Which increases stress resistance. How to increase stress resistance: advice from a psychologist. The concept of resistance to stress and its functions

Stress. Everyone knows what it is: this word has simply flooded our lives, and every second person believes that he is experiencing stress for one reason or another. Many, of course, exaggerate, and even a small psychological load on the body is inflated to the level of severe stress. In any case, there are several ways to increase your resistance to stress so that emotional upheavals do not ruin your life.

Factors that increase stress levels:

  • disputes at work with superiors;
  • domestic quarrels with relatives;
  • the child has problems at school or with his parents;
  • skirmishes in public transport, restaurants, entertainment centers;
  • awkward situations;
  • monotonous activity.

Of course, the factors depend on the psychological state of the individual, his psychotype and much more, but, basically, they all boil down to irritating environmental factors.

How to increase the level of resistance to experiences

Stress is a diverse response of a person to various emotional events, both negative and positive. Therefore, it is necessary to understand what stress resistance is: it is a complex set of human qualities that help him to respond to different situations calmly and adequately.

To develop your own stress resistance, you need to tune yourself to the result, to understand why, in fact, this quality is useful to you. The most important thing that gives resistance to stress is a clear idea of \u200b\u200bhow to deal with the situation. The more truthful information you have, the more options you will have in times of trouble. You will not panic over trifles, which means that you will maintain the stability of the psyche.

In order for experiences to bypass you and not touch too deeply, it is enough just to pull yourself together:

  • start planning your time wisely;
  • tune in to a positive mood;
  • develop the practice of self-control;
  • take the position of a personality with a solid inner core;
  • control emotions;
  • develop a rational approach to events;
  • resort to regular physical activity;
  • eliminate overwork.

Based on social surveys, we can conclude that more than 70% of the population of our country suffers from chronic stress. No wonder "resistance to stress" has become a must in any resume. The ability to control oneself in extreme situations is highly valued.

Psychologists have divided stress-resistant people into four groups:

  • stress unstable

They do not know how to change their behavior, no matter how the situation develops. They have a very low adaptive capacity, so any unexpected turns or even hints of this cause great feelings. First of all, this guy will have to try to calm his nerves.

To do this, you can drink light sedatives such as glycine or valerian. Keyword: lungs. Do not stuff yourself with strong sedatives or, worse, tranquilizers: this will not help develop stress resistance in any way, but will only aggravate everything.

Further, a stress-unstable person should gradually "step out of the comfort zone" (yes, everyone is already tired of this hackneyed expression, but in fact it is) - to make permanent things changeable. Even choosing a different path to work, changing the place where the usual things lie, and getting up earlier (or later) will do.

Little things like that seem insignificant, but you will be surprised how well they can help you cope with stress. Add more global changes to yourself: it may come to a job change or a move, but by this moment you should already be mentally prepared and not afraid of the upcoming changes.

  • stress-trained

They are able to adapt only at the superficial level, when making serious decisions they become irritable or fall into a depressive state. Over time, the type develops the ability to adapt, begins to respond to various shocks more calmly.

Only accumulated experience will help here: a stressful situation once passed will be perceived more easily the second time, and on the third, it will completely stop disturbing psychological stability.

  • stress-inhibiting

People with strict principles and attitudes, but agree to small changes. With rapidly current events, they cease to control the emotional state, so all irritating factors will have to be deliberately slowed down. Don't put off things until the last day or try to make several big decisions in a short amount of time.

  • stress-resistant

They are as calm as possible to any events in an unstable world, but because of this they show great irony towards stability. Therefore, they are constantly trying to change the world around them.

Psychological exercises to increase self-control

The following instructions will work for any type:

  • remember that every negative moment has two solutions and there is a way out of any situation - obviously, but true;
  • try to treat everything with calmness, do not panic;
  • do not keep problems to yourself, share them with your friends, family;
  • take the changes that happen in life for granted;
  • do not dwell on shortcomings - realize your potential and opportunities;
  • take mistakes as a lesson for the future;
  • learn to always see the positive sides.

There are techniques that can help you deal with stress and develop resilience to negative situations. For example:

  1. Showing tolerance for people - you need to strive to find a compromise and understand that we are all different, everyone has their own opinion.
  2. Develop in your professional field.
  3. Perform relaxation exercises - doing breathing exercises, spending time in meditation, yoga, soothing baths, massage.
  4. Both adults and children should have a hobby. It will help you forget about the daily hustle and bustle, relax, distract yourself from the problem.
  5. Alternate between different leisure options - go in for sports, but do not forget about the intellectual load.
  6. Analyze problem cases, do the work on mistakes - first mentally, and if the mistake repeats again, then you can correct it in reality.

For those exposed to excessive negativity in the workplace, the following basic techniques may be helpful:

  1. Development of policy priorities. Do what is important at the moment, do not spray everything at once.
  2. Learn to say "no" when the task limit is reached. You are not omnipotent, and there is nothing terrible or bad about that.
  3. Monitor the level of relationship between you and your boss. Do not let yourself be baited, but also do not allow familiarity - no one has canceled corporate ethics yet.
  4. You shouldn't join the opinion of your colleagues or boss when conflicting situations occur. Have your own opinion on everything.
  5. If you do not understand what is required of you, tell the management so. A job done at random won't be good, and it will definitely add stress.
  6. Do breathing exercises, throw all the fuss out of your head and fill it with more pleasant thoughts.

Such methods will help to calm the body so that it does not explode from the accumulated emotions.

Difficult life situations often arise in our life. Some of them can radically change our lives. The death of a loved one, loss of a job, serious illness, terrorist attacks, and other traumatic events can happen unexpectedly and have a profound effect on us. You may react to these circumstances with a flood of strong emotions and feelings of insecurity.

However, people adapt well to changing living conditions and stressful situations over time. What allows them to do this?

The quality that allows us to adapt to constant change and withstand stress is stress resistance.

This article has been written to help you find your own way to build stress resistance. More precisely, a whole range of ways, methods and techniques that will be effective just for you. The information in the article describes resistance to stress and a number of factors that affect people's ability to cope with difficulties. Much of this article focuses on developing and using a personal strategy to increase resilience.


Resilience is the process of adapting to a difficult life situation - trauma, tragedy, threats, or severe stress caused, for example, by family and relationship problems, serious health problems, difficulties at work or financial problems. Resistance to stress is also the ability to resist such circumstances and return to a normal frame of mind.

Studies have shown that resilience to stress is the norm, rather than something extraordinary. People often show resistance to stress. One example is the response of many Russians to the terrorist attacks in Moscow and St. Petersburg, and the attempts of individuals to rebuild their lives.

It is important to understand that being stress-resistant does not mean that the person is not experiencing difficulty or suffering. Emotional pain and sadness are common in people who have suffered serious adversity or trauma in their lives. And the development of stress resistance is likely to be accompanied by significant emotional stress.

However, resilience to stress is not a trait that people either have or do not have. It includes behavior in general and individual actions, thoughts and beliefs that can be studied and developed in everyone.

Stress resistance factors

A number of factors contribute to resilience to stress. Numerous studies show that caring and supportive relationships within and outside the family are a major factor in resilience. Relationships that create love and trust, provide role models and offer encouragement and support, help build a person's stress tolerance.

Also, the following factors can contribute to high stress resistance:

  • Ability to make realistic plans and take steps to implement them.
  • A positive outlook on oneself and self-confidence in one's strengths and abilities.
  • Communication and problem solving skills.
  • The ability to manage strong feelings and impulses.

All these factors each of us can develop separately or together. Both independently and using the services of specialists for their development.

Strategies for increasing stress resilience

It is important to understand that developing resilience is a process. It is not something that happens to you once or never happens. People react to traumatic and stressful life events in different ways. A way to build stress tolerance that works for one person may not work for another. Different people use different strategies to develop resilience to stress.

Below are 10 ways that the American Psychological Association believes are leading in coping with stress and developing resilience. You can use them to develop your personal strategy for how to resist stress.

10 Ways to Build Stress Resilience

Avoid seeing crises as insurmountable problems
... You cannot change the fact that very difficult situations are happening, but you can change the way you interpret and react to these events. Try to look beyond the present to see that future circumstances might be slightly better. Pay attention to any subtle ways in which you may already feel somewhat better when dealing with difficult situations.

Build and maintain relationships
... Good relationships with close family, friends, or acquaintances are important. Accepting help and support from those who care about you and will listen to you builds resilience to stress. Some people find that being active in community movements, faith-based organizations, or various interest groups provides social support and can help build hope. Helping others during difficult times can also benefit the helper.

Move towards your goals... Set yourself some realistic goals. Do something regularly - even if it sounds like a small achievement - it keeps you moving towards your goals. Instead of focusing on tasks that seem out of reach, ask yourself, "What do I know, what can I do today, that helps me move in the direction I want to go?"

Put things in perspective... Even when you are faced with very painful events, try to put the stressful situation in a broader context and maintain a long-term perspective. Avoid bloating the event.

Accept that change is part of life
... Certain goals may not be available as a result of adverse situations. Accepting circumstances that cannot be changed can help you focus on the circumstances that you can change.

Take active action... Act in adverse situations as much as you can. Take decisive action, not completely remove yourself from problems and stresses and wish that they just go away.

Look for opportunities for self-discovery... People often learn something about themselves and may find that they have grown in some way as a result of their struggle with loss. Many people who have experienced tragedy and hardship reported better relationships, more self-confidence, even feeling vulnerable, increased self-esteem, more spirituality, and an increased appreciation for life.

Cultivate a positive outlook on yourself... Developing confidence in your ability to solve problems and trust your intuition helps increase your resilience to stress.

Keep an optimistic outlook
... While some may regard hope as a silly feeling, it allows us to count on good times in your life. Try to visualize what you want instead of worrying about what you are afraid of.

take care of yourself... Pay attention to your own needs and feelings. Participate in activities that you enjoy and relax. Exercise regularly. Take care of yourself by helping to preserve your mind and body to cope with situations that require your strength.

Additional ways to increase your resilience to stress may also be helpful. For example, some people write about how meditation and spiritual practices can help them cope with thoughts and feelings related to trauma or other stressful events in their lives.

The key is to try different strategies, and find ways that might work well for you, as part of your own personal strategy for resilience.

Studying your past

It is also important to study your past experience. Focusing on past events and sources of personal power can help you learn which strategies for increasing stress resilience have already worked for you, and therefore may work in the future.

To do this, write down the answers to the following questions about yourself and your reactions to difficult life events. This will help you learn better how to respond effectively to difficult situations in your life.

Consider the following:

  • What kind of events have been the most stressful for me?
  • How did these events usually affect me?
  • Do I remember people that matter to me when I'm stressed?
  • Who did I turn to for help in stressful situations or traumatic experiences?
  • What have I learned about myself and my relationships with others during difficult times?
  • Was it helpful to me to help someone else go through a similar experience?
  • Was I able to overcome the circumstances, and if so, how?
  • What helped me keep hope?

Be flexible

Resilience involves maintaining flexibility and balance in your life as you deal with stressful circumstances and traumatic events.

This happens in several ways, including:

  • Allowing yourself to experience and express strong emotions on the one hand, and avoiding them, on the other, where it would be inappropriate.
  • When it is necessary - actively "step" on the problems, taking actions to solve them, and when necessary - return to rest and recovery.
  • Spend time with loved ones to get support and inspiration, but also to take care of yourself.
  • Relying on others, not forgetting to rely on yourself.

Use Your Places of Power and Support

Getting support when you need it is critical to building your resilience to stress. In addition to communicating with family and friends, it can also be helpful to turn to the following sources of support:

  • Self-help and support groups. Various groups can help people who are struggling with difficulties such as the death of a loved one. By sharing information, ideas, and emotions with others, group members can help each other and find comfort in the knowledge that they are not alone in their difficulties.
  • Books and other publications of people who have successfully coped with difficult life situations, such as, for example, cancer. These stories can lead readers to find a strategy that can work for them personally.
  • Internet resources. Information on the Internet can be a useful source of ideas, although the quality of the information depends on the sources.

Do not be afraid to contact specialists

For many people, using their own resources and the types of assistance listed above may be sufficient to increase their resilience. However, sometimes a person can get stuck or have difficulty making progress towards resilience.

In this case, a good professional, such as a psychologist, can help you develop an appropriate strategy for moving forward. It is important to get professional help if you feel unable to function or perform basic daily activities as a result of traumatic or other stressful life experiences.

You can use any of the above methods to develop your own stress management strategy. The main thing is that this strategy is comfortable for you, on the one hand, and effective enough on the other. Good luck to you!

Basically, stress is called the harmful effects that can worsen the emotional state of a person, increase anxiety, and in especially difficult cases even lead to the development of psychosomatic diseases. In fact, stress can be beneficial to the body, since it moderately stimulates adaptive abilities, mobilizes the mind and body, and helps to direct efforts to the most important areas. True, all this is possible only with high stress resistance. What is it and how to strengthen it?

Stress and resilience - what is known about them

In a broad sense, stress is understood as almost all external influences that a person experiences. Stress can be emotional or physical. In the first case, they mean phenomena and events that contribute to the onset of anxiety, the appearance of nervousness, and so on. At the same time, emotional stress can act in a positive way. For example, if you've been promoted at work, or if a nice person shows interest in you, you too will experience stress. But positive content, not negative.

As for physical stress, it is caused mainly by heavy loads, to which a person is not used to. Intense training or carrying heavy bags stimulates the development of a stressful state. And indirectly, physical influences affect the emotional state.

That is, both components are inextricably linked. It is impossible to separate them, therefore, when increasing stress resistance, it is important to remember this moment. Stress resistance itself is the body's ability not only to reflect external influences, but also to use them for the benefit of development. If your stress tolerance is at a high level, you can successfully cope with emotional and physical stress, directing them even to your benefit.

Because of what reduces stress resistance

The level of resistance to stress can vary depending on various factors. Normally, protection from stress is at such a level that a person can cope with everyday duties, resist conflicts, and enjoy physical activity. But it so happens that stress resistance decreases. Abruptly or gradually is not so important. The main thing is to find out why this is happening. Resistance to stress can harm:

  • incorrect organization of the daily routine;
  • a pessimistic outlook on life is the inability to enjoy trifles;
  • lack of skills for self-control, relaxation, maintaining calm;
  • lack of understanding of their emotional and physical state;
  • diseases and disorders of the natural activity of the body.

As you can see, both psychological and physiological factors are capable of improving protection from stress factors. Accordingly, if we want to give advice on how to increase stress resistance, we will have to pay attention to all these points. Let's talk about the most effective methods.

How can you increase stress resistance

There are many different techniques and methods of protection against negative stress. Let's start with perhaps the most successful ways to improve stress resistance through work with your own body. After all, we said above that the physiological and emotional components of stress resistance are closely related to each other. Taking into account such a feature, you can give such advice to enhance the adaptive abilities of the body.

  1. Proper nutrition. Oddly enough, the best place to start is to correct your diet. To protect yourself from stress, you must first of all maintain a high level of vitamin D. It is important for the reason that it has the properties of a powerful antioxidant that protects against emotional burnout. This component is contained mainly in oily fish. Be sure to include in the menu such types of fish as mackerel, tuna, salmon.
  2. Sunbathing. You can also increase the concentration of vitamin D in the body by taking the so-called sunbathing. You need a sufficient dose of ultraviolet radiation, and to get it, being in the sun is the best method. A solarium will work too. But it comes with unpleasant side effects.
  3. Physical discharge. Exposure to stress leads to the appearance of spasms, increased muscle tone. There is nothing useful about it. You will have to develop a habit of using energy correctly so that cramps do not occur. To do this, for example, you can jog yourself or go to the gym. It is not necessary to bring yourself to an exhausted state, but a good load will be very useful.
  4. Autogenic training, meditation, relaxation techniques. Here you can find many suitable options for yourself, corresponding to your lifestyle, psychological preparation, and so on. We emphasize that we are not talking about religious or philosophical content here. This refers precisely to the physical side of such activities.

Even if you only follow these tips, the level of stress resistance will gradually return to normal. But physiology is not the only way to protect yourself from stress. Psychology will be useful too. Therefore, now it is worth moving on to the psychological component to increase stress resistance.

We will not talk about the truly deep psychological work that a specialist can do. Let's touch on only those moments that are within our power and without the involvement of professionals. Psychologists themselves give a lot of advice on how to improve stress resistance. But unfortunately, simple and effective ones do not come across so often. Therefore, we will try to present only those that are especially helpful.

  1. Discussing problems with others. Anyone under stress also feels the need to voice their own concerns. That is, he just needs to speak out. Do not hold strong feelings in yourself. Voice them, consult with relatives, close friends.
  2. Managing your own life. It sounds, of course, too vague. In practice, this means that you have a responsibility to make your own decisions. No need to give the initiative to outsiders. Even if at the workplace you are only performing assignments, whenever possible make your own useful recommendations, form an individual working style.
  3. Planning. The strongest fear is the one that arises suddenly. For high stress resistance, try to plan your actions in advance and predict possible obstacles on the way. Then you will be prepared, and the turmoil will not hit you so hard.
  4. Rejection of an unpleasant past. Often times, events are unsettling and prevent you from living normally because you have failed in the past. Remember, second chances should always be used with prior mistakes in mind. For example, don't think that a new relationship will necessarily lead to failure, since it was the same with the old one. This is a completely wrong approach, which only interferes with living.
  5. Problem solving consistently. It happens that at the same time a bunch of various problems that need to be solved urgently pile up at once. It is wrong to grab onto everything at once. Take the most difficult problem and try to solve it first. Then you will move on to those that are smaller.
  6. Visualization of a positive outcome. And finally, optimism brings many benefits to resilience. This is what we are talking about here. It is necessary not only to believe in the good, but also to imagine the positive outcome of any disturbing event. Then you will immediately create a success mindset for yourself.

You can find incredibly many more different psychological advice on this topic. We just tried to choose exactly the ones that, without excess water, allow you to overcome stress and create more pleasant conditions for life.

Increasing stress tolerance - investing in the future

Abroad, the problem of low stress resistance is used to solving with the help of pills. This approach gives a quick but very short-lived result. The pills only increase the physiological protection against stress, but do not solve the original problem. Don't tread the wrong path. Antidepressants are needed only in the most extreme situations, but they are rare. Take care of your emotional and physical well-being. Then stress resistance will be high all the time.

Can reach the limit at which a person ceases to cope with it. Extreme cases of behavior in stressful moments - suicides, illness, nervous breakdowns. To overcome stress, stress resistance is needed to help suppress negative emotions and. Resistance to stress is a set of personality traits that allows you to endure volitional, emotional and mental stress without harm to health and psyche. How to deal with excessive stress on the body? How to develop stress resistance? Increasing stress resistance - what is it?

Determination of emotional stability

The concept of resistance to stress in modern psychology is deciphered as a personality trait, which consists of several parts. These include:

  1. Psychophysiological component, type of the nervous system.
  2. Emotional experience of a person acquired in stressful situations.
  3. Motivational component of overcoming.
  4. The readiness of the individual to perform various tasks.
  5. The ability to predict.

Many authors associate the definition of personality stress resistance with the concept of resilience. The concept of resilience is understood as a system of human beliefs about the world, about oneself. The resilience component includes three levels:

  • involvement;
  • control;
  • risk taking.

Engagement allows you to find the maximum chance to get out of the situation. Control influences the outcome of what is happening through the belief in a positive outcome. Risk-taking is understood as a person's confidence that all events contribute to his development, no matter if they are positive or negative.

Building resilience helps to actively cope with difficult situations. It allows you to stimulate daily health and wellness concerns such as dieting and exercise. Due to this, stress does not pass into somatic diseases.

Stress resistance factors:

  • early childhood experience and body characteristics;
  • personal attitudes and values \u200b\u200bof a person;
  • the influence of the social environment;
  • ability to predict and analyze past experience.
  • behavioral factor.

How stress resistance manifests itself in life

Stress resistance of a personality implies dividing people into groups according to the types of response to extreme situations. There are four groups for determining stress resistance:

  1. Stress-resistant group of people. This group includes the individuals most affected by stress. A person from this category is not able to adapt to events from the outside and change their behavior.
  2. Stress-trained group of people. People of this type are ready for calm changes. They adapt and get used to new things gradually. But severe stress and interference with life causes, as well as a nervous breakdown.
  3. Stress-inhibiting group. People of this type are loyal to external changes, they can easily agree to rapid changes. But if the level of stress is high and it lasts for a long time, then they begin to lose their composure and break out into negative emotions.
  4. Stress-resistant type of people. They easily adapt to the negative manifestations of the outside world, their psyche is protected from the negative effects of stress.

The role of resources in coping with stress

The formation of stress resistance depends on the amount of resources involved. Resilience resources can be divided into several types:

  1. Personality resources. They include all the attitudes that are useful for regulating the state of stress. The most significant in a stressful situation are self-control, self-esteem, and self-esteem.
  2. Psychological resource. It is determined by the cognitive, emotional, volitional capabilities of a person.
  3. Professional resource. It includes the necessary level of knowledge, skills, experience for solving professional and other tasks in a difficult situation.
  4. Social resource. The level of stress resistance depends on social support, moral assistance, and life values.
  5. The physical resource reflects the functional reserve of the body.
  6. The material resource is determined by housing, financial security.

The whole complex of resources represents a single personal stock of a person.

Psychologists have found that social support helps in most cases.

Social assistance is most important in overcoming interpersonal conflicts in a team, bad relationships in the family, in a situation of disability and serious illness.

Personal resources are also important in the formation of schoolchildren. Low self-esteem causes failure. Self-control provides psychological control over coping.

How to increase stress resistance

Why is it helpful to develop emotional resilience? The development of stress resistance is:

  • harmonious life around;
  • strengthening physical and mental health;
  • self-confidence;
  • low anxiety;
  • composure in critical situations;
  • a positive vision of the world.


The technique removes muscle clamps, relaxes emotionally and physically. The use of relaxation relieves anxiety, optimizes the functional state of the body.


There is a relationship between emotional excitement and breathing. Having learned to control breathing, you can quickly bring the body into a comfortable and resourceful state. used in yoga, psychotherapy, meditation.


Using a special technique to stimulate orgasm adaptation. Scientists have been studying stress and stress resistance for a long time, new technologies are developing, special programs are being built to increase the level of the body's resistance.

Working with a psychotherapist

How to develop stress resistance if there is no way to independently deal with a low level of resistance? In some cases, individual work with a psychotherapist is shown. Treatment involves the restoration of psychological comfort, diagnostics of the condition and the patient's motivation for interaction are important.

Exercise balances the nervous system and relieves stress. Stress and resistance to stress are closely related to the state of the body. The load from physical education helps to get moral satisfaction, the stress will go away from the exercise. Suitable for various types of dancing, yoga or even just walking in the park.


A new direction in medicine and biology helps to reduce anxiety, normalize sleep, and fight vitamin deficiency. Biologically active substances of plants have a tonic effect, promote relaxation of the body. The use of herbs for bathing, massage with scented oils, and a spice drink are all examples of stress-resilient phytoergotherapy techniques.

Communication exercises

In most cases, the cause of conflicts is the inability to control your communication and style of behavior. Stress arises from communication problems. Sociability and a positive attitude are important factors in strengthening emotional stability. It is useful to use communicative exercises to increase stability in conflict situations when developing stress resistance among students, in a team, and in a family. Stress resistance and communication skills are taught in trainings. Psychologists develop the ability to listen to interlocutors, empathy, flexibility in communication.


We offer for watching an excellent video lecture on how to form and strengthen stress resistance:


So how do you stay calm, be resilient to stress? Anxiety, non-constructive ways to resolve conflicts, a low resource state reduce emotional stability. To find out your type of behavior under stress, you can take a stress resistance test. Diagnostics will help you choose the direction of work on yourself. It is worth increasing the level of resilience using various methods of building resilience.

With any prolonged stress, we become nervous, tired, tense, we begin to gain weight or lose weight rapidly, suffer from insomnia or a constant desire to sleep. Often, stress also provokes psychosomatic reactions: all kinds of skin rashes, migraines, pain in joints and muscles, gastritis, ulcers, indigestion and a general weakening of the immune system. Try some of the tips here and train your body to avoid sedatives, stimulants, caffeine, and cigarettes.

  1. Listen to your body... Try to start your morning by focusing on how you feel and recording the sensations in your body. Ask yourself: “What does my body need today?”, “Where are the areas of tension?”, “Do I have a lot of strength and energy?”, “What do I need to do to feel cheerful?”. Try to engage in this dialogue as often as possible and, if possible, do what your body requires. For example, going to bed earlier or drinking less coffee or eating more fruit.
  2. Energize with a dose of vitamin Dbecause it is the best antioxidant that protects us from cancer, osteoporosis, multiple sclerosis and diabetes. The easiest way to enrich yourself with vitamin D is sunbathing... And in cold and cloudy, an excellent vitamin supplement is eating oily fish such as halibut, salmon, sardines, mackerel, mackerel and trout.
  3. Learn to forgive. Despite the simplicity of this statement, many scholars agree on the benefits of forgiveness. Resenting people, we return to the primitive part of the brain (the one that reptiles also have) and which provokes us to reactions such as run away or attack. Thus, we keep our body and mind in constant stress, which subsequently affects our well-being.
  4. Walk more, run, swim, jump on the springboard (you can buy a small springboard for this) and so on. Even the simplest exercise increases levels of norepinorphin in the brain, a substance that helps us better handle stress.
  5. Practice yoga, meditation, tai chi, or breathing exercises... These ancient practices promote balance between body and mind, slowing down the rhythm of the heart, breathing and deep relaxation of muscles... Start small: meditate for five minutes a day, before going to bed and after waking up. A positive result will give you the energy to practice longer.
  6. Reduce the amount cookies, cakes and others carbohydrates made with refined sugar and white flour. Such food increases the level of cortisol or stress hormone in our body. Foods that promote hormonal balance contain omega-3 (salmon, herring, mackerel, halibut, sardines, flax seeds) and vitamin B5 (broccoli, whole grains, eggs).
  7. Learn to say no. If you want to take a break from a busy week, and your friends pull you to a party, or your neighbor is bored and wants to chat, then learn to give up unnecessary events and do what you want. Too many things to do, too much communication, imperceptibly increases stress and does not give you the opportunity to be alone with yourself.
  8. Turn off your computer and TV often and just go for a walk or practice tai chi or learn to cook new dishes or just spend this time with your family.
  9. Listen to relaxing or classical music, the sound of waves, birdsong, the murmur of a stream or the sound of rain.
  10. Find a hobby for yourself or a kind of manual labor, be it embroidery, drawing, photography or flower arrangement. Activities like these unlock our creativity and help relieve stress.

Listen to meditation for rest and relaxation from the site meditacii-slushat.ru, it will help to restore strength and increase stress resistance:

It is also necessary to monitor the ecology of the home and places of use. Flies, mosquitoes and other insects can appear during the season and cause significant inconvenience. It can be problematic to cope with the problem on your own, so it is better to turn to specialists. Rapid destruction of wasps, ants, mosquitoes will be carried out by specialists called from the site www.tarakanovnetu.ru The quality of work is guaranteed.