What does the color of your aura mean? Orange and yellow aura - sunny shades of the subtle body

Each person without exception has a unique energy field - an aura. Its color depends on personal qualities, mood and health. Experts in the field of esotericism determine the state of health by the color of the aura and even diagnose individual diseases.

The saturation of the color field of the aura is significantly reduced before death or in case of serious illness, sometimes you can even observe how it disappears completely 2-3 days before death. The color spectrum of the aura speaks volumes. By the saturation of certain colors in it, you can judge the character, as well as find out exactly what emotions are experienced most often.

The aura has one interesting feature, its primary colors are unchanged throughout life. Her color palette is like fingerprints. Depending on some factors, certain shades may appear in it, but its general background is always unchanged.

Determine the color

You can determine the color of the aura without visiting psychics and mediums. In most cases, you can even do it yourself. In this case, two options are possible. The first is to use specially developed techniques. The second is to make a psychological portrait and judge the color of the aura on the basis of it.

The choice of one or another approach to the definition of color depends on the goal pursued. If you are simply driven by curiosity, then you can limit yourself to drawing up a psychological portrait. Also, for this case, there are special tests, after passing which it will be possible to draw a conclusion about the color of the aura.

If the main goal of color determination is the diagnosis and treatment of diseases, the approach should be somewhat different. To do this, you need not just to see the energy field, but to understand its essence. There are several basic methods for determining the color of the aura.

visual method

This is the easiest and most affordable method for determining color. It will require complete privacy and twilight. For example, you can lock yourself in a room and lower the curtains there, or you can just wait for the evening with natural twilight. The main thing is that nothing distracts.

Also, in the chosen place it should be quiet, the phone must be turned off. Its loud sound will disrupt the whole process of concentration, and it is quite difficult to return to the previous state.

For convenience, you can sit on your favorite sofa or chair. Any of their hands are placed in such a way that it is comfortable to look at. In this case, the angle should be changed. You should look, then straight, then at an angle, then with peripheral vision. For greater efficiency, they also change the distance of the hand, then bring it closer, then move it away.

After a while, a subtle fog appears in the area of ​​\u200b\u200bthe fingers. Anyone who encounters this for the first time may think that this is a simple optical illusion. But if at this moment you look at the second hand, the picture will not change.

To finally make sure that this is not a hallucination or a mind game, you need to move your fingers. If subtle thin threads are visible between them, then this is indeed a bioenergetic field.

Those inexperienced in this matter at first distinguish only a slight silvery glow, but if you constantly practice this method, you can eventually learn to identify other colors.

inner vision

This method, like the previous one, provides for complete privacy. But now we still have to use natural natural energy. To do this, you need to go to the nearest forest. In the absence of such an opportunity, trees in the country house or garden are also quite suitable.

First, at the chosen place, you need to try to relax. To do this, just listen to the sounds of nature: the singing of birds, the rustle of grass, the noise of leaves. You need to close your eyes and imagine in your mind how your body seems to merge with nature. At the same time, there will be a feeling of unusual lightness and unity with the outside world. The main thing at this moment is not to lose your individual awareness. Close your eyes and imagine what your inner self looks like, what emotions and feelings overwhelm you at this moment.

Try to concentrate and consider what color your whole being is. First, various colored stains and flashes will begin to appear before your eyes. But gradually you will highlight the color that appears most often. It is the main color of your aura.

If, upon perception, it is pleasant for you and does not cause internal disagreements, then everything is fine, your aura is in good condition. But if the color is unpleasant or irritating, you have internal disagreements or health problems.

At this moment, you can also additionally clean the aura from various energy debris. To do this, you need to imagine that you inhale the crystal clear mountain air surrounded by a warm pleasant glow, that it enters inside you and stays there, and as you exhale, you spew black clubs that immediately leave you, carried away into the distance, freeing you from everything that is not good. and negative.

With the help of a mirror

For this method, you will need a large mirror and a white background. You will need to stand at least half a meter from the mirror, while there must be a white background behind you. At the same time, you need to try to relax as much as possible and renounce the outside world. Light rocking from side to side can help with this. Your attention should be focused on the background behind.

After a while, you will begin to perceive a subtle energy sheath around the contours of the body. During swaying movements, it will move with you. In this case, the specified respiratory rhythm should be observed.

To make the aura look as distinct as possible, the lighting in the room should be diffused, but not completely dim. Don't be upset if you can't see it the first time. You just need to experiment with the level of illumination. The light should not be too bright, but not too dim, you need to try to find a middle ground.

How to see the aura of another person

Seeing the aura of another is much easier than seeing your own. To do this, the selected person is placed at a distance of 40-50 cm from the background of the white wall. Colored walls and walls with patterns will not work. They will distract and interfere with concentration. Lighting is best used natural daylight, but diffused. The distance to the person in question must be at least 2 meters.

You need to look past him, while trying to concentrate the focus on the wall behind him. No need to be distracted by looking at patterns, plaster or the person himself. You need to concentrate on the border of the contours of a person and airspace. After some time, it is usually possible to discern a small, barely noticeable band of luminescence no more than 1 cm wide. This is the bioenergetic field.

Usually, an unprepared person cannot see the aura further. Most of the time, it has to do with it. That at some point we involuntarily shift our gaze to the person himself. Everyone's aura glow is different. For some, it can be seen the first time, while for others, even psychics can hardly distinguish it.

We use the date of birth

You can also determine the color of the aura with the help of such a science as numerology. This method is based on the main color of the aura, which does not change throughout life. According to this method, all numbers from the date of birth are summed up. For example, if you were born on 10.02. 1983 you need to act like this: 1+0+0+2+1+9+8+3=24. Now we summarize the resulting numbers: 2 + 4 = 6. The result is the number of your birth.

After you have recognized it, you will need a special table. In this case, the exceptions are the numbers 11 and 22. They are considered the highest and denote: 11-silver color, 22-gold.

Color matching table:

After the color is determined, it remains only to see its value.

In order for you to be able to see the biofield the first time, you need to follow the following simple tips:

  1. If you wear glasses, it is best to remove them before the session.
  2. The aura is best seen under fluorescent lighting, but diffused natural light is also fine. You can also use candlelight, but you need to make sure that they do not cast a shadow on the white background.
  3. If it doesn't work with one person, you should definitely try with another.
  4. It is also worth asking the object of observation to observe a certain rhythm of breathing. Let the subject of observation list the alphabet, while taking a deep breath every 2 letters. As soon as he reaches the letter “n”, the speed of listing letters and taking breaths should be increased. It is much easier to see the aura at such moments.
  5. For greater efficiency, you can also ask the observed person to make slight swaying movements from side to side.

The meanings of the primary colors of the aura

The main color of the aura cannot be right or wrong. Some colors and shades in it simply indicate the presence of certain emotions or health problems. But at the same time, a transparent aura with bright saturated colors is definitely better than dull and muddy colors.

In most cases, the physical body is surrounded by a bioenergetic field from all sides. But it is best seen in the head and shoulders. There, one primary color is most clearly visible, which at certain moments mixes with others.

All the colors that we manage to distinguish in the color spectrum of the aura have a different vibration frequency. That is why every person is unique in their own way. That is why we sometimes, without explaining an objective reason, feel disgust for someone or vice versa sympathy.


This color is characteristic of the owners of a cheerful good-natured character. People with an aura of this color are capable of experiencing very strong emotions. In life, they noticeably stand out from the general crowd, they always have a positive attitude. For them, it is best to choose the type of activity they like and relax as often as possible.

If the general red background of the aura looks cloudy, this indicates the need for changes in lifestyle. To eliminate the state of internal disharmony, they can be advised to go in for sports and spend more time in nature. When the path of life is chosen correctly, the color of the aura will become bright and even.


An aura of this color is characteristic of intellectually developed and creative people. They are able to create and change the world for the better. They also love to communicate. Such people are very sociable, they easily penetrate into the inner world of others, completely changing their awareness of the surrounding reality.

If the owners of the yellow aura are not aware of their capabilities, it means that they make some mistakes in life. With such a way of achieving inner harmony will not work. In this case, they need to learn to communicate, strive to be as open as possible, and also use their ability to persuade to the fullest.

Yellow aura is very common in teachers and politicians. In order to live in harmony with themselves, they need not take everything very close to their hearts and learn to bring to mind all the projects they have begun. Then they will be respected and appreciated.


Orange color indicates cheerfulness, good nature and the ability to care for others. If the owners of the orange aura are constantly experiencing pressure from the outside and oppression, then perhaps they should change some of their life beliefs. It is very important for them to understand the people around them and realize that they are useful.

They can realize themselves in various types of charity, even helping their work colleagues or relatives will significantly improve their condition. To become happy, they must accept themselves for who they really are, and also try to stick to their own way of life.


Natural natural color, meaning life. The owners of the green aura are characterized by sentimentality and sympathy for others. Therefore, they very often become victims of various swindlers and scammers. They need to learn to distinguish other people's characters.

People with a green aura are the exact opposite of those with a red aura. They can communicate only in the circle of their loved ones, they are also very reserved and very rarely show emotions. They are characterized by constancy and the complete absence of aggression. Such people are best realized in the profession of doctors or social workers.


The blue color of the aura indicates a tendency to teachings and instructions. Also, such people are very fond of traveling and seeking the truth. Carriers of the blue energy field are inclined to participate in various adventures, but at the same time they maintain absolute calmness and sobriety of thinking. They simply cannot exist without new experiences, but at the same time they need to ensure that their life does not turn into a continuous stress. It is very important for them sometimes to stop, relax and rationally use their bioenergetic resources.


The blue energy field is a propensity for humanitarianism and help. Such people are very often unconsciously sought after by those seeking protection and the weak. If this does not happen, there is a certain internal imbalance. It can be corrected by a more frequent manifestation of emotions and feelings. If at the same time always follow the call of the heart, then you can find the most real happiness.

Those with a blue aura need to learn to relax and make less demands on their environment and themselves. Their tendency to sentimentality and impulsiveness very often play a cruel joke with them. In their pursuit of the truth, they make mistakes.

Blue can have two meanings. It is characterized by both blue sky shades and dark blue color of thunderclouds. Therefore, its owners can both fall into a deep depression and ascend to the very heights of happiness. At the moment of such positive impulses, they are capable of much. To find harmony in life, the owners of the blue energy field must learn to control their internal state and, if possible, not refuse the help of friends and relatives.


Purple is a mystical color. Its owners have highly developed abilities for predictions. Also, most of them are highly spiritual personalities, showing an interest in esotericism and everything unusual. They are characterized by innate delicacy and closeness. They will never open their soul to anyone.

To achieve inner harmony, they must trust their surroundings more. The owners of the violet energy field very often become actors or writers. If they learn to live in harmony with the surrounding space, they will achieve a lot. In general, the owners of the violet aura are very, very rare.


A pink energy field accompanies those who love and know how to work. It is also characteristic of those who constantly care about their environment. When disagreements arise, "pinks" are very often too categorical and materialistic. But at the same time, they are very dependent on the people around them, as they cannot realize themselves in the field of life.

To create the life of their dreams, they just need to find an occupation for their liking, it will free them from the influence of life's routine. Also, taking care of loved ones will help them get distracted, you just need to overcome natural shyness and start acting. On the way to their goal, they need to learn to ignore criticism and follow their hearts.


Bronze is the color of determination, self-sacrifice and care. Its owners are very fond of helping the environment, but at the same time they try in every possible way to avoid constant duties and responsibilities. They are characterized by optimism, so in life they are most often happy, especially if most of their time is spent on leisure and their own hobbies. To achieve inner harmony, the owners of the bronze aura must learn to respect themselves.


The owners of the silver bioenergy field are most often humanists, idealists and dreamers. They have a very high spiritual level and a well-developed imagination. They are always distinguished by innate intuition and honesty. They are very careful in choosing their environment, but despite this, mistakes are not uncommon for them.

In order to maintain their life potential at the highest level, the owners of the silver aura must be clearly aware of their uniqueness and peculiarity. Otherwise, the aura becomes deathly gray. The ability to relax can help them in this. Also, in order to achieve inner harmony, the "silver" does not always have to be engaged in the implementation of all their ideas, you can just dream about it.


The golden color of the bioenergetic field is boundlessness and a large number of unique spiritual characteristics. To achieve happiness, such people need to constantly set goals for themselves and achieve their implementation. Also, this color is characterized by leadership and a very high level of responsibility. Before reaching new heights, they must definitely rest well and completely relax.

Meaning of the color of the bioenergetic field in separate layers

The human aura - consists of 7 separate bioenergetic layers. Each color has a specific meaning. Each of them has a specific purpose and refers to the corresponding chakra. The higher layers are very closely intertwined with the layers located below, capturing even the physical body.

Layer #1

The first layer of the aura, respectively, refers to the first chakra. It is closely associated with various physical sensations, such as pain or pleasure. It correlates with the autonomous functions of the body. It usually looks like a streaming gray light with blue flashes. Its final color depends on the attitude of the wearer. If in life a person openly shows emotions - the color is light blue. If the carrier is characterized by callousness and rigidity - gray.

Layer #2

The second layer is closely related to the emotional component of human existence. This is the so-called emotional body of a person. It does not have any specific color or shade. It is more like a rainbow cloud of light in motion. If the light is bright and clear. That person is in a state of peace of mind and comfort. Turbidity and dirt in the glow indicate negativity, doubts and inner turmoil. The chakras of this layer have the color of the energy around them.

Layer #3

The third layer of the human biofield or otherwise the mental body. Consists of a very subtle substance that is in close contact with thinking. In appearance, these are rays of yellow energy emanating from the head and shoulder area, surrounding the entire body. If a person is in thought, the layer expands its boundaries and begins to glow more intensely. The basis of the mental body is formed by thoughts and images.

Layer #4

The fourth layer or in another way the astral body. It has the same color as the second layer, with one small difference. It includes numerous shades of delicate pink. The chakras corresponding to this layer can be of very different colors, but with the obligatory inclusion of pink. The heart chakra, which is responsible for love, with sincere and deep relationships, is necessarily painted pink. Also, between lovers, sometimes you can even observe a kind of arc connecting their hearts.

Layer #5

The fifth layer or ethereal double. Connects a person with higher powers. It is like a kind of ethereal double of the physical body. This layer does not have any specific type, it is more like a kind of template with the silhouettes of organs.

Layer #6

The sixth layer or celestial body. It is the emotional component of spiritual life. It is thanks to him that people experience ecstasy during meditation. During the time, which is very clearly felt the connection with the common universe and the universe. Psychics see this layer as light in a delicate pastel hue. Also, it does not have any specific shape, it just somewhat resembles a candle flame.

Layer #7

The seventh layer or casual body. Symbolizes the balance of the spiritual and physical components. It is presented in the form of a golden pulsating glow of an ovoid shape.

It is also assumed that there are higher 8th and 9th layers in the human aura. They are referred to the layers of the cosmic plane. At the moment, they are practically not studied, so it is impossible to say with certainty what color they can be.

What determines the color changes of the biofield

Clairvoyants and psychics know very well that the shades of the aura can change periodically. Sometimes, one can observe how some shades replace others, and the general background either becomes brighter or dims. It depends on the combination of physical and spiritual components.

A harmoniously developed personality will have an aura like a rainbow, with very bright and saturated colors. But in today's stressful reality, not everyone succeeds in achieving such a spiritual balance.

All emotions and thoughts of a person during the day leave their mark on the color of the energy field. Even the respiratory rhythm is essential. Usually each of the experienced emotions has its own color.


Red color usually appears when a person is angry or annoyed. At the same time, if aggression is directed at a certain person, against the background of the aura, one can distinguish peculiar flashes and lightning. If the aggression is hidden, a slowly flaring scarlet spot can be discerned in the throat area. When anger is weakened, it gradually begins to fade and disappear. When, instead of weakening, the emotion begins to grow, the stain from the throat area moves to the back, and then to the heart. Anger gives the biofield a glow of rich red color with jagged edges and an uneven glow.


The gray color of the biofield indicates fear. At the same time, peculiar needles can even be distinguished on the aura. If envy or anger is added to fear, dirty green tones additionally appear. At the same time, the color appears most strongly in the head and shoulders area.


A pink glow in the chest area indicates the presence of love. Sometimes it is complemented by white and gold at the top of the head.

Not only emotions leave their mark on the color of the aura, the people with whom we have been in contact during the day are also able to influence the color of the biofield. Even food and drinks have an effect. The aura also reacts to plants, animals and the sun's rays.

There is even an opinion that clothing has a significant influence on the color of the biofield. That is why each of us subconsciously prefers certain colors in our wardrobe. Some clairvoyants even refuse to work with the aura through clothing. This is due to the fact that the colors of things greatly distort the natural color of energy. Neutral and pastel colors and those greatly muffle the colors of the biofield.

Sometimes it seems that you have already studied the possible colors and shades of the energy field quite well, but then you come across a photograph of a sick person, which is very surprising and excites the imagination. This is due to the fact that diseases always change the color of the biofield very quickly and strongly.

Pain in some part of the body greatly changes the color of the aura and gives it some specific shape. Protracted ailments add brown-gray colors to the energy field. A headache, for example, change the aura in the head. In terminally ill people, before death, the aura acquires a soft blue color, with sparks of silver flashing through.

With small inflammations of individual organs, dirty green spots appear on the surface of the aura. But from the infection, gaps of orange or scarlet color remain.

The most interesting thing about changing the colors of the aura is that you can influence this process on your own. By the way, it helps in the development of psychic abilities and promotes healing and inner balance.

How to change the color yourself

There is a whole range of special exercises aimed at changing the color of the biofield:

  1. Visualization. The visualization method consists in constantly projecting the desired color of the aura onto yourself. Over time, your main color will begin to gradually change, but it will not be possible to consolidate the result for a long time. Also, some try to imagine themselves in a kind of energy cocoon of the desired shade. Some people find it helpful to mentally color themselves with paint of a certain color.
  2. The use of breath. With each exhalation of a person, the aura tends to expand. According to this technique, they begin to count from 1 to 30. At the same time, exhalation is made on each even number. After 20, the breath is held for a short time, then the countdown resumes, but at a more intense rhythm. This technique releases energy flows. As a result, the intensity of the colors of the aura increases greatly.
  3. Yoga. Yoga classes help improve movement. As a result, the rhythm of the vibrations of the energy field changes. In this case, the color of the energy component gradually acquires purple or green hues.
  4. Power adjustment. A change in diet also affects the colors of the aura. If the diet is dominated by meat and animal products, its color becomes less expressive.

The human aura is quite multifaceted. It has not yet been fully explored. Not so much is known about the influence of certain factors on the colors of the biofield as we would like. It is believed that each of us is born with three primary colors: gold, pink and blue. This is the most optimal and purest color ratio. Under the influence of the surrounding world and emotions, various shades begin to add to them, as a result, the biofield weakens. To prevent this, one must constantly strive for spiritual perfection and self-development.

The aura is not always visible in color. Many beginner mediums see it as wavy, flowing whitish streaks.
However, for the purpose of psychic "reading," many mediums turn on their mental television screen, so to speak, so that one can see the aura in all its variety of colors, passing one into another, and use these differences to determine the patient's condition.

Although it is possible to give a general description of the specific meanings of various colors and combinations, it must be said that the perception of these colors can be highly individual, and THERE ARE NO TWO MEDIUMS WHICH AT THE SAME MOMENT WILL SEE THE SAME SHADES IN THE AURA - PERCEPTION IS VERY INDIVIDUAL.

"AURO - CAMERA 6000"

In 1992, a special device for photographing the human aura, the Aura-Camera-6000, was manufactured in the USA.
A picture taken by the "Aura-camera-6000" allows you to look into the inner world of a person, get an idea about the characteristics of his psyche, emotional state, his qualities and problems. This is how long-forgotten knowledge about the aura, the structure of human energy, returns to us.
The camera of this unit is a conventional Polaroid snapshot camera that is built into the body. This housing contains ordinary colored electric bulbs that illuminate the Polaroid card during exposure. Light bulbs are connected to devices on which the palms of the hands rest.
These devices measure the resistance of the skin of the palms, and depending on this, they issue a command to one or another colored light bulb to illuminate the general picture of the client who put their palms on these devices.
When your hands come in contact with the sensors, information about the main auric colors is read, then the signal is sent to an electronic processor, which models the radiation halo, converts it into a color gamut and superimposes it on your photo.
The electronic analogue of the aura, which is visible on the usual "Polaroid" picture, corresponds to the human aura.
The vision of colors by psychoenergetics and senses always coincides with the colors in the photograph. The intensity of the glow does not always match, but this is natural, since the aura structure is dynamic and can change under the influence of emotions, thoughts, feelings, internal transformation of the personality, external influence

Aura snapshots are deciphered only in dynamics, so you need to have at least two snapshots. You need to take a picture while in a neutral psycho-emotional state. Only under this condition will the picture be objective, since the size and quality of the color of the aura can fluctuate depending on the emotions and thoughts overwhelmed by a person.
To study and interpret the states of the aura and a person from a photograph taken with this device, it is necessary to have several pictures. The information content of the photo is reduced due to its limited size and fuzzy structure. The main parameter that is interpreted in this case is the direction of the psyche and the level of development of consciousness. Due to the fragmentation of the photograph (only the head and shoulders are visible), it is very difficult to judge the full structure of the aura. In addition, it is quite difficult to judge the general condition of a person by highlighting the color. The color of the aura is not a constant category, besides, it is necessary to take into account the various shades, the purity of the color. The professionalism of the researcher plays a very important role in the interpretation of photographs.

Auras are in constant change, their colors and shapes change along with the thoughts and sensations of the individual. Also, sometimes colors fade and merge like in a rainbow, and it's often impossible to tell exactly where one color ends and another begins.



RED is the color of emotionality and vitality. Strong feelings of any kind, such as anger, fear, or love, are represented in red.
A person with a red aura has physical vitality, vigor, ambition, and also sexual power. Red - courage, activity, assertiveness.
RED LIGHT, gentle, bright color, pure red color indicates that a person is in love, full of energy, and vitality. In such an aura, red means physical activity, ambition, courage, joy.
SCARLET- "warns" about excessive self-confidence, that a person loves himself too much. This is the color of false pride, pride without reason. The scarlet color around the hips shows women who sell "love" for money.
BRIGHT RED with flashes - anger.
RED WITH BROWN- thirst for passion, propensity for violence.
BORDEAUX- indignation, sometimes sensuality.
DARK RED color is inherent in people with a lack of energy, physical and emotional fatigue; materialism. Dark red - malice, aggressiveness.
RED AURA WITH DARK SHADES OR BRIGHT FLASHES mean sudden anger, sometimes sudden and unmotivated. such a person usually has a lot of energy, but enough raw energy.
CRIMSON- sexuality and passion.
DIRTY RED with dark divorces speaks of the selfishness of a person, the ability to fall into a rage, greed for pleasure.
RED-ORANGE- desire to impress others, vitality.
DIM BRICK - RED people who are haughty, arrogant.
A clear red border or red tongues coming out of the organ show that the organ is in good health.
Assassins always have lower shades of red in their aura.
The lighter the red (lighter does not mean cleaner), the more nervous and unstable the person. Such people are very mobile, they cannot be at rest for more than a few seconds. As a rule, they are self-centered.
The red colors around the organs show their condition. A dull red color, especially with a brown tint, slowly pulsing from the organ, indicates cancer. It can be said that cancer has developed or is just beginning!
Spots, flashes of red on the jaw indicate toothache, rare ripples of dull brown in a halo indicate fear of the dentist.


Pink also belongs to the group of red flowers (do not confuse it with coral), it indicates immaturity. In adolescents, pink prevails over other shades of red.
PINK is the color of intuition and intense knowledge of the earth. Sometimes it is called "the color of planetary intuition." In adults, pink indicates infantilism and insecurity.
Pink tones - kindness, compassion for others, love.
PALE PINK - lack of ability to show oneself, shyness
BRIGHT PINK - human love for other beings at its highest stage


ORANGE - color primordially healing. Like the sun, which it symbolizes, it indicates the masculine principle or the masculine side of the feminine nature. When seen in the aura, it may indicate that the individual has strong healing abilities, or that the individual is in the process of physical growth or emotional self-healing.
A person with an orange aura has energy, health, physical endurance, and activity. He is constantly looking for change, open and optimistic. Pride can come from an overabundance of orange.
Orange (clean) - good health, kindness, the ability to feel other people, the internal respect of the interlocutor. Orange - emotions, sociability and openness, at the same time discipline and competence, the color of pride and ambition.
BRIGHT ORANGE - strong emotions, fun, optimism.
DARK ORANGE - indulgence, indicates low intelligence.
MUDDY ORANGE - irritability.
ORANGE-GREEN - a tendency to causticity, internal mockery, callousness of character. An orange color with a hint of green indicates that a person loves to quarrel for the sake of quarreling, and when you develop to such an extent that you can see shades of shades of colors, avoid quarreling with such people, because for them there is only white and black, they do not understand and they do not want to understand shades and semitones in anything, be it knowledge, opinion or color. People with greenish-orange in their aura argue endlessly just for the sake of arguing, not caring whether they are right or not, for them there is only arguing.


YELLOW is the color of the intellect, representing the process of change from the unconscious to the conscious. It involves changes and movements of all kinds, especially those that lead to purification and growth of the mind. Most often, yellow is seen as a halo or halo around the head.
A person with a yellow aura has such qualities as love, kindness, optimism, compassion.
Pure yellow - high intelligence, active friendliness, great creativity, expresses intellectual power.
BRIGHT YELLOW - high intelligence, willpower, cheerfulness. A person with bright yellow in the aura can be trusted completely.
YELLOW-RED - willpower, swiftness, determination, vitality.
LEMON YELLOW - clear mind.
MUSTARD YELLOW - deceit and dishonesty.
MUDDY YELLOW - lack of clarity of thoughts, confusion in thinking, fears.
DARK YELLOW - greed, sometimes cowardice. If the intellect is content with achievements of a personal nature, phenomena of a lower order, then a dark yellow color appears.
REDDISH YELLOW - the human intellect is low and needs to be developed. This speaks of physical, moral and mental timidity, the absence of one's spiritual outlook and beliefs. People with reddish yellow are always rushing from one religion to another, always looking for something that cannot be achieved in five minutes. However, they lack endurance, they do not linger on anything for more than a few minutes.
People with red-yellow and brown-red in the aura are always looking for their soul mate and do not find it anywhere.
It is worth noting that if a person has red hair and a lot of yellow-red in the aura, the person is pugnacious, touchy and takes the remark as a personal insult. This is especially true for those with bright red hair and reddish, sometimes freckled skin.
More reddish shades in yellow indicate that a person has an inferiority complex. The redder the red hue in yellow, the stronger the complex. BROWN YELLOW - shows impure thoughts and very weak spiritual development. Brown-yellow indicates that a person has impure thoughts and does not always adhere to straight paths.
From a health point of view, GREENYYELLOW speaks of liver complaints. If the greenish-yellow turns into a brownish-reddish-yellow, this indicates that the malaise is more of a social nature.
People with social dissatisfaction always have a dark brown, dark yellow stripe around their hips. It often flashes something like red pollen. If the brown gradually changes to yellow and sometimes has the form of jagged stripes, this indicates a mental disorder.
A person suffering from duality often has one half of the aura bluish-yellow and the other half brownish or greenish-yellow. This is a very unpleasant combination.
Pure golden hue yellow, the highest is "Yellow", it should always be cultivated. You can achieve it if you keep your thoughts and intentions pure. We all need to reach "yellow" before we move on to the next stage of evolution.


GOLD is the color of pure intuition, psychic courage and self-knowledge. Glowing golden halos can often be seen above the heads of mystics and people in a state of bliss. Gold is a masculine color, often represented by the sun. It is also the color of cleansing and healing.
Golden - the highest spirituality, huge life potential, high intelligence and great abilities, wisdom, the ability to share knowledge with others
Pure gold - bright mind.
Golden - impeccability, creativity, integrity
Golden yellow - expresses high mental achievements, wide and brilliant abilities, well-being and material prosperity. Golden yellow color indicates that the person is very spiritual.


GREEN - the color of growth; its presence in the aura usually indicates that a person is in the stage of choosing his attitude to life, beliefs or behavior. This is a positive color that can appear when a person, unsettled by fundamental internal changes, believes that his life is going badly.
A person with a green aura is a person who is balanced, harmonious, prone to healing, able to bring peace.
Green (pure) - sympathy, a desire to help, a person who has a predominant color of this color is endowed with healing abilities and special magnetism
The BRIGHT GREEN color of the aura expresses tolerance for the beliefs of others, the ability to easily adapt to new conditions, versatility, tact and courtesy. Bright green - philanthropy and cordiality, good health, friendliness.
Dark green - selfish intentions, deceit. Dark shades mean deceit and jealousy.
EMERALD GREEN - mercy, sympathy and forgiveness.
MUDDY GREEN - envy, deceit, jealousy, heartfelt feelings, fears
LIGHT GREEN - creative reflections.
GREEN WITH YELLOWish - self-interest, greed and the use of other people to satisfy their goals, hidden manipulation of people in their own interests.
LIGHT LIGHT color is a sign of mental development.
Green with a suitable shade of blue indicates a capable teacher.
Green is not the dominant color, it almost always accompanies some other. This is an auxiliary color, it indicates that the person is friendly, respects the opinions of other people, sympathizes with them.
However, if a person has a yellowish green in the aura, he is unreliable, and the more an admixture of unpleasant yellow in an unpleasant green, the more unreliable the person is, the less one can rely on him.
If the green turns to blue, usually a pleasant sky blue or electric blue, this shows the most reliable people.


A person with a blue aura has a powerful psyche, broad intellect and logical thinking. Usually such a person is able to pacify with a few words.
Pure blue - a state of active thinking, willingness to act, the color of sincerity and determination, creativity, healing, self-expression, softness, tenderness.
LIGHT - BLUE - lack of strong-willed qualities of a leader, such a person must be stimulated to act
DARK SHADES OF BLUE indicate a suspicious, overthinking personality or a dreamy mindset. Dark blue without unpleasant shades, that is, pure - the gradual disclosure of spiritual potential, self-awareness.
BRIGHT BLUE - fidelity, commitment to high ideals.
SKY BLUE - spirituality, dynamism.
TURQUOISE - peacefulness, tenderness, charisma.
DARK BLUE - wisdom. Dark blue is often found in the aura of missionaries who have become missionaries because they have heard the "Call" by calling. This color is not found in those who became a missionary, because they wanted to travel around the world for free.
The brighter the blue color, the more healthy and cheerful the person.
PALE BLUE - the color of a person who often hesitates, cannot make a decision, such a person needs to be pushed so that he decides on something.
A darker shade of blue indicates that a person is making progress, comprehending.
If the shade of blue is even darker, this indicates that a person is fascinated by life's tasks and that he finds satisfaction in them.
You can always judge a person by how bright yellow is in his aura and how dark blue is.


BLUE is the color of creation, imagination and self-expression. Like the sea and sky, of which this color is a symbol, it expresses femininity or the feminine side of male nature. A person with a blue aura is fraught with deep wisdom and inspiration. He is artistic and easily finds harmony with nature, knows how to control himself, is pious or spiritual in nature, and hence - an altruist. Most often - phlegmatic.
Blue color develops one's own psychic abilities, frees one from anxieties and fears. Blue - highly developed intuition and self-confidence. Blue - perception of beauty, selfless nature
BRIGHT BLUE - religious feeling, caring for others, responsibility, spiritual insight ..
MUDDY BLUE - disappointment, depression, negative thoughts.
DARK BLUE - spiritual aspiration, bordering on mercy. Dark blue is often a sign of depression, which develops if a person acts for the ideas of others, which he - or she - must protect more than their own.


A person with a violet aura has some achievements in the spiritual sphere, a connection with the divine, cosmic self-consciousness, and so on. Purple is associated with artistry, great ideas, intuition and mysticism. Violet color promotes compassion, sensitivity, inspiration. Violet color - spirituality, harmonization of personality, achievement of high goals, access to open life paths, patronage of light forces, compassion for others
Violet color with an increased aura - high spirituality, potential wisdom, disclosure of spiritual qualities and superpowers
AMETHYST - spiritual insight.
PURPLE - philanthropy, altruism, healing.
PURPLE WITH SILVER - the highest degree of knowledge and experience available to man.
ULTRAMARINE-INDIGO - immobility, mystery, gentle fragrance.
DARK PURPLE with dirty stains - fears, vampirism, illness, depression.
PURPLE is the color of spirituality and devotion. People who meditate or have strong religious feelings usually have this color in their aura. But purple is also pride and a passion for show.


SILVER - the female color of the moon, similar in meaning to the golden color, although it is seen much less often.
A large amount of silver in the aura can mean a tendency to such psychic gifts as telekinesis - moving objects with the power of thought - or levitation. Silver is the color of astral travel; it is believed that a silver thread connects the astral body with the physical when they are separated.
Silver color - will, steadfastness, idealism.


GRAY is the color of boredom and malaise, usually masking emotions of fear or anger.
Gray - melancholy, boredom, despondency, depression, self-doubt, repressed fears and resentments, anxiety, laziness
BRIGHT - GRAY - selfishness, lack of imagination.
LIGHT GRAY - deceit, insecurity, often apathy
DARK GRAY - horror, fear
Gray softens the colors of the aura. If you look at the aura of a dressed person, gray does not mean anything, there will be gray stripes and spots in the aura. But suppose we are considering a naked body. Gray shows weakness of character and usually general weakness of health. If a person has gray stripes over vital organs, this indicates that the organ is being destroyed, destroyed or under the threat of destruction, medical attention is needed immediately. In people with constant severe headaches, gray smoke has been observed swirling and passing through the halo, and regardless of the color of the halo itself, gray streaks will pass through it just at the time of headaches.


BROWN is usually the color of the earth, indicating a strong connection to the physical level.
If it surrounds the feet and legs, it may indicate that the person is doing a lot of exercise. Sometimes, especially if the color appears dull and washed out, this can be a sign of weak energy.
Hard brown color - in the aura of people who are selfish, mundane, jealous and greedy.
BROWN-RED, like a raw liver, shows an evil, vile person, one of those who are best avoided, because they can bring bad luck.
If such a color is seen near any organ, then this organ is sick, if it is a vital organ, then the person will probably die soon.
If the red color is visible at the end of the sternum, then the person has a nervous breakdown. Such people should restrain their activity and lead a more balanced lifestyle if they want to live happily ever after. Brown-red also indicates kidney disease, if it is above the kidney and has bluish-gray teeth - this indicates the presence of kidney stones.
Brown-orange shows a sluggish, depressed, lazy person who "doesn't care". Brown with red - hatred, anger.
LIGHT - BROWN - greed
DARK BROWN - depression, despair


BLACK is the color of death and destruction and can be read as a sign of depression, especially if it appears as a dark cloud enveloping the patient's head. However, death is a state that precedes rebirth, and destruction is a state that precedes creation and creativity. "The darkest hour is just before the dawn." In this case, black can be seen as an extremely positive color. Black is also considered a color that symbolizes the invisible Divine Light that comes to illuminate and purify the soul.
Black - malice, anger; black holes in the aura - health problems, an indicator of painful areas, disturbed energy (damage, evil eye, etc.).


WHITE is the color of the highest spiritual achievement, purification and enlightenment. However, some types of meditation, such as TM (transcendental meditation), whether they may or may not bring enlightenment, cause this color in the aura.
White color: - purity, kindness, perfection and spiritual illumination. Powerful cosmic protection and patronage of the "light forces" (spiritual mentors, Guardian Angel). The presence of white in the aura makes a person protected from any negative influences, life's troubles and adversities.
But also white is a serious illness, artificial excitement (drugs, medicines). In the hours before death, the aura turns white, increasing in size and becoming more intense. In most cultures, "death" is depicted in WHITE (not black) because in the past, people could actually see a white aura before death. It would seem that our ancestors knew much more than we - "prepared" and ready to admit it.


Red-yellow moving currents in the aura, incontinence, restlessness.
Wavy stripes of blue with a reddish tint attack of fear, alertness.
Red-blue stripes in the form of radii, going from the inside out, tense expectation.
Flashing orange-yellow dots indicate strong excitement.
Bluish spots of variable shape mean absent-mindedness.
Pure blue streams, sincerity, nobility, the desire to improve one's qualities.
Dirty blue moving streams give out a feeling of envy.
Black color in the aura of hatred.
Red-brown flashes of anger.
All shades of red indicate nervous excitement.
Gray-brown stripes indicate selfish intentions.
A dark gray cloud means a deep depression.
Pale gray color in the aura indicates fear
Greenish gray stripes, insincerity, the desire to deceive for the sake of profit and satisfaction of vanity.
Green-brown dots with red splashes, a person experiences a strong exciting feeling of jealousy.
The green cloud is unpleasantly marsh in color, a person wants to assert himself at the expense of others by any means.
Blue-brown color indicates lower religiosity, aimed at achieving selfish goals.
A beautiful pink cloud enveloping a person means love and compassion for all mankind.
Pink rays emanating from the inside out, love for the world, a wish of love and harmony to all beings.
Moving orange cloud with brown drops, lust for power.
A greenish blurry cloud is a sign of empathy.
Light green color sympathy.
Brown gray stripes with red selfishness, the desire to command other people, capture and enslave them.
Purple lines, striving for a higher ideal, rejection of a sense of ownership and a thirst for possession.



The vibrations of the left side represent the female introverted principle.
We receive this energy at the present moment. And it depends only on us how we will be able to dispose of it, building our future
RED color means that life energy flares up in you, you are gaining physical strength or are struggling with something. Be careful and remember your limits.
ORANGE on the left shows that the energy of life, creativity, sexual desire or new transformations in business and affairs flares up in you. Be prudent and try to maintain inner balance.
YELLOW color on the left indicates that you may have to think and look for new directions in life or work. You are strong, self-confident, able to act effectively in practice, you know what you want. Use your energy as efficiently as possible, but don't overexert yourself intellectually.
GREEN is the color of harmony and peace. You open up to new energies and events, you follow the path of soul development with joy and trepidation. You stand at the source of a Divine source that can bring joy and peace to you and through you to other people.
BLUE color to your left is a sign of purity of soul, inner intelligence and good taste. You are intuitive and have your own special inner world, often filled with a spiritual or creative search. Perhaps you have to comprehend what is happening to you on a more subtle, intuitive level.
VIOLET. If there is a purple color to your left, then you are endowed with a special, unique sensitivity or the gift of capturing energies inaccessible to others. Your inner life is more important to you than outer fuss. You have talent and personal power. But do others always understand this?
WHITE. If there is white energy at the entrance to the left, then your inner perception is sharpened, sometimes the tension reaches the limit, preparing to reach a new level of spiritual or creative experience. It is the energy of meditation and enlightenment. Treat her and yourself with respect.


This energy reflects the inner state of your personality, gives an idea of ​​what is going on in your thoughts, how you react to the surrounding reality.
The RED color above your head indicates that you, obviously, are currently absorbed in earthly affairs, constantly encountering manifestations of the material world. You will need strength, courage, faith in yourself.
ORANGE. A balanced fiery orange in the center indicates that you are craving for an eventful life, vivid experiences, and a cheerful company. Strong emotions and inner purity guide your actions.
YELLOW. If there is a lot of yellow around the head, then you are a great thinker. At the moment you feel a surge of strength. You are ready to lead and take full responsibility. Try to find time for creativity and meditation, because. this will greatly expand your life horizons.
GREEN in the center indicates that you radiate around you the energy of calmness, measuredness and acceptance of everything and everyone. You see your role in "service", always ready to give sympathy and love to those who need it. Your intuition and inner knowing help you.
BLUE. The radiance of blue above the head is a sign of a person's high spiritual and personal aspirations, combined with intelligence, gentleness, devotion to high ideals, although sometimes detachment from real life and the daily urgent needs of loved ones.

The human body is surrounded by the so-called bodily aura. It is material and represents the energy fields grouped around the physical body. A person's aura carries information about his personality, emotions, health, thoughts and feelings. Aura constantly changes its color. Every person has a main aura color. This color does not change during life.

People with the primary red color of the aura radiating are leaders. They are used to taking responsibility and making decisions on their own. Always strive for financial success. They have remarkable energy, temperamental, conscientious and brave.
For men, red is associated with the subconscious, with the state of exposure of the female body, erotic dreams, creativity.
For women, excitement, passion, embarrassment, childbirth, children, creativity, conscience. People with a red aura, realists, rarely suffer from
remorse. They love to live and achieve their desires. These people are explosive and quick-witted.
In communication on an emotional, intimate level, they experience difficulties.
Sometimes life with the Reds can be compared to a bullfight. They tend to defend their feelings and thoughts. They hate retreats.
They are self-possessed, hardworking, honest and can provide for children.
These are self-confident people who prefer to work independently.

People with an orange primary aura radiate love to spend time with family and close friends. They are caring, gentle, have good intuition, balanced, ready to cooperate, practical, stand firmly on their feet.
For men, orange is associated with intelligence, the flowering of sensuality, eroticism, love passion.
For women - courage, sensuality, courage. sacrifice, heat, heat.
Orange are daredevils, thrill seekers. They love competitions where there is physical danger, realists.
They love to challenge and go beyond any limits. They like to make plans for the next adventure, they boldly go where
no human foot has set foot. Incredibly inventive, energetic and self-confident.
Oranges usually do not show interest in family and marriage because they are busy with their adventures.
But, if they find another soul mate, then these people also have the courage and courage to share their adventures.
Orange succeeds every time they overcome obstacles, reach the top of a mountain, complete another
risky stunt, go through the fire and stay alive.
They are not emotionally connected with children.
They only care about a good standard of living for children.
Temperament is a combination of choleric and sanguine.

yellow aura

People of new ideas, like to talk heart to heart, the goal is self-expression.
They are creative, intelligent people. They have a sharp mind, they like to have fun.
Men - perceive yellow as the clothes of the emperor, orgasm, striptease, the individuality of the male subconscious.
Women are fire, warmth, fertility, work, husband, children, loneliness.
These are open people, their lives are replete with bright moments. They are smart, sensitive, and sometimes oversensitive.
These people strive for happiness and their perseverance achieve it.
Yellows believe that life is meant to be enjoyed.
They want to be liked and loved by everyone. Energetic, intuitive.
These are creative people who love power, who know how to concentrate strength and will and direct it to where it is most effective.
Temperament is sanguine.

People with a green aura strive to defy fate and achieve their goals. They have the gift of healing, noble, sympathetic and reliable.
For men, this color is associated with rebirth, friendship, expectation, calmness, endurance.
For women - with nature, flowering, mystical union, self-satisfaction, boredom of restraint.
These people are stubborn and persistent. This is the color of bankers. They are solid, respectable, able to create material stability for themselves.
They love peace and nature. Greens are secretive, but have a strong will, able to overcome any difficulties.
Greens are very bright people, full of strength and intelligence, good organizers, self-critical.
They often experience the fear of failure, although they rarely fail.
The greatest problem for them is to find a partner. They can crush any color.
Greens are very demanding of themselves and others.
They feel like they can do more when they are alone and love to play solo. In conversation, the words “should” are often used.
Temperament is phlegmatic.

Blue radiant people love freedom and variety. They like to travel, change their place of residence, social circle. Always stay young at heart. Sincere, honest and usually say what they think.
These people are intuitively gifted. They can know in advance the course of further events.
The life of gays is a continuous search for knowledge about what GOD is.
They crave to be loved and can arrange checks.
They do not like compliments, do not want to disturb others and create inconvenience.
They often live in the memory of the past without seeing the present.
They prefer to do things alone. These are spiritual people, devoted, obligatory and lonely.
With children they need an emotional connection, love to read, play, hug and be involved in their lives.

People with a blue radiant aura are caring and enjoy solving family problems. Responsible, responsive, merciful.
For a man, this is the sky, height, blue glasses, strict calculation, purposefulness, supernaturalness, conscious knowledge,
faith, conviction, mysticism, divination, shamanism.
For a woman - depth, distance, blue stocking, restraint, modesty, wisdom, passivity.
These are emotional, sensual, spiritual people. Many devote themselves to religion or to the sciences.
However, there are frequent mood swings. These people have a pronounced intellect.

purple aura

These people are striving for knowledge and wisdom, they are spiritual, intellectual people.
For men, this color carries the fragrance of the female body, Deep suggestibility, power, strength, holiness, self-denial.
For women, hidden anxiety, rejection of the new, sadness, longing, nostalgia, stability.
These people are extraordinary, strive for freedom, independence.
Space is very important. These people experience ups and downs throughout their lives, their lives are full of surprises and zigzags. Outstanding leadership skills. Prefer intellectual and spiritual communication and often lack such communication.
They gravitate towards everything mysterious, inexplicable and always try to find a clue to such phenomena.
Blues love speed and are not afraid of danger.
They are highly intelligent but physically weak.

Silver aura

Builders of grandiose plans, ideological, dreamers.
Bearers of the silver background are spiritual people, gifted with intuition and rich creative imagination.
They are noble, honest and trusting.
Silver - always rely on their intuition and try to see only the good in people.

golden aura

These people are not looking for easy ways. They are ready to sacrifice the comforts of life for the sake of making their dreams come true. Hardworking, patient, focused. They have extraordinary abilities and are very responsible.
These are successful people, usually leaders. Their energy is transmitted to others.

pink aura

They like to plan, dream of financial well-being. Purposeful, tenacious. They set the bar high in life.
Pink are gentle, caring and always stick to their beliefs, if necessary, defend their point of view.

Ideological, peacemakers. These people have their own beliefs, their own way of looking at things. These people are caring, modest, merciful. The main goal of these people is to serve the "higher" with full dedication.
These people are pure in soul, independent and have a constant need to increase their intellectual level and wisdom.

Aura Strengthening
To strengthen the aura, breathing exercises, fresh air and sunlight are very useful.
But there are situations when additional protection is required.
One way is to surround yourself with bright white light through meditation.
White light will let positive energy in and repel negative energy. White is the color of protection.
And so - to strengthen the aura, you can use the sounds of music.
Good music calms, restores strength, improves mood.
The aura of a healthy person cannot be confused with anything.
In a healthy person, the aura shines, there are no inclusions, the aura, as it were, declares that the person is mentally, physically and spiritually healthy.
Any disease, with the exception of accidents, is the result of many years of negative thinking.
In this case, the first signs appear long before the disease appears on the physical level.
There are changes in the size, color, structure of the aura.
People suffering from chronic diseases have an aura of grayish-brown hues.
Dirty colors, they take out the main ones and you can understand which part of the body is affected.
If a migraine develops, an unhealthy color of the aura appears around the head.
Damage to muscle tissue is seen as holes that disappear after repair.
Health problems appear in the form of spots appearing in the etheric body.
If the symptoms are disturbing, dark areas occupy a large area, this indicates that there has been a loss of energy balance.

Color code:
White is a sign of wisdom, enlightenment, religiosity, a high level of intuition and awareness of the world around.
Blue is the color of sociability, learning, creativity, inner freedom, trust and harmony, inner security, sincere faith, increased sensitivity. Dark blue and dirty blue are the colors of fear, depression, increased anxiety, detachment, "self-blame", isolation.
Yellow - symbolizes the vital male energy; it is the color of intelligence, rationality, logical thinking, practicality, success, responsibility, firmness. Dirty yellow - paralysis of the will, an overabundance of negative thoughts.
Green is the color of balance and harmony, warmth of the heart, love for nature and people. This is the color of growth, upcoming changes and the birth of a new perception, healing energy. Dirty green is the color of depression, melancholy.
Red is the color of energy, which is the source of vitality, passion, desire, increased emotionality, physical activity, determination and firmness of character. Dirty red is the color of aggression, fear.
Orange is a color that reflects creativity, sexuality, self-confidence, a sign of a strong personality that attracts others with its positive attitude towards life. Dirty orange - speaks of an unstable psycho-emotional state, the development of negative thoughts, habits.
Pink is the color of compassion, purity, love of beauty and art. The color of self-sacrifice. Pink color in clots - the accumulation of energy of resentment. In women, in most cases, it indicates that benign formations are already present.
Blue is the color of calm. He speaks of devotion, fidelity, as well as the abilities of clairvoyance and telepathy. Indicates a certain level of Initiation. Dark blue is the color of depression, anxiety, confusion.
Violet - reflects the presence of spiritual power in a person. He talks about the ability to penetrate the essence of human nature and live for others, about the commitment to high ideals and opportunities for spiritual growth. Dark purple color is most often found in people with mental disorders, homosexuals, drug addicts.

The Typing Info website continues to talk about the colors of the human aura and the next in line is a story about the auras of the blue spectrum: blue, blue and violet.

Blue has a strong vibrating influence that defines the expression "faithful supporter" and at the same time goes far beyond such limits. The sky is blue, but it changes color from a light shade of azure to almost black at midnight. The mood of the blue vibration also changes. But not only that, it is difficult to find a person whose blue aura contains a permanent hue. He can descend to the depths of the "spleen" and then rise to inspired heights, which happens "once upon a blue moon" (very rarely). So if blue is your color, you should try to find the shade that suits you best and stick with it. In general, all blue colors indicate some degree of devotion. You willingly make friends, but often formally. Blue is a cold color with a certain independence, but people with this aura understand the value of collaborative efforts and are guided by this in their lives. Red responds to a warm primitive impulse, green absorbs the vitality of nature, while blue looks to the sky and sea for inspiration. In search of higher depth, blue is becoming the predominant color in modern life. In business, social and educational circles, blue far surpasses red as a motivating color, making blue the favorite color of many thinking people.

Blue. The color of vishuddhi, calmness and silence, accuracy, prudence, devotion, rationality, discipline, truthfulness and seriousness. This is the color of the miraculous.

Blue radiant people love freedom and variety. They like to travel, change their place of residence, social circle. Always stay young at heart. Sincere, honest and usually say what they think.

These people are intuitively gifted. They can know in advance the course of further events.

The life of gays is a continuous search for knowledge about what GOD is. They crave to be loved and can arrange checks. They do not like compliments, do not want to disturb others and create inconvenience. They often live in the memory of the past without seeing the present.

They prefer to do things alone. These are spiritual people, devoted, obligatory and lonely. With children they need an emotional connection, love to read, play, hug and be involved in their lives. Temperament-melancholic.

Pure deep blue speaks of religious feelings, but varies depending on the depth of these feelings: they can be sincere and duplicitous, full of selfishness or nobility. Light blue signifies devotion to some noble spiritual ideal. It fades into lilac-blue, which characterizes high spirituality and, as a rule, is accompanied by golden luminous stars, representing high spiritual aspirations.

Dirty tones indicate painful detachment, isolation from reality, melancholy, depression, resentment, dependence, emotional coldness, various personality disorders, often very deep and irreversible.

Blue in combination with green suggests that difficulties only strengthen the willpower of this person.

Blue. Ajna color. The color of infinity, eternity, dreams and ecstasy. It testifies to longing for the miraculous and the transcendent. Maximum introversion, the search for a rational beginning.

Pure tones testify to constancy, fidelity, tenderness, peace, a serious attitude to life, honesty, kindness of feelings, compassion, charity. Blue is characteristic of selfless natures, sacrificing their "I". A sign of piety.

Pure tones reveal calmness, contentment, peace, affection, faith, purity, chastity, spirituality and intellectuality.

Blue is associated with mercy in Judaism and wisdom in Buddhism. In Europe it means fidelity, in China it means education and a happy marriage. The presence of pure blue in the aura may indicate the ability to clairvoyance and telepathy.

Dirty shades indicate the presence of a strong irrational principle in a person, wandering in the clouds, isolation from real life, blocked or upset perception, anxiety, tyranny, timidity, forgetfulness, vulnerability, melancholy, sexual promiscuity, psychosis.

On the eve of illness, the body feels the need for blue color.

Light shades reflect good intuition, active imagination, darker ones - a feeling of loneliness, sadness, which only at a certain level reflects the search for the Divine. Even darker shades reflect levels of insight. Azure shades - honesty, sober judgment. May indicate a person who is about to find his chosen activity.

The combination of blue and green colors in the aura can indicate a person who feels the need for a calm environment, who wants to be free from conflicts, disagreements, make a good impression and receive approval from others. Dirty blue and green tones speak of touchiness, slight vulnerability, feelings due to the feeling that a person is underestimated, the need for extraneous admiration, approval, support, recognition. These are sensitive people who do not miss small details, who are able to make every effort to resolve both the current situation and the problems associated with it. However, overexertion can cause a desire to escape from the existing situation.

Azure or sky blue is a truly heavenly shade, which is chosen by those who go ahead of the world and devote themselves to noble deeds. This is a symbol of a non-selfish person, as well as those who strive for spiritual achievements. Dark blue is a dark strong shade that shows devotion, trust and constancy of purpose. There is independence in this darker shade, but always in cooperation. This color characterizes strength and reliability. Indigo or ultramarine are border colors with a purple hue. They have the basic qualities of blue, but are more inclined towards love than loyalty, finding an outlet for their ideals in helping other people. Attacks of bad mood tend to take possession of such people rather than those who love light shades. Impurities of other colors break the steadfastness of blue.

Proximity to black or brown indicates morbid and selfish tendencies. A strong shade of gray creates insecurity and even fear. Proximity to green, as in some shades of turquoise, indicates impulsiveness.

The blue color has anticarcinogenic properties.

Violet. The color of sahasrara (red + blue), the color of warmth and transformation, repentance and contemplation. The most mysterious and attractive. Goethe in The Theory of Color qualifies him as creative as possible. This is the color of the combination of heart and mind, physical (red) and spiritual (blue), reflects independence, intuition, search. Purple hues indicate the ability to properly and practically manage affairs. Pale and light tones can reflect humility and spirituality. Red-violet - strong passion or great willpower, but may indicate a need for greater individual effort.

Violet is found in people with a violation of gender and identity, in pregnant women, homosexuals, and the elderly. Dark hues can reflect a tendency to command, dominance, a need for sympathy, a feeling of painful loneliness, misunderstanding, sadness, sadness, the pressure of difficult memories that you want to get away from. A person may feel the need to withdraw from worldly life.

Pure purple and red tones indicate a person who is easily and quickly attracted to everything that excites (exciting, exciting, whether it be erotic or any other excitement). Strives for success without undermining self-confidence. The combination of purple and yellow is found in people with a developed imagination who love to dream, fantasize, dream, compose. These people can be liked by others (clean tones) by the sincerity of their interest in others. Strive not only for exciting, but also for interesting.

The combination of dirty purple and red indicates stress (the dirtier the tone, the stronger the stress) caused by unpleasant restrictions and prohibitions, dissatisfaction, excitement, anxiety that cannot be suppressed. At the same time, feelings are blocked, distrust, suspiciousness, suspicion, fear, jealousy appear. A person is afraid that his gullibility can be taken advantage of, all the time he controls family members and partners. He does not tolerate interference, restrictions, proceeds only from his own convictions.

The combination of purple and green - pure tones - indicates an aesthetic and original person who tries to make a good impression. Dirty tones indicate anxiety, stress caused by disrespect (real or perceived) and misunderstanding from others. A person is dissatisfied with his position, it seems offensive to him; broken by the struggle with difficulties; oppresses what you want to get rid of, from this situation, but there is not enough strength of mind.

Pure purple and blue tones indicate a person who subtly feels beauty, who is able to feel the feelings of another. Strive for a kind, pleasant, cordial connection and a state of perfect harmony.

Dirty tones indicate anxiety caused by emotional dissatisfaction, which depresses a person, makes it difficult to concentrate, think clearly, causes intolerance, irritability, sleep disturbance.

Violet is the color of magnificence and importance, so it is often too strong in impact. Its very intensity seems to affect people with this aura, and many avoid it as a favorite color, perhaps for this very reason. Like blue, this color has high ideals, but purple is more ritualistic than devotional. Self-esteem is so pronounced that people tuned to this vibration, accordingly, try to influence others. Sometimes this gives results, but often purple vanity is the cause of its own failures. Usually people who love purple are not aware of their own shortcomings, because. they habitually avoid criticism. They turn their idealism into a doctrine of moral improvement, living in their world of illusion, often to their own satisfaction. For purple, the expression "out of sight, out of mind" applies to anything they don't like.

These people are extraordinary, strive for freedom, independence. Space is very important. These people experience ups and downs throughout their lives, their lives are full of surprises and zigzags. Outstanding leadership skills. Prefer intellectual and spiritual communication and often lack such communication. They gravitate towards everything mysterious, inexplicable and always try to find a clue to such phenomena. They are highly intelligent but physically weak.

Purple is a calming, harmonious color with its contemplative and mystical side. People with a violet aura often have literary, artistic, or dramatic abilities. Often they are gifted with a rich imagination and creativity. This increases their complacency, and once they realize their talent, they tend to advertise it. They do not in any way tend to stay in the shade, the expression "timid violet" refers only to the flower, not to the color. Fewer people emanate from this aura than any other, but this is another reason why violet people consider themselves exceptional, if not one of a kind. Often they tend to mysticism, as it is a shade of twilight, meaning the transition from day to darkness. The habitual violet occupation is the transformation of fantasy into reality. The pale lilac color represents the soft side of the violet nature. People with this aura have a pleasant disposition, but are mannered and punctual. They are selfish, persistent in managing their small property, trying to make sure that small things go only for the benefit of their main business, which in itself is often also small. The consequence of this will be their tendency to exactingness and thoroughness. Pale purple is often a sign of affection.

Purple is a royal color, here purple is in its full strength, with a predominance of pomp and solemnity. There is no limit to the heights that a person with this aura tries to reach. Indeed, many successful people deliberately take on a purple aura as it satisfies their sense of superiority. With enough prestige and power, they will lead a similar lifestyle. But if all this is just pomposity, then such people are in a world of empty splendor. Magenta or other colors where purple or purple has a strong red tint often indicates a practical as well as self-important nature. Such people pay attention to earthly affairs, which makes them capable of lofty concepts with practical results, despite their tendency to flaunt their importance.

The body of absolutely every person has a special material shell or aura. And today, quite a few people are interested in what the aura of a person of color has, their meaning in particular.

After all, knowing its shape and color, you can easily describe the strengths and weaknesses of absolutely any person. And also to tell a lot about his mood, character traits and even his state of health.

What do the colors indicate in the aura?

Surprising is the fact that absolutely any person has an individual selection of colors and combinations of shades of the aura (biofield). And this is directly related to personality traits and character.

After all, the direct color of the aura indicates the important features of a person, his inclinations, coupled with interests, as well as the physical state with the emotional. He is also able to tell about cherished dreams, secret thoughts.

That is why the color of the human aura and the meaning in particular are of such great interest to people around the world. But here it is worth mentioning in advance that the perception of the colors and shades of the biofield is different not only among scientists and psychics, but also among quite ordinary people.

Therefore, it is sometimes very difficult to say with accuracy whether a person’s aura is green or light green.

The immediate colors of a person's aura, their meaning plays a role in deciphering the following issues:

  • current state of health;
  • features of character and temperament;
  • immediate emotions and mood.

It is necessary to point out the fact that it is always useful to be able to recognize not only the colors of your own biofield, but also the people around you, in order to tune in with them on the same wavelength. And win due respect, as well as avoid unnecessary conflicts.

Aura perfectly demonstrates the true nature of each person. And those who have developed the ability to see the aura simply cannot be deceived. An important part of the biofield in the head area, with its color, personifies the character and direct thoughts of a person.

A palette of shades near the back with a chest tells about emotions. Using intuition and well-known knowledge about the color shades of the aura, you can competently build relationships and conversations with absolutely any person.

But for this, knowledge regarding the designation of each individual color of the biofield is important. And here it should also be pointed out in advance that there are no right wrong shades.

The immediate shades of the aura are the waves of light and the frequency of their oscillations. For example, shades of red have slow waves and long, and therefore it is quite difficult to see them, as well as purple or blue.

But the yellow-green aura of a person turns out to be easier to perceive, since it is quite light. It is also very useful to start diagnosing the biofield directly from the head, where it is easiest to see the energy.

Deciphering the basic colors of the biofield

Before moving on to the question of what color an aura can be, it is necessary to start with the fact that the biofield completely surrounds the entire body.

And one of the colors is always the main one, since it is located in close proximity to the body, moving away from it only a few centimeters. Sometimes the shade of the aura is observed not one, but several at once. But then the main color begins to prevail again.

Absolutely every person has a certain center in the aura, including the main shade, which never changes. This is a kind of color type, each color of which allows you to determine the feelings, dreams and aspirations of a person.

And the colors in this case mean the following:

  1. Red.
    Most often it belongs to people who are inclined to completely immerse themselves in earthly affairs. And often the red color of the aura in the center of the body indicates a lack of confidence, inner strength and courage. Sometimes the aura of a given color turns out to be somewhat purple rather than red.
  2. Bright red.
    Indicates a craving for a busy life, cheerful companies and vivid emotions. And any experiences of a part of the aura of a given color are controlled by experiences with inner spiritual purity. Sometimes dark shades of red give a brown color to the aura, which is deciphered in a similar way.
  3. Gold.
    It is a reflection of a real thinker, feeling an unprecedented surge of strength. And a more orange color of the aura is a symbol of an excellent ability to lead other people.
  4. Emerald.
    This color of the biofield can have different meanings, but they always come down to one thing - the ability to show a lot of sympathy and love. People with such an aura have incredible calmness and excellent intuition.
  5. Blue.
    Serves as a manifestation of the desire for a spiritual essence. And, like other bluish shades, it indicates the service of high ideals, softness and intelligence. The bluer aura of a person has an almost spiritual meaning.
  6. Violet.
    Directly connected with people who are distinguished by heightened intuition, openness to inspiration. And they come out with the intention to serve the higher world with a complete rejection of everything worldly. It should also be pointed out that the aura of this color is quite rare in the very center.
  7. White.
    It personifies a high interest in the Creator and the secrets of life. It is the white, and not the gray aura that indicates the expansion of the boundaries of human consciousness.

The listed meaning of the colors of the aura will allow you to quickly "unravel" the right person, without making a mistake. And to understand his thoughts, aspirations and desires, as well as to accept exactly the way he is.