Circulation pump to increase the water pressure. Pump for increasing water pressure in an apartment or private house. What tasks will the pump help to solve to increase the water pressure in the apartment?

Almost the main parameter in the modern day is the level of pressure. The comfortable level of water pressure in the pipes allows us to operate the entire system without any problems. If there are problems with this in the water supply system, then they automatically affect its operational characteristics.

But what if there is not enough water pressure in the water supply system? The answer is very simple. Install pumps to increase pressure.

1 Features and purpose

As we all know, modern plumbing in an apartment or a country house consists of several basic structures or elements. Probably the most important of them is the pipeline itself.

Through the pipeline, water flows to the taps, which can then be extracted at any suitable location. The pressure in the system is responsible for the free flow of water through the pipes. According to European standards, the pressure in the water supply system must be at least 4-5 atmospheres.

This is due to the necessary requirements that are provided by various additional plumbing fixtures. So, the washing machine will not be able to function if the water pressure in the system does not equal 2 atmospheres. It just won't start.

Showers with a pressure system and a variety of jacuzzi baths require even more serious conditions. They can already operate normally if the water pressure in the water supply system is at least 4 atmospheres. Various devices for hydromassage are not limited to the declared characteristics.

As you can see, serious requirements are imposed on the conditions in a modern water supply system. Moreover, they do not always answer them. So, in an average apartment, the water pressure in the water supply system can be as low as 2.5-3 atmospheres. Good pressure also happens, but here it all depends on the quality of the equipment that serves the apartment building.

In country houses, cottages and mansions, the situation is complicated by the fact that people have to deal with the creation of local water supply systems on their own. And not always one single pump is able to provide normal conditions in the water supply system. Especially if the pipe laying scheme was planned erroneously or in violation of certain norms.

There are also extreme cases when the pressure level in the water supply system has not just dropped. It is simply not there, since the water does not reach the consumer. For example, if the riser is too long, and the booster pumps at the inlet are not able to raise the water to a sufficient level.

2 Types and characteristics

As you can see, pumps for increasing pressure have different designs and in this parameter they are very different from each other. To begin with, consider their main division by type of design and purpose. According to these parameters, they are divided into:

  • increasing the pressure level;
  • Self-priming booster pumping stations for water supply systems.

The first type is a standard booster pump. It is called circulating because it promotes the circulation of fluid in pipes. The device is usually small in size and very compact. It is cut into a certain section of the pipeline, which increases the pressure level and the speed of fluid circulation on it.

Initially, these pumps were conceived for arranging hot water and heating systems. This is due to the serious length of the heating circuits, as well as their resistance at the points of nodal connections.

Under natural conditions, the carrier simply cannot circulate normally in the water supply system, so a special pump is used to increase the pressure.

In a standard water supply system, the situation is similar. It's just that here the device is already used not so much for pumping hot liquid as for stimulating the general level of water movement.

The circulator consists of a small motor that rotates the rotor part with the impeller. It is this small mechanism that is able to pump water into the chamber and significantly improve the characteristics of the entire pipeline.

The most popular booster pumps are produced by Wilo. In particular, the lines Wilo TOP, Wilo Star-RS, Wilo Star, etc.

Now let's turn to the second type of booster pumps. This is already a much more serious unit that cuts off the water supply system from external feed.

2.1 How to choose booster pumps?

If you need to choose a household pump to increase the pressure in the pipeline, then you should be guided by dry calculations and specific characteristics of the equipment. To begin with, it is recommended to contact a specialist to assess the condition of your system.

As a last resort, measure the pressure yourself. This will help you select the optimal capacity water pumps. After all, there is no point in overpaying for too powerful equipment, which in your case simply will not be able to reveal its potential.

A circulating pressure boosting sample is worth buying if you have water but the pressure is too weak. Moreover, to level the deficiency of 2-3 atmospheres, one sample is enough. In some cases, it is necessary to install two pumps. But this happens quite rarely.

Pumping booster stations should be chosen if you do not have water in the tap at all, but it is lower in level in the system (for example, the neighbors below, if you are a resident of an apartment building).

In this case, the self-priming pump will pump liquid to your level, and the hydraulic accumulator will completely close the system and give you the opportunity to control its condition yourself.

It is better to buy pumps or Grundfos from popular manufacturers. Since the Wilo companies have proven themselves in the market with the best side and are time-tested.

2.2 Features and connection technology

Pumps for increasing the pressure in the water supply system are installed quite easily. As a rule, they are cut at the entrance to the system so that the stimulation of fluid movement takes place as conveniently and efficiently as possible.

So, circulation models cut into pipes in a certain area. All you need is to connect the device to the pipes, seal the connections and supply electricity. Then it remains to test the operation of the device in practice.

It is worth remembering that circulation models must be mounted in a single position. The correct position will be indicated by the manufacturer on the packaging. If you install the device by mistake, then it will either work poorly or refuse to start at all.

2.3 How is the pump installed? (video)

Low pressure in the water supply system can put not only you out of yourself, but also expensive equipment out of order. Agree, both that, and another just need to be protected. Such situations mainly oppress the owners of private houses, but they also happen in apartments connected to centralized networks. How to deal with them?

Pumps for increasing water pressure will forever save you from these troubles. They will provide the operating parameters required for the normal functionality of household appliances. Compact, almost invisible devices will protect your nerves and extend the life of the units.

The article presented to your attention describes in detail the principles of equipment selection and the rules for its installation. Those wishing to carry out the work with their own hands or to control the hired plumbers will be helped by useful schemes. The information is supplemented by photo-selections and videos.

The problem of low pressure in the water supply system is solved using two types of devices: circulation and self-priming pumps. The former are simpler and easier to install in the system.

A conventional circulation pump consists of a rotor, an impeller attached to it, and a motor that rotates it all. Usually, if there is water in the system, but its pressure is weak, one or two pumps are sufficient.

The problem of increasing the pressure in the water supply system is solved in two ways: by installing a circulation or centrifugal self-priming pump (click to enlarge)

But if water does not flow to the upper floors at all, you will have to install a high-power one with a hydraulic tank. Such a device is simply installed as part of a plumbing system in a suitable location. The impeller spins to accelerate the flow of water.

As a result, the pipes fill up faster with water, providing the required level of pressure in the water supply. These are compact, low power devices designed to solve local problems. Suction pumps are more efficient and more sophisticated.

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The water supply system is a rather complex system of pipes, valves and taps, which must continuously supply water to consumers. The quality of these systems is assessed by such a technical parameter as " water pressure".

According to the current standard the water pressure in the water supply network must be within 3 ... 6 atmospheres... It is known that at water pressure in pipes less than 2 atmospheres work of household appliances (dishwashers and washing machines, water heaters ...) not possible... If the water pressure in the pipes is 7 atmospheres and more, then plumbing fails and tube joints are destroyed.

Therefore, the constant presence of the required water pressure within the specified limits is one of the most important tasks in the development and further use of water supply systems. The solution to this problem is especially relevant at the design stage of water supply systems. ... Indeed, during their design, it is necessary to take into account a huge number of factors, ranging from the number of consumers and ending with the average hourly water consumption of each object, be it an apartment building, an enterprise or any other consumer.

In practice, it is extremely difficult to balance the influence of all existing factors; therefore, in reality, we have unbalanced water supply networks. Hence the constant problems with the supply of water to the population.

Why do you need a pump to increase water pressure

The minimum water pressure, which must be present in the pipes, is 2-3 atmospheres... This level of water pressure ensures normal use of household appliances, fire hydrants, etc. If the water pressure does not meet this requirement, it is necessary to use special devices that provide a given pressure level. These devices are:

  • Pump for increasing water pressure .
  • .

Boost pump water pressure in the house is used when there is water in the system, but the pressure is so small that its use is impossible. If on the first floors of the house the pressure is normal, and on the last there is no water at all, then the solution to the problem is possible by using a self-priming pumping station.

When choosing a device that will help solve an existing problem, first you need to determine the reason for the weak pressure ... Low pressure levels often occur when corrosion of water pipes or if they clogged with organic deposits... In this case, there is no need to use additional equipment - urgently need to change pipes... If the problem is still a weak pressure, then a water pressure pump in the house will help get rid of it.

Self-priming pump station assembled on the basis of the same pump for increasing the water pressure, which is connected to the hydraulic accumulator and uses the water pressure switch for the pump to control the entire system. In this case, water is pumped into the storage tank.

Classification of pump models for water pressure

There are several options for classifying pumps for water pressure:

  • by appointment;
  • by the way of cooling;
  • according to the mode of operation.

By purpose, the pumps are divided into:

  • used for only one type of water (cold or hot);
  • universal used for any kind of water.

By the way of cooling, pumps are:

  • air cooling (dry rotor). The pump motor does not come into contact with water, and cooling is carried out by the fan blades mounted on the shaft;
  • water cooling (wet rotor). The rotor with the impeller is placed in water and isolated from the stator by a special glass. Cooling of the motor is provided by the pumped water.

Operating modes of pumps for water pressure:

  • auto ... The pump is controlled by a flow sensor. The pump is activated when opening any tap and turns off when it is closed;
  • manual ... In this case, the pump runs continuously. The pump is switched on and off manually, but it is important to avoid overheating the motor.

Advantages and disadvantages of conventional types of pumps and pumping stations

In general, equipment for increasing water pressure has advantages and disadvantages characteristic of this type of technology:

  1. High pressure pumps for water.


  • small size;
  • light weight;
  • noiseless operation;
  • installation directly on the water pipe;
  • low cost.

The disadvantage is the impossibility of raising the water pressure by more than 1 atmosphere.

  1. Pumping stations.

The main advantage is the provision of the required level of water pressure. Provides the ability to fully meet the water supply needs of an apartment building, a private country cottage or a summer cottage in automatic mode (if there is a water pressure switch for the pump).


  • technically complex installation;
  • large dimensions;
  • relatively loud noise;
  • the presence of a separate room for installation;
  • high price.

Models and characteristics. Which pressure pump is better

The domestic market for water pressure pumps is vast and varied. It presents a large number of products from manufacturers from around the world. The most popular are the following models:

Sprut 15WBX-8 .

Sprut 15WBX-8 - Photo 08

It is a vortex pump for increasing water pressure, designed for installation in an apartment. Possesses technical data:

  • minimum inlet pressure: 0.3 bar;
  • working pressure, no more: 6 bar;
  • power: no more than 0.09 kW;
  • productivity: not less than 8 l / min;
  • maximum weight: 2.24 kg.

Aquatica 774715 .

Aquatica 774715 - Photo 09

Designed for use as a water pressure boosting pump in a private house. Recommended to maintain the pressure required to ensure the performance of gas water heaters, washing machines and dishwashers. Pump technical parameters:
  • operating mode: automatic;
  • power, no more: 0.09 kW;
  • productivity, not less: 10 l / min;
  • maximum weight: 2.8 kg.

Euroaqua 15WB-10 - Photo 10

Euroaqua 15WB-10 .

A recirculation pump for increasing the pressure of water in the house is used if it is necessary to create a sufficient water pressure for the operation of household appliances (water heaters, etc.). Its technical data:

  • cooling method: dry rotor;
  • operating mode: automatic;
  • power: not less than 0.12 kW;
  • productivity: 14 l / min;
  • maximum weight: 3.3 kg.

Katran 774713 - Photo 11

Katran 774713 .

The circulation pump serves to increase the water pressure in the house and is characterized by technical parameters:

  • cooling method: wet rotor;
  • operating mode: automatic;
  • power, minimum: 0.1 kW;
  • weight: 2.7 kg.

How to choose a pump to increase water pressure

You can buy a high-quality pump for increasing the water pressure in building materials supermarkets, specialized outlets for the sale of plumbing, as well as with the help of stores operating on the Internet. Wherever pumps for increasing water pressure are sold, a potential buyer will be able to familiarize himself with the operational parameters in detail and receive expert advice on all issues of interest.

When choosing a pump to increase water pressure in a house, you need to pay attention to such technical specifications , how:

  1. Maximum power and pressure.
  2. Maximum performance.
  3. The level of noise generated during operation.
  4. Operating temperature range.

The cost of pumps for water pressure has a large price range and depends on:

  • manufacturer's brand;
  • productivity;
  • production technology and materials used.

ATTENTION! Solving the problem: "How to choose a pump to increase water pressure?" we must not forget that pumps for water pressure increase the pressure by no more than 25-40%. Therefore, their use is justified if the water pressure in the pipeline is at least 1.55 atmospheres.

The purchase and installation of a booster pump for the water supply system will stabilize the water pressure in the system. Over time, old underwater mains (tie-ins) lose their capacity and no longer provide residential buildings with acceptable water pressure.

This leads to the impossibility of using several points of its consumption at the same time. Installation of the device will ensure the functioning of household water appliances, creating conditions for an acceptable living.

Application and installation of a water pump for pumping water to the central water supply

The booster pump is used when it is necessary to increase the pressure in the existing water supply system connected to the central water supply. It creates sufficient head in front of the water draw-off points.

Such devices are also used for industrial purposes in the form of large standby installations working to extinguish situations associated with accidents.

The main parameter of the water supply system is the degree of water pressure in the system... Acceptable pressure in the pipe will allow the entire water supply system to be operated. European standards prescribe its value at 4-4.5 atmospheres. Less pressure will not ensure the operation of the washing machine, dishwasher, shower, hydromassage cabin, jacuzzi, gas water heater.

For a stable water pressure, structures operating in two modes are used:

  • manual mode, assuming the operation of a constantly switched on pump;
  • automatic mode, which ensures the operation of the pump using a water flow sensor. Such products are preferable. They are protected in no water mode.

Pumps for pumping water are installed in apartments, private houses, country buildings, cottages. The main condition for their reliable and correct operation is the skillful connection of the electrical and water systems according to the attached instructions.

Read also our article about and methods.

Old apartment buildings require pipe replacement. This would be the best option for increasing the pressure in the apartments. But this process is long, laborious, and therefore unpromising. Some residents solve the problem of water pressure by installing pipes of a smaller diameter, but this measure is expensive and not always effective. Installing a booster pump with a storage tank in the water supply system eliminates the problem.

There is a wide selection of a wide variety of devices, in accordance with the design features of the water supply system in the apartments. The industry produces products that are installed on a hot water riser. Such designs allow you to change the head in the pump using adjusting screws.

Some types of devices increase pressure when directly opening a hot water tap. They are applicable when using household appliances: showers and water heaters.

In case of insufficient water pressure in the house, minimal diagnostics are carried out, including checking the serviceability of shut-off valves (taps, valves), the patency of risers, the presence of household contamination of pipes. Having convinced of the insufficient pressure in the neighboring apartments, it becomes necessary to purchase a pumping station for the whole house.

A pumping station is a type of water booster pump that has a hydraulic tank or hydraulic accumulator. They are mounted between the water supply and the water source, generating pressure in the water supply system. If this is installed in the house, but the water pressure in the apartments is not sufficient, it is changed with a more powerful one. Sometimes it is enough to replace the storage tank or pump, or adjust the pressure using a pressure switch that monitors the operation of the storage tank and pump.

The principle of the pump for pumping water

The principle of operation of any booster pump for a water supply system is that the equipment system increases the pressure in the water supply network depending on the pressure in the water circuit.

The advantage of an individual heating system in a private house or apartment is the short distance of the coolant from the heating source to the battery. Forced circulation assumes the presence of a pump that pumps water through heating elements: batteries, registers, pipes.

The pump is installed on the water return pipe, the heat carrier is pre-drained or the available taps on the pipeline are shut off. The correct installation of the pump will be indicated by an arrow, the direction of which coincides with the direction of movement of the coolant. After installing the coarse filter and the pump itself, the system is filled with water, removing air by opening the central screw. The unit is connected to the mains with a regular electrical plug.

The booster pump is installed strictly in a horizontal position. It will not only contribute to its quiet operation, but also prevent damage to the rotor.

Pay attention to the installation of the pump terminal box, avoiding the ingress of water or condensation. It is strictly forbidden to operate the unit if there is no heating medium in the system. The pump, equipped with a thermostat, is installed away from water heaters that can interfere with the operation of the thermostat.

With larger rooms, water consumption increases significantly. Installing one pump may not fully provide the required head. In such cases, several pieces of equipment are installed.

How to choose a booster pump for a private house

When choosing a product, we assess the condition of the water supply system. The choice of the unit of the required power depends on this.

When choosing and purchasing a pump for pumping water, you must take into account its main characteristics:

  • performance;
  • power;
  • performance;
  • the size;
  • guarantee period;
  • price.

The units differ in technical characteristics and in the way of cooling the engine and the case. Products with "wet" and "dry" rotor are purchased.

The cooling process of devices of the first type is carried out by the liquid itself. They are quiet in operation, but demanding on the quality of the pumped water, requiring constant and timely maintenance.

The electric motor housing of units with a "dry" rotor is cooled by means of an impeller. They are practical and reliable, albeit a bit noisy. This type of pump is in high demand when purchasing.

Some booster pumps are made with a fixed pressure rise value, other models can have several modes of operation, are made with several sensors, control units, and have the ability to connect to a control panel.

Pressure boosting stations are purchased when there is no water in the taps. The presence of good water pressure from the neighbors below indicates that it does not reach your riser.

Overview of manufacturers of pumps that increase the pressure in the water supply

  1. High power and high quality products are offered by
    TAIFUN... An extensive assortment of goods capable of satisfying the most sophisticated customer.
  2. Danish pumps
    GRUNDFOS have small dimensions and noiseless operation. They are manufactured with two types of housings: stainless and cast iron. The products are distinguished by their reliability and long service life.
  3. Products of the German concern
    WILO gained fame for the high quality of the products. The concern's branches are located in many countries of the world. The functional parameters of the manufactured units allow them to be used both in private houses and in apartments. The products are distinguished by their resistance to corrosion and a high class of protection.

Cost calculation

The pricing sheets for the device are processed by the employees offering the product that best suits the customer's conditions.

Those wishing to purchase the product fill out the questionnaire and send it in any acceptable way.

You can find out how the installation is done by watching the video:

The installation of a pump that increases the pressure in the water supply system ensures the uninterrupted operation of all gas and water appliances, provides an opportunity at any time of the day to use water in bathrooms, jacuzzi, showers. The downside is the problem of space in the apartment when installing a hydraulic accumulator. You need to remember about this nuance when installing a tank for 200-300 liters.

The water pressure boosting pump is a very important part of the water supply system. They are installed in individual and centralized systems, as the increased pressure increases productivity. They are also very often used in everyday life, because this problem can cause numerous problems with the full functioning of technical devices in the house, such as: washing machines, dishwashers, speakers, etc. In our article we will discuss the features of its work, varieties and advantages.

To designate such a concept as pressure, two such quantities are used:

  1. Bars;
  2. Atmosphere.

Important! The ratio of these two values ​​is displayed in the following scheme: 1 bar = 1.197 atmospheres = 10.19.

There are standards for the pressure in city water supply systems, according to which it should be 4 atmospheres. Today, pressure drops can be frequent and high and can destroy your device, because 6-7 atmospheres have a destructive effect on the system. Imported modern technology is especially sensitive in this situation. If the pressure, on the contrary, is low enough, then this may affect the operation of the washing machine and dishwasher.

Important! The lowest indicator for the operation of elementary equipment should be at least 1.5 atmospheres, and for the work of firefighters - 3 atmospheres.

If you are going to buy a pump to control water pressure, then you need to determine the problem. The most common complaints about water supply systems are:

  • Weak water pressure in the tap;
  • Lack of water on the upper floors of the building.

The first problem can be solved by installing a pump, but for the second it will be useless. In such a situation, it is necessary to install a pumping station.

Pressure boosting pump concept

Normalizing the operation of an autonomous water supply system takes a very long time. Although many believe that for this it is enough to make a well and install a pump in it, it is important to know that the water temperature is very low, therefore it has to be stored in a container, and because of this, the head pressure may drop. To get out of this situation, a flow-through mechanism was invented to increase the pressure.

Their direct purpose is to completely optimize the pressure level in the water supply system in a house or apartment. They are in the highest demand on individual sites. Sometimes these pumps are installed to maintain instrument specifications.

Design features

Design features are manifested in the hardware complex, which consists of several units - an electric motor and a pump. The particular application requires the use of optimum materials such as:

  • Ceramics;
  • Brass;
  • Steel that does not rust;
  • Cast iron.

Attention! It should be noted that all of the above materials are united by a common feature - this is corrosion resistance.

The pump body is almost completely submerged in water, therefore, in its structure it has two bells:

  • Frontal suction type;
  • Radial feed type.

It is also worth noting that a wet-type rotor is installed here, which accompanies a decrease in the temperature of the installation elements. This detail gives the device two such advantages:

  • Almost silent work;
  • Extension of the device.

Attention! Today there are equipment with paddle coolers, which are much more efficient, but also have more noise during operation.

Advantages of the pressure boosting device

This type of device has a large number of advantages in its performance, which reflect the ease and comfort of their operation:

  • Have the ability to increase and maintain the stability of the pressure level;
  • Small-sized parameters;
  • Optimal noise level;
  • High resistance to corrosion;
  • Installation variations on the pipeline;
  • Ease of installation and removal of the structure;
  • Automatic operation;
  • Low energy consumption;
  • Ability to work with various temperature states of the liquid.

Spheres and effectiveness of application

The following factors can affect the decrease in pressure level:

  • Clogged filter;
  • Overgrowth of pipes;
  • A large amount of water intake, etc.

For multi-apartment buildings, such situations are easily resolved, but for individual systems, a pressure boosting device will be the most optimal solution to the issue.

If the pump works in conjunction with the accumulator, then they can easily cope with the problems of the water intake. Such a scheme has a huge number of advantages in operation, especially for a surface or submersible apparatus.

When installing a pressure boosting pump, not everyone makes the correct calculations of its performance, and this is a very important detail. Indeed, if the indicators of the device and the line do not coincide, then the effect may not appear. First of all, this is due to the fact that the installation of the device does not increase the pressure of the line, because it combines several points of water intake. The net result will be a reduction in fluid flow.

Attention! If your neighbors already have such a pump, they will reduce your flow of cold and hot water. You need to pay attention to this. Indeed, in this situation, the pressure increasing device begins to work as much as possible, which reduces its life cycle.

For the best result of the efficiency of the device, it is necessary to mount it together with a special reservoir.

In the event that the room does not have the parameters for placing this installation, then a submersible pump can be installed, which is placed in a container. Its main advantage is its compact size and quiet system performance. In addition, it has a membrane storage area that can be part of a central or main system.

It is also worth highlighting the disadvantages of functionality - this is a more complex installation. In addition to connecting to the trunk, you also need to set up the automation of work.

Advice. To avoid mistakes, you need to use standard connection mechanisms or use the services of professionals. But, do not forget that if your pump is out of order due to improper installation, then the warranty will expire and you will have to carry out repairs at your own expense.

Types of models

The problem of unstable pressure encompasses a large number of areas of human activity, therefore a market segment contains a large number of models for different purposes and a distinctive volume. In terms of size, there are devices that are compact for domestic use and oversized for industrial applications.

Now we will get acquainted with these types in more detail.

Household pumps

These types have a number of such advantages:

  1. Compact, handy size;
  2. Low energy costs;
  3. Low price;
  4. Ease of use.

Attention! Household appliances function optimally in a temperature range of -15 to +100 degrees.

  • Steel;
  • Cast iron;
  • Reinforced plastic;
  • Polypropylene.

Also, pumps are divided according to such a criterion as the type of control:

  1. Manual;
  2. Automatic.

Manual pumps

What is this mechanism? This is the connection and shutdown of the system independently, which provides some inconvenience for operation.

It is also worth highlighting the advantages of this type of equipment:

  • Very high resistance to overheating of the device;
  • Low cost;
  • Durability. System crashes are very rare.

With automatic control

The pump with automatic control starts working as soon as the intake is opened, and its volume instantly collects data on the flow sensor. When closed, the valve is automatically turned off. This mode prevents dry operation of the device, which increases its life cycle. It is worth highlighting the drawback of the system - it is its high price.

But this is not a huge disadvantage for the device's performance, since it has a huge number of significant advantages:

  • Convenient operation of the device;
  • Small installation dimensions:
  • Low noise level during work, which hardly stands out from the general background;
  • Have a hydraulic accumulator that can operate at zero pressure;
  • High engine power.

Other types of pressure control pumps

There is also a classification according to such a criterion as the method of cooling the housing, which can occur during the operation of the impeller or pumped water. There are the following types:

  • Cooling occurs during the operation of the blades, which are mounted on the shaft. The design is called dry rotor. Their characteristic features are: high efficiency, low noise level.
  • Liquid cooling, or the so-called wet rotor. The distinguishing features of this type are the silent operation of the device.

Attention! There are also universal models that are suitable for working with any water temperature.

The most famous brands of pumps

Today, there are a number of leaders in the production of devices for increasing the pressure of a water system. All of them have a general structure scheme, but are made of different materials. Let's take a look at them:

  • WILO is a manufacturer of high quality, reliable, easy-to-use pumps with a long-term guarantee;
  • Cl15grs 15 is a pressure boosting pump, which is characterized by the presence of a flow sensor, which is included in the power supply circuit;
  • Grundfos - the second in terms of demand in the country, differs from WILO in lower price and silent operation;
  • OASIS pumps - their biggest plus, which distinguishes them from other manufacturers, is the ease of installation and dismantling, durability of the device;
  • Aquaphor is a pressure boosting device that is characterized by ease of installation and high reliability.

Choosing the optimal pump

  • Indicators of power and performance;
  • Noise level during operation;
  • Manufacturer's credibility and accreditation;
  • The maximum number of pressure that the device can produce.

Individual characteristics of the models that you should pay attention to when buying a pump:

  • Dimensions. It is worth choosing the dimensions that are suitable for installation in the place you planned.
  • Temperature range... This indicator depends on the nuances of your plumbing system.
  • Connection parameters... For each pipe, you must select the appropriate modification.

When choosing a pump, you must know the system pressure and performance. You can find out these values ​​yourself or hire a specialist. We will give you a small diagram so that you understand the deduction system. If the pressure in the system is 1.5 atmospheres, then a compact device that can be built into the pipeline is also suitable for servicing it.

Advice! Purchase pumps from licensed points of sale.

We connect to a common highway

If your house consists of a mains system, then when installing the pump, this must be taken into account. It's just that not only you, but also all neighbors may have such equipment - this will lead to the fact that the mechanism will work at full strength, and the pressure will not increase. In addition, this situation can lead to damage.

Advice! To avoid this situation, you need to install a storage tank in which reserve water will be stored. This liquid is very useful when reducing the pressure.