What is a coarse water filter. Purpose and rules for installing a coarse filter. Installation and cleaning

The water we use in our daily life needs to be purified. In this case, the source of water intake is not so important. This can be water from a well that you drilled on your site, or from a water supply system with a centralized water supply.

It necessarily contains various impurities: rust, scale, grains of sand, silt or other substances, the presence of which can have a negative impact on our health and on the operation of plumbing equipment and appliances. To prevent these negative consequences, you need a water purification filter for plumbing. In this article, you will learn what filters are and how exactly they work.

A healthy person, who is in ideal conditions, when he is neither hot nor cold, can live without water for no more than 5 days. Humans need fluids because our bodies are 70% water.

It is not surprising that we place high demands on the quality of the liquid we consume.

Humans are not the only ones contributing to water pollution. This can also happen naturally: dirt gets into the water streams in the event of prolonged rains, for example

Meanwhile, environmental threats are escalating, and we are well aware of this. From year to year, the gas content and smoky atmosphere are growing. Finding organic food and quality water is becoming increasingly difficult.

Even the water that is subjected to centralized purification and comes to us from the water supply system cannot be considered really clean.

Its contamination is facilitated by the inherent properties of the liquid itself: it perfectly dissolves some harmful chemicals. During the purification process, only the most toxic contaminants are removed from it. The chlorine or fluorine used in this process are themselves toxic elements that adversely affect human health.

The water that comes to us through the water supply may not correspond to the status of drinking water and because of the old, outdated water mains

Specialists involved in centralized water treatment are responsible for its quality until the moment it leaves the water distribution station. But it will not reach the end consumer soon.

And no one controls the sections of water mains through which it will pass from the inside. At the same time, the age of water pipes suggests that it is in them that the greatest pollution can occur.

The negative impact of untreated water on the human body is obvious:

  • increased hardness contributes to the deposition of salts;
  • excess manganese has a negative effect on the skeletal system;
  • the presence of excess iron threatens with liver diseases, malfunctions in reproductive function and the development of a heart attack;
  • There are other negative consequences as well.

But dirty water strikes not only our body, but also the wallet. Expensive plumbing fixtures and appliances can break because they are not designed to withstand extreme loads.

The most obvious failures are:

  • lime deposits clog the holes of the nozzles and the shower head;
  • under the influence of high temperatures, magnesium and calcium salts form scale, due to which water heaters quickly fail.

Modern special plumbing is designed in such a way that the water that enters it is necessarily subjected to pre-treatment. And people who take care of their own health prefer to use either already purified bottled water, or use special household filters in order to secure tap water.

Poor quality water can not only adversely affect the health of any person, but also disable plumbing equipment and appliances.

To purify water from substances and elements harmful to humans and plumbing, water filters are used. With their help, you can get rid of heavy metals, particles that do not dissolve, impurities, bacteria, viruses, chlorine, etc.

Water filters are classified according to a variety of criteria. For example, you can divide them by scope. After all, they are necessary and in demand in a variety of places and for various purposes: for private homes, for domestic use, for aquariums, for industrial needs and as camping equipment.

Water filters are used everywhere: they are needed in industrial facilities, and in everyday life, and even for water purification in aquariums

According to the cleaning method used in the device, the following filters are distinguished: mechanical, electrical, physico-chemical, biological, ion-exchange and reverse osmosis.

According to the degree of purification of water from harmful impurities, filters are divided into products of fine and coarse cleaning.

Coarse filters

Coarse water filters to protect plumbing provide a minimum level of purification, which is called coarse. They are able to filter out only large impurities: sand, rust, scale, etc. Their device is based on a single principle of mechanical cleaning, so they are all similar.

Most often they are installed at the very beginning of the wiring, where water is distributed in the directions of its final consumption: to the kitchen, to the toilet and to the bathroom. Inside the device there is a filter element: usually it is a metal mesh located in the direction of water movement.

In this coarse filter, the filter element is a mesh made of stainless steel: it is able to trap pieces of rust, scale, silt, sand, etc.

Its obligatory detail is also a sump, which is needed for the accumulation of filtered particles. It needs to be cleaned periodically. At least three or four times a year, the water is shut off and the sump is cleaned.

However, various coarse cleaning devices have distinctive features. They differ in the ways of cleaning the sump, the method of installation in the pipeline, the shape of the sump and the type of filter element.

Type of filter element

The mesh filter can be considered the simplest device for coarse cleaning. It uses a stainless steel mesh with a mesh size in the range of 50-400 microns. It is fastened with a threaded connection so that the revision cover is at the bottom. The undoubted advantage of these devices is their durability.

A replaceable cartridge is placed in this flask. The flask cannot simply be screwed onto the pipe, it must be fixed to the wall

The flask of the cartridge device is attached to the wall. Inside it contains a cartridge. Its filtering ability depends on the material from which the cartridge is made. It can be pressed fibers, twisted polypropylene thread or polyester. To make a rough cleaning, you need a cartridge of 20-30 microns.

After the cartridge has worked out the prescribed period, it cannot be washed and re-inserted into the flask. It just needs to be replaced with a new one. There is only one way to increase its service life: in front of the cartridge filter, additionally install a mesh filter.

The shape of the sump

Mesh filters are simple: they have inlet and outlet pipes and a sump that needs to be cleaned periodically. If the pipe on which the filter is attached is located vertically or too close to the floor, you need to choose oblique devices in which the sump is made at an angle to the watercourse.

In all other cases, choose direct models with a sump, which is perpendicular to the watercourse. Straight filters are more massive than oblique ones. When choosing this device, you need to make sure that there is enough space under the pipe not only for fixing it, but also for further work with its sump.

These two coarse filters differ from each other only in shape: the left filter is straight, and the right one is oblique

It is believed that a direct filter does its job more efficiently, since its sump has a larger volume. It is clogged with a flange cover or a threaded plug.

According to the method of installation in the pipeline

The filter can be inserted into the water supply in many ways. Depending on the method of installation, threaded (coupling) and flange devices are distinguished.

  • Flanged. Using a stud or bolted flange connection, the filters are mounted on interchanges located in the basements of multi-storey buildings, or on main water pipes. Such devices are easy to remove if necessary. Other elements of the conduit are not involved.
  • Threaded. Such filters are placed on pipes with a diameter of up to 2 inches. They can be screwed on or connected to pipes with the help of American women - quick-release union nuts.

According to the method of cleaning the sump

All oblique models and those straight models that have removable sump covers are considered non-flushing and are called sumps. In order to get rid of accumulated dirt from the sump sump, you need to disassemble the device and clean it.

Some direct filters have a drain cock and flush system. With the tap open, the resulting sediment is drained into the sewer system, and the cleaning is carried out by direct or reverse flow of water.

What else you need to know about rough cleaning

The coarse filter is sold ready for use. The only thing that needs to be done before installing it is to clean the new plumbing from rust and scale. Sometimes an additional load from the pipeline can be transferred to the filter in case of distortion, vibration and other similar influences. This should be avoided by providing compensation or support elements.

The filter is installed so that it is turned down by the revision cover. If the water comes from the bottom up, the installation of the device should be carried out on the horizontal part of the pipeline. It is necessary to monitor the reliability of threaded connections in order to prevent leakage.

When it is impossible or impractical to install filters directly on the water supply, you can purchase such an elegant nozzle that is attached directly to the faucet

In modern new buildings, filters are mounted simultaneously with the water supply, but they are also easy to install in other buildings, as they are sold in any plumbing store. If for some reason it is not possible to install the device on a pipe, you can buy a nozzle model that is put on the faucet and is also able to cope well with rough cleaning.

We invite you to familiarize yourself with additional information by watching the video:

Fine filters

With the help of rough cleaning it is impossible to make the water absolutely pure. Tap water fine filters are needed to protect plumbing and our health.

As a filter material in such devices are used:

  • ion exchange resins;
  • reverse osmosis membranes;
  • sorption materials.

The replacement of working elements in any of these models occurs quite often: their service life depends on the volume of purified water or on the duration of operation.

The fine filter turns any water into drinking water, but its very presence is almost imperceptible: it is hidden from view in the space under the sink

Degrees of water purification

Depending on the depth of water purification, filters can consist of several stages of protection. Each of the steps provides a certain type of protection. For example, in a three-stage filter, the first stage performs mechanical cleaning, the second - chemical, and the third stage is responsible for conditioning water, improving its smell, color and organoleptic properties.

For details on the three-stage filter and additional purification in filters with a large number of stages, see the video.

Cleansing at the molecular level

Only one percent of impurities may be present in water that has passed through a reverse osmosis filter. After all, the pore size in its thin-film membrane is only 0.0001 microns. Only a water molecule can overcome such a hole.

Some may find the price to be paid for this luxurious five-stage filter too high, but health is generally priceless.

As a rule, cleaning systems that include such protective barriers consist of five stages of protection:

  • 1 step- mechanical purification of water from coarse impurities is carried out using a cartridge (15-30 microns);
  • 2 step– gases, chlorine and its compounds are removed using activated carbon;
  • 3 step- compressed activated carbon retains the smallest mechanical impurities;
  • 4 step- purification by reverse osmosis;
  • 5 step- A carbon post-filter is used.

The only drawback of reverse osmosis is that the water loses not only the harmful substances that it contained, but also the beneficial ones. Therefore, mineralizers are usually used with such a filter.

Woven filter application

The woven type filter is similar to a cylinder with a bundle wound around it. It is able to purify water from salts, metal oxides and some chemicals that are added, for example, to hot water to maintain its high temperature.

The status of this filter must be monitored. If its color has changed, it should be changed or cleaned. It can be cleaned by boiling: if the previous color has returned, operation can be continued.

Mineral Filter Secrets

If a mesh-shaped cylinder with mineralized crumbs inside acts as a filter element, then this is a mineral filter. It perfectly protects against chemical additives and salts. But when salt appears on its own surface, it should be replaced.

The mineral filter will purify the water from salts and various chemical additives that can seriously harm us, but we must not forget to change it ourselves in time

The adhesive filter has proven itself well. Its active component reacts with fractions dissolved in water, neutralizing them. From this, the drum gradually changes its color. Over time, the drum needs to be replaced.

What happens if you do not make a timely replacement? The water contaminants accumulated in the filter will flow back into the water. The function of the device will change: instead of purifying water from impurities, it will saturate it with them.

Which device is right for you?

The choice of a specific filter to install it in your apartment or in the country depends on the tasks that must be solved with its appearance. Most likely, there is no need to turn all the water into drinking water. It would be too expensive and impractical.

The ultimate goal will be achieved if your child can drink unboiled tap water even in the country, and you will be sure that he will not get sick

Water that is directed to heating and some similar purposes needs only rough cleaning. But in the kitchen it is better to use a multi-stage filter, with the help of which high-quality water will be obtained, which can be drunk without boiling.

Coarse water filters for an apartment (FGOV) trap relatively large insoluble elements, for example:

  • rust components;
  • scale from welding, seals;
  • sand.

Therefore, it is necessary to install the FGOV in the apartment.

Their work is based on the mechanical retention of large particles. The devices differ in:

  • parameters;
  • form;
  • throughput potential;
  • the highest operational period;
  • cleaning blocks;
  • manufacturing materials;
  • purification method;
  • type of filter element.

Types of FGOV

Consider the types in more detail:

  1. Reticulate. This is one of the most common varieties. She has a long service life without replacing the working component. In the grid, the cells have parameters of 50–400 µm. The device is made of stainless steel. Differences in reticulated species are associated with the method of their entry into the pipeline, methods of regular cleaning and service.
    These devices are further divided into two subcategories:
    1. With backwash. Settled components are automatically removed.
    2. No such flush. You can clean the device only by disassembling it.

    Devices that work with cold water have a transparent body. So you can monitor the conditions of the grid.
    Devices operating with hot water, metal. After all, metal copes with high temperatures.
    Many models have other functions as well. For example, they may incorporate a valve to adjust the pressure. They can be combined with a manometer. This is a safety measure for the internal space of the pipeline and household models from pressure surges.
    It is logical to install devices with automatic flushing where there is a drainage pipe and dirty water with impurities follows it.

    Advantages of mesh models:

    1. Simple and efficient design.
    2. Acceptable price.
    3. Ease of installation, use and maintenance.
    4. No need for consumables.
    5. Work in household and industrial networks with any water (hot and cold).

    There are also disadvantages, but conditional:

    1. During normal maintenance, you have to turn off the water.
    2. Relatively poor cleaning performance.
  2. The second type of FGOV. Flanged and coupling. They differ in the method of connecting to the highway. If the pipe diameter is over two inches, it is best to use the flanged view. Bolted connections allow you to remove the device without dismantling other structural components. Walk-through models are placed on pipes during system design.
    If the pipe has a smaller diameter, the coupling model is used. Usually these are household and private networks. The device is directly screwed onto the pipe or connected to it with the help of American women.

All FGOVs have similar installation criteria:

  1. For tie-in pipes, scale, corrosion and other dirt are removed.
  2. The water is blocked.
  3. Any sealant is wound on the threaded section of the device cover. The same processing is carried out with the connecting section of the device and the pipe.
  4. The filter element is directed towards the bottom during installation.
  5. The device is attached with a clamp. There is reduced mechanical wear.
    All filters have nozzles (one at the inlet, one at the outlet) and a sump that purifies the water. According to the position of the sump, the device can be straight or oblique.
  6. Direct version at the entrance to the apartment. In it, the sump has a vertical position to the flow. Its size is large. The quality of cleaning is better because of this. The water flow rate is reduced. Large particles sink to the bottom.
  7. Oblique version. The position of the sump to the flow is at a slight angle. The device is placed when the pipe is arranged next to the wall or floor. Flanged covers or coupling plugs are used to close sedimentation tanks.
    Items 3 and 4 have different cleaning methods. Devices with and without auto-flushing are used.
  8. cartridge models. They are attached to the wall. They have a flask. It can be transparent and opaque. Inside it are replaceable cartridges. The materials used to make them are:
    • polypropylene fiber processed by a press;
    • polyester;
    • twisted thread.

    They have different cleansing potential. But the coarse cleaning parameter is 20-30 microns.
    These devices can often change cartridges. The devices themselves are usually placed where there are small garbage components that do not capture mesh models well.
    The cartridge traps such particles. And the charcoal-treated fiber cartridge can remove chlorine from the water.
    The installation of these models takes place where weak flows are noted. In conditions of strong flows, a large device is used.

    Note! There is no auto-flush in the cartridges. They have to be changed.

  9. speed models. They are needed when it is necessary to remove various insoluble impurities. They have special stainless steel containers.
    The filter element is located in the housing. In the upper zone of the device there is a block that automates the cleaning process. The level of water purification is 30 microns.
    But such coarse filters also have disadvantages:
    • solid parameters;
    • accommodation in rooms with heating;
    • an additional drainage piping is required for restoration.

Installation and maintenance

This activity must adhere to the following criteria:

  1. It is better to place the device in front of the counter. Although in reality there is not enough space for this. For this reason, an oblique modification is put. It protects the mechanism from blockages with suspended elements and protects the counter from damage.
  2. You need to put an oblique model on a pipe with a horizontal position. The flask is placed below. This makes washing easier. It is important to know the direction of the flow. Usually there is an arrow on the body of the device that reflects this direction. You can also mount an oblique device on a vertical pipe. Only the flow should follow from top to bottom. If such a device is mounted upwards with a sump, then dirt will not penetrate the system, but the likelihood of a device failure will increase. After all, this dirt will prevent the opening of the faucet.
  3. direct model. It is placed only on the horizontal zone of the water supply. Some room is left for removing the flask (if necessary).
  4. The device with direct flushing is also complemented by the option of automatic flushing. For this, a bypass water loop and several faucets are mounted. They can convert the direction of flow to the opposite direction.

If you use the filter several times, you will need to disassemble it to clean or replace the screen or cartridge.
Before disassembling the device, it is necessary to relieve the pressure in the network. This stops the water supply.

In oblique models there are corks with convenient lids, which have six faces. This is made specifically for the wrench. The paranitic gasket is removed. A tow winding is put. This makes the connections tighter. And in the future, the functionality of the device is improved.
The flask of straight filters with a vertical position can be removed with a wrench. The flask is put back with new gaskets.

You can remove dirt from an oblique model like this: the model is disassembled, the dirt merges. The mesh is retrieved. Pollution is removed. This area is dried with compressed air. The damaged mesh is changed.
In direct modification, the flask is unscrewed. There is sediment coming out of it. The mesh is flushed. Drying. Or a new cartridge is installed.

It is easier to work with models with autowash. The tap at the bottom of the flask opens periodically. The mesh and flask are cleaned. Pressurized water is used. Then the water goes into the drain or into a substituted container.
For more convenient work, an automatic flushing device is installed on the water supply itself. Then the water follows the flow in the opposite direction. And the cleaning of the grid is more efficient.

There are many FGO models on the market today. The following is a TOP-5 of the most common devices.

Rating. TOP 5

To your attention a good selection of filters for any type and budget.

Honeywell FF 06 1/2″ AA

  • hot water operation
  • delicate elimination of various foreign elements from water
  • filtration component - stainless steel mesh
  • weight of the device - 1100 grams
  • diameter - 1/2 inch
  • water is cleaned better if the device is mounted with the bowl down
  • the device does not allow the accumulation of harmful impurities
  • guarantees a stable supply of purified water and the operation of household appliances connected to the water system
  • price and quality are in optimal proportion
  • durability
  • compactness
  • mesh is easy to replace
  • high strength
  • not found

  • performance - 2 cu. m/h
  • selectivity - 100 microns
  • attachment DN - 15
  • functional pressure under flushing conditions - 16 bar
  • thread 1 - 1/2″
  • thread 2 - 3/4″
  • total height - 20.4 cm
  • device type - prefilter
  • purpose: work with cold water
  • protection of pipelines and their fittings from breakage and corrosion
  • the highest functional temperature of the medium to be cleaned reaches 40 °C
  • removal of hazardous impurities from water
  • the device can work with a manometer
  • if there are large particles in the water, a sump is placed in front of the device

The kit includes:

  1. Transparent plastic case.
  2. filter component.
  3. Additional connections "American". Their appearance is 1/2. They have o-rings.
  4. Fitting with a faucet for draining water.

AquaHit 1/2″, art. FW.110.04

Anton Tsugunov

Reading time: 4 minutes

Tap water is almost always full of various impurities, so it is not recommended to use it without purification. You can solve this problem if you install for hot water.


If everything is more or less clear with cold water, since it is used for cooking, then it is not always clear why a main filter is needed to purify hot water. In fact, it performs a number of important functions:

  • Water purification. This is the main purpose of any filter. It often contains large particles, heavy metals, bacteria, rust, sand, etc.
  • . Hard water is detrimental to the skin and hair. Also, various objects, things, etc. are washed and stretched worse.
  • Extending the life of household appliances and plumbing. Dirt and contained large particles often settle on the walls of household appliances, pipes, etc., which leads to early failure of equipment.

Types of filters by cleaning method

There is a wide variety of hot water filters. Each type is designed for certain loads, removes certain contaminants, etc. To choose the right device, you need to understand a little what hot water filters are.

Cleaning method:

  • coarse cleaning device;
  • fine filter.

Devices of the first type are supplied with a grid with small cells. Such devices well detain large mechanical particles. Devices in which a system of such grids with different cell diameters is installed are considered more efficient. Periodically, these grids need to be cleaned. Water that has passed through a coarse filter is considered clean enough for technical use.

Important! A strainer that uses a backwash system is more efficient. It captures more dirt and will last longer.

Fine cleaners give the best results. This water can even be drunk. The device is arranged in this way: a fine-meshed mesh is installed at the inlet part, which traps larger particles. The next stage of purification is a flask filled with a sorbent. Hot water cartridges are capable of capturing contaminants as small as 5 microns. The filter or cleaning cassette should be replaced periodically.

Enclosure types

There are 2 types of cases: BB (Big Blue) and SL (Slim Line). The first type is large. His body is usually blue. The height of such a filter is 10 inches (about 25 cm), and the diameter is 18.5 cm. This type of device is used to trap particles of chlorine, iron, organic substances. They are also equipped with water softeners.

Slim Line has more compact dimensions. The diameter of such filters is 13-14 cm. Yes, and their height is less. Such devices can be used in cases where space does not allow the use of a larger filter. They use color gradation: if the filter housing is transparent or blue, then this device is designed for cold water. The hot flask will be colored red, orange or brown.

cartridge type

What kind of contaminants the water filter will capture depends on which one is used. Letter marking will help you navigate:

  • BA - the cartridge actively captures iron.
  • BS - softens water.
  • Activated carbon - collects chlorine.
  • Polyphosphates prevent the formation of scale on household appliances.

Selection rules

There are a number of points that you should pay attention to when choosing a main filter for hot water in an apartment.

The first and most important thing is the resistance of the device materials to certain temperatures. You can not put a filter for cold water on a pipe with hot water. But on the contrary - easily.

What else to look for when buying cleaning equipment:

  • hydraulic losses. Residents of apartments on the upper floors should pay attention to this parameter. The smaller this parameter, the better. In general, due to the filter, hydraulic losses can be up to 0.5 bar. If the pressure is weak, then it is advisable to install an additional pump in the apartment.
  • Performance is one of the most important characteristics. It indicates how much liquid the device can filter per unit of time.
  • The volume of consumption. Here it is advisable to take a device designed for larger volumes than it is at the time of purchase, since consumption may increase.
  • Case size, shape. Most often, apartments use standard Slim Line and Big Blue cases. You need to choose them based on your personal needs, as well as the amount of space for the filter.
  • Ease of replacing cartridges, their availability for sale.

Advantages and disadvantages of main filters

Any device has its advantages and disadvantages. And filters are no exception. So, for what you can give them "pluses":

  • Cleaning of all water entering the apartment.
  • Ability to perform all cleaning steps in one device.
  • Elimination of unpleasant odors and tastes.
  • Protection of household appliances from scale.
  • Water after the filter becomes clean, transparent, turbidity is removed.
  • Rust cleaning.
  • Prevents the formation of rust, limescale, drips on plumbing and household appliances.

The disadvantages include the following features:

  • Regular flushing of mesh cartridges is required.
  • Fine cleaning cartridges also need to be changed periodically, which leads to additional costs. The dirtier the inlet water, the more often you will have to spend money on it.
  • The flask also needs periodic washing, as sediment accumulates on it.
  • Large size, bulky, because not always the standard layout of apartments allows you to install a cleaning device with convenience and without problems.

Device installation

Hot water filters are installed directly on the line itself. You can invite a plumber who will carry out all the work for a fee. You can try to install the device yourself if you have certain skills and tools (for example, you may need to cut threads on pipes).

The first thing to do is turn off the water in the apartment. Otherwise, you can get burned from hot water or steam and flood the neighbors from below. Usually, taps are installed next to the meters or at the entrance of the pipes to the apartment.

Important! The diameter of the inlet and outlet of the filter must match the size of the pipes or be 1 mm larger so that it can be screwed on without problems.

Now you can start inserting the device. It is easier to install the device in place of the fitting, then you can do without threading.

HELPFUL INFORMATION: Titanium water filter: durable and easy to maintain


Water supplied to apartments and houses of consumers through the communication system often does not meet sanitary and hygienic requirements.

The point, sometimes, is not even that it may contain chemical compounds dissolved in it, which are not harmless to the human body - this issue is usually monitored at water pumping stations.

The problem is different - solid insoluble particles are suspended in water. Only coarse filters help to get rid of them.

The owners of private houses who receive water from natural sources (wells or nearby reservoirs) have a fairly clear picture - the water may contain particles of dirt, clay, organic matter, fine grains of sand, etc. By definition, they cannot do without a filter.

But residents in city apartments sometimes doubt whether they need to equip their internal network with such a device. Yes, water, of course, goes through various stages of purification, including mechanical, before it is served to the consumer.

However, the state of utility networks, main or intra-house, sometimes leaves much to be desired - the water flow carries along particles of scale, rust, limescale from the pipe walls.

Cleaning water intended for cooking or drinking with the help of household filters solves the problem quite one-sidedly.

The trouble is that small particles have a pronounced abrasive effect, leading to rapid wear of the sealing parts of plumbing fixtures. Water metering devices also suffer from it.

Of particular danger is untreated water for built-in household appliances - washing machines and dishwashers, water heaters.

Yes, and ordinary taps can quickly become clogged with debris and dirt, which often leads to their complete failure.

The only effective way to get rid of this is to install a coarse filter.

The principle of its operation is simple - water passes through a fine-mesh metal mesh or other structure that traps solid particles suspended in it.

Water filtered in this way goes to draw-off points or can be subjected, if necessary, to.

Filter types

Retaining a single principle of their work, filters can be different in shape, design, method of insertion into the water supply network, type of filter element, method of cleaning them from accumulated dirt.


This coarse water filter, as the name implies, the filter element here is a metal mesh, usually made of stainless steel, with cells from 50 to 400 microns.

This is the most common type of filter, characterized by long service life without replacing filter elements.

They may differ in the way they are inserted into the system, the layout and methods of periodic maintenance and cleaning.

Flanged and coupling

This difference is only in the way the filter is connected to the water pipe. Where pipes are two or more inches in diameter, a flanged pre-filter is installed.

As a rule, these are main water pipes or interchanges in the basements of multi-storey buildings.

The bolted or stud connection of the flanges allows, if necessary, to remove the filter without dismantling the rest of the system elements.

Installation of flanges on pipes in the right place is provided for at the design stage of the water supply system.

Threaded filters are used on pipes of small diameter, including in domestic conditions.

Depending on the specific design, the filter can be screwed directly onto the pipe or connected to it with quick-release union nuts (“American”).

straight and oblique

All types of filters have inlet and outlet pipes and a tank (department), where the water is actually filtered.

The location of this sump determines the division of products into oblique and straight lines.

With a straight filter, the sump is located perpendicular to the flow and directed downwards.

It can have quite impressive dimensions, which improves the quality of filtration.

The speed of the water flow when passing through a large-volume sump is significantly reduced, large particles of debris settle to the bottom. The water then passes through a mesh that keeps smaller suspended particles out.

The oblique filter differs even visually - its sump is located at an angle to the direction of the water flow.

They are used where the use of a direct filter is impossible due to the lack of free space, i.e. the pipe is located too close to the floor surface, or on vertical sections of water pipes.

Their sump is closed with a screw plug or a flanged cover.

Mud pans with flushing system

According to the cleaning method, filters can be non-flushed - "mud filters" and equipped with a cleaning system.

  • "Muds", which include all oblique filters and some of the straight ones, are equipped with a removable cover. Cleaning in case of obvious clogging or periodic maintenance involves disassembling the device.
  • Direct filters with a flushing system are equipped with an outlet cock through which the accumulated sediment can be drained and the device can be cleaned with a direct or reverse flow of water.

Cartridge or cartridge

In domestic conditions, cartridge type filters are often used. They are a wall-mounted structure with an impressive flask made of transparent or opaque material.

Replaceable cartridges are installed inside, some of which play the role of a coarse filter.

Replacement elements are made of polypropylene pressed fiber or twisted thread, or polyester. Their filtering ability may be different, but for rough mechanical cleaning cartridges of 20-30 microns are used.

Clogged elements are not subject to washing, they are replaced with new ones as necessary.

There are, however, on sale cartridges, which are a metal mesh - they can be serviced when clogged.

Most often, such cartridge filters are installed after preliminary coarse water purification, making them another stage of mechanical filtration.

Honeywell coarse water filter

One of the recognized leaders among manufacturers of water purification systems is the company Honeywell. Coarse mechanical filters are represented by a wide range of models.

The layout concept of these filters is the same - it is a metal case with inlet outlet threaded pipes and a metal or transparent flask.

A stainless mesh with a cell of 100 microns is installed inside it.

The manufacturer supplies all its products with a set of "American women" that allows you to tie into any type of water supply.

All Honeywell filters are equipped with a flushing valve. Simpler models work on the principle of direct flushing with a stream of water.

More complex and expensive products have a built-in backwash device that provides a deep cleaning of the mesh.

Many filters have a pressure gauge that shows the water pressure in the system.

In addition, there are products equipped with a water reducer that prevents the phenomenon of water hammer during pressure surges in the main network.

Honeywell filters are distinguished by the highest quality and a guaranteed long service life. If there is an opportunity to purchase a product from this particular company, do not hesitate and buy.

Installation and maintenance

When installing and maintaining filters, certain rules must be followed.

How to install

  • It is best to put the primary filter before the counter. As a rule, the space there is very limited, so they resort to installing an oblique filter - it will protect the meter mechanism from damage or clogging with large particles.
  • An oblique filter is placed on a horizontal section of the pipe, if possible, with the flask down - this will facilitate the process of washing it. The direction of movement of the water flow must be taken into account - it is always marked with an arrow on the body of any product. An oblique filter can also be placed on a vertical section of the water supply, but only on condition that the water flow is from top to bottom.
  • For a direct filter, only a horizontal section is needed. Be sure to take into account the possibility of removing the flask for routine maintenance.
  • When installing a coarse water filter with a direct flushing system, you can optionally organize a reverse flush. To do this, a bypass loop of the water supply is mounted with a system of taps that can switch the water flow in the filter to the opposite one.

How to unscrew

Sooner or later, but you have to disassemble the filter to clean it or replace the mesh or cartridge. To a greater extent, this applies to "mud collectors" that are not equipped with a flushing system.

Before disassembling the device, it is imperative to relieve the pressure in the system by shutting off the general water supply.

Oblique filters are usually equipped with a plug having hexagonal slots for a wrench.

Plumbers give advice: immediately replace the paronite gasket with a winding of tow - so the process of regularly removing the plug for cleaning will be greatly simplified, without losing the tightness of the connection.

The flasks of vertical straight filters are removed either with wrenches or with the figured wrench included in the kit. When reinstalling, it is necessary to check the condition of the rubber seals.

How to clean the coarse water filter

After disassembling the oblique filter, the accumulated dirt is drained from the chamber into a substituted container.

The mesh is removed, cleaned of adhering dirt, washed with a stream of water or blown with a stream of compressed air. If the mesh is damaged, it will need to be replaced.

In a straight-type sump, a flask is removed, from which the precipitate is drained. The grid is also washed or blown, or a new replacement cartridge is installed.

With filters that have a flushing system, everything is much simpler. It is enough to regularly open the tap located at the bottom of the flask and clean the grid and the flask with water pressure., diverting it into a drainage pipe or collecting it in a substituted container.

Even better, if the owner was not too lazy and installed a backwash system - the tap closes to distribute water after the filter, i.e. it is redirected to the filter housing by reverse flow. In this case, the mesh cells are cleared much better.

So, there is nothing complicated in the device and regular maintenance of the mechanical coarse water filtration system. But the relatively small costs of its organization will pay off handsomely by the uninterrupted operation of plumbing fixtures and household appliances.

The coarse water filter is an efficient filtration system and can be used by installing it on a system with a drain pipe. Everything works automatically, you do not need to configure them regularly. Sometimes they are called main filters or mud collectors, they are easy to operate and durable.

There are several types of coarse water filters. Each of them has its own design features. Today, the most popular are cartridge filters and high-speed pressure filters. The cartridges provide for the presence of a replaceable cartridge that performs filtration. Such a cartridge delays inclusions up to 30 microns in volume. Replace the cartridge as needed. The use of this model is advisable in relatively small water supply systems with low flows, where there are very small inclusions in the water.

The high speed pressure version is a one-piece tank with anti-corrosion material, it contains a filter material. Liquids pass through it and are cleaned, the material effectively retains particles larger than 30 microns. They are installed in the upper part of the block, the work of rough cleaning and regeneration is monitored in automatic mode.

You can buy a quality filter in our store in Moscow at affordable prices. Appeal from other regions of Russia is also possible. Check out the offers from our catalog, sort the products using the filter.

In a wide range there are products from different manufacturers, differing in design and technical and operational characteristics.

If you have any questions regarding the purchase, payment and delivery, then call our consultants or contact us online in electronic form.