What is described in the house plan. Composition of project documentation. Jumper layouts, specifications

Given the extensive experience of our company in the field of low-rise cottage design and individual housing construction, we offer you optimal composition of the house project- a set of drawings required for obtaining a building permit and carrying out construction work. Standard architectural and construction project contains in its basic composition the Architectural and Constructive sections and is a complete working project. In order not to cause an excessive rise in the cost of the project, the engineering section of the project (internal engineering networks: water supply and sewerage, heating, electricity) is not included in the basic composition. It can be manufactured additionally. Also, if necessary, the following can be additionally produced: a general site development plan / project passport, construction estimate, making changes to the finished project and adapting a standard project to the construction region, an engineering project. Often, additional production of a project passport is not required (depending on the requirements of local architecture).

If you do not yet have a general idea of ​​the desired house, the stages of individual design may be preceded by a preliminary design.

Complete house project

The components of a complete architectural and construction project are architectural, structural and engineering sections:

  1. Architectural Section (AR)
    • Total information: List of drawings of the main set: list of sheets included in the set of drawings, data on the architectural and planning solution of the house
    • General plan for site development: Site plan with the location of the house - to be produced additionally
    • floor plans: floor plans showing all dimensions, areas, markings of windows, doors, etc.
    • Facades: Views of the house from all sides
    • Cuts: Sectional views of the house, indicating floor heights, floor thicknesses, absolute and relative elevations, indicating the composition and description of building layers
    • Roof plan: roof view from above
    • Specification of windows and doors: List of window and door units, their quantity and overall dimensions
    • Smoke ventilation ducts
  2. Structural section (CR)
    • Foundation plan: foundation designs, sections, specifications of foundation elements
    • Floor structures: the layout of the floor elements (the layout of the floor slabs in the prefabricated version, the reinforcement scheme in the monolithic version, the layout of the beams in the overlap along the beams, the specification of the floor elements
    • Ladder: the overall dimensions, height and width of the step are indicated (the design is not being developed)
    • Details and knots: connection of structural elements to each other, sections, specification

If you are interested in the question of what is included in the cost of a house project, you should first figure out which project you have in mind.

Do you need a project?

The current legislation allows owners of land plots to build individual residential buildings without submitting project documentation for them to any authorities for verification. That is, neither the administration of your locality nor the local architecture will care whether you even have it in stock, or whether you decided to build “by eye.” Another thing is maintaining the distances from the house to the boundaries of the site and connecting communications (this usually requires separate projects completed by specialized organizations). These issues are always under strict control, and for violating them you may face not only a monetary fine, but even the demolition of your house (or refusal to connect one or another communication - water, gas, sewerage, electricity).

However, it is still better to build your house according to the project - this way you will have more confidence in its safety and reliability. Therefore, when ordering a project, you must know what you will pay money for.

Basically, to build an individual residential house, you will only need the following sections:

  • explanatory note to the project;
  • site layout diagram;
  • architectural, structural and space-planning solutions (facades, floor plans, sections and detailed diagrams of complex units).

But the estimate is not mandatory in this case (unless you are going to take out a loan for construction from a bank, which may request this estimate from you).

Thus, it turns out that in those cases when you are going to build a house from the foundation to the roof yourself (that is, without the involvement of “schemers” or construction companies), you can do without a project. But if specialists will be pouring the foundation, erecting the walls and making the roof, then a project is absolutely necessary - won’t you explain to them the depth of the foundation, the size of the windows and other “trifles”?

The cost of the project will depend not only on the number of floors and area of ​​your future home, but also on which organization (large or small) will develop it for you. A standard project, which will simply be “tied” to your land plot, will cost less (an individual project will cost much more).

Mandatory project

Another option when the project is mandatory is to order the construction of a turnkey house. In this case, since during the construction process you will no longer be able to make any changes to the layout of the house, all the small details must be discussed during the development of the project.

What is included in the cost of a house project in this case?

  • Firstly, the cost of project development - many companies that build private houses from foundation to roof often provide this service for free, thereby attracting more clients.
  • Secondly, the cost of all materials and structures from which your house will be assembled.
  • Thirdly, workers' compensation. The more people and equipment involved, the higher the value of your home will be. In addition, more qualified work is also paid more expensive than the work of unskilled workers.

If you do not need a turnkey house for any reason (that is, you decided to do some of the work yourself or invite specialists from another company), then the project may not include some work, for example, with frame technology for constructing buildings, it is often The cost of the project does not include foundation installation. You can also refuse:

  • roof insulation,
  • installation of windows and doors,
  • interior decoration,
  • connection of communications.

When choosing a set of works performed by a company that will both develop your house project and build it, you should not focus only on financial savings. Don’t forget that “turnkey” houses are usually built in a few months, while when most types of work are done independently, construction lasts for several years. In addition, during such a period, construction materials manage to rise in price (but your salary may not increase at exactly the same pace).

Therefore, when discussing what is included in the cost of a house project, do not forget to clarify:

  • whether the company you have chosen is currently carrying out any promotions;
  • Do they have any benefits, for example, for young or large families, pensioners, military personnel, etc. (if you are one of them, of course);
  • Is it possible to get an installment plan or a loan on preferential terms?

In addition, if you have the opportunity to purchase some of the materials for building a house at a cheaper cost, discuss this possibility with a representative of the company before starting work, so that later you do not have to make adjustments to the price specified in the contract.


How to make a house project yourself:

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When constructing private houses, one of the important components of the successful implementation of the project is the correct preparation of all necessary documentation. This will allow you to avoid many installation errors, fully equip the property in accordance with all requirements and connect all the necessary communications, and then easily register ownership of it.

If you refuse to create a project, it will become impossible to legally obtain ownership of it; due to non-compliance with building codes, it may be unsuitable or dangerous to the lives of all residents. You may also be interested in projects of private houses. To select a project, follow the link to the website http://euro-plans.ru/.

What is included in the project?

The project of any house includes the following sections:

  • Architectural. It includes basic data about the building design with detailed information about its construction in detailed drawings.
  • Constructive. It represents general information about the construction project, including data on the location of structural elements with specifications for them.
  • Engineering. It is necessary only if you plan to connect the house to various communications, for example, a sewerage system or a water supply system. The section includes information about the calculations carried out, the implementation of the connection and a detailed plan for their installation with specifications and names of products, materials and devices.
  • Additional documentation.

Architectural section

The architectural section includes complete information about the geometry of buildings, structures, structures with complete data on their sizes, areas and materials, as well as the placement of structural elements such as windows, doors, walls, partitions on each floor. The plans also indicate the location of kitchen and sanitary premises, indicating the location of equipment in them. A roof drawing is also provided with drawings of the rafter system and its individual elements, as well as data on the roofing material. The roof plan must include a calculation of the slopes, their shape and size.

Drawings of the building's facades are presented from several angles to get a complete picture of the structure. Additionally, you will need to make drawings of cross sections of the house, which will clearly show the internal arrangement of floors, partitions, doors, stairs, etc. Then you will need to create a complete specification, which will include information about building materials and finished structures.

Structural section

The constructive section provides general data about the object and diagrams of the location of the rafter system, foundation, main load-bearing units, walls and ceilings. Additionally, as in the architectural section, there must be transverse and longitudinal sections of all elements, as well as calculations of the strength and stability of the building. The most complex connecting and mating nodes are shown in separate drawings, on which not only the main dimensions are plotted, but also axial references are made. In addition, complete information is provided on the installation technologies used and the sequence of work performed.

Engineering section

The engineering section of the project indicates a complete list of all connected communications and their internal wiring inside the building. Such systems include: plumbing, sewer, electrical, heating, ventilation, etc. For each of them there must be a plan for their location, a complete specification, a list of auxiliary installations for their functionality, as well as the location of points of consumption. Calculations must be supplemented with an explanatory note.

When describing the plumbing system, communications with cold and hot water, as well as their wiring, are indicated. In the electrical communications system, a calculation of the expected loads on the network is provided to determine the power and select suitable wiring and electrical accessories. The implementation of grounding and lightning protection is also shown. A mandatory subsection in case of high thunder danger should be a description of the lightning rod system. At the end of the section there should be information indicating all the installation features, as well as connecting devices and devices.

Additional Documentation

  • Complete technical description of the design and selected architecture of the building.
  • Description of the purpose of the building and its functions.
  • Economic indicators.
  • Cost estimate for building materials with a description of the validity of their choice.
  • Data on the selection of specific engineering solutions.


Projects of private houses contain complete general and detailed information about the main structures, building materials used, technologies and features of the construction of units, as well as all necessary calculations with explanations. Therefore, a professional approach is required to compile documentation.

The construction of any building must be carried out according to the project. this indispensable tool for monitoring the quality of work and the consumption of building materials. What should it include? Let's talk about this in more detail.
There are two sequentially developed house designs: preliminary and working. Draft house designs contain sketches of the future building, revealing its planning, volumetric-spatial and style solutions. This includes drawings with a schematic plan for the development of the territory, a plan of all floors of the building, a roof plan, the appearance of the building and its sections (longitudinal and transverse). In addition, this document indicates the total area of ​​the building and lists the materials from which it will be built. Here, in general terms, the design features of the building can be noted and a range of non-standard products can be given.

Working designs of houses

The development of working documentation, which represents an action program for builders, is carried out on the basis of a preliminary design approved by the customer. The working design consists of three main parts: architectural, design and engineering.
The architectural part includes a master plan of the site and a vertical layout project demonstrating the scope of earthworks, as well as, in some cases, a design for landscaping the site. In addition, the architectural part includes a description of the facades of the building indicating all the necessary dimensions, as well as plans of all floors containing such parameters as the area of ​​​​the premises, the placement and dimensions of walls, partitions, window and door openings, internal stairs, etc. Other elements of the architectural part. this is a roof plan and drawings of longitudinal and transverse sections of the main rooms, staircase and main entrance, showing the structural design of the building.
The structural part of the working projects of houses is intended directly for ordering materials and conducting work on the construction site. It includes a foundation plan; floor plan; roofing structure plan; sections of foundations, walls and other structural units, parts and elements of the building; specifications of structural elements.
Finally, the engineering and technical part of the working projects of houses contains data on the composition and placement of various elements of engineering equipment, on its power and on the layout of networks. This part of the working documentation consists of several sections, including sections on gas supply, heating and ventilation, water supply and sewerage, power supply and low-voltage networks. Alarm and security systems projects are included in separate sections.

  1. List of sheets
  2. General information. Room area
  3. Prospects
  4. Plot map
  5. Marking plan of the 1st floor
  6. Marking plan of the 2nd floor
  7. Attic floor plan
  8. Roof plan
  9. Facades
  10. Decorative elements of the facade
  11. Cuts
  12. Specification of elements for filling external openings. Sketches
  13. Fundamental units for sections and facades
  14. Ventilation ducts and chimneys
  15. Schematic diagram of a foundation pit for a house
  16. Schematic diagram of the foundation pit for the porch foundation
  17. Schematic diagrams of input and output of utility networks
  18. Plan and 3D view of preparation for foundation ribs and slab at elevation. -0.850
  19. Plan and 3D view of foundation ribs
  20. Plan of the foundation slab at elevation. -0.850. 3D view of the foundation without insulation.
  21. Plan for additional reinforcement of the foundation slab at elevation. -0.850
  22. Plan of the foundation slab at elevation. -0.200
  23. Plan for additional reinforcement of the foundation slab at elevation. -0.200
  24. Foundation sections
  25. Basic diagrams of foundation reinforcement
  26. Reinforcement of external stairs
  27. Layout plans for horizontal and vertical insulation
  28. Schematic diagrams of hydro- and thermal insulation of the foundation
  29. 3D view of the foundation
  30. The staircase is internal. 3d view of reinforcement
  31. Principal section along the wall. Technical instructions for masonry structures
  32. Schematic diagrams of jumper devices
  33. Masonry plan of the 1st floor. 3d view of the walls of the 1st floor
  34. Masonry plan for the facing layer of the 1st floor
  35. Niche plan of the 1st floor
  36. Plan and 3D view of the lintels at elevation. +3.150
  37. Schematic diagrams of reinforcement of floors at elevation. +3.150 and +6.650
  38. Scheme of joining of floor reinforcement
  39. Plan and 3D view of the floor at elevation. +3.150
  40. Plan for additional reinforcement of the floor at elevation. 3.150
  41. Masonry plan of the 2nd floor. 3D view of the walls of the 2nd floor
  42. Masonry plan for the facing layer of the 2nd floor
  43. Niche plan of the 2nd floor
  44. Plan and 3D view of the lintels at elevation. +6.450
  45. Plan and 3D view of the lintels at elevation. +6.660
  46. Plan for additional reinforcement of the floor at elevation. +6.660
  47. Attic floor plan
  48. Plan and 3D view of a monolithic belt under the Mauerlat
  49. Plan and 3D view of Mauerlats
  50. Plan and 3D view of racks, supports and purlins
  51. Plan and 3D view of the rafter system
  52. Sections on rafters
  53. Principal components of the rafter system
  54. Terrace. Metal Post and Beam Plans
  55. Terrace. Terrace column plan
  56. Terrace. Plan of the terrace enclosing structures. Plan of floor beams.
  57. Terrace. Cuts.
  58. Garage. Plan of the monolithic belt at elevation. +2.715
  59. Garage. Floor beam plan
  60. Garage. Run plan at elevation. +3.970. Plan of monolithic belts at elevation. +2.850 and +3.065
  61. Garage. cuts
  62. Garage. Section fragments
  63. Porch 2. Plan of metal posts. Floor beam plan
  64. Porch 2. Plan of enclosing structures
  65. Porch 2. 3D views
  66. Roof at el. +5.181. Plan of monolithic belts for rafters
  67. Roof at elevation +5.181. Rafter plan
  68. Roof at elevation +5.181. Roof plan
  69. 3D views of load-bearing structures of the garage, terrace and porch
  70. Porch 1
  71. Stairs