What does the number 1 mean in a person's life. The number one, the meaning of the number in numerology. The value of the unit in human relations

UNIT- Absolute, one God, potentiality, isolation, creativity, impenetrability, unpredictability. Unit is the beginning of the cycle. Creation began with her, she has dynamics. This figure is characterized by energy, strength and authority.

Comment: unit symbolizes the unmanifested creative principle, closed within itself. This closure is immanent to it, in contrast to the closure of the triple. This, for example, is the solitude of a thought ripening within itself, which does not need anything but complete solitude; it is a seed, a germ, a potential for future manifestation of any kind. The unit is absolutely impenetrable, it is a black box from which something can happen over time, but it is impossible to look inside it.


number one- it is a potential reality, in particular, potential thought and potential energy; they can be released in any form, and it is impossible to determine it in advance.

Manifestations units at a low level, one can imagine it as freedom and the energy of evil, that is, active involutionary and chaotic principles, more precisely, what feeds their creativity. The latter, however, is predominantly secondary in relation to the higher manifestations of the unity (creativity of good), that is, usually evil repeats the ideas of good in a reduced, profane form, using, however, all sorts of additional tricks. Nevertheless, regardless of the level, the unit always has all its qualities, including impenetrability and unpredictability, so that even a high spiritual hierarch is not able to accurately foresee the intrigues of the smallest imp.

Unit symbolizes the Absolute as a universal generative creative principle and each of its images in any plan of the Universe, that is, the initial moment of any process of creativity and the birth of a new one. The unit stands above the artist, laying out brushes in front of the easel, and the educator, introducing the truth into children's souls - neither one nor the other, and no one in the world knows what will happen as a result, but at some point there is an initiation to the Absolute, or On the contrary, we can assume that here the Absolute models (recreates) Itself in local conditions.

By the look unit mysterious, full of meaning, closed, as if outside of time and space, as if having its own existence.


Unit- the number is independent, innovative, self-willed, controlling undertakings: it is the energy of Aries. A person with this number has a goal, waits for results and is impatient in their use. Such people meet difficulties with courage and self-confidence and are often categorical. They are determined people who take the initiative. So if you are close to the owner of the unit, then you can give him the leadership: most likely he will lead you.

Unit controlled sun and astrological sign lion. In a positive sense, the unit is impressionable, creative, romantic and full of enthusiasm. On the negative side, the One is self-centered, arrogant and selfish.

These people are attracted to specialties that require high intellectual abilities to master. But even having found their place in the area that they like, they prefer not to remain in the shadows here, but to ascend to the pedestal. Any legal adviser with birth number 1 secretly wants to become a judge, a doctor - a professor in a fashionable clinic, actors and actresses - directors.

If you were born with number 1, remember, not everyone is destined to be on Olympus. And yet, most of you succeed through determination. If there is none, there is not enough perseverance and there is a fear of command positions, then the harsh living conditions will teach you to move forward. But if you still remain in the backyard of life, then you are weak-willed, indecisive, and simply lazy.

Both psychologists and numerologists note that yellow preferred by someone who is confident in his own importance and seeks to impress others. Such a person is always ambitious. Therefore, the yellow color appeals to people with vibration number 1. For those who feel that this is not their color, golden and light brown shades will suit.

Yellow symbolizes the typical born with One character traits, and therefore others adequately respond to it. Some frustrated or dissatisfied people subconsciously avoid the color yellow, but make a mistake. Yellow is a talisman that promises a wonderful future. It instills in a person hope and determination to overcome all obstacles.

Because, by Pythagoras, the unit is the head of the family of numbers (father), then men and women with the vibration of this number are usually loving parents. They are especially concerned about the preservation of the family as dynasties. Hence the birth of a child is an event that is celebrated not only because it is a joy in the house, but also because the continuity of generations in the family is ensured.

People with 1 as date of birth are likely to be very caring parents. They form close contact with children, over the years the union is strengthened and withstands all tests. Given that these people seek to command, they should be prudent so as not to suppress the will of the child, even because of their great love for him.

Children with birth number 1

parents of children, born since 1, should pay special attention to ensuring that the character traits of their children are balanced. Already at an early age, these children show independence; in adolescence and youth, they often retire, shun their peers, avoid communication with them.

The company of elders is preferred. This is fraught with the fact that such children will become precocious. Therefore, their contact with other children should be encouraged. Isolation from peers can turn into big problems later, when recent teenagers are faced with the task of finding their place.

As soon as the ice melts in their relationship with other children, such children immediately show domineering manners, trying to take over their peers. Parents should stop possible conflicts, which otherwise can lead their child to depression or aggressive behavior - if they can not win over those who do not like to obey someone else's will.

children with number one must learn to assert themselves in society without hurting the pride of others. This is the best guarantee that the future child's predisposition to be a leader will be fully realized.

If a child with number one as date of birth not everything goes well at school, you can’t endlessly scold him for it. born with 1 they are looking for and finding their own way in life. Any attempts to interfere with their intentions, direct them in a different direction will lead to nothing or, most likely, will give the opposite result. Nevertheless, manifestations of laziness or carelessness must be nipped in the bud.

Every number in numerology has its own meaning. The number 1 in numerology characterizes an ambitious and self-centered person. He has well-developed qualities of a leader, he has willpower and a strong character. Such people are energetic by nature and have creative abilities.

If you calculated the date of your birth or the date of birth of your friends and found one, this means that your company has a leader. The main difficulty for people at number one is communication with people. Because of their excessive selfishness and arrogance, they greatly complicate their existence. They have a hard time developing friendships and love relationships.

Therefore, they can have not one, but several marriages. And in the end, they can completely be left alone with themselves. The only thing that can be advised to them is to be more tolerant of the second half and take it easier on what is happening around. A feature of people whose date of birth coincides with one is the lack of desire to pay attention to the people around them. From the outside it seems that such a person is cold and callous to others.

It is difficult for him to find a compromise when communicating with people. Most often, the number one can be found among journalists and lawyers. They enjoy participating in scandalous situations, defending and defending someone's interests.

"Units" patronizes the Sun and gives them confidence

Characteristics of a person at number 1

People whose date of birth coincides with the number one are called upon to always be in the spotlight. This person accepts to be in the background and will not tolerate standing on the sidelines. They are ruled by the Sun. It is this that gives them confidence and is by no means the least important in their lives.


The dignity of such people can rightfully be considered their desire for a goal. They bravely endure sorrows and hardships and always maintain a good mood. By nature, such people are very risky. In any situation, they do not lose heart, they enjoy life. They most often choose professions in the field of art. These are inventors. They are used to always innovating and never sitting still.

Number one people can always be distinguished in the crowd. Number One is bright and individual, always striving to be the best. This is manifested both in the manner of dressing and in their behavior. Nature has endowed people with this date of birth with leadership qualities. They make excellent leaders who are able to manage a huge number of people. With their individuality, they can attract others to them. In life, they are optimists and charge everything around with their positive. Never follow the rules and restrictions.


Number one also has its drawbacks. They do not consult with anyone, they make important decisions alone. They can't stand it when they are approached with advice. In business, they are direct and most often impulsive. Such people make important decisions in accordance with their thoughts and do not trust the mind. They are not used to working in a team, as they are used to being leaders everywhere. They have great chances for fame and success. On the way to success, excessive pride can interfere with them.

Some of them become true dictators and manipulate people. Such qualities can interfere with a person in a leadership position. Their straightforwardness goes off scale, which cannot but affect the relationship with the second half. For them, love is not a serious feeling, it occupies one of the last places in life. They do not like romantic relationships and serious feelings. In the first place they have a career, it is very important. In the family, they need a sensitive partner who is able to understand him.

  • Avoid being pessimistic and despondent. This can make you depressed.
  • Try to diversify your life, then your life will be filled with colors.
  • Travel, visit various exhibitions, go to the cinema.
  • Go out into nature more often, recharge your batteries.
  • Take up an active sport. Sport is essential in your life.
  • Wear stones (both precious and semi-precious) only in shades of yellow. From metals, give preference to products made of gold. The color of clothes choose yellow, orange and golden hues.
  • Pay attention to your health. Pay special attention to the heart and eyes. They are especially vulnerable to you.

Child born under the number 1

If you determined by the date of birth of your child that his number is one, this means that your child is a leader. Of particular importance for children under the number 1 should be given to the balance of his character. From an early age, such children try to prove themselves as a person. They avoid group communication with other children, try to find solitude.

Very important for these children can be considered communication with their peers. If you do not attach great importance to this, do not guide him, your child can grow up quickly. He is not interested in interacting with peers. He is more interested in communication with older children, which can negatively affect his development.

Parents need to learn how to guide their children. If a child shows excessive aggression or commands his peers, this means that you need to strengthen control over the child. Such actions are necessary to prevent dictatorial tendencies in your child. Explain to him how to behave in a circle of friends, talk to him. Make a child a personality, don't break it. And then he will be able to express himself to the fullest.

The whole system of numerology is based on single-digit numbers from 1 to 9, with the exception of two-digit numbers with a special meaning. Therefore, doing all the calculations is quite simple, you just need to correctly subtract and add based on the numbers included in your date of birth. All letters of the name also have a corresponding digital equivalent or number. It usually depends on where the letter is in the alphabet. For example, A-1.B-2,C-3, etc.

Numbers are archetypes. The meaning of numbers in numerology reflects the individual qualities of the person in question, but only for each person the set of qualities has a different ratio. Each number is an archetypal quality. Numbers are very similar to people and sometimes it is very difficult to put together all the qualities that a number has and analyze them. Even the symbols themselves and the spelling of the numbers sometimes speak volumes about the meaning of the numbers and what qualities they represent.

It looks like a pillar and means leadership, strength and independence. It is also a symbol of various undertakings, innovation, exceptional individuality. It encourages not to think, but to act immediately. Well versed in what is good and what is bad. Denotes energy, striving towards fate. Instigator.
Number 2

Means sensitivity, diplomacy and softness, and also has good flexibility and resilience. Symbolizes sophistication and femininity. Indicates a love of music and sophistication. Avoids all confrontation, but gives strength to advance.
Number 3

Means skill, self-expression, inspiration, enthusiasm. It symbolizes the desire to seem to enclose everyone in its arms in this world. It is considered a very lucky and lucky number. Expresses optimism and enthusiasm. He enjoys life and perceives everything easily.
Number 4

Means rigor and pragmatism, being a support for all other figures and reliability. It is the most moving number. Possesses wit and unusual perception of the world. Does not tolerate change. Strongly tied to tradition. Characterized by honesty and authority.
Number 5

It is the most dynamic figure, open to everything new and unknown. Symbolizes the innate ability to trade and administration. It is characterized by courage and craving for various adventures and adventures.
Number 6

The most loving number. It means readiness to go on self-sacrifice and motherhood. Harmoniously combined with all other figures. Able to stand up for the weak and humiliated. Outwardly artistic and talented.
Number 7

Means a thinker and a recluse, seeking the truth, and holding out a hand with a lamp, dispelling the darkness. It is characterized by deep knowledge and wisdom, as well as intuition and understanding. Closeness in itself and surrender of their positions. Loneliness and contemplationNumber 8

It means balance between the spiritual and material world, being a symbol of the infinity of being, the transition from one world to another. Characterized by the ability to use money as a tool. It has the power and ability to see through everything, and also indicates a wide mind.
Number 9

Ends a cycle. It looks like the number 6, but the love in it is for the whole world. The most humanistic number. It is characterized by boundless consciousness, genius and creativity. Possesses nobility and aristocracy.

The number one in mathematics means the beginning of counting, but what about in other sciences? What does the number 1 mean in numerology? Researchers note the aspect that the number one in numerology is symbolically the beginning of something Great, it symbolizes success and victory. If this number is present in a person's life, it is safe to say that he is successful. But how can a unit affect the formation of character, what abilities can such a person have? We will deal with these questions in this article.

What does the number 1 mean in numerology and how does the unit affect the life and destiny of a person.

Scientists pay attention to this number, trying to fully understand its essence. In a person's life, it can have both a positive and a negative meaning. But it affects men and women differently. What does 1 mean in numerology: this number characterizes a strong and independent personality, able to cope with any situation. Purposefulness and perseverance helps such people achieve success and victories.

What does the number one mean in numerology, a characteristic of the people in whose lives it is present.

  • These people may have health problems. Pay attention to what you eat. You need to give up bad habits, go in for sports.
  • Try not to borrow money, and do not forget about debts yourself. In the evening, it is better not to solve financial issues. Wait for the morning, then everything will be decided, of course.
  • If everything is done correctly, then the unit will lead a person to success. Sufficiently strong people with a confident life position. Used to being the center of attention. Leadership abilities can be traced from an early age. Such children, when communicating with peers, try to attract as much attention as possible to themselves. In the class, they are the prefects, perhaps for several years.
  • Such people cannot sit in one place for a long time, they are constantly moving, improving, striving to conquer the peaks. Their thinking is unconventional. Often people around them treat them with apprehension. They are versatile by nature. Preference is given to the study of the exact sciences.
  • They are independent in making decisions, have sufficient willpower. Failures and defeats are taken to heart, analyzing the situation. They cope with problems on their own, rarely ask for help, rely only on themselves.
  • They are able to defend their point of view, citing weighty arguments;
  • The mood is changeable. Now they are laughing and enjoying life, and in five minutes they are screaming at the top of their lungs. It is almost impossible to hide your emotions from others. On the basis of this, disputes arise. With their cynicism, they humiliate loved ones, they do not try to ask for forgiveness. Difficult, almost impossible to get over yourself.
  • Listening and hearing are not always able. They stick to their point of view even when they know they are wrong. It can be almost impossible to prove it to them, they will still consider themselves ideal.
  • Sometimes they ask for compliments, they like to demonstrate their superiority over people. Unexpected gifts are accepted with joy. They themselves are quite scarce for gifts, sometimes because of their greed they do not attend events, preferring to stay at home.
  • In the team, relations are tense, conflicts often occur. This is primarily due to the fact that it is difficult for such people to come to a compromise. They go confidently towards their goal, they can go over their heads. Nothing stops them on their way to success. Ready to do anything for their own benefit. One can expect betrayal from such people.

1 in a woman's life

For a woman, the presence of a unit indicates that she has leadership qualities and can take on all the traditionally “male” responsibilities. But in the upbringing of children, pay attention to the fact that they need your affection. If they are brought up in severity, then in the future they will treat you rudely. 1 in numerology, the meaning of the number indicates that you often have conflicts within the family. Children love, respect such a mother, but a feeling of fear haunts them, and they leave the family nest early.

Talents hidden in a unit

People with destiny number 1 in numerology are very talented and can succeed in many areas.

  • What does the number 1 mean in numerology - those people in whose lives it is present are quite subtle psychologists by nature. It is not difficult for them to recognize a person in a matter of minutes. Sometimes they use it for their own selfish interests. It is almost impossible to influence them.
  • They prefer creative professions. They draw beautifully, understand music, write poetry and prose. It is easier for them to do mental work than physical work. Physical labor is like hard labor for these individuals. In addition, such people often devote themselves to science, achieving good results in this area.
  • If a person in whose life the number one is present? opens a business, then success awaits him here. It just takes a little effort. There are many envious people around them who try to hurt more painfully. They are just waiting for a person to stumble and make a mistake. You need to be careful, there are such people among your friends.
  • If it is not possible to open their own business, then they prefer to occupy leadership positions. With subordinates often behave aggressively, feeling their superiority. It happens that colleagues experience fear, being next to such a boss. You need to learn to find a common language with others, listen to their opinion. Then many problems can be avoided.
  • They try not to share their secrets, if only with relatives, and then this is extremely rare. They try to hide emotions from others, although this is not always possible. Close people are treated with understanding and sympathy, ready to help at any time.
  • True, due to employment, they rarely visit their parents, preferring to talk with them only by phone. Remember, life is too short, it can end suddenly. In order not to regret in the future, pay more attention to your mother and father, come to them for no reason, give pleasant little things. It doesn't cost you anything, but what happiness it is for them.
  • In the family, try to raise children, make them real people who can be proud of;
  • Spend more time with friends. These people have few of them, but there are a couple. They are accustomed to accepting you as such and do not try to correct you. Plan a joint vacation, go to the mountains, arrange field trips.

Personal relationships of people with "1"

What does a unit mean in numerology in terms of a person's personal relationships?

  • To representatives of the opposite sex, such people are demanding. They try to build the perfect relationship from their point of view.
  • Appearance is important to them. Although each of us understands, “do not drink water from your face”.
  • In addition, the chosen one must be smart. In search of the ideal, they are often alone.
  • Their novels start quickly, but also quickly end. Falling in love is extremely rare.
  • Of particular importance in choosing a partner is the close environment of a person. If parents or friends do not accept a soul mate, then such a novel will not continue.
  • They do not perceive criticism, it causes them strong anger and aggression. After that, most often they close in on themselves, they do not make contact.
  • Offense cannot be forgiven for a long time. Even if you manage to do this, at every opportunity you will be reminded of this.
  • They cope with problems on their own, they are not used to shifting them to others. They fill bumps, but confidently move on to their dream.
  • Such people are very clean. They do not tolerate disorder both at home and at work. They make sure that the order is observed by those around them. Often this irritates society.
  • At any free moment, they begin to wipe the dust, wash the floors. Often, conflicts arise on this basis. They are trying to accustom their loved ones to this. The truth is, it doesn't always work out. Children from an early age are taught to be clean and tidy.
  • Thanks to determination, such people achieve their goals without making any effort. They can achieve gratitude, although this often happens after they leave. Let the difficult and sometimes unbearable character, emotions overflow. Society sometimes underestimates them, treats them lightly. But then those who rejected them earlier proudly declare that they are familiar with such people.
  • The inner world of such people is quite fragile, although in public they behave confidently, do not show their feelings.

Due to their difficult nature and emotional outbursts, such people are often left alone. At such moments, it seems that the world is against them. Friends are moving away, relatives are tired of listening to reproaches addressed to them. It's time to think about your behavior.

Analyze your actions, are you doing everything right? Look at yourself from the other side, start changing. Learn to listen to your loved ones. Then the attitude towards you will be different.

If you managed to find "your" person, appreciate and respect him. Pay more attention, give unexpected surprises, please with little things. Then the marriage will be long and strong. In the family you will find support and support, which is sometimes so lacking. The second half will become your true friend. You can create a joint business that will be successful. Do not arrange scenes of jealousy from scratch, do not wind yourself up over trifles. If such people’s marriage breaks up, then they prefer to spend the rest of their lives alone, they don’t let anyone near them anymore, so as not to be disappointed in people.


Summing up, we can say that, first of all, such people need to look at how they behave in various situations. When a person succeeds, it is certainly good. But do not infringe on the interests of others for your own benefit. If you want to be happy, be like that, you shouldn’t ruin your life and those around you with your suspicions.

Video "Destiny Number 1"

The numerology of the number 1 is characteristic of a born leader. This number is characterized by courage, initiative, a creative approach to life and problem solving. This is the number of brave people who are used to playing the main role and leading others.

The number of Destiny, or otherwise, the number of the life path, we get by summing up the numbers of the date, month and year of our birth. So, for a person born on April 20, 1980, the path number will be 6: 2+0+0+4+1+9+8+0=24=2+4=6.

The Destiny and Path Number shows your nature, your abilities and features - everything you need to fulfill your destiny on Earth.

Numerology of the number 1 - the spiritual sphere of the unit

Big things start with a numerological unit. The number one brings success. For him there are no barriers, unless the unit itself builds them in front of itself. Gambling, passion for research make people with birth number 1 in numerology discover opportunities and new horizons in any field of activity. Over time, these discoveries and paths become the prototype and the norm for everyone.

Accomplishments in art, feats in religion took place under the sign of the number 1. This number is present in the names of many spiritual leaders and teachers. The aspirations of a unit are to do something that no one has done before. And it deserves love and deep respect. These people strive to change, and really change the world for the better.

What does the number 1 mean in numerology - positive and negative factors

The unit has significant advantages:

  1. bravery
  2. masculinity
  3. principles and uncompromising
  4. unyielding convictions
  5. patience
  6. stamina
  7. constancy
  8. pedantry
  9. cleanliness
  10. love for order

Add to the owner of the unit such qualities as determination, responsibility, energy, and you will get a leader who knows how to lead and inspire others.

The birth number 1 in numerology determines the initiative, organizational skills and independence of the individual. These qualities help people, characterized by the number One, solve difficult life tasks and get out of difficult situations with the least loss.

Not the last place in the character of the unit is occupied by originality, freshness and originality of creative thinking. And extraordinary willpower helps to achieve set life goals.

The value of the number 1 in numerology also has its weak qualities. These disadvantages often become a serious obstacle to the success and self-realization of a person with the number 1 in the aggregate of their personal qualities and characteristics. Unfortunately, the temperament of the unit is characterized by aggressiveness, cynicism and a tendency to command others.

  • Frequent mood swings. It can change from very good to very bad literally in a matter of moments, which can be regarded not only as a peculiarity of temperament, but also as an instability of the psyche of a person with a personal number of 1.
  • Stubbornness, self-will and bitterness. "Units" are often intractable and stingy. Moreover, such behavior may not be justified at all, but caused simply by a fleeting whim.
  • Numerology also warns that for number 1 by date of birth inherent desire to suppress others.
  • With this kind of positive qualities of people born under the influence of the number 1, like patience and perseverance, there is such a side of the personality as uncompromisingness, which, unfortunately, often develops into tyranny.
  • Selfishness and boastfulness also do not adorn the birth number 1 in numerology.

You can balance the pros and cons of a unit with the help of colors. Number 1 suits lilac, apricot, copper and fiery colors.

The meaning of the number 1 in numerology - the abilities hidden in the unit

What does number 1 in numerology, and how do its meanings manifest themselves when a person has to choose a path in life? People with this number in fate are often trendsetters and authors of new trends. Often they choose creative professions, or the path of science. Become engineers. Teaching is one of the number 1 talents.

If you calculated your number in numerology, and it turned out that you were born with a unit, you should know that people with this number are thinkers and philosophers, as well as professionals in their chosen field. They rarely become "plowmen", this, in general, is not their lot. Physical labor is considered something low, usually they create their own business, which is most often successful.

If there is no business, then people with the name number 1 become officials, managers or directors. They manage without following other people's advice, because of which they can miss something really important. Their projects and initiatives serve the individual and the common good. People with personal number 1, as a rule, good friends and interesting interlocutors with a great sense of humor.

Numerology of number 1 by date of birth is a good potential for a person

Persons with the name number 1 have almost unlimited reserves. They are simply attracted by the world of business and creativity. Without them, the process of modernization, improvement of certain areas of professionalism and life is not complete.

At the very beginning of their life journey, people with the numerology of the number 1 are often quite reserved and callous. And this can prevent them from getting into the clip, adapting to the main direction of movement. Unrealized opportunities accumulate in these people precisely because of modesty, phlegm, restraint. There are also situations when a person is thrown from side to side, without finishing one thing to the end, he takes on another. Over time, this passes.

But, in the future, successfully starting new projects, for their successful completion, these people need the support of relatives, friends and colleagues.

Compatibility of people with the number 1 - personal relationships

For these people, individuality is of the utmost importance. They do not like to make new acquaintances, preferring the circle of old friends. For the most part, they are too demanding of the opposite sex.

Calculate your number in numerology, and if it turns out that the number of your name is 1, it will become clear to you why you do not tolerate banality, gravitate towards beauty and strong character. Singles sometimes have to wait quite a long time to find their soul mate.

Unity subjects need the approval of others. They love praise. Criticism, even just criticism, can be responded with anger, indignation, or coldness and cynicism. They can withdraw into themselves, go into absolute silence. For people with the number 1, it is very important not to feel worthless. They are trying to reach their potential, it is important for them to get into the nutrient medium. Otherwise, a deep and protracted depression may occur.

What is the compatibility of number 1, whom to find for relationships and marriage?

These people will be satisfied with a relationship with a kind and patient partner. At the same time, the satellite of the Unit must have a strong character and stand firmly on its feet.

Numerology of number 1 compatibility with other numbers

  • Compatibility 1 and 1 are compatible at the level of being, and nothing more. They can support each other, but they are not destined to become passionate partners.
  • Compatibility 1 and 2 - antagonists, the embodiment of the male and female principles. However, there is no ideal in relationships, because the powerful One suppresses the compliant Two.
  • Compatibility 1 and 3 - there is a danger that the selfish Three in marriage and business partnership will exploit the Unit, guided by personal gain. However, in general, their cooperation is fruitful.
  • Compatibility 1 and 4 - The relationship between the numbers 1 and 4 can be described as interesting, very confusing and versatile. They are adversaries, but the One is attractive to hostile numbers, and in principle, they may well exist together. But, the benefits of such an alliance are enjoyed exclusively by the Fours.
  • Compatibility 1 and 5 - Representatives of both numbers have much in common, but there are insurmountable obstacles between them. Harmonious relationships are possible between woman 1 and man 5, but not vice versa. Thanks to their organization, the Five helps the One achieve victories and wealth.
  • Compatibility 1 and 6 - People with numbers 1 and 6 are completely different. Male units are arrogant and picky for women with the number 6. And the frivolity of men 6 is not consistent with the strict morality of women 1. They can become colleagues, but not spouses.
  • Compatibility 1 and 7 - Union with the Seven is successful for everyone. People of the number 7 are creative, with a rich inner world, which delights prudent Units who seek to translate fantasies into reality.
  • Compatibility 1 and 8 - Representatives of this pair are attracted according to the principle of contrast, in detail how darkness gravitates towards light and vice versa. Men with the number 1 are attracted by the secret of an intimate relationship with women 8.
  • Compatibility 1 and 9 - Nine - the most harmonious combination for the Unit. Number 9 shares its positive energy, and 1 gives 9 confidence and good luck.