What is healthier than rice or barley. Pearl barley: benefits and harms to the body. How to cook healthy cereals

We often eat porridge for breakfast. Of course, this is really very nutritious and healthy. Today there are more than 30 species.

Which one should you choose? And what cereals are the most useful for the human body? In this article, we will discuss in detail the benefits and harms of popular cereals, as well as compare them.

Benefit and harm

Parents from childhood told us: "Eat porridge, it contains a lot of vitamins!" Everything is correct. Cereals are really rich in various micro and macro elements. These include proteins, fiber, and B vitamins. At the same time, cereals contain a minimum amount of fat. It seems that porridge really is the perfect product.

However, here you also need to remember about the measure of consumption and a couple of other nuances. For example, many people know that most of the minerals are contained in the shell of the grain. Therefore, it is worth noting that grain is much healthier if it goes through as little processing as possible. Polished grains are also less beneficial (cook quickly). This should be taken into account when choosing the next product.

Thus, even such a dish has its exceptions and disadvantages. We will talk about this a little later, but for now we will find out some general points, we will deal with the chemical composition and nutritional value of cereals.

All types of cereals, their chemical composition and nutritional value

Before discussing the topic of croup in more detail, let's dwell on the definition itself. So, cereal is a product that consists of grains (crushed or whole) of various crops. It is most often made from legumes (peas or lentils), cereals (wheat, barley, oats) or cereals (buckwheat, corn, rice) crops.

Fact! Cereals also include flakes and airy grains.

Attention! It is worth considering that the table of cereals is presented in a form boiled in water. Milk will increase in magnitude.

Calorie content of cereals, boiled table (per 100 g)

Product Kcal Protein Fats Carbohydrates Water Sugar
Buckwheat101 3 3,4 14,7 14 0,9
Corn141 2,1 2,3 28,4 14 0,6
Semolina100 2,1 2,9 16,4 14
Oatmeal110 2,6 4,0 15,5 12
Pearl barley135 2,9 3,5 22,9 14 0,3
Millet110 2,8 3,4 16,8 13 0,1
Wild rice101 3,9 0,3 21,3 73 0,7
White rice144 2,4 3,6 25,9 15 0,1
Barley96 2,1 2,9 15,2 14 0,8
Pea97 6,6 0,6 17,1 14 2,4
Quinoa120 4,4 1,9 18,5 72 0,8
Sorghum193 6,4 2,5 35,8 8 2,5

Now you should make out the types of the most popular cereals. Below from the list you can find out brief information and unusual details.

  • Pea. It is a plant of the legume family. The culture is distinguished by the fact that it contains just a treasure of the necessary substances, namely, protein. Therefore, if you add such porridge to the diet, then it will easily help maintain the daily amount of the trace element in the norm.
  • Buckwheat. Buckwheat family. In the food market, buckwheat is insanely in demand. Its popularity is growing in Europe and even in America! And her shell is stuffed with healing pillows for sleeping. Buckwheat porridge is quickly absorbed and maintains a high energy level in the body. Great for a light side dish. Nutritionists recommend adding it to your diet from time to time.
  • Corn. This cereal is slightly less useful, since it is inferior in the content of micro- and macro-substances. Protein is difficult to digest. High calorie content is inherent. However, corn porridge has a significant plus - it perfectly removes harmful elements from the body. Including excess fluorine and chlorine. Therefore, it is definitely beneficial for health.
  • Semolina. Product of coarse grinding from durum wheat. Semolina does not contain a storehouse of nutrients, but it is quick and easy to prepare. Has a high energy value. Semolina dishes store a lot of gluten. Be careful for possible allergies.
  • Oatmeal. There are first and highest grade. It is often called a cereal that gives beauty and good health. The elements contained in it strengthen bones and teeth, immunity. Oatmeal perfectly normalizes metabolism. Suitable for losing weight, as it is easily absorbed.
  • Pearl barley. The dish contains almost twice as much phosphorus as other cereals. Because of this, it is well suited for recovery and strength gain. For example, athletes. Barley goes well with soups or goulash, as well as a separate food.
  • Millet. Produced from millet seeds. Porridge helps to maintain a healthy diet, as it is full of vitamins and beneficial elements. I note that it removes toxins from the body. Therefore, it is recommended when taking antibiotics.
  • Rice. This is a cereal crop. The maximum benefits are found in wild, brown and long grain rice. It is used to produce paper and cardboard, various wicker products. Another plus is that the beans are gluten-free. Therefore, rice dishes can also be consumed by those who have gluten (gluten) intolerance.
  • Barley. Developed from barley kernels. This cereal contains large reserves of fiber. It also normalizes metabolism, removes toxins. That is why they love her so much!

What determines the nutritional value of cereals

The nutritional properties of cereals in general depend on their technological processing. That is, on the number of stages of processing that it undergoes. The more the grain is polished, the less benefit. In our time, instant porridge has gained particular popularity. This is achieved through special technologies. The machines grind the grain shell, which becomes thinner. In this way, most of the essential substances are unfortunately removed.

As we have already found out, cereals are a really healthy product for the body. Their value also depends on the amount of protein, fiber, minerals and vitamins. Some cereals are richer in their content, others are poorer. Although, in any case, all remain useful and suitable for a healthy diet.

Comparison of the usefulness of cereals

Do you often have to suffer with the choice of porridge for breakfast? Maybe oatmeal, buckwheat or, in general, barley? All this is a matter of chance! Each has its own indications and tips for consumption. Therefore, in this paragraph, we will consider the main benefits and harms of cereals. Let's compare them in detail. We will choose the most useful and suitable ones.

Important! In order not to repeat the "minuses" and "pluses" of the dishes, they may be absent in some comparisons. However, this will not affect the content in any way.

Which porridge is healthier - buckwheat or oatmeal

  • Buckwheat pluses: Contains an incredible amount of trace elements, for which it is very appreciated. For example, it contains 18 amino acids, iron, phosphorus, iodine, calcium, vitamin E and other substances. It strengthens bones well due to its high iron content. Cleans digestion and improves the functioning of the gastrointestinal tract. Strengthens the immune system.
  • Cons of buckwheat: Not recommended in the presence of diseases such as ulcers or gastritis.
  • Pros of oatmeal: Contains vitamins of various groups, for example, B2 and E. Oatmeal is the best for normalizing the digestion and digestive tract, as it has enveloping properties. Porridge is able to remove harmful toxins, as well as excess cholesterol. Recommended for ulcers, gastritis and dysbiosis.
  • Cons of oatmeal: Now there are many brands that make instant porridge. Such a dish is practically useless, since all vitamins and elements disappear during processing.

Conclusion. Buckwheat is the record holder among cereals for the content of macronutrients. And, although oatmeal is inferior to her, it is no less useful. If a person suffers from gastrointestinal diseases, oatmeal should be chosen. Moreover, if there is not enough vitamins (especially iron), choose buckwheat.

Which is healthier - oatmeal or barley

  • Pros of barley: This type of porridge perfectly strengthens blood vessels and the heart as a whole. Pearl barley contains an antibacterial substance - lysine. Thanks to him, it has an effect on viruses and microbes. The substances in cereals are capable of producing collagen. Therefore, the skin becomes firm.
  • Cons of barley: Hard enough to digest. Contains gluten. In rare cases, it provokes constipation.

Conclusion. If a person's immunity is weakened, barley should be used (because of the vitamins it contains). Oatmeal is suitable for the recovery period, a set of strength and energy.

Which porridge is healthier - oatmeal or millet

  • Pros of millet: It contains a lot of intact fiber. Contains macronutrients such as magnesium, potassium, manganese, complex carbohydrates and fiber. Porridge is able to remove toxins and excess salts from the body. Cleans blood vessels. Thanks to vitamin D, it improves the condition of nails and hair.
  • Cons of millet: Not recommended for iodine deficiency. It should be remembered that cereals do not contain all the elements the body needs. Therefore, you should not resort to a millet diet.

Conclusion. Millet porridge perfectly cleanses the body and fills it with nutrients. However, it is worth choosing oatmeal if you have problems with the thyroid gland (it contains iodine).

Which is healthier - rice or oatmeal

Conclusion. Oatmeal is a storehouse of vitamins and substances necessary for the body. But in periods difficult for the digestive tract (for example, poisoning), a choice should be made in favor of rice.

Which porridge is healthier - oatmeal or semolina

  • Pluses of semolina: Improves the functioning of the nervous system, heart. Strengthens the immune system. Contains vitamins of groups E and B.
  • Cons of semolina: High-calorie product. It actively flushes vitamin D out of bones, so you should be careful with its use. In the process of processing, the shell of the grain is strongly ground. At the same time, vitamins disappear.

Conclusion. In this case, you should opt for oatmeal. It is healthier due to the vitamins it contains. However, you should not completely abandon the use of semolina. Just remember to measure.

Which porridge is healthier - millet or corn

  • Pros of corn porridge: Rich in fiber, amino acids and vitamins. Corn grits have a positive effect on the human nervous system. Perfectly cleanses the body, removing toxins and toxins from the intestines. Increases immunity.
  • Cons of corn porridge: If consumed frequently, negatively affects weight. There are contraindications, namely, with a stomach ulcer.

Conclusion. Both cereals are rich in trace elements. Those who are overweight and lose weight should be careful with corn porridge. Refuse excessive consumption (negatively affects weight).

Which porridge is healthier - rice or millet

  • Pros of rice: Grains contain a lot of proteins, complex carbohydrates, phosphorus, zinc, calcium, potassium, etc. Groats help maintain the necessary reserves of vital energy. Rice is an excellent sorbent that draws out unnecessary toxins and other harmful substances. Has anchoring properties. Recommended during recovery.
  • Cons of rice: The exception is white rice. It is practically useless. Calorien, while poor in vitamins and minerals.

Conclusion. Millet is rich in vitamins and minerals. However, during the recovery period (after poisoning or illness), rice crops should be used. They perfectly cleanse the body and "put on its feet."

Porridge is one of the simplest, most delicious and healthy dishes of Russian cuisine. To prepare it, you need only two ingredients: cereal and water or milk. Salt, sugar, butter, honey, jam, nuts, berries, fruits, vegetables are often added to cereals. However, the main role is played by cereals, which contain many valuable vitamins and elements. There is a large assortment of cereals in stores, so choosing the one that will make the most useful porridge is not easy.

Which porridge is healthier

There are many varieties of cereals: buckwheat, barley, rice, wheat, oatmeal, millet, pearl barley, corn, semolina and others. Undoubtedly, they are all tasty and nutritious, but they have different values. Some cereals are more useful, they practically have no contraindications and are recommended for frequent use, others are less, it is desirable to eat them less often, given the restrictions on age and health.

Whole grain cereals are considered the most useful. Crushed and ground cereals cook faster, are easier to digest, but often lose some of the valuable substances in the production process. Whole grain cereals include unground buckwheat, rice, pearl barley, millet, uncrushed oat and others; to ground and crushed - semolina, barley, wheat, buckwheat, corn, oatmeal and others.

Choosing the best porridge is not easy, as there are no useless cereals. It should be borne in mind that the values \u200b\u200bof porridge and cereals sometimes differ. Depending on the recipe, the usefulness of the finished porridge may decrease in comparison with cereals, and the calorie content may increase.

You can see and compare the composition of the most popular cereals in the table.

If we summarize the information on the properties of cereals, we get a rating of the usefulness of cereals. Depending on the selection criteria, any porridge can take the first place.

Semolina, pearl barley and barley porridge

Semolina, pearl barley and barley porridge are considered the least valuable. However, you should not exclude them from the diet; it is enough to reduce the use to 1-2 times a week. Each of these dishes has its own exceptional, healthy properties.

Semolina porridge is irreplaceable in the diet of weakened and seriously ill people, in the postoperative and rehabilitation periods, with diseases of the digestive system. She is the leader in the lowest fiber content.

The negative properties of semolina include a high content of gluten, which causes celiac disease and provokes thinning of the intestinal mucosa in children, impaired absorption of nutrients, vitamin D, calcium and iron.

Barley porridge is the champion in phosphorus content. It improves brain activity, perfectly relieves fatigue and restores strength. Due to its high lysine content, the porridge is called antiviral. A large amount of selenium stimulates the formation of antioxidants.

Barley porridge has several drawbacks: its preparation takes a lot of time; it is difficult for babies to digest; prohibited by celiac patients; not recommended in large quantities for pregnant women and people prone to flatulence.

Barley groats, like pearl barley, are made from barley, but thanks to a different processing method, more useful properties are preserved in it. Porridge is easier to digest, useful for diabetes. It helps to lower blood sugar, cholesterol, and normalizes metabolism.

She has few disadvantages: such porridge is prohibited for celiac disease and at the time of exacerbation of gastrointestinal diseases.

Corn, millet and wheat porridge

More useful are corn, millet and wheat porridge. They are recommended to eat 2-4 times a week, and corn - up to 7 times.

The main advantages of corn porridge are its low calorie content and hypoallergenicity. The dish is easy to digest, it can be given even to babies. Thanks to amino acids, lysine and tryptophan, porridge strengthens the immune system, improves health and metabolism.

There are few disadvantages of corn porridge: it is not suitable for people seeking to gain weight; in exceptional cases, an allergic reaction to the product is possible, which is manifested by a temporary slight reddening of the cheeks.

Millet porridge is called hearty for its high content of potassium and magnesium. It is useful for the heart and blood vessels, is indicated for atherosclerosis, and improves blood formation.

The disadvantages of millet porridge include a short shelf life of cereals: it quickly goes rancid. Millet is not recommended for people with low stomach acidity, constipation and hypothyroidism. Overuse of porridge can lead to a decrease in potency.

Wheat porridge is suitable for dietary and baby food, it has a low calorie content. It is nourishing, nutritious, quickly restores strength, strengthens the body, immunity. Recommended for people who want to lose weight, experience prolonged physical activity, and take antibiotics.

Porridge has few negative properties: you should not abuse it for people with gastritis and other diseases associated with low acidity; you can not eat porridge for celiac disease.

Rice, oat and buckwheat porridge

The 3 most popular cereals are considered champions in terms of the amount of valuable elements: rice, oatmeal and buckwheat. In order for these dishes to bring the greatest benefit, it is enough to consume them 3-5 times a week. Deciding which porridge is the healthiest is not easy.

Third place. Rice porrige

Brown, brown rice is considered the most useful, but it is not always found on store shelves and is more expensive. Round grain unpolished rice is perfect for preparing porridge, as it retains the shell, saturated with useful substances. The composition of cereals includes vitamins of group B, E, PP, H, fiber, proteins, amino acids, starch, iron, iodine, zinc and other substances. It contains practically no fat.

Rice porridge is low-calorie, hypoallergenic, nutritious. It occupies a leading position in the amount of complex carbohydrates, therefore it is an important source of energy. The amount of carbohydrates depends on the type of rice. In order for the cereal to lose most of the starch, you need to soak it before cooking.

Rice porridge is rich in protein and potassium. The latter neutralizes the salt that comes with other products.

Porridge helps to cleanse the body of toxins and harmful substances, stop diarrhea, and restore strength. Rice is useful for diseases of the kidneys, cardiovascular and digestive systems. It is recommended for nursing mothers, overweight people.

Porridge strengthens the nervous system, normalizes sleep, and helps to maintain normal nails, hair and skin. Rice porridge has earned the title of "intellectual" for its positive effect on brain activity.

Disadvantages of rice:

  • Porridge abuse sometimes leads to constipation, excess weight.
  • Frequent consumption of peeled rice can trigger the development of diabetes, hypertension and atherosclerosis.

Second place. Oatmeal

Oatmeal is cooked from oatmeal or flakes. Groats are obtained as a result of cleaning the grains from the outer shell, strong husks. Flakes are made from cereals that are steamed and flattened. Groats take longer to cook than flakes, but are considered more useful.

Porridge contains vitamins of group B, C, E, PP, H, proteins, amino acids, fiber, pectin, starch, potassium, magnesium, calcium, fluorine, phosphorus and other substances.

Oatmeal is called a porridge of beauty because it has a positive effect on the skin, hair, and general well-being.

Porridge is nutritious, easy to digest, envelops the stomach, normalizes acidity, removes toxins, heavy metal salts and other harmful substances, is an antioxidant. This dish is recommended for patients in the postoperative and rehabilitation periods, as well as for people with diseases of the digestive system.

Oatmeal helps to gain muscle mass, normalize weight, cholesterol levels. It improves memory and brain performance, is useful for various diseases of the heart, blood vessels, liver, atherosclerosis and diabetes.

Porridge has a calming effect: it helps relieve stress, normalize sleep.

It is good to eat oatmeal with honey, nuts, dried fruits and other additives. It also goes well with milk, which enhances the valuable properties of porridge.

Despite its many advantages, the dish has several disadvantages:

  • With excessive consumption of oatmeal, calcium deficiency can occur.
  • People with kidney disease should not get carried away with oatmeal.
  • Allergic reactions and indigestion are possible, you can not eat porridge for celiac disease.

First place. Buckwheat

Groats are made from buckwheat grains, which are first steamed (not always), and then peeled from the shells. Porridge is usually cooked from kernel, whole grains, or prodel, crushed cereals.

Buckwheat is the queen of cereals, it contains vitamins of group B, A, E, PP, fiber, folic acid, starch, proteins, iodine, iron, calcium, magnesium, phosphorus, zinc and other substances.

The porridge is hearty, therefore it is suitable for those wishing to lose weight. The dish allows you to restore strength, gain muscle mass.

Groats have been the basis of human nutrition since time immemorial. Today you can find a wide variety of cereals, legumes and cereals on store shelves. So that you don't get confused in them, we have compiled a detailed guide to the most famous species and asked a nutritionist to tell you about the benefits of each.

Natalia Fadeeva

doctor, nutritionist-endocrinologist, doctor of medical sciences

- Cereals are primarily a source of slowly digestible carbohydrates and vegetable protein, all trace elements (especially they are rich in potassium, magnesium, phosphorus, calcium, selenium, and buckwheat - iron, and many others) and vitamins - mainly of groups B and E. And not a less important component of cereals is dietary plant fibers that improve the functioning of the digestive system, cleanse the intestines, populate it with beneficial microflora, slow down the absorption of sugars and reduce the glycemic index of food. Preference should always be given to unpeeled cereals with preserved shells, in which whole grains are present, with the maximum amount of vegetable protein.

Wheat cereals

Wheat is the main crop grown on land. It can be of various types and varieties, and several types of cereals are made from it at once. It is worth remembering that all wheat cereals contain gluten.

Wheat groats

This is a coarsely ground polished grain of durum wheat. The color of the cereal can be yellow (from spring wheat) or grayish (from winter wheat). The beneficial properties of wheat groats are incredibly diverse: it contains fiber, various sugars, starch and minerals such as magnesium, zinc, iodine, potassium, silver, boron, calcium, silicon, phosphorus and molybdenum. Due to the large amount of vitamins, wheat groats strengthen the body, reduce blood pressure, remove heavy metals and improve digestion.

Natalia Fadeeva

- It is better to give preference to durum wheat varieties, which include spring and spinous varieties, for example, white turkey, krasnoturka, kubanka, garnovka and others. There are a huge number of wheat varieties. It is very simple to define a durum wheat variety: if the grain crumbles and crumbles during crushing, this is a soft grain, if it has a glassy appearance and is divided into several solid dense pieces when crushing, it is a durum grain. Durum beans have a lower glycemic index and raise blood glucose levels less and more slowly.


This is the same wheat groats, only of a higher degree of purification. Semolina porridge is well known to us since kindergarten. The most useful semolina is from durum wheat, but in Russia, semolina is mainly found from soft varieties. Semolina contains a large amount of starches and almost no fiber in it. The semolina contains a large amount of protein, potassium, vitamin E and B1, while it is quickly prepared, which allows you to preserve a maximum of vitamins.

Natalia Fadeeva

doctor, nutritionist-endocrinologist, doctor of medical sciences
- Semolina is crushed wheat, but not to the state of flour. It contains a lot of potassium. It can be eaten as a porridge or added to casseroles or desserts instead of flour. Despite the fact that the semolina is highly refined, it is not harmful. For example, for emaciated people, children with insufficient body weight, with diseases requiring high-calorie nutrition (tuberculosis, cancer, purulent processes, and others), semolina can be useful. For people with obesity, diabetes mellitus, it is better to replace it, for example, with barley.


Couscous is a national dish of North African countries. Groats are made from the same processed and refined wheat grain, and it has all the properties of wheat groats. Couscous is instant cooking and perfect for a quick, healthy lunch or snack.


To obtain bulgur, wheat grain is steamed, dried, branded and crushed. Thanks to this processing, bulgur is cooked very quickly. It contains vitamins such as B1, B2, B3, B4, B5, B6, B9 and beta-carotene. Bulgur normalizes metabolism, improves the functioning of the nervous system and intestines. Useful under high stress, as it is easily absorbed by the body.


It is a wild type of wheat that was cultivated on the land in ancient times. Now spelled is not grown commercially, but it can be found on the shelves of health food stores. Due to the fact that the spelled is not subject to selection, we can confidently talk about its benefits and the absence of genetic modification (unlike ordinary wheat). Spelled contains a lot of proteins (27-37%), containing 18 essential amino acids. There is more iron and B vitamins in spelled than in most varieties of modern wheat, but gluten, on the contrary, is less.


There are three types of rice: long grain (indica), medium grain and round grain (the smallest). It also varies in degree of processing: whole grain rice (brown), milled (white) and parboiled. Whole grain rice retains all the beneficial properties of the grain shell: fiber, B vitamins, zinc, iodine, phosphorus and copper, so brown rice is much healthier than white rice. White rice cooks faster and contains more starches. Steamed has a golden color and is obtained by steaming and drying rice grains. The most famous rice varieties are jasmine, basmati and arborio. Another type of rice, wild, in fact, is not: it is a herbaceous aquatic plant, a close relative of rice.

Natalia Fadeeva

doctor, nutritionist-endocrinologist, doctor of medical sciences
- Of all types of rice, it is better to choose whole grain and parboiled. Polished rice is peeled, contains less useful fiber and magnesium, and increases blood glucose faster. For people with obesity and diabetes, it is better to replace white milled rice with brown or wild rice, which have a lower glycemic index.

Buckwheat grain

Buckwheat is one of our favorite cereals. It is healthy, delicious, quick to prepare, and inexpensive. Buckwheat is a whole grain of buckwheat with a huge number of useful properties. It contains eighteen essential amino acids, iron, potassium, calcium, phosphorus, copper, iodine, zinc, fluorine, cobalt, as well as vitamins B1, B2, B9 (folic acid), vitamin E. In terms of the content of lysine and methionine, buckwheat proteins surpass all cereals culture; they are characterized by high digestibility - up to 80%. Buckwheat is not afraid of weeds, therefore, no pesticides are used in its cultivation.

Natalia Fadeeva

doctor, nutritionist-endocrinologist, doctor of medical sciences
- Of all cereals, buckwheat contains the largest amount of iron and vitamin rutin, which strengthens the walls of blood vessels together with vitamin C. It is useful for anemia, varicose veins. In addition, buckwheat contains a large amount of vegetable protein (most of all cereals) and does not greatly increase blood sugar. It is useful for gaining muscle mass, obesity and diabetes.


Quinoa is the most fashionable groats of recent years. In fact, this is an ancient grain crop that was cultivated by the Indians in the Andes several thousand years ago. Quinoa is quick to cook, has a pleasant nutty flavor, and contains over 20% protein, all essential amino acids and phytic acid, which reduces cholesterol and fights cancer. In Spain, paella is prepared with quinoa instead of rice, in Italy it is served with olive oil and sun-dried tomatoes, and in Greece salads with vegetables and spices are prepared. One of the important properties of quinoa is the complete absence of gluten, for which it is highly valued by people with gluten intolerance.

Natalia Fadeeva

doctor, nutritionist-endocrinologist, doctor of medical sciences
- Quinoa contains many plant proteins, comparable in quantity to buckwheat or amaranth, while quinoa proteins are diverse in their amino acid composition. Any vegetable proteins from any cereals are proteins - sources of amino acids, the main function of which is growth, body construction, regular replacement of worn out protein elements, the work of the immune, endocrine, nervous, musculoskeletal and other systems. Thus, including quinoa in your diet will have a positive effect on your health.

Oat groats

Oats are used to produce oat flakes, oat oatmeal and oat groats. Unlike flakes, cereals are less processed and retain more of the beneficial properties of oats. And there are many of them: oats contain a large amount of natural antioxidants - substances that increase the body's resistance to various infections and environmental influences (radionuclides, salts of heavy metals, stress). Oats are rich in the essential amino acid methionine and magnesium, which are essential for the normal functioning of the central nervous system. The high content of proteins and fiber improves all metabolic processes, promotes the growth and development of muscle tissue. A bowl of oatmeal contains a quarter of the daily value of soluble fiber. And beta-glucans - dietary fiber of oats - when dissolved, turn into a viscous mass and bind excess cholesterol.

Natalia Fadeeva

doctor, nutritionist-endocrinologist, doctor of medical sciences
- Whole grains of oats are preferable for healthy people. Oat flakes are usually heat treated and pressed, which somewhat reduces their nutritional value. But flakes are more suitable for people with chronic diseases of the digestive tract, in the postoperative period, as they are gentle on the mucous membrane. Sugar flakes are a more harmful option for everyone.

Corn grits

Corn grits are crushed and polished kernels of corn. This cereal has a sunny yellow color and nutty flavor. It is easily digestible, contains plant fibers that improve intestinal motility, and antioxidants that speed up the brain.

Natalia Fadeeva

doctor, nutritionist-endocrinologist, doctor of medical sciences
- Corn grits - a source of slow carbohydrates, vegetable protein, vitamins B, E, potassium, vegetable fiber. The main advantage is that this cereal is a good choice for people with celiac disease (gluten intolerance).


Millet is a grain of millet that is minimally processed during production. It is considered the least allergenic grain, so it is worth trying for people with sensitive bodies. Millet prevents the accumulation of fat in the body and improves the functioning of the cardiovascular system. Iron, fluoride, magnesium and calcium contained in millet strengthen the body.

Natalia Fadeeva

doctor, nutritionist-endocrinologist, doctor of medical sciences
Millet is also one of the cereals that are useful for celiac disease (gluten intolerance) or allergic reactions to this protein. Millet contains, unlike other cereals, a larger amount of fat - 2.5-3.7%, therefore it saturates well, has a lot of phosphorus. But due to the large amount of dietary plant fiber, it can be poorly digested in chronic inflammatory diseases of the digestive system.

Barley groats

Barley grits

Barley groats are unpolished barley kernels. Among the trace elements that make up the grain, phosphorus is especially valuable - it is twice as much in barley groats than in other cereals. Phosphorus is essential for proper metabolism in the body and the maintenance of brain activity. Carbohydrates in barley are slowly absorbed and saturate for a long time, and fiber normalizes digestion.

Pearl barley

Pearl barley is obtained by processing barley and removing the shell of the grain. It is unique in that it is able to reduce the allergic manifestations of the body. The amino acid lysine, found in pearl barley, is responsible for collagen production. Like barley, barley contains gluten.

Natalia Fadeeva

doctor, nutritionist-endocrinologist, doctor of medical sciences
- Barley groats contain more fiber than barley, respectively, it slows down the absorption of carbohydrates and fats more. Barley contains less fiber, but it is no less useful. Both cereals have a low glycemic index, which allows them to be recommended to people with obesity and diabetes. In addition, pearl barley gives energy for a very long period of time, which is why it was used in the army.

Amaranth groats

Amaranth groats are made from amaranth, a nutritious pseudo-grain with a nutty flavor. Amaranth groats contain a large amount of easily digestible protein and fiber. Amaranth porridge is rich in calcium, magnesium, phosphorus, vitamins C and PP, as well as the biologically active substance squalene. It regulates metabolic processes in the body, normalizes cholesterol levels, protects cells from toxins and has an immunomodulatory effect.

Barley, in contrast to rice, has a lower cost, but still could not gain popularity. Few people want to eat this porridge of their own accord - it needs to be cooked for a very long time and as a result, a rather specific dish is obtained. Nevertheless, barley is relevant for the army and hospital canteens. Is barley healthy, or is it best replaced with rice?

Tastes could not be discussed

It is difficult to find a person who will call barley your favorite porridge. Adults try to keep its use to a minimum, and children cannot be forced to eat this product at all. In fact, the problem lies in the improper preparation of this porridge. For a very long time, barley was considered a royal porridge, and only very rich people could eat it. Naturally, barley was prepared differently than it is now and before putting the porridge on the fire, it was soaked for 12 hours. Only after that it was cooked, but the cooking process did not end there. Then it should stand in the oven and only after that it was served with cream.

To make the pearl barley tasty, you need to spend about an hour on one of its preparation. Few would agree to waste precious time cooking porridge. In addition, if the barley is undercooked or vice versa, the dish will not be very tasty. You need to eat barley immediately after cooking - after a while it loses most of its beneficial properties.

Barley contains iron and potassium, calcium and copper. Porridge is rich in vitamins of group B, E, D, PP and A. Perlovka is rightfully considered a protein porridge, which perfectly satisfies appetite. However, barley contains gluten and can cause allergies. Men are also not recommended to eat barley very often - it reduces libido.

Rice grits: pros and cons

Rice tastes quite exquisite. Alcoholic beverages are prepared on the basis of this cereal in China and Japan. Rice is not only nutritious, but also a healthy product. It contains a lot of vitamins B and E, which are necessary for our heart, blood vessels, skin and nervous system. There is a lot of iron and iodine, zinc and phosphorus, as well as potassium in rice. Beneficial substances have a beneficial effect on almost all human organs.

With the help of rice, you can lose weight and cleanse the body of toxic substances. There are many rice diets that allow you to not only lose weight in a short time, but also solve problems associated with digestion. Rice contains complex carbohydrates and protein. At the same time, it perfectly satisfies hunger and is a low-calorie product. But it should be understood that the beneficial properties of rice decrease depending on its processing.

When choosing between rice and barley, you should be guided by your taste preferences. Rice can cause constipation, and barley can reduce libido, but no negative manifestations will arise if you eat foods in moderation. The diet of each person should be as varied as possible and include vegetables and fruits.

Pearl barley has been popular since ancient times. By their appearance and shape, the polished grains of cereals very much resembled river pearls, or pearls, and the ancient Slavs called it pearl barley.

According to the characteristics and appearance, pearl barley is of the following varieties:

  1. Pearl barley (underwent primary processing);
  2. "Dutch" (whole grain in the form of a ball, which has undergone a deeper grinding);
  3. Barley groats (carefully crushed pearl barley grains).

Porridge made from pearl barley tastes good, but a little harsh. A more tender dish is obtained from the "Dutch", and such cereals are cooked much faster. And from barley groats, you can cook a viscous homogeneous porridge, spending a minimum of time.

Fans of healthy and proper nutrition know about the rich composition of this cereal. Barley contains the following substances:

  • Potassium, magnesium, zinc, iron;
  • Cellulose;
  • Chromium, phosphorus;
  • Lysine;
  • Silicic acid;
  • Vitamins B, PP, K, D, A, E;
  • Selenium;
  • Gordecin (organic antibiotic).

The presence of barley in the diet will enrich the body with a colossal amount of vitamins and microelements, give youthfulness to the skin and improve the functioning of all vital systems. A special substance called lysine promotes the formation of collagen in the cells of the epidermis, which helps to rejuvenate the skin, smoothing fine wrinkles. Thanks to this cereal, heart health is maintained, and the body is charged with energy and strength.

Nutritionists advise eating barley porridge hot. If you like cooled barley, you should know that in this state it is less digestible and absorbed by the stomach.


Barley harm

Pearl barley porridge can be used by adults, as well as by children after four years of age, since it cannot cause obvious harm to the body. However, there are some contraindications that you should pay attention to:

  • Due to the high content of gluten in cereals, it is not recommended for pregnant women. The harm to barley in this case will be significant, since this complex protein adversely affects the mother's body and can cause disturbances in digestive processes, constipation.
  • Barley dishes can be offered to children who have reached the age of four. Since this cereal is quite difficult for the stomach to digest, its use can lead to digestive problems in the unformed body of a small child.
  • Barley harm can occur if a person suffers from constipation or increased acidity of the stomach. With great care and in moderation, barley should be used by men - its constant presence on the menu can cause a violation of potency and a decrease in libido.

In the diet of a healthy person, pearl barley should be no more than three times a week. In large doses, gluten can promote the leaching of calcium from the cells of the body, leading to childhood rickets and increased bone fragility in adults.

Due to the high content of vitamins, useful amino acids and proteins in barley, this product is of great nutritional value for the body. The minimum amount of calories (only 106 calories per 100 grams of cooked cereals) allows barley to be used in effective weight loss programs. Some doctors even prescribe special health-improving diets based on this wonderful grain.

The benefits of barley are not only in porridge - its broth, which has such unique properties, is of particular value:

  • Enveloping;
  • Antiviral;
  • Antispasmodic;
  • Diuretic;
  • Antibacterial;
  • Antipyretic;
  • Antifungal;
  • Anti-inflammatory;
  • Emollient.

The tremendous benefits of barley and its broth are observed in the treatment of digestive ailments. Viscous porridge envelops the mucous surface of the stomach, fills in microcracks and cleans it. A useful broth of barley stops the growth of malignant tumors; it is used as an expectorant and diuretic for diseases of the respiratory tract and genitourinary system.

The content of a large amount of vitamins in cereals helps to improve visual functions, enhance the human immune system, and cleanse harmful toxins. With the systematic use of barley, the hair acquires shine and softness, the skin rejuvenates, and the tooth enamel is strengthened. Special vitamin E stimulates blood circulation and is an excellent antioxidant, the main purpose of which is to preserve the youth and vitality of the body.

It will be useful for people who have been diagnosed with kidney stones to know that with the help of pearl barley you can get rid of this ailment. The fact is that pearl barley contains a large amount of silicic acid, which is capable of destroying unwanted formations in the internal organs. Using broths and porridge from pearl barley at least twice a week, you can remove sand and stones from the body, avoiding drug treatment.

Barley is recommended for hepatitis, allergic reactions, viral infections, prostatitis, diabetes and hemorrhoids. However, remember that in large quantities this cereal can be harmful, therefore, before introducing it into the diet, it is imperative to consult your doctor!

Barley for weight loss

Many women exhaust themselves with hunger strikes and exhausting workouts in the gym in order to lose those extra pounds forever. But few people know that losing weight should be gradual and gentle so that the body receives only benefits and cleansing, not harm. With the help of barley, a person not only gets rid of excess weight, but also gets rid of toxins and normalizes digestive functions.

This simple cereal will quickly remove toxins from the body, and the benefits of barley will be visible after a week of use. Signs of cleansing during the introduction of barley into the diet are frequent urge to urinate and heavy sweating.

At the next stage, there will be a gradual burning of body fat. This process will take place imperceptibly, since using barley, a person does not feel hunger - his body is saturated with nutrients. Even in the case of eating several servings of porridge, the body receives a minimum amount of calories, which guarantees the gradual burning of excess weight.

However, it is worth remembering that to lose weight with the help of pearl barley, you need to adhere to the following rules:

  • You need to take barley in small portions, several times a day;
  • Porridge should only be boiled in water;
  • No salt or sugar is added during cooking;
  • In addition to porridge, you can use green tea or clean water without gas.

More gentle diets may include non-nutritious foods, vegetables, and herbs. Pearl barley is also perfect for fasting days - just boil it in water and consume it in 5-6 doses during the day. In the process of purification, one should not forget about the drinking regime - clean water must enter the body in sufficient quantities, at least 2 liters per day.

Pearl barley diet

The diet of a person who has chosen a pearl barley diet consists only of fresh porridge and pure water. Such a diet is carried out for five or more days. The groats are poured with water overnight, and then boiled in water until tender and consumed without spices and oil.

The pearl barley diet cannot be called varied; it is not an easy task to endure a week on "empty" porridge. Therefore, the introduction of fruits, low-fat foods or boiled fish is allowed in the diet.

The pearl barley diet menu can be as follows:
Morning: pearl barley cooked in water with the addition of grated apple;
Lunch: unsweetened apple;
Lunch: boiled fish with barley porridge;
Afternoon snack: 300 g of kefir (1%);
Evening: pearl barley porridge.

The result will be visible after a week - about five kilograms of excess weight will disappear, digestion will stabilize, and the body will be naturally cleansed of harmful toxins. The condition of the skin will improve, and the presence of potassium and a lot of vitamins in the cereal will have an excellent effect on the work of the circulatory and cardiovascular systems.

Barley is a useful and affordable cereal, the harm of which to the body is minimal. Eating it as food, you can not only lose weight, but also improve your health, improve the work of vital organs and prolong youth.

Source: vredpolza.ru