Cyanide in home. Impact on man and risk of poisoning. Useful properties of chemical compound

Potassium cyanide is a chemical compound that has found applications in medicine, used in various industries, the KCN chemical formula. During the century, the substance became a means to eliminate ill-wishers. Modern diagnostic methods completely exclude such an opportunity for poisoning due to the rapid detection of poison in the tissues and human organs. Effective antidote is also synthesized to provide urgent help in accidental intoxication. Buy the drug in the pharmacy will not be possible - pharmacists and provisions have long ceased to use it in tinctures and ointments and acquire in the finished form.

Physiochemical properties

Many people learned what cyanide is potassium, only after reading plenty detectives or viewing historical series. For scientists, this is a compound obtained during the chemical reaction between the blue acid and the potash mixture solid salts. After dilution of cyanide, a clear solution without smell is formed in water.

The widespread view is that the salt of blue acid smells almonds, just a myth. The error of the judgment is based on the presence of poison in the bone of fruit trees. If the poison is mined in this way, then a huge amount of plant raw materials will be required to make it possible to feel the smell of potassium cyanide.

Externally, potassium cyanide resembles ordinary sugar sand, looks like a fine crystalline powder. With increasing moisture content in the surrounding space, the substance loses its stability and decomposes into neutral ingredients. But in the air can accumulate poisonous pairs, which will cause human poisoning. Sinyl acid refers to weak compounds, so it is easily replaced in the dilution of salts formed stronger and resistant acids.

Synerodyny potassium is an inorganic compound of blue acid, which has a simple chemical composition. It quickly decomposes in liquids on cations and anions, and it does not require any conditions for joining the reaction. When breeding poison in glucose solutions, its instantaneous oxidation occurs. Therefore, when carrying out disinfecting therapy, glucose can be used as an antidote, neutralizing the effect of poison.

Currently, the poisoning of toxic compound is extremely rare. Typically, the causes of intoxication becomes:

  • improper storage of substance at home;
  • the emergence of emergencies in industrial production. Despite the presence of modern treatment facilities, poisonous evaporations quickly spread in the room, penetrate the human body.

The use of potassium cyanide at certain stages of technological processes as an ingredient or catalyst does not eliminate the likelihood of poisoning or gases. The poison enters the respiratory tract, and then into the bloodstream. After a short time, a sufficient concentration of a chemical for the occurrence of death is accumulated in it.

Inxication can develop after entering skin poison and mucous membranes. In the presence of microcracks, open wound or scratches, the poison enters the bloodstream, and an inflammatory process develops at the site of its penetration: redness and rash appear. Potassium cyanide is able to bind to red blood cells, reduce their functional activity on the delivery of molecular oxygen to tissues.

Toxic effect on the human body

KCN intoxication in a significant concentration ends with the death of a person as a result of a respiratory stop
. Chemical interaction occurs between the compound and cytochromucleonide, one of the cell enzymes. It turns out that the trivalent iron is associated, which makes it impossible to transfer electrons. The violation of their transportation leads to the termination of the synthesis of adenosinerphosphate. This organic substance is a universal energy battery in biological systems.

A paradoxical situation arises - a shortage of molecular oxygen appears in organs and tissues, and its excessive concentration is found in the bloodstream, but it is very firmly associated with red blood tales. Therefore, when opening people who died from this poison, you can immediately determine the cause of death: blood painting in all veins becomes bright red as a result of increasing the content of hemoglobin.

Neutralization of red blood cells leads to oxygen starvation of tissues, a decrease in the functional activity of all life systems. There is a slowdown in the metabolism of proteins, fats, carbohydrates and they begin to accumulate in the body. The absence of molecular oxygen particularly negatively affects the cerebral cells - neurons. The process of transferring pulses to the central and vegetative nervous system is disturbed. No innervation provokes the following KCN action per person:

  • breathing disorder;
  • disorder of the cardiovascular system;
  • violation of blood filtering and urine removal from the body.

The poison stream of blood is transferred to liver cells, damaging them, leading to the distortion of metabolic processes.

The deadly dose for a toxic compound person is 1.6 mg / kg. But it may vary depending on:

  • health status;
  • floor;
  • age of the victim;
  • ways of penetration of toxic compound into the body.

The poisoning properties of this salt of blue acid allowed us to rank with the potent poisons. Potassium cyanide is located on commercially quantity on industrial industrials for the prevention of heavy intoxication.

For warning poisoning, measures include strict safety monitoring when working with high-oxic substances. But the ability of the poison is quickly subjected to hydrolysis and evaporate into the surrounding space sometimes leads to a small amount of chemical compound into the body. Toxicologists advise employees to always carry compressed sugar with them. Its use slows down suction in the bloodstream of cyanide potassium.

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61 year

I clean the vessels stable every year. He began to do it when I was knocking 30, since the pressure was not to hell. Doctors hands only bred. I had to take my health yourself. Different ways tried, but one helps me especially well ...
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Signs of poisoning will be faster if there is no food in the stomach. Carbohydrates, fats and proteins are capable of partially binding toxic compound, prevent its absorption of the gastric mucosa.

A minor amount of cyanide potassium can always be found in cells and tissues. Chemical compound participates in the metabolism of biologically active substances, water and fat-soluble vitamins, enzymes. The smoker's body contains many salts of blue acid, which penetrate into the blood of tobacco.

Useful properties of chemical compound

Calium cyanide is not resistant. The cyano group is quickly displaced by salts, which are formed by stronger acids, as a result of which the connection loses toxic properties. This quality is widely used at certain stages of technological processes in various industries.

What is potassium cyanide is a compound used as an ingredient, as well as a catalyst accelerating the speed of chemical reactions. On mining and processing plants and in electroplating production, with its help, noble metals (gold, platinum) are oxidized. A poison substance is part of the reagents for the manifestation of the film and cleansing the plaque from the surface of the jewelry. Entomologists use KCN to kill butterflies and dragonflies. People who are fond of painting face salt of blue acid when diluting paints for drawing:

  • "Milory";
  • "Prussian blue";
  • "Prussian blue".

These types of gouache and watercolor color canvas in bright blue color. The term "Sinyl" characterizes the ability of acid to give objects blue and intense blue colors in the presence of iron cations.

Acute and chronic intoxication of poison can be diagnosed in people who are not involved in the production of precious metals. About ten years ago, emissions of toxic waste in the Danube occurred at mining and processing plants of Eastern Europe. The local population used water for household and household needs, people used fish caught in a reservoir. After a few months, the number of patients with symptoms of chronic intoxication increased significantly.

In concentrated form, potassium cyanide is not found in nature. But in the bone of the fruit trees of the family of roses, there is a slight amount of amygdaline, the substance, which includes a cyano group. Most of the poison is in the nuclei:

  • apricots;
  • peaches;
  • almond;
  • cherries;
  • drain.

Young leaves and ease shoots contain a lot of potassium cyanide, which can cause pet poisoning. Amigdalin in the human body is hydrolyzed to a sinyl acid with similar properties with their own salts. Death from KCN will come with the use of 90-110 g nuclei of the bones of apricots. The most toxic fresh product, since in the process of heat treatment or drying amygdalin loses its poisoning properties.

Potassium cyanide is part of some insecticides. In agriculture, it is used to destroy rodents that penetrate the grain storages. A high probability of poisoning in non-compliance with safety regulations when working with poisons, as well as their incorrect storage in places where it is easy to get containers with powder.

Clinic intoxication

To carry out adequate disinfecting therapy, doctors need to find out which poison concentration circulates in the injured body. The characteristic signs of poisoning with the drug are manifested when in the blood of any number of poison, But their severity will be varied. In addition to the dose of toxic compound, symptoms are directly dependent on the age of a person and the presence of diseases in history. The tactics of the treatment of poisoning salt of sinyl acid differs in certain stages of the pathological process.

Easy degree of poisoning

No treatment at this stage of intoxication is required. In the body of the victim penetrated a minor number of poison, which is not capable of affecting health. A person should be removed from the room on fresh air and all the symptoms of poisoning will quickly disappear. These include:

  • dry throat, desire to flip off;
  • metal taste in the mouth, sense of numbness of the mucous membranes of the upper respiratory tract;
  • disorder of the digestive tract: nausea, sour belching, urge to defecation;
  • feeling of air shortness, slight dizziness;
  • excess saliva;
  • student heartbeat, arterial hypertension.

These same symptoms may occur during chronic poisoning. The absence of treatment is explained by the fact that a person, as a rule, does not give importance to negative signs of intoxication, writing them off their fatigue or temporary ailment.

Average degree of poisoning

With an increase in KCN concentration in the bloodstream, signs of violation of the central system are developing
. The situation is complicated by the fact that the victim often cannot realize the seriousness of what is happening due to the emergence of emotional instability. For this stage of poisoning, such symptoms are characteristic:

  • increased anxiety or anxiety, sharply replacing lethargy, apathy, drowsiness;
  • coordination violation in space, savory gait, dizziness;
  • feverish condition, cold Hydran, chills;
  • breathing disorders, shortness of breath;
  • blood tides to face and top of the body;
  • dryness of all mucous membranes;
  • shake hands and feet.

A characteristic feature of symptoms at this stage of intoxication is a strong convexity of the eyes. In the aggregate with redness of the mucous symptom, it refers to the main diagnostic signs of poisoning by this poison.

Emotional instability is expressed in the emergence of a strong fright. He wants to run somewhere, take any action, most often absolutely meaningless. In such a state, the victim can harm himself and the people around him.

Heavy degree of poisoning

At this stage of intoxication, a person needs urgent hospitalization and deoxication therapy, including the use of antidote. The severity of symptoms increases, provoking a decrease in the functional activity of all life systems. What signs of intoxication occur at this stage:

  • tremor of the upper and lower extremities;
  • loss of consciousness;
  • reduction of tactile, muscular, tendon reflexes;
  • violation of the gastrointestinal tract: vomiting, diarrhea, bloating, feeling of resolving in the field of epigastria;
  • threaded pulse, arterial hypotension;
  • temperature increase.

For this degree of poisoning, this drug is characterized by urinary disorder. Blood filtering by kidneys - in the body remains toxic compounds and metabolic products of substances. With the empty of the bladder, a slight amount of turbid urin is released. The injury can involuntantly empty the intestine due to the reduction of the tone of his smooth muscular muscles.

Paralytic stage of intoxication

After entering the deadly dose of poison, it remains a little time to neutralize the effect of poison, enter the victim's antidote
. This stage of poisoning often ends with the death of a person if disinfecting therapy and resuscitation measures have not been carried out for 10-20 minutes. At this stage, the victim has the following symptoms:

  • breathing superficial;
  • convulsions;
  • lack of reaction pupil into light;
  • lack of urination;
  • reduced blood pressure.

The poisoning of sinyl acid salts is characterized by the appearance of a bright brush and redness of the mucous membranes. Oxygen starvation of brain cells develops. It is not able to exercise a full-fledged regulation of livelihoods. The result becomes swelling of the lungs and the stop of the heart. The lethal outcome is based mostly when penetrating KCN in the stomach and when inhaling toxic vapors.

First aid for poisoning

The poisoning effect on the human body of cyanide potassium is shiftingTherefore, you should immediately call an ambulance brigade, call the doctor the cause of intoxication.

As a rule, on all industrial production, using syntic acid compounds, there are antidhem ampoules in the first-aid kit. Antidot is administered parenterally in accordance with the attached instructions.

During the waiting for a doctor, you must have the victim first aid:

  • put a person talking to him to be in consciousness;
  • when the heart is stopped, make an indirect heart massage and artificial respiration;
  • turn the victim on the side, as it can choke from the vomit;
  • rinse the stomach with a pink solution of potassium permanganate until pure liquid removes;
  • give any adsorbent or enterosorbent;
  • drinking a person with strong and very sweet tea for binding poison.

The victim will be urgently hospitalized for disinfect treatment with glucose solutions and mineral salts. Poisoning cyanium potassium will require a long rehabilitation period. If a large amount of toxic compound fell into the body, there may be hazardous consequences: impairment of urinary, damage to liver cells, aggravation of chronic diseases.

Lovers of detectives are heard about such a poison like cyanide potassium. The smell of almonds, confusing history, killing is a classic set of famous bestsellers. However, books are not always the truthful reflection of reality. In fact, now man poisoning with cyanium potassium is rare and occur most often in production.

Potassium cyanide is the most famous sinyl acid salts.

About poison

Hydrocyanic acid

What is cyanide potassium? There is a group of cyanides that are derivatives of sinyl acid. This acid is a colorless liquid, which has a strong smell of almond. In the bones of some plants (peaches, cherries, apricots, plums) is a substance called glucoside. At the time of decomposition, glucoside releases sinyl acid. Therefore, if you eat too much of these berries or fruits, you can choose.

Potassium cyanide is the most famous salts of blue acid. Like other cyanides, he is poisonous.

About the features of cyano potassium

Mortal dose of potassium cyanide for man - 1.7 mg / kg. But this does not mean that when this dose hit, the person will definitely die. Sometimes people survived and after significant doses due to the characteristics of the body. This poison has interesting properties. If a person who drank poison, the stomach is filled with food, in which a lot of sulfur (meat, eggs, etc.) or carbohydrates (cakes, cakes), then the poison is absorbed slowly.

Therefore, Grigory Rasputin did not doubt immediately as soon as the poison was added. His stomach was clogged with cakes that did not give poison to absorb. What does he look like? This is a white crystalline powder similar to sugar sand. His feature is a strong smell of almonds.

In the bone of some plants (almonds, apricots, peach, cherries, plums, cherry, laurels) is a substance called glucoside

The use of cyano potassium

This poison is isolated from some plants or produce a synthetic path. The scope of its use is diverse, so there is no attention to the small risk of poisoning. The use of poison is possible in industry, and in agriculture.

  • Application in the production of plastics and other products.
  • The poison is contained in reagents that are needed to manifest photos.
  • Salts with cyanide found use when working with minerals.
  • The poison in the form of gases is necessary for processing grain storage facilities, and getting rid of rodents.
  • There was not very humane application of this poison during the war. Fascists made gas cyclone - B.

Poisoning poison

How does the poison act on the human body, what symptoms appear in the patient? If the compounds of the syntic acid fall into it, the cytochromoxidase enzyme is blocked, this leads to the fact that the body does not absorb oxygen, because of which a person dies from asphyxia.

How much time does poison act?

How fast is the poison, and man dies after poisoning? Does this poison have antidote? Properties, the effect of poison on the human body depends on its concentration:

  • 0, 1 mg / l - death for an hour;
  • 0.12 - 0.15 mg / l - death for half an hour;
  • 0.2 mg / l - death in 10 minutes.

The symptoms of poisoning make themselves known in a couple of seconds, if the cyanide got through the lungs: the victim breathed the couple. If he got through the stomach, the symptoms appear in a few minutes. When a high dose of cyano potassium is hit in the human body, the effect of poison instant: the man immediately loses consciousness, paralyzes his respiratory system, refuses to work the heart. The poison penetrates through the skin. Then death occurs in 40 - 90 minutes.

In the first stage of poisoning, the feeling that squeezed the chest

Symptoms of poisoning

If a relatively small dose of cyano potassium came to the human body, death occurs immediately, the victim still can be saved. The symptoms of poisoning are as follows. The effect of poison is divided into four stages.

  • The first stage, the symptoms: Poss in the throat, in the mouth, the feeling of bitterness, the taste of the metal, the mouth ends, flowing saliva, nauseous, even tears, the head is spinning, the feeling that squeezed the chest, the human breathing is frequent. If the victim goes outside, he will become easier.
  • The second stage, the symptoms: the man is sluggish, the chest squeezes the stronger, the sword, the eyes are protruding, the pupils are expanding, the man is feeling a feeling of fear.
  • The third stage, symptoms: cramps, man bite the tongue, involuntary emptying of the intestines and bladder, fainting.
  • Fourth stage, symptoms: all reflexes and sensitivity are lost, the breath is rare, knocking, then stops.

Symptoms of chronic poisoning

Not always poisoning is developing quickly. If a person works with cyanny connections, then he can have chronic poisoning. What symptoms talk about the effects of poison?

  • often hurts and spin the head;
  • insomnia;
  • the memory is worsen;
  • heartache;
  • man loses weight;
  • frequent urination;
  • pot.

These are not all the symptoms, their set: and the neurasthenic symptom, and the disease of the thyroid gland, and the peeling of the skin, itching and others.

Sign of poisoning: light almond smell

How to help the victim

First aid

If you detect and provide help to a person, introduce antidote, it can be saved. How to understand that the victim did the potassium cyania accepted? He has an easy breath of almond. For an experienced physician, the symptoms of poisoning will also be pushed to the idea of \u200b\u200bpoison. In the hospital, they will take blood for analysis and the amount of cyanide in the blood will establish, so the smell is not the only way to suspect poisoning. What to do? You need to call an ambulance and report on your suspicions.

  • Take a person to the street.
  • Rid a patient from clothes if it is soaked in poison. It is better to cut and remove the poisoning not intensifying. Wipe the body of the victim with water soap.
  • If the poison fell into the human body with food, drink, you need to rinse the stomach: give a lot of drink and cause vomiting.

If he stopped breathing, you can only make an indirect heart massage. Artificial respiration is undesirable, otherwise the one who assists help.

Antidote Cyan


If a person poisoned, the properties of the poison are such that urgent medical care is needed. Medic will immediately try to facilitate the patient's condition, make it so that it is easier to breathe, using a tube in the larynx, etc. But the main help is an antidote. Antidote must be introduced into the vein, you can take orally. Antidote is antidote against cyanide potassium. They are divided into three groups.

  • The first antidote - sugar: the Medic in Vienna introduces glucose. It turns cyanide into non-hazardous connections.
  • Second well-known antidote - sodium thiosulfate. As soon as it enters the body, the poison is transformed into rodanids, safe for humans.
  • The third antidote is medicines (nitroglycerin, amylnitrite, methylene blue) which affect the poison and form cyanmethemoglobin.

If you managed to introduce antidote immediately after the poison penetrates the body (first minutes), it is saved. After an hour, treatment is repeated. After severe poisoning, the victim does not immediately come to normal. Within 2-3 weeks, it has changes in the neuropsychic sphere, and a whole month will jump pressure, tachycardia and heart pain is possible.

Prevention of poisoning

Buy in a pharmacy, even by recipe, potassium cyanide is impossible. It is made only in special laboratories. Therefore, poisoning occur in production. The only prevention is compliance with security measures. To ensure that the workers know the safety measures and comply with them, should follow the enterprise.

If the concentration of sinyl acid exceeds the norm, the alarm is triggered. Another important point is the training of employees to non-standard situations. They must respond quickly in case of poisoning and provide the victim the necessary medical care.

Of all the poisons, potassium cyanide has the most bad fame. In detective novels, the use of this cyanide by attackers is a very popular way to get rid of unwanted persons. Obviously, the broad fame of poison is also connected with its accessibility at the turn of the XIX-XX centuries, when the powder could easily buy in the pharmacy.

Meanwhile, the potassium cyanide is not the most dangerous and poisonous substance - by the death dose, it is inferior to such prosaic poisons like nicotine or botulinum-toxin. So what is potassium cyanide, where is it used and how does the person affect the human body? Does his fame matches the real position of things?

What is cyanide potassium

The poison refers to the group of cyanides - derivatives. The formula of cyano potassium - KCN. The substance for the first time received the German chemist Robert Wilhelm Bunzen in 1845, he also developed an industrial method of its synthesis.

In appearance, potassium cyanide is a colorless crystalline powder, well soluble in water. In reference books described that potassium cyanide has a specific smell of bitter almond. But this characteristic is not always correct - to feel such a smell is capable of about 50% of people. It is believed that this is due to the individual differences of the olfactory apparatus. Potassium cyanide is not a very sustainable connection. Since the syntic acid is weak, the cyano group is easily displaced from the compound of the salts of stronger acids. As a result, the cyano group is destroyed, and the substance loses its poisonous properties. Also cyanides are oxidized when accessing wet air or in glucose solutions. The last property allows glucose as one of the antidotes with its derivatives.

Why do you need potassium cyanide to man? It is used in the mining and processing industry and on electroplating industries. Since noble metals are not able to oxidize with oxygen directly, the solutions of potassium or sodium cyanide are used to catalyze the process. Chronic poisoning cyanny potassium can receive people and non-manufacturing. So, in early 2000 there were cases of toxic emissions from mining and processing enterprises in Romania and Hungary to the Danube River, as a result of which people lived in the vicinity of the floodplain were injured. Risk to obtain a chronic disease Employees of special laboratories in contact with poison as reagent.

In the domestic conditions, cyanides can be found in reactivities for photolals, in the means of cleaning jewelry. Small quantities of potassium cyanide are used by entomologists in the vintage for insects. Also there are artistic paints (gouache, watercolor), which includes cyanides - "Prussian blue", "Berlin Lazur", "Milory". There they are in conjunction with iron and give the dye saturated azure color.

What is the potassium cyanide in nature? In its pure form, you will not meet it, but the connection to the cyano group - amygdalin, is contained in the bones of apricots, drain, cherries, almonds, peaches; Leaves and shoots of elderly. With the splitting of amygdalin, a syntic acid is formed, which operates similarly to cyanide potassium. Death poisoning can be obtained from 1 grams of amygdaline, which corresponds to about 100 gr. Nuclear of the apricot bones.

Action of cyanide potassium per person

How does potassium cyanide act on the human body? The poison blocks the cell enzyme - cytochromoxidase, which is responsible for the absorption of oxygen by the cell. As a result, oxygen remains in the blood and circulates there in a hemoglobin bound form. Therefore, in the poisoning cyanides, even venous blood has bright-scarlet staining. Without access of oxygen, the exchange processes inside the cell stop and the body quickly dies. The effect is equivalent to how the poisoned just suffocated due to lack of air.

Potassium cyanide is poisonous when ingested, when inhaling the powder and vapor of the solution; It can also penetrate the skin, especially if there is damage on it. The death dose of cyanide potassium for a person is 1.7 mg / kg of weight. The drug refers to a group of potent poisonous substances, the use of it is controlled with all possible severity.

The effect of cyanides is weakening in combination with glucose. Employees of laboratories, forced to touch this poison during work, keep the cheek slice of sugar. This allows you to neutralize the microscopic doses of toxin in the blood. Also, the poison slowly absorbs on a full stomach, which allows the body to reduce its harmful effects by glucose oxidation and some other blood compounds. A small amount of cyanide ions, about 140 μg in one plasma liter, circulated in the blood as a natural metabolite for metabolism. For example, they are part of the B12 vitamin - cyanocobalamin. And in the blood of smokers, they are twice as much.

Symptoms of poisoning cyanium potassium

What are the symptoms of poisoning cyanide potassium? The effect of the poison is manifested very quickly - when inhalation is almost instantly, when entering the stomach - in a few minutes. Through the skin and mucous cyanides are absorbed slowly. Signs of cyanium cyanium poisoning depend on the dose and individual sensitivity to the poison.

In acute poisoning, violations are developing in four stages.

Promotional stage:

  • throat, the feeling of scratching;
  • bitterness in the mouth, the notorious taste of "Gorky Almond" is possible;
  • numbness of the oral mucosa, pharynx;
  • salivation;
  • nausea and vomiting;
  • dizziness;
  • feeling squeezing in the chest.

The second stage is disnametic, with it signs of oxygen starvation increase:

  • pressure in the chest is enhanced;
  • the pulse slows down, weakens;
  • greater weakness increases;
  • dyspnea;
  • pupils are expanded, eye conjunctive blushes, eyeballs are protruding;
  • there is a feeling of fear, turning into a stilerable state.

Upon receipt of a deadly dose begins the third stage - convulsive:

The fourth stage is paralytic, leads to death from cyano potassium:

  • victim unconscious;
  • breathing slow down very much;
  • the mucous membranes blush, the blush appears;
  • sensitivity and reflexes are lost.

Death occurs after 20-40 minutes (when poison intro) from the stop of breathing and heart. If the victims do not die within four hours, then, as a rule, they survive. Consequences are possible - residual violation of brain activity due to oxygen starvation.

In chronic poisoning cyanides, the symptoms are largely due to intoxication with thiocyanates (rodanids) - substances of the second hazard class, in which cyanides are in the body under the influence of sulfide groups. Thiocyanates cause the pathology of the thyroid gland, it is harmful to live on the liver, kidneys and provoke the development of gastritis.

First aid for poisoning

The victim needs a speedy administration of antidotes of cyanide potassium, which there are several. Before the introduction of a specific antidote, it is necessary to facilitate the patient's condition - remove the poison from the stomach by washing:

Then give a sweet warm drink.

If the victim is unconscious, then it can help him, only a medical worker. In case of stopping, breathing is carried out artificial ventilation of lungs.

In the event that there is a chance of getting cyanide potassium on clothes, it is necessary to remove it and wash the skin of the patient with water.


Take measures to maintain vital activity - introduce a breathing tube and intravenous catheter. Cyanis potassium - the poison to which there are several antidotes. All use them because they have a different mechanism of action. The antidote effectively operates even at the last stages of poisoning.

At the same time, they are focused on the level of methemoglobin in the blood not exceeded 25-30%.

  1. Solutions of substances easily given to sulfur, blood cyanides neutralize. Apply a 25% solution of sodium thiosulfate.
  2. Glucose solution is 5 or 40%.

For the excitation of the respiratory center, the drugs "Lobelin" or "Citton" are introduced.

Summing up, you can say the following. The toxic effect of cyanide potassium per person lies in blocking the mechanism of cellular respiration, as a result of which death comes very quickly and paralysis. Anticidation drugs can help - amylnitrite, sodium thiosulfate, glucose. They are injected intravenously or inhalation. For the prevention of chronic poisoning in production, general safety measures must be observed: avoid direct contact with poison, to use protective equipment, regularly conduct medical professional products.

"I took out from the bank a cube with cyanium potassium and put it on the table next to the cakes. Dr. Lazautert put on rubber gloves, took several Crystalliki poison from it, to the powder. Then he removed the top of the cakes, sprinkled with a powder in an amount capable of, according to him, kill an elephant. The room reigned silence. We were excited about his actions. It remains to put poison in glasses. We decided to put at the last moment, so that the refive did not disappear ... "

This is not an excerpt of a detective novel, and words belong not to a fictional character. Here are the memories of Prince Felix Yusupov on the preparation of one of the most famous crimes in the Russian history - the murder of Gregory Rasputin. It happened in 1916. If, until the middle of the XIX century, the main assistant of the states was arsenic, then after introducing into the forensic practice of the Marsham method (see the article "Mouse, arsenic and Kale-Decher", "Chemistry and Life", No. 2, 2011) The arsenic resorted more and less. But more and more often the potassium cyanide, or potassium cyanide, began to be used (Cali Cyania, as he was called before).

What it is...

Potassium cyanide is a salt of cyanogenic, or syntile, H-CN acid, its composition reflects the KCN formula. Sinyl acid in the form of an aqueous solution for the first time received Swedish chemist Karl Wilhelm Shelele in 1782 from the yellow blood salt K 4. The reader already knows that Shelele has developed the first method of the qualitative definition of arsenic (see "Mouse, arsenic and Kale-Detective"). He opened the chemical elements chlorine, manganese, oxygen, molybdenum and tungsten, received arsenic acid and an arsoun, barium oxide and other inorganic substances. Over half of the organic compounds known in the XVIII century also allocated and described Karl Shelele.

Anhydrous sinile acid received in 1811 Joseph Louis Gay-Lussak. He also set her composition. Cyanorod is a colorless bat, boiling at 26 ° C. The root "Cyan" in his name (from Greek - azure) and the root of the Russian name "Sinyl Acid" are similar in meaning. This is not by chance. CN ions are formed with iron compounds of blue, including KFE composition. This substance is used as a pigment of gouache, watercolor and other paints under the names "Berlin Azure", "Milori", "Prussian blue". Perhaps you are familiar with your colors for gouache or watercolor.

The authors of detectives personally claim that the blue acid and its salts have the "smell of Gorky Almond." Of course, they did not sniff the syntic acid (as well as the author of this article). Information about the "smell of Gorky Almond" is drawn from reference books and encyclopedias. There are other opinions. The author of "Chemistry and Life" by A. Klechenko, who graduated from the Chemical Faculty of Moscow State University and familiar with blue acid, not at the article "How to poison the hero" ("Chemistry and Life", 1999, No. 2) writes that the smell of blue acid is not like almond.

The authors of the detectives fell victims of long-standing delusion. But on the other hand, the Handbook "Harmful Chemicals" also specialists also accounted for. It would be possible, in the end, get a sinyl acid and sniff it. But something is scary!

It remains to suggest that the perception of smells is individual. And the fact that one resembles the smell of almond, nothing to do with almonds for the other. This thought confirms Peter Makinnis in the book "Quiet killers. The world history of poisons and poisonings ":" In detective novels, the aroma of bitter almond is certainly mentioned, which is associated with cyanide sodium, cyanium potassium and cyanide hydrogen (blue acid), but only 40-60 percent of ordinary people are able to at least feel this specific smell. " Moreover, a resident of the middle strip of Russia with bitter almonds, as a rule, is not familiar: his seeds, unlike sweet almond, do not use food and do not come on sale.

... And why eat it?

To the almond and his smell will return later. And now - about the potassium cyanist. In 1845, the German chemist Robert Bunsen, one of the authors of the spectral analysis method, received cyanide potassium and developed a method of its industrial production. If today this substance is in chemical laboratories and in production under strict control, then at the turn of the XIX and XX centuries, potassium cyanide was available to anyone (including intruders). So, in the story of Agatha Christie "Osin nest" cyanide potassium bought in a pharmacy allegedly to destroy OS. The crime was disappeared only thanks to Erkül Poirot's intervention.

Entomologists were used (and still used) small quantities of potassium cyanide in mournems for insects. Several pois crystals are put on the bottom of the simulators and poured as a plaster. Cyanide slowly reacts with carbon dioxide and water vapor, highlighting cyanode. Insects inhale poison and die. The versa is refilled in this way for more than a year. Nobel Laureate Lainus Paulong told him how he supplied with cyanium potassium for the manufacture of Morilok Zanechosis of the Dental College. He also taught the boy to treat this dangerous substance. It was in 1912. As we see, in those years, the storage of the "king of poison" was pretty frivolous.

Where did Cianin Potassium come from such popularity among criminals of real and fictional? The reasons to understand is not difficult: the substance is well soluble in water, does not have a pronounced taste, the lethal (death) dose is small - an average of 0.12 g, although individual susceptibility to the poison, of course, differs. The high dose of potassium cyanide causes almost instant loss of consciousness, and then palsy of breathing. We add here the availability of the substance at the beginning of the XIX century, and the choice of killer conspirators Rasputin becomes clear.

Sinyl Acid is also poisonous as cyanides, but inconvenient in use: it has a specific smell (in cyanides it is very weak) and cannot be used unnoticed for the victim, besides, due to high volatility, it is dangerous for everyone around, and not only For whom it is intended. But she also found an application as a poisoning substance. During the First World War, blue acid was in service with the French army. In some US states, it was used for the execution of criminals in "gas rooms". It also applies to processing wagons, barns, vessels populated by insects - the principle of the same as the simulta of young poling.

How does it act?

It is time to figure out how such a simple in the composition of the substance is on the body. As early as the 60s of the XIX century, it was found that the venous blood of animal-poisoned cyanides has a scarlet color. It is typical if you remember arterial blood rich in oxygen. So, the organism-poisoned cyanides is not able to absorb oxygen. Sinyl Acid and cyanides somehow slow down the process of tissue oxidation. Oxygemoglobin (hemoglobin compound with oxygen) is wasting circulating in the body, without giving oxygen to tissues.

The reason for this phenomenon solved the German biochemist Otto Warburg in the late 20s of the twentieth century. With fabric breathing, oxygen must take electrons from a substance subjected to oxidation. In the process of electron transmission, enzymes are involved under the general name "cytochrome". These are protein molecules containing a non-skilled geminent fragment associated with the iron ion. A cytochrome containing the FE 3+ ion takes an electron from an oxidized substance and turns into an FE 2+ ion. The one, in turn, transmits the electron of the next cytochrome molecule, oxidizing to Fe 3+. So the electron is transmitted along the cytochrome chain, like the ball that "the chain of basketball players transmits from one player to another, inexorably approaching it to the basket (oxygen)." So described the work of the felt oxidation enzymes English biochemist Stephen Rose. The last player in the chain, the one that throws the ball into the oxygen basket is called cytochromucleonide. In oxidized form, it contains the FE 3+ ion. This form of cytochroma oxidase and serves as a target for cyanide ions, which can form covalent bonds with metals cations and prefer FE 3+.

Combining cytochroma oxidase, cyanide ions remove the molecules of this enzyme from the oxidative chain, and the electron transmission oxygen is broken, that is, oxygen cell is not absorbed. An interesting fact was discovered: the hedgehogs in the winter hibernation are able to transfer doses of cyanide, many times superior to death. And the reason is that at low temperature, the absorption of oxygen is slowed down by the organism, like all chemical processes. Therefore, a decrease in the amount of the enzyme is transferred easier.

Readers of detectives sometimes emerges that the potassium cyanide is the most poisonous substance on Earth. Not at all! Nicotine and Strichnin (substances of plant origin) are ten times more poisonous. As poisonously can be judged by the mass of the toxin by 1 kg of the weight of the laboratory animal, which is required for the occurrence of death in 50% of cases (LD 50). For potassium cyanide, it is equal to 10 mg / kg, and for nicotine - 0.3. Next are: dioxin, poison of artificial origin - 0.022 mg / kg; Tetrodotoxin, highlighting fish Fugu, - 0.01 mg / kg; Batrahotoxin highlighted by Colombian Wood Frog - 0.002 mg / kg; The ricin contained in the ticklaith seeds - 0.0001 mg / kg (the underground laboratory of terrorists on the manufacture of ricin was revealed by British special services in 2003); β-bungarotoxin, poison of the South Asian Snake Bungaros, - 0.000019 mg / kg; Tetanus toxin - 0.000001 mg / kg.

The most poisons of botulinum toxin (0.0000003 mg / kg), which is produced by bacteria of a certain species, developing in anaerobic conditions (without air access) in canned food or sausage. Of course, at first they should get there. And from time to time fall, especially in canned food. Home sausage is rare now, and once she was often a source of botulism. Even the name of the disease and its causative agent happened from Latin botulus. - "sausage". Botulinic bacillus in the process of vital activity distinguishes not only toxin, but also gaseous substances. Therefore, the swollen cans do not open.

Botulic toxin - neurotoxin. It disrupts the work of nervous cells that transmit momentum to the muscles. Muscles cease to shrink, palsy occurs. But if you take toxin in low concentration and act pointally into certain muscles, the body as a whole will not suffer, but the muscle will be relaxed. The drug is called "Botox" (botulinum toxin), this is a medicine for muscle spasms, and a cosmetic for smoothing wrinkles.

As you can see, the most poisonous substances have created nature. It is much more difficult to produce them than to get a simple XN connection clearly that potassium cyanide and cheaper, and affordable.

However, not always the use of cyanide potassium in criminal purposes gives a guaranteed result. Let's see what Felix Yusupov writes about the events that took place in the basement on a sink of the December student in the middle of 1916:

"... I suggested Him eclairs with cyanny potassium. He refused first.

I do not want, "he said," sore sweets.

However, I took one, then another one. I looked with horror. The poison had to act immediately, but, to my amazement, Rasputin continued to talk, as if nothing had happened. Then I offered him our homemade Crimean wines ...

I stood near him and watched each movement, waiting for it about it ...

But he drank, smock, saked wine as real connoisseurs. Nothing changed in his face. At times, he brought his hand to the throat, just in his throat he had a spasm. Suddenly he got up and made a few steps. On my question, what with him, he replied:

And nothing. In the throat thicker.

Poison, however, did not act. "Old man" calmly walked around the room. I took another glass with poison, poured and filed him.

He drank him. No impression. The last, the third glass remained on the tray.

In desperation, I poured and myself so as not to let the Rasputin from the wine ... "

All in vain. Felix Yusupov rose to his office. "... Dmitry, Sukhotkin and Purishkevich, barely entered, rushed towards questions:

Well? Ready? Finally?

Poison did not affect, - I said. Everyone shocked shocked.

Can not be! - cried Dmitry.

Dose of elephant! He swallowed everything? - asked the rest.

Everything, "I said."

But all the same cyanide potassium had some action on the elder's body: "He sweep his head, breathing intermittently ...

Do you unhealthy? - I asked.

Yes, the head is heavy and in the belly burns. Well, pour a little. Maybe elseks. "

Indeed, if the dose of cyanide is not so great to cause instant death, at the initial stage of poisoning, the scratch is felt in the throat, bitter taste in the mouth, numbness of the mouth and the ozewings, redness of the eyes, muscular weakness, dizziness, step-down, headache, heartbeat, nausea, vomiting. Breathing is somewhat rapidly, then done more deeply. Some of these symptoms of Yusupov noticed from Rasputin. If at this stage of poisoning the flow of poison in the body is terminated, the symptoms disappear. Obviously, the poison was not enough for Rasputin. It is worth dealing with the reasons, because the crime organizers calculated the "elephant" dose. By the way, about elephants. Valentin Kataev in his book "Broken Life, or Magic Horn of Oberon" describes a case with an elephant and cyanium potassium.

In the pre-revolutionary times in the Odessa Circus-Shapito Lorberbaum fell into rage elephant Yambo. The behavior of the begging elephant became dangerous, and decided to poison him. What do you think than? "He was decided to poison Calian Cali, laid in cupcakes, to which Nambo was a big hunter," writes Kataev. And further: "I have not seen this, but I imagined the cabin drives up to the Balagan Lorberbaum and how the ministers make cakes in Balagan, and there is a special medical commission ... With the greatest precautions, putting black gutta-reader gloves, with the help of tweezers, start cakes Cystallians of cyano Cali ... "Isn't it really reminded by the manipulation of Dr. Lazovate? It should only add that the imaginary picture draws a gymnasium boy. It was not by chance that this boy later became a famous writer!

But back to the yambo:

"Oh, as vividly drawn my imagination this picture ... I moaned in a half ... Nausea approached the heart. I felt poisoned by Cyan Kali ... It seemed to me that I was dying ... I got out of bed and the first thing I did, it grabbed the "Odessa Leaf", confident that I would read about the death of an elephant. Nothing like this!

An elephant, taking cakes, stuffed with cyanny Cali, turns out to be still alive and, apparently, is not going to die. Poison did not affect him. The elephant was just even more violent. "

On the further events that occurred with the elephant and with Rasputin can be found in the books. And we are interested in the reasons for the "inexplicable nonsense," as wrote about the case with an elephant "Odessa Leaf". There are two such reasons.

First, HCN is very weak acid. Such an acid can be displaced from its salt by more severe acid and disappear. Even coalic acid is stronger than syntic. And coalic acid is formed when the carbon dioxide is dissolved in water. That is, under the action of wet air containing both water and carbon dioxide, potassium cyanide gradually turns into carbonate:

KCN + H 2 O + CO 2 \u003d HCN + KHCO 3

If potassium cyanide, which was used in the cases described, was kept for a long time in contact with wet air, it could not work.

Secondly, the salt of weak cyanogenic acid is susceptible to hydrolysis:

KCN + H 2 O \u003d HCN + con.

The distinguished cyanode garden is able to be connected to the glucose molecule and other sugars containing a carbonyl group:


Substances formed as a result of the addition of cyanoodor in the carbonyl group are called cyanhydrines. Glucose is a sucrose hydrolysis product. People working with cyanides know that for the prevention of poisoning should be kept a piece of sugar. Glucose binds cyanides in the blood. That part of the poison, which has already penetrated the cellular core, where tissue oxidation occurs in mitochondria, for sugars is not available. If an animal has an increased blood glucose content, it is more resistant to cyanide poisoning, such as birds. The same is observed in patients with diabetes. Upon admission to the body of small portions of cyanides, the body can neutralize them independently with the help of glucose contained in the blood. And in poisoning, 5% or 40% glucose solutions introduced intravenously use as an antidote. But this tool acts slowly.

And for Rasputin, and for the Elephant Yambo cyanide potassium finished cakes containing sugar. They were not eaten not immediately, and in the meantime, potassium cyanide highlighted the sinyl acid, and she joined glucose. Part of the cyanide definitely managed to delete. We add that in the full stomach poisoning cyanides is slower.

There are other antides to cyanides. First, these are connections, easily cleaving sulfur. The body contains such substances - cysteine \u200b\u200bamino acids, glutathione. They, like glucose, help the body to cope with small doses of cyanides. If the dose is large, in the blood or muscle you can specifically introduce a 30% solution of sodium thiosulfate Na 2 S 2 O 3 (or Na 2 SO 3 S). It reacts in the presence of oxygen and enzyme rodanase with blue acid and cyanides according to the scheme:

2HCN + 2NA 2 S 2 O 3 + O 2 \u003d 2NCS + 2NA 2 SO 4

At the same time, thiocyanates (rodanides) are formed, much less harmful to the body than cyanides. If cyanides and blue acid belong to the first class of danger, thiocyanates are second-class substances. They adversely affect the liver, kidneys, cause gastritis, and also oppress the thyroid gland. In people who systematically experiencing the impact of small doses of cyanides, there are diseases of the thyroid gland caused by the constant formation of thiocyanates from cyanides. Thiosulfate in the reaction with cyanides is more active than glucose, but also acts slowly. It is usually used in combination with other anti-acyanids.

The second type of antidotets against cyanides is the so-called methemoglobinomy. The name suggests that these substances are formed from the hemoglobin of methemoglobin (see "Chemistry and Life", 2010, No. 10). The hemoglobin molecule contains four FE 2+ ions, and in methemoglobin they are oxidized to Fe 3+. Therefore, it is not capable of reversibly binding oxygen Fe 3+ and does not tolerate it in the body. This can occur under the action of oxidizing agents (among them nitrogen oxides, nitrates and nitrites, nitroglycerin and many others). It is clear that this is the poisons, "outstanding" hemoglobin and hypoxia (oxygen deficiency). "The hemoglobin" does not tolerate these poisons, but it is capable of binding cyanide ions, which are experiencing an irresistible attraction to the FE 3+ ion. The cyanide binding to the blood is associated with methemoglobin and does not have time to get into mitochondria of cell nuclei, where the entire cychroma oxidase will inevitably be "sortied. And it is much worse than the "spoiled" hemoglobin.

The American writer, the biochemist and the popularizer of the science of Isaac Azimov explains it like this: "The fact is that there is a very large amount of hemoglobin in the body ... Geminic enzymes are present in very minor quantities. Already several drops of cyanide turns out to be enough to destroy most of these enzymes. If this happens, the conveyor, oxidizing flammable substances, stops. A few minutes of the cells of the body die from the lack of oxygen as inevitably, as if someone grabbed a man for the throat and simply strangled him. "

In this case, we observe an instructive picture: some poisons causing hemic (blood) hypoxia inhibit the effect of other poisons, which also cause hypoxia, but another type. Straight illustration of the Russian idiomatic expression: "beat the wedge wedge." The main thing is not to overdo it with the methamoglobin-forming agent, so as not to change the sewer on soap. The content of methemoglobin in the blood should not exceed 25-30% of the total weight of hemoglobin. In contrast to glucose or thiosulfate, methemoglobin does not simply link cyanide ions circulating in the blood, but also helps the "spoiled" cyanide respiratory enzyme freed from cyanide ions. This occurs due to the fact that the process of compounding cyanide ions with cytochromoxidase is reversible. Under the action of methemoglobin decreases the concentration of these ions in the blood plasma - and as a result, new cyanide ions are cleaved from a complex compound with cytochroma oxidase.

The reaction of the formation of cyanmethemoglobin is also reversible, so over time, cyanide ions come into the blood again. To bind them, simultaneously with the antidote (usually nitrit) in the blood is injected with a solution of thiosulfate. The most effective mixture of sodium nitrite with sodium thiosulfate is most effective. It can help even at the last stages of cyanide poisoning - convulsive and paralytic.

Where can I meet with him?

Does an ordinary person have a chance, not a detective novel hero, poison potassium cyanide or sinyl acid? Like any substance of the first class of danger, cyanides are stored with special precautions and are not available to an ordinary attacker, unless he is an employee of a specialized laboratory or shop. Yes, and there are similar substances on strict accounting. However, cyanide poisoning can occur without the participation of villain.

First, cyanides are found in nature. Cyanide ions are part of vitamin B 12 (cyanocobolamine). Even in the plasma of the blood of a healthy person per 1 liter accounts for 140 μg of cyanide ions. In the blood of smoking people, the content of cyanides in two more times more. But such concentrations, the body transfers painlessly. Another thing is if the food will be powered by cyanides contained in some plants. Here it is possible serious poisoning. In a number of sources of blue acid, accessible to everyone, can be called seeds of apricots, peaches, cherries, bitter almonds. They contain amygdalin glycoside.

Amigdalin belongs to the group of cyanogenic glycosides, forming the hydrolysis of blue acid. This glycoside was highlighted from bitter almond seeds, for which he received its name (Greek. Μ - "Almond"). The amygdaline molecule, as it should be glycoside, consists of a sahaphic part, or a glycone (in this case, this is the residue of the gential disaccharide), and a non -haricultural part, or an agricultural. In the residue of gentially, two β-glucose residues are associated with glycoside bond. The role of Agrikon is the cyangidrin of benzaldehyde - MadedeonTril, or rather, its residue associated with the glyconing glycosida bond.

In the hydrolysis of the amygdalin molecule, there is two glucose molecules, a benzaldehyde molecule and a sinyl acid molecule. This occurs in an acidic medium or under the action of an enzyme emulsion contained in the bone. Due to the formation of sinyl acid, one gram of amygdaline is a deadly dose. This corresponds to 100 g of nucleolus of apricot bones. There are cases of poisoning of children who evealed 10-12 bones of apricot.

In the bitter almond, the content of amigdaline is three - five times higher, but there is its bones hardly wants. In extreme cases, it should be heated. At the same time, the enzyme of emulsin will be destroyed, without which the hydrolysis will not go. It is thanks to Amigdalin, the seeds of Gorky almonds have their bitter taste and almond smell. More precisely, the almond smell does not have amygdaline itself, and its hydrolysis products - benzaldehyde and blue acid (the smell of blue acid we have already discussed, but the smell of benzaldehyde, without a doubt almond).

Secondly, cyanide poisoning can occur in production, where they are used to create electroplated coatings or to extract noble metals from ores. Gold and platinum ions form strong comprehensive compounds with cyanide ions. Noble metals are not able to oxidize with oxygen, because their oxides are fragile. But if oxygen acts on these metals in a solution of sodium or potassium cyanide, then the metal ions formed during the oxidation are binding to cyanide ions in a durable integrated ion and the metal is completely oxidized. The sodium cyanide itself does not oxidize, but helps the oxidant to carry out its mission:

4AU + 8NACN + 2H 2 O \u003d 4NA + 4NAOH.

Workers employed in such industries are experiencing chronic effects of cyanides. Cyanides are poisonous and when entering the stomach, and when inhaling dust and splashes when servicing electroplating baths, and even when entering the skin, especially if there are wounds on it. No wonder Dr. Lazovate put rubber gloves. There was a case of the death poisoning of a hot mixture containing 80% which got worker on the skin.

Even people who are not occupied in mining or galvanic production may suffer from cyanides. There are cases when the river fell into the wastewater of such industries. In 2000, 2001 and 2004, Europe was alarmed by the emissions of cyanides in the water of the Danube on the territory of Romania and Hungary. This led to difficult consequences for the inhabitants of rivers and residents of coastal settlements. There were cases of poisoning by fish caught in the Danube. Therefore, it is notended to know precautions when handling cyanides. And read in detectives about cyanide potassium will be more interesting.

Azimov A.Chemical agents of life. M.: Foreign Literature Publishing House, 1958.
Harmful chemicals. Directory. L.: Chemistry, 1988.
Kataev V.Broken life, or a magic horn of Oberon. M.: Soviet writer, 1983.
Oxengendler G. I.Poisons and antides. L.: Science, 1982.
Rose S.Chemistry of life. M.: Mir, 1969.
Encyclopedia for "Avanta +" children. T.17. Chemistry. M.: Avanta +, 2001.
Yusupov F.Memoirs. M.: Zakharov, 2004.

Potassium cyanide is, probably one of the most famous and popular poisons. It was he who used many heroes of detective novels for murder and information of accounts with life.

This is due not only to the high toxicity of the substance, but also its easy accessibility in the 19th and 20th centuries. Then buy a cyanide could have been practically in any pharmacy.

But in fact, this is not the most dangerous poison, even banal nicotine is more toxic. So it is a potassium cyanide, how realistic to poison in modern conditions, and what to do, if not lucky?

This toxin experts refer to cyanides - sinyl acid products. The generally accepted chemical formula of this toxic substance KCN. For the first time he managed to get a chemist from Germany Robert Bunzen in the late 19th century, and then he invented the method of industrial production of cyano potassium. Since then, many applications have been found for the new connection.

The type of cyanide potassium is a white powder, which in closest consideration turns out to be transparent crystallines. It dissolves in water and is generally a very unstable compound. The cyano group from its composition is often displaced by solids-derivatives of stronger acids.

As a result of this, the cyano group simply disappears and a unionist substance is obtained. Also, cyanide is quickly oxidized in solutions with the addition of glucose and even in the presence of wet air. Therefore, one of the sufficiently effective antidotes of a dangerous poison is a conventional glucose solution.

Many reference books indicate that potassium cyanide is characterized by a characteristic almond aroma. But about 50% of people can actually distinguish it. This is usually due to the peculiarities of the sense of sense of an individual.

Accidentally to use cyanide in everyday life is very difficult. But chronic intoxication is threatened by employees of mining and processing plants and electroplating enterprises. There, potassium cyanide preparations are sometimes used as catalysts of oxidative processes.

In case of non-compliance with the safety technology, poisoning among employees of the company is possible. Also risk working laboratories, where this toxin is used as reagent.

At the very beginning of 2000, several emissions of poisonous waste occurred at Romania and Hungary enterprises. Cyanide fell into the Danube, which led to poisoning among people living on the banks of the river.

In everyday life, it is possible to meet cyanides in some means to purify jewelry, photoreactivities and preparations for treating insect wood. They are also sometimes used in the production of paints for artists. In conjunction with ordinary iron, these substances give a beautiful azure color.

Since no one comes into mind to eat listed substances, also in volumes sufficient for poisoning, the dangers do not carry.

In the wildlife itself, the cyanide of potassium is not found. But it can be found in a complex compound - amygdaline.

This substance is in the bones of many bone fruit, such as drain, apricots, cherries, almonds, and even in the seeds of apples. It is in the leaves and young shoots of black elder. Sprapping Amygdalin forms a sinyl acid, and it acts like cyanide potassium.

For fatal outcome, approximately 1 g of amigdaline is necessary. You can get it by eating about 100 g of fresh apricot bones.

After entering the human body, the potassium cyanide penetrates all cells and turns off the operation of a special enzyme - cytochroma oxidase. This substance regulates the absorption of oxygen falling into the cells with blood.

Under the influence of toxin, the cell breathing is terminated. Oxygen remains in the bloodstream attached to hemoglobin. At the same time, all exchange processes in cells are stopped, and the body dies from the lack of air. In fact, a man suffocates, while having the opportunity to breathe full of breasts.

Due to the fact that the absorption of oxygen after poisoning with cyanium potassium ceases sharply, the victim's injured blood becomes bright red and does not differ from the arterial.

The toxic effect of potassium cyanide is manifested both in its internal use and inhalation through light, and even with contacts of the concentrated substance with skin, especially damaged. This substance is considered a potent poison. Therefore, its turnover and use are controlled with maximum rigor.

Glucose weakens the effect of cyanide. Therefore, in situations where there is a risk of poisoning with this substance, it is necessary to use more sweet. This is exactly what employees of chemical laboratories are received, which hold the cheek cube of sugar. Also, the poison is worse absorbed, getting into full stomach, especially if food contains a lot of sulfur, like, for example, eggs or meat.

Approximately 140 μg of cyanide ions is normally present in the Lytra of the Plasma of Human Blood. In such quantities, they are not dangerous and are a normal metabolic product. They are also present in the Cyanocobalamin (Vitamin B12).

The speed of the poison is also correlated with its blood volumes, 0, 1 mg / l people die for one hour, and at 0.2 mg / l in just 10 minutes. If you breathe poison through lungs, signs of poisoning appear after a few seconds, and when swallowed - within minutes.

With high concentrations of toxin, it acts instantly - the person instantly loses consciousness, and the respiratory system is paralyzed.

When entering the poison through the skin, the fatal outcome may occur after 40 - 90 minutes.

Symptoms of intoxication cyanide potassium

Symptoms of victims can differ much depending on whether it is acute poisoning or chronic. In acute exposure to poison, specialists allocate four stages:

  • Promotional. It is manifested by a tribium in the throat, pronounced bitterness in the mouth, sometimes even with the almond flavor. Then the numbness of the mouth and pharynx begins, accompanied by salivation. Patients may have a nausea with vomiting dizziness, and then the feeling of pressure in the chest, as if there is not enough air.
  • Disnametic. It is characterized by increasing oxygen starvation. The victims increase in squeezing in the chest, weakness and shortness of breath increase, the pulse slows down and the growing feeling of panic fear appears, gradually turning into a stunning. At the same time, pupils increase, the eyes are protruding, and the conjunctive blushes.
  • Convulsive. This stage is only when it receives a lethal dose of toxin. The victims begins fainting with convulsions, there may be involuntary snacking language, defecation and urination.
  • Paralytic. Usually it leads to the death of the victim. At this stage, the poisoned are unconscious, their breathing becomes very slow, and the mucous membranes blush, pink and skin, sensitivity and normal natural reflexes disappear.

If the victim remains alive for 4 hours, as a rule, improves improves and it survives. Sometimes unpleasant consequences are possible, such as violation of the brain after a long oxygen starvation.

If potassium cyanide will penetrate the body with meager portions for a long time, it will provoke chronic poisoning. In such a situation, cyanides have time to turn into thiocyanates under the influence of sulfide groups.

These substances are also toxic. They provoke disorders in the work of the thyroid gland, poorly affect the condition of the liver, kidney and stomach. Chronic poisoning is often accompanied by pain, insomnia, and neurasthenia, the condition of the skin is worse.

If you suspect that a person poisoned with cyanium potassium, you must immediately call doctors. Before their arrival, it is necessary to ensure the affected access of clean air and rinse the stomach if it is conscious.

If there is poison on clothes, it should be urgently removed, and the contaminated skin is washed. If poisoned unconscious, you can start doing indirect heart massage. But the mouth-wide-friendly mouth in this situation is dangerous, as a person who assisted can suffer.


There are several effective antidotes to cyanium cyanium. Usually everyone is used simultaneously and in parallel, since the mechanism of action of drugs is different.

Antidote to cyanide potassium is also called methemoglobinomy. They separate oxygen from hemoglobin and help it remove cyanide from cells. In this group of drugs, doctors include:

  • Amylnitrite. It is just dripped onto cotton or similar material and give it to sniff it every 2 minutes.
  • Sodium nitrite in the form of 2% of the solution is introduced into Vienna;
  • Methylene blue in the form of 1% solution in a 25% glucose solution is also administered intravenously.

Dehydrate the cyanides present in the bloodstream of the victim, help solutions of compounds easily giving sulfur. Usually, a 25% solution of sodium thiosulfate is introduced for this purpose. Also useful glucose solution. In the oppression of the respiratory center, the Lobelin or Cytionton medication is used.

With the help of the proper use of the human antifles, you can save even at the very last stage of poisoning.

If the poisoning was not a strong, the victim will feel relief immediately after the introduction of the antidote, and in difficult situations the recovery period can be delayed for several weeks.

All this time, patients have neuropsychiatric problems, blood pressure jumps, heart impairment. Over time, the body is restored, and unpleasant symptoms disappear.