What does it mean if a pregnant girlfriend dreamed. See a pregnant girlfriend in a dream is a good sign

What dreams is that a girlfriend is pregnant? Dreams with such a plot can have both positive and negative meaning. Interpretation depends on the details that a person must resurrect in memory. So what a dream warns about?

What dreams that girlfriend is pregnant: Miller's dream book

What opinion on this issue is expressed by a famous psychologist? What dreams is that a girlfriend is pregnant? Such dreams may indicate problems that are present in personal life. The ideal time has come to bring order in this area, for example, to part with the bold beloved.

If the dream sees a woman, her secrets can reveal at the most inopportune moment. Therefore, it is better to admit everything at your own request. Dreaming can warn about gossip that disseminate ill-wishers. If a girl takes a situation under his control, everything will end well.

Also, the future mother, who is waiting for a child and in reality, can also be selected. In this case, you should not doubt that the childbirth will be successfully, nothing is threatened with a baby.

Sonnie Grishina

What dreams is that a girlfriend is pregnant? If we are talking about a dream of a male floor, such a plot hints at his indecision. It is possible that he is not ready for a serious relationship, avoids excessive responsibility and is trying to shift it on other people's shoulders. As long as the man is limited to fleeting connections, it will immediately part with partners who raise the issue of creating a family.

Esoteric dream book

Pregnant girlfriend - a dream that is worth perceive as a warning. In reality, this lady needs help, it must be protected and patronized. A woman who appears in night gold, is constantly in difficult situations due to their vulnerability and sentimentality.

What does a dream, in which a friend appears, really awaiting baby? This suggests that it does not care about his health, not ready for coming motherhood. Also, such dreams can warn that the enviousness speaks about this lady badly. The victim of the gossip is not able to independently get out of the current situation, it must be supported.

Pregnant girlfriend - a dream that is more likely to see the representatives of the beautiful floor. If the heroine of the night dream reports that the father of her future child is a married man, in reality it will face inner torments. Also, she may have problems in personal life, the real love is risks to exchange for a fleeting passion. The dreaming must certainly point out mistakes that a friend allows her friend if her dear happiness.

Dream of Freud.

Freud also offers its interpretation of dreams about a pregnant girlfriend. If you believe in his opinion, they mean that a woman needs warm and affection. The dream is trying to get the desired from men, but she cannot achieve this. Such a plot can talk about the fact that the lady is ready for motherhood, dreams of the appearance of a child.

If a girlfriend was searched, which with delight talks about his interesting position, should be prepared for change. With the greatest probability of life, the dream will change for the better, it is waiting for a light strip. The likelihood is high that it is waiting for a romantic acquaintance, it is also possible to develop existing relationships.

Is a positive or negative meaning of sleep? Girlfriend says that pregnant, without hiding his chagrin? In this case, problems in personal life should be watched. A loved one may make an act that will make a dream disappointed in it.


Dreams with such a plot may have nothing to do with motherhood. A pregnant girlfriend can be harmony if the girl has common plans and ideas. Sleep warns that his hostess is better to keep joint projects under control. If it seems that it will not be possible to implement the conceived, you should not give up immediately.

If the lady dreamed that a friend with whom she was planning a joint vacation, pregnant, this is a good sign. You should not give up your plans, a vacation will be excellent, pleasant memories will remain about him.

Bad dreams

What other interpretations offers a dream book? A pregnant girlfriend in a dream for a woman is not always a good sign. If the heroine of the night dream cries, it may be a warning about health problems. Snovedia should beware of protracted diseases that are poorly treatable.

If in a dream the future mother complains of poor well-being, the woman in reality is needed to visit the gynecologist. There is a possibility that it has problems in this area, especially if those were present in the past.

If in Night Gresses a pregnant friend is in a dangerous situation, in reality this woman has a health problem. Also, sleep heroine need to be afraid of unfamiliar companies. If it gave rise to that someone beat someone, in reality this lady will have to face a black stripe. The likelihood is high that it will be required to help the dreams, including material. If a pregnant girlfriend reflects on abortion, it is difficult for her to make the right decision.

Various plots

What dreams is that a girlfriend is pregnant? If a friend in the night gold hides the name of the father of his future child, revealing to look at her attentively. A high probability that this lady behaves dishonest towards the hostess of sleep. Also, a similar plot can warn about secrets and riddles from the past, which are able to surface at the surface at an inappropriate time. Wonderful if the dream will find the strength to leave past resentment and experiences behind, rushing into a bright future.

If care for the future mother, it says about readiness for new relationships. A man will soon appear in the life of the dreams, the novel with which will be the source of inexhaustible pleasure. A woman will be able to completely abandon old views on the world, will be open to everything new and learn to treat himself with love and respect.

A pregnant girlfriend who does not want to give birth will dream of women who are unable to get out of the confusing situation. Snoviditsa will not cope with the problems of its own, it needs to seek support to loved ones.

Many married and unmarried girls dream of pregnancy, so such touching pictures are often seen in a dream. But the question arose: I dreamed pregnant to my friend, what to do? Anxious and exciting moment, it's time to search for a dream of a combination of words: "I dreamed pregnant to my friend."

What if I dream of a pregnant friend?

Pregnancy in a dream is always a favorable news that will soon receive a dream. Sleep can not be called a nightmare, especially if pregnancy is not his own, but a well-known person. I would like to know in detail what to wait in the future, what to prepare how to properly decipher this secret sign.

The correct answers depend on the girlfriend, which should remember all the details of sleep, and after playing them after waking up in the saved sequence, so to speak. Dream Interpretation is best to choose a time-tested time, since it is his interpretations to be the most realistic things.

Pregnancy girlfriend - to good news, pleasant surprise, joyful news and a visit to old friends. Definitely a favorable symbol, however, it does not have a smooth account of anything.

If in the night dream of a friend was in the "interesting position", then in real life expects a common cause, a joint business, a new ingenious idea for two. Do not give up such innovation, since the result will be only positive, profitable.

If such a dream has seen a man, then this is not connected with imminent paternity. In this case, we are talking about a career that suddenly goes up. Fulled financial profit is not excluded, promotional staircase, a new position, leadership favorance.

After such a night, you should not count on an ambulance pregnancy girlfriend in real life. Rather, on the contrary, in life it is expected to problems with health, complex obstacles that are not always able to overcome themselves.

If a friend of her friend is pregnant or begins to give birth, it means that in real life it is in dire need of support, increased attention, participation. It is not necessary to ignore such a symbol, otherwise the existence of long-time friendship may fall into doubt.

When a girlfriend reports in a dream of an unplanned pregnancy, then this dream approaches its fate, it is possible that soon the radical changes will come in personal life not without the unnecessary participation of third parties. It is worthwhile to be saved, because anyway, nothing good will not work out of such relationships.

If a child is waiting for a child, and in reality is not pregnant, then the sleeping person should pay special attention to his own health, which leaves much to be desired. Digestive problems are not excluded, which can lead to a chronic disease.

When a pregnant girlfriend is also waiting for a child, then you can not doubt that the baby will appear on the light of a strong and healthy to the joy of happy parents. Birth will be light and without pathologies, so you can calm down the future mommy by your story.

Take birth to a friend in a dream - to hear a big secret from her in reality. This terrible mystery will only strengthen the long-standing female friendship, but there must be "for family castles", so to speak.

What does foreshadow?

Dream Interpretation Menengetti claims that such a night image suggests that the dreams are unnecessary to someone else's personal life, and his hand waved. This is the root of the wrong approach, which in the future promises longing, loneliness, highlighting.

Dream Interpretation Hasse and Tsvetler's interpreter are confident that someone else's pregnancy in a dream - to the impending problems that can somewhat sang a familiar lifestyle. But a personal pregnancy is a favorable event that will soon have to happen in real life.

Esoteric dream book associates the "interesting position" of a girlfriend with the financial sphere. Alien pregnancy - to sufficiency and material stability, but personal - to loss, debts and loans.

Miller's dream book on his pages mentions only a thin girl in a "interesting position". This is a favorable sign that promises ambitious success in all endeavors, universal recognition of relatives and colleagues, as well as family well-being.

Loffa's dream book also does not see problems, but associates such a night image with the emotional sphere of a sleeping woman. It is possible that she is insanely wanting children, so it sees such colorful night pictures. But for sleeping men, this is the fear of the future paternity, the reluctance of the replenishment of the family, the desire for idle life.

So a pregnant girlfriend is uniquely the most unexpected changes in life. They concern not only the best girlfriend, but also a dream, who has seen this night image. It is not at all about the replenishment of the family, and a more accurate decoding gives a dream book, who has repeatedly predicted fate after awakening.

Dreams - an integral part of our life. And it does not matter if you believe in them or not, remember or not, the dreams are a language with which the subconscious is talking to us. However, this language is not always understood and may contain quite incredible images. The art of interpretation of dreams is not available to everyone.

The current dreams can drastically differ in decoding the same event seen in a dream. This is because each message is individually and an extraneous interpreter must take into account a lot of factors. For example: sign of the zodiac, the phase of the moon, the psychotype of the sleeping, life situation and many others.

What dream of a pregnancy girlfriend? What is broadcasting this dream? Let's deal with it.

Pregnant girlfriend in a dream - what is it for?

First of all, pregnancy girlfriend in a dream is always the oppieuver of something new. And not always this event is expected and pleasant. As close to you is a friend, so much this event will affect your life.

To understand what such a dream will be wrapped for you, you need to take into account the overall energy energy: a pleasant, tense, funny or creepy. The most famous dream interpreters in different ways explain the possible importance of the girlfriend's pregnancy.

Dream Interpretation Menengetti - What is the dream of a pregnant friend?

Dream Interpretation Meneghetti gives a rather foggy explanation to such a sleep that can be interpreted as follows. A pregnant girlfriend serves as a symbol of an extraneous influence on your thoughts or organism.

It may also mean that you are too passionate about other people's challenges and forget about your own life. Accordingly, the subconscious says that one should pay more attention to his own life and not succumb to someone else's influence.

Pregnancy girlfriend in a dream - Esoteric dream book

Many people perceive dreams of pregnancy as a symbol of change in financial affairs. An example of this is an esoteric dream book. It says that his own pregnancy dreams of monetary difficulties. If you see pregnant your girlfriend, you yourself will be given in debt, i.e. Financial problems will be someone from loved ones or friends.

Dream of flowers

Dream Design Tsvetkova Personal pregnancy considers as a positive event, even if it dreams a man. But here is someone else's as a symbol of impending trouble. Similarly, the pregnancy of girlfriends and dream book Hasse.

What dreams of a pregnancy girlfriend - Interpretation of Miller

Miller in his dream book describes only a meeting in a dream with a very thin pregnant woman. If you dreamed exactly this, then you should prepare for generally success. Moreover, to achieve it, you will not need to make great effort. You just need to be in the right place at the right time, and not sit at home.

Dream Interpretation Loffa

Loffa's dream book considers dreams as a natural mapping of processes occurring in the human body or brain. Those. To see pregnant people in a dream, a woman can acutely responding to changes in the menstrual cycle.

So it can manifest a subconscious fear of unwanted pregnancy in active sexual life. Or, on the contrary, a woman who herself really wants to get pregnant can see in a dream, does not want to get pregnant.

Often in dreams a person can see completely ordinary, and sometimes incredible things. Each seen object, the action or event can carry a certain information that the dreams allow. So that you can use the proposed interpretations, it is worth trying how you can remember important items.

What dream of a pregnancy girlfriend?

Often, such a dream may indicate that in real life, a friend is often subject to someone else's influence. This can be like recommendations of parents and public opinion. Another dream may be a symbol of your joint ideas, and, both small, for example, hike in a restaurant and global - joint. One of the dreams offers another interpretation, and the night dreams about a pregnant girlfriend should be associated with the emergence of health problems. Basically, the dream in which the pregnant friend appeared should not be associated with the birth of a child in real life.

To see such a plot in a dream, it means that the girlfriend is waiting for problems in personal life. During this period, it can get into an awkward situation that will provoke the emergence of numerous troubles. Dream of pregnancy girlfriends can also be considered a warning that small troubles are waiting ahead. In such a situation, the dreams are like a messenger who must convey important information. If the girl in real life is pregnant, sleep foreshadows light birth. For people who were born in the winter-spring period, a dream, where the girlfriend was pregnant, foreshadows conflicts and various kinds of trouble. If you were born in spring or summer, then such a night vision can be interpreted, as a forerunner of improving the material situation and problems in family life.

For a man to see a pregnant girlfriend in a dream, it means that in the future it is worth expecting success in matters and profits, and it will be for him, quite unexpected. Dream Interpretation recommends that carefully distribute your expenses and not throw money into the wind. Even for the representatives of the strong floor, such a dream can be adopted for a warning that deception awaits you, so it is worth being as attentive as possible. For a married man, such a night vision foreshadows the disease of the spouse.

If the girl dreamed of a dream that the girlfriend was pregnant - this is an omnant of happy change in life. In the near future, you can expect the fulfillment of desires, in love and work.