What is Izospan - description, technical characteristics of types A, B, C, D. Izospan A - installation of wind protection for your home Technical characteristics of materials isospan a

Izospan is an insulating film coating. The main purpose of the film is to ensure the preservation of the original characteristics of thermal insulation throughout the entire service life. It is difficult to imagine a modern construction site without the use of various types of thermal insulation. , Izover, various and just polystyrene - all these materials require their own protection.

Thermal insulation materials practically envelop our house, retain heat on frosty and rainy days, create comfort in the hot summer season, preventing the penetration of heat flows. But how to protect the thermal insulation belt from negative atmospheric phenomena? Reliable protection against moisture, rain, destructive wind, is designed to provide 100% polypropylene, with a proud name - Izospan.

To create a barrier even at the stages of the construction process, to perform the function of protective insulation for thermal insulation, this is the true purpose that isospan vapor barrier successfully performs. Despite the apparent simplicity, the material varies by type.

We bring to your attention - Izospan instructions for use. Understand: isospan which side to lay. Consider isospan technical characteristics, and isospan laying method.

Worthy competitors isospan:

Before proceeding to a detailed review, it should be clarified that the films are presented by the manufacturer in a wide variety and have different purposes. Vapor barrier films and membranes are divided into absolutely vapor and hydro-impermeable and partially moisture-permeable only in one direction. Some of the materials successfully complement the thermal insulation, enhancing its characteristics.

Izospan vapor barrier technical specifications

  • The material is waterproof;
  • Elasticity is beyond praise, the most difficult sections and bends are easy to bypass;
  • Resistance to influence of ultra-violet radiation;
  • Resistance to negative atmospheric phenomena;
  • Does not emit harmful substances. Safe for human health. Does not harm the environment.
  • Withstand temperature differences in the range from – 60 °C to + 80 °C
  • The refractory elements added in production determine the G4 combustibility group, according to fire hazard, which is confirmed by the relevant certificates.

Izospan has various applications, given the area of ​​\u200b\u200bbuilding use. Izospan insulation, unique in its structure, has individual technical characteristics and its own marking.

Manufacturers classify their products with letter indices A, B, C, D, F, R. The combination of letter indices adds numerous variety, applications and installation of isospan. Each new designation implies its own isospan application. This fact must be taken into account in the construction of your home.

Roof vapor barrier isospan

Isospan A

The membrane, like a non-return valve, freely passes water vapor from the thermal insulation side. Does not interfere with natural ventilation of the insulation. On the other hand, it reliably blocks the penetration of moisture from the external atmosphere, prevents the formation of condensate, and prevents the wind from destroying the structure of the insulation.

Due to the water resistance of the material on the outside, the membranes are widely used in the installation of roof structures, are widely used as protection for walls and ventilated facades of buildings and structures for any purpose.

G waterproofingthe property possessed by the isospan membrane for a long time prolongs the service life of thermal insulation. Even the best insulation breaks down over time under the influence of wind, application Isospan A will be the ideal solution to protect the house from the outside.

In a nutshell, we’ll clarify which side to lay on the insulation Isospan A.The question of which side of isospan A should be laid is far from idle. As we noted, its work is carried out on the principle of a check valve. Or, if you want: - let everyone out, don't let anyone through. It is necessary to lay the membrane from the outside, on top of the insulation.

The smooth side, which is easily determined by touch, should “look” at the street. The roll is cut into wide strips of suitable size, after which it is carefully spread over the area with an overlap with the next layer.

Roof vapor barrier

Roof waterproofing starts from the bottom. When laying Izospan A membranes, contact with the thermal insulation material should be avoided. Touching the membrane significantly reduces its waterproofing properties.

Probably those who went camping with their grandfather’s canvas tent noticed that if you run your finger along the “roof” from the inside during the rain, then literally in 10 minutes it will drip in this place. It is for this reason that the laying of Isospan A is allowed only with a double crate.

Isospan flooring is carried out outside the thermal insulation on a crate of laths. The use of a membrane increases the degree of insulation and extends the life of the entire structure.

It is extremely important to control the absence of possible swelling or sagging during work. Otherwise, you will become a constant listener to gusts of wind with the characteristic sounds of the beating of the membrane on the roof. Thin rails are enough to fix isospan A, leaving 2-3 centimeters of free space to the insulation.

Izospan V

As we found out, isospan A, firstly, protects against wind, and secondly, it will create a powerful hydro-barrier for insulation. The danger remains in the form of condensate, wetting of the insulation - condensate, which, before passing through the membrane in the form of steam, will saturate the thermal insulation with moisture.

Humidification by only 5% will lead to a decrease in thermal insulation performance by half. A further perspective is the penetration of condensate onto the metal tile, with the subsequent transformation of the roof into a colander.

Anti-condensation surface combined withsteam and hydroprotective effectwill save you from such troubles.When carrying out installation work on the arrangement of the roof, one must clearly understand that even the best roof insulation is gradually saturated with water vapor.

Creating a barrier to internal couples -Izospan Vwill serve as a kind of vapor barrier. The material consists of two layers, a layer with a smooth structure adjoins the insulation during installation, the second fleecy side is designed to absorb condensate.

That is why, the installation of the coating is always carried out with the fleecy side down with a gap to the finishing materials, for ventilation and drying. Type B is overlapped with a grip of at least 10 centimeters from the side of the insulation and fastened with a construction stapler or otherwise.

Izospan C

The structure of the material combines two layers: on the one hand, a smooth surface, on the other, a fleecy one. The fleecy layer retains condensate with subsequent weathering. Izospan C creates a vapor barrier for insulation, preventing the absorption of vapors of water particles formed inside the room.

The material is widely used in the construction of walls, the installation of insulated, sloping roofs and interfloor ceilings. P aro-waterproofing using type C, equipped in various cement screeds, and inflat roof structures.

In a word, in terms of structure and characteristics, the material is very similar to type B. At the same time, it has an increased margin of safety and, therefore, reliability superdense cloths above. Izospan C to buy will cost the consumer more than type B by about 50-60%.

Characteristics of isospan Type C:

  • 100% polypropylene;
  • Applicable temperature range -60 – +80 °C;
  • Breaking load: longitudinal // transverse. H//5cm not less than 197/119
  • Vapor proof
  • water resistance not less than: 1000 mm w.c.

The use of isospan C:

  1. Sloped roof with an "overlap" of at least 15 cm
  2. Floor protection in the attic. A layer of vapor barrier, spread on top of the insulation, smooth side down;
  3. Concrete floor. spread on a concrete surface, smooth side down;
  4. Wooden floors of horizontal execution.

The flooring of the canvas on sloping roofs should be done from the bottom up. The material overlaps about 15 centimeters.

Overlapped joints, in order to avoid depressurization, are glued with a special adhesive tape from the sides, similar to double-sided tape.

The structure is fastened with slats of 5 cm thickness. A gap of at least 5 centimeters is left between the roof tiles and the vapor barrier layer, it is necessary for natural ventilation.

Izospan C is spread on top of the insulation, it is necessary to leave a gap of about 50 millimeters from the panel to the heat-insulating material for ventilation. In the device of a concrete floor, type C is overlapped on a concrete surface, then a cement screed is laid on the canvas, and only after that the floor covering is mounted.

Izospan D

High strength, fully waterproof waterproofing material. Polypropylene cloth with a one-sided laminated polypropylene coating. The versatility of the moisture-vapor-proof material means that it is widely used in construction technologies in the construction of any type of structures.

Izospan D successfully resists moderately strong mechanical loads, is resistant to tearing, withstands strong gusts of wind, and in winter copes with a large snow load. In comparison with other similar films, Izospan D has gained fame as the most durable and reliable option.

Izospan D Scope

In any type of roof, as a barrier preventing the formation of under-roof condensate. Universal application in the device hydro and vapor barriersin the construction of buildings and structures. Protection of wooden structures.The material is largely resistant to negative atmospheric phenomena.

Izospan D is often used at construction sites as a temporary roof covering and installation of a protective wall in facilities under construction. Such a roof or wall can last up to four months.

Type D is especially popular when constructing concrete floors that need protecting against earth moisture.


  1. In non-insulated roofs as a protection for wooden structures;
  2. As protection against under-roof condensate;
  3. Protection from negative atmospheric phenomena;
  4. In the arrangement of basement floors;
  5. Installation of concrete floors.

Recently, more and more owners of country houses understand the importance of the role played by vapor barrier materials, the ever-growing demand is a strong confirmation of this.

Izospan D is spread directly on the rafters directly on the insulated surface of the pitched roof. In this case, the layers of material are the same and you don’t have to be puzzled which side to lay Izospan to the insulation. Installation is carried out horizontally, overlapping, rolls are cut into sheets of the desired size quite easily.

Work is carried out from the lower element of the roof and gradually follows in the direction to the top. Joints, in the process of laying, are glued with SL tape like double-sided tape.

Adhesive on both sides, the surface connects two sheets of vapor - waterproofing. The wall-mounted isospan is fixed to the rafters with wooden slats or staples of a construction stapler.

Summing up our review, it remains to add that the manufacturer produces 14 types of such rolled insulation. We have considered only four main types. The buyer, guided by the characteristics of different types, always has the opportunity to buy isospan exactly for their needs.

In addition, the manufacturer does not stand still and constantly expands the range of products, for example, there is a version of the film with flame retardant additives.

From our review it can be seen that working with the material does not require complex special skills and is within the power of almost any man. Ease of use and low installation costs make this building material a wide range of uses.

The vapor barrier material will fully take over the functions that will ensure the reliability and long service life of your home and industrial thermal insulation.

The modern market for thermal insulation materials is large. The old methods of insulation, such as straw, sawdust, wood chips and clay, as well as glass wool, have been replaced by more modern ones - expanded clay, mineral wool, penoizol, polyurethane foam and others.

And if some of the heaters are resistant to moisture, then materials such as mineral wool, expanded clay or penoizol have increased water absorption, which significantly reduces their thermal insulation characteristics.

Here, various vapor and waterproofing films come to our aid, which help to preserve all the useful properties of such heaters. One of these vapor barriers is the Izospan film. The use of films and membranes in construction is an important component that cannot be dispensed with.

What it is?

This is a film, a membrane that helps protect not only insulation, but also walls and roofs from moisture and wind. It is made from polymeric materials. It has an interesting property - one side allows steam to pass through, and the other does not.

Important. The use of this material is quite wide both as vapor barrier membranes and as an infrared reflector (types with a metallized surface).

Varieties of Isospan

  1. Izospan A. It has the ability to save the under-roof space from condensate, well protects the insulation from moisture. There is a variety with flame retardant additives (OZD marking), the purpose of which is not only to protect against wind and moisture, but also to prevent accidental fire, for example, during welding.
  2. Izospan V. Membrane-vapor barrier. It must be laid to protect the insulation from the penetration of condensate from the room.
  3. Izospan AS. This diffuse membrane can be placed directly on the insulation without leaving a ventilation gap, which saves both physical labor and money. It consists of three layers, has excellent water resistance and vapor permeability.
  4. Izospan AM. It has characteristics close to Izospan AS, the vapor barrier also consists of three layers. You need to put it directly on the insulation, so a special crate is not needed.
  5. Izospan AF and AF +. Vapor barrier is designed to protect mineral and glass wool boards from wind and moisture. Absolutely non-combustible - fire hazard class NG. It is applied in hinged facades.
  6. Izospan AQ proff. Universal three-layer membrane, perfectly protects against moisture and wind, is used as a vapor barrier against moisture from the external environment. You can put it directly on the heater. In addition to excellent moisture resistance and vapor permeability, it has increased light resistance and strength.
  7. Izospan FS. Vapor barrier plus the ability to reflect infrared radiation, essentially two in one. It is laid between the wall / ceiling of the building and the insulation, performing the functions of vapor and waterproofing and aluminum foil.
  8. Izospan FB. Kraft paper and metallized lavsan combines the possibilities of foil and vapor barrier. It has increased heat resistance, so it can be used, for example, in saunas.
  9. Izospan S. Two-layer vapor barrier, with one rough side. Condensation accumulates on it, and then evaporates.
  10. Izospan D. Two-layer polypropylene woven fiber. Very tear resistant. Protects from moisture from the outside.
  11. Izospan FD. Polypropylene woven fabric and metallized polypropylene film. A successful symbiosis that combines the functions of aluminum foil and vapor barrier. Moreover, the material protects against moisture penetrating both from the inside of the room and from the outside.

The range of tapes and adhesive films includes FL, FL termo, SL, KL, ML proff markings

These are metallized adhesive tape, adhesive metallized tape, butyl rubber adhesive tape, double-sided non-woven adhesive tape.

Single-sided adhesive tape ML proff is used in particularly difficult situations. It has excellent adhesion to all types of substrates, including uneven ones, it is used to fix waterproofing to concrete, brick and other surfaces, as well as to highly porous materials.

The types and variety of Izospan materials are amazing. You can find the right material for your needs. In addition, the line is supplemented with adhesive tapes and adhesive tapes, which is important, since the isospan wind protection must be placed correctly - without gaps both between themselves and between the insulated base, for which various adhesive tapes and tapes are used.

Material characteristics

Where can these membranes be used?

The use of such waterproofing and vapor barrier membranes has found its niche both in private housing construction and in industry, where refractory membranes are successfully used.

In private housing construction, they are used to isolate the roof from wind and moisture; they must be laid with a smooth side to the insulation. If you confuse and lay the other side, all the work will be down the drain. So carefully read the instructions before starting work, where it is always written exactly which side to the insulation you need to put isospan of a certain brand.

The same recommendations can be given for vapor or waterproofing of the ceiling from the attic. Before laying a film or membrane, feel it, determining which side is smooth and which is not, then read the instructions to do everything right. If the latter, by some strange coincidence, is absent, remember a simple rule:

if you have a film, one of the sides of which is rough, you need to lay this side towards the street (or room). The smooth side should face the insulation.

Vapor barrier membranes work on the principle of inlet, but not outlet. Therefore, if you decide to lay on the wrong side, break the entire structure of the vapor barrier and heat-insulating cake. In this case, it will not be possible to make the insulation correctly.

Izospan is a domestic vapor and moisture protective material with a very wide range of products. If you want to insulate your home properly, do not forget about vapor and waterproofing. It will protect the insulation from moisture penetration and destruction. Lay vapor barrier membranes strictly according to the instructions. So you can do everything right, avoiding unnecessary alterations in the future.

Every modern building has a layer of insulation on the walls. For reliable protection of the heat insulator, it is necessary to install a barrier made of vapor barrier material. It provides long service life of mineral wool and keeps its operational properties. Today, isospan is most in demand among builders. The characteristics of this film are optimal, and the installation process is quite simple.

Izospan is used in buildings of all types to protect insulation and internal elements of walls and roofs from condensate and wind

general information

This material is commonly understood as a set of various solutions for creating high-quality vapor barrier and effective moisture protection. This solution is issued as:

  1. Films.
  2. membranes.
  3. Various ribbons.

They help to avoid wetting wooden structures and heat insulators with a fibrous structure. They also exclude their blowing. The main area of ​​​​use of isospan is the use as part of multilayer structures.

The choice in his favor is made for work on the installation of pitched roofs and the creation of ventilated facades.

Main varieties

Materials for creating high-quality vapor barrier on the Russian market are presented in a fairly large assortment. More than 14 types of products are produced under the Izospan brand. They are divided into four main categories:

Each type of isospan should be used for a specific type of work.

We invite you to watch a video review of the properties of isospan A:


In the field of private housing construction, Izospan vapor barrier is most in demand. The characteristics of the material are impressive. Therefore, it is used as the first protective barrier when laying thermal insulation material. It is enough to correctly perform the work to prevent moisture from entering the insulation. Pure polypropylene is the main component in this product. It is completely synthetic and therefore does not absorb water.

Izospan vapor barrier film is used for thermal insulation of attic floors, ceilings, walls of rooms

During work on the insulation of buildings, its use is a prerequisite for high-quality thermal insulation of structures. It helps to increase the effectiveness of the mineral wool layer. In addition to this, it provides a long service life. The main characteristics of the material include:

  1. Waterproof.
  2. Excellent durability and environmental friendliness. In its composition, this solution does not contain harmful impurities.
  3. High elasticity.
  4. Excellent UV and wind protection.
  5. High pressure resistance.

It also allows you to ensure stable temperature indicators in the house. At the same time, it does not release the heat that has arisen outside the room.

Advantages and disadvantages

Izospan is actively used in the construction of various buildings. Many in this insulation are attracted by excellent vapor barrier properties. In addition, he also has other advantages:

  1. Reliable protection of wooden structures from decay processes.
  2. Exclusion of formation of condensate and moistening of heat-insulating material.
  3. Excludes penetration of streams of cold air. A comfortable microclimate is created in the room, and the appearance of drafts is excluded.
  4. Long service life. Many manufacturers claim that with proper installation, the material is able to last 50 years.
  5. Keeps the main characteristics in the temperature range from -60 to + 80C.

Among the shortcomings of the material, one can single out its poor resistance to moisture. During installation, certain difficulties arise. Izospan's laying features should be known even before the film is fixed on the surfaces, so that the film performs its function.

Scope of application

Izospan can withstand power loads and not lose shape, as well as resist the influence of ultraviolet rays.

Izospan is used when carrying out work on internal insulation of premises. It is an excellent material for insulating wall structures and internal partitions; interfloor ceilings and floors in rooms in which high humidity conditions prevail; as a substrate for laminate or parquet; for roof insulation.

Its demand for roofing work is due to the fact that if the film is not included in the composition of the roofing pie, then the thermal insulation layer will not be able to perform its function. Under the influence of condensate, it will quickly get wet and require replacement. Creating a vapor barrier layer from Isospan avoids this.

Installation nuances

Before performing work, it is necessary to pay attention to the sheets of the laid insulation. There should be no gaps between them. If gaps are present, then the necessary measures should be taken to eliminate them.

To install a vapor barrier layer on the surface of external walls, Izospan A should be used. For interior work, Izospan B is the best solution. The first must be laid in layers. Work must be carried out in the direction from the bottom up. To fix the film, it is best to use staples and a regular construction stapler. After completion of the work, there should be no sagging of the canvas. Otherwise, with strong gusts of wind, noise will occur on the facade walls.

For roof vapor barrier Izospan is an excellent choice. It should be cut directly on the rafters and fixed over the laid thermal insulation. The web is laid in a horizontal orientation. Placing the film is best to start from the bottom of the roof. For fixing it is best to use nails. In rare cases, you can refuse such fasteners and use self-tapping screws. Experts recommend leaving an air gap between the insulation and the laid isospan. Its value should be at least 5 cm.

When installed on the roof, the material is cut into wide strips and applied in such a way that the smooth surface remains on the outside.

The vapor barrier should be placed in horizontal overlapping strips up to 10 cm in size. Mounting tape is used to glue them in place. This method is also suitable when isospan is used to isolate wooden structures.

An important point in the work is the correct laying of the material. It must be placed on the right side of the insulation. To avoid errors during installation, you should first read the manufacturer's instructions.

Which scheme is the most correct when laying Isospan depends largely on its purpose and design features.

If it is necessary to create a vapor barrier on a roof of an inclined type, which is devoid of insulation, then you should first install the main structure, and then lay a layer of film. Next, you need to arrange a wooden flooring.

When working in the attic, you should first place the ceiling, and then deal with the vapor barrier device. After that, it is necessary to lay the heat-insulating material and rails. Beams are placed last.

Before placing the film on the concrete floor, you first need to create a base. Then it is worth making a screed. It is on it that the film should fit. Only upon completion of this work, you can proceed to the finishing. To get a good result at the end of the work, it is necessary to strictly follow all the recommendations of the material manufacturer. It is also worth knowing in advance about the main nuances of this procedure.

When isospan is fixed on a wooden crate or rafters, it is necessary to use adhesive tape or use a stapler. The film is often used for underfloor heating.

When laying insulation on the roof, be sure to protect it with a layer of vapor barrier. With it, you can prevent the penetration of moisture into it. If polyurethane foam is used as the main heat insulator, then the use of isospan can be abandoned.

It is especially important to use the material in regions with harsh climatic conditions, as well as increased wind loads.

For effective waterproofing with it, it is better to choose a diffusion type membrane. It provides easy passage of steam, while not blocking it and does not lead to an increase in humidity in the room. When laying the film, it is necessary to arrange ventilation holes of at least 50 mm between the thermal insulation and the layer of waterproofing material.

Any room must have an effective vapor barrier. In this case, the insulation will not suffer from moisture and will last longer. The most effective solution for steam removal is Izospan. The description of this product allows you to learn about its excellent vapor barrier characteristics.

The film can be used during roofing work, as well as laid during wall insulation measures. Products under the brand name "Izospan" are offered in a wide variety. To create effective thermal insulation, Izospan insulation can be a good choice. His technical characteristics are on top. In this regard, it outperforms other products available on the market. The work on laying it, as well as the installation of a vapor barrier layer, must be carried out correctly in compliance with the manufacturer's instructions.

Insulation of the building and its protection from atmospheric moisture are the basis of comfort and guarantee the durability of structures. Construction work aimed at solving such problems cannot be performed qualitatively without the use of special vapor and waterproofing materials.

For high-quality protection of structures from steam and moisture, when buying, preference should be given to branded brands.

Vapor barrier Izospan, for example, is represented by a wide range of products, each of which is optimally suited for a specific type of work. This allows not only to qualitatively protect the insulation from blocking and weathering, but also to save on insulation work. Since we are talking about such a popular insulating material as Isospan, let's dwell on it in more detail.

The range of the brand currently includes 14 positions of rolled insulation.

The first group is represented by vapor-permeable membranes, which differ in density, strength and vapor permeability. Their resistance to solar ultraviolet (UF-stability) is the same and ranges from 3 to 4 months. This parameter must be taken into account, since it shows how long such a membrane can stand in the open sun without loss of quality.

Membrane Izospan A designed to protect the insulation and load-bearing structures from under-roof condensate, atmospheric moisture and wind. Reviews about this type of insulation are mostly positive. This material is excellent for steam and waterproofing of sloping roofs of any type. Install it on the outside of the heater.

Izospan AS - a three-layer polypropylene membrane designed to isolate roofing, wall structures and insulation from external moisture and water vapor coming from inside the room.

Izospan AM — universal vapor-permeable two-layer membrane. It is used to protect the insulation and roof elements from weathering and condensation.

Izospan A with flame retardant additives (OZD) eliminates the risk of fire structures during welding, waterproofing walls and plinth using a blowtorch.

What is the difference between these types of insulation? The strongest and most durable is the AS brand. Isospan A water vapor (3000 g/m2/day) passes best of all. In Izospan AS and AD, this figure is 1000 and 1550 g / m2 / day, respectively.

Despite the lower vapor permeability, AS and AD grade membranes can be installed directly on the insulation. Izospan A for high-quality steam removal requires an air gap, which is done by stuffing a counter-rail onto the rafters. Therefore, the complexity and consumption of materials when installing this insulation will be higher.

A lower price and a wide range of applications are characterized by the next class of insulation of this brand - polypropylene vapor barrier films Izospan B, C, D and DM.

Isospan B film it is optimal as a vapor barrier that reliably protects thermal insulation and structures in warm pitched roofs, floors, light frame walls, attics and basements.

Izospan B, C, D and DM the structure of the canvas is two-layer. One side of these films is smooth, and the other side is rough. Roughness in this case is necessary for better retention of water condensate and its faster evaporation.

Which side to put isospan is easy to understand even for a beginner. Water vapor, passing through this material, condenses on its outer side. Therefore, Izospan grades B, C, D and DM are always laid with the rough side facing out.

Instructions for use of Izospan C indicate that it can be laid not only in the roof (warm and cold), but also used as a waterproofing for all types of bases (earthen, sand, gravel). This material has proven itself well when constructing concrete floors in rooms with high humidity.

Izospan grades D and DM are distinguished by increased resistance to solar radiation and high tensile strength (a strip of this material 5 cm wide can withstand loads up to 106 kg). Therefore, it can be used for temporary roofing without fear of rupture of the canvas under the action of snow load. For grades B and C, the strength is significantly lower - 13.0 and 19.7 kg / 5 cm, respectively.

Relatively recently, Izospan RS and RM films appeared on sale. reinforced with polypropylene mesh. Their breaking strength is 41.3 and 39.9 kg/5 cm, respectively.

The next group of Izospan materials is represented by insulating films of the FS, FD, FB and FX grades. . These are very interesting materials, because they implement a progressive method of thermal insulation - the reflection of infrared radiation.

Such films not only reliably protect walls and insulation from condensate, wind and precipitation, but also make a significant contribution to increasing the level of energy saving.

These materials absolutely do not allow water vapor to pass through, therefore they should only be used in rooms where a forced mechanical ventilation system is in operation. Another area of ​​application is reflective underfloor heating and wall screens behind radiators.

Different brands of heat-reflecting insulation Izospan differ only in mechanical strength and type of material. Izospan FD has the highest strength (80 kg/5 cm). It is followed by the brands FB, FS and FX (35, 30, and 17.6 kg/5 cm).

Izospan FS and FD are made from double polypropylene film. One side of it is metallized and plays the role of a reflective screen.

The FX brand is made of polyethylene foam with a thickness of 2 to 5 mm, covered with a metallized film. The basis of Izospan FB, which is often called bath foil, is kraft paper, laminated on one side with metallized lavsan.

The reflection coefficient of thermal infrared radiation for these types of insulation is the same and amounts to 90%.

Isospan installation does not apply to complex types of work. Laying of waterproofing panels can be carried out vertically or horizontally, depending on the location of the frame of the lathing for internal or external wall cladding.

Scheme of installation of membranes and films Izospan

  • 1 - roofing material;
  • 2 - crate;
  • 3 - Isospan membrane (A, AS or AD)
  • 4 - crate;
  • 5 - rafter leg;
  • 6 - film Isospan D, Isospan B or Isospan C;
  • 7 - insulation;
  • 8 - inner crate;
  • 9 - filing (drywall, lining).

Ventilated facade insulation diagram

  • 1 - facade finish;
  • 2 - supporting structure;
  • 3 - membrane Isospan A;
  • 4 - thermal insulation;
  • 5 - wall

Insulation of the basement and interfloor ceilings on wooden logs

  • 1 - finishing floor;
  • 2 - black floor;
  • 3 - remote rail;
  • 4 - isospan B;
  • 5 - logs;
  • 6 - hemming board;
  • 7 - isospan C;
  • 8 - thermal insulation;
  • 9 - fixing rail;

Izospan insulation is fixed with a chiseled fastener or with the help of crate bars. When installing the panels, it is necessary to withstand an overlap of at least 10 cm. All joints should be carefully glued for high-quality sealing. To do this, the manufacturer completes its insulation with metallized tape Izospan FL.

You will understand how to lay Izospan at the junction points with walls and other building structures by watching the videos of installation companies that they post on the Internet. On our own behalf, we add that in this work it is especially important to carefully fix all junction areas and securely seal them using a special Izospan SL butyl rubber tape.

At the end of our review, we present an indicative list of prices for Izospan insulation.

Useful video

Izospan materials are used to isolate surfaces from moisture. They demonstrate the necessary level of fire safety and, in addition, help to keep the heat inside the room. The consumer is presented with a wide selection of products that have the properties necessary for organizing high-quality insulation.


When waterproofing, Izospan is mounted directly on the rafters to protect the insulation from moisture accumulation. Also, vapor barrier film is used for thermal insulation of attic floors, ceilings, walls of rooms. A vapor-permeable membrane is applied to wooden structures to isolate them from the outside. Before buying a film, you need to understand what types the market offers in terms of characteristics and purpose. The range includes roll materials from non-woven fabrics produced in accordance with GOST. Differences in the supplied product can be traced not only in their density, but also in the structure.

The non-woven fabric membrane (to create a vapor-permeable barrier) is intended for external insulation of roofs and wall structures. The material protects against moisture and wind. In addition, the diffusion film performs another function - it does not condense moisture inside the wall structure. Izospan class A does not let water through, it is easy to handle and able to withstand different temperature loads, which allows you to increase the life of buildings. In addition, it perfectly protects them from dampness, decomposition, mold and corrosion.

Such material is worth buying due to its high resistance to negative factors, strength and excellent technical characteristics. It can withstand power loads and not lose shape, as well as resist the influence of ultraviolet rays. The ease of installation will also please: the user will be able to independently install the barrier using the minimum amount of available tools. Izospan A is used to protect basements and attics. Its density is 110 grams per 1 square meter. It is produced in rolls 140 cm wide and 50 meters long.

General specifications:

  • excellent strength;
  • elasticity;
  • is not a source of harmful substances;
  • can handle high pressure.

The material withstands temperature changes from - 60 to + 80 degrees. The composition contains refractory particles that give it unique properties. Izospan A is a type of membrane that protects the surface of walls and ceilings from moisture condensation. Tensile strength - 190/140 mm, UV resistance - 3-4 months.

When installed on the roof, the material is cut into wide strips and applied in such a way that the smooth surface remains on the outside. Installation starts from the bottom of the roof. At the same time, when working with Izospan, contact with it should not be allowed, since the waterproofing properties in this case are significantly reduced.

The product is made from pure polypropylene. It does not absorb moisture, so it is acceptable to use the membrane for insulation of residential and industrial buildings.

Due to the existing properties, Izospan guarantees long-term protection for wood from decay, and for metal - from corrosion. It is especially important to use the material in regions with harsh climatic conditions, as well as increased wind loads.

The membrane perfectly retains not only moisture, but also guarantees the absence of a draft (if it was installed in compliance with building codes). The membrane has a simple principle of removing moisture to the outside: the rough surface collects the steam that forms in the room, after which it seeps out through the existing microperforation. The back side is smooth, so drops either roll down it or evaporate.

That is why it is so important to properly lay the material, without confusing sides: the rough surface of the film should always be inside, that is, turned to the room or insulation. If this requirement is not met, then the membrane will not work effectively.

Advantages and disadvantages

Material advantages:

  • strength;
  • reliability;
  • comes with flame retardant additives;
  • multifunctionality;
  • environmental Safety;
  • ease of installation;
  • vapor permeability;
  • resistance to high temperatures (suitable for use even in bathrooms and saunas).

Due to its structure, Izospan prevents the penetration of condensate into the walls and insulation, protecting their structure from the formation of fungus and mold. Many positive reviews ensured the popularity of the material for many years. Izospan A is a film membrane impervious to air and moisture. Its use reduces drafts, prevents moisture ingress and helps to improve the quality of the indoor atmosphere. Additional use of a primer before laying the membrane on most building surfaces is not required.

Isopan A is an innovative material that contains components that make it suitable for use on surfaces with elevated temperatures. This is important in the construction of the roofs of baths and saunas. The unique properties make it possible to extend the construction season and ensure year-round construction of buildings in areas with a cold climate.

The product can withstand up to 12 months of direct UV exposure while maintaining the integrity required for long term construction projects. The material is lighter in weight than competitive products. This property is irreplaceable when it is necessary to reduce the load on the structure. You can install long sections of the canvas, which will increase the speed of work on the object. The vapor barrier is installed horizontally or vertically, always with a crossing of the canvases by 5 centimeters.

Laying with an overlap avoids the appearance of drafts. The membrane is compatible with various building materials such as gypsum, plywood, OSB, cement board, concrete, CMU, sealant. You can save on the level of heat consumption, which allows you to install and use heating equipment in smaller rooms. Energy costs can be reduced by as much as 40%. The risk of mold and mildew is also reduced.

Among the main disadvantages it is worth highlighting:

  • poor moisture resistance;
  • small area of ​​application.

If too much water accumulates on the surface of the film, moisture will begin to roll inward. It is not worth using a single-layer film for a roof. In this case, a multilayer membrane is best suited. The manufacturer's instructions indicate that Isospan A can be used in roof construction, but it is desirable that the slope does not exceed 35 degrees. You should not purchase material if a metal coating is planned on the roof.

Application area

  • Manufacturers offer a wide range of materials. All types of Izospan differ in density, as a result of which they can be either laid on the floor of a frame house or used in the roof structure.
  • Izospan is one of the most popular types of insulation due to its price and unique properties. It is suitable for walls, ceiling and basement floors, attics and mansards. The hydrophobic sheet is widely used as a waterproofing layer on soil floors, cement screeds in wet areas and as a windbreak. Vapor barrier is one of the main advantages of the material.

  • Moisture-proof membrane can be used in the construction of a warm floor. The windproof function has significantly expanded the scope of the material. Depending on the operating conditions, it may be necessary to create a ventilation gap of 40–50 mm, due to which moisture is weathered. A feature of the canvas is the ability to reflect thermal radiation.
  • The roll material is not afraid of water, durable and easy to install, it is easy to use it in the attic. It is widely used as a roofing vapor barrier for pitched roofs, as well as partitions. At the preliminary stage of the construction of the roof, the plates are installed between the rafters. The second layer of the film overlaps the top one by 15–20 cm without tension.

The Izospan instruction manual indicates the basic requirements for the use of the material.

  • It is desirable to avoid adhering of the strips to the edge of the ridge.
  • Be sure to create a ventilation gap (50 mm), which provides an air flow that contributes to the weathering of moisture.
  • All connections are processed with sealing tape.

Izospan with the AF marking is distinguished by the presence of ignition protection, so it is used in flammable rooms. The presence of the letters AM means a three-layer film construction that can protect the building structure from any external influence.

On sale you can find material labeled AQ. It is this film that has the maximum insulation properties.

Installation subtleties

Before using the Izospan film, it is necessary to check the insulation of the gaps between the insulation blocks, if found, eliminate the shortcomings. Carry out sealing of the contact points of the membrane with structural elements, for example, with windows. For vapor barrier walls, Izospan A is used on the outside of the building, and Izospan B is used on the inside. During the construction of walls, Izospan A is laid in layers on their surface. Work is carried out from the bottom up. Fixation is done with a stapler. In this case, it is necessary to exclude sagging of the canvas, otherwise, with a strong wind load on the facade, unnecessary noise (clapping) may appear.

During the installation of the roof, the material is cut directly on the rafters above the thermal insulation. Laying is done horizontally. Start from the bottom of the roof. Fastening is done with nails (sometimes self-tapping screws). It is recommended (but not necessary) to leave a space of about 5 cm between the underside of Izospan and the insulation, and a gap between the membrane and the roof, the width of which is usually equal to the size of the rail.

As noted above, the placement of Isospan begins from the bottom row with horizontal stripes. The overlap must be at least 10 cm. The places where the film adheres to the surface must be glued with mounting tape. This method is suitable for wood veneer.

It is very important to lay the material with the right side to the insulation. Before installation, you must carefully read the instructions for use of the canvas. For external insulation of roofs and facades of buildings, it is necessary to use the brands Izospan AND, AM, AS, which provide the necessary protection.

Different variations of Isospan A also have different material densities. For model A it is 110 g/m², for AM it is 90 g/m². The AS model has an indicator equal to 115 g/m², and the highest density of the AQ proff is 120 g/m². To create a high-quality hydro- and vapor barrier, experts recommend using an additional Izospan V vapor barrier.

The installation scheme depends on the purpose of the structure. If this is a sloping roof without insulation, then the main structure is mounted, then the vapor barrier layer, and then the wooden flooring.

In the attic, floors are laid first, then vapor barrier, followed by insulation and slats, and lastly, a beam. When using a membrane on a concrete floor, at the first stage a base is created, then a screed, a film is laid on it, and then only a finish. If you want to achieve good results, you must strictly follow the manufacturer's recommendations, observe the subtleties of using the Isopan material and be sure to take into account the features of the surface on top of which the film layer will be laid.