What is the TPL file extension? How to open tpl file? Tpl format what

Name (eng.): Document Template

Name (Russian): Document Template

Developer: No data

Description: TPL also known as Document Template is a document template format. Files of this type can be created and used by various software. Such templates are usually used to create documents that are similar in structure. TPL templates can contain information about page layout, text formatting, and other information. TPL templates can also be used by the popular CMS Datalife Engine. You can open them with a regular text viewer. Other TPL templates must be opened in their respective programs.

Format 2

Name (eng.): Adobe Photoshop Tool Presets File

Name (Russian): Adobe Photoshop Tools Preferences File

Developer: Adobe

Description: TPL aka Adobe Photoshop Tool Presets File is a proprietary file format for the settings file for the bitmap graphics editor Adobe Photoshop. The TPL format was developed by the famous software company Adobe. Files of this type are intended for storing instrument settings, which allows you to perform the same type of actions in the program without having to set new settings every time. The TPL file can store data such as the width of the brush, the color of the gradient or fill, etc. The TPL file is created by the native Adobe Photoshop program. If required, the TPL template can be saved to the hard disk.

To open (edit) a file of this format, you can use the following programs:

Format 3

Name (eng.): Canvas Template

Name (Russian): Canvas Template

Developer: ACD Systems

Description: TPL aka Canvas Template is a proprietary drawing template format created with ACD Systems Canvas, a powerful vector graphics program. The TPL format was developed by software company ACD Systems, known for its image viewing applications ACDSee and ACDSee Photo Manager. TPL files are templates used to create new drawings in CVX format. The TPL template stores vector graphics, as well as the settings necessary for creating drawings. TPL files must be opened with the native Systems Canvas program.

- The extension (format) is the characters at the end of the file after the last point.
- The computer determines the type of the file precisely by the extension.
- Windows does not show file name extensions by default.
- Some characters cannot be used in the file name and extension.
- Not all formats are related to the same program.
- Below are all the programs with which you can open the TPL file.

Bluefish is a powerful program for programming and web development. Has many functions for the development of sites, scripts, as well as program codes. The program works at high speed, can download hundreds of files in a matter of seconds. Open more than 500+ documents simultaneously without any problems. There are very useful functions, like a good file search as well as unlimited functions "Undo" and "Redo". Automatic recovery on unplanned shutdown. Integration of external programs and external filters. Language support, namely online help information. The program is under development, but already supports 17 languages \u200b\u200b...

Komodo Edit is a user-friendly code editor that supports a wide range of different programming languages. The program allows users to work with several files at once, it will become more efficient to write code using the autocomplete function and hints. The application allows you to automatically highlight variables when you select them. Using the editor, you can view files in other programming languages. The program supports syntax coloring, indentation. Can check syntax parameters, snippets used to store the source column code. Has a simple editing mode and supports drag and drop ...

There are a lot of programs on the Internet that allow you to edit the source code of another program, file, etc. However, most of these programs are just a text editor like a notepad. They differ from the above editor only in that they have syntax highlighting. However, in some cases, this functionality of the program is not enough. A programmer may need to quickly find different parts of a document. And now, finally, a program has appeared that allows you to solve this problem. The program is called SynWrite. Its distinctive feature is the presence of a navigation bar with a tree, which ...

If you have a computer installed antivirus software can scan all files on the computer, as well as each file separately... You can scan any file by right-clicking on the file and selecting the appropriate option to scan the file for viruses.

For example, in this figure, file my-file.tpl, then you need to right-click on this file, and select the option from the file menu "Scan with AVG"... Selecting this option will open AVG Antivirus, which will scan this file for viruses.

Sometimes an error can result from incorrect software installation, which may be due to a problem encountered during the installation process. It may interfere with your operating system associate your TPL file with the correct application softwareinfluencing the so-called "File extension associations".

Sometimes simple reinstalling NoteTab might solve your problem by linking TPL to NoteTab correctly. In other cases, problems with file associations can result from bad software programming developer, and you may need to contact the developer for further assistance.

Advice: Try updating NoteTab to the latest version to make sure the latest patches and updates are installed.

It may seem too obvious, but often the TPL file itself may be causing the problem... If you received a file via an email attachment or downloaded it from a website and the download process was interrupted (for example, a power outage or other reason), the file may be damaged... If possible, try getting a fresh copy of the TPL file and try opening it again.

Caution: A damaged file can cause collateral damage to previous or pre-existing malware on your PC, so it is very important that you have an updated antivirus running on your PC at all times.

If your TPL file related to the hardware on your computerto open the file you may need update device driversrelated to this equipment.

This problem usually associated with types of media filesthat depend on the successful opening of hardware inside the computer, for example sound card or video card... For example, if you are trying to open an audio file but cannot open it, you may need to update sound card drivers.

Advice: If you get sYS file related error message, the problem could probably be related to corrupted or outdated device driversthat need to be updated. This process can be facilitated by using a driver update software such as DriverDoc.

If the steps did not solve the problemand you are still having problems opening TPL files, it could be due to lack of available system resources... Some versions of TPL files may require a significant amount of resources (e.g. memory / RAM, processing power) to open properly on your computer. This problem occurs quite often if you are using fairly old computer hardware and at the same time a much newer operating system.

This issue can occur when the computer has a hard time completing a task, as the operating system (and other services running in the background) can consume too many resources to open TPL file... Try closing all applications on your PC before opening the Document Template. By freeing up all the available resources on your computer, you will provide a better environment for trying to open the TPL file.

If you completed all the steps aboveand your TPL file still won't open, you might need to do equipment upgrade... In most cases, even with older hardware versions, the processing power may still be more than adequate for most custom applications (unless you are doing a lot of CPU-intensive work like 3D rendering, financial / scientific modeling, or heavy media work) ... Thus, it is likely that your computer does not have enough memory(more commonly called "RAM", or random access memory) to perform the task of opening a file.

The easiest way is to create templates based on static pages already laid out in HTML. Let's consider creating and connecting a template using an example. Let's say you already have an HTML file with the following content:

<html\u003e <head\u003e <meta name \u003d "description" content \u003d /> <meta name \u003d "keywords" content \u003d /> <title\u003etitle\u003e <link href \u003d "style.css" rel \u003d "stylesheet" type \u003d "text / css" /> head\u003e <body\u003e // start menu<table border \u003d "1" > <tr\u003e <td\u003e<a href \u003d "/" > <b\u003ehomeb\u003ea\u003etd\u003e tr\u003e <tr\u003e <td\u003e<a href \u003d "/ about /"> About mea\u003etd\u003e tr\u003e <tr\u003e <td\u003e<a href \u003d "/ me_and_me /"> Me and world dominationa\u003etd\u003e tr\u003e <tr\u003e <td\u003e<a href \u003d "/ contacts /"> Contactsa\u003etd\u003e tr\u003e table\u003e // end of menu<h1\u003eHome pageh1\u003e <p\u003e p\u003e <p\u003eText about me: Text about me: Text about me: Text about me:p\u003e <p\u003eText about me: Text about me: Text about me: Text about me:p\u003e <p\u003eText about me: Text about me: Text about me: Text about me:p\u003e body\u003e html\u003e

In order to add a template to the CMS, you need to create a file in the tpls / content directory, for example, test.tpl, and insert your HTML code there. The CSS file should be placed in the css / cms folder and named style.css. It is desirable to put images in the images folder. Don't forget to change the paths for all images and CSS files.


Russian letters cannot be used in the template file name!

In order for the system to "see" the new template and start using it to display pages, the template must be added to the system. To do this, go to the settings of the "Structure" module, the "Templates" tab ( http://yourdomain.ru/admin/content/config/ ). You will see a list of already installed templates in each domain that exist in the selected language version.

To connect a new template file, fill in the bottom free line of the fields “ Template name"(Give it some meaningful name, for example" My test pattern") And" File name "(in our case, test.tpl) and click the" Save "button.

If you want this template to be used as the default template, check the "Main" checkbox next to it. This template will now be selected by default in the template selection dropdown. It will also be used to display system pages that use the default template (Registration, Password recovery, Sitemap).

The templates will be visible in the drop-down list when editing each page:

Thus, on one site, you can use many templates at the same time, choosing the appropriate template for both a single page and a group of pages.

Try to create a new page (make sure a new template is selected in the Design Template option) and see what happens on the site.

Your HTML template should appear on the site. But now it is static. Now you need to make it dynamic.

First, you need to determine which parts of the HTML code will change. In our case, the following will change:

    window title ;</p> <p>meta tags keywords and description;</p> <p>text title <h1>;</p> <p>the actual text;</p> <p>site menu.</p> </ul><p>This means that we have to work a little with the HTML-template and put the corresponding macros instead of the changing sections.</p> <p>For example, at the beginning of the HTML file, there are meta tags and a title:</p> <<span>meta name \u003d <span>"description"</span><span> content \u003d <span>"description of the site of Vasily Pupkin"</span> /> </span> <<span>meta name \u003d <span>"keywords"</span><span> content \u003d <span>"Vasya Vasily Pupkin official site"</span> /> </span> <<span>title\u003e</span>Vasya Pupkin's website: Main page</<span>title\u003e</span> <p>We replace them with the corresponding macros (the list of macros is given in the appendix):</p> <<span>meta name \u003d <span>"description"</span><span> content \u003d "% description%"</span> /> </span> <<span>meta name \u003d <span>"keywords"</span> content \u003d <span>"% keywords%"</span> /> </span> <<span>title\u003e</span>% title%</<span>title\u003e</span> <p>Now, when generating pages, the system will take meta tags and a title, prescribed for each page individually, and substitute them instead of the corresponding macros. Macro names are easy to remember.</p> <p>Let's do the same with the title of the text. It was like this:</p> <<span>h1\u003e</span>Home page</<span>h1\u003e</span> <p>And it will become so. The text header is displayed by the% header% macro:</p> <<span>h1\u003e</span>% header%</<span>h1\u003e</span> <p>The main text of the page changes too:</p> <<span>p\u003e</span>Text about me: Text about me: Text about me: Text about me:</<span>p\u003e</span> <<span>p\u003e</span>Text about me: Text about me: Text about me: Text about me:</<span>p\u003e</span> <<span>p\u003e</span>Text about me: Text about me: Text about me: Text about me:</<span>p\u003e</span> <<span>p\u003e</span>Text about me: Text about me: Text about me: Text about me:</<span>p\u003e</span> <p>There is a macro to display the main text of the page <i>% content%</i> :</p> <i>% content%</i> <p>To the beginning of the file between tags <head> and</head> insert the macro:</p><p>This line enables quick editing and other useful features. With it you can by pressing <b>Shift</b> +<b>D</b> , quickly go to editing the current page of the site or any of its fragments.</p> <p>As a result, you should get the following:</p> <<span>html\u003e</span> <<span>head\u003e</span> <<span>meta name \u003d <span>"description"</span><span> content \u003d "% description%"</span> /> </span> <<span>meta name \u003d <span>"keywords"</span> content \u003d <span>"% keywords%"</span> /> </span> <<span>title\u003e</span>% title%</<span>title\u003e</span> <<span>link href \u003d <span>"style.css"</span> rel \u003d <span>"stylesheet"</span> type \u003d <span>"text / css"</span> /> </span> % system includeQuickEditJs ()%</<span>head\u003e</span> <<span>body\u003e</span> // start menu<<span>table border \u003d <span>"1" </span>> </span> <<span>tr\u003e</span> <<span>td\u003e</span><<span>a href \u003d <span>"/" </span>> </span><<span>b\u003e</span>home</<span>b\u003e</span></<span>a\u003e</span></<span>td\u003e</span> </<span>tr\u003e</span> <<span>tr\u003e</span> <<span>td\u003e</span><<span>a href \u003d <span>"/ about /"</span>> </span>About company</<span>a\u003e</span></<span>td\u003e</span> </<span>tr\u003e</span> <<span>tr\u003e</span> <<span>td\u003e</span><<span>a href \u003d <span>"/ projects /"</span>> </span>Projects</<span>a\u003e</span></<span>td\u003e</span> </<span>tr\u003e</span> <<span>tr\u003e</span> <<span>td\u003e</span><<span>a href \u003d <span>"/ contacts /"</span>> </span>Contacts</<span>a\u003e</span></<span>td\u003e</span> </<span>tr\u003e</span> </<span>table\u003e</span> // end of menu<<span>h1\u003e</span>% header%</<span>h1\u003e</span> % content%</<span>body\u003e</span> </<span>html\u003e</span> <p>So, we save the template file and look at the result. The page is now almost completely dynamic, with the exception of the menu. It is necessary to "revive" the site menu. Let's see how the menu is laid out:</p> // start menu<<span>table border \u003d <span>"1" </span>> </span> <<span>tr\u003e</span> <<span>td\u003e</span><<span>a href \u003d <span>"/" </span>> </span><<span>b\u003e</span>home</<span>b\u003e</span></<span>a\u003e</span></<span>td\u003e</span> </<span>tr\u003e</span> <<span>tr\u003e</span> <<span>td\u003e</span><<span>a href \u003d <span>"/ about /"</span>> </span>About me</<span>a\u003e</span></<span>td\u003e</span> </<span>tr\u003e</span> <<span>tr\u003e</span> <<span>td\u003e</span><<span>a href \u003d <span>"/ me_and_me /"</span>> </span>Me and world domination</<span>a\u003e</span></<span>td\u003e</span> </<span>tr\u003e</span> <<span>tr\u003e</span> <<span>td\u003e</span><<span>a href \u003d <span>"/ contacts /"</span>> </span>Contacts</<span>a\u003e</span></<span>td\u003e</span> </<span>tr\u003e</span> </<span>table\u003e</span> // end of menu <p>The menu consists of items. The menu itself is somehow decorated, and the items also have a design. For example, the entire menu can have some kind of frame or background, the current menu item can be highlighted in bold, etc. Also, one menu can have different levels.</p> <p>Select the menu frame:</p> // start menu<<span>table border \u003d <span>"1" </span>> </span> <span><!-здесь пойдут пункты меню --> </span> </<span>table\u003e</span> // end of menu <p>The menu item is designed like this:</p> <<span>tr\u003e</span> <<span>td\u003e</span><<span>a href \u003d <span>"/ contacts /"</span>> </span>Contacts</<span>a\u003e</span></<span>td\u003e</span> </<span>tr\u003e</span> <p>The current menu item is styled differently:</p> <<span>tr\u003e</span> <<span>td\u003e</span><<span>a href \u003d <span>"/" </span>> </span><<span>b\u003e</span>home</<span>b\u003e</span></<span>a\u003e</span></<span>td\u003e</span> </<span>tr\u003e</span> <p>The original menu template is located in the /tpls/content/menu/default.tpl file and looks like this:</p> <?php $FORMS = Array (); $FORMS ["menu_block_level1" ] = <<<END %lines% END; $FORMS ["menu_line_level1" ] = <<<END <div class ="menu" > % text%</div> <<<END <div class ="menu_a" > <span class ="menu_a" >% text%</span> </div> END; ?\u003e <p>At first, it's a little unclear. In fact, everything is very simple. Let's look at the first part of the code:</p> $ FORMS ["menu_block_level1"] \u003d<<<END %lines% END; <p>This is the block called <b>menu_block_level1</b> ... There are only 3 types of such blocks.</p> <ul><p><b>menu_block_level1</b> - contains HTML-frame of the menu;</p> <p><b>menu_line_level1</b> - contains the HTML code of the menu item;</p> <p><b>menu_line_level1_a</b> - the same as menu_line_level1, only used for the active menu item.</p> </ul><p>Anything in between<<<END и END; воспринимается, как html-шаблон (для всего меню или для отдельного пункта).</p> <p>When generating a menu, the system takes item templates (for example, menu_line_level1), and puts them one after another. The resulting HTML code contains all the menu items. This code is inserted instead of the macro <i>% lines%</i> .</p> <p>So, you need to put the code that we highlighted above (framing, menu items) in the appropriate blocks. It should look something like this:</p> <?php $FORMS = Array (); $FORMS ["menu_block_level1" ] = <<<END <table border="1" > % lines%</table> END; $ FORMS ["menu_line_level1"] \u003d<<<END <tr> <td>% text%</td> </tr> END; $ FORMS ["menu_line_level1_a"] \u003d<<<END <tr> <td><b>% text%</b></td> </tr> END; ?\u003e <p>We already know that instead of <i>% lines%</i> the system substitutes the menu items with their HTML frame. We have met new macros. Instead <i>% link%</i> the URL of the menu item is inserted, and instead of <i>% text%</i> - text (defined in the field " <span>page title</span>»).</p> <p>Now the menu can be inserted into the page template with a macro <i>% menu%</i> ::</p> <<span>html\u003e</span> <<span>head\u003e</span> <<span>meta name \u003d <span>"description"</span><span> content \u003d "% description%"</span> /> </span> <<span>meta name \u003d <span>"keywords"</span> content \u003d <span>"% keywords%"</span> /> </span> <<span>title\u003e</span>% title%</<span>title\u003e</span> <<span>link href \u003d <span>"style.css"</span> rel \u003d <span>"stylesheet"</span> type \u003d <span>"text / css"</span> /> </span> % system includeQuickEditJs ()%</<span>head\u003e</span> <<span>body\u003e</span> // start of menu% menu% // end of menu<<span>h1\u003e</span>% header%</<span>h1\u003e</span> % content%</<span>body\u003e</span> </<span>html\u003e</span> <p><b>The template is ready.</b> </p> <p>If you want to display a menu using a different template on some pages of the site, you need to create another file with the menu template in the same folder. For example menu2.tpl. Accordingly, when connecting a menu to a page template, instead of% menu%, you need to write a little differently:% content menu ("menu2")%.</p> <p>The operation of this and other macros is detailed in the current documentation. Working with them is based on exactly the same principle: you break the required piece of HTML template into separate parts, substitute the required templates into the corresponding blocks, insert the corresponding macro in place of this piece, and it starts working.</p> <p><b>It is important to consider:</b> </span> do not put several macros on one line. Nested macros may not work as an argument for other macros.</p> <p>This page explains how you can easily convert a .tpl file to a PDF using free and easy to use tools from PDF24. The described conversion method is free and simple. PDF24 Creator installs a PDF printer and you can print your .tpl file on this printer to convert the file to PDF.</p> <h2>What is needed to convert a TPL file to a PDF file or how can you create a PDF version of your TPL file</h2> <p>TPL files or .tpl files can be easily converted to PDF using a PDF printer.</p> <p>A PDF printer is a virtual printer that can be used just like any other printer. The difference from a regular printer is that a PDF printer creates PDF files. You are not printing on a physical sheet of paper. The PDF printer prints the contents of the original file to a PDF file.</p> <p>Thus, you can create a PDF version of any file that you can print. Just open the file with the reader, click the print button, select the virtual PDF printer and click the “Print” button. If you have a reader for the TPL file, and if the reader can print the file, then you can convert the file to a PDF.</p> <p><img src='https://i0.wp.com/ru.pdf24.org/assets/images/process/pdf_printer_process.png' width="100%" loading=lazy></p> <p>Free and easy to use PDF24 PDF printer can be downloaded from this page. Just click on the download button to the right of this article to download the PDF24 Creator. Install this software. After installation, you will have a new printing device registered in Windows that you can use to create PDF files from your .tpl file or convert any other printable file to PDF.</p> <p><b>This is how it works:</b> </p><ol><li>Install PDF24 Creator</li> <li>Open your .tpl file with a reader which can open the file.</li> <li>Print the file to a virtual PDF24 PDF printer.</li> <li>PDF24 Assistant opens a window where you can save a new file as PDF, send it by email, fax or edit it.</li> </ol> <script type="text/javascript"> <!-- var _acic={dataProvider:10};(function(){var e=document.createElement("script");e.type="text/javascript";e.async=true;e.src="//www.acint.net/aci.js";var t=document.getElementsByTagName("script")[0];t.parentNode.insertBefore(e,t)})() //--> </script><br> <br> <script>document.write("<img style='display:none;' src='//counter.yadro.ru/hit;artfast_after?t44.1;r"+ escape(document.referrer)+((typeof(screen)=="undefined")?"": ";s"+screen.width+"*"+screen.height+"*"+(screen.colorDepth? screen.colorDepth:screen.pixelDepth))+";u"+escape(document.URL)+";h"+escape(document.title.substring(0,150))+ ";"+Math.random()+ "border='0' width='1' height='1' loading=lazy>");</script> </div> </article> </div> </main> <aside class="sidebar sidebar_midle"> </aside> </div> </div> <footer class="footer"> <nav class="footer-nav"> <ul> <li class="menu-item type-post_type object-page "><a href="">Contacts</a></li> <li class="menu-item type-post_type object-page "><a href="">Advertising</a></li> </ul> </nav> <div class="footer-bottom"> <div class="copy">© 2020 We know everything about foundations. 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