What to do before. What can you eat during strict fasting and before communion

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Often you can come across a question of the following nature: “How many days to fast?” And, as a rule, it is asked by people who do not understand the full meaning of this event and its role in the life of a true Christian.

  • fasting;
  • attending evening worship on the eve of the ceremony;
  • reading the prayer rule, the necessary Communion;
  • strict abstinence on the day of Communion itself;
  • confession to the priest and his admission to the sacrament;
  • presence at the Divine Liturgy from beginning to end.

How long to fast before Communion

Preparation for Communion (rest) lasts, as a rule, 3 days and concerns both the physical and spiritual aspects of a person’s life:

  • physical (bodily) cleanliness is abstinence from marital relations and restriction in food. These days, animal food and fish should be completely excluded, and dry food should be consumed in a fairly moderate amount;
  • spiritual cleansing consists in attending a divine service in a church, reading certain prayers and canons.

It is necessary to refuse food (fasting) after midnight, since it is customary to start the sacrament on an empty stomach. Also, a person who is preparing for the ceremony must expel all negative thoughts and extinguish anger. It is better to spend time in solitude and reading the Word of God.

Confession takes place immediately before Communion (in the evening or in the morning). Without it, no one can be admitted to Communion, except for children under 7 years old and cases bordering on mortal danger.

How to Fast Before Confession

Before confession, it is also advisable to fast for three days, physical and spiritual. It must be remembered that Communion depends on this rite, and hence the further purification of a person.

Very often, its passage turns out to be a very difficult and overwhelming task. And if a Christian has already embarked on this path, it means that he is full of strength and will for the further path. In addition to bodily fasting, one must not forget about the purity of thoughts: not to be subjected to abuse, idle thoughts and entertainment, to do good deeds.

Fasting before confession, what you can eat

For complete spiritual cleansing on the eve of confession, you should eat in this way:

  • eat cereals, vegetables and fruits;
  • eat fish;
  • exclude food of animal origin;
  • Alcohol and tobacco are strictly prohibited.

Do pregnant women fast?

But if a woman in such a position wants to fast, she can do it not to the full extent, but be sure to try not to eat meat products and undergo spiritual purification, since the health and life of her child depends on this.

Are the children fasting?

There are also many controversies on this issue. Therefore, initially, a child who is already at a conscious age (starting from the age of seven) needs to correctly and intelligibly explain the meaning and meaning of fasting. After all, children do not fully understand what it means to limit oneself and why to do it. Here it would be appropriate to carry out work on preparing for the post on the following points:

  • fasting is not a diet;
  • visibility of fasting time (calendar);
  • among other children (do not advertise, but do not be shy);
  • post - need or whim;
  • Sunday joys and the feast of expectation;
  • from each according to his measure.

If all these points have been studied, and the child is ready to try his hand, you just need to help him in word and deed. And remember that the main thing is your own example.

Fasting is a truly great sacrament that a person goes through on his own, and the result depends only on him, and it always requires strength and faith. To fast means to become one step closer to the Lord, gradually gaining his spiritual blessing and righteous grace.

Fasting Prayer (Jesus Prayer, Sinner's Prayer)

"Lord Jesus Christ, Son of God, have mercy on me, a sinner";

"Lord Jesus Christ, Son of God, have mercy on me";

"Lord, Jesus Christ, have mercy on me";

"Jesus, Son of God, have mercy on me";

"Lord have mercy".

The Lord is always with you!

Watch a video about fasting before communion:

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Hello, fathers! Could you please clarify whether it is necessary for infants to observe the Eucharistic fast before communion?


Alexander, it is not necessary for infants to observe the Eucharistic fast before communion, but as they age, they need to be gradually accustomed to this, so that by the age of 7 they can already take communion with at least a small, but fasting.

Hieromonk Viktorin (Aseev)

Hello, father! Tell me, please, before communion, can I fast according to the Orthodox calendar (when, for example, fish is allowed on Friday) or do I need a special strict fast? And how to fast before communion, when there is no multi-day fast, if you fast on Wednesday and Friday, it turns out not 3 days, but always 4, or can you not fast on Thursday? Thanks a lot!


Anastasia, if you are preparing for communion at a time when there is no multi-day fast, then fasting before communion is usually three days, unless your confessor has appointed otherwise. On days of many days of fasting, if you have the strength, you can aggravate your fast before communion, for example, do not eat fish. This is very pious.

Priest Vladimir Shlykov

Hello! The child went to school, where meals are compulsory. Refusing food is not allowed, but you can choose a dish, there are no lenten dishes. Please advise how to get out of this situation, how to prepare a child for communion, because you need to fast for at least 3 days?


Hello Inna. If you forced your child to fast for the three days before taking communion before entering school, then you were doing it wrong. Your child did not fast, but was forced to starve. Fasting is voluntary abstinence from food. It is enough for a child, up to adolescence, to abstain only from meat on fasting days. This rule is not difficult to fulfill even in the school cafeteria. The custom of a three-day fast came from pre-revolutionary Russia, when the monstrous practice of confession and communion once a year spread. The Charter prescribes fasting on Wednesday and Friday, on multi-day fasts (Great, Peter's, Assumption and Christmas), on Christmas Eve, on the beheading of John the Baptist and on the Exaltation of the Cross. The Eucharistic fast is special, it is strict, it starts at midnight and lasts until communion. These rules are common to everyone, and the three-day fast is useful for those who go to confession and commune extremely rarely, or for the first time.

Priest Alexander Beloslyudov

Good afternoon! I came to faith quite recently, I really want to live according to the commandments, very soon the Christmas fast. My husband is baptized, but, one might say, an unbeliever. Tell me, father, how should I be, how to observe fasting and not offend my husband (I mean marital relations). During Great Lent, I observed it, my soul cried inside, I felt constant guilt inside my soul. We have been living with my husband for 18 years, he agreed to get married. Thanks in advance for your reply.


Natalya, according to the words of the Apostle Paul, husband and wife refrain from each other "for the sake of prayer." But your husband is still far from church life and will become even further if you severely limit your marital relationship. That is, instead of the desired churching, you will get the opposite effect. The intimate relations of spouses are not a sin, they are not something unclean if they are connected by marital love. Adhere to a simple rule - abstain for a few days before communion and on the eve of major holidays. You can also refuse them on the first week of Great Lent and Passion. I think this will be enough for you for now. Save your family, conjugal love, faith, and the rest will follow.

Archpriest Maxim Khyzhiy

Hello, father! Explain to me, please, one point related to the preparation for Communion. I am 13 years old, I have not received communion or confession before, but I really want to, I started going to Sunday services, praying at home. The Church told me that for Communion I need to fast for at least 3 days, read the canons, defend the evening service and confess. I had a problem: the canons are long prayers that take time, and with all my desire, purely physically, I won’t be able to read all the canons one by one, but how to shorten them, I didn’t understand if it’s possible to read one canon a day and not during 3 Lenten days? And one more question - is it necessary to completely abstain from meat, dairy foods and eggs, it’s just that my attempts to fast on Wednesday and Friday frighten my relatives, but here it’s 3 days at once, maybe there can be some relief? My relatives do a lot for my spiritual life, and with my religious experiences I greatly upset them, bring them to tears, so I don’t want them to have hostility towards the Church because I am doing something from the Charter incorrectly. Sorry for such a long letter. God bless you all the best!


Ksenia, of course, it will be very good if you can pray and fast before communion, as you should, but it also seems to me that for the first time it can be somewhat difficult to do everything in full. Therefore, I think we should try to find a middle option: choose for yourself the number of days and the number of prayers that you can perform without immediately exposing yourself to unusual loads for you. It seems to me that if you are already observing Friday, then in addition to it, you can also spend Saturday in fasting, and take communion on Sunday. With regard to prayers: try to read the Obedience to Holy Communion and at least one canon, for example, Penitential. The rest is up to you. By the way, you can make the rule for communion not immediately, stretching the reading of the canons for several days. In a word, prepare to the best of your ability, but with diligence, not carelessly, but in confession, if the priest asks exactly how you prepared, explain to him how and why, I'm sure he will condescendingly treat your weakness for the first time. But in the future, try to get used to fasting and the complete rule of prayer.

hegumen Nikon (Golovko)

Hello, father! Is it considered a sin to put a remedy for a runny nose in the morning before Communion? It’s just that sometimes part of this remedy ends up in the throat, and, accordingly, in the stomach. I can’t say that instillation of the nose is an emergency, but nasal congestion causes certain inconveniences.


No, it's allowed. To paraphrase the well-known advice of St. Philaret, one can say: it is better to think about God with a dripped nose than about snot with a dripped nose.

Deacon Ilya Kokin

Dear father, how can I help my husband get rid of his huge addiction to smoking? I know what to throw on the first day of Lent. Maybe there are still such fertile days throughout the year? He constantly tries, but in vain. Maybe there is some special prayer? And why does a person form such a sinful habit, from which there is no way to get rid of? He goes to confession and communion. True, not so long ago. And I fasted in Great Lent. Does he have a chance? This habit is very detrimental to his health. Thanks in advance to the Lord and to you. Sorry for taking up your precious time.


Dear Svetlana, Your husband can quit smoking at any time when he is psychologically ready to fight this passion. It is very good at the same time to take special drugs prescribed by a doctor. Pray to the holy righteous John of Kronstadt that, through his prayers, your spouse will get rid of harmful addiction. God bless you!

Archpriest Andrey Efanov

Hello. I am now preparing for communion (from 05/23/2013 to 05/26/13). I know that these days you need to fast, and I would like to ask if you can eat fish while doing this?


Ekaterina, by and large, it is also undesirable to eat fish before communion. But if it’s hard for you to do without fish, then you can eat. But still, you need to gradually get used to fasting stricter before communion - without fish.

Hieromonk Viktorin (Aseev)

Hello! I am getting ready for Communion, I want to go to church on Sunday. I started fasting and immediately broke the fast on the first day: I bought a bag of chips. At first I did not notice that the composition included dairy products, and then I saw it, but I still finished it. Please tell me, is it possible to continue fasting and go to Communion? Or should it be rescheduled for another day. The whole problem is that I have already agreed with my father to take me to the temple, and if I don’t go now, I don’t know when I will go again. Thanks in advance.


Anastasia, you must always be attentive to your life, to what we eat, what we say, what we do. Keep fasting and prepare for communion. I don't think anything bad happened. You didn't eat it on purpose, but out of inattention. Tell the priest at confession.

Hieromonk Viktorin (Aseev)

Hello father! I decided for myself to take communion often (every Sunday), especially during Lent. But it bothers me that I constantly have to read the canons and the following, but I don’t always succeed, because a small child interferes with reading and praying with concentration, and there is not so much time, and my husband and parents are unbelievers, and they are annoyed that I read something all the time. Yes, and I myself am somehow ashamed to pray in front of them. I try to be alone for prayer, but this is almost impossible in our house. Last Sunday, I took communion without any preparation, now I feel uncomfortable. How can I prepare for communion, since I am not in a monastery. And when I rarely receive communion (once a month), then it is very difficult to tune in again to a normal spiritual life.


Elena, Communion is the Body and Blood of Christ Himself. We take God Himself into ourselves, and, of course, it is necessary to prepare for the sacrament of Communion every time. It is impossible to allow "habits for the Sacrament", it is impossible to approach the sacrament without preparation. It is necessary to read the rule for communion, fast, pray. You are not forced to take communion every Sunday, and if you yourself have decided so, then be kind enough to do everything as it should be, and you need to read all the canons, and read prayers for communion, and observe fasting, and you need to keep the spiritual world. Yes, and regarding the frequency of communion, you need to talk with your confessor. Since you take communion, without preparation, it is impossible. It is better to take communion less often, but as expected, and then the conscience will be calm and peace will be in the soul

Hieromonk Viktorin (Aseev)

Bless, father! If we were united during the Nativity fast, is it possible to be united now in order to be cleansed from forgotten sins?


Elena, it's good to get together, of course. We usually meet once or twice a year. I think you can take unction during Great Lent, but you don't need to take unction more often. Unction is more provided for sick people. Try to look inside yourself more and eradicate the passions that you see there through repentance and communion.

Hieromonk Viktorin (Aseev)

Hello, father! I planned to take communion this week (I take communion once a month), but there is no fast this week, and I lost sight of it, and I didn’t ask the priest on the day off what to do. How to prepare for communion this week if there is no fast, or fast at least on Friday if I want to take communion on Saturday?


Svetlana, I think that if you did not ask your father how to prepare, then you can skip communion once, after all, what does "planning" communion mean? And for the future - specify in more detail and fulfill it with a calm soul, as an obedience.

hegumen Nikon (Golovko)

Hello! Tell me, please, you can’t eat before Communion. Can you brush your teeth before Communion?

Olga, you can brush your teeth before Communion.

Hieromonk Viktorin (Aseev)

Hello. Please tell me, is it necessary to fast before Communion during the period from Christmas to Easter? I have heard that at some point in the year it is not necessary to fast before that. Is there such a period? And if so, please specify when it happens? Thank you.


Dmitry, you should always fast before Communion. It is necessary to take communion during fasting more often than on days when there is no fasting. There are days throughout the year when fasting is canceled, but on these days without fasting, only those Christians who observe all fasts throughout the year can receive communion, but even in this case they must abstain from meat food. You, as, I think, a person with little church, before each communion, you need to fast, you need to accustom yourself to observing church rules, for your own good. In addition, since you don’t know when you can fast, and when you don’t fast, regardless of Communion, get yourself a church calendar, fasting and non-fasting days are indicated there throughout the year.

Hieromonk Viktorin (Aseev)

Hello, I congratulate you on the feast of the Epiphany of the Lord! Thanks for the detailed and quick replies. I have one more small question: I was preparing for confession, fasting, and at Christmas time I allowed myself canned cod liver and did not pay attention to the composition, before there was nothing except the liver, and now there is powdered milk! I saw this by chance, after confession. I decided that I was not allowed to attend Communion. Am I right? Thanks in advance for your reply. Thanks God.

You are doing the right thing by not missing the Sunday Liturgy. Thus, you are laying a solid foundation for your spiritual life. Now you have come to the point where you need to learn to follow the blessing of the priest in matters of church life. You cannot decide on your own the question of communion. Discuss this question at confession and confess in your own will, that is, in your willful violation of the established order.
Before communion, indeed, a three-day fast is observed. But in some cases, at the discretion of the confessor, the fast days before communion are Wednesday, Friday and Saturday. In matters of fasting, strictly follow the blessing of the priest. This is the case when obedience is placed above prayer.
Strengthen the Lord.

Priest Sergiy Osipov

It was established by the Lord Himself and has been performed in the Church continuously for two millennia. All this time, Christians of different times and peoples, as it were, participate in that Last Supper, when Christ divided the bread and wine among His disciples and declared this food to be the Divine Body and Blood.

Of course, not every wine or bread is sacred, but only those over which special, liturgical prayers are said. The Particles eaten at the Liturgy give the believers Divine grace, spiritual strength, cleanse from the consequences of sin. There are frequent cases of recovery from diseases and other miracles that occur at the will of God.

The main shrine of the Church should be approached after appropriate preparation. An important step in this preparation is fasting. Fearing to break church rules, inexperienced parishioners often ask priests how to fast before Communion? Is fasting obligatory for everyone? In what cases can it be weakened or canceled? A brief excursion into the history of the ancient Church will help to understand this.

How did the tradition of fasting before Communion begin?

In the first centuries of the existence of the Christian Church, Communion was obligatory for any Christian present. Every Sunday, and sometimes more often, people gathered in the house of one of the Christians and had a meal with prayers and the sharing of bread. At that time, there was no special fasting before this action, because the Eucharist was held in the evening and all the participants in the action had already had lunch and even supper.

It often happened that the dinners of wealthy Christians were too luxurious and combined with music and dancing, as was customary in the east. The Apostle Paul, who often celebrated the Eucharist himself, considered it unacceptable that such Christians should come to Communion after feasts and amusements, when their thoughts could not concentrate on prayer. Over time, they began to celebrate the Liturgy in the morning, and the custom arose to partake of the Body and Blood of Christ on an empty stomach, "before any meal." However, even then they still did not fast for several days, as is customary in the modern Church.

When the persecution of Christians ceased in 4 AD, many began to be baptized. Once small, tight-knit communities that met secretly in homes, they turned into large gatherings of worshipers in spacious temples. Due to human weaknesses, the moral level of believers has declined. The Holy Fathers of the Church, seeing this, urged every Christian to carefully examine his conscience when approaching Communion.

It was not allowed to approach the Sacrament if a person ate food on the night before the Liturgy, had sexual contacts or "impure visions" (dreams). Christians who revealed these involuntary sins at confession were temporarily suspended from Communion and fulfilled a special prayer rule. There were no restrictions on food on other days, since the believers strictly observed Wednesday, Friday and four fasts a year.

The tradition of fasting before Communion for three or seven days was established during the synodal period (XVIII-XIX centuries). This was due to a general decline in spirituality and religiosity. Many began to go to church “out of habit,” and received communion only because this was taken into account in church documents. If there was no record in the church book that the parishioner confessed and took communion, troubles in the civil service could follow.

At this time, the tradition of "fasting" was introduced - preparation for Communion for several days, in order to distract a lazy person from the hustle and bustle of life and help tune in to prayer. This custom is preserved in the Russian Orthodox Church to this day. Fasting consists of restriction in food and confession on the eve of Communion. How many days to fast - the confessor decides. You can also read about this in the Rules, a stand with which is usually located in a prominent place in the temple.

Fasting Rules Before Communion

So, there is no general church rule of obligatory fasting and confession before communion. But many priests strongly recommend to their parishioners fast for three days before entering the Sacrament. Is it worth it to reject a good tradition for the sake of the letter of the law? It is impossible to argue with the priest or deliberately refuse fasting, since condemnation and insults only add sin to the already existing ones. It is better to fulfill the prescribed rule based on your physical strength.

Orthodox prescribes the rejection of the following products:

  • the meat of any animal or bird, even lean;
  • milk (kefir, cottage cheese, whey, etc.);
  • eggs of any bird;
  • fish (not always).

In fact, at the disposal of the fasting Christian are fruits, vegetables, cereals, pasta and bread. Don’t be tempted to cook gourmet “lenten dishes”: food should not become a source of pleasure, but only support strength.

Is it permissible to eat fish before Communion? In most cases, a healthy person should refuse it. The exception is living in the Far North or ships, where fish is the main source of food. Seafood is considered more "lean" than fish and is allowed in moderation. A short fast before Communion is also associated with other restrictions, refusing the following:

  • sweets;
  • sexual contacts;
  • alcoholic beverages;
  • smoking;
  • participation in various entertainments (weddings, parties, concerts).

6 hours before the start of the Liturgy, food and drink should be completely excluded.. This six-hour fast is called "Eucharistic". If the Eucharistic fast is broken, the priest may not admit to the Sacrament.

Many believers strive to receive communion on the days of general church fasts. This makes it possible to calmly prepare, especially if loved ones also fast and do not offer unnecessary temptations.

Is it permissible to take communion if you smoked or unwittingly broke the fast? About all the excesses allowed during fasting should be tell the priest in confession. Through confession, admission to the Sacrament is made, and the concealment of even a small offense is considered a great sin before God.

How to fast children

The Russian Orthodox Church has a tradition compulsory confession for children from the age of seven. At the same age, they should be accustomed to fasting. But children take communion from the very moment, i.e. from infancy.

Fasting before communion is not obligatory for a child if he or she is under three years of age.

From three to seven years of age, restrictions are introduced gradually, the child must not only be deprived of delicious food, but be aware of the need and purpose of fasting. You can support your child by your own example by removing fast foods from the family menu. Parents themselves should begin confession and Communion together with the child.

The decision on whether it is possible to lighten the fast should be made by the parents after a conversation with the priest, based on the state of health of the child. Children who grow up in unbelieving families and do not have proper spiritual development should not be forced to fast.

Fasting for pregnant women

Pregnant women and the sick, who wish to take communion, but are on a strict diet, fasting can be weakened or canceled. This is done only with the blessing of the priest. Before you go for such permission, you should test yourself, will a short-term fast really be an unbearable burden, or because of laziness you don’t want to break the usual course of life?

If it is impossible for a pregnant woman to give up dairy products, you can replace this by giving up sweets or other things to which she feels affection. Such abstinence will be accepted by the Lord as a significant achievement.

Post in a hostel

It is allowed to ease or cancel fasting for Christians who are in military service, study, hospital, boarding school or places of deprivation of liberty, where food is provided in common canteens and there is no opportunity to choose fast food. In this case, one should adhere to the blessing of the confessor visiting a military unit or boarding school. Refusal of fast food can be replaced by other restrictions or prayer. For those wishing to receive communion, it is better to resolve this issue with the priest a week before the Sacrament or (if not possible) before confession.

When can I take communion without fasting

During Christmas time - from the Nativity of Christ to Epiphany - and on Bright Week - seven days after Easter - a five-day fast is not required for communicants, only a six-hour Eucharistic one is preserved. But this permission can be allowed only to those who fully observed the previous, Christmas and Great Lent.

Lenten preparation is canceled for the seriously ill and dying.

Many Orthodox believers ask the priests in person, via the Internet, or ask their relatives: is it possible to brush your teeth before communion? But this is far from the only thing that not only beginners can ask. A lot of questions arise from the church-goers. It is worth noting that there are a huge number of near-church myths and misconceptions. This article summarizes the answers of experienced and pious priests, gives recommendations and useful tips for beginners.

What is Communion?

How does Christ speak in the Gospel about Communion? On the eve of a terrible death on the cross, He gathers His disciples together and prepares a meal. There is bread and wine on the table. Christ says that in memory of Him they will drink wine and eat bread, since these are symbols of His blood and body.

To this day, liturgy is celebrated in churches and Holy Communion is prepared using bread and wine. The priests pray together with the parishioners with the words "Let us pray to the Lord for the offered Honest Gifts."

What is actually meant by the bread and wine in the Holy Chalice? Prayers read before Communion at home are just as necessary for a Christian as church prayers. Why is prayer needed? Because the Lord unites precisely with the person who calls him to himself.

What is Communion?

There are several testimonies about how Communion is actually prepared and what is hidden from human eyes under it. One day a man entered the temple. were opened in the temple. The priests stood at the altar. Suddenly, a man who came in saw the priest pierce the baby with a spear. He shouted to the whole temple: “Why are you killing a baby?” All the people standing in the temple turned around. No one could understand what kind of baby they were talking about. In fact, the priest had a prosphora in his hands (a small bread made from wheat flour and water).

The Lord invisibly and endlessly sacrifices himself for the sake of people, but not materially, but spiritually. His crucifixion was actually seen almost 2,000 years ago at Golgotha ​​in Jerusalem.

Let's return to the Gospel and to those lines where the Lord is at the Last Supper. He said: "From now on you will drink my blood (wine) and eat my body (bread) in memory of Me." But how this would happen, even the apostles did not know. Moreover, it is not given to us to know. This is a divine secret. We can only take it seriously, and as it is, therefore, the prayers read before Communion are very necessary, first of all for the communicant himself.

Another living testimony

In the city of Lanciano (Italy) to this day there is a true proof that the Eucharist is not just bread and wine. In the Catholic Church of Saint-Legotius in the 8th century, one priest doubted that Communion was a miracle. When he picked up a piece of bread, he saw something similar to muscle tissue. He looked into the Chalice and saw that instead of wine there was blood. The priest screamed in horror. Then he realized that there was no doubt. The Lord proved to him that everything was real. To this day, this miracle is in Lanciano. Many pilgrims come to pray near such a shrine.

What does a Christian need before Communion? Of course, first of all, the belief that he will be given to taste not just bread and wine, but the body of Christ. Of course, such a meal is a miracle. The Lord gives a piece of himself to a sinful person. Therefore, Communion must be approached not only with fear, but also with faith. You can't just partake like that.

How to treat?

Above we have considered two testimonies of the miracle of God. It is worth noting that not only Jesus Christ is in the altar during the Liturgy, but also the Mother of God, the Archangels, and saints.

No wonder the holy fathers said that angels grieve because they do not receive communion. Because they have no body, no need. They are with God. And the Lord gave man such a great gift - to unite with Himself during Communion. Let it be invisible.

  • canon repentant to the Savior;
  • prayer canon of the Mother of God;
  • canon to the Guardian Angel;
  • adherence to Holy Communion.

It is all these prayers, chants, and kontakia that will help you prepare correctly to receive the Holy Gifts in the right way.

Posts and confessions

Priests say that you need to fast for at least 3 days. If a person is unchurched, rarely visits the temple, sins, then he needs to prepare for almost a week. That is why the best option for such people is Veliky, as well as Petrov and Uspensky. But that is why it is not necessary to choose periods of many days of fasting. After all, more important is reconciliation with God, and not convenience.

What to do before Communion to someone who rarely goes to church? First, be sure to go to the priest for confession. When the priest receives the penitents, you can find out in the church that is closer to your home or which you want to visit. Be prepared for the fact that the priest after confession may not allow you to take Communion. There could be many reasons for this. Often, in order to be admitted to communion, you need to fast, repent, visit the temple many times. Be sure to ask the priest after confession whether he blesses the approach to the Holy Chalice or not. Often the priests themselves insist that the confessor take communion. You need to take this advice.

What is the post before communion?

If you are a beginner or have not been to the temple for a long time, then be sure to go to the priest for confession. Usually, during this sacrament, many spiritual issues are resolved. The priest will explain to you what to do, what to beware of, when you can take communion.

What is meant by post? Meat, milk can not be eaten, eggs too. In addition, dishes, products, drinks that contain the above products are not consumed. Remember that fasting should be spiritual in nature. Eat little food. For example, for breakfast - tea with oatmeal cookies or oatmeal porridge on the water, for lunch - soup on vegetable broth, for dinner - vegetable salad and rice / potatoes.

Drinking before communion, as well as during fasting, alcoholic beverages are prohibited. It is also recommended to refuse coffee. After all, the body should be a temple of the soul, a calm "home", sober and vigorous. (not Lenten), coffee and alcohol cannot in any way set you up for prayers.

spiritual side

Let's continue our conversation about fasting. We've dealt with food. As for entertainment, watching movies, you need to postpone all this. Any unimportant things should be replaced with prayers to God, the Blessed Virgin Mary, your Guardian Angel and the saints.

Let's talk about what to read before Communion. Above we mentioned the canons and the following to Holy Communion. In addition to them, it is advised to read the Gospel, the holy fathers. Beware of taking near-church literature or that which belongs to false Christian literature.

No need to fuss while fasting. If possible, postpone things for later. They can wait. After all, earthly life is fleeting, and a fasting person needs to think about eternity.

Why such restrictions?

During the Liturgy, before the removal of the Holy Chalice, the choir sings that we (the parishioners) are leaving all earthly fuss. Not every (especially modern) person understands that sooner or later earthly life will end and everything that he worked so hard for will go into oblivion. After all, he will not be able to take his passport or his favorite job, bank accounts or a computer with valuable information with him into the afterlife. He will appear before God with his conscience, with sins and virtues. The Lord will not ask if you were a CEO, He will ask you to answer for offending a client grandmother. God doesn't care if you had a Lexus. He will ask if you brought the weak, the weak, without taking money from them.

Why restrictions in fasting in relation to entertainment? The time has come to sit down at the table or stand in front of the icons and think: what have you done wrong in your whole life, for this period. Is the conscience clear? It is more important for a Christian to know not about, for example, whether it is possible to brush one's teeth before Communion, but about what sins really are and what repentance is, how not to sin. The Lord is grieved when a person commits a sin even mentally. Just think: you are mentally angry, even your heart is numb. This is also a sin. You need to repent sincerely.

When is communion not allowed?

Do you know that you need to get rid of your sins? If you have repented, you should try to avoid transgressions. In order for the priest to allow Communion, you need to attend the evening service every Saturday, then in the morning at the Liturgy. The same should be done on major church holidays. It is necessary to read the morning prayers and according to the Prayer Book at home. Of course, it takes 20-30 minutes. If you do not have time, then you can read the Seraphim's rule: three times "Our Father", three times "Theotokos ..." and once "The Creed". But at the same time, during the day, you need to silently pray to God, to the saints. These are the most important rules.

They may not be allowed to receive Communion in such cases, for example:

  • murder, abortion;
  • divination, divination, extrasensory perception, spiritualism, astrology;
  • other faith, heretical views;
  • cohabitation outside of marriage, debauchery, homosexuality, drug addiction and alcoholism, and so on.

The priest needs to tell the whole truth during confession, not to hide any sin. The Lord stands by invisibly, He knows everything, only awaits repentance of the heart. If you hide something, it will be an even greater sin. You need to completely cleanse your soul before Communion. What do the holy fathers and priests say? The human soul must be pure, bright, with the hope of correction and change of life for the better. You should not go to the Chalice if you are not sure that you want to live with God.

If the father blessed

When a priest gives a blessing, one should take it seriously. You should read not only the canon to the Mother of God before Communion, but also the canons to the Savior, the Guardian Angel, as well as the Follow-up. All this is in the Orthodox prayer books.

The reading space is very large. Therefore, the canons can be read 2-3 days before communion, but the Follow-up is read only the night before, after coming from the church from the evening service.

You need to make sure that no one distracts you. If you take communion with your family, friends, pilgrims, then read in turn, pray.

Morning before Communion

As you know, Orthodox Christians cannot eat anything in the morning before Communion. Even medicines are not allowed. But can you brush your teeth before Communion? There is no ban on this. If you are sure that you do not accidentally swallow water or paste, you can brush your teeth.

If the stomach is sick, it is not possible to wait long until noon, then it is better to go to the early service. In small towns and villages, the Liturgy is served early, and in megacities - at 7 in the morning or at 9-10 o'clock.

For the sake of union with God, you can endure. It is worth reading prayers to yourself.

The morning before Communion is always exciting. You need to mentally prepare. After reading the morning rule, go to the church at least half an hour before the Liturgy to calmly submit notes, light candles, and go to your favorite saints.

Before the Communion

At the service, you should carefully listen to prayers. When the priests prepare the Communion, pray that you will receive the Blood and Body of Christ worthily. At the same time, a pious person should sincerely consider himself unworthy of such a Gift.

Remember the Canon of the Theotokos before Communion: you need to pray that the Mother of God will intercede for us sinners. And what does the canon of Jesus Christ say? We repent to the Lord of our sins. Keep this in mind when you wait for Communion.

The Moment of Communion

When the Royal Doors open and the priest comes out with the Chalice, you need to bow to the ground. Then stand in line with your arms crossed over your chest. When you approach the Chalice, you need to tell the priest your Orthodox name and open your mouth wide. The sacrament should be swallowed immediately so that the particle does not get stuck in the teeth. Accept warmth and prosphora.

Many people ask: “Can I eat before Communion?” Do you know why the answer is no? Because the Lord must enter the body of a Christian first. After all, God is more important to us than food.

So we talked about whether it is possible to brush your teeth before Communion, how to prepare, what to read, gave examples of testimonies of true faith. We must remember that God needs our prayers and repentance, and not earthly vanity.

Communion is God's grace, the great Sacrament through which Christians can become involved in the Savior himself. It is important to know how to fast correctly so that after confession of sins and communion, you will receive God's anointing on faith, the power of love and patience.

What is fasting and why fast before communion

The sacrament is an open door for receiving God's grace into the lives of Christians. Through Communion, believers receive:

Each believer himself bears the responsibility for receiving the Divine Sacrament, for, as the Apostle Paul writes, whoever does this without reasoning, sinning, gets sick and even dies (Cor. 11:28-30).

Quite an ordeal for Christians, isn't it? If you don't take Communion, you don't receive blessings and grace, if you do, you can get sick and die. Where is the exit? And the way out is simple - in fasting and confession of sins.

Fasting is a time when a person, through pacification of the flesh, tries to cleanse himself of spiritually harmful attachments and habits in order to spiritually approach the Creator. Fasting is a time of prayers and reflections on the sacrifice of Christ, Her cleansing and blessing power . During the preparation for the sacrament, Christians try to review their lives, identify sins in it and repent of them.

It is difficult to resist the temptations when satiety and fun. It is difficult not to fall into temptation when drinking alcohol or at recreational activities. During fasting, people, by taming the flesh, tame their emotions and morals. According to John the Ladder, during repentance, the purity of prayer should take precedence, in silence, obedience, to give up pleasures, evil thoughts in order to receive pleasure in Heaven.

Some Christians can spend hours on social media, spend time on empty phone conversations, take part in gossip, but at the same time be in the strictest abstinence from food, proud of themselves. I would like to disappoint such believers - God does not look at the stomach, but at the soul.

Anything that separates a Christian from God is sin.

Important! Fasting is the only way to get closer to the Almighty. According to the priests, fasting and prayer are the wings that allow the believing soul to fly to Heaven.

The history of fasting before communion

The first Christians after the Ascension of Jesus took the sacrament daily, constantly being in fellowship. Of course, at that time there could be no question of fasting. The apostle Paul wrote his epistle to the Christians of that time, reminding them of the importance of reflection before accepting the Holy Sacrifice of Christ.

Icon of Communion of the Apostles

During the time of the apostles, the Eucharist was celebrated in the evening, but over time, the Sacrament of Communion was moved to the morning, giving the faithful the opportunity to take the food of the Lord from the very morning, which purifies the blood and body.

The first appearance of fast days before the Eucharist dates back to the fourth century. Priests of that time note the cooling of faith and urge Christians to refrain from sexual pleasures and worldly amusements before accepting the Holy Gifts, but nothing was said about food.

The early Christians fasted three times a week and on the days of fasting established by the Church. Fasting or restriction in eating for three to seven days appears at the beginning of the ninth century due to the decline of spiritual life.

According to Metropolitan Hilarion of Volokolamsk, there is no single requirement for a three-day abstinence before the Eucharist.

Each believer individually decides how long it will take him to come to purity and reverence for the Lord. Some Christians deal with this issue with their spiritual mentor.

Rules of conduct during preparation for Communion

Three days of abstinence before taking the sacrament is not a requirement, but only a wish. It concerns mainly people who participate in the Eucharist 2-3 times a year. There are no additional abstinence requirements during the four fasts.

In the church, believers and baptized people partake of the Body and Blood of Christ

According to the decree of the Orthodox Church during fasting, it is forbidden to eat:

  • products of animal origin;
  • eggs;
  • milk products;
  • selectively - fish.

These days, food is prepared not for the pleasure of eating it, but as a means of maintaining health in the temple of God, i.e. in the Christian himself.

If fish is the main food, then it can be consumed.

Before the Eucharist, Christians do not take food, before that they spent the day in prayer, refusing amusements, drinking alcoholic beverages and sex.

Important! At the Mystery of Confession, one should honestly confess to the priest about all his misdeeds, so that he decides whether it is safe for a Christian to touch the Holy Gifts or whether he should return home and carefully prepare.

Before confession and communion, Christians go to the evening service in the temple, in the morning they are always present at the Liturgy. Sincere repentance at Confession opens the door to Communion.

Fasting before Communion: how to observe it correctly

Indulgence in fasting

Communion is a great power that grants healing, release from addictions, forgiveness of sins and abiding in joy. Christians of all ages are admitted to this sacrament, even infants.

Children under the age of 7 receive communion without observing abstinence before that, but this does not mean permissiveness in food and games. The seed of reverence for the Sacraments, planted in a child's soul, will bear good fruit as the child matures. In infancy, the feat of fasting parents is the best example for the younger generation.

Pregnant women, patients should carefully monitor their diet, for those there are no days of dry eating. This category of Christians clarifies the list of acceptable dishes with their spiritual mentor.

Modern cuisine is rich in all kinds of products, the skillful preparation of which according to ready-made recipes cannot harm either pregnant women, or the fetus, or the sick.

The Church is also merciful to that category of people who are outside the home and eat in canteens. These are the army, boarding schools, hospitals and places of detention. In this case, as far as possible, one should give up fast food for several days, intensifying prayer and staying in the Word.

Dying and seriously ill people are admitted to Communion without any preparation.

Fasting is not a diet and punishment, but a great blessing from the Creator himself, bringing us closer to God.

Constantly being in prayer, reading "Our Father" and the sinner's prayer, fasting people come closer to the next step towards the Savior, Healer and our hope for eternal life.

The sinner's prayer

My Lord, Jesus Christ, Son of God, have mercy on me, a sinner.

My Lord Jesus Christ, Son of God, have mercy on me.

My Lord Jesus Christ, have mercy on me.

Jesus, Son of God, have mercy on me.

Lord, have mercy according to Your great mercy in the name of the Father, the Son and the Holy Spirit. Amen.