What does curly hair mean in a dream from a dream book. The Magic of Numbers

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Why dream curly hair? Often the dream book calls them a symbol of light flirting, piquancy, temptation. It is also necessary to take into account other circumstances that accompanied such a sign in a dream. Their color, length, density is important. Accordingly, the interpretation of sleep can be pleasant or warning.

For a young girl, such a vision is a warning: she can be drawn into an unseemly intrigue that will cause considerable damage to her reputation. It is best to avoid dubious offers.

For a man to see that he has curly hair means: in reality he will not meet refusal anywhere: neither from women, nor in undertakings.

auspicious symbol

Seeing a girl with curly hair - according to the dream book, portends: there is a big bright love ahead. A beautiful girl with curls, dreamed of by a young woman, promises the birth of a daughter.

A little curly-haired girl in a dream can symbolize your guardian angel. Try to remember in detail what she told you and take the information into account. This will be an important clue, even a guide to action.

Miller's dream book warns: change your behavior

Why does a man dream of caressing, stroking women's curls? He should think about his own behavior. After all, you can not only damage your reputation, but also jeopardize the well-being of your family.

Curl length

Seeing long curly hair in a dream is a great sign that portends success in financial endeavors. Also, long curls at home promise well-being to the dreamer, his children. In addition, long curls can be a symbol of intricate, grandiloquent thoughts.

Having dreamed of such a hairstyle at home, according to the dream book, indicates: things that used to go neither shaky nor rolly will receive a new impetus and end successfully.

But too short curls warn: you need to become more thrifty in order to avoid troubles and troubles.

What color are they?

The color of curly hair in a dream is of paramount importance:

  • light - the dreamer expects failure where he least expects;
  • white - receiving comforting news;
  • dark - some dissatisfaction will remain in business;
  • black - portend a sleeping love trap, which, however, is so seductive that it is almost impossible to resist;
  • redheads - the dream book promises: circumstances will unexpectedly turn out very well, thanks to which it will be possible to fulfill the plan.

Why does a woman dream that she has light and dark curls on her head at the same time? The need to make a choice is highly questionable. This dilemma must be handled very carefully to avoid making a mistake.

White in a dream is also a harbinger of imminent trips, meetings. Black - flirting, love interests. And redheads - love inconstancy.

Everything will turn out great!

To have beautiful shiny curly hair on your head - according to the dream book, means health, strength for the sleeping person.

Thick, lush curls in a dream signify prosperity, wealth, happiness, true love. Such a vision promises a person a strong happy marriage.

Why dream of a beautiful hairstyle with curls? The course of current affairs, as the dream book emphasizes, will be especially successful. Tangled, sloppy curls indicate upcoming failures, confusing circumstances. And if you dreamed of combing them - streamline your thoughts and deeds.

If you believe the proverb that: curls curl in joy, split in sadness, then luxurious curls falling in waves and curls in a dream symbolize fun, visual attractiveness, the desire to be in the center of attention and the ability to flirt with members of the opposite sex. However, not all so simple. If you want to know why curly hair is dreaming, then refer to the dream book, which, depending on the length, density, color and condition of the dreaming hair, will accurately interpret night vision for you.

Who saw the dream?

If a young lady saw curly hair in a dream, then in reality she needs to be careful, it is likely that they will try to involve her in some kind of intrigue. Participation, in which it will cause irreparable damage to the reputation of the girl, warns the dream book.

When a man in a dream is surprised to find that he has a shock of luxurious curls on his head, then in reality this gentleman will enjoy wild success with women. Even business partners will be fascinated by him, and sometimes they will be ready to follow his lead, agreeing to all his requests and suggestions.

curly baby

According to the dream book, a girl with a curly head portends a sleeping person with a great sincere feeling, love. Why does a woman dream of such a plot? This vision promises the dreamer the birth of a beautiful daughter soon.

Very often, a charming baby with cute curls on her head is a symbol of the dreamer's guardian angel. If she was talking to you in a night phantasmagoria, then try to remember every word of her. This can be both a warning and an invaluable hint on what to do in this or that case in reality.

Interpretation from Miller

Miller will tell you why a man dreamed that he was caressing and stroking women's wavy curls. Regrettably, the seer strongly advises the gentleman to urgently think about his behavior. Absorbed by passion and carnal desire, the dreamer can make a terrible mistake that will deprive him of his family and loving wife.

Hair length

The dream book will be assured that long curly hair is a great sign that promises success in manipulating finances. Such curls prophesy well-being not only to the sleeping person, but also to his closest relatives. True, sometimes, the same image in a dream is associated with high-flown thoughts and intricate projects, to which a sleeping person has a penchant.

However, if in a dream you were delighted to see long curls on your head, styled in an intricate hairstyle, then you should know: in reality, a real breakthrough will happen in your affairs. Events will develop at an amazing speed, you just need to keep up with them so as not to miss the unique chance presented by fate.

Why then dream of short curls? Alas, this is a prediction that a significant gap will form in your personal budget. So you need to learn economy, thrift.

Strand color

According to the dream book, the color of curls is of considerable importance.

  • So, if they belong to a blonde, one must take into account the fact that failures and obstacles lie in wait for the dreamer where he least expects them.
  • White curls are a sign of good news that will console and strengthen the spirit.
  • Dark - predict disappointment, dissatisfaction.
  • Black is a symbol of love, passion, which are obviously doomed to failure. But the dreamer is unlikely to be able to resist the temptation.
  • But the red curls of hair in a dream are a prediction that everything will be resolved successfully, in the most wonderful way.

Why does a woman dream that her curls are colored in different colors? For example, does a lady have part of her curls light and the other dark? Such a vision prepares the dreamer for the fact that in the near future she will have a fateful choice. There is no need to rush and act at random, the decision should be made only after weighing all the pros and cons.

For lovers, there is a separate chapter in the dream books, announcing that white curls promise dates, trips, travels, black ones promise flirting and courtship, and redheads are frivolity and inconstancy.

Everything will be fine!

Curls, according to most dream books, promise the dreamer excellent health, a surge of strength, creative energy. If the hair in night vision struck with its density, splendor, then in reality you will be rich and happy in marriage.

To notice in a dream a skillfully done styling, a hairstyle of curly strands, means that at the present time things are developing for the dreamer in the most beneficial way.

But tangled, dirty cosmos, on the contrary, in a dream serve as a reflection of an extremely difficult, neglected situation. However, if you start combing this hair in a dream, then upon awakening there will be a desire to gather your thoughts, start raking the Augean stables, abandoned deeds, duties.

  • Hair - Vanga's dream book
  • Hair in a dream - Freud's dream book

Hair in a dream is a symbol of physical and mental peace. Depending on the additional details, such dreams are good predictors of future events. Dream Interpretations offer the most relevant transcripts.

Why dream of hair according to Miller's dream book

If a woman dreams about how she combs her luxurious hair in a dream, then rash acts await her, which she will later regret. If a man sees in a dream that his hair has fallen out, then poverty and disappointment await him.

In the event that you see that your hair has turned gray, but in reality some grief awaits you. If you see other people gray-haired in a dream, then unpleasant changes in life await you. Such a dream for people in love - to parting. Gray hair and a young face in a dream promise you trouble, illness, or possible serious loss of loved ones.

If you see that you are covered with hair, then mercy and forgiveness await you. If a woman has this dream, then due to her excessive attention to herself and indulging her whims, she may lose her morality.

  • Black curls in a dream promise you a love adventure that can end badly.
  • Golden hair speaks of the courage and virtues of your chosen one.
  • If you see your beloved with red hair, then unexpected changes will occur in your relationship, which can be both pleasant and tragic.
  • If you dream of brown hair, then you are in trouble at work.

If you dream of a beautiful hairstyle, then in reality a successful turn of affairs awaits you. And if the hair is too short, then try not to be wasteful, because misfortune may await you. A lush hairstyle, on the contrary, will bring you boundless happiness.

In the event that a woman dreamed that she had blond and dark hair at the same time, then in life she would have to make an important decision, on which much would depend.

If a woman dreams of sloppy hair, then she will face failures in her personal life or at work. Hair falling out in a dream is a nuisance. If a woman strokes someone's hair in me, then in reality she will find a worthy man.

Hair - Vanga's dream book

If in a dream you cut your hair, then this indicates the loss of the correct guideline in life, and after that, most likely, redemption and repentance will arise.

Long hair in a dream suggests that if you are currently ready for transformation, then you will have spiritual and moral growth.

If in a dream you see tangled hair, then in reality you have to look for a person who will help you find the right path in life, but every day you go further and further down the wrong path. If in a dream you remove your cut hair, then in reality you will realize that you made a mistake and repent of it.

Comb your hair in a dream - try to equalize your body and soul. If you can do this, then as a reward you will receive spiritual balance. If in a dream you braid a braid, then you are expected to have a long journey that will lead you to peace of mind.

Hair in a dream - Freud's dream book

Hair in a dream is a symbol of hair on the genitals, most often female. Haircut, styling or washing hair in a dream is a symbol of sexual intercourse.

If you shoot long hair, then this indicates self-doubt during intercourse. If you dream of very short hair or a generally bald head, then during sexual intercourse you are a confident person.

A man who combs his hair in a dream mentally prepares for sexual intercourse. Such a dream for a woman is a missed opportunity that she regrets.

If you dream that you have a very complicated hairstyle, then you have an inferiority complex, as well as problems in your sex life.

Hair is dreaming - an intimate dream book

If in a dream you see ugly, sparse and lifeless hair, then you should carefully consider the choice of a sexual partner.

If in a dream you cut your hair, then separation from your loved one awaits you. Seeing lush and beautiful hair in a dream is a pleasant entertainment and attention of the opposite sex.

Why dreamed of hair in a dream according to the dream book of Nostradamus

If you dreamed of hair, then this is a good sign.

But if this hair is tangled and lifeless, then quarrels with loved ones and failure in business await you. If the hair has a healthy look and is beautifully combed, then this is a symbol of strong and faithful friendship.

Long hair in a dream indicates imminent profit. If you dream of a long hairline on your body, then good health and success in business await you.

If in a dream you saw your hair falling out, then in reality you will face major financial losses, for example, you may be robbed. A broken comb during combing may indicate impending trouble.

Why do hair dream according to the Indian dream book

A man who dreams that he has a woman's braid will be deceived by a woman in reality.

If a bald woman dreams, then in reality some kind of disease, hunger and poverty are expected. If a bald man dreamed, on the contrary, this is a good sign.

To see short dark hair in a dream - to grief or a quarrel in reality. If in a dream you see beautifully combed hair, then in reality you will have no problems and worries.

If you dreamed of shaving your hair or beard, then soon the loss of a loved one or a serious illness is expected. If in a dream a person’s head itches or he cannot comb his hair, then hard work or some kind of lawsuit awaits him. In the event that you dreamed of falling hair, then loss and boredom await you.

If an official dreamed that he had beautiful and well-groomed hair, then glory and honors awaited him. If she dreamed that he had gray hair, then this means that soon he will have to forget about his fame and fortune.

In the event that he dreams that his hair has become longer and darker than it really is, then wealth and all sorts of honors await him. If his hair has become shorter and lighter than it really is, then poverty and trouble await the official.

If you dream that you can hardly pull out your hair, this means that soon you will have to try very hard to avoid poverty. A beautiful woman with long and well-groomed hair is a good sign.

Why dream of white, black, red, blond, dark hair

Seeing white hair in a dream is comforting news. If you dream that your hair has turned white, then in reality you will be carefree, which will prevent you from achieving success in your work or personal life. At the same time, white hair can indicate an impending serious illness.

Black hair in a dream has a double meaning. If your hair color is actually lighter, then in reality you may expect troubles for which you will not be ready.

Due to the ambivalent attitude towards the owners of red hair, the interpretation of red hair in a dream is ambiguous. Red hair in a dream can speak of an upcoming betrayal or intense jealousy that a frivolous act of a loved one will cause.

However, red hair in a dream can also speak of good news that is coming soon. Red hair, in any case, indicates that the person who dreamed of it is expecting a change in life - either good or not.

If you dream of blond hair, this is a good sign. It testifies that your thoughts are pure. In addition, this means that favorable changes in life await you very soon. If a girl dreams that she has blond hair, then this indicates her complaisance and calm character, which will help prevent conflicts with loved ones.

A dream in which you see both dark and blond hair on your head suggests that soon you will have to make a choice that will affect your future life, so you should think carefully before taking it.

Why dream of combing, dyeing, repainting, washing, cutting hair

If in a dream you comb your hair, then soon there will be a solution to a problem that you could not solve for a long time before. In resolving the issue, an influential person, whose help you did not count on, can help you.

If in a dream you dye your hair, then in reality cardinal changes await you. If you are planning to move, then do it as soon as possible, because the new place of residence will bring you joy and a pleasant surprise. Dye your hair a different color - to the desire for change and the desire to change your appearance.

Washing your hair in a dream is a good sign. In principle, any action with hair that you see in a dream indicates that changes in life await you. Also, to see such a dream is a sign that the burden of problems or difficulties will soon fall from your shoulders.

Also, this dream may indicate that you will get rid of a disease that you have suffered from for a long time. If in a dream you wash your hair in clothes, then in reality you will lose a loved one or material wealth because of your stupidity.

If in a dream you cut your hair, then in reality a pleasant event awaits you. Also, such a dream may indicate that you will soon be invited as a witness to the wedding.

Why dream thick, beautiful hair

Thick and beautiful hair in a dream is a very good sign. Such a dream may indicate that respect, profit, wealth and honor await you. You will achieve all these benefits with the help of your energy and diligence. In addition, the condition of the hair in a dream indicates your health.

Therefore, beautiful and thick hair indicates that you have good health and well-being. If the hair is uncombed at the same time, then on the way to success and glory, difficulties will await you that you can do. If the hair is styled in a neat hairstyle, then the path to success will be simple.

Why dream of short or grown, long hair

Short hair in a dream can speak of financial difficulties, so in the near future you should be careful in spending, because money may be needed for more important purposes. Such a dream is most relevant if the person you dream about with short hair actually has long hair.

A dream in which you see short hair that has an untidy appearance indicates that you are in trouble in reality. If the short hair is well-groomed and styled in a beautiful hairstyle, then success in business awaits you, and in the near future you will achieve your goals.

Lengthening hair in a dream indicates that their owner is expected to achieve his goal sooner, but there will be troubles and obstacles on the way to it. If in a dream you grow long hair in the palm of your hand, then you can expect a decent profit. However, if you cut hair that has grown in your palm, then you yourself will refuse profitable cooperation because of self-doubt.

If in a dream you see luxurious long hair on your head, then a pleasant trip or a profitable business trip awaits you. The hair that grows on your face may indicate leadership that you will achieve through hard work and innate talents.

A dream in which you see long and beautiful hair on your head indicates that well-being and a calm life await you. If a woman sees long hair in a dream, then everything she has planned will come true very soon. If a young woman has such a dream, then soon she will find an honest and devoted friend.

If a man sees in a dream a girl with long and beautiful hair, then in reality he will be deceived by an attractive woman. Seeing in a dream the hair is longer than it actually is - a good sign. He says that prosperity and financial independence await you.

Why dream of a tuft of hair or a bunch of hair

A bunch of hair is an ambiguous dream. Its interpretation depends on how exactly this beam looks. If this is a neat and beautiful curl of hair, then you will meet with your soulmate. If in a dream you lose a curl, then soon you can have a big quarrel with your loved one or even break up.

If you dreamed of an ugly tuft of hair, then in reality you will face financial problems, the resolution of which can take you a very long time.

Why dream curly, curly hair

Curly hair is a symbol of frivolity. Therefore, if in a dream you see yourself with curly hair, then in reality a frivolous relationship awaits you, which will not develop into a serious romance. If a young woman dreamed of curly hair, then she should fear for her reputation, because she could be drawn into an ugly game or intrigue.

Long hair in a person's life symbolizes excellent health, a happy life. It is known that it is the hair that is the first to react to various stresses and troubles, so seeing long hair in your dream is a positive sign that everything is going well in your life. Long hair different dream books interpret differently. Someone says that hair is a life path, someone believes that curls symbolize the road.

In any case, if you see healthy and shiny strands in a dream, then this is a good sign. Everything that you have planned will come true, there will be no barriers to achieving your goals. But all good omens relate only to the dreams that the girl dreamed of. If a man suddenly saw in a dream his long hair or a girl with luxurious strands, then you should beware of deception by the fair sex.

It often happens that a girl dreamed that she had long hair, but in fact she had a short haircut. Do not worry, this is a sure sign of emergency financial assistance and an increase.

Women's dream book: long shiny hair in a dream

Combing long and thick hair is a frivolous act. If the hair falls out at the same time, then soon you will repent of your mistakes and regret what you have done.

If you saw long hair in a dream, admired it and stroked it, then this is a significant sign of changes with positive dynamics on the personal front.

Long hair in a beautiful high hairstyle in a dream symbolizes a successful course of affairs. Soft and gentle, but very long hair that fluffs up in a dream is a sign of a happy and kind life. Such a dream is a rarity, if you had a dream, you should not tell anyone about it.

Long but gray hair in a dream warns us that in real life we ​​should expect bad news.

Long hair - dream book, interpretation from gypsies

If the hair in a dream is up to the waist, beautiful and curly, then this is a good sign, a harbinger of a fast road or travel, but not for business, but for relaxation, that is, the trip will be entertaining.

Combed long hair in a dream - this means that in reality you have a friend whom you can trust, he will not let you down. If the hair is not combed, with split ends, then a quarrel with a close friend cannot be avoided, maybe you even quarrel with him forever.

For a man to have long hair in a dream means to be cowardly in life or to be deceived, to be shy when communicating with the female sex.

Seeing in a dream that long hairs fall out of the head, hair falling one by one in a dream is bad. Expect financial losses, failures associated with exhaustion.

Gray hair of great length means an impending ailment.

Seeing long hair in your dream - Aesop's dream book

Long, beautiful hair falling from the shoulders is a strong symbol that should not be ignored if you saw it in a dream.

I dreamed of straight hair - to the good news. Curly hair and wavy strands do not bring anything good and are interpreted by the writer as a violent manifestation of energy.

If a girl came in a dream with her hair growing and this can be seen with the naked eye, then, unfortunately, the dreams and goals that you planned for yourself cannot come true. Perhaps you should dream of something more affordable.

The little girl who is braided is not in vain in your dream. This is a symbol of your concern for children, most likely, at this stage of life, you are making long-term plans.

If you dreamed about long hair: the dream book of psychologist Meneghetti

Beautiful and long hair symbolizes greatness, grace and attractiveness. But if in a dream you see dirty hair, dandruff or lice, then you should get rid of negative thoughts, let stagnant energy come out. The psychologist also called such dreams a sign of empty eroticism.

In a dream, losing long hair is a sure sign that health is gradually leaving you.

I dreamed of long hair on my head: Tsvetkov's dream book

Tsvetkov interprets long hair as a long journey, if they are gray, then troubles will arise on the journey, if they turn gray right before our eyes, then the dream will not come true soon. The head itches due to the fact that the hair grows - to changes in life. The loss of long hairs is interpreted by Tsvetkov's dream book as the loss of friends.

Why do you dream of long hair on yourself: Miller's dream book

Long hair on the body and head is a sign that the one who was offended by you before will be able to find the strength and forgive you. The hairy body, long hair under the armpits and in the groin, which the woman sees in her dream, have become a sign that she will lead an inappropriate lifestyle.

Golden hair - your loved one will be able to protect your honor and dignity. Red hair - changes in personal life. Brown hair - there will be changes in your career.

Flowers in long hair - to the upcoming troubles, but the dreamer will be able to endure them calmly. If a boy or girl sees their parents with long hair, it is a sign of long years and a happy life.



Eastern dream book

If you dreamed of curls cut off from your head, be extremely careful not to become a victim of deception.

A dream in which a woman makes artificial curls for herself testifies: she strives to be like everyone else. But it is precisely in the individuality that the beauty of each person lies.
Lunar dream book

Curls scratching - joy and passion.
Small Velesov Dream Interpretation

The latest dream book

Curls - to a headache if washed; cutting curls - to a serious omission in some important matter.
New dream book 1918

Curls - change; scratching is a hobby.
Modern dream book

Seeing a curly-haired child indicates that you will have a great and bright love that will be the envy of everyone.

If in a dream you see that you have curly hair, you will not be denied anything. A woman who sees such a dream will charm a man who she has liked for a long time.

Seeing cut curls on the floor means that your plans will be frustrated, despite all the precautions you have taken.

If you dreamed of long curly hair - this dream promises well-being to you and your children.
Dream Interpretation of Dmitry and Hope of Winter

Curly, curly hair is a symbol of ornate, intricate thoughts.

Seeing a curly-haired person in a dream is often an indication that you do not quite understand someone's ideas. At the same time, if the general atmosphere of the dream in which you see curly hair is friendly, then perhaps this means that it does not bother you to take life a little more fun and easier.

Cropped curls in a dream are a sign that in a relationship with someone it's time for you to dot the "i".

Pitch-black curls are a sign of insidious intrigue.
Dream Interpretation of the Wanderer

Curls - deceptive hopes or the wrong person.
Dream interpretation of Tsvetkov

Curls - change; scratching is a hobby.
Esoteric dream book

Curls - for entertainment.

Net Net

Hair dreams long - long life or road.
If in a dream it is shorter than in life, you shorten your life or "cut off" the road.
About curls, I don't know.

Why dream of short curly dark hair?


Maria Ivanova

Most dream books count. what is this for a quarrel


Seeing hair in a dream is a good sign. If you dream of black, curly hair - a dream portends sadness and failure; well-combed hair - promise friendship and an end to troubles; tangled hair - mean chores and suffering. If you cannot untangle your hair in a dream, this portends worries, litigation and long work. If men see their hair as long as a woman's, they will be deceived. Seeing your hair longer than usual promises you an increase in honors and wealth. Seeing your hair gray is a warning against unnecessary expenses. To dream of a young woman without hair - to hunger, poverty, illness. To see a man without hair means abundance, wealth, health. If you dreamed that your body was covered with hair from head to toe, this portends you some cowardly act, the inability to manage your fate. To dream of an old woman without hair - to poverty, illness, hunger, and a bald old man, on the contrary, - to good luck. If you dreamed that you could not comb your hair, and the comb broke, this portends trouble. If you dream that you shave your head (or beard), - a dream warns you of the danger of losing your fortune, or getting sick, or losing loved ones. Seeing in a dream how your hair falls out is a hassle and loss of property.

Brezhnev L.I.

This is a dream in hand. You will become a revolutionary, like grandfather Lenin. "When Lenin was small with a curly head .."

Nadezhda Lomaeva

to have beautiful curls (curls) in a dream - to mutual love

Why dream of red, curly hair and eyebrows on a man?


Hope Zakaryuka

Well, red-haired people are always deceit or false friends who want to use you for their own purposes.


A dream in which you see eyebrows means that in the foreseeable future you will have to overcome serious obstacles.

Why dream about hair coloring



If in a dream a young woman combs her beautiful well-groomed hair, then in reality she does not attach due importance to her personal life. If a man dreams that he is starting to go bald, then this warns him against extravagance, which can lead to serious financial problems. If you dream that your hair is turning gray, then such a dream can predict the imminent death of a close friend or relative. If you saw in a dream a young boy or girl with gray hair, be prepared for loss. Perhaps your beloved will leave your life. With special care, such a dream should be taken by a woman, because troubles can occur through her fault. If a young lady dreamed of women with gray hair, she should beware of her rivals, as she risks losing her gentleman. If you dreamed that your entire body was covered with hair, then perhaps you are overly indulging in the pleasures of the flesh, and this can lead to problems in communicating with others. Black curly hair is a symbol of flirting and temptation. If they dream of a young woman, then she may become a victim of a love affair. If a man dreamed that he had such a head of hair, then he would drive many women crazy. Red hair is a symbol of impermanence. If a young man dreamed that his beloved had red hair, then he should be ready for jealousy. Snow-white hair means that fate will be favorable to you. If a woman dreams that she has hair of different colors, then this means that in real life she will face the problem of choice. If she is reasonable enough, then her life will change for the better. Seeing lush hair - to well-being. If you dream that your hair is carefully tied up in a hairstyle, then this may mean that good luck awaits you. If you dreamed that you had short hair, be prepared for financial problems due to your extravagance. Tousled hair may mean that problems await you in business and family life. If a young woman dreamed that she could not comb her hair, then she should pacify her obstinate temper. The dream in which you cut your hair warns that you should be prepared for deception and disappointment. If the hair itself begins to fall out, then this means serious financial difficulties. If a man dreamed that he was sorting through delicate female curls, this is a good sign. Such a dream promises him mutual love with a good woman who will be faithful to him, no matter what. If you dreamed that your hair was decorated with flowers, then you could not avoid trouble. However, they will turn out to be much less serious than they initially seemed.
If a woman combs her magnificent hair in a dream, this promises her frivolity in her actions, in which she will later repent.
A man who saw in a dream his thinning hair, in reality, unjustified generosity will lead to failure and poverty.
Turning gray hair is a sad sign. Seeing yourself covered with hair promises you forgiveness and mercy. If a woman sees such a dream, she will transfer all her attention to her person and, perhaps, will begin to indulge her whims to the detriment of morality.
If you dream that you have black curly hair, then this promises you a seductive love trap.
Golden hair is a sign of dignity and courage of your chosen one. Seeing your beloved redhead portends a change in your relationship. Brown hair portends service failures to their owner.
A beautiful hairstyle in a dream is a sign of a successful turn in your affairs, but if your hair is cut too short, this is a warning: do not be wasteful in order to avoid misfortunes.
Lush hairstyle on fluffy soft hair - to boundless happiness.
If a woman sees dark and blond hair on her head at the same time, this is a great doubt about the upcoming choice and the need to be careful.

Maria Bychkova

Remember the color and refer to the interpretation of a particular color.
Rework. Creating something new.

Svetlana M

For a change in life.

Why dream of curly red hair? not with me


Lilac fairy

Our imperfect brain never shows us reality. This dream does not need to be solved. An ordinary dream and you saw this hair not with your eyes, but with the brain that breathes in all of us. This is how our brain works in REM sleep. No wonder scientists named it that. Paradox (from other -Greek - unexpected, strange from other -Greek - I seem) ...
A paradox is a situation existing in reality or in a dream, which, nevertheless, defies any logical explanation and does not have an acceptable logical solution. Forget and don't bother. The brain processes information and you saw it not with your eyes, but with the most complex brain.

Pavel Pavel

The boss will have more money.

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Hair in a dream is a symbol of physical and mental peace. Depending on the additional details, such dreams are good predictors of future events. Dream Interpretations offer the most relevant transcripts.

Why dream of hair according to Miller's dream book

If a woman dreams about how she combs her luxurious hair in a dream, then rash acts await her, which she will later regret. If a man sees in a dream that his hair has fallen out, then poverty and disappointment await him.

In the event that you see that your hair has turned gray, but in reality some grief awaits you. If you see other people gray-haired in a dream, then unpleasant changes in life await you. Such a dream for people in love - to parting. Gray hair and a young face in a dream promise you trouble, illness, or possible serious loss of loved ones.

If you see that you are covered with hair, then mercy and forgiveness await you. If a woman has this dream, then due to her excessive attention to herself and indulging her whims, she may lose her morality.

  • Black curls in a dream promise you a love adventure that can end badly.
  • Golden hair speaks of the courage and virtues of your chosen one.
  • If you see your beloved with red hair, then unexpected changes will occur in your relationship, which can be both pleasant and tragic.
  • If you dream of brown hair, then you are in trouble at work.

If you dream of a beautiful hairstyle, then in reality a successful turn of affairs awaits you. And if the hair is too short, then try not to be wasteful, because misfortune may await you. A lush hairstyle, on the contrary, will bring you boundless happiness.

In the event that a woman dreamed that she had blond and dark hair at the same time, then in life she would have to make an important decision, on which much would depend.

If a woman dreams of sloppy hair, then she will face failures in her personal life or at work. Hair falling out in a dream is a nuisance. If a woman strokes someone's hair in me, then in reality she will find a worthy man.

Hair - Vanga's dream book

If in a dream you cut your hair, then this indicates the loss of the correct guideline in life, and after that, most likely, redemption and repentance will arise.

Long hair in a dream suggests that if you are currently ready for transformation, then you will have spiritual and moral growth.

If in a dream you see tangled hair, then in reality you have to look for a person who will help you find the right path in life, but every day you go further and further down the wrong path. If in a dream you remove your cut hair, then in reality you will realize that you made a mistake and repent of it.

Comb your hair in a dream - try to equalize your body and soul. If you can do this, then as a reward you will receive spiritual balance. If in a dream you braid a braid, then you are expected to have a long journey that will lead you to peace of mind.

Hair in a dream - Freud's dream book

Hair in a dream is a symbol of hair on the genitals, most often female. Haircut, styling or washing hair in a dream is a symbol of sexual intercourse.

If you shoot long hair, then this indicates self-doubt during intercourse. If you dream of very short hair or a generally bald head, then during sexual intercourse you are a confident person.

A man who combs his hair in a dream mentally prepares for sexual intercourse. Such a dream for a woman is a missed opportunity that she regrets.

If you dream that you have a very complicated hairstyle, then you have an inferiority complex, as well as problems in your sex life.

Hair is dreaming - an intimate dream book

If in a dream you see ugly, sparse and lifeless hair, then you should carefully consider the choice of a sexual partner.

If in a dream you cut your hair, then separation from your loved one awaits you. Seeing lush and beautiful hair in a dream is a pleasant entertainment and attention of the opposite sex.

Why dreamed of hair in a dream according to the dream book of Nostradamus

If you dreamed of hair, then this is a good sign.

But if this hair is tangled and lifeless, then quarrels with loved ones and failure in business await you. If the hair has a healthy look and is beautifully combed, then this is a symbol of strong and faithful friendship.

Long hair in a dream indicates imminent profit. If you dream of a long hairline on your body, then good health and success in business await you.

If in a dream you saw your hair falling out, then in reality you will face major financial losses, for example, you may be robbed. A broken comb during combing may indicate impending trouble.

Why do hair dream according to the Indian dream book

A man who dreams that he has a woman's braid will be deceived by a woman in reality.

If a bald woman dreams, then in reality some kind of disease, hunger and poverty are expected. If a bald man dreamed, on the contrary, this is a good sign.

To see short dark hair in a dream - to grief or a quarrel in reality. If in a dream you see beautifully combed hair, then in reality you will have no problems and worries.

If you dreamed of shaving your hair or beard, then soon the loss of a loved one or a serious illness is expected. If in a dream a person’s head itches or he cannot comb his hair, then hard work or some kind of lawsuit awaits him. In the event that you dreamed of falling hair, then loss and boredom await you.

If an official dreamed that he had beautiful and well-groomed hair, then glory and honors awaited him. If she dreamed that he had gray hair, then this means that soon he will have to forget about his fame and fortune.

In the event that he dreams that his hair has become longer and darker than it really is, then wealth and all sorts of honors await him. If his hair has become shorter and lighter than it really is, then poverty and trouble await the official.

If you dream that you can hardly pull out your hair, this means that soon you will have to try very hard to avoid poverty. A beautiful woman with long and well-groomed hair is a good sign.

Why dream of white, black, red, blond, dark hair

Seeing white hair in a dream is comforting news. If you dream that your hair has turned white, then in reality you will be carefree, which will prevent you from achieving success in your work or personal life. At the same time, white hair can indicate an impending serious illness.

Black hair in a dream has a double meaning. If your hair color is actually lighter, then in reality you may expect troubles for which you will not be ready.

Due to the ambivalent attitude towards the owners of red hair, the interpretation of red hair in a dream is ambiguous. Red hair in a dream can speak of an upcoming betrayal or intense jealousy that a frivolous act of a loved one will cause.

However, red hair in a dream can also speak of good news that is coming soon. Red hair, in any case, indicates that the person who dreamed of it is expecting a change in life - either good or not.

If you dream of blond hair, this is a good sign. It testifies that your thoughts are pure. In addition, this means that favorable changes in life await you very soon. If a girl dreams that she has blond hair, then this indicates her complaisance and calm character, which will help prevent conflicts with loved ones.

A dream in which you see both dark and blond hair on your head suggests that soon you will have to make a choice that will affect your future life, so you should think carefully before taking it.

Why dream of combing, dyeing, repainting, washing, cutting hair

If in a dream you comb your hair, then soon there will be a solution to a problem that you could not solve for a long time before. In resolving the issue, an influential person, whose help you did not count on, can help you.

If in a dream you dye your hair, then in reality cardinal changes await you. If you are planning to move, then do it as soon as possible, because the new place of residence will bring you joy and a pleasant surprise. Dye your hair a different color - to the desire for change and the desire to change your appearance.

Washing your hair in a dream is a good sign. In principle, any action with hair that you see in a dream indicates that changes in life await you. Also, to see such a dream is a sign that the burden of problems or difficulties will soon fall from your shoulders.

Also, this dream may indicate that you will get rid of a disease that you have suffered from for a long time. If in a dream you wash your hair in clothes, then in reality you will lose a loved one or material wealth because of your stupidity.

If in a dream you cut your hair, then in reality a pleasant event awaits you. Also, such a dream may indicate that you will soon be invited as a witness to the wedding.

Why dream thick, beautiful hair

Thick and beautiful hair in a dream is a very good sign. Such a dream may indicate that respect, profit, wealth and honor await you. You will achieve all these benefits with the help of your energy and diligence. In addition, the condition of the hair in a dream indicates your health.

Therefore, beautiful and thick hair indicates that you have good health and well-being. If the hair is uncombed at the same time, then on the way to success and glory, difficulties will await you that you can do. If the hair is styled in a neat hairstyle, then the path to success will be simple.

Why dream of short or grown, long hair

Short hair in a dream can speak of financial difficulties, so in the near future you should be careful in spending, because money may be needed for more important purposes. Such a dream is most relevant if the person you dream about with short hair actually has long hair.

A dream in which you see short hair that has an untidy appearance indicates that you are in trouble in reality. If the short hair is well-groomed and styled in a beautiful hairstyle, then success in business awaits you, and in the near future you will achieve your goals.

Lengthening hair in a dream indicates that their owner is expected to achieve his goal sooner, but there will be troubles and obstacles on the way to it. If in a dream you grow long hair in the palm of your hand, then you can expect a decent profit. However, if you cut hair that has grown in your palm, then you yourself will refuse profitable cooperation because of self-doubt.

If in a dream you see luxurious long hair on your head, then a pleasant trip or a profitable business trip awaits you. The hair that grows on your face may indicate leadership that you will achieve through hard work and innate talents.

A dream in which you see long and beautiful hair on your head indicates that well-being and a calm life await you. If a woman sees long hair in a dream, then everything she has planned will come true very soon. If a young woman has such a dream, then soon she will find an honest and devoted friend.

If a man sees in a dream a girl with long and beautiful hair, then in reality he will be deceived by an attractive woman. Seeing in a dream the hair is longer than it actually is - a good sign. He says that prosperity and financial independence await you.

Why dream of a tuft of hair or a bunch of hair

A bunch of hair is an ambiguous dream. Its interpretation depends on how exactly this beam looks. If this is a neat and beautiful curl of hair, then you will meet with your soulmate. If in a dream you lose a curl, then soon you can have a big quarrel with your loved one or even break up.

If you dreamed of an ugly tuft of hair, then in reality you will face financial problems, the resolution of which can take you a very long time.

Why dream curly, curly hair

Curly hair is a symbol of frivolity. Therefore, if in a dream you see yourself with curly hair, then in reality a frivolous relationship awaits you, which will not develop into a serious romance. If a young woman dreamed of curly hair, then she should fear for her reputation, because she could be drawn into an ugly game or intrigue.

The beautiful curly hair that she dreamed about testifies to the frivolity of the girl. Long curls can mark a long journey. If they are straight, then easy, and if curly, then winding, with ups and downs. Well-groomed, well-combed hair symbolizes a successful course of life, and tangled or unkempt hair indicates that there will be failures and a lack of peace of mind.

According to Freud

Trying to find an answer from Freud to the question of why curly hair is dreaming, you will notice that this is directly dependent on the actions taken. If the curls are long, then this may be a kind of symbol of your self-doubt. A very complicated hairstyle suggests that your relationship is complex and confusing. A woman who diligently combs her hair is very insecure, and a man, on the contrary, is ready to enter into a new relationship.

According to Miller

Miller's dream book interprets curly hair as a kind of love trap that you can fall into. It is very important what shade the hair has. Chestnut trees promise failure in business affairs. Golden color portends a worthy chosen one. A beautiful hairstyle speaks of good luck in business, and short-cropped hair speaks of loss.

According to Vanga

Interpreting a dream about curly hair, Vanga says that flirting awaits you, and then a rather difficult love relationship. Vanga believes that hair is peace. And if you cut them in a dream, then the meaning of life is lost. Tangled hair is bad, it is a symbol of loss of faith.

By Juno

According to Juno, a dream in which the hostess washes and combs her curly hair indicates that she has to go on a long journey. Well-combed hair can be a sign of a happy ending. And if the curls are tangled, unkempt, then you should not expect an easy solution to problems.

According to Tsvetkov

If you dreamed of curly hair, then this may indicate that the work ahead will not be easy. If you loosened curls in a dream, then betrayal may await you. Difficulties in combing are a sign of litigation. Well, if your curls fall out, then this may be a sign of the loss of someone friendly to you. If the hair turns gray, then this is the onset of cardinal changes in life.

Tell your friends about your dream
save not to lose

Why dream curly hair? Often the dream book calls them a symbol of light flirting, piquancy, temptation. It is also necessary to take into account other circumstances that accompanied such a sign in a dream. Their color, length, density is important. Accordingly, the interpretation of sleep can be pleasant or warning.

Who dreamed?

For a young girl, such a vision is a warning: she can be drawn into an unseemly intrigue that will cause considerable damage to her reputation. It is best to avoid dubious offers.

For a man to see that he has curly hair means: in reality he will not meet refusal anywhere: neither from women, nor in undertakings.

auspicious symbol

Seeing a girl with curly hair - according to the dream book, portends: there is a big bright love ahead. A beautiful girl with curls, dreamed of by a young woman, promises the birth of a daughter.

A little curly-haired girl in a dream can symbolize your guardian angel. Try to remember in detail what she told you and take the information into account. This will be an important clue, even a guide to action.

Miller's dream book warns: change your behavior

Why does a man dream of caressing, stroking women's curls? He should think about his own behavior. After all, you can not only damage your reputation, but also jeopardize the well-being of your family.

Curl length

Seeing long curly hair in a dream is a great sign that portends success in financial endeavors. Also, long curls at home promise well-being to the dreamer, his children. In addition, long curls can be a symbol of intricate, grandiloquent thoughts.

Having dreamed of such a hairstyle at home, according to the dream book, indicates: things that used to go neither shaky nor rolly will receive a new impetus and end successfully.

But too short curls warn: you need to become more thrifty in order to avoid troubles and troubles.

What color are they?

The color of curly hair in a dream is of paramount importance:

  • light - the dreamer expects failure where he least expects;
  • white - receiving comforting news;
  • dark - some dissatisfaction will remain in business;
  • black - portend a sleeping love trap, which, however, is so seductive that it is almost impossible to resist;
  • redheads - the dream book promises: circumstances will unexpectedly turn out very well, thanks to which it will be possible to fulfill the plan.

Why does a woman dream that she has light and dark curls on her head at the same time? The need to make a choice is highly questionable. This dilemma must be handled very carefully to avoid making a mistake.

White in a dream is also a harbinger of imminent trips, meetings. Black - flirting, love interests. And redheads - love inconstancy.