What is modular kitchen furniture. Modular kitchens - what is it? Disadvantages of modular furniture

The kitchen in each apartment is one of the important rooms, because here not only the hostess prepares food, but also discusses daily problems over a cup of tea, family lunches and dinners on the day off, heart-to-heart conversations with friends. That is why the design of the kitchen should be approached thoroughly. Properly selected interior will provide coziness and comfort.

Not everyone was lucky enough to live in apartments with a large kitchen - for some reason, architects often allocate very little space for this room. It seems to many that it is simply unrealistic to create coziness and a certain style on a few meters, but any experienced designer will categorically disagree with this. Kitchen modules will help to cope with the problem.

Modular kitchen - what is it

Very often, when choosing a kitchen set, the owners of apartments sharply raise the question of saving space. This applies not only to rooms with a small area, even in a spacious kitchen it is important for the hostess to have everything you need at hand during the cooking process. Nowadays, this is no longer a problem, as modular kitchens have appeared.

They are not a single whole, but consist of separate modules that can already be installed in a convenient way and combined with each other.

Advice. If you rearrange the modules, you can change the interior without changing the kitchen set.

By assembling a modular kitchen element by element, you can solve the problem with the furnishings of this room for a long time. The area is spent rationally; if there is a desire or need, then any module can be rearranged or removed completely without prejudice to the entire interior.

Pros and cons of modular headsets

Modular systems in the kitchen, like any other furniture, have their advantages and disadvantages. The advantages include:

  • The ability to rationally and economically spend the kitchen area.

  • The modules are multifunctional and quite roomy.
  • By changing the arrangement of modules, you can change the interior of the room.
  • You can choose modules even for a room with a non-standard layout.
  • Manufacturers offer a huge selection of all kinds of design solutions, so you can choose both kitchen modules for a small kitchen and for a spacious one.
  • It is much easier to transport individual modules.
  • Installation will not be difficult, any man can easily cope with this without the involvement of masters.

But there are some drawbacks to be noted:

  • Since the kitchen set is not a single whole, but consists of separate modules, when installed between them, cracks may appear, given that floors and walls in apartments are not always perfectly even.
  • Since it is possible to combine modules of not only different sizes, but also colors, then in the absence of experience in compiling such compositions, you can overdo it, and the interior will turn out to be not entirely attractive.

It is better to consult with an interior designer to make the kitchen cozy and comfortable.

Choice of modular headsets

Modular kitchens are not uncommon these days; that such accommodation is convenient, understandable to everyone, but you also need to approach the choice with knowledge of the issue. To do this, pay attention to the following recommendations:

  1. First of all, you need to choose the style of the room.

Advice. In a small kitchen, style should be much simpler than in a large one.

  1. The sizes of kitchen modules are often standard, but you can make an individual order according to your measurements.
  2. If the kitchen space cannot boast of a large area, then it is better to choose light-colored modular kitchens, then the space will visually become larger.

  1. Do not overload the kitchen with a large number of cabinets and cabinets, this will create a feeling of disorder.
  2. If you give preference to cabinets with mirror or glass surfaces, then the room will no longer seem so small.
  3. First you need to make all measurements and calculations, determine where each piece of furniture will stand in order to know exactly how many modules you need.

Advice. For the eating area, it is better to choose not a kitchen corner, but a table and chairs. The first one can be moved after the meal, and the chairs can be put under the table, but the corner cannot be modified.

Modular kitchen style

The simpler the shape of the modules is chosen, the more design opportunities appear to create a unique interior.. If we consider an inexpensive version of a modular kitchen set, then you should take a closer look at the following styles:

  1. Modern. This style is characterized by clear lines, smooth transitions and looks quite impressive. As for the choice of colors, it is almost limitless.

Modern style will always be popular - clear lines and a huge selection of colors

  1. Recently, high-tech is gaining popularity. Such kitchens look modern, they are dominated by glass, metal surfaces, which are distinguished by their practicality and ease of maintenance.

Don't have time to spend hours cleaning up the kitchen? Then a high-tech kitchen is just that. what you need.

  1. The classic style will always be popular. Simplicity and elegance provide coziness and maximum comfort.

  1. Provence modular kitchens are decorated in French style and are distinguished by the presence of a warm woody shade with a darker facade.

How to arrange a modular kitchen set

In the kitchen, all furniture should be located so that the hostess is comfortable while creating her culinary masterpieces. You can consider several options for the location of modules that will make the space rational and convenient:

  1. All modules are in one line. This layout can be used for both small areas and large ones. Most often, a weighty argument in favor of acquiring just such an option is the lower price.

  1. The standard dimensions of kitchen modules also allow them to be arranged in two rows.. Often this option is chosen if food is only being prepared in the kitchen, and there is a living room for its reception. Using this option, you can save a little on finishing, as wall cabinets and tables cover almost all walls.

Note. This arrangement of furniture visually makes the room longer, in addition, the space between the rows of the headset is reduced, so there is no way to put something else.

  1. Modular corner kitchens are designed for rational filling of the corners of the room. The modules are located along two walls, so half the space remains free. The corner kitchen module is especially convenient to use in a square kitchen.
  2. Owners of spacious kitchens may well place a set in the shape of the letter P. This arrangement allows you to divide the space into zones by integrating the necessary kitchen appliances.
  3. You can arrange a modular set in the form of an island, when cabinets are installed along with cabinets along the walls, and in the center of the room there is a working area. There is a definite plus in this arrangement: rounded corners prevent injury when moving around such a kitchen.

What are modular kitchens made of?

Whether it will be built-in headsets or not, several materials are chosen for their production:

  1. MDF. This material is considered environmentally friendly, it is made from compressed sawdust, which is covered on top, for example, with acrylic or PVC film.
  2. Plastic is also used to make. It is very suitable for headsets in a minimalist style. The choice of colors is limitless.
  3. Chipboard. Such a headset should be bought only after checking the quality certificate, because in the manufacture of some plates harmful raw materials are used. But among the advantages can be noted low cost, a large selection of design solutions.

Modular kitchens allow you to change the situation at your discretion at any time. You can completely transform the interior if you simply rearrange the modules, remove or add. In this case, you do not have to spend the family budget.

Modern furniture technologies currently allow the production of modular furniture for different rooms, including the kitchen. The advantage of this type of furniture is that it helps to organize the space in the way that is needed. After all, it is now very fashionable to furnish a room in a modern style. And modular furniture allows you to do it efficiently, stylishly, in an original way, with taste.

At the same time, many manufacturers present economy-class modular kitchens. After all, the desire to buy a kitchen at a reasonable price is quite justified. It can be modular kitchens for Khrushchev or. If the kitchen does not fit the entire length of the wall, then it can be easily divided into two sections. Such properties allow you to make the interior boring and varied.

The relatively inexpensive cost of modular kitchens may be due to the limited number of shades to choose from from the manufacturer. But custom-made furniture is different in that the customer can request any color.

To date, corner modular kitchens are the most common option, which is a real paradise for housewives. After all, various items of kitchen utensils are easily placed in various cabinets. Moreover, the dishes that are used most often are placed in the closest cabinets or compartments. The kitchen can literally be assembled in sections. The manufacturer usually makes modular elements standard, so they can be combined in absolutely any combination.

Thanks to modular kitchen furniture is assembled by individual components, then its cost in some cases will not be too expensive. Indeed, due to the peculiarities of the interior, one or two items from the complete set can not be purchased.

The standard package of a modular kitchen includes:

  • floor kitchen tables;
  • drainer;
  • hanging sections;
  • shelves;
  • cabinets;
  • cabinets for built-in appliances (dishwasher, washing machine, etc.).

The more different elements, the more configuration options.

In many stores, consultants offer to look at the catalog, which presents various models. Scrolling through the catalog, you can immediately estimate the price and color of the kitchen. Finished products of the company are delivered in a short time: for example, the next day. And kitchens to order will have to wait longer: a month or more.

Photos of modular kitchen furniture

Many people wonder how to choose a modular kitchen so as not to miscalculate?

First, you need to know exactly what you need. This concept includes color, size, some features in the interior.

Secondly, try to collect information about those manufacturers that are in your city. This will allow you to compare prices and choose the right reliable option. Check out the kitchens in all the nearby stores that offer matching furniture. Do not rush to buy, but discuss many options.

Thirdly, pay special attention to cabinets for built-in equipment. These elements are very practical: after all, they contain everything you need to prepare culinary dishes. Now many companies offer to build in not only an oven and a stove, but also a microwave, a refrigerator, a washing machine. Thanks to built-in elements, modular kitchens look cohesive.

Fourth, modular kitchen will be comfortable only with the right composition of the headset. Therefore, you need to purchase a kitchen only when you have a clear picture in your mind of how and where its elements should be located. It should be taken into account that the headset can be located along the walls or in an island type. In choosing, it is best to rely on your own taste, so as not to regret later. It is unlikely that anyone will know better what your kitchen should be.

A kind of constructor, which you yourself put together from individual elements for a specific interior. All kitchen sets, made according to the modular system, usually include more than 30 modules of various content and shapes, you just have to choose. Wall cabinets with one or two doors, display cabinets, corner elements of various depths, heights and widths - from all this variety you can create your own set, which, when assembled, will look like a solid composition.

This is how (Fig. 1) a modular kitchen series is schematically made. As you can see, there is plenty to choose from here.

Benefits of a modular kitchen

If you evaluate modular furniture according to the parameters mentioned at the beginning of the article, you can say that it has many advantages:

  • Affordable price due to mass production and standard sizes.
  • High quality furniture made of modern materials chipboard and MDF, honed by multiple releases of modular programs.
  • An excellent choice of models, different in color and decor.
  • Multifunctionality. One set, assembled from modules according to your project, can be placed both in the living room and in the hallway.
  • Ease of use in the interior - the presence of a range of cabinets, racks, tables of different sizes, which can be used to furnish even a non-standard room by arranging the modules in a free composition.

Among the advantages of modular furniture can also be called the following:

  • A large selection of modules in one series, which allows you to create an individual headset design.
  • Possibility to supplement or replace the kit with new modules from the same series.
  • Easy to assemble - You can assemble modular furniture yourself using a simple and clear assembly drawing, saving on the master.
  • Ease of rearranging the modules of the finished headset to update the interior.
  • Versatility - can be used to furnish any room for its intended purpose.

Disadvantages of a modular kitchen

  • As practice shows, there are very few disadvantages compared to the advantages of a modular kitchen. The only drawback is the difficulty of selecting modules for non-standard rooms, as well as the presence of niches, ledges, etc. The ideal solution can be - custom-made furniture.

Modular kitchen options.

Modular kitchens come in several varieties. The most basic of them: straight, angular, p-shaped.

  • straight or linear(Fig.2). The modules are arranged in one row. This is an excellent solution for narrow spaces with an area of ​​​​9 square meters or more, where there is no room for the implementation of corner options. In such kitchens, the stove and sink are located next to each other and are separated by a small work surface.

  • U-shaped.(Fig. 4) This kitchen is suitable for spacious rooms. Furniture is placed along three walls. With this arrangement, creating a working triangle is very easy. Such kitchens are very functional, because. a large number of modules are involved.


If you want to choose a kitchen that will serve and delight you for more than one year, you need to carefully approach this issue. To get started, you can surf the Internet through sites that specialize in the direction of Kitchen. As a rule, each site has a catalog that you can look through and find exactly the kitchen that you like. After you began to have an idea about the color, design of the kitchen, you need to choose several companies that would offer you to draw up a design project with a miscalculation. Therefore, do not hesitate to leave applications for design projects, ask questions in the online chat, call. Only after that you will understand what suits you!

It is worth trusting companies that have specialized departments in your city. It is advisable to visit the showroom to see the kitchen with your own eyes, see the quality of the materials, as well as find out information about the manufacturer, talk with the sales consultant about the terms of the transaction, guarantees, etc.

Head of the retail department Kosareva S.D.

A modern hostess spends no less part of her life in the kitchen, hence her desire for maximum comfort is understandable. However, often people are faced with such a problem as lack of space - this is especially true for apartment layouts with a design a la "Khrushchev". How to be in that case? After all, you want to equip the kitchen with convenience, and at the same time create it ergonomic and functional.

  • 1 Modern modular economy kitchens
  • 2 Types of modular kitchens
  • 3 Materials for the manufacture of modules
  • 4 Care instructions
  • 5 Overview of manufacturers
    • 5.1 Leroy Merlin
    • 5.2 Ikea
    • 5.3 Stolplit

Modern modular economy kitchens

Today, this problem is quite easy to solve if you turn your attention to modular kitchens, which are the simplest option for decorating a kitchen space. The modules that make up a modern kitchen are great for any layout and different areas. So what are modules?

This is a set of kitchen furniture, which is assembled from individual elements (modules). The complete set can be very different, ranging from a pair of cabinets (a pencil case and a wall-mounted one) to a whole “island” with a bar counter. The main advantage when choosing such furniture is the possibility of self-combining and arranging elements according to your preferences, as well as additional opportunities for selecting a design for a certain style of interior.


  • Functionality. Any of the proposed series can be presented in several variations, and each of them will look stylish in your interior.
  • Spaciousness. Despite the fact that economy-class modular kitchens may have a minimum of items in the kit, each of which has a place for household kitchen appliances, cutlery with sets of dishes, and a stack of towels with napkins.
  • Small dimensions. Perhaps, the small size of a modular kitchen is not just a merit, but an advantage over other types of kitchens, which allows you to place modules on almost any area of ​​​​the room.
  • Ability to assemble the module "on request"(depending on the size and layout of the kitchen).
    Today this is called "diversity" - when the modules are a universal set consisting of several elements.
  • Add here affordable price, and you will almost get an idea of ​​​​modern modular economy class kitchens.

Small modular kitchen

You can buy ready-made modular kitchens of economy class at a sale from manufacturers, or you can make them to order. As for custom-made kitchens, everything is a little simpler: you contact a specialized company, voice your wishes regarding the dimensions and design of the module, and ... in a few days you get a ready-made kitchen set.

By the way, today kitchen furniture manufacturers even offer such options when modules of the same brand, but of different series, can be assembled in different versions - plain, light, dark, bright saturated colors or deep calm ones - everything will depend only on your taste and desire.

Types of modular kitchens

  1. Standard, or linear. In this case, the modular kitchen is assembled in one row along one wall. Another option for arranging furniture is called single-row, and it involves the installation of modules along a length of no more than three meters. This classic option is the most affordable solution for small apartments at the lowest cost. Linear kitchens are produced, as a rule, from chipboard and MDF.
  2. Double row. By analogy with the previous option, a two-row modular kitchen can be located along two opposite walls. This option is very convenient for those rooms where it is necessary to fill the kitchen space (for kitchens with an area of ​​more than 6m2, a good solution would be to place the modules in two rows, one of which will be along the wall, and the other parallel to it, but in the center of the room). At the same time, it is desirable to equip the working area separately from the utensils and food - this will greatly simplify the process of cooking.
  3. Angular. Such a kitchen will be convenient for small rooms, in which every cubic centimeter of space counts.
  4. U-shaped. This module will take up three walls of your kitchen - but its capacity will be good. In addition, the U-shape of the modular kitchen always looks stylish. Such options are made only to order, since in this case it will be necessary to take into account all the features of the layout of a single kitchen.
  5. Island and Peninsular. In the first case, the module is assembled directly in the center of the room and does not at all depend on other elements of the kitchen set (for example, a dining area with a work surface or a module with a sink). The second option is the protruding part of a single module, which can also be used either as a bar counter or as a dining table. Both the one and the other options are made of inexpensive MDF - mostly to order.

Types of modular kitchens

Double row modular kitchen

Linear Modular Kitchen

Island Modular Kitchen

Island Modular Kitchen

Island Modular Kitchen

U-shaped modular kitchen

U-shaped modular kitchen

Corner modular kitchen

Materials for the manufacture of modules

A modern modular kitchen in a budget version can be made of such inexpensive materials as plastic, MDF boards, chipboard / fiberboard.

  • Plastic. The main canvas of the module is an MDF sheet lined with a plastic coating. Today, modular plastic kitchens are the most common, having a stable coating that protects them from accidental minor damage (scratches, bumps) and high humidity. The advantages include a wide choice of designs, a wide color palette and low cost. Also, the plastic is resistant to ultraviolet radiation - when sunlight hits the surface of the module, the color will remain the same (it will not fade).
  • MDF. The module body is based on MDF boards (fine wood fraction as an alternative to natural solid wood), with a facing layer of liquid PVC, acrylic, thick veneer. As a designer decoration, the manufacturer can use inserts made of metal or glass. Modular kitchens made of MDF will fit perfectly into almost any interior. Of the advantages, we note the environmental friendliness of the material, affordable price, a wide choice of design.
  • Chipboard. Unlike MDF, the basis of the body of such kitchens is chipboard, with a thickness of 1.8 cm or more. Chipboard facades can be coated with a film and a protective varnish covering the decorative layer. The biggest advantage of modules made of this material is the low price and variety of colors.
  • frame facades. They are a frame with an insert of a sheet of another material (plastic, glass, chipboard, mirror surfaces). The advantage of such a module is the ability to replace the insert for every taste, which is another budget solution for those who want to “change the scenery” in the kitchen. Various colors, combination of shades with the overall interior and affordable price - these are the main factors of the modules from the frame facade.

Modular kitchen with frame fronts

Since modern inexpensive modular economy class kitchens are made from MDF and chipboard, their service life is lower than that of kitchens made from natural array. However, the operational period of such modular furniture can be extended if the following recommendations are followed:

  • avoid the use of aggressive chemicals (acetone or solvents containing essential oils);
  • use only wet cleaning of surfaces - with laundry soap or a mild detergent (the same applies to all fittings); when cleaning the working surface of the sink, use only products recommended by the manufacturer;
  • wipe dry the cleaned surface with a soft cloth; at the same time, do not allow large amounts of water to get on the work surfaces (for example, when cooking in the work area) - plastic or MDF board panels can swell from water and peel off;
  • avoid mechanical damage to surfaces as much as possible (MDF surfaces are more prone to scratches and chips than other coatings);
  • for plastic surfaces - do not allow hot (over +100 C) dishes to come into contact with surfaces.

When installing the modules next to the stove (both electric and gas) at a distance of less than 2.5 cm, an additional gasket made of heat-resistant material is required; additional processing of the edges of the working surfaces is also necessary - you can use aluminum corners planted on a sealant, this will reduce the rate of edge peeling if moisture accidentally gets on it.

Brief overview of manufacturers

Leroy Merlin

The manufacturer offers a good design of modules for a low cost - and this is valuable for state employees. Various materials and equipment, the mandatory presence of hoods, ease of installation and assembly speed, imitation of natural wood and stone, good protective coating, reliability, good service life in its segment - the advantages of modular kitchens from this manufacturer can be listed endlessly. Prices for Leroy Marlene modular kitchens range from 400 to 3000 rubles per unit.

Modular kitchen Leroy Merlin


Facades made of MDF are highly durable, the module body is laminated chipboard. The style of Ikea modular kitchens is modern, Scandinavian, country. The manufacturer guarantees its products for 25 years. Among the advantages, it is worth noting a good appearance at an affordable price, the reliability and strength of the material of the case and facade, the speed of assembly and installation, a wide choice of colors, the possibility of manufacturing modules to order. Prices for a modular kitchen start at 20,000 rubles.

Modular kitchen Ikea


Modules are produced using modern technologies. Material - chipboard, MDF, chipboard, plastic, glass and metal inserts are possible. Kitchens are produced with imitation of natural wood and stone, which allows you to choose an individual kitchen set for almost any interior. The main advantages are functionality, practicality, ergonomic design, a large selection of colors, plus an affordable price. As well as reliability, strength of the body and facade, excellent quality of the protective coating. Prices for products start from 10,000 rubles. for the module kit.

Modular kitchens Stolplit

If we consider products from a financial point of view, then at first glance, the selection of a ready-made kit can cost more than ordering a project - in the case when the customer himself chooses the material cheaper, simpler, with fewer additional design features. However, this way more time is spent searching for the right material, developing a project, waiting for the finished order kit. And shipping isn't always free.

But on the practical side, buying a ready-made kit, perhaps, will be the most convenient option for choosing a modular kitchen, without additional time costs.

Conclusion: both the first and second options for purchasing a modular kitchen are the same from a financial and time point of view.

Prices for modular kitchens from different manufacturers are quite affordable, and everyone can afford to purchase either an inexpensive ready-made kit or create a kitchen according to an individual sketch.

As for the evaluation of compared products, it is likely that Ikea kitchens will come first in terms of quality and warranty, then Stolplit, and then Leroy Merlin. But the price issue will place the manufacturers in the following order: Leroy Merlin, Stolplit, Ikea. So it's up to you, dear customers!

Modular kitchens are a great opportunity to properly plan the interior, create a really cozy and comfortable space. Small kitchens are one of the most significant disadvantages of small apartments. Soviet builders took away very little space for kitchens, now apartment owners have to make efforts to create a stylish interior.

With the purchase of individual modules, you can assemble any kitchen to your taste.

Experienced designers do not agree that in small apartments it will not be possible to make a beautiful space. They suggest using modular kitchens for this purpose, which consist of several modules of different sizes, which allows you to create a set of any configuration.

Benefits of modular kitchen furniture

Owners of real estate, choosing a modular system, can rationally use the area. If after a while the owner of the apartment wishes to change the interior, then it is enough for him to swap the modules.

One of the advantages of a modular kitchen is that its parts can be rearranged among themselves.

Modular furniture has a good capacity. It is easy to transport, it does not require special skills for installation. Kitchen furniture is distinguished by high functionality, each housewife will be able to choose a set of the most suitable cabinets and drawers.

Disadvantages of modular furniture

Among the disadvantages of modular furniture, it is worth noting the likelihood of gaps between several modules. Usually they occur due to uneven floors, as well as an error in the selection of elements.

Before you go to the store, you need to decide on the style of the interior. If you want to buy a modular kitchen for a small space, you should remember that the simpler the style, the better the interior.

Good in small kitchens look pieces of furniture made in modern and high-tech style. When buying, you should give preference to those headsets that have muted tones of the facade. Light-colored furniture looks good. Such items will visually expand the space, they will not clutter up the kitchen. Modules with facades of bright colors for small spaces are not recommended.

Light-colored modules will visually expand the space

It is best to purchase several cabinets and cabinets. You should not force all the free corners with objects, this approach will avoid excessive clutter of space. In order to divert attention from the small area of ​​\u200b\u200bthe room, you should pay attention to cabinets with mirror surfaces.

Do not purchase a kitchen corner, it is better to stay on a table and chairs. This will save a lot of space. Be sure to make a design project, think about where you can place the refrigerator.

It should be noted that today almost all kitchens are selected according to the principle of assembling modular elements. This means that each buyer, after looking at the catalog, can choose the most suitable configuration of the kitchen set, focusing on the desired appearance, dimensions and functional purpose of the furniture. In stores, an experienced manager helps the buyer to make a choice. This allows the client to receive an individually selected headset at the best price.

In the catalog of many stores, you can choose items from a variety of materials. Ready-made modular systems are a good way to create a functional space in the kitchen.

Characteristics of modular systems

Each set of modules has its own characteristics, the width being one of the most important. In addition, each manufacturer of modular systems offers elements characterized by their own pitch. Usually its size is from 5 to 20 cm.

When choosing modular kitchens, you should pay attention to the frame. It can be of two types - glued and prefabricated. The first option assumes that the delivery of elements to the object is carried out in finished form. Prefabricated facades are assembled at the buyer's house.

Assembling a modular kitchen

Headset frames are most often produced from modern material - laminated chipboard. It is a very economical material that is safe for health. In addition, chipboard is practical, facades will last a long time. Today, everyone can choose kitchens by elements, focusing on their own budget.

For the manufacture of the facade, manufacturers use the following materials: chipboard, MDF, wood, glass, plastic. The surface of chipboard and MDF can be laminated, varnished and veneered. Manufacturing companies can use both metal and various combinations of materials when producing modular systems.

The format can be different - it all depends on the preferences of the buyer. There are also planes on sale that can be opened with the touch of a finger, and other modules for the kitchen. Manufacturers offer modules with traditional hinged doors, as well as vertical curtains made of horizontal rails.

Metal kitchen set

When buying modular kitchens, you should pay attention to the countertop.

This element can be made from different materials, but it is the material of the countertop that has a significant impact on the final cost of the kitchen. Chipboard countertops are the lowest priced, followed by steel and ceramic tiles. Countertops made of artificial stone are even more expensive, products made of natural wood and natural stone complete the list.

Types of modular systems

All modules for the kitchen, which are on sale in stores, can be divided into floor and wall-mounted ones, the latter also include corner elements.

Let's take a look at the floor elements first. Modular kitchen offers to choose the most necessary elements. Many housewives purchase corner modules, because. they save space. Such systems are often equipped with a retractable carousel, it is mounted from the inside of the door.

Corner modular kitchen

Modules under the worktop are often covered by a kitchen facade. In such cabinets on legs, household appliances and kitchen utensils fit well.

Consumers choose the standard floor module most often. These are ordinary cabinets with one or two doors, in which it is convenient to store utensils and products. On sale there are also modules with drawers. They can have different sizes, the bottom drawer is used to store pots.

Modules under the sink are designed not only to accommodate the sink itself, but also to install filters, trash cans. In addition, there are modules on sale designed specifically for the installation of embedded appliances. There are elements for a refrigerator, oven and microwave.

Refrigerator cabinet


Hinged and floor elements include different systems. These can be islands, shelves, separate modules for drying and for dishes. Shelves are found open and closed, and consumers will also find corner shelves in stores. Modules with drying are most often installed under the sink, a tray is placed at the bottom of the module, into which water from the dishes is collected. Hinged models for dishes can have decorative walls, there are also elements with blind doors on sale.

Separately, it is worth mentioning the canisters or columns. Such modules occupy space from floor to ceiling; you can install a refrigerator or other household appliances in the columns. Pencil cases are used to store basins for jam or other utensils.