What they wish for a good catch. Fishing superstitions. Signs and beliefs of fishermen. What to wish before fishing

Happy birthday to a true fisherman and lover of scaly prey! I wish you fish ponds, always a good and sincere company, strong fishing line, gorgeous trophies and a lot of time for your favorite pleasure! And also joy, love, financial well-being and outstanding desires!

Happy Birthday! I wish you many blessings and accomplishments! May your dreams come true and enjoy your favorite hobby. As a fishing lover, I wish you always a bite and a big catch. So that the tackle pleases, and the fishing line is not torn. In order for the fish to be unpretentiously led to all bait, the weather accompanied a pleasant pastime for your favorite pastime! No tail, no scales!

Happy birthday to a wonderful fisherman. With all my heart I wish you a great mood, good health and good luck, vigorous rises in the morning, fun fishing and big catches, well-being in the house, prosperity, good gear and many record specimens.

Happy birthday! I wish you to catch this cunning goldfish that will fulfill your every desire. Do not stop there, and always go only forward, only towards the goal.

A good man, a wonderful fisherman, has a birthday today. Congratulations and from the bottom of my heart I want to wish you a great bite and a great catch, wonderful company and cheerfulness for every day, excellent health and good mood, latest fashion gear and accompanying weather for fun fishing.

Happy birthday, fisherman. I wish you to always peck and get lucky, I wish you to get a lot of pleasant impressions and incredible feelings from every fishing trip, I wish, like a carp, to reflect all troubles from myself, I wish, at the command of a pike, to have all the best in my life.

I wish you to catch a huge fish called “happiness” in your life, so that this catch will change your life for the better. May your every day be so successful and bring only the best and necessary. Happy birthday!

Happy birthday fish lord! Catch small and big fish, delighting us with a magnificent ear. Do not hunt for gold, so as not to be branded as "the lord of the sea" and not to remain, like an old woman from a fairy tale, with a broken trough. Good luck, good catches, happiness and longevity!

I wish good luck to accompany you always and in everything, so that the fish are caught easily and simply, and that every fishing brings great pleasure! Let your every day be filled with positive emotions and bright achievements! Be happy, dream and make all your dreams come true!

I wish you on your birthday from the bottom of my heart all the best, prosperity, a constant good catch! Be cheerful, happy, so that in any weather you are always cheerful, strong, fresh and healthy!

Today, every professional holiday is accompanied by cool congratulations. And what original, funny and meaningful wishes can be presented to the fisherman? Here are some options.

When is fisherman's day

First, a short historical background. officially celebrated only in Russia and Ukraine. Although in other countries, many fans of the fishing rod celebrate this annual event, but only at the call of their own hearts.

This day is celebrated on the second Sunday of July. In 2016, it falls on the 10th of the month. And for this holiday, close and familiar congratulations and wishes to the fisherman are prepared, as well as memorable gifts, cool medals and diplomas, comic pennants.

Activities on the day of the fisherman

Of course, first of all it is a professional holiday. Therefore, without fail, congratulations and wishes to the fisherman may be of interest to those who are directly related to this type of activity by position in order to congratulate colleagues. These are employees of the fish inspection, and specialists involved in catching the inhabitants of the water depths by position. It should also include students and teachers of educational institutions related to water management. We should not forget the amateur fishermen.

Collective field trips are held on this holiday. There, on the shore of reservoirs, competitions are organized to catch underwater inhabitants. The results are summed up by the number of prey caught, by the weight of the total catch, by the size of the largest fish.

Traditionally, the holiday ends with a common fish soup cooked on a fire. And after a feast, an amateur concert often begins by the fire, when a guitar goes in a circle, and beautiful lyrical songs, funny ditties, romances rise into the starry sky.

Fisherman's day wishes

In prose and poetry, everyone whose life is connected with fishing receives congratulations. Here is one of the comic monologues with wishes, which, despite a certain amount of humor, still has a serious and deep meaning.

"Today the country honors all fishermen. They congratulate both those who do this professionally and those for whom life without a favorite hobby is insipid and boring."

And the wishes of the fisherman on this day are necessarily associated with fish, catching it, good luck. Congratulators in their speeches allegorically often link an amazing catch with happiness that has fallen out of nowhere. Someone wants a fisherman to hook Lady Fortune herself or pick up a jug of gin that fulfills all desires. And someone advises to catch the very goldfish that can do everything. And the pike with its magic words "By the pike's command, by my will ..." is also a good alternative.

“But we, as one famous person used to say, will go the other way. After all, happiness that comes easily is not appreciated. And therefore we wish you, fishermen of the whole world, not magical and omnipotent fish, but health, patience, excellent weather and good gear Let the sack of the one holding the fishing rod be full to the eyeballs, both literally and figuratively!

Fisherman's birthday

On this day, people rush to congratulate their friends, relatives and acquaintances, one way or another connected with fishing. They are presented with original themed cakes and, of course, poems.

Unusual revival reigns here!

Today we give congratulations to the fisherman.

Luck walks hand in hand with him -

You took the right direction, our friend.

birthday wishes for a fisherman

(Not even dreams can compare with them):

The blessings of the earth, so that everyone is surprised,

And dreams of the most cherished fulfillment!

Today it is not a sin for us to use

Alcohol, various dishes! Entertainment

They will add fun to us here, enjoyment!

We drink, we eat, we sing - that manifestation of love.

Live a hundred years, be healthy - instruction

Take the order. Let your providence

Will lead to the realization of aspiration!

It's just wonderful if someone knows how to pick up a melody for the verses! Then an additional humorous connotation will be added to the congratulations. It turns out especially cool when comic wishes sound to the anthem or march, and the singers themselves put on a super-serious and strict look.

Happy birthday, angler!
Happy angler!
To be specifically cool
And abstract cool!

What is money to us? Money is dust
We are not in the Canaries!
It is important that bloodworms grow
And the maggot was fat!

To sinker from lead
Yes, walking on a fishing line ...
So why not drink some wine
Beer, meat, vodka?

Today is a birthday celebration!
Not from anyone, - from a fisherman,
Congratulations come to him
Gifts are sent from afar ...
And I would like to say:
"Keep your smile more often,
I want to catch you
Like in a fairy tale - a goldfish!

Congratulations fisherman,
Can I drink a little!?
To catch such a fish
That I never knew!
That fish is called luck
Get stronger and richer!
Be happy and love
And no one is invincible!
You will be strong and healthy
And self-confident!
You will be special,
The coolest on earth!

In the art of proper fishing
You, no doubt, know a lot
It doesn't work for you
Catch luck on the hook!

Catch and little joy
And a big life success!
Let the goldfish love
You are stronger and more than all!

Let the fish splash around
She throws herself on the hook,
Let the catch be worthy
Incredible just - cool,
We want to catch so much
In order not to fit in gear,
Coming home with a catch
Show off to your wife!

Congratulations to fishermen on mobile

Happy birthday, fisherman!
Take us to the fish tavern
Ile under the fish by the river
Give us bubbles!
You spend your life looking for
Catfish, pike or bream,
And you won't regret a friend
Two-meter beluga!
goldfish in the net
Did you ever say
To live happily in the world
And drunk only from love!

They say that from the pond
Without attention and work
You won't pull out a fish
No matter what, never.

Just don't say
From dusk to dawn
It's hard to sit by the pond
No matter how you look at it.

So if you want fish
Then buy it in the market.

Fisherman's birthday today
We wish you all the luck
And may you be lucky one day
And the Golden Fish will fall into the net.

She will fulfill all three wishes,
And all the secret wishes
Bring happiness and good luck
And saves from trouble and grief.

If a man is born a fisherman,
Then the series of wishes for him is as follows:
We wish you luck by the tail!
And find a quiet, full backwater!
So that in life there is always a reliable berth!
So that upon returning someone met!
So that it was certainly a great catch!
And so that friends gathered at the table!

Once the fisherman cast a net,
Just like that, randomly
Then I looked at the sky
Give me happiness soon, fate!
And the fisherman caught the mermaid,
Beauty so big
It became bright in life
And the fisherman found peace!
The house is clean and beautiful
Ready, cozy!
And they live amazingly
Even people recognize!
But, nevertheless, the world is arranged,
The fisherman is bored!
And he went fishing
Taking only your fishing rod!
And the fisherman roamed the world,
A year, maybe two!
Returned to the house, en, no,
The little mermaid is gone!
So I want to congratulate
Here's what you want, friends!
You hold happiness in your hands
To make life easy!

Happy fisherman's day my dear
Today will be fishing with me.
Far from wives, fishing is worse,
And suddenly you need an assistant.

To carry your catch home
From Guard Pisces to save.
Happy Fisherman's Day my dear
Let's celebrate your holiday together.

I loved the fisherman
From Wednesday to Thursday.
Early in the morning he set sail,
Politely say "bye".

My fisherman, my sailor
Returned a year later.
Like, he wandered the seas. ,
There he ate one caviar,
In the oceans fifteen times
Fell into a whirlpool.

Pressed to his chest
Sunday to Wednesday.
Early in the morning he set sail,
Politely say "I'm sorry."

A month later he came
He confessed to me
And he said to me: “Madame!
Here's a suitcase for you."

And now we live with him
We chew vobla for a whole year.

May it always be excellent
Your catch will be!
You in personal life
Be always ready!

True man -
Acclaimed fisherman!
Let the twist go
Be healthy! All the best!

Congratulations on a good day
Wishes our helmet:
Let the sea and the river
Respect the fisherman
So that there are more fish on the table,
So that smiles do not melt,
So that everyone loves helluva lot
And luck didn't work out.
And happy omens
Everything came true this summer
And, warmed by hopes,
Joy blossomed brightly.

Are there any magical means for successful fishing? Yes, and a lot! Avid fishermen, going to a lake or river with a fishing rod, slander various conspiracies on their gear. With some of them, we invite readers to familiarize themselves.

1. Arriving ashore, they read the slander three times:

“Perches, catfish, pikes and carp! Come to me, against fast water! Don't turn around, don't look back. Come to me, the servant of God (name), and at the evening dawn, and at the morning, and on a clear day, and on a dark night! Key, lock, tongue. Amen. Amen. Amen"

As soon as you catch the first fish, you should release it back into the water - this way you appease the water spirit and ensure yourself a good bite.

2. Putting a worm on a hook and spitting on it, for successful fishing they say the following:

“Worm, go into the water, bring a fish to me! Large lines and crucian carp, a pound in weight, a yard in length. And let the small fish swim past, don’t go on the hook!

3. If fishing is supposed to be for bread, then it is spoken with these words:

“Silver fish, deep fish!
Come to me, servant of God (name),
I'll put you in a cauldron, but I'll cook soup.
The fish swim on the bread crumb,
And good luck fishing!
Come to me soon -
I will feed you delicious food!”

The conspiracy to read once, the smallest fish about put it on and take it with you on your next fishing trip. It will attract other fish to you.

4. Another conspiracy, read three times for each bait:

Sea fish, river fish!
Fresh fish, fluttering fish!
My bait is strong and strong:
Peck, fish, but pull, but pull to the very bottom!

Folk fishing signs.
For good fishing.
- If the morning turned out to be quiet, clear, with a little fog - be a good bite.
- If various living creatures - dogs, birds, etc. - runs, barks, flies and shows all kinds of activity, which means that the fish will also be well caught.
- Before dark, small things peck well at a depth of 4-5 meters (bream, silver bream, small ide and others) - which means that bream will come out at night, and fishing will be excellent. If there is no change from the evening - you can go home, there will be no good bite at night.
- Late in the evening bleak rushes about in the light of a lantern around the boat - wait for the bream to come out.

Signs indicating a bad bite.
- Strong wind blowing in the direction of the current;
-flood, any water gain;
- Prolonged inclement weather.

Some superstitions

- You can not count the caught fish.
- You can not wish good luck before fishing. If someone nevertheless wished you, you can not go fishing - you will not catch anything. If you wish "no tail, no scales," send him to hell.
- In no case do not take with you a snack prepared from fish in any combination, even exclude crab sticks.
- Do not show your trophy to anyone while fishing.
- A good mood will ensure a successful bite.
- You can’t gather for a long time, warning everyone a week in advance - fishing will be unsuccessful. It is better that the gathering takes place hastily, spontaneously - then the bite is guaranteed!
- If you are stopped by the traffic police inspector on the way to fishing, you will not be caught.
- Shoes should definitely be worn from the left foot - this applies not only to successful fishing, but also to successful business in general.
- After the first fish is caught - do not look back and around - you will scare away a good start!
- The first fish off the hook - it won't bite for a long time.
- If fishing did not work out from the very beginning: the fishing line got tangled, the hook caught on a snag, the tip of the rod broke - there will be no fishing!

Popular fishing aphorisms

Tragedy - went fishing, but forgot to take vodka!

Winter fishing in the spring is the cheapest type of diving.

A good fisherman must have nerves of steel and a cast-iron bottom.

Here is a paradox for you: the river is knee-deep, and the fish are up to ...!

Scientists have discovered a new species of fish - bastard fish. Not caught and that's it!

Better a bad day fishing than a good day at work.

If the fish had a beak, it would peck!

Here was the fish before - you won’t go into the river without panties!

Ukrainians have a national dish - stuffed peppers, Jews - stuffed fish, and Russians - stuffed cellophane, called "sausages".

Good luck with your bite!

It has long been known that fishermen are too superstitious people, like all gambling people. What kind of rituals and traditions they do not have to get the fish. And the wife should be avoided in the morning, and spit on the worm, and talk with the fish ... In short, in order for the fishing to be effective and you could return home with the catch, you need to know the signs - good and bad. In the case of the former, it is necessary to pull out a larger cage, and after the latter, you can no doubt return home to inspect dreams. Do you believe in omens?

We have already mentioned the very first superstition, it is used even by the most novice fisherman: spit on the bait for a good bite. This sign is passed down from generation to generation and everyone unconditionally believes in it. And we believe. Although if every time there was a good bite, then there would be no fish left in the rivers.

Bad omens and how to deprive them of strength

If a fisherman wants a good catch, then from practice (every fisherman will confirm from personal experience) - there will be no good fishing.

Everything is scientific here - Murphy's law in action. Do you know what kind of law this is? It sounds like this: if any trouble can happen, then it will definitely happen. A particular example is the law of a sandwich, which almost always falls tastiest on the bottom. Therefore, fishermen go fishing at dawn, so that no one meets them on the way and wishes them a good catch. And you thought - by the morning dawn, right?

But with the development of progress, another danger appeared to receive such a wish even without a personal meeting - a mobile phone. In some incomprehensible way, these unfriendly people in their souls feel that you are just about to cast a bait and then - a call with such a harmless question: “Where did you go at 5 in the morning? Isn't it for fishing? I envy! Well, have a good catch." And that's it - fishing is kirdyk, the fish clogs into holes and flatly refuses to even try the delicious porridge with moving worms.

Therefore, the mobile phone must be turned off - this is an antidote of the same level as going fishing in a roundabout way, avoiding meeting with acquaintances.

Another true sign from this category is popular: if someone remembers the scales in the evening before fishing, that's it, the failure of the idea is guaranteed. Especially vicious is the spell “bring at least scales” - then there will be no pecking at all. And if the fisherman still brings a good catch, then it’s just that he was very lucky that day, but this happens only once in a lifetime. Wives who don’t want to let their husbands go fishing like to use this method - they start a song in the evening: clean the fish again, everything will be in scales again ...

Although others say just the opposite (very lazy, probably) - you can’t have sex, and even more so washing dishes for a man - crucian carp will laugh. Here, it seems, it is necessary to conduct a scientific study and check everything on personal experience. Subscribe later.

Video fun fishing

A selection of funny situations

Winter fishing in Russian