ““.
  • Work... If you have the desire and opportunity, then you can try to get a job for the summer months. So you will not get bored, and you will earn money :).
  • Improve yourself... Write on a piece of paper what you dislike about yourself and what character traits you would like to improve. Then you can use this list as a plan, noting what you have already managed to change in yourself.
  • Make time for your family. Help mom clean the apartment or cook dinner for the whole family. Summer is a great time to learn how to cook various dishes. Or you can have a family movie show, weekend shopping with your mom, etc. It all depends on your fantasy
  • General cleaning of your room(and maybe even repair :). Completely overhaul your closet and put aside the clothes you no longer wear (you can give them to someone). Go through all the papers on the table and throw away unnecessary ones, etc. You can also do a rearrangement or renovation.

Well, this is where my fantasy ended :). Girls, what else can you do in the summer? Share your ideas in the comments.

Friends, huge hello to everyone! How did your summer start? How's the weather? It's time to dream and make plans so you don't miss out on the best and brightest time of the year. Minutes, hours, days fly by at lightning speed. It seems as if there is a whole world ahead, a whole life full of impressions and new events. But in reality, each day can be similar to the previous one. Boredom is addictive. And only your sincere and frantic desire to decorate your life and take its course into your own hands can make the summer unforgettable.

I offer you a huge list of 100 summer ideas that will help you spend this time in a way that will be remembered for a long time. There are also my plans and dreams. Something I'm really going to bring to life. And some points, alas, in our conditions at the moment are absolutely impracticable. But let's not immediately give up and despair. Dreams come true for those who truly believe in them!

Perhaps the ideas will seem too naive and childish to you. And for the best! When else to pamper your inner child, if not in the summer? This is happiness - at least for a moment, but immerse yourself in childhood. Well, less words, more fantasy. And, of course, more business. Let's go ... What do I dream of doing in the summer and what can I offer you ...

1. Breathe the sea air and hear the sea.

3. See the mountains.

4. Visit an unfamiliar city.

5. Learn to knit and stock up on things made with a soul for the warm season.

6. Make ice cream with your own hands.

7. Have fun with good company.

8. Get a tattoo.

9. Play badminton and frisbee.

10. Arrange morning or evening runs.

11. Visit the forest.

12. Go to the movies.

13. Look at the stars.

14. Drink fruit cocktails.

15. Eat fruit salads.

16. Close the jam or compotes for the winter.

17. Finally get rid of everything superfluous.

18. Feel the morning coolness.

19. Walk in the rain.

20. And then arrange a cozy evening at home.

21. Sew a dress.

22. Create your own home greenhouse on the window.

23. Forcing yourself to be photographed. Well, at least in the summer!

24. Learn to take pictures not only in automatic mode.

25. Have a picnic.

26. It is interesting to celebrate a birthday.

27. Get something in the mail. (This point is especially difficult for me, but with a very strong desire, everything can work out).

28. Write and send paper letters to friends.

30. A lot of walking.

31. Work very hard. (To whom, of course. But without it I don't feel very well 🙂).

32. Review family videos.

33. To meet with an old friend or girlfriend whom you have not seen for sooo long time.

34. Remember happy moments.

35. Go rollerblading and cycling.

36. Attend a cool event.

37. Organize a cool event.

38. Collect bouquets.

39. Weave wreaths.

40. Arrange a photo session. (To yourself or someone else).

41. Learn English.

42. Cross stitch.

43. Play with animals.

44. Write a lot of useful posts.

45. Learn new things.

46. ​​Write poetry.

47. Dance.

48. Hug.

49. Smile.

50. Rejoice sincerely.

51. Take a walk in the park and ride a Ferris wheel.

52. Dine at an outdoor cafe.

53. Walk barefoot.

54. Make a video clip with pieces of life.

55. Ride the train with an overnight stay.

56. Learn to go to bed early and get up with the first rays of the sun.

57. Live a week in the village or in the country.

58. Learn to swim.

59. View the city at night from the rooftop.

60. To make not only tasty and healthy, but also beautiful breakfasts.

61. Meet new people.

62. Visit an interesting master class.

63. Take part in a new project or marathon, or come up with one yourself. (After I entered this item on my list of wishes, in the evening of the same day I miraculously got into two gorgeous marathons at once: one for writing, the other for achieving goals. Both gorgeous! And over time, I will tell about each of them) ...

64. Go boating.

65. Purchase a new beautiful office.

67. Live an imaginary life. ( You can read about the very idea of ​​imaginary lives in Nastya Chuprina's blog).

68. Help someone develop their own online or offline project (which eventually led to the opening my own blogging school).

69. Organize a success team to support each other and move towards goals together.

70. Arrange a holiday for no reason.

71. Decide to finally do what was long-planned, even if the result does not meet expectations.

73. From time to time, and it is better to pamper your “inner child” as often as possible. And why is this necessary, I told in the article " " .

74. Print your own business cards.

75. Wear bright colors.

76. Get a new haircut and acquire an arsenal of simple, interesting hairstyles.

77. Come up with several options for summer bright makeup.

78. Weave a bauble or choker from a floss. (I just love this activity).

79. Play your favorite music loudly.

80. Do a good deed.

81. Add bright colors to the interior.

82. Print photos.

83. Make an inspiring summer collage.

85. Organize a meeting of bloggers.

86. Feel the unity with nature.

87. Don't give up!

88. Play board games.

90. Learn to make lemonade.

91. Walking around eating ice cream.

92. Look for inspiration in everything.

93. Do not be afraid to be yourself.

94. Develop an ideal plan for organizing your time.

95. Write "morning pages" every day.

96. Fix everything that's broken.

97. Find new interesting blogs.

98. Find even more understanding and wise readers.

99. Make some awesome dessert.

100. Start and successfully develop a group with blogging tutorials. (I reveal my secret plans to those who have read to the end 🙂).

I wish you all, friends, a fun and most unforgettable summer! Remember that everything is in your hands. Write a list of your ideal summer, present it in every detail, visualize it, make a collage or save a folder with pleasant summer associations. And go for it! Everything will work out!

P. P. S. Friends, thanks for reading! I invite you to get a little closer and subscribe:

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1. See a rainbow.
2. Take a short trip to the nearest town. It may be small, but you will find a lot of new and interesting things for yourself. You can travel not only to another continent.
3. Eat a kilogram of ice cream.
4. Get tanned.
5. Launch a kite
6. Visit the cinema.

7. Read 20 interesting books. Summer is a great time for self-development and self-education
8. Arrange a water pistol battle. Two teams, several water pistols and a heat of 30 degrees - here it is already clear what to do!
9. Play ping-pong outdoors
10. Have breakfast on your balcony or rooftop. Cool morning breeze, a cup of aromatic coffee or tea, and you are ready for new achievements.
11. Collect raspberries / strawberries in the forest. It is not always necessary to have berries from grandmothers or in stores, you can go to the woods on weekends and try to find this yummy there.
12. Eat cotton candy.
13. Find a four-leaf clover and make a wish
14. Make homemade lemonade
15. Ride a river tram along the river .. You can admire the city from the water, and then get off at any pier and go for a walk further.
16. Go to the park for a picnic.
17. Take a ride on the largest Ferris wheel in the city.
18. Eat as many exotic fruits as possible. Better yet, try something new: medlar, mangosteen, lychee, passion fruit ...
19. Visit the Planetarium.
20. Blowing giant soap bubbles
21. Build a hut
22. Start lunch with dessert
23. Feed the squirrels
24. Take a ride on the map. Karting is an entertainment that will appeal to both children and adults. Have a family race!
25. Look at the clouds and imagine what they look like
26. Stand on the grass your name
27. Make currant beads
28. Catching butterflies with a butterfly net
29. Letting off sunbeams
30. Draw with crayons on the asphalt
31. Take a dip
32. Buy bright sunglasses
33. Go to the Botanical Garden. Children, mothers and fathers alike will like it.
34. Ride a bike all day
35. Bake a pie with berries
36. Don't go online for a week
37. See a shooting star and make a wish. The biggest starfalls in August!
38. Collect a basket of mushrooms.
39. Lie in a hammock
40. Decorate the house with bouquets of wildflowers
41. Arrange a photo walk. Take fun accessories with you and go to your favorite places in the city or, conversely, go to places where you have never been
42. Roast marshmallow marshmallows over the fire
43. See the world through colored glass
44. Jump on a trampoline
45. Go fishing
46. ​​Take a picture in a photo booth: fool around and get a strip of funny frames as a keepsake
47. Build a sand castle
48. Play hide and seek with children
49. Listen to music on vinyl records
50. Learn to moonwalk
51. Eat a juicy, crunchy watermelon
52. Ride the new attractions in the park
52. Weave dandelion wreaths and take sunny photos
53. Cook compote
54. Meet the Dawn
55. Enjoy the birdsong
56. Walk barefoot on the grass
57. Visit ZOO Park
58. Scrapbooking
59. Admire the sunset on the sea
60. Take a trip to a wild beach
61. Build a raft out of plastic bottles and cross some body of water on it (don't forget life jackets
62. Collect a jigsaw puzzle from a thousand pieces
63. Go for a morning jog in the park with the whole family. Clean air will give you a lot of energy and will give you great well-being
64. Go ice skating on an indoor ice rink. Temperature contrast pleasantly tones up)
65. Learn to do something with your own hands: sculpt from clay, make crafts from wood,
add complex, beautiful shapes from origami ...
66. Write a story or short poem
67. Drive down a large hill on a scooter, rollerblades or skateboard
68. Plant and grow a flower or other plant. This can be done, for example, in the country.
69. Launch boats on the river
70. See fireworks
71. Send a message in a bottle along the river, as they did in pirate novels
72. Ride a boat or catamaran
73. Learn to solve the rubik's cube
74. Play a big company in the "mafia" or other board game
75. Try to master some unusual musical instrument, for example,
African drums, jew's harp or didgeridoo
76. Sleep 12 hours straight. When else to get enough sleep if not in summer?
77. Renew your wardrobe, you don't even have to buy anything: make shorts out of old jeans, paint sneakers with a special marker, paint dip-dye T-shirts ... You have a huge scope for creativity!
78. Overeat cherries
79. Capture the best summer moments on video and edit a short film for the whole family to watch later.
80. Find a ladybug on yourself and release it into the grass
81. Play higher feet off the ground
82. Do the house cleaning and throw away all the trash
83. Come up with your own salad, fruit, vegetable, or both.
84. Send a letter or a postcard to someone close or friends from other cities and countries
85. Learn to sit on the twine. Stretch every morning after sleeping and you should be able to do it gradually.
86. Praise the child more often and celebrate his positive aspects
87. Ride a horse
88. Make a Kaleidoscope
89. Get caught in the pouring rain
90. Print the best photos, frame and hang around the apartment
91. Go to a concert together
92. Build a house for a cat
93. Try ice cream with an unusual taste (beetroot with sea salt, sweet potato, blue cheese)
94. Leave each other a flying saucer
95. Wash the windows in the apartment so that there is more sun in the house
96. Visit grandparents
97. Change hairstyles
98. Meet the Street Band
99. Take funny photos with the tourist attractions of the city
100. Inflate many colorful balloons and release them into the sky, saying goodbye to summer

The long-awaited ones are already approaching and each leaf of the calendar comes off with great impatience. Rest soon, meeting new people, interesting and new impressions. And in order for this period to really turn out to be bright, unforgettable and well spent, it is a good idea to compile for yourself a list of 100 things to do in the summer.

Where to begin

  1. You need to write if necessary. Because saving money will lead to a vacation initiated by the HR department in February.
  2. Do not lie in bed for a long time in the morning, because even a simple breakfast in the fresh air can be enjoyed. You should make it a rule to go out onto the balcony with a cup of a fragrant drink and, for example, a bun, while the whole city is still asleep. In these few minutes you can imagine yourself as a resident of a hotel or a hero from a movie - and you will be in a great mood for the day.
  3. Put things in order. It is necessary to throw out unnecessary items that have accumulated over the year from the cabinets, and hand over the collected books to the library. If you have your own literature, which is no longer needed, then you can simply put it on the mailboxes at the entrance. A pack of paper covered with writing can be handed over to waste paper collection points, old toys and teenage items of clothing can be taken to an orphanage or given away Immediately and space will be freed up, and the mood will improve from knowing oneself to be kind and good. More air and space at home will be added to carry out the other 100 things that a teenager needs to do in the summer.
  4. Sell ​​items that are not needed. There are special forums and sites for this.

Pleasant trifles

  1. During a warm summer shower, you do not need to use an umbrella, but try to get new emotions. In addition, this is exactly what all happy people do: let all their clothes get wet, and passers-by twist at their temples. After all, there is a list, so 100 things to be done in the summer must be done. And if you also take pictures in the rain, you get wonderful shots.
  2. For the sake of interest, you need to try something from exotic fruits that you have not eaten before: papaya, passion fruit, feijoa.
  3. Coming up with your own cocktail, name it after yourself and later consider it your signature drink.
  4. Meet the sunrise on the roof of a high-rise building. It is impossible not to include this item in the list of 100 things that must be done in the summer.
  5. Make a kite or buy a ready-made one and release it into the sky.
  6. Blow up colorful soap bubbles of different sizes. Captivates, by the way.
  7. Swim in clothes.
  8. Take a photo from a bird's eye view.

Personal care

  1. It is advisable for the guys to make a high-quality henna drawing on the body, because it is pleasant for themselves, and the stylish beautiful image will interest the girls.
  2. Change your hairstyle by trying something new for yourself, but what you have wanted for a long time.
  3. Go to the beach to tan beautifully and evenly.
  4. Clothing shopping should also be included in the list of 100 things to do in the summer. Moreover, there are summer discounts in stores, and girls like well-groomed young people.
  5. Trim old jeans into shorts, decorate completely to your liking.
  6. Buy something from winter or autumn things, if you can see them in stores.
  7. Visit second-hand, because there you can buy things that are not affordable in their new condition. You need to look fashionable, good, but at the same time save money, so 100 things that you must definitely have time to do this summer include such an item.

Attitude to the computer

  1. "Clean" your computer. Review the folders in it, organize them systematically, and delete all unnecessary ones.
  2. Download to your computer programs that you have wanted to install for a long time. Update everything that is available.
  3. Leave only one page on the social network, and delete the rest. Immediately the day will be longer.
  4. And it is advisable to forget as much as possible about such advantages of civilization as telephone, computer, TV, and just rejoice and enjoy good weather. Spend a lot of free time on doing useful things.
  5. An exception may be the idea of ​​talking to a foreigner. This can be done in a chat or social network, at the same time learn something new and improve your English.
  6. For a day, completely abandon all means of communication.

Increasing the intellectual level

  1. Speaking exclusively in a foreign language all day is one of the very useful 100 things to do in the summer, as it is great for improving your skills.
  2. Watch a movie or read a book in the original language.
  3. Reading for the soul or completing a literature assignment for the summer. Devote at least two hours a day to a lesson.
  4. Explore the starry sky, looking for constellations from the atlas.
  5. Attend weekend courses: scrapbooking, interior decor, psychology, a photography master class. These kinds of things are not like learning in the usual way, because they are lessons exclusively on very interesting topics. And there are no grades and exams for them.
  6. To visit the museum, as it is interesting, informative, is fraught with probable acquaintance with interesting people. And simply because in summer it is cool and good there.
  7. Read Osho, the essays of the Buddha, the notes of the Dalai Lama.
  8. Recall a subject that did not "settle" in your head, for example, geography or chemistry, and try to understand it.

Spending time with friends

  1. Arrange a competition with your friends in basketball, swimming, football - whatever your favorite sport. And present the prize to the winner.
  2. Go to the amusement park, where to relax on typewriters and the Ferris wheel, to shoot at the shooting range.
  3. It is worth taking a ride on any water transport - and a positive charge is provided.
  4. In hot weather, you can shoot with water pistols or climb into the fountain (but unnoticed by law enforcement officials).
  5. Go to nature with friends, where to organize songs with a guitar and barbecue, and spend the night in a tent.
  6. Play a board game.
  7. Learn to swim if you didn't know how to do it before. Swim with friends further than usual, dive, jump off the pier.
  8. Organize a photo walk, namely, to gather like-minded people and arrange a quest. That is, disperse, and then get together in two hours with photographs of what they agreed to capture. Review all pictures and decide on the winner.
  9. Scuba diving also cannot but be among the 100 things to do in the summer.


Relationships with family and girlfriend

  1. Take photos with your parents as a souvenir.
  2. You can work half the summer. Since constantly asking for money from parents is simply not serious.
  3. Help in the garden, dacha: pull out weeds, plant flowers, bring water, harvest. This should not be a one-time event; it is advisable to travel to the dacha more often.
  4. Collect wildflowers in a bouquet and present to mom or your girlfriend. Or you can simply decorate the room with it, which sets you up for the summer and cheers you up.
  5. Call a girl on a date, where to charm her with your positive and politeness.
  6. Spend a night on the roof with your beloved. Bring a blanket, a thermos and a film on your laptop with you.
  7. If the relationship with the girl has already reached the intimate part, then you can try to organize sex in nature. Thus, some of the 100 things to do in the summer for a teenager help to form their own opinion about what is happening.

Develop positive qualities in yourself

  1. Put on a thin bracelet or elastic band on your left hand, wear for 21 days. After your negative action (lying, gossip, or whatever), change your hand. When you manage to carry it through the entire period without changing your clothes, you can put yourself a fat plus, since now there is more in the world for one kind and good person.
  2. Take a walk with the neighbors dog.
  3. Write a letter to a friend living in another city.
  4. Make peace with whom you need to.
  5. See a pen pal in reality.
  6. Become kinder, more tolerant, sign up for yoga, calm your nerves.
  7. Stop smoking, stop using profanity. Stop biting your nails.
  8. To smile at people just like that, to help them, to say compliments.
  9. Fall in love, meet, communicate.
  10. Play a little with the children in the yard, drawing classics or a snail for them.
  11. Spend the whole day with your child, going for a walk or engaging in an interesting workout. You can visit the park with swings.
  12. If you write something nice with colored crayons under your friend's window, he will smile. And good deeds must be on the list of 100 things to do over the summer.
  13. Find out how you can be useful to other people, become a volunteer.
  1. Learn what has always seemed interesting and attractive. This is a poker game, website building, drawing, or playing the guitar. You can also help a friend do what he or she does just fine.
  2. A good idea is a collage, which is a large sheet of paper with magazine clippings glued to it. This wish sheet must be fixed in front of your eyes and examined every day, experiencing
  3. Watch three films every week that I haven't seen before. It's interesting, topics for conversation with other people will immediately appear.
  4. Visit a professional photo session.
  5. Learn to do moss graffiti.
  6. Take part in a flash mob, information about which can be found on the social network.
  7. Meet 10 interesting people.
  8. Get the autograph of a famous person, as many artists go on tour in the summer, and you shouldn't miss the chance to attend a concert or meet a famous performer.

Please yourself with different little things

  1. Visit a friend, take a good look at the hammock, and then do the same for yourself in a private house.
  2. Recall the taste of natural milk products and purchase them in the village.
  3. Attend some kind of outdoor concert. They set themselves up in cities as enthusiasts who perform songs with a guitar.
  4. Delight yourself with such an ordinary delicacy as ice cream. You can also cook it yourself and enrich the taste with various syrups and fruits.
  5. Collect a jigsaw puzzle of 1000 pieces.
  6. Go shopping and look at what you have long wanted. It is not necessary to buy something, but it is enough to twist the object in your hands, consider it better, decide on its subsequent acquisition.
  7. It's a good idea to go to a flea market, because you might find something useful there.
  8. Write a story about the summer, but do not treat it as a school essay, but do it for yourself. Then save the sheet so that you can read what has been written in a few years and get a share of the positive.

Love nature and take care of health

  1. Planting a tree is a noble and useful business. It should also be included in the must-have 100 things to do this summer for a guy.
  2. Take pictures of a wild animal.
  3. Feed the pigeons.
  4. Walk barefoot on the grass.
  5. The must-have 100 things to do this summer should include a mushroom or berry hike.
  6. In a deep forest, screaming at full strength for relaxation.
  7. For a feeling of unity with nature, swim naked. Just pay attention to the absence of someone outside, otherwise they will be accused of violating moral standards.
  8. At home it is quite possible to go without clothes if there is no one else. Such things liberate and allow you to love yourself more.
  9. Train yourself to go to bed early and not go to sleep in the morning for a long time. Well-being, great mood and a healthy complexion will be a wonderful bonus.
  10. To improve the results in terms of physical culture standards by 2 times.
  11. There are berries and fruits at an advantage over the rest of the meal. Summer is a great time to get all the vitamins you need.

Save summer memories

  1. Make a video of your movements, and then edit the film, while learning to use the program for processing video recordings.
  2. Print the best pictures in the photo center and decorate the wall with them. It doesn't hurt to experience positive emotions once again. This brings a touch of positive to every new day.
  3. Create a playlist about the summer, including those songs that remind you of the events that happened.
  4. In the evening of each day, write down the word that characterizes it.

If you take such 100 points into service, then the summer will no longer seem like something unknown and boring. The long, sad thoughts that it will take place at the familiar computer will disappear. However, it is not necessary to use all the recommendations. You need to take this list and make your own, similar, guided by personal interests and preferences.