What does the word homonym mean. Homonyms: examples of words

In every language there are words that cause bewilderment among foreigners. These have one unique feature: they are identical in writing and pronunciation. From the school course of the Russian language, you probably remember that such components of native speech are called homonyms. To understand in more detail what homonyms are, what properties they have, this article will help.

We meet such people every day in everyday life, but we do not attach any importance to them. The simplest examples of these lexical units are the bow as a plant and the bow as a weapon. Such nouns are a clear demonstration of complete homonymy. This means that the presented words coincide in absolutely all grammatical forms. This category can also include such a noun as a key: an object that helps to open and a spring - a source of drinking water.

The definition of what homonyms are cannot be unambiguous, if only because there are many subcategories of this lexical section. One of them is incomplete homonymy, that is, the coincidence of words that belong to the same only in some word forms. The simplest illustration of this group is the word "factory". As you know, a factory is a manufacturing enterprise. On the other hand, the watch may have a factory. Partial homonymy in this case is manifested in the fact that this word in the second sense has no form

Thus, homonyms are, in certain situations, identical lexical units. The main thing is not to confuse that homonyms are always words with a large number of different meanings, but on the contrary, this is not always the case.

What are homonyms is well understood, for example, by the British. In their native language, there are also words that are spelled and pronounced exactly the same. The most common example is bat. On the one hand, this and on the other, a baseball bat. But, despite the similarity of lexical phenomena in the language, it can be extremely difficult for foreigners to correctly interpret the meaning of Russian homonyms.

Homonyms in Russian, as in many other world dialects, can be distinguished from each other only in context. If, for example, we are talking about how to properly water and fertilize onions, it will immediately become clear to everyone that we are talking about a plant. In the event that it is described how to pull a bowstring, it means a weapon.

There is another group of words that is on a par with homonymy. It combines words that are pronounced the same but are spelled differently. Cat - code, bow - meadow and many other lexical units have identical but different meanings and spelling, and are called homoforms.

The Russian language is a storehouse of amazing phenomena, many of which are difficult to understand and study. But after reading this article, you have taken a step towards studying your native speech and learned what homonyms and homoforms are, so you can be congratulated: our great and mighty has already revealed some of his secrets to you!

So identical and so different - this can be said about homonyms. In this article, we will consider why homonyms are needed in Russian, how to use them in writing and speech.

Homonym- This lexical component in Russian, which differs in a feature: it is written the same way (or close), but the meaning is different. The word is of Greek origin: homos - the same, on ym a - name.

These words are important they adorn the Russian language making it more interesting and intense. For example, the same word "marriage" has two meanings. First: poor-quality work (product). Second: the union of two people, certified by the state. Strange coincidence, don't you think? But the article is not about that.

About homonyms with examples

In fact, homonyms are very easy to understand.. They are often used in speech and writing without even thinking. The same word can have multiple meanings. However, this is not new; it is also found in other languages.

Nouns are most often used as homonyms., but there are also verbs and adjectives among them.

Sometimes words change stress, and in some cases, the spelling of individual characters. Consider the homonyms below (examples will be separated by commas):

  • Peace (n.) - the absence of war, the nature surrounding us (Earth, Universe).
  • Bow (n.) - a tool for shooting arrows, a vegetable from the garden.
  • Conclusion (noun) - a formulated solution to a problem (reasoning), the process of moving something or someone outside the territory (withdrawal of troops).
  • Braid (n.) - an element of a woman's hairstyle, a part of the coast protruding into the sea, a tool for mowing grass.
  • Downtime (adj.) - stop work, quality indicator.
  • Soar (vb) - fly in the sky (soar), flatten the fabric with steam (soar).
  • Defend (verb) - withstand an attack, wait for your turn.
  • The case when the same word appears in homonymy at the same time as a verb and as an adjective: drying - the process of drying, fruit.

You can practice on your own and try to make a sentence with homonyms yourself.

Varieties of homonyms

The phenomenon of “sameness” of spelling with a difference in meanings is called homonymy. From the point of view of coincidence in the spelling of part of the word, the following linguistic manifestations of homonymy are distinguished: lexical homonyms,homophones, homographs and homoforms.

Lexical - are complete (all examples of grammatical variants coincide) and incomplete (not all grammatical forms coincide).

Homophones are words that sound the same when pronounced, but are spelled differently. Such as: a raft is a fruit.

Homoforms. In fact, these are different words that coincide in form in some cases. They are similar to homophones, but, unlike them, they reveal a difference when declining. Example: a pond - a rod (go to the pond, hit with a rod), five - a span.

Homographs are words that are spelled the same but pronounced differently. They almost always differ in a stressed syllable: organ - Organ, flour - flour.

Homonyms: humor is appropriate

Once a bad student was asked what she knew about “Earth Day”? She replied that "it's dark and scary." It's funny and sad, because she imagined some bottom ( probably skipped geography lessons at school ), although the question was asked about "Earth Day".

The similarity of words is often used in jokes, playing on the “similarity” of their sound. Example: “The parrot said to the parrot: “parrot, I will parrot you!”

Homonymy is interesting because in the language it is able to create a certain paradoxical meaning of the expression. Russian proverbs, aphorisms and riddles are based on this.


The people have long noticed the properties of homonyms and used them to make puzzles. Thus, these words are well remembered by children, which develops the brain well and accustoms it to the perception of the homonymy of the language.

Guess the riddles:

  • Which cats can't catch mice?
  • Name it in one word: weapons, gemstones and fruits.
  • In the sea it is small, but on land it can cut the surface of the ice. Who is (or what is)?
  • The old man ate dry bread. Q: Where did the fish bones on the table come from?

Sayings and proverbs

Homonyms can be "played" when compiling sayings and proverbs. You can practice and come up with your own, you just need a little imagination and ingenuity:

  • mow oblique, if not itself oblique;
  • go on the shelf in summer, so as not to put your teeth on the shelf in winter;
  • compose a competent sentence to make a beautiful proposal to a girl.


Homonyms can be easily confused with a polysemantic word.

Polysemy means in Russian several meanings of one word, each of which is connected with the other in meaning and does not differ radically from it.

Examples: a hat - a lady's, a nail, a mushroom. In all three cases, the meaning is not too different - it means some kind of upper part or accessory on the head.

The adjective "golden" is also used in several senses - made of precious metal (gold ingot), having the best qualities (golden man).

In Russian, along with others, there are also dictionaries of homonyms. In them you can see the interpretation, study the tables and understand what homonyms are in Russian.

The most popular is Akhmanova's explanatory dictionary (published in 1974). In it you can find a large number of articles (more than 2000) that describe homonyms (their pairs). Each of the articles contains information about the etymology of words, the characteristics of style, the type of homonyms, types of word formation and much more. The dictionary also has applications: translations of pairs of words into foreign languages, an index of taxonomy by type.

Homonyms are words that are identical in sound composition, but not related in meaning: lezginka (dance) - lezginka (woman); rook (piece in chess) - rook (ship); ambassador (method of procurement of products) - ambassador (diplomat). The same external sound-letter and grammatical form of homonyms makes communication difficult, since distinguishing their meaning is possible only in context, in combination with other words. Homonyms, examples of which show this, cannot be understood without context: an advantageous offer is an impersonal offer; buds open - cure buds; right hand - right (innocent).

Types and examples of homonyms in Russian

Complete lexical homonymy is the coincidence of words related to the same part of speech in all forms: month (calendar) - month (luminary), assembly of a car (from the verb to collect) - assembly on fabric (fold), motive (musical) - motive (behavior), read (book) - read (adults, parents), outfit (order) - outfit (clothing), note (diplomatic) - note (musical). Incomplete lexical homonymy implies a coincidence in spelling and sounding of words belonging to the same part of speech, not in all forms: stingray (wheel; inanimate) - stingray (to the river; inanimate) - stingray (fish; animate); bury a hole (perfect view - bury) - bury medicine (perfect view - bury); cancer (river animal) - cancer (disease, has only a single number).

There are homonyms, examples of which can be seen below, associated with grammatical and sound change: mouth - gender (pronounced as [mouth]); three (from the verb to rub) - three (number); pair (boots) - (clubs) pair; oven (pies) - (Russian) oven.

Homonyms: examples and types by structure

  1. root. They have a non-derivative basis: marriage (factory) and marriage (happy), peace (reigns in the family and the state) and peace (the Universe).
  2. Derivative homonyms are the result of word formation: drill (drill song) and drill forest.

Phonetic, grammatical and graphic homonyms: examples of use

Homophones (phonetic homonyms) are words that are identical in sound composition, but different in spelling (letter composition): mushroom and flu, code and cat, fort and ford, illuminate and consecrate, people and fierce.

Homographs (letter, graphic homonyms) are words that have the same alphabetic composition, but differ in pronunciation: shelves - shelves, horns - horns, atlas - atlas, soar - soar (the stress in these words falls on different syllables).

Homoforms - coincidence of grammatical forms of one word or different words: window glass (noun) - glass on the floor (verb time to go - summer time; hunting (for predators) and hunting (desire); popsicle ice cream - frozen meat (noun and adjective) ; return in the spring - enjoy the spring (adverb and noun); flow on the floor - close up the leak (verb and noun).

Pun and homonyms: examples of words and casual statements

It is necessary to be careful in the use of homonyms, since in some situations homonymy can distort the meaning of the statement and lead to comedy. For example, the words of a football match commentator: “In today's match, the players left without goals” can be understood in two ways. And even writers are not immune from such speech incidents:

  • "Have you heard?"
  • "One cannot be indifferent to evil."
  • Full (absolute) homonyms are homonyms that have the same entire system of forms. For example, key (for a lock) - key (spring), forge (forge) - bugle (wind instrument).
  • Partial homonyms - homonyms in which not all forms coincide in sound. For example, weasel (animal) and affection (show of affection) diverge in the genitive plural form ( weasels - caresses).
  • Graphic homonyms. See homographs. (Graphic homonyms in the Wikipedia project are presented in the category of polysemantic terms)
  • phonetic homonyms. See homophones.
  • Homonymous morphemes. See homomorphemes.
  • grammatical homonyms. See homoforms.


The words

  • A scythe is on a girl’s head, a scythe is a mowing tool, a scythe is a geographical name (Curonian Spit)
  • The key is a musical sign, the key is from the door, the key is a natural source of water.
  • Onion is a plant, onion is a weapon.
  • Pen - writing (gel, ballpoint, etc.), pen - human hand.

Phrases from homonyms

  • Mowed with an oblique oblique oblique (a well-known problematic phrase for foreigners):

see also

Homonymy in taxonomy


  • Homonym- article from the Great Soviet Encyclopedia

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See what "Homonyms" are in other dictionaries:

    - (Greek) words that coincide with each other in their sound with a complete mismatch of meanings. Example "bow" (weapon) "bow" (plant). Usually, the appearance in the language of O. is explained by an accidental coincidence of once different stems as a result of a series ... ... Literary Encyclopedia

    - (Greek homonymos, similar from homos, and onoma name). Words that have the same pronunciation but different meanings or are spelled differently but pronounced the same. For example, a stove pipe and a musical trumpet, flour, like suffering, and ground flour ... ... Dictionary of foreign words of the Russian language

    Homonyms Homonyms are words that sound the same but have different meanings. For example, "swords" (from the word "sword") and "swords" (from the word "to throw"); “three” (number) and “three” (from the word “rub”), etc. A punning game is built on homonyms (see Pun), and already with ... Dictionary of literary terms

    - (from the Greek homos the same and onyma name), different in meaning, but the same sounding and spelling units of the language (words, morphemes, etc.), for example, lynx running and lynx animal ... Modern Encyclopedia

    - (from the Greek homos the same and onyma name) different, but the same sounding and spelling units of the language (words, morphemes, etc.), for example. lynx running and lynx animal ... Big Encyclopedic Dictionary

    HOMONYMS- (from the Greek homos - the same + onima - name). Words that belong to the same part of speech and sound the same but have different meanings. Distinguish O. full (in which the whole system of forms coincides), partial (in which they coincide in sound ... ... A new dictionary of methodological terms and concepts (theory and practice of teaching languages)

    HOMONYMS- (from Greek homos identical + onoma, onoma name) words with different meanings, which, however, are spelled and pronounced the same way. For example, in English the language of O. are the words pupil (student and pupil), as well as iris (iris and rainbow); in Russian language ... ... Great Psychological Encyclopedia

    homonyms- Identical terms denoting different entities. [GOST 34.320 96] Database topics EN homonyms … Technical Translator's Handbook

    Homonyms- (from the Greek homos the same and onyma name), different in meaning, but the same sounding and spelling units of the language (words, morphemes, etc.), for example, “lynx” running and “lynx” animal. … Illustrated Encyclopedic Dictionary

    homonyms- (other Greek ομος homos the same + onyma, ονυμά name) Words that have the same sound, but different meanings: braid1 (girl's hairstyle), braid2 (tool), braid3 (river spit, peninsula in the form of a narrow shallow). Interlingual homonyms are found ... ... Dictionary of linguistic terms T.V. Foal


  • Homonyms of Russian dialect speech, M. Alekseenko, O. Litvinnikova. This is the first attempt at a dictionary of homonyms in Russian dialectal speech. Includes words of different grammatical classes. It belongs to the part-speech explanatory type of dictionaries. Called up…

Of course, you guessed that the boys did not understand each other, because they were talking about different things, while calling them the same word. This is an example of homonyms. After all, oatmeal is a bird, and oatmeal is also a cereal.

Homonyms Words that are similar in sound and spelling but different in meaning. The word "homonym" comes from two Greek words: omos- the same onimo- name.

Consider examples of homonyms, compare the sound, spelling and meaning of words.

In the sea, a land strip

It's called a braid

And the girl has a braid

Ripe oats.

There is dew on the grass

The scythe mows the grass.

I have one question:

How many braids are there in the world?

Rice. 2. Homonyms: braid ()

Spit- a narrow shoal running from the shore.

Spit- braided hair.

Spit- a tool for mowing grass.

The porridge ripened in the meadow.

Cow Masha eats porridge.

Masha likes lunch:

Nothing tastes better!

Kashka- white clover.

Kashka- a dish of grains boiled in water or milk.

Say "spring" -

And here arose

Runs in the green

Cheerful key murmuring.

And we call the spring the key

(The key to the door has nothing to do with it).

Rice. 3. Homonyms: Key ()

Key- spring.

Key- Locking device.

We are foxes

Friendly sisters.

Well, who are you?

We are foxes too!

How, with one paw?

No, even with a hat.

Rice. 4. Homonyms: Chanterelles ()

Chanterelles- mushrooms.

Chanterelles- animals.

Come learn to shoot with me

And look for me on the ridge.

I can hit the bird accurately

And also I get into cabbage soup.

Rice. 5. Homonyms: Bow ()

Onion- plant.

Polysemantic words and homonyms are spelled the same. The main difference between them is that polysemantic words have something in common in the lexical meaning (color, shape), while the lexical meanings of homonyms are completely different.

If you doubt the definition of a polysemantic word or homonym, an explanatory dictionary will come to your aid. Consider the difference in the entry of dictionary entries:

The root is a polysemantic word that has several meanings:

1. The underground part of plants.

2. The inner part of the hair, tooth.

3. Beginning, source of something (figurative).

4. Significant part of the word.

In the dictionary of a polysemantic word, each of its meanings is indicated by a number.

Consider how homonyms are represented in the dictionary. For example:

A faucet is a shut-off device in the form of a tube for the release of liquid or gas.

A crane is a machine for lifting and moving goods over short distances.

In the dictionary, homonyms have a separate dictionary entry.

It is possible to determine the meaning of homonyms only when the word is used in a phrase or in a sentence.

Let's complete the task.

Let's look at the pictures. Let's make sentences or phrases with homonyms to show their different lexical meanings.

1. Fluffy mink.

2. Deep mink.

Rice. 11. Homonyms: Mink ()

1. We saw a picture with a predatory lynx.

2. The horse was trotting.

Rice. 12. Homonyms: Lynx ()

1. Do not pollute the environment.

2. Grandmother will arrive on Wednesday.

Rice. 13. Homonyms: Wednesday ()

So, we learned that in Russian there are words that are spelled and pronounced the same way, but have different lexical meanings. These words are called homonyms.

Homonyms are often used in puzzles and riddles, for example:

What fabric can not be used to sew a shirt?

From the railway.

What faucet can't drink from?

From the lift.

In which cage are birds and animals not kept?

In the chest.

Which forests do not have game?

In construction.

What kind of belt can not be girdled?

  1. Klimanova L.F., Babushkina T.V. Russian language. 2. - M.: Enlightenment, 2012 (http://www.twirpx.com/file/1153023/)
  2. Buneev R.N., Buneeva E.V., Pronina O.V. Russian language. 2. - M.: Balass.
  3. Ramzaeva T.G. Russian language. 2. - M.: Bustard.
  1. Bukina-69.ucoz.ru ().
  2. toyskola.ucoz.ru ().
  3. Festival of pedagogical ideas "Open Lesson" ().
  • Klimanova L.F., Babushkina T.V. Russian language. 2. - M.: Enlightenment, 2012. P2. Do ex. 33, 34 p. 25.
  • Choose homonyms for these words. Make up sentences to understand the meaning of the words.

Castle, foam, cream.

  • * Using the knowledge gained in the lesson, come up with riddles or puzzles, where the answers are homonymous words.