What does talent mean? Talent - what is it? Talented person. What are the talents


(from the Greek talanton - originally weight, measure, then in a figurative sense - the level of abilities) - a high level of development of abilities, especially special ones (see. abilities special). The presence of T. should be judged by the results of human activity, to-rye should be distinguished by a fundamental novelty, originality of the approach. T. of a person, guided by a pronounced need for creativity, always reflects certain social demands.

Brief psychological dictionary. - Rostov-on-Don: PHOENIX. L.A. Karpenko, A.V. Petrovsky, M. G. Yaroshevsky. 1998 .


A high level of development of abilities, manifested in creative achievements, important in the context of the development of culture, first of all - special abilities. The presence of talent should be judged by the results of the activity, which should be distinguished by a fundamental novelty, originality of the approach.

In different areas, talent can manifest itself at different times. So, in music, drawing, mathematics, linguistics, technology, it usually manifests itself at an early age; and talent in the literary, scientific or organizational fields are found at a later age.

The maximum productivity of talented people also manifests itself at different ages: in science at 35-40 years old; in poetry at 24 - 30, etc.

Dictionary of practical psychologist. - M.: AST, Harvest. S. Yu. Golovin. 1998 .


In different fields, talent can manifest itself at different ages. So, in music, drawing, mathematics, linguistics, technology, it usually manifests itself at an early age, and talent in the literary, scientific or organizational fields is found at a later age. Also, the maximum productivity of talented people is manifested at different ages: in science - at 35-40 years old, in poetry - at 24-30.

Psychological Dictionary. THEM. Kondakov. 2000 .


(English) talent).

2. Social characteristics of a person who has made a significant contribution to the development of culture, industry, science, etc. See. .

"T." - the concept is not so much scientific as everyday, since there is neither a theory nor methods for its diagnosis. The level of T. is usually judged by the products of human activity. However, the assessment of novelty, perfection, and significance of a product changes over time. Accordingly, the social characteristics of the individual also change (cf. ).

In music, drawing, mathematics, linguistics, and technology, T. often manifests itself in childhood. Literary, scientific, and organizational tactics are found at a later age. The productivity of talented people is also uneven. 6-7-year periods of change in creative productivity and certain age-related maxima were noted: in science, the maximum falls on the period of 35-40 years, in poetry 24-30.

The formation and development of T. depends on one's own activity and the conditions of a person's life. The manifestation of T. is facilitated by: a democratic style of relations in the family, the absence of strict regulation of behavior, the presence of a creative model for imitations. (V. N. Druzhinin.)

Big psychological dictionary. - M.: Prime-EVROZNAK. Ed. B.G. Meshcheryakova, acad. V.P. Zinchenko. 2003 .



See what "talent" is in other dictionaries:

    Talent- Education * Greatness * Genius * Common sense * Ideal * Manners * Opinion * Morality * Help * Deed * Habit * Reputation * Advice * Mystery * Talent * Character ... Consolidated encyclopedia of aphorisms

    TALENT- (lat. talentum, from the Greek. actually scales). 1) a certain amount of money from the ancient Jews, as well as weight = approx. 3 pounds. 2) the weight of silver among the Greeks = approx. 1.5 pounds. 3) weight in Greece and Ionic. acute = 100 English lb. 4) talent, ability to what ... ... Dictionary of foreign words of the Russian language

    talent- a, m. talent m. lat. talentum gr. talanton. 1. Outstanding natural abilities, great talent. ALS 1. But what good will the state do.. is there in important cases the ministry will rely on little talent and knowledge of the people. 1766 ... Historical Dictionary of Gallicisms of the Russian Language

    talent- See talent, ability, destiny to bury one's talent ... Dictionary of Russian synonyms and expressions similar in meaning. under. ed. N. Abramova, M .: Russian dictionaries, 1999. talent, gift, talent, ability; ability, destiny; head, spark of God, ... ... Synonym dictionary

    Talent- Talent ♦ Talent More than a talent, but less than a genius. Of a gifted child who has a clear ability in mathematics or drawing, it is impossible to say whether he is talented or not. But a talented, and even a brilliant artist - for example, ... ... Philosophical Dictionary of Sponville

    Talent- a high level of development of abilities, manifested in creative achievements, important in the context of cultural development. In different areas, talent can manifest itself at different times. So, in music, drawing, mathematics, linguistics, technology, usually ... ... Psychological Dictionary

    TALENT- talent, m. [Greek. talanton, lit. weight, scales]. 1. only units Talent, giftedness, outstanding natural abilities. "Your art, your talent was honored with an equal tribute." Nekrasov. || more often pl. In general, the ability to do something, the ability to do something. do… … Explanatory Dictionary of Ushakov

    talent- TALENT, husband. 1. Outstanding innate qualities, special natural abilities. T. actor. Musical vol. 2. A person with such qualities and abilities. Young talents. Bury talent in the ground, prevent talent from developing, give it ... ... Explanatory dictionary of Ozhegov

    TALENT- (from the Greek tälanton, lit. - scales, weight, weighted) outstanding abilities, unusual talent in any area, inherent in an individual from birth or under the influence of exercises, developing to a high degree, providing a person with the opportunity ... Philosophical Encyclopedia

    Talent- a large counting monetary unit of Ancient Greece, Egypt, Asia Minor. Talan introduced in 594 BC Talan contained over 26 kg of silver. In English: Talent See also: Counting monetary units Finam Financial Dictionary ... Financial vocabulary

Among creative people and critics of different eras and countries, disputes about the understanding and meaning of this word will probably never stop. Some people think that talent is the lot of the elite, God's spark, which arises quite unpredictably and quite rarely on Earth. Others believe that talent is something that is given to each of us, and any person can use certain methods to identify their extraordinary abilities in a particular area, and then develop them correctly with the help of special exercises. Some people think that 99% of success depends on this concept, and some that talent is 90% work and daily exercises! Who knows? Or maybe a calling is a talent? Let's try to at least a little understand this, frankly, a difficult issue.

Concept definition

According to dictionaries and encyclopedias, this word is defined as the presence of certain outstanding abilities in a particular person or group of people. As a rule, they are manifested in the creative achievements of various types of arts, professional innovations, and the like. So, the rest of society judges the presence of talent mainly by the results of activity. And they, of course, must be innovative, with a fresh and original approach to the topic and material. Different talents can manifest themselves at different ages: from early childhood (a vivid example is Mozart in music), to maturity rich in experience (for example, many philosophical works).

congenital or acquired

The opinion, quite widespread: that talent is a consequence and a possible result of only congenital and genetically conditioned so-called gift. But many years of experiments and studies conducted by some scientists testified that almost every one of us has the beginnings of various talents from birth. And already this or that degree of their subsequent development can be caused by education and training. Whence it directly follows that talent is abilities developed and approved with the help of experience and the acquisition of skills.

People and animals

Many researchers believe that this concept is unique to humans. But some people think otherwise. Indeed, in higher mammals, for example, primates or dolphins, amazing abilities can be identified and developed. What has been repeatedly proven in various examples and experiments, documented. And in India, dolphins are generally officially recognized as a reasonable race, different from humans. Probably, nevertheless, talent is not only a human privilege!

Social characteristic

Be that as it may, a person's talent is rather one of his social characteristics, and not a strict scientific definition. It is a purely everyday concept, since there are no definite and clearly verified diagnostic methods for its detection and evaluation. The levels of talent are usually judged by other people, the surrounding society. And judgments are formed depending on the products of activity and their novelty. However, over time, assessments of significance may change, and the relevance of creations may be lost, and then oblivion is inevitable, as has happened more than once in the history of mankind: masters recognized by their era lost all value for posterity.


The word itself comes from the name of the measure of weight and monetary unit in ancient Greece. And in Christianity there is a parable that the owner gave his three slaves a coin each - talent. The first one buried the money. The second - exchanged wealth. The third - multiplied. From here, by the way, then the expressions went: to increase or bury your talent in the ground (as many representatives of mankind do). In a figurative sense of the word: a gift of God, the possibility of creating a new one, equal to the Lord himself, who created people in his own image and likeness. This means that a person has such a privilege - to create and create!

Classification attempt

In attempts to classify the concept itself, some minds, as they say, broke their heads. When questioned and dissatisfied with such methodologies, one can still cite Howard Gardner's The Mind Frame as an example. In it, the scientist identifies nine types of talent inherent in all people.

  • Linguistic and verbal. Many writers and journalists, masters of the word and sharks of the pen possess it.
  • Digital talent. It is inherent in programmers and people with a mathematical mindset.
  • "Aurally". Such talent is inherent in many musicians, linguists, polyglots.
  • Spatial. They are used by artists and designers.
  • Physical. Athletes and, for example, dancers.
  • Next come personal and interpersonal, environmental talent, and entrepreneurial talent related to time management and money.

Of course, such a classification is perceived rather conditionally, since the assessment criteria are the opinions of others, and the assessment is made mainly on the basis of the results presented to the public.

In music

There are quite a few criteria by which one can say: musical talent is the ability of a person to memorize, repeat, compose a melody and play various musical instruments. As a rule, these abilities appear at an early age, extremely early. Sometimes parents do not pay due attention to the relevant features of the child, and the stars go out without having time to light up. Sometimes - as in the case of Mozart - the talent is intensively developed by the parent, and backed up by knowledge and experience, it flares up like the sun!

Sometimes the opposite happens: adults consider the child to be brilliantly gifted, indulging him in every possible way, and thereby breaking his fate. How to understand this subtle and sensitive issue, because sometimes we are so vulnerable? There are simply good musicians, and there are talents close to genius. The latter, as a rule, hear much more in music than an ordinary person, they cannot imagine life without it, it is their natural and urgent need. If you have a good teacher, you can turn almost any kid into an average musician who understands harmony and notes, who can play quite complex works by respected authors from a sheet. For a genius, learning is not the most important thing (although with an experienced teacher, talent is realized faster). What is important is the feeling of oneself in music, God's gift, the desire to improve and develop oneself. Often students who possess these qualities already outperform their experienced teachers at an early age (and this is typical not only for the musical spheres).

How to recognize

It is noted that musical ones can be recognized already by the age of three years. This is what can become the key to the formation of future talent and even genius in this field. Researchers, before recording their own child as a genius, advise using several tests that test the child’s abilities regarding hearing (of course, musical, not ordinary), sensitivity to rhythm, and musical memory. Experienced teachers even have special methods for determining the talent of kids at such an early age. They are focused on starting to develop their abilities without waiting for the age of 7, when they usually go to a music school. Who knows, maybe by the age of seven your child will already professionally play several instruments and write his own pieces, thereby proving that musical talent is a feature that is inherent in him?


If there is a musical instrument in the house, for example, a piano (or a toy synthesizer, finally), one of the simple tests can be carried out. They are designed to bring out hidden talent. This is the child's distinction between the pitch of a sound (of course, everything should happen in a playful way so that the child is interested), its tonality and speed of reproduction. You can hit the keys, saying: and this is how the mouse squeaks, and this is how the bear walks, and this is how the fox. Asking the baby then sounds: who is it - a bear or a mouse? It has been noticed that if a child is good, then he will be able to determine the differences from the first time already in 2-3 years.

Guess the melody and rhythm

Another wonderful "children's" test is to guess simple melodies by the baby. You need to select several, and each designate a specific picture or object. After playing the notes, ask the child to recognize them next time by pointing to a specific pattern or object. So you can test your musical memory. If recognition occurs quickly, we can talk about the presence of a corresponding talent. And it is checked in the same way. Clap your hands to the beat of the melody. If the baby can repeat the clapping with you next time, then he has a good sense of rhythm.

You can often hear about a person that he is talented. What does this mean? What is talent? Can it be measured? How is talent different from genius? Does it differ at all? Are people talented in more than one activity? How to identify your talents? What varieties of them exist? Is it possible to speak about the innate nature of this phenomenon, or do talents arise during life? Let's take these questions in order.

What is talent

Talent is extraordinary abilities that appear with the acquisition of experience and allow you to succeed in the chosen type of activity. Slightly simplified, talent is what you do best. There is no unequivocal answer to the question of a genetic predisposition to certain talents, but most scientists still tend to believe that inclinations are laid even before birth, forming a person's giftedness.

For example, there are genes that increase muscle mass growth, speed or endurance, forming a corresponding talent for playing sports. Similarly, learning abilities, creative inclinations, etc. can be inherited. Very often they are formed together, justifying the saying that a talented person is talented, if not in everything, then certainly in many ways.

But in order to develop talent, genes alone are not enough more practice is needed. And this is already a strong-willed characteristic, plus a fortunate combination of circumstances.

For example, if someone has the ability from birth to surf, but lives in the desert, then it is unlikely to implement this skill. Feeling his calling, he can change his place of residence, moving to the sea, and devote himself to his favorite pastime. But these are already reflections from the sphere of searching for oneself.

What is talent, it seems to be clear, now we will find out how it differs from genius. Genius is an extreme degree of development of a certain skill, which manifests itself in one direction.

For example, a brilliant musician, artist or writer. But not all at once, like a talented person. In addition, if talented people are more or less developed in all areas, then a genius can be inferior in life, but at the same time successful in his work. Therefore, considering talent, psychology, as a science of mental health, clearly encourages this phenomenon. But genius is sometimes equated with a mental deviation and may accompany insanity.

What are the talents?

Since humanity has been developing in many directions throughout the history of its existence, different talents have arisen. Conventionally, they can be combined into eight generalized groups.

Talent classification:

  • Verbal-linguistic - characteristic of writers, journalists;
  • Logical-mathematical - inherent in mathematicians, programmers;
  • Auditory (musical) - peculiar to musicians, linguists;
  • Spatial - found among designers and artists;
  • Body-kinetic - developed in athletes and dancers;
  • Emotional (intrapersonal) - inherent in philosophers;
  • Interpersonal - pronounced in politicians, actors;
  • Interaction with nature - distinguishes farmers, trainers.

In addition to the listed types, you can still find a talent for entrepreneurial activity, as well as a talent for fantasizing. By and large, the first is akin to interpersonal talent, and the second is emotional, but still they are sometimes distinguished into separate types.

How to define your talent?

Since talent is associated with natural inclinations and giftedness, its disclosure helps faster in life. Thus, more time is left for the realization of their abilities, more opportunities to achieve success.

The main ways to help identify hidden talents include:

  • Introspection and childhood memories;
  • Passing psychological tests;
  • Heartfelt conversation with close friends and relatives;
  • Constant expansion of one's worldview, increase in knowledge;
  • Regular experimentation and practice with new activities.

Using these tips, you can quite easily determine your talent and, accordingly, live life more intensely and interestingly.

How to develop talent?

When abilities are revealed, the stage of their strengthening comes. To do this, you should definitely practice, increasing your professional level. After all, even if the muscles are naturally prone to hypertrophy, without regular exercise in the gym, they will not develop.

Talent is only a deposit, but the degree of its manifestation depends on diligence and diligence. This is what distinguishes a capable person from a talented one. In the first case, we are talking about the possibility of achieving something, and in the second, about a fact that has already taken place.

The algorithm that allows you to develop your talent is as follows:

  • Believe in the presence of talent;
  • Make time for it regularly
  • Make an effort to get out of your comfort zone;
  • Collect all available information regarding your hobby;
  • Find yourself a good teacher or mentor;
  • Compete regularly with others;
  • Don't stop there, keep improving.

These recommendations apply to any type of talent, because the principles of mastery are similar in all activities. But the most important thing is faith in yourself and your strengths, without which there is no point in moving on. Do not be afraid of criticism. It's worse when it's not there at all. The more a person achieves in the chosen type of activity, the more willing to criticize him. This is normal and is a good indicator of success that accompanies talent all the way through its development.

What is talent, we have already answered. The classification has been reviewed. How to determine is also clear. It remains only to start. Not tomorrow, not Monday or New Year's. Namely now. Find your talent and develop it. Even if it seems at first glance that it does not exist, this is only self-deception. Each person has natural inclinations, and accordingly there are abilities. The main thing is not to be lazy and everything will work out.



(lat. talentum, from the Greek. actually scales). 1) a certain amount of money from the ancient Jews, as well as weight = approx. 3 pounds. 2) the weight of silver among the Greeks = approx. 1.5 pounds. 3) weight in Greece and Ionic. acute = 100 English lb. 4) talent, ability to any branch of human knowledge, artistic or technical. 5) in the vernacular: happiness, luck.

Dictionary of foreign words included in the Russian language. - Chudinov A.N., 1910 .


1) natural talent in any area of ​​spiritual or physical activity; differs from a genius in lesser creative originality and a certain one-sidedness; 2) among the ancient Greeks, a trading weight of 60 min; the t. coin corresponded to the value of 60 minas of silver (= 60,000 drachmas). Ordinary Greek. t., as weight \u003d 1.5 p., as a sum of money \u003d 1290 p.

Dictionary of foreign words included in the Russian language. - Pavlenkov F., 1907 .


outstanding ability to h.-l.; one or another gift inherent in some people to a greater or lesser extent, for example, literary talent, the gift of eloquence, etc. Among the ancient Greeks, a measure of trading weight, equal to 60 mines, or 6000 drachmas, was called talent, our measures are more than 1, 5 pounds. The talent of silver corresponded to the cost of 60 min, with our money about 1300 rubles.

A complete dictionary of foreign words that have come into use in the Russian language. - Popov M., 1907 .


lat. talentum, from Greek. talanton. a) A counting silver coin among the ancient Jews and Greeks, as well as the weight of the latter. b) Gift, ability.

Explanation of 25,000 foreign words that have come into use in the Russian language, with the meaning of their roots. - Mikhelson A.D., 1865 .


(gr. talanton)

1) outstanding innate qualities, special natural abilities; giftedness;

2) a gifted person;

3) the largest unit of mass and monetary unit, which was widespread in the ancient world (Ancient Greece, Babylon and other areas of Asia Minor); t. had different values ​​in different countries; a small Attic t. (in Greece) contained 26.2 kg of silver.

New dictionary of foreign words.- by EdwART,, 2009 .


talent, m. [ Greek talanton, lit. weight, scales]. 1. Talent, giftedness, outstanding natural abilities. || In general, the ability to do something, the ability to do something. do (colloquial). 2. Gifted, talented person. 3. Ancient Greek weight and monetary unit. 4. In modern Greece - a measure of weight equal to 150 kg.

A large dictionary of foreign words. - Publishing house "IDDK", 2007 .

but, m. (fr. talent lat. talentum Greek talanton).

1. Outstanding innate qualities, natural talent in some way. respect. T. actor. Musical T.
Talented- possessing talent, characterized by talent.
Bury talent in the ground Don't let talent show.
|| Wed genius.
2. trans. Talented person. Look for young talents.
|| Wed genius.

but, m. (Greek talanton).

3. The largest unit of weight and monetary unit in the ancient world (Ancient Greece, Babylon and others).
| IN Dr. Greece t. as a unit of weight was equal to 26.2 kg of silver (Attic t.), as a monetary unit was equal to 60 mina m.

Explanatory Dictionary of Foreign Words L. P. Krysina.- M: Russian language, 1998 .



See what "TALENT" is in other dictionaries:

    Education * Greatness * Genius * Common sense * Ideal * Manners * Opinion * Morality * Help * Deed * Habit * Reputation * Advice * Mystery * Talent * Character ... Consolidated encyclopedia of aphorisms

    talent- a, m. talent m. lat. talentum gr. talanton. 1. Outstanding natural abilities, great talent. ALS 1. But what good will the state do.. is there in important cases the ministry will rely on little talent and knowledge of the people. 1766 ... Historical Dictionary of Gallicisms of the Russian Language

    talent- (from the Greek talanton, originally weight, measure, then in a figurative sense, the level of abilities) a high level of development of abilities, especially special ones (see special abilities). The presence of T. should be judged by the results of activities ... ... Great Psychological Encyclopedia

    See talent, ability, destiny to bury one's talent... Dictionary of Russian synonyms and expressions similar in meaning. under. ed. N. Abramova, M .: Russian dictionaries, 1999. talent, gift, talent, ability; ability, destiny; head, spark of God, ... ... Synonym dictionary

    Talent- Talent ♦ Talent More than a talent, but less than a genius. Of a gifted child who has a clear ability in mathematics or drawing, it is impossible to say whether he is talented or not. But a talented, and even a brilliant artist - for example, ... ... Philosophical Dictionary of Sponville

    A high level of development of abilities, manifested in creative achievements, important in the context of cultural development. In different areas, talent can manifest itself at different times. So, in music, drawing, mathematics, linguistics, technology, usually ... ... Psychological Dictionary

    Talent, m. [Greek. talanton, lit. weight, scales]. 1. only units Talent, giftedness, outstanding natural abilities. "Your art, your talent was honored with an equal tribute." Nekrasov. || more often pl. In general, the ability to do something, the ability to do something. do… … Explanatory Dictionary of Ushakov

    TALENT, ah, husband. 1. Outstanding innate qualities, special natural abilities. T. actor. Musical vol. 2. A person with such qualities and abilities. Young talents. Bury talent in the ground, prevent talent from developing, give it ... ... Explanatory dictionary of Ozhegov

    - (from the Greek tälanton, lit. - scales, weight, weighted) outstanding abilities, unusual talent in any area, inherent in an individual from birth or under the influence of exercises, developing to a high degree, providing a person with the opportunity ... Philosophical Encyclopedia

    Large accounting monetary unit of Ancient Greece, Egypt, Asia Minor. Talan introduced in 594 BC Talan contained over 26 kg of silver. In English: Talent See also: Counting monetary units Finam Financial Dictionary ... Financial vocabulary

When doctors explain the causes of diseases, they often mention the next factor - genetic predisposition. Physiologically, a predisposition to the appearance of certain diseases is transmitted from parents to a person. They may or may not develop, which largely depends on the motivating factors. And can a person transfer talents, abilities, mental properties?

From parents to children, not only pathologies of the physiological level are transmitted, but also abilities. Of course, psychologists say that a brilliant person does not always have a brilliant baby, just like ordinary people periodically have talented children. We can talk not about the transfer of talent, but about the predisposition of the child to be talented. Only his upbringing and living conditions will contribute or not contribute to the emergence of talent.

Parents may have a baby who is talented in something different than his mom and dad. We should talk about the fact that a person can be talented if the right factors contribute to this.

What is talent?

What is the talent that many talk about and some dream of? Talent is a predisposition, a potential, an inherent ability. What a person will be talented in is inherent in him initially, from birth. Usually talent manifests itself in relation to one area of ​​\u200b\u200blife. It distinguishes when a person shows gifted abilities for everything.

Talent is an inborn predisposition. This does not mean that a person will necessarily be talented. Many people are likely to be talented, but they have not found what they are gifted in, so they are ordinary. Accordingly, one's talent should be found, developed, and multiplied. A person has a predisposition to be talented. However, whether he becomes talented or not depends on whether he develops his skills and gains experience.

Talent is revealed when a person encounters an object, in the process of interaction with which he will show his talent. If a person never encounters this subject, then he will not know that he is talented.

Other signs of talent are:

  1. Inner trepidation and uplift of mood when a person is engaged in an activity in which he has talent.
  2. A person shows abilities, quick learning, good adaptation to activities.
  3. A person demonstrates almost immediately good results, despite his inexperience.
  4. There is an inner attraction to the subject of activity.

A talented person stands out from the rest, who also began to interact with this or that object.

Talent can be revealed if only one begins to engage in the business to which a person is predisposed. Some factors contribute or do not contribute to this:

  • Economic. The more money a person has, the more opportunities he has to try himself in various things, places and under any conditions.
  • Fresh look. You need to see the talent behind you, which manifests itself in the fact that you see more than other people.
  • Education. In the learning process, you can also note certain inclinations.

A talented person has a special handwriting in the business in which he is engaged. He always achieves the best results, in comparison with other people, both using conventional methods and deviating from them and even creating his own approaches to business.

Talent must be developed, otherwise it will remain just a hobby. Many people are addicted to something - this is an area where they could be talented if they improved their skills. In the meantime, a person only internally feels an impulse to engage in a business where everything is easy for him.

It should be understood that people around them negatively perceive talented people. Your talent should be developed. However, other people often interfere with this: relatives, friends, neighbors, teachers, the whole society. Often a person has such abilities that are unnecessary, unaccepted or even dangerous to society. That is why the talent of a person who is not needed by anyone is trying to be “drowned out”.

Talented people should know about this. Sometimes you have to go against society in order to develop your abilities, or give up your own gift for the sake of the peace of others.

Types of talent

In 1980, types of talents were identified, of which there are about 30 today. Here are the most important of them:

  1. Verbal-linguistic - the sharpness of the word and mind, the ability to beautifully express one's thoughts.
  2. Digital - the ability to operate with numbers: programmers, mathematicians, etc.
  3. Spatial - Spatial skills, such as artists and designers.
  4. Physical - the ability to control your body and feelings: dancers, singers, etc.
  5. Personal or emotional.
  6. Interpersonal - the ability to connect with other people.
  7. The talent of the environment is the ability to fit into nature: farmers, etc.

How to find your talent?

Who you are? What do you? What are they capable of? What qualities do you have? How attractive to the people around you? Are you really as bad or as good as other people say you are? All this in the common people is called "personal opinion", and in more scientific circles - "the image of one's own Self."

You are handsome, stately, you know how to communicate with other people, make new acquaintances, attract members of the opposite sex, shine with your mind and help people. Or you are a loser who can only sit on the neck of his parents, go out with friends and discuss new computer games. Is this you? Actually?

Please tell me, is everything that you say about yourself was once said by your parents, teachers, friends, colleagues, former loved ones, or is this collective image about yourself the result of your observations of yourself? As it often happens, everything that a person thinks about himself is once said to him by other people.

  • Once my mother said that “I am untidy”, and until now the person continues to be untidy.
  • Once a teacher said that “I am the smartest”, and now a person feels disadvantaged if an interlocutor who is smarter than him is next to him.
  • Once upon a time, a grandmother on the street said that “I laugh too loudly,” and now a person either does not laugh at all, or every time he watches how loudly he does it.
  • Once the boss said that “my hands are growing out of the wrong place,” and now for some reason a person cannot do his job as well as he did before.

In other words, someone once said something to you and you believed that you really are such a person.

But look at what these people are themselves: some complain about a small salary, others are unhappy in their personal lives, others have decided that their lives are over, others imagine themselves to be gods and omniscient. In other words, unfortunate, notorious, weak losers once expressed how they look at you, and you believed it. You are not "the unkemptest, the smartest, the loudest laugher, etc.", but some particular person looked at you in such a way that he saw this quality, although this may not be in you at all. Perhaps one day you felt bad and were untidy. Maybe once you tried and showed off your knowledge. Perhaps someone projected their grief onto you and called you a loser. Maybe the boss was in a bad mood and decided to rise at the expense of humiliating you. But this was an isolated case. It was another person who decided to see in you what he used to see in absolutely all people.

But it's not you! What other people say about you is often not true. All their words are dictated by the desire to prick you, cheer you up, understand that you are worse than them, or again arouse pity in you. In other words, you have been deceived both consciously and unconsciously. And you believed in all this, especially in the words of your parents, who were often tired and irritated, or teachers, who were unhappy with their work and wages.

So, who are you - is it your personal opinion or an opinion based on everything that you have heard addressed to you from the lips of others? It should be understood that there are no ideal people, and much of what was said to you about yourself is not true, because those around you pursued their own selfish goals, telling you this or that opinion. For example, parents often try to induce guilt in a child so that he finally begins to obey them, and at the same time they say words that can cut into the head and forever determine whether their child will consider himself lucky or he will become a pathological loser. People tell you things that can provoke you to take certain actions. That is, they tell you lies about yourself. And you believe in their words and then live with the thought that you are bad or good in some way, not noticing how you infringe on yourself, limit or look stupid, pretending to be those who you really are not.

What are you really capable of? Who are you really? To answer all these questions, you need to look at yourself as if you had never heard of yourself. You are a stranger, an unknown person that you see for the first time. And in order to understand who you are looking at in the mirror, what body you live in, what qualities, abilities and capabilities you have, you need to get to know yourself. At the same time, completely forget about everything that you have heard about yourself from other people. All their words are an illusion, a myth, a deceit. In fact, you do not know who you are and what you are really capable of. To do this, you need to get to know yourself.

Know yourself as you really are. This will allow you to finally understand what your strengths really are and what your weaknesses are. Moreover, you will finally be able to understand that being a curvaceous woman or an unsociable man is not so bad. Yes, you are not like everyone else, but it does not hurt you yourself. It is someone who does not like that you are a plump woman or an unsociable man. Does it bother you personally? Does it bother you personally? This understanding will save you from many complexes and worries. You will learn to love yourself only because you finally realized that you personally are not annoyed by your thin voice or ignorance of absolutely all the truths of life. You allow yourself to be unintelligent, non-standard and unusual, because this does not prevent you personally from feeling calm.

Get to know yourself:

  1. You will see that you have many virtues that were not noticed before - they need to be used, developed, appreciated.
  2. You will see that much of what used to be considered your shortcoming is actually your distinguishing feature. Yes, you are different from other people in this, but this is what makes you stand out among them, especially if you personally are fine with this.
  3. You will see your true flaws. And it may turn out that there are much fewer of them than you previously saw. And now it's up to you to decide whether you need to change these shortcomings in yourself or not. Now you will have a clear understanding of the direction in which you want to change your shortcomings, since you will be guided by the principle of "I will be so comfortable" and not "other people told me so."

Realize that you don't know yourself as long as you think in terms of the opinions you've collected since childhood to understand who you are and what you're capable of. This is other people's opinion, not yours. And these people could make a mistake somewhere, deceive in something, and sometime take advantage of you in order to feel more significant and successful on a par with you. What do you think about yourself without taking into account the opinions of other people? How do you yourself look at yourself, forgetting everything that others told you? Remember that how you think about yourself determines your capabilities. If you think you are a failure, then you will continue to do everything to be a failure. But as soon as you realize that you are not a failure, you will immediately feel the power in yourself to achieve what you previously did not allow yourself to achieve.

  1. What are your dreams? Think about all your desires, starting from childhood.
  2. Choose those dreams that talk about who you would like to be.
  3. What professions attract you? Who would you like to work?
  4. Add to the list those activities that are your favorite hobbies.
  5. Find out what hobbies and work make you feel good. To do this, visualize how you do them. Leave those that really interest you, inspire you.
  6. Group the remaining activities into one.
  7. How can you combine your existing abilities with the activities that interest you?


Get out into real life more and contact with various people, objects, phenomena. The more you try and learn, the more likely you are to recognize your talent. If you have not yet identified it, then you have not yet encountered the activity in which you would have shown yourself. Search!