What is female beauty and why do people deify it? An essay on the topic: “... What is beauty and why people deify it

“… What is beauty, And why do people deify it? Is she a vessel, in which there is emptiness, Or a fire flickering in a vessel? " Nikolay Zabolotsky

Indeed, we all want to be beautiful. All without exception - both men and women. Especially, of course, women. Everything on the altar of beauty - and time, and, and often ...

But what is it really?
How many people, so many opinions? Or is a certain standard influencing us? Public opinion? Spells of glossy magazines? TV? Dazzling fireworks of famous fashion shows?

Maybe, and then, and another, and the third ... But the concept of beauty did not appear today. It has always existed. Ancient artists left us samples of rock art - also their own, but the perception of beauty. So let's listen to the voices of the past centuries ...

They probably never did without canons. Famous sculptor of Ancient Greece Lysippos the height of the head was taken as the ideal basis, which fit eight times along the height of the entire figure. By canons of Greek beauty A face with a straight nose, large eyes with a wide slit between the eyelids and arched edges of the eyelids was considered beautiful.

Georg Ebers, 19th century Egyptologist writer, describing the beauty of an ancient Egyptian woman, writes: “... a dark skin tone and a dark, fresh, even blush, intermediate between golden yellow and brownish bronze. A straight nose, a noble forehead, smooth but stiff black-winged hair and graceful arms and legs adorned with bracelets. "

And how many writers burned incense to the ancient Egyptian queen Cleopatra! And although modern scientists have discovered that Cleopatra was not at all a beauty, we tend to believe those who argued otherwise. Indeed, if she were ugly, how could she have managed to get the Great Caesar and Mark Antony ?! The statement about Cleopatra testifies in favor of our doubts. Roman historian IV century Aurelius Victor: "... and possessed such beauty that many men with their death paid for possession of it for one night" ("About famous people"). So, modern scientists either rushed to conclusions, or have a different view of beauty.

Until now, they enjoy unchanged popularity beauty secrets of Cleopatra... Her baths with the addition of honey and milk. Or the cream of the Egyptian queen, which will leave your skin soft and velvety, smoothen any and relieve tension. The cream is quite simple to make. All you need is 2 tablespoons of aloe juice, a tablespoon of water, 2 tablespoons. Mix all components thoroughly, put the mixture in a water bath and carefully add 100 g of fresh lard into it. Put the finished cream in a jar and store in the refrigerator. Once a day, apply it on the face and neck in a thin layer for 10-15 minutes, remove the remainder with a napkin.

However, the opinion is still preserved Plutarch about Cleopatra: “The beauty of this woman was not what is called incomparable and strikes at first sight, but her appeal was distinguished by an irresistible charm, and therefore her appearance, combined with rarely convincing speeches, with tremendous charm that shone through in every word, in every movement , firmly cut into the soul. " Literally translated: "left his sting." Further, the ancient historian writes about the queen: "The very sounds of her voice caressed and delighted the ear, and the language was like a multi-stringed instrument, easily tuned to any mood, to any dialect ..."

From the 16th century, an interesting formula of beauty has come down to us, in which the "troika" rules the ball. According to this formula, a beauty should have:
Three white -, teeth, hands.
Three black - eyes, eyebrows, eyelashes.
Three red - lips, cheeks, nails.
Three long ones - body, hair, arms.
Three wide ones - chest, forehead and the distance between the eyebrows.
Three small ones - teeth, ears, nails.
Three narrow ones - mouth, shoulder, foot.
Three rounded - arms, torso, hips.
Three thin ones - fingers, hair, lips.

But the voice of the East - the great classic of Persian-Tajik poetry Omar Khayyam:
“I will not get tired of the wrong theater of shadows
Perfection to seek for the rest of your days.
I affirm: your face of the sun is brighter,
I affirm: your body of a cypress is slimmer. "

Italian Renaissance writer Agnolo Firenzuole clearly would not like modern standards of beauty ... In his treatise "On the beauty of women" he writes: "The physique should be large, strong, but noble ... White skin is not beautiful, because it means that it is too pale; the skin should be slightly "reddish" from the circulation ... "

Probably, in different eras, different peoples had a different ideal of beauty.
Narrow-hipped like a boy, Nefertiti and the puffy beauty from Rubens' canvas are noticeably different from each other. Yet their beauty captivates us. Perhaps it's all about harmony? It seems to me that beauty given by nature is like a beautiful expensive frame. Yes, she's great, who can argue. But what is she without a picture? Framing the void?
The canvas is our own soul - we paint all our lives from birth to the last breath. The palette depends on us ... Someone prefers light colors, someone generously puts black blots, someone timidly draws with gray paint, and someone needs all the colors of the rainbow. Most of us also strive to correct someone else's picture in our own way ... And yet ... You may have noticed that a beautiful picture captivates even in a simple frame, or even without it ...

Once I was on a crowded bus. Crush, angry faces. My gaze accidentally fell on the face of a woman holding a little boy tightly to her. I was amazed at how ugly this woman is. Well, just a rare ugliness... And suddenly the boy said something to his mother. What, exactly, could not be heard. But the woman smiled. And a miracle happened! Her face became beautiful in an instant! So beautiful that it was impossible to tear your eyes away from him! I literally froze in admiration. I forgot about the crush, about the stuffiness! About everything in the world! I contemplated a beauty that cannot be conveyed in words. It was incredible. I don’t know what transformed a woman so much - was she a smile, was her love for her child? But a miracle happened. No regular features, no graceful nose could overshadow her at this time. Perhaps I was lucky enough to see the essence of her soul? The same “fire flickering in the vessel”?

And I still can't help but remember my school friend. Rather, her mother.
There was not even a hint of conventional beauty in this woman. Irregular facial features, a funny nose with a shoe, a large mouth, hair that was not distinguished by splendor, and at the same time a proud head position, straightened shoulders, high chest, an open, calm look created the complete illusion that in front of you is an enchanted Princess. Princess with a capital letter. Ugly? Possibly ... But overwhelmingly attractive! My friend was an exact copy of her mother, with the same manners, confident in herself, in her undeniable value of the "frog princess". Well, she had more boyfriends than the first beauties of the class.

So, beauty is, first of all, content? Soul? And why not ... We value our ugly, but loyal friends and will not agree to exchange them for beautifully written ones. And yet the heart asks for harmony. I think that every woman, if she wants, can be beautiful. A prerequisite is that she herself must consider herself as such.


(Based on the works of Russian literature)

Does humanity have a single true religion, which moves every particle of the universe? A force capable of rising above time and decay, inspiring a musician's bow, an artist's brush, a poet's lyre?

Yes, there is ... and it will be forever. Nobody, nothing can resist its mysteriously magnificent attraction. She alone was given power over the most beautiful feelings of human souls. This power is beauty.

A labyrinth of regular and ragged lines, a range of sounds, a palette of colors excites, excites the imagination ... Everything that the universe consists of, is seen by everyone through the prism of his inner world, refracted uniquely, like a sunbeam in a complexly cut crystal; but man is characterized by a striving for the beautiful, for what seems to him perfect, for the beauty that can be seen, heard, felt. Let there are infinitely many people on earth, let each of them understand beauty in his own way, - all of them, without exception, are united by one thing: the infinite, unlimited power of the beautiful, the deity of generations.

A person spends his whole life in search of perfection. How many great people admired the wisdom of nature, the beauty of the surrounding space, and timeless harmony! Why did Turgenev, Tolstoy, Dostoevsky paint their landscapes so carefully? Because they knew the connection between nature and the human inner world! For each of them, nature participates in the action, in the plot, is inseparable from the character's mood. Boyishly Arkady rejoices in the clear spring sky as he drives along the estate with his father; with his arms outstretched, mortally wounded Andrei Bolkonsky lies under the sky of Austerlitz, overturned into eternity; Rodion Raskolnikov suffocates under the oppressive, stuffy, yellow, dusty sky of St. Petersburg ... The subconscious of a person is drawn to the beautiful - to the May, pure, clear, to the fact that the hero himself will be made cleaner, drive away doubts, soothe, breathe warmth and spring bliss ... People, lovers into beauty, looking for salvation from their sorrows, dissolving with a gaze in the infinity of the horizon, thinking about enduring natural harmony - nature is beautiful, because everything in it is eternal and natural. Tyutchev said about this in his poem:

One by one all your children

Those who perform their useless feat,

She greets her anyway

An all-consuming and peaceful abyss.

It is according to its own laws, according to special rules that nature, beautiful and free, lives ... Its irregular lines, not geometrically verified, but calculated and predetermined from the ages, are correct already because they are natural. The triumph of this naturalness over the mind and strength of man is the idea of ​​Zamyatin's novel "We" ... The Green Wall, buildings made of glass and concrete, the ideal geometric correctness of structures, life calculated and painted by the minute, identical slender ranks of "numbers" marching harmoniously along a linearly straight avenue, - all this violence against nature is ugly! Ugly - when all the laws of geometry are observed and the shape is impeccably correct! It seems that everything is correct, verified, checked, calculated, people are happy - but something still violates the harmony ... Beauty is not necessary and not only perfection. Beauty is something that touches the soul. What is lacking in the kingdom of the Benefactor, and if it appears suddenly, through an oversight, is immediately amputated, cut out like a cancerous tumor? Soul!

Does this mean that beauty, which is in no way spiritualized and soulless, repels? And the spiritless correctness of perfect forms bows down to the inexplicable, illogical, free life? Beauty must have imagination, must have a soul, there must be much more so that millions of people prostrate themselves in front of all this beautiful ... Probably, beauty is the most relative of all concepts.

The magnificent Helen Kuragina, the heroine of Leo Tolstoy's novel "War and Peace", appears in high society - and everyone present is breathtaking with admiration! Is her face beautiful? Incomparable! She is a really beautiful woman, everyone admits it. But why, then, does Natasha Rostova have more success at the ball? Natasha Rostova, yesterday's “ugly duckling”, with the wrong mouth and prune eyes? Tolstoy explains why Natasha is one of his favorite heroines: in Natasha there is no beauty of features, there is no perfection of form, as in Helene, but she is abundantly endowed with another beauty - spiritual. Her liveliness, intelligence, grace, charm, infectious laughter captivate Prince Andrew, Pierre ... Again, the triumph of spiritualized beauty! Natasha, natural, spontaneous, is impossible not to fall in love with ... and people are drawn to her, because she is the embodiment of that true beauty that charms, attracts, awakens feelings. Her beauty is charm, charm, sincerity. Andrei Bolkonsky and Pierre Bezukhov ... They cannot be called handsome. But each of them is beautiful in its naturalness, inner freedom, simplicity, openness. Clumsy Pierre is sympathetic, I like it; the short prince Andrei seems to be an irresistible, brilliant officer ... such are they thanks to their spiritual beauty. For Tolstoy, after all, the internal is more important than the external! And his beloved heroes attract the reader with their qualities, virtues of spirit, and not appearance.

Napoleon in "War and Peace" is shown as a short man, completely ordinary, not outstanding in appearance. Kutuzov - overweight, heavy, decrepit ... but he is beautiful in his patriotic impulse - and repels Napoleon, consumed by ambition, hungry for unlimited power and sole domination, ready to shed oceans of blood for this and destroy the world with war.

The soul defines beauty. Inner essence. And how touchingly Natasha Rostova is described in the finale of the novel, despite the fact that she has “grown fat”, “grown ugly” ... The beauty of her soul is timeless, like any true beauty. And time kills external beauty ...

Of course, spiritual beauty is higher than external beauty. But on the other hand, was it not for the glory of external beauty, not for the sake of beautiful faces, the creations of geniuses were created? People deify the beauty of their loved ones - those thanks to whom their souls revived, who, with one glance, word, gesture, just presence, inspires them, fills their life with meaning.

The brightest, most inspiring, creative feeling on earth is love ... but what is love? Admiration for beauty, admiration for the beauty of body and soul. We love those whose spiritual and physical beauty we consider the standard. Intelligence? And that is beauty - the beauty of the mind. People who deify love cannot remain indifferent to beauty, because love is a hymn to it!

Alexander Blok. “Poems about the Beautiful Lady” ... Beautiful! - here it is, admiration ... Divinely unattainable image, trembling, seemingly infallible, sacred. For the sake of one smile of the Beautiful Lady, the knight will give his life without hesitation, inscribing her initials in blood on the shield ... the poet will weave a wreath of words, immortals, shining like a halo, to put at the foot of her throne ... why? None of them is able to understand this reasonably.

Your face was miraculous in the shield

Light forever ...

Mayakovsky, in contrast to Blok, sang. not the classical beauty of the Beautiful Lady, - gypsies and actresses, not a languid Stranger, not Izora, - no, his ideal of female beauty was different ... The days of “geniuses of pure beauty” are gone! - proclaimed Mayakovsky, affirming a new ideal, idolized by him:

I sing you -

Made up,

Brightness of colors, sharpness, courage, liveliness of the image ... In a nutshell - so much! He also “crowned” and “burned out the soul blooming with love” - but in a different way. He glorified the beauty that brought him outbursts of despair, jealousy, rage, insomnia ...

A crown is prepared for you for centuries, and in the crown my words are a rainbow of convulsions.

Ragged rhythms, uneven lines, the highest tension of the nerves. And pain, and bitterness, and a jump of nerves around the room, as in "A Cloud in Pants" - this is the fault of the beauty of his beloved ... She, who seemed to him a celestial dweller, her whom he loved, cursing, dedicated his best works that enriched art, history , humanity! Beauty inspires even more beautiful and eternal things - even when it hurts. Sergei Yesenin in "Persian Motives" made the world admire: he was transported by his imagination to an exotic, almost fabulous country, to Persia ... The mysterious, mystical beauty of the East intoxicates, the aromas of saffron are dizzy, the rustle of soft carpets underfoot. Women in Persia are beautiful, flexible and gentle ... and the look from under the veil promises something silently ...

Months yellow charm

Pours over the chestnuts into the lie ...

Lale bowing to the salwar,

I will hide under the veil ...

But Shirad will not replace Yesenin's “Ryazan discord”! And Shagane's love will not drown out the memories of the northern cold beauty of the girl left in Russia. From two beautiful worlds Yesenin chooses "his own dear land" - the beauty of the Motherland. The land of ancestors is so dear to him, who knows how to see more beauty in it than in any other corner of the world ... Like Blok, Yesenin loves Russia, identifying it with a beauty in a patterned shawl ... But not even one native land - the whole world, everything beautiful in it praises Yesenin!

How beautiful

The earth and man on it!

Beauty for Yesenin is peace and harmony, nature and love for the Motherland, tenderness for his beloved. Beauty is all that gives happiness ...

There will always be beauty. People will never be able to overcome the sense of beauty in themselves. The world will change endlessly, but there will remain that which pleases the eye and excites the soul. People will, fading with delight, listen to eternal music, born of inspiration, will read poetry, admire the canvases of artists ... And love, idolize, be carried away, attracted like iron to a magnet, dreaming of someone close and distant, unique, unpredictable, mysterious and beautiful.

Tender than tender

Your face.

Whiter than white

Your hand

From the whole world

You are far away

And all yours -

From the inevitable.

From the inevitable

Your sorrow

And fingers


And a quiet sound


And the distance of Your eyes.

(O. Mandelstam)

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"Ugly Girl" Nikolay Zabolotsky

Among other children playing
She resembles a frog.
A thin shirt tucked into his panties,
Reddish curls rings
Are scattered, the mouth is long, the teeth are crooked,
Facial features are sharp and ugly.
Two little boys, her peers,
The fathers bought a bike.
Today boys, not rushing to dinner,
They drive around the yard, forgetting about her,
She runs after them on the trail.
Someone else's joy is just like your own,
It torments her and breaks out of her heart,
And the girl rejoices and laughs
Overwhelmed by the happiness of being.

No shadow of envy, no evil intent
This creature does not yet know.
Everything in the world is so immeasurably new to her,
Everything that is dead to others is so alive!
And I don't want to think while watching
That there will be a day when she, crying,
He will see with horror that among her friends
She's just a poor ugly girl!
I want to believe that the heart is not a toy,
It is hardly possible to break it suddenly!
I want to believe that this pure flame,
Which burns deep in it,
All his pain alone will get over
And the heaviest stone will melt!
And even if her features are not good
And she has nothing to seduce the imagination, -
Infant grace of the soul
Already shines through in any of her movements.
And if so, what is beauty
And why do people deify her?
She is a vessel, in which there is emptiness,
Or a fire flickering in a vessel?

Analysis of Zabolotsky's poem "Ugly Girl"

The question of what human beauty is is quite philosophical. For some, appearance is of paramount importance, while others, on the contrary, value the spiritual qualities and actions of people. However, our world is arranged in such a way that it is much more difficult for people with unattractive facial features and an awkward figure than handsome men to prove to themselves and others that they are really worthy of love and respect. It is to this aspect of human relationships that Nikolai Zabolotsky's poem "Ugly Girl", written in 1948, is dedicated. This work is based on a scene from ordinary life seen by the author, the main character of which is an ordinary Moscow girl. Nature has not endowed her with the beauty that children of her age can boast, and among her peers "she resembles a frog."

Describing the appearance of this girl, the author does not use hyperbole, but tries to convey what he saw as accurately and truthfully as possible. And he managed to notice quite a lot - and the fact that the young person has a "long mouth" and "crooked teeth", her red curls are scattered around her shoulders, her "facial features are sharp and ugly", and the stranger is dressed in a "thin shirt ". However, this is not at all what attracts the author in the girl. Local boys, whom their parents gave bicycles, immediately forget about their girlfriend and selflessly “drive around the yard”. It would seem that in such a situation, any girl should be offended, hiding her envy behind this feeling. But the heroine of Nikolai Zablotsky's poem is completely different. She runs after her friends on the heels, and "someone else's joy, just like her own, torments her and breaks out of her heart." The feelings and emotions of this little "frog" are so pure and sincere that they cause the author's undisguised surprise and curiosity. He realizes that this child is not yet familiar with concepts such as hatred, envy, anger and disappointment. She perceives the happiness of her friends through the world of inner sensations, pure and surprisingly harmonious. In her soul “everything that is dead in others is so alive” that in the eyes of the poet this ugly and awkward girl turns into perfection itself.

However, Nikolai Zabolotsky understands that very soon the illusory and childishly naive world in which this ugly girl lives will be destroyed by the cruelty of people. Moreover, it is those whom she will voluntarily admit into her heart, considering them the closest, reliable and devoted friends. The author notes with regret that he would very much not want the heroine of his poem to suddenly realize that "among her friends, she is just a poor ugly girl." The poet wants to believe that in the human world, the heart is not a toy that can be mercilessly broken.... But even if this happens, the author very much hopes that the "pure flame" that burns in the soul of this ugly little girl "will heal all her pain and melt the most difficult stone."

Nikolai Zabolotsky realizes that it will be very difficult for his heroine to become happy in this cruel and uncompromising world. However, he sees that "the infantile grace of the soul is already showing through in its movement." And if so, then surely in her environment there will be people who will be able to appreciate these qualities. At the end of the poem, the author again asks the question, what is human beauty, and what is more important - a vessel in which there is emptiness ”or“ fire flickering in a vessel ”? The poet proposes to find an answer to it for each person on his own and decide what is more important for him - external attractiveness or spiritual purity, which can make this world a little brighter, brighter and happier.

The question is certainly interesting. What is beauty? Well I do not know. It’s more likely that something attracts attention, if we accept the terms in geometry, with its perfect, correct forms, for example, since childhood I remember in the kindergarten the falga from the crumpled canfet you put on the table and smoothen it with your fingernail and the falga with mint becomes almost perfectly even and smooth, like a mirror, it glitters objects are reflected in it and you proudly show everyone, look how smooth and beautiful I have. Premets change with age. It can be anything beautiful, regular-shaped gemstone, etc. One thing is for sure, you want to have a beautiful thing. Beauty is the object of envy and admiration. Be it an object, be it a person. If we talk about a person, then there are many aspects of beauty. But judging by observations, the external beauty of a person is determined mainly by his appearance, and if you drip deeper, then this is the proportionality of the physique (for example, long, even (non-crooked) female legs, etc.) and the correctness of the face shapes (straight nose and etc.). If you are walking with a beautiful girl, passing other guys in spite of her beauty (i.e. Her face is beautiful (not slanting, of the same size) eyes, a pretty (non-crooked, proportional to other parts of the body) nose, beautiful with earrings (Not of different sizes ) ears, narrow waist, long, beautiful (non-crooked) legs) girls, the guys may have a feeling of envy (and see which words are beautiful), the conclusion of the external beauty of a person is perfection, correctness, proportionality, symmetry of body parts. A person strives for excellence. But one must not lose sight of the inner beauty of a person. It seems to me that the inner beauty of a person cannot be discerned from a distance. Forms of inner beauty can be "seen" and felt only if you spend some time and observe the person. Most likely it is the perfection of actions. Probably the inner beauty is determined by the actions of a person. For example, a guy is walking in his yard, and behind him, ten paces behind him, a friend, a wok ...

The inner beauty is more important, that is, the fire in the vessel, but this is my opinion. In general, beauty is a sensation, it is both strength and weakness, or rather, strength in weakness as in love and in a woman. This is something that is difficult to explain, beauty must be seen and felt. After all, sometimes an ordinary blade of grass, which cannot be ignored by falling under a ray of the Sun or under a drop of rain, becomes beautiful. Or a human smile, natural, capable of beautifying any face. The line between inconspicuousness and beauty is very thin, sometimes you just need to peer at something or someone to notice the beauty. It is for this elusiveness that beauty is worth loving. And yet with fragility, which is sometimes so easy to destroy.

Beauty is a concept that does not have a specific definition (like love). It is impossible to "test harmony with algebra." time, different stereotypes of beauty, which are formed depending on the impact of art, literature. maybe just art (visual) clearly represents the concept of beauty, which is currently accepted by a given society. Most likely they mutually influence each other. The concept of beauty will be different even in different strata of society.

"Beauty will save the world" by Dostoevsky. I think it makes such sense if people begin to live both internally and externally agreeing with beauty (this feeling is intuitively and figuratively laid in us by God as opposed to logic and reason), then this will save the world, since we are connected with each other and with all nature on earth but we continue to destroy this harmony. Our inherent sense of beauty makes life amazing and interesting and helps us choose a good path. But we also have a lot that confuses us as in the "kingdom of mirrors".

But "Ryazan expanse" Shirad will not replace Yesenin! And Shagane's love will not drown out the memories of the northern cold beauty of the girl left in Russia. From two beautiful worlds Yesenin chooses his "dear land" - the beauty of the Motherland. The land of ancestors is so dear to him, who knows how to see more beauty in it than in any other corner of the world ... Like Blok, Yesenin loves Russia, identifying it with a beauty in a patterned shawl ... But not even one native land - the whole world , Yesenin praises everything beautiful in him!

The soul defines beauty. Inner essence. And how touchingly Natasha Rostova is described in the finale of the novel, despite the fact that she “got fat”, “lost weight” ... The beauty of her soul is timeless, just like real beauty. And time kills external beauty ...

Napoleon in "War and Peace" is shown as a short man, completely ordinary, not outstanding from the outside. Kutuzov - obese, heavy, decrepit ... but he is beautiful in his patriotic impulse - and repels Napoleon, eats up with ambition, torments unlimited power and sole domination, is ready for this to shed oceans of blood and destroy the world with war.

Speaking about beauty, we usually mean not only appearance, a beautiful face, but also the ability to control your body, the ability to move beautifully. In short, the main component of our attractiveness is good posture, which is achieved only by systematic sports. For beauty and health, active movements are simply necessary, namely, they are lacking for a modern person. Therefore, you need to fill this need of the body with daily physical work and active exercises. It has been proven that sport is of paramount importance for the prevention of diseases. Speaking about physical health, one should not forget about the health of the spirit. After all, a calm, balanced person lives a happier life. No wonder they say that our greatest wealth is health, and this applies doubly to mental health. Many diseases of the heart, stomach, kidneys, skin and other organs are caused by stress - a violation of mental balance. This also affects human behavior in society. In a word, taking care of our health, improving the physical and mental state, we also care about beauty. After all, good looks and good health are not only gifts of nature - they are achieved by self-control and purposeful efforts of the person himself.

Shiny ... and dense skin ... hair, clear, clear eyes ... lips are direct indicators of general health, they indicate ... Beautiful ... posture ... shoulders, an attentive gaze, a high head signs ... Large and widely spaced eyes are beautiful, because ... The larger the eyes, the ... the better the vision. Than ..., the more stereoscopic vision, depth of plans. Beautiful level, tightly set teeth, bent in a correct arc, because ... beautiful long eyelashes, because they are better ... They seem to us more graceful if ..., in this case they do not close and do not freeze. Beautiful, thick and not very wide eyebrows, because they ... The woman has more developed ... This is a reserve in case of sudden hunger while carrying and feeding a child. Reserve food serves at the same time ... for the developing child. A long, flexible neck adds to the beauty of a woman, since by its long-standing nature a woman is ... More ... a man's neck provides firm head support in combat or when carrying heavy weights.

Everyone understands this concept differently. However, in the mind of a person it remains unchanged: having heard it, he remembers something beautiful. You can endlessly explain this concept. This is something unique and delightful.

What is beauty? Why do people deify her?

Beauty is the magnitude of the universal scale. Its influence on all spheres of human life is great. All people have a need for it.

Beauty gives harmony, inspires the soul, instills hope in it. She becomes the main muse for creative people. As soon as it touches the mind of a genius person, something beautiful is born in him. This is how the masterpieces of world art were created.

It goes hand in hand with art. Under her influence, music is created that can excite the blood. It inspires an artist who creates a canvas, to which there are queues of people who want to see. Gentle chords of poems are composed by poets at the moment of collision with beauty.

The source of natural beauty is nature. She is everywhere. People see her in each other and even in themselves. What does each of us experience? Most often it is a feeling of peace and admiration.

Beauty and nature could become synonymous words. The beauty of nature - remember the poems of the authors who dedicated them to the beauties of the Earth.

Considering this concept, they mean two concepts: external and internal beauty. They touch people. If the first concept presupposes a characteristic of the human body, then the second one is deeper.

Human beauty is inextricably linked with such a great feeling as love. The inner characteristics of people are the spiritual world.

External beauty can be created by the person himself. But not everyone is able to reveal inner beauty in their souls. In the presence of a rich spiritual culture, external attractiveness is just a shell.

This concept has become a theme for the expression of great people. Shakespeare said that the real gem is the book with gold clasps, covering the gold content. The writer considered a person who fit this description to be worthy of respect. The essence of beauty is the search for great philosophers, the search for a person's entire life.

Beauty is necessary in everyday life to diversify a person's life. She gives strength to live, and it is difficult to argue with that.

Beauty is what every person strives for, consciously or unconsciously. The perception of beauty lies within us, like a guiding star.

A person is looking for a life partner who can become a source of inspiration for him. Modern homes are also full of beautiful things. We purchase them to create coziness in the house.

People even choose work on the basis of inspiration. If it makes us feel beautiful, we feel "at ease." If, on the contrary, such work is aimed at survival and cannot be a source of pleasure.

Standards of beauty on different continents

Representatives of different nations have their own beautiful opinion. This is why what is considered beautiful in some countries may be disliked in others.

Latin America

If we talk about human beauty, a woman with curvaceous forms and long hair is considered the ideal here. Hispanics encourage physical enhancement techniques. They also like the fair sex with bright makeup and revealing costumes. According to statistics, 40 thousand women every year go under the knife of a plastic surgeon in Venezuela alone.


While tall and thin women are admired in Europe, the opposite is true in Africa. They are viewed as sick and therefore unable to bear a healthy child.

Fullness in African countries is perceived as a testament to the health and wealth of the family. Small details depend on the characteristics of certain tribes. Some people prefer long necks, others prefer elongated faces ...