What does it mean if they are beaten in a dream. Why dream of hitting a person. Portal editor-in-chief: Ekaterina Danilova

Every dream has a specific meaning. To interpret it correctly, it is important to remember all the details of the vision. Why dream that they are beating? This vision has many different meanings. The most popular dream books will help you figure it out. Let's take a look at them.

Russian dream book

Seeing in a dream how you beat another person means that soon you will overcome difficulties. Perhaps defeat the ill-wishers.

Noble dream book by N. Grishina

In this book, such a dream is interpreted as follows. To beat is to give another person your strength, energy. If he beats his subordinates, it means their obedience.

When a man dreamed that he was beating his wife, this indicates her betrayal in reality.

Beating mom in a dream means worrying, worrying, worrying, thinking about her.

Why dream that they are beating you? Interpretation options

If a friend does this, then in real life everything will come to its senses and get better, possible conflicts between you will be settled. And in case of a blow from the enemy, you should take a closer look at this person. Maybe he is not an enemy at all, but simply does not know how to show his feelings. It is important to remember the force of the blow. After all, the stronger he is, the more powerful a person feels towards you.

People who have their own business or are trying to get one can often dream about being hit on the head. This means that all their plans will come true. But for this they will have to go through difficult tests.

Other visions and interpretations

Why dream that several people beat you? This may indicate a person's low self-esteem. In reality, this problem must be solved. It may also mean that a person becomes a hostage of his own phobias, which he cannot tell someone about. In this case, a psychologist can help.

If in a dream you witnessed a fight and could not stay away, but climbed to separate people, then most likely you are unhappy with the way your life is developing and are trying to change everything.

Why dream that they are beating underground or in the basement? Such a dream may mean that the past is trying to remind of itself, thereby causing anxiety in reality. And if in a dream you are beaten in the sky or in the air, then you should expect serious changes in the near future.

Dream for a girl

A woman dreams that she is being hit in the face ... What can such a vision mean? If she is married and the husband strikes a blow, then they should observe family traditions and laws. Only then will the marriage be truly happy, and the spouses will live in love and joy. But if the wife is trying to escape from the blow of her husband in a dream, then in real life he has seriously offended his wife. But you should not inflate a scandal and take offense because of this. We must try to keep the relationship, despite everyday problems and quarrels.

If a woman dreamed that she was beating her lover, then in reality you should not expect something good. Everyone is responsible for their sins, sooner or later the secret will be revealed. Then there will be a chance of losing a dear person.

Strange dreams

When they beat with all their might in a dream, why dream of this? If the blow was so strong that blood should have appeared, but it was not, then it has an interesting interpretation. A stranger seeks to enter the real life of this person. It's not bad at all. It is quite possible that he will become a reliable shoulder, support and good friend.

Why dream that messengers from the kingdom of darkness are beating? The presence of aggressive otherworldly beings in a dream means anxiety, financial trouble, everyday troubles and problems. If such a plot is seen by a sick person, then further deterioration of health is possible. If you dream of an empty wallet in the same vision, then a person can get sick, moreover, seriously and for a long time.

What are the hallmarks of career success?

When a leader beats his subordinates with anything, then in real life good news and holiday events await him. Success at work will allow you to have a glass of champagne with employees at lunchtime. The financial situation will also improve soon. Looking forward to career success or promotion. Transfer to another place with an increase in salary is possible. Such a dream has only good meaning. Things will get better in real life very soon.

Fights and children: what do these visions mean?

Why dream that children are beating? This may mean that in real life they lack attention from their parents. They are trying to get it this way. Parents need to reconsider their attitude towards their own children. Think, maybe because of everyday matters, they deprive them of the necessary attention. This could have bad consequences in the future.

A dream involving a brother

Why dream that they are beating my brother? Such a dream warns of danger in real life. The enemies are plotting against the brother. If a person dreamed that he was with a relative, then in real life he yearns for him. Most likely, the brother is far away or a long road awaits him soon. Such a dream testifies to the emotional attachment of relatives.

Seeing your wife or husband beat you up is a good sign. Harmony and tranquility reign in your family, and this will last for many years.

If you were beaten by someone who is no longer alive, then you are in trouble. Most likely, there will be a discord with a loved one and you will miss him greatly.

A man dreams that he gets a slap in the face - which means that in the near future he will be promoted up the career ladder. If a woman in a dream receives a slap in the face from a man - a sign of a near illness, from a woman - you will make a new acquaintance, which can develop into a strong friendship.

Women's dream book

If you are beaten in a dream, why is there such a vision? The dream portends pleasant surprises, perhaps it will be an expensive gift.

Becoming a witness to a fight in a dream between strangers means that you will regret the missed opportunity.

But if you are the source of the beatings, there are losses ahead. You will most likely lose a large amount of money. Be careful. Also, such a dream can be a harbinger of a serious illness.

To beat a spouse or spouse in a dream portends the news of infidelity. Your relationship will deteriorate greatly, perhaps the question of divorce will arise.

To beat yourself in a dream - a long road awaits you.

Chinese dream book

To experience a kick in a dream is a good sign. You will improve your financial situation and you will not need anything for many years.

If a man in a dream beats a representative of the weaker sex, in reality he will face disgrace and oblivion. Friends will turn away from him.

Being beaten by a complete stranger promises benefits. Your word will gain a lot of weight, many will look for your location. Don't miss your chance.

If you dream that you are hitting someone with a bat, it means that in reality either you or a loved one will get sick.

Seeing brothers fighting in a dream means that you will be happy. The dream in which you witness a murder has the same meaning. To kill a person himself in a dream portends the receipt of large sums of money. And the more blood there was during the beating, the more money you get.

Eastern dream book

If in a dream you are beaten by representatives of law enforcement agencies, then in reality you will learn about the illness of your parents.

To beat yourself up in a dream to blood - get a promotion. At work, luck will help you, do not miss it.

Becoming a victim of a group of aggressive people means that someone is very much looking for a meeting with you.

A dream in which a woman beats someone with rage foreshadows trouble for her. Your caustic remarks to someone's address will reach the addressee, he will try to ruin your life. Try not to speak evil, do not ask for trouble, and then all misfortunes will pass by.

When in a dream you become a victim of physical violence - you received a blow or even several strong cuffs, then do not rush to despair and think that this is not good. The dream interpretation interprets beating, rather, as a reflection of the inner psychological state of the sleeping person. The soothsayers give various explanations of what the beating dreams of. And they differ markedly, depending on the details of the dream.

Household tyrants

For married people, in a dream, to see a serious quarrel with a spouse (or boyfriend), which has come to hand-to-hand combat, in reality means that the connection with a lover on the side will soon end. The same forecast is valid even if the dreamer does not go "to the left", but only sympathizes with the person of the opposite sex.

But for bachelors, maidens of marriageable age, such a plot suggests that they need to think about their own behavior. Lunar dream book, explains that excessive aggressiveness and assertiveness is likely, which interferes with building personal relationships.

Miller has his own dissenting opinion: what is the dream of beating. From the point of view of a psychiatrist and psychologist, he explains this dream with deep emptiness, bordering on depression.

A difficult and difficult conversation with relatives will be faced by a person who the day before saw in a dream how his parents had a terrible fight, and his father beats his mother. But such a conversation cannot be postponed. Make up your mind soon, otherwise you can lose confidence and waste valuable time.

An unpleasant dream in which strangers beat your relatives does not portend any awakening horrors. On the contrary, by becoming a participant in unusual events, you can get rid of some complexes and phobias.

Street fights The dream interpretation ambiguously interprets beating on the street. We'll have to go on a dangerous journey, this is what Hasse predicts a man who dreamed of a fight of unknown people in a dark alley. The same predictor clarifies that if a husband or a friend of dreamers demonstrated boxing techniques in the same place, then soon it is possible to sign a profitable contract.

According to the dream book, beating, in which a person was smashed to the blood, promises trouble in his personal life. And if bloody spots were seen in a dream on clothes or hands, then problems are coming in the service. Public disgrace in reality, it is quite likely after the police beat the violators of public order in a dream. Such a dream is a timely signal - watch your actions and words, and everything will work out.

If the sleeping person saw in a dream how someone pounded his girlfriend (or boyfriend) for alleged treason, then according to the dream book, this beating reflects his doubts about the decency and sincerity of his partner's feelings in reality. Most likely, these fears and suspicions are unfounded. They interfere with the development of relationships.

If the dreamer himself rushes with fists at a loved one in night visions, then in reality he should analyze the relationship with a partner. Something oppresses him and haunts him. Talk frankly - no matter how sad the truth is, it's better than endless doubts.

When, in a dream, a person raises his hand to a dear person, because he “abandoned” him, then waking up one should be careful and show delicacy. At least, we will find such advice in the Eastern Dream Book, warning that a dream may precede an incident or an absurd situation, which you can get into through your own stupidity.

What can one dream of beating a woman? Wild behavior in a dream suggests that intrigues are woven in the team where you work, preventing you from taking a more profitable position.

Hit and take revenge

The dream book can not only explain the beating that was dreamed of, but also its consequences. If in a dream you are taking revenge on your spouse who raised a hand against you, then in real life you will win over your enemies and envious people. This is the interpretation of "beating" in the Islamic dream book.

Dreaming as if your loved one left you, and you beat your opponent for it? When you wake up, expect great news.

In a dream, there are no barriers and restrictions. Therefore, such a fantastic situation is also likely: you generously give cuffs to your boss, for example, for the fact that he did not raise salaries and does not appreciate you. The female dream book warns that this beating in reality may end in a reprimand or dismissal. So, even in a sleepy state, follow the rules of corporate ethics!

To beat a neighbor in a dream - to the visit of unexpected guests.

Belt pedagogy

Why dream of beating a child? For example, a situation when a negligent student is given a belt for absenteeism and bad grades? This means that the dreamer will find himself in an awkward situation, or make a mistake, a mistake that he will bitterly regret. To beat your own child in a dream, because he did not return from a walk on time, is also not a method ... Because waking up such a cruel parent will actually miss the beginning of an important meeting, that is, will be late.

Tsvetkov's dream book also adds that a partner who has been waiting for it will be extremely unhappy. Autumn dream book, offers a version of the interpretation of the dream, in which the evil teacher raised her hands to the child. In this case, the dreamer should be afraid that he will not cope with the difficult task of the boss. Such a dream is also a hint. To cope with a difficult assignment in the service, enlist the support of colleagues and ask them for help.

In the section of the dream book "beating" there is also a hint on how to unravel the plot of a dream in which a daughter is beaten by her boyfriend. For a parent, this is a signal that the child is more than ever. Now he needs support, advice. I dreamed that they slapped a stranger's child - everything will be fine, you can easily overcome small, but numerous obstacles and problems.

Animal abuse

All enemies will be defeated, this is what dreaming about beating a cat! In reality, of course, you should not show such a cruel attitude towards an innocent animal.

When in a dream you witnessed how someone mocks our younger brother, then in reality you will find yourself in the epicenter of a scandal. However, the dream book advises, do not rush to take part in it.

Had a dream about someone throwing a stone at a dog? Alas, such a plot anticipates not very good events. They want to offend, hurt and humiliate you. The spring dream book warns - you do not need to succumb to provocations.

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