What does lip biting mean? What our bad habits say about us

Have you ever faced the problem of unrestrained and thoughtless food consumption? When during the day you constantly look into the refrigerator for another snack, despite the fact that you don't even feel particularly hungry?

If so, then I understand you perfectly well, because I myself suffered from an eating disorder and I know what it is.

Today I will share 9 effective ways to stop eating all the time. If you follow my advice, you will only eat when you are hungry!

1. Eat regularly

This is one of the most effective ways to get rid of uncontrolled food intake.

You should eat regularly, in small portions, in order to avoid the feeling of hunger and the temptation to snack once more.

2. Learn to be distracted

If you suddenly feel the urge to eat at an inopportune time, just do something to distract yourself. Read or do something with your own hands until the feeling passes.

A simple yet highly effective way to train yourself to a new regimen!

3. Drink water

Drink plenty of water to break the cycle of mindless food consumption.

We often mistake thirst for hunger, and dehydration potentially leads to overeating.

Next time you want to grab a snack, drink some water and watch the sensation.

If you maintain a water balance, then food cravings should decrease!

4. Change habits

Changing your habits is a great way to stop eating on autopilot.

After all, it is the habit that is the main culprit of our improper eating behavior.

Try changing your daily routine and do something new!

There are many options to spend time productively, you just need to choose what you like!

5. Keep a food diary

A diary is a wonderful way to bring yourself to clean water and understand the reasons for uncontrolled absorption of food.

Track your mood, food intake, time, and other factors to identify patterns in your behavior.

We often eat out of boredom or emotion, and the diary will help you get closer to solving the riddle faster.

6. Make a plan to achieve what you want

Once you have identified your food triggers with your diary, think about the psychological effects you would expect from excessive food intake.

Then make a plan for how you can achieve the desired sensations without involving food.

7. Create obstacles

If your colleague at work has a vase of sweets on his desk all the time, or your spouse always keeps a packet of cookies close at hand, then try to create some kind of barrier between yourself and the food in order to avoid unnecessary temptations.

Ask a colleague to remove the vase from the table, and ask your spouse to have a snack while you are not in the kitchen.

8. Eat slowly

If you slowly eat, savoring every bite, you can listen to the body and feel the onset of satiety in time, thereby avoiding overeating.

Get into the habit of eating slowly, and you will notice that you are consuming a lot less food!

9. Don't deprive yourself of your favorite foods

By completely ditching your favorite foods, you only increase the risk of developing excessive cravings for them and, as a result, breakdown.

Spoil yourself with them in moderation from time to time!

Hopefully, the tips I have given will help you get rid of the constant craving for food.

It takes time to get used to a new diet, but remember that people are not born with an eating disorder, which means you always have a chance to make a difference!

Socks are scattered in the most unimaginable places of the apartment, the dishes are not washed, and the child, as if setting a goal to bring you to nervous hiccups, does not regularly close the tube of toothpaste. If "plus or minus" is a picture from your life, then it's time to think that love and understanding have disappeared from it.

Yes, this is exactly what psychologists think, and insist that in quite rare cases, the bad habits of households are just really habits. “As a rule, there is a message behind them. A person wants to say something, for example, he is entangled in his feelings, he suspects that he has stopped loving, he is not satisfied with something in the relationship, but he is afraid of being misunderstood, rejected, hesitates to say it with the offender, does not know how. And then he delivers this information in a manipulative way, ”says Tatiana Zaichikova, a psychotherapist, candidate of psychological sciences.

“Everything that we do, we do not into emptiness, but with some specific people,” continues Tatiana Viktorovna. - And in another apartment, a "hooligan" can, for no reason at all, start twisting a tube of paste. But “out of the blue” is only at first glance. In fact - there the person had a tension in the relationship, against the causes of which he protested in this way.

We resort to manipulation when our three basic needs are not met: security, acceptance, and acceptance. For example, a woman does not receive recognition for the fact that she cooks, does laundry, for the fact that household chores are also work. She will start mopping the floors in a demonstrative manner so that no one can go 1.5 hours. If someone passes and leaves a trail, she will scream. That is, her habit of doing homework at the most inopportune moment, when the house is full of people, is only a provocation for the "mischief" to finally be noticed. That is, at least with a scandal, she can draw the attention of ungrateful household members to her work. But there would be no war, we praise our loved ones more often and for any little thing. This also applies to children.

If a person knows that he can be hit, even with a word, if he is not sure that the one who is next to him will come to the rescue at the right moment, then he will not have the feeling that next to such a person he is resting and he will become harmful ... “In addition, the negative experience of communication received in childhood becomes a template according to which we build our relationships in the future. - says Tatiana Zaichikova. - If we wanted to express insult to our parents, cry on their knees and tell what exactly worries us, and they ignored us, then now you will be afraid to express thoughts directly because of the subconscious fear of being misunderstood and rejected. You must definitely deal with yourself. Yes, I am afraid of rejection, misunderstanding. But ... But in reality it means that the way I am, I cannot accept myself before. For example, not wearing makeup, stupid, unsuccessful. We must learn to ensure safety ourselves - the world does not have to do this to me, he is not a nanny who is obliged to anticipate my desires and guess what I need. And I myself / myself do not do something like that or, on the contrary, I do that I find myself in unsafe situations. For example, I believe that I have no right to make a mistake, and when I stumble and they snort at me about my universal stupidity, I repent or silently swallow, although I think to myself: “Well, it doesn't happen to anyone. What \ what he is not thin and does not like me at all, even if "sinful". Instead of accepting yourself as such - mistaken, not to lose the feeling of comfort - after all, the next time you will not do this, and if there is a condemnation, stop it by telling the mocker directly about it. Be it husband / wife, parents, friends, colleagues. "

If the “bad guy” is not able to turn the situation around on her own, then Tatyana Viktorovna advises the “offended” to act: “Say:“ It annoys me when you ... ” stupid "," zamuhryshka ", and specifically:" I am offended that although we agreed, socks (toys, if it's a child) are lying around, anywhere and from the insult I want to cry. I want you to feel sorry for me, hug me, I love you very much. " Sometimes it takes several times for the situation to improve. But if it continues, despite requests, then it is more likely about broken communications. In general, when the passion between the spouses subsided, they subconsciously create it with the help of ... scattered socks and a loud sound on the TV. This gives a surge of emotions, they reconcile and feelings, as if refreshed. "

When you figured out what exactly you are doing wrong, you should not change everything at once. In general, according to the psychologist, it is important to start with respect for yourself, for your methods of protection and behavior. “If I respect, then I have a chance to respect another person, his ways of behavior, there is a chance to come to an agreement. If I do not respect, then I will remake myself sharply and treat the other in exactly the same way, - Tatyana Viktorovna believes. - There is no right or wrong. Eats only what brings you pleasure and does not. The question is that you need to find the rules of life that are acceptable to everyone with whom you share it. "

And to understand a little more in yourself, the simple tests below will help. Their essence is that any emotion is a physical phenomenon first of all.


FACE MASK... This is a pathological desire to please someone. Think, is his realization worth such torment? Perhaps you should just join a club. Awareness of your talents makes you happy, and people will reach out to you themselves

CONFIRMED THROAT... You don't allow yourself to say anything. Asthma, all lung diseases - this is also a delayed desire to insist on one's own, in general to assert one's rights. Try it, you will succeed.

BREAKING SHOULDERS... A sense of duty weighs on you. You have taken on as much responsibility as you cannot bear. It's time to change something and unload. Not being the strongest isn't so bad.

COUPLED HANDS... And also trembling, numbness is dissatisfaction. Stop driving her into the far corner of the subconscious. Think than, and start to act. Write a letter to the abuser if you are not able to talk to him one-on-one.

TENSION IN THE LEGS... Trembling knees and heaviness - this is the fear of taking the next step, as well as the fear of not being in time. Forbid yourself to flinch at the thought of "run, you need to save." Remember: the one who is in no hurry succeeds.


The fact that a wife or colleague bites her nails speaks of hidden aggression. Moreover, aggression - not in the sense of anger, but caused by the inability to do what a person actually sees fit. At the same time, as a rule, such people cannot speak to more than one person, in this style of innuendo they communicate with everyone. “Any manipulations with the mouth, lips, teeth, and even more chewing, speak of irritation,” says psychologist Tatyana Zaichikova. - Thus, a person says to those around him: “I cannot afford to do something, say, express, something does not satisfy me and to relieve tension - I gnaw at myself”.

What to do? The best thing is to talk to your abuser. But first, remember the situation that caused this feeling. If this is not possible (this person is far from you or has died) try writing him a letter. Or stay alone, put a chair in front of you and tell him everything that the person could not express. Moreover, express with emotions and those passions that actually seethe in you. Better yet, then sit down on this chair and answer to yourself on behalf of that person. If you cry, shout, speak, then this will be enough to put an end to the torment. However, if the problem is relevant now, then the chair is just a rehearsal. Then to talk to that person live. Otherwise, nothing will change and you will not break the circle.

If a person answers any question with a shout, this indicates a long-standing aggression. Screaming is an excess of energy. Therefore, a person looks for reasons in the outside world in order to pour it out and somehow justify his stress. Stepped on your foot, pushed, or looked wrong - let me answer, reject you first. A person without tension will never answer with a cry, because he has no energy for it. The energy of resentment is a dark horse that can lead you no one knows where. And before you go after her, figure out what worries you so as not to make trouble.

IN-EXHAUST - UNDERSTOOD. In a state of tension, it is impossible to adequately assess what is happening. Tip: try to breathe. This is an American technique from the opposite, when unclenching physically, a person is restored psychologically. Perhaps tears of resentment will come out - cry. If something insignificant happened and you just screwed yourself up, you will immediately feel it - it will brighten in your head. So, inhale for 2 seconds, 2 - hold your breath, exhale for 3 seconds. Do this 4 times. Now tighten all the muscles, all parts of the body in turn from the top of the head to the tips of the toes and relax. Tension will go away, and thoughts will be ordered. You are now in a position to make smart decisions.


Taras Chornovil, politician:“Not from any. When I get home, I continue to throw things around, smoke too. Put all your papers and documents anywhere, and then long and tedious to find them, turning the apartment over, the same way. The only thing is that I have given up the habit of starting exactly the final mess, when nothing can be found. The last straw was that somehow I had to buy a new charger, cable. Then there were two of them, and before that - due to the fact that I did not find the necessary documents, an important and urgent work fell through. And then I decided to refuse to bring my housing to the state of Hiroshima and Nagasaki. By the way, I finished not only my room, but also the common territories with the household. There were stacks of books that I had just looked through, papers - they even occupied part of the bed. Because I loved watching it all before bed. I am cleaning now, it cannot be said that it is regular. But as soon as I understand that everything is already there is nowhere to go, I begin to clear it. And before they lived like in a joke in which the boss shouts to the secretary: “Why did you wipe my dust ?! I wrote down the phone number there! " And now, it happens that I am attacked by such an attack of cleanliness that I begin to clean even tiles in hard-to-reach places. Another habit I had: when driving a car, throw out cigarette butts through the window, some trifle. And then I caught myself that when I go abroad, I am ashamed to throw garbage on the street. It’s not normal - it’s so clean. And at home I allowed myself this. And then I thought: "Stop, who do I respect more: foreigners or my country?" The ashtray was innocently empty, but now it fills up quickly, and then I deliberately stop at gas stations to clean it. "

Anna German, politician: “I have never had bad habits. I’m not perfect, but I was brought up so that I don’t leave things, everything is in place, I don’t shout. At the same time, I am completely calm about the fact that someone did not close the jar, threw the slippers. I always know how to see only what I like, only the good: both in strangers and in everyday life. Therefore, it is easy for me to live. And sometimes it helped. While others moaned: it’s bad, and it’s not, I didn’t understand these people: how good the sun is shining, good day, everything is ahead. The main thing is family and health, and everything else is little things that are not worth attention. And sometimes I can pass by some bad things until someone shows them to me. And I get nervous when they draw my attention to what I might not see in my life. "
Vladimir Grishko, singer:“I had a habit of being late, but I moved the clock 15 minutes ahead, and even began to come earlier, which makes everyone amazed. I’m an advisor to the president, I must be organized, and in my case, being late is simply indecent. But it so happened that when a year ago my driver got sick and had to plan the time for the road myself, I got this little sin. And I also stopped eating sweets so as not to be overweight. How? Doctors scared the consequences of obesity. For me, the word of doctors is the law. "

Very often, having met a new person on our way, we wonder: "What to expect from him?", "What are the features of his character?", "How to predict his behavior?"

With a new, exciting acquaintance, we strive to learn as much as possible about a person and resort to various methods of obtaining information. But there are times when we cannot ask anything about a person from mutual acquaintances. In such cases, you should be observant when communicating with a new person, and then analyze what personal qualities his behavior testifies.

What behavioral features should you pay attention to?

They will most fully tell you about a person's habits. Habits, unlike behavior, cannot be controlled, so they will truthfully "tell" about the personality of a new acquaintance. Habits are subdivided according to the degree of usefulness for their owner and society: - useful (they enable a person to quickly and clearly perform the necessary actions, rules of behavior, safety, labor, etc.); - inappropriate (useless and inappropriate actions); - harmful (formed as a result of imitation and reinforcement of wrong forms of behavior). But in order to form an objective opinion about a person, one cannot analyze habits according to the degree of their usefulness. It is most appropriate to consider them in terms of the sphere, kind and type of activity in the process of which they were formed. There are several groups of habits: Professional, depending on the type and type of activity. For example, the habit of planning your affairs for a week and bringing the work started to the end, speaks of a high degree of responsibility and constancy in the views of its owner. The habit of independent and quick decision-making speaks of a person's leadership qualities and self-confidence. On the contrary, a person's tendency to recheck a written report several times and constantly edit it speaks of self-doubt in the professional field.

The habit of twisting hair on a finger speaks of a sentimental, suspicious nature. The habit of twirling and fiddling with various objects in the hands speaks of the secrecy and nervousness of its owner. The habit of wiggling your foot speaks of a person's arrogance. The manner of speaking correctly and beautifully testifies to the superiority of reason over feelings. Household, according to these habits, you can determine the degree of respect of a person to society and to himself. For example, the habit of pushing a chair behind you after leaving the table speaks of a high level of human culture. Cleaning up after yourself is about respect for others. The habit of being accurate suggests that public opinion is very important for a person. Sanitary and hygienic. According to these habits, one can judge the degree of a person's love for himself. The more of these habits, the higher the self-esteem. And, conversely, disregard for the rules of personal hygiene speaks of dislike for oneself. Antihygienic, characterize the degree of nervousness and respect for others. Disrespect for society is evidenced by the following habits: licking fingers after eating, taking salt while eating from a salt shaker with your hand, taking slices from a plate with your fingers, etc. Habits such as biting nails, fingers, rings, chains, toothpicks, and biting your lips indicate manifestations of nervousness. The habit of gnawing on a pen or pencil speaks of daydreaming. Moral. They are found out with close communication, characterize self-awareness of oneself in society, moral principles. Mental, allow you to judge the ways and manner of thinking of a person.

Sometimes it's fun to watch people behave in different situations. and issue excitement, anxiety, confusion. Some, like Cameron Diaz, constantly shake their hair, others, like Britney Spears, bite their nails. What does our body language say?? This is what psychologists and cosmetologists say.

Psychologists and cosmetologists are able to determine the state of a person at a glance. It is enough to watch him for a few minutes. For example, if you bite your nails, the beautician will decide that you are worried about burrs and will advise you to update your manicure. But the psychologist will notice that you are anxious or unsure of yourself, and will prescribe the pills. What other signals does our body give and how to recognize them?

Cause: Dry skin causes itching and flaking
Which says: Sudden itching of the skin can be triggered by anxiety. The level of emotion and excitement has reached such a height that it becomes difficult to hide it. You clearly feel uncomfortable.

Reason: the desire to show beautiful styling
What body language says: You crave attention, you want everyone to look only at you. You are trying to charm those around you with a beautiful movement of hair. Psychologists find this method suitable for luring a man into their net.

Reason: it's time to get a manicure
What body language says: By biting your nails, you imply that you are stressed, nervous about failure or deception, and feel resentful and insecure.

Reason: the hair is so soft and silky that you constantly want to touch it
What body language says: A subconscious desire to prove your innocence. But more often, this is a sign of flirting: this is how you try to attract the attention of a man. Or you just want to focus while looking at your computer monitor or TV screen.

Reason: the hygienic lipstick remained in another cosmetic bag
What body language says: It all depends on the situation. You may be agitated. During stress, dehydration occurs, and an instinctive urge to wet the lips arises. Sometimes in this way an attitude towards delicious sweets or ... towards beautiful men, whom you want to immediately seduce, is manifested.

And now for you photos of stars, what they say ...

Katy Perry has repeatedly complained that she has problem skin. If the singer is agitated, she immediately finds herself in the mirror: the fight against acne is soothing. But only after it, the foci of inflammation become even more. Cosmetologists have one piece of advice on this: touch your face less with your hands.

Seemingly self-confident Blake Lively gives away her excitement during the interview with gestures

Paris Hilton and Cameron Diaz often resort to attracting the attention of the public with sexy waves of hair. Well they are good at it

The plunging neckline of George Clooney's ex-girlfriend Elizabeth Canalis is clearly not enough. To impress, the model also decided to shake her hair well. Well, how did it work?

It looks like Megan Fox was asked a tricky question. In thoughtfulness, the actress began to bite her nails and at the same time thereby took time out so as not to accidentally shake up too much

Lindsay Lohan is clearly nervous and unable to hide her excitement. I wonder who the actress saw?

Each of us has characteristic habits that we take for granted and do not try to explain in any way. No one is surprised that people sing in the shower, adorn themselves with tattoos from head to toe, or adore spicy food. However, if you consider everyday behavior in terms of temperament or personality traits, everything immediately falls into place. For example, a healthy lifestyle and sports are most often practiced by conscientious people with a high degree of responsibility. It is with such people that you are more likely to build harmonious long-term relationships.

It is generally accepted that extroverts are generally happier than introverts. Introverted people who prefer to live apart experience more mental health problems. People with progressive views who are open to experimentation tend to have higher income levels. Well, good-natured positive personalities have many friends. Everyone seems to agree with this.

Daily habits reflect on our character

Up to this point, we've talked about personality traits that affect long-term goals. It's time to touch on the topic of daily actions that we do with you on an unconscious level. The scientific publication "Personality and Individual Differences" published the results of a study in which psychologists were able to find out how the daily routine correlates with the basic personality type. Scientists identify the so-called "big five" personality models: benevolence, conscientiousness, extraversion, neuroticism (the opposite of emotional stability) and openness to experience (directly related to a high level of intelligence).

The first stage of the experiment

There is no doubt that extroverts are more likely to go out to people, are the "soul of the company" and go to parties, conscious people are extremely punctual. But you would never think that conscientiousness prevents people from reading a lot, and extroversion implies a love of hot baths. Researchers Benjamin Chapman and Lewis Goldberg conducted a survey of 800 Oregon adults. The vast majority of the volunteers were white males over the age of 50. Participants were asked to fully describe themselves using hundreds of different adjectives (eg, timid, artistic, neat, friendly, demanding, moody, or calm).

Second phase

After four years, the researchers correlated the survey results with another test in which the same participants listed things they had done over the past year (sample events were presented). Thus, scientists were able to track which personal model representatives like to sing in the shower or are convinced book lovers.

What are extroverted habits talking about?

As a result, it was revealed that extroverts love to take a hot bath, bask in the sun, plan parties, drink, talk on the phone while driving a car, and discuss ways to make money with other people. Also, representatives of this personal model are simply obsessed with decorating their own home.

Who avoids entertainment?

Conscientious and conscientious people, on the contrary, tend to avoid entertainment and noisy companies. And, as we already know, even the craving for reading is not inherent in them. Unfortunately, the belief that books are a luxury or a waste of time is firmly entrenched in the minds of many responsible people. However, these people are practically conflict-free and know how to keep their emotions under control (for example, a conscientious person will never bite a pencil).

Who is a convinced clean man?

Friendly people, oddly enough, found an outlet in household chores. They can iron clothes for hours, rearrange things on the mezzanine, wash and dust. These people will almost certainly refuse to buy an dishwasher, and they also perceive playing with children as cute entertainment. According to scientists, a benevolent person tries with all his might to avoid conflicts in the family, which is why he is used to pleasing his loved ones, shouldering household chores on himself. Well, in order to fuel their benevolent mood, these people sing in the shower, as well as while driving a car (even if they are not very good at it).

Who has antisocial behavior?

It is not surprising that antidepressants are often used by neurotics. But, on top of that, these people are prone to antisocial behavior. For example, they may behave defiantly towards others, make fun of someone in public, or display other forms of aggression. This is probably due to the fact that neurotics find it difficult to keep their emotions in check.

Who has a love of creativity and spicy food?

Progressive, highly intelligent people are open to new experiences. They love poetry, attend opera or art galleries. Surprisingly, they do not disdain smoking marijuana, cannot live without spicy food for breakfast, and can afford to walk around the apartment naked. But team sports are of no interest to them.