What does a modular kitchen mean? What are modular kitchens, and what are their advantages. Types of cabinets in modular kitchens

A modular kitchen is the perfect solution for anyone looking for a truly versatile piece of furniture. Many people are interested in how a modular kitchen differs from a kitchen set, which seems to most to be a more familiar concept? The difference lies in the fact that the headset is static furniture, designed precisely for a specific space. But a modular kitchen consists of separate blocks that can be combined according to your preference. Today it is very popular and is sold in almost all furniture stores, so the question “where can you buy modular kitchens” does not arise.

Benefits of a modular kitchen

The main advantage of a modular kitchen is that it fits any room. This greatly simplifies the search for the necessary furniture. The exception is non-standard types of rooms, for example, with a niche in the wall. They require an individual approach.

What does a modular kitchen mean for a simple layman? This is, first of all, an affordable price. In addition, if there is not enough finance for a complete set of kitchen furniture, there is always an opportunity to buy additional modules gradually. Due to the fact that the modules can be combined in different ways, each buyer of this type of furniture has the opportunity to get a really original-looking kitchen, unlike the one in the neighboring apartment. The advantage of such furniture is that it can be rearranged at any time, changing the interior of the room.

A big plus of a modular kitchen is that all modules are usually in stock, so the buyer does not have to wait for them for months. Having chosen the necessary cabinets and cabinets, you can receive your goods in a complete set the very next day.

The modular kitchen meets all the requirements of progress. It has separate modules for any built-in appliances, so you don't have to worry about what to do with a bulky microwave or dishwasher. At the same time, when assembled, such a kitchen looks very elegant and harmonious. Modern manufacturers also offer a wide range of different materials. Thus, each person can choose a modular kitchen according to their taste and wallet.

Since the range of modern furniture is quite extensive, many buyers have to think carefully about how to choose the right modular kitchen. First of all, you should pay attention to the material from which it is made. In the modern market, most kitchens are made from MDF or chipboard. These are fairly high quality materials and are inexpensive. Recently, the interest of buyers has also been aroused by plastic kitchens. They look very original and make life much easier for their owners due to the fact that they are easy to care for. Solid wood kitchens look noble, but they are also quite expensive. Therefore, wooden kitchens are most often made to order. This is one of the answers to the question of how a built-in kitchen differs from a modular one.

Choosing a modular kitchen, you should pay attention to its design and decor. This choice depends solely on the preferences of the buyer. High-tech kitchens are popular today. They look very stylish and modern. A good choice is also a classic kitchen or a modern kitchen. You should not chase the latest fashionable novelties, because fashion is quite whimsical at home, and the kitchen, as a rule, is bought for a long period of time.

Previously, if we wanted to update the kitchen, we had to order it, and the company developed an individual project. We got a kitchen that was unique in its kind. Undoubtedly, there was a charm here, although it was rather expensive, long and tricky. But the principles of mass culture, assembly line production and LEGOization of society have brought about a real revolution in the furniture industry. Once someone wondered why not turn kitchen sets into a constructor consisting of bricks - standard modules that can be massively and inexpensively stamped at a factory. So that people can independently assemble their kitchen from standard elements. It's faster, easier, and cheaper.

The idea gained great popularity, and editions on interiors were full of ready-made projects developed by professional designers. So people gained the opportunity to get the kitchen from the pages of fashion magazines or from films, spending less on it than on an individual project.

Personally, I like faster and cheaper than more expensive and longer. And you?

Having a certain relationship with the production of furniture, I do my best to promote the ideas of LEGO interiors to my friends and relatives. And now I decided to write an article about the benefits of modular kitchens. Hope this helps people planning to update and upgrade their hearth.

So, let's go again! What are modular kitchens ?!

The plant produces a series of cabinets of various types: wall-mounted, floor-standing, with and without drawers, regular and corner cabinets, hoods, side plinths for tables, and the like. All modules are made in several color and size options, but in the same style. All elements of this set fit together and allow you to completely design the interior of your kitchen space. Ready-made modules can be purchased at a construction hypermarket - such as OBI - and can be easily customized to suit the specifics of your kitchen. Since these units are generic units, they tend to be cheaper and are a great option for people who want their kitchen to look trendy and stylish but have a limited remodeling budget.

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Before a machine that produces kitchen cabinets of a particular series goes live, the best designers will develop modular solutions. And these are designers who do not so much follow the latest fashion trends in interiors, but create trends themselves. So a modular kitchen is always a stylish and chic look. In fact, you get the kitchen from the TV - the same as in your favorite TV series or cooking show. It's nice to come here, it's nice to stay here. This is quite important if you plan on inviting friends. Aesthetics and functionality must coexist in modern kitchens.


Just as LEGO's generic parts let kids (and some passionate adults) create unique things, modular kitchens leave room for your creativity and thought.

There are plenty to choose from here. Each wall unit, floor unit, cabinet, drawer - each element - can have several options for size, finishes, colors. By using various combinations of sizes and styles, you can create a unique design that will not be repeated anywhere.


Continuing the topic of functionality, I want to note that modular headsets are produced by large companies that invest a lot of money in all stages, including the development and testing stages. Therefore, by purchasing such a kitchen, you get a carefully thought-out product, designed by leading experts who understand the functionality of all its elements.

And this will appeal to the overwhelming majority of Russians living in large settlements!

Large kitchens are not the most frequent occurrence in our multi-storey urban reality. Therefore, due to lack of space, it is required to maximize the potential of each square centimeter.

Modular kitchens are the ideal solution for optimizing and organizing space, taking into account the daily needs of a person and the frequency of use of different zones and objects. Modular accessories fit on cabinets and drawers and create extra space for cutlery, crockery, bottles, spices, vegetables and waste bins. Even hard-to-reach corners that are not normally used are equipped with accessories such as corner carousels.


Say goodbye to your carpenter. You don't have to wait for months for a new kitchen unit and endure the noise and dust that are inevitable when making a custom kitchen. All cabinets and cupboards have already been produced. All that remains is to deliver them.

The assembly does not require a lot of time and effort. You can do it yourself or order a service in a store where you buy your modular kitchen. All elements can be moved and swapped. And if you decide to move to a new place of residence, the headset can be easily dismantled, transported, and then assembled, adjusting all the components to the new space.

As for the renovation, everything is quite simple here too, thanks to standardization. The term "modular" means that your kitchen is made up of interchangeable units. If some part breaks down, then it will only be necessary to repair it, or buy the same one in the store and change it. The rest of the elements of the headset will not have to be touched. In addition, manufacturers of modular kitchens all over the world make cabinets of standard sizes, that is, it will even be possible to purchase an item from another company.

Modular kitchens are the spirit of our era. Their mission is to make the most of every centimeter of precious space. These are compact smart solutions that fit perfectly into any room and have an excellent appearance.

Once, while visiting my good friend, I complimented her on how delicious she had cooked everything. To which she replied: "It's because I have a beautiful kitchen!" Then I thought she was joking. However, now I think differently.

The kitchen is more than just a place to prepare food. It is a powerhouse that gives life energy to your household. A good, comfortable kitchen cheers up, helps to improve culinary skills, and most importantly, to cook with love. After all, the main secret ingredient of every dish of a good housewife is love.

Sections of the article:

Most of the housewives spend the longest time in the kitchen. For this reason, it is important to make this space more comfortable and functional.

But apart from that, everyone wants to make the kitchen stylish and attractive. However, for this it is worthwhile to competently approach the choice of kitchen furniture.

At this time, modular-type kitchens, which consist of individual elements, are very popular. Such products have a number of advantages. Among them, the following are especially worth highlighting:

1. The customer can purchase the required number of headset modules. It is allowed to buy even one design, which will be an excellent addition to the existing furniture.

2. There is no need to wait long for the chosen kitchen, since there are always finished products in the warehouse. All this greatly simplifies the procedure.

3. The facade and size of a modular kitchen is selected individually. In this case, the characteristics of the premises and the preferences of the buyer are taken into account.

4. Some time after purchasing such a kitchen, it is possible to change. To do this, you just need to rearrange the furniture modules. As a result, the situation will change and the outside of the room will look different.

The advantages of this furniture do not hurt to include its easy installation and transportation. This will certainly interest those who are used to frequently changing their place of residence.

It is better not to stop the choice on cheap modular furniture models, since for their manufacture, most likely, not sufficiently durable material was used.

These kitchens usually have standard dimensions, and they do not always correspond to the size of the doorway in the room. This is especially true for rooms with a non-standard layout. In this case, you have to make custom-made furniture for the kitchen.

Despite the fact that a modular kitchen is made from only a few materials, its appearance can vary. It is available for sale in a variety of styles and colors. All this makes modular furniture very interesting and attractive.

After examining all the advantages and disadvantages, you can start choosing a headset. Before giving preference to any particular option, you need to decide on the installation site.

Thus, it will be possible to preliminarily find out the dimensions of the future structure. In addition, if necessary, you can always order the manufacture of such furniture according to an individual project. As a result, it will be possible to obtain beautiful, practical and comfortable furniture, and to properly equip the space in the kitchen.

This is a collection of various standard sizes of lockers. The most common body material for modular furniture Is a chipboard faced with veneer or laminate. are very diverse. There are plenty to choose from, given the overall style of the planned interior.

Who and why produces modular furniture

Manufacturing modular furniture mainly large furniture factories are engaged, which do not have time for an individual approach to each of their clients.

Modular programs differ in the number of elements included in them. Those that include a larger number of items (over 60) and, accordingly, make it possible to create more options for compositions, are made from more expensive materials. There are modular systems that are more democratic, combining about 30 items, and intermediate varieties (30-60 components). The more components, the more individual the interior will be, close to custom-made furniture.

Why modular furniture is cheaper

The lack of an individual approach in any case makes the product significantly cheaper ... Judge for yourself:

  1. A measurer does not come to your home, who takes the dimensions of your kitchen, taking into account all its features, such as:
    • location of gas pipes,
    • water pipes, as well as other communications,
    • the size of the window sill,
    • curvature of walls,
    • floor level,
    • the presence of a ventilation shaft,
    • other boxes.
  2. For the measurements obtained, an individually-unique scheme of the project of your kitchen is not made.
  3. At a furniture factory, when cutting chipboard, your dimensions are not set.
  4. Materials, most often not expensive:. The fittings are poor. A layman would still not understand why such a low price was achieved.
  5. If you assemble the furniture yourself, it will be even cheaper.

The process is as impersonal as possible. The manufacturer does NOT spend extra money and time on an individual approach. You do some of the work yourself, deciding which cabinets, what size you need and where you put them. Played as a constructor as a child? It's the same here. Many people like to feel like designers, equipping a living space at their discretion.

To simplify this process as much as possible, many large manufacturers on their websites make available programs in which you can pre-arrange furniture and see how the room will look after purchase. The lockers open, the color of the facades changes at your discretion or is matched to the color of the wallpaper, even the falling sunlight from the window can be indicated. The filling of the cabinets can also be selected at your own discretion. I do not like? There is an opportunity to radically change everything. Have fun arranging home appliances, flowers in vases, computers and hanging mirrors. Feel like a designer. And at the end, when you reach the optimal, in your opinion, option, the program will also give you the final price, taking into account discounts, promotions and delivery. Do you agree? Order! So, without getting up from the table, you can change the situation. Neither you nor the manufacturer waste extra time and effort. Convenient, isn't it?

Pluses of modular furniture

So the pros modular furniture :

  1. In any city you will find several representative offices of companies engaged in the production modular furniture ... Having a lot to choose from is always good. Most often these are "Stolplit", "Shatura", "Dyadkovo", "Ikea", and many others. These manufacturers have factories in many large areas.
  2. An unlimited number of ways to rearrange modules will allow you to create more and more unique compositions;
  3. When moving to a large apartment, an already purchased modular system can be easily supplemented with other elements;
  4. Designers closely follow fashion trends, which are immediately implemented, so your interior will be relevant in any case;
  5. If you are not satisfied with the overall space of the room, then using modular furniture it is easy to change, without the need to demolish some walls and build new ones.
  6. extremely handy if you have small children. After all, whatever one may say, babies grow, and at the same time the situation in the children's room should also change. With the help of modular furniture, you can easily modernize the interior by purchasing new elements that will complement each other. You don't have to throw anything away.
  7. Ease of assembly.
  8. And, of course, cheapness.

Cons of modular furniture

If the dimensions of the kitchen are non-standard and the room has an unusual shape, it is impossible to equip it according to existing standards. Making the working area of ​​the kitchen area comfortable and convenient is quite a feasible task if you buy a modern set.

Furniture allows you to equip a kitchen with any shape. You can create your own culinary masterpieces in a cozy environment.

What is a modular kitchen?

A set of furniture made of many different elements is a modular set. This includes modules:

  • pedestals of floor type, differing from each other in width and design. They can be open, closed, combined. Manufacturers often equip them with drawers;
  • wall cabinets with shelves;
  • cabinet in which the hood is installed;
  • speakers for household appliances or standard;
  • corner elements;
  • modular furniture for special purposes - a cabinet under a sink, a table under a hob or a dishwasher;
  • elements for installation along the edges;
  • other components.

The chosen style of the interior of the room determines everything - a bar counter with a mini-bar can be included in the model, and there can be not one, but several dining groups in the set.

Modular ready-made kitchens provide room for creative ideas. You can use the kit as a designer and create many options for arranging your workspace. The hostess decides for herself which one is suitable for her. Before that, she has the opportunity to try everything.

Elements of any set allow you to assemble any module at your discretion. It can be a corner kitchen or a parallel one. The island type is not difficult to create - you just need to remove those modules that are not needed.

Why is the popularity of modular models growing?

Each housewife has her own idea of ​​how the cooking process in the kitchen should be organized. For one woman, the location of the sink next to the stove is of fundamental importance, while the other, on the contrary, wants to separate the sink from the hob and installs a countertop between them.

Someone is satisfied with the modules placed in one line, while others consider the corner model to be a compact and practical.

Kitchens from the manufacturer - design solutions that make it possible to embody any female ideas about a dream kitchen into reality. Other benefits include the following:

  • Multifunctionality, comfort, convenience, good capacity with relatively modest dimensions.
  • The ability to constantly innovate the environment.
  • Possibility to supplement the model with new modules that can be ordered.
  • Ergonomics, practicality and attractive appearance.
  • Compact arrangement of elements.

Furniture design is not done according to established templates. You choose which elements you use. Hanging cabinets do not need to be installed above the worktop - they can be placed in any order. The same goes for the shelves.

Among the disadvantages, one can note the higher price of modular models compared to built-in ones. Each element of a modular system must look perfect so that the hostess can use it separately.

Main selection criteria

Economy class kitchens are made of chipboard - a material available to everyone who wants to equip their home. More expensive models are made from wood, metal or glass. Products from MDF are presented in the middle price category. The filling of the model also affects its cost. The option with more shelves and drawers is more expensive.

The modular white kitchen looks great. This color brings a sense of celebration to the room. Chipboard items look noble and expensive.

Accommodation options

Models are attracted by the opportunity to experiment. There are several types of layouts.


Units lined up in one line are the preferred variation among the vast majority of city apartment owners. If the room is small, then this is the only variation. The hostess, engaged in culinary masterpieces, can freely move from the refrigerator to the countertop and from the sink to the stove, without bumping into pieces of furniture.

Many consumers point to the low price as the main advantage. The linear variation looks harmonious in a rectangular room. The curbstone and work surface are installed between the sink and the stove. The dishes can be stored in wall cabinets and a floor stand.

2-row placement

When food is just being prepared in the kitchen, and the dining room is located in another room, then two-row placement of the headset is possible. If the hostess has to cook all day, then a more convenient organization of the kitchen space is difficult to find.

It is impossible to put anything else in the room, it looks long and narrow. There is little space left in the middle of the room.

Corner option

In these models, the individual elements are designed to be placed in the corners. This arrangement is considered the most rational way to place pieces of furniture and make it as practical as possible.

To arrange the modules, select 2 adjacent walls. While the rest of the space remains completely free. The corner model is great for a square kitchen.

U-shaped placement

If you are the owner of a spacious kitchen, then you will need to arrange a large number of cabinets and cabinets. The U-shaped layout will help to zone the room, and all household appliances can be built into the furniture. This increases the functionality of the kitchen.

There is a drawback, but it is only one. The dining table can only be placed near one wall, the other three will be occupied. This model can be safely chosen by the owners of large apartments or those who only cook in the kitchen.

Peninsular or island accommodation

An island or peninsula can be created in large spaces. Cabinets with pedestals are placed against the walls, and a bar is placed in the center of the room. The working area can be designed in the form of a peninsula.

In such a layout, the disadvantages are visible to the naked eye. The headset requires a lot of space. On the other hand, furniture with curved contours looks luxurious and elegant. Rounded corners prevent injury to household members.

What's the best design solution?

The simple form of the modules provides endless design possibilities. A pile of decorative elements can completely ruin the overall impression. If we consider inexpensive solutions, then the appropriate styles are:

  • Modern. Clear and smooth lines look impressive. The richness of the color palette is simply amazing.
  • High tech. The fashionable trend of recent decades involves the use of glass, metal and glossy surfaces in the interior. Stylish and practical furniture is convenient to use.
  • Classic. This is an eternally fashionable direction. The classic style gives a feeling of reliability and home comfort. Solid wood furniture is all you need.

Review of budget options

If we consider domestic products, then you can find offers from 7200 rubles. This kit includes 4 modules: 2 are installed on the floor, and 2 others are hung on the wall. One of the modules is equipped with a drawer. Cabinets have a depth of 54 cm and a worktop width of 60 cm.

The Gamma 1100 set has characteristic differences. Here, each component is well-chosen. The hinged door design means savings as well as thoughtful filling. This kit uses a wall-mounted dryer only.

Basis 17 is the original version of the organization of the workspace. He decorates the room. The presented option is of the linear type. The manufacturer produces it in the Provence style. On the facades, a film is glued that imitates ancient wood, which the sun has been burning with its rays for decades. The handles seem to be made of porcelain, and the table top is made of planed boards.

Some of the hinged doors of the wall modules are glazed. Floor cabinets are equipped with drawers. The set contains 8 separate segments.

Chrome fittings are in perfect harmony with the Provence style. A photo of a modular kitchen confirms this. An indelible impression is made by the design of the walls under artificial stone and the flooring from terracotta tiles.

The cost of stylish furniture is 19,000 rubles. You can afford to buy it, the products have served their owners for decades.

If you have not yet decided on a model, then take a look at IKEA modular kitchens. The manufacturer is constantly studying consumer demand. Therefore, among his offers you will find one that will not leave you indifferent. High quality products will last you a long time. Each product has a photo and a detailed description.

Choose the neat design and configuration you need to organize your cooking space as you wish. A ready-made suite will help you create your dream kitchen.

Photos of modular kitchens