Cystitis food and treatment. Nutritional advice for women during cystitis. Juice therapy - affordable prevention of any form of cystitis

Cystitis is considered a female disease that requires an integrated approach to therapy. One of the conditions during the period of treatment is an adjusted diet for cystitis in women. Failure to comply with this rule can lead to a worsening of the patient's condition and the occurrence of complications. The diet consists in the elimination of food from the diet, which can further irritate the affected mucosa, as well as the use of foods and drinks that have a diuretic effect. It should be noted that the diet for acute cystitis and the form is somewhat different.

Correction of nutrition during the treatment period is necessary to eliminate unnecessary irritating effects on the bladder, which may have some types of food. The second purpose of prescribing a diet is to increase the frequency of micturition for a faster elimination of pathogenic microorganisms from the urinary organ.

What can you eat

The following vegetables can be eaten from plant products:

  • zucchini;
  • pumpkin;
  • carrot;
  • beet.

All types of cereals, cereals, pasta and vegetable oils are allowed.

From plant foods, you must first of all eat fruits that have a diuretic effect. This category includes watermelon and melon. It is also permissible to include apples, pears and figs in the diet. Among the berries, preference should be given to lingonberries and cranberries, which can additionally have an anti-inflammatory effect and an immuno-strengthening effect.

The patient can use a small amount of dried fruits in the form of dried apricots, raisins and dried apricots. It is not prohibited to eat dairy and fermented milk products in the form of cottage cheese, yogurt, kefir, yogurt, sour cream, butter, etc.

  • chicken's meat;
  • veal;
  • beef;
  • rabbit meat;
  • turkey meat;
  • chicken eggs.

From liquids it is allowed to drink green tea, rosehip broth, lingonberry juice, apricot, pumpkin or carrot juice. Sour juices are completely excluded from the diet.

What you can't eat

First of all, they impose a restriction on the use of salt and sugar, which, if possible, it is better to completely exclude from the diet.

It is imperative to remove foods rich in vegetable acids, which include:

  • celery;
  • sorrel;
  • spinach;
  • horseradish;
  • tomatoes;
  • radish and radish;
  • garlic and onions.

During the period of exacerbation of the disease, it is impossible to eat cauliflower, legumes, add hot seasonings and spices to dishes, as well as purchased and homemade sauces.

Read also: Can cystitis be cured without antibiotics?

Fatty meats such as pork, duck and goose are completely removed from protein foods. Eating oily fish is also not encouraged.

From fruits, all citrus fruits, plums and avocados are blacklisted. You cannot eat grapes and strawberries from berries. Jam, chocolate and confectionery can also harm the patient's condition.

Basic rules of medical nutrition

It is important to know not only what you cannot eat with cystitis in women, but also adhere to some dietary rules.

Dishes should be boiled, steamed, stewed or baked in the oven. In no case should you fry, smoke, pickle and preserve the food you eat.

The diet for cystitis in women, the menu in which should be as varied as possible, should include adherence to the drinking regime. It is necessary to consume about 2 liters of clean drinking water per day.

The first courses are prepared exclusively with vegetable broth. Cabbage soup can only be cooked from non-sour cabbage. It is forbidden to add herbs and various spices. You can improve the taste of soups without salt and meat by using sour cream.

Diet for acute cystitis in women

If acute cystitis occurs in the first days, doctors recommend refusing food containing animal proteins. It is recommended to consume herbal products and drinks with a pronounced diuretic effect. This category includes cucumbers, watermelon, melon and squash. From drinks, diuretic herbal preparations should be preferred, as well as cranberry and lingonberry fruit drinks, which additionally have antimicrobial and anti-inflammatory effects.

In the case of acidification of urine, when the tests are repeated, a table number 6 is assigned, in which all the above-described prohibited products plus pasta are excluded and the consumption of meat and fish products is limited.

In the case of alkalization of urine, table No. 14 is assigned with a restriction on the consumption of vegetable soups, sour cream, dairy products and potatoes.

Diet for chronic cystitis in women

With an advanced form, a diet for cystitis in women requires a lifelong rejection of certain types of foods or limiting them in the diet.

Spices, hot spices, sour sauces, smoked meats, fried - the first thing that should not be eaten with cystitis in a chronic form.

Every woman at least once in her life is faced with an inflammation of the bladder. The disease should be treated not only with medicines, but also with the help of the mandatory observance of the principles of proper nutrition. What should be the diet for cystitis in women?

Cystitis is an inflammatory process in the bladder that is most common in women. If you delay the treatment of the disease, then there may be big health problems. In addition to taking medications, a special diet will help cure cystitis and reduce the risk of recurrence. So what can and what is strictly prohibited to use with such a serious disease?

Purpose of the diet

The main purpose of the selected menu is to eliminate irritation of the walls of the mucous membrane of the bladder by introducing products into the diet of lungs for the body. The diet should have a diuretic effect in order to remove infectious pathogens from the bladder. This is important when treating inflammation.

Food for acute cystitis should include foods with a high fluid content. It can be watermelons, melons, cucumbers, which should be combined with plenty of drinking. After a few days, dairy products can be included in the diet. A diet in the acute phase of the disease should solve the following problems:

  • reduction of intoxication;
  • prevention of infection multiplication;
  • ease of emptying;
  • saturation of the body with useful substances;
  • beneficial effect on the body together with medications.

In chronic cystitis, doctors note the appearance of ulcers, edema, and patients also complain of severe pain. Compliance with a dietary diet during this period is extremely important, because otherwise the disease will go into an exacerbation stage. Nutrition value with chronic cystitis it is difficult to overestimate, because it:

  • does not allow damage to the rest of the urinary system;
  • minimizes the likelihood of stone formation;
  • enhances immunity.

Even if you notice that the signs of an exacerbation of the disease have disappeared, the menu recommended by the doctor still needs to be kept for about 2 more weeks.

Nutrition principles

Even if a woman is very protective of herself, she can be overtaken by such an unpleasant disease as cystitis. A diet for cystitis must be followed. It needs to be balanced with all the vitamins, minerals and other nutrients it needs. Experts also recommend following a fractional diet - eating up to 6 times a day. The servings offered should be small so as not to burden the stomach.

The menu should include dishes that are steamed, baked in the oven or boiled. Favorite fried potatoes with meat are subject to complete exclusion, like other fatty high-calorie foods, fast food.

If you suffer from simultaneous inflammation of the bladder and kidneys, then nutrition should be prescribed based on the development of the disease. The diet for cystitis and pyelonephritis is aimed at increasing the outflow of urine, which removes pathogens. To do this, the diet should include light-salted food that contains a minimum amount of proteins, fats and liquids. In these diseases, it is also recommended to follow the principle of fractional nutrition.

The diet is based on consumption dairy products, among which:

  • fresh vegetables;
  • boiled beets;
  • seasonal local fruits;
  • fermented baked milk, curdled milk and yogurt;
  • cereals;
  • vegetable soups without meat broth;
  • boiled fish and lean meat.

Forbidden food

Experts recommend that patients who simultaneously suffer from pyelonephritis and cystitis drink more liquid - more than 2 liters. per day. It can be still purified water, green teas without sugar, compotes, fruit drinks and natural juices diluted with boiled water. Berry fruit drinks are especially useful, which, along with medications, destroy infections. Are under the ban:

  • coffee and strong teas;
  • carbonated sweet drinks;
  • sour and citrus juices;
  • Spicy, salty and smoked dishes;
  • alcoholic drinks.

Vitamin therapy also contributes to a speedy recovery, which is carried out using infusions from the leaves and fruits of sea buckthorn, rose hips, mountain ash and strawberries.

What can and cannot be included in the menu

Nutrition for cystitis in women, as in men and children, should be complete and varied. Food should not overload the digestive system. The diet is prescribed by the attending physician after a complete examination and based on the individual characteristics of the organism.

Allowed meals

The main menu consists of the following products:

  • fresh fruits and vegetables;
  • sour berries;
  • lean meat and fish;
  • bread, except rye;
  • porridge;
  • fermented milk products.

Pork is completely excluded from meat delicacies, since it is heavy on the stomach. It is not recommended to add salt and spices to ready-made dishes, so as not to irritate the mucous membranes of the bladder. For dietary nutrition, meat should be steamed or baked in the oven.

Experts allow patients to eat fresh bread. However, it is better to bake it yourself than to purchase it in supermarkets. Diet bread can be included in the diet.

Honey is especially useful in the treatment of inflammation of the bladder. Due to its antiseptic and antibacterial properties, it destroys pathogenic microflora in the damaged organ.

What to exclude

The diet for such a disease as cystitis has its own severe limitations. Familiar foods can be banned due to their annoying qualities. Contraindications for patients with bladder inflammation:

  • spices, spices and other flavoring additives;
  • semi-finished products;
  • preservation and pickled dishes;
  • mayonnaise, ketchup, mustard, various sauces;
  • potatoes;
  • citruses and nuts;
  • chocolate, sweets;
  • coffee products.

Women with a sweet tooth will have to give up their favorite treats, since they contain a large dose of sugar, which irritates the mucous membranes. You should also pay attention to drugs, which in most cases contain saccharin. Refuse to purchase them if you find this component in the instructions.

In chronic cystitis, citrus fruits are strictly prohibited, especially lemons, oranges, grapefruits. During the acute phase, you should not eat grapes, sour apples and plums. Violation of the menu will lead to a rapid return of disease symptoms and complications.

To prevent recurrence of cystitis, you need to follow a diet without question. If your disease is chronic, then this diet should be adhered to throughout your life. Acute cystitis requires maintaining a diet for 2 weeks after all symptoms subside.

Sample menu

Taking into account the listed products, you can draw up an everyday menu, which must be adhered to for a whole year after the last exacerbation. Below are 4 options for the recommended menu, among which you can choose the most suitable one.

1st option:

  • Breakfast: porridge on the water, soft-boiled egg, green tea;
  • Lunch: vegetable soup, steamed beef cutlet, fresh vegetables, cranberry juice;
  • Afternoon snack: baked potatoes;
  • Dinner: cottage cheese casserole with honey, freshly squeezed juice.

2nd option:

  • Breakfast: vegetable puree, scrambled eggs, fermented baked milk;
  • Lunch: beetroot, meatballs, buckwheat porridge, berry jelly;
  • Afternoon snack: fruits;
  • Dinner: vinaigrette, any porridge, kefir.

3rd option:

  • Breakfast: vegetable stew, scrambled eggs, drinking yogurt;
  • Lunch: cabbage soup, boiled perch, fresh vegetable salad, compote;
  • Afternoon snack: a glass of kefir;
  • Dinner: wholemeal pancakes, freshly squeezed juice.

4th option:

  • Breakfast: feta cheese, porridge on the water, weak green tea;
  • Lunch: borscht without tomato paste and meat, boiled chicken, vegetable stew, berry mousse;
  • Afternoon snack: fruit mix;
  • Dinner: durum pasta, vinaigrette, tea.

Thanks to this variety of dishes, the menu is varied and complete.

Features of the diet depending on the type of cystitis

Hemorrhagic form of the disease characterized by the appearance of blood and pus in the urine, which indicate an infectious or chemical inflammation. The purpose of the diet for hemorrhagic cystitis is to eliminate inflammation and eliminate pathogens.

The diet is based on chicken and river fish, fresh vegetables, and seasonal fruits. The consumption of cranberry juice, which has an antibacterial effect, will be especially beneficial. You can add bioyogurt and cranberries to it.

Spices and salt are subject to complete exclusion, as with ordinary cystitis. Experts also do not recommend including pasta, white bread, sugar and rice in the menu, as these products contribute to the growth of microbes.

With interstitial cystitis the diet should be foods with vitamins C, A, probiotics. Required to use:

  • bell peppers, broccoli, spinach, black currant;
  • beef liver, eggs;
  • milk, cream, yogurt, kefir, yogurt;
  • cranberry, blueberry fruit drinks.

Alcoholic beverages, spicy and spicy foods, fried meat and a variety of sauces are subject to exclusion from the menu.

Menu for men, women and children with cystitis

The structure of the bladder is associated with the work of the kidneys, which are subject to their daily regimen. The intensification of their work is observed in the morning and afternoon hours, and the decline - in the evening and at night.

Guided by this rule, the diet for cystitis in men and women is based on the following principle: we eat high-calorie food until noon, and light food after lunch. If a patient is diagnosed with stones, then the following are prohibited:

  • meat;
  • coffee and coffee drinks;
  • chocolate;
  • strong black tea.

Nutrition for men

Men get cystitis much less frequently than women. In almost all cases, the disease is caused by microbes that enter the bladder from damaged neighboring organs.

For males, a special gentle diet is prescribed, which should eliminate inflammation. The menu is based on melons, bran and bread, dairy products. Drinking plenty of fluids is also recommended.

Menu for women

Cystitis in women is diagnosed much more often than in men. The diet for patients includes all the same recommendations as for the stronger sex. You can add to the allowed dishes:

  • vegetable soups and broths without adding meat and mushrooms
  • medicinal decoctions from diuretic components;
  • whole grain cereals, bread.

Diet for a child

Cystitis in a child is a fairly often diagnosed disease. Both boys and girls are susceptible to the disease. After diagnosing the disease, the doctor will prescribe a special diet, which must be carefully monitored.

The basis of the diet for cystitis in children includes:

  • fermented milk products (low-sugar yoghurts, kefir, fermented baked milk);
  • whole grain cereals;
  • vegetables and fruits, except citrus fruits;
  • lean meat and fish;
  • decoctions and fruit drinks with a diuretic effect.

Spicy and fried foods, sweets are prohibited. However, not all children can go without sweets for a long time. If your child is one of them, you can offer him some marshmallows, honey, jam or marmalade.

Observance of the medical menu will help you reduce the intoxication of the body, increase the effectiveness of prescribed medications, and start the recovery process of the mucous membranes of the bladder.

Cystitis is an inflammatory disease of the bladder that can occur with inflammation of the urethra ().

Causes of cystitis

Cystitis is caused by various bacteria that enter the urinary wasteland through the urethra. Typically, this pathogen can be Escherichia coli, which is normally found in the rectum.

Also, prolonged sexual intercourse can provoke cystitis, in which the opening of the urethra is irritated (the first symptoms occur within 12 hours after sexual intercourse), urinary retention or an incompletely emptied bladder (most often observed in disabled people or the elderly). In addition, some people may be allergic to perfume soaps, vaginal deodorants, talcum powder or colored toilet paper, which can trigger the development of cystitis. The cause of cystitis in children can be abnormalities in the anatomical structure, in which urine is "thrown back" into the ureters.

Cystitis symptoms

Among the symptoms of cystitis, the following will be distinguished: painful (with a burning sensation) and frequent urination, pain in the lower back or in the lower abdomen, urine with a strong odor, a cloudy look and blood splashes. Children and the elderly may experience fever, nausea, and abdominal pain.

Varieties of cystitis:

  • acute cystitis;
  • chronic cystitis.

Useful foods for cystitis

The main goal of dietary nutrition in acute and chronic cystitis is to "flush" the walls of the bladder and urinary tract from infectious agents. That is, the products must have diuretic properties and prevent the development of further irritation of the mucous membrane. In addition, you need to consume 2-2.5 liters of liquid per day.

Useful products for cystitis include:

  • fruit drinks, vegetable, fruit juices, compotes (for example, from lingonberry, cranberry);
  • chloride-calcium mineral water;
  • herbal teas (from kidney tea, bearberry, corn silk);
  • weak green or black tea without sugar;
  • fresh fruits (eg grapes, pears) or vegetables (eg pumpkin, asparagus, celery, parsley, cucumbers, carrots, spinach, melons, zucchini, watermelons, fresh cabbage);
  • fermented milk products, milk, cottage cheese, unsalted cheese;
  • lean meats and fish;
  • bran and whole grains;
  • olive oil;

Sample menu for chronic cystitis:

For breakfast, you can use: soft-boiled eggs or steam omelet, vegetable puree, unsalted cheese, milk porridge, cottage cheese, kefir, pasta, juice.

The lunch menu can include: vegetable cabbage soup, beetroot soup, cereal soups, borscht; steamed cutlets, boiled fish, meatballs, boiled meat; pasta, cereals, stewed vegetables; mousses, jelly, compotes, juices.

Afternoon snack: kefir, fruit.

Dinner: cottage cheese casserole, macaroni and cheese, pancakes, buns, vinaigrette.

Folk remedies for cystitis

  • hemp seeds (the seed emulsion is diluted with milk or water): use as a pain reliever for painful urination;
  • purslane: Eat fresh to soothe bladder pain
  • decoction of rosehip roots (chop two tablespoons of rosehip roots, pour a glass of boiling water and boil for 15 minutes, leave for two hours): take half a glass four times a day before meals;
  • decoction of lingonberry leaves (two teaspoons per glass of boiling water, boil for 15 minutes) take small portions throughout the day.

Dangerous and harmful products for cystitis

The diet for cystitis should not include: alcohol, strong coffee or tea, hot spices, salted, fried, smoked, sour, canned foods, concentrated broths (mushroom, fish, meat), foods that contain artificial colors or irritate the urinary mucosa paths (horseradish, radish, garlic, onion, cauliflower, radish, sorrel, sour fruits and berries, celery, tomatoes, green salad, tomato juice).

We will also show you how to make the menu correctly. We will give advice on what you can add to your diet. We will also indicate which foods are best not to eat while cystitis is being treated in women. The diet for such an ailment is quite tough, since various forbidden delicacies are excluded from it.

What is cystitis in general? This is an inflammation of the lining of the bladder. Distinguish between acute and chronic cystitis.


This disease can have different causes. There are several types of cystitis:

  1. Infectious.
  2. Chemical.
  3. Allergic.
  4. Post-radiation and other forms.

Women of any age can get cystitis. If a woman has this disease in her body, then this means that she needs to adhere to special dietary recommendations. In no case should you be frivolous about the diet for cystitis, as it plays an important role in the healing process.

The reasons

There are the most common causes of this disease. These include:

  1. Hypothermia of the body, especially in the autumn and winter seasons.
  2. Constipation that bothers a person for a long time.
  3. Long sitting in one place. As a rule, this is associated with work at the table. This type of activity is often occupied by women. This category includes mainly office workers.

Cystitis in women: symptoms and treatment, diet

Improper nutrition increases the possibility of developing any disease in the human body. Therefore, you should not eat fried, salty and fatty foods. It is also recommended to monitor the amount of food that a person consumes. Overeating is bad for your health. Do not eat before bed, it also damages the body. It is better to stop eating a few hours before bedtime. It will be better if the dinner is light. Failure to follow the principles of proper nutrition in a special way affects the appearance of diseases such as cystitis, urethritis and pyelonephritis. Basically, cystitis manifests itself suddenly and has a bright pain syndrome.

The main symptoms of the disease:

  • pain in the suprapubic part;
  • frequent and painful urination;
  • cloudy urine, sometimes with blood;
  • a small amount of urine comes out during urination;
  • in severe cystitis, fever and nausea, sometimes vomiting, occur.

The danger of the disease is that it can adversely affect the functioning of the kidneys. Therefore, you should not start this ailment and when diagnosing it, you should immediately proceed to all possible methods of treatment. It is worth saying that in no case should you self-medicate. This is due to the fact that it may not give the desired results. Typically, therapy for cystitis includes antibiotics. Therefore, it is necessary to consult a doctor in order for him to conduct the necessary examination, make a diagnosis and prescribe a treatment regimen. Further, the patient will be under the supervision of a doctor. This will allow assessing the effectiveness of the application of health measures to the patient.

Features of nutrition. What rules should be followed?

In addition to taking special medications, a diet for cystitis in women is also necessary. The fact is that if a girl eats right, her condition will improve much, namely, pain will decrease. This is due to the fact that the process of healing the body will be complex. The diet for cystitis in women is based on the fact that foods that are irritants are excluded from the diet. If removed, then they will not have a negative effect on the woman's bladder.

Another positive point in observing a special diet for cystitis is that the foods included in the diet contribute to the diuretic processes of the body and are antiseptics, due to which bacteria are quickly removed from the patient's body. In addition to the above, there is one more positive point, which is associated with the restriction in the use of certain products. Due to the fact that the woman begins to monitor nutrition, the load on the kidneys decreases. Thus, a diet for cystitis in women is also useful for the above-named organ. It is better if the diet includes light foods of natural origin.

The bladder performs the function of removing unnecessary substances from the body. It is part of the urinary system of the human body. In this regard, it becomes clear that all liquid foods that a person consumes ultimately pass through this organ. If a person eats incorrectly, namely, does not observe the basics of a healthy diet, then after a certain time the mucous membrane of the bladder may become inflamed. It is worth saying that each has its own characteristics of the body. They are influenced by many factors. Some people have been eating poorly for a long time and do not suffer from any diseases associated with the bladder. And others are susceptible to such ailment as cystitis. In any case, do not rely on nature and think that your body is the strongest and does not care about anything. It is always better to take preventive measures than to be treated later for severe forms of any disease.

In the acute form of the disease, the walls of the bladder become inflamed. In this case, the diet for cystitis in women will help cleanse and flush the bladder. This will ensure the removal of pathogenic bacteria from the body. Also, such washing will prevent irritation of the walls of the bladder.

Diet for cystitis in women. Options for drinks and foods that are recommended for this ailment

First of all, it is worth focusing on the amount of fluid consumed for a disease such as cystitis. You need to drink two liters a day. This amount is recommended by doctors to establish the healing process in the human body. In the case when a person is worried about an increased body temperature, it is recommended to increase the amount of fluid. It will be better for the body if the patient drinks two and a half liters in 24 hours.

What drinks are best for cystitis?

  1. Compotes.
  2. Fruit juices.
  3. Vegetable juices.
  4. Juices or fruit drinks made from lingonberries and cranberries are considered the most beneficial for the human body diagnosed with cystitis.
  5. Mineral water, which contains chloride and calcium.
  6. Herbal teas. It is recommended to drink infusions, which include bearberry, corn silk. Kidney tea is also helpful. It is better to refuse drinking tea with sugar. If you want to drink regular black, then you need to make it weak.

Healthy foods

With regard to the use of food, it is recommended to focus on those that have diuretic properties. Below is a list of basic food recommendations that can be consumed if a diet is indicated for cystitis in women.

List of foods that can be consumed:

  1. Spinach.
  2. Carrot.
  3. Cucumbers.
  4. Zucchini.
  5. Melon.
  6. Watermelon.
  7. Unsalted cheese.
  8. Cottage cheese.
  9. A fish.
  10. Meat.

Entering additional products

The diet for cystitis and pyelonephritis in women means that the introduction of dairy products should be carried out with caution in small doses.

But it's worth knowing that with their presence in the diet, the healing process will go faster and better. After entering dairy products, fish and meat can be added to the patient menu. It is necessary to ensure that the varieties are not greasy. Better if it is veal or beef, steamed or boiled. In no case should you eat fried pork. It is better to abandon it altogether or for a certain time.

Acute form of cystitis. Features of the use of food and drinks

The diet for acute cystitis in women primarily implies the exclusion of drinks such as strong tea and coffee. But liquids, better than pure water or fruit drinks, you need to drink about two liters. At first, there will be a lack of drinks and dishes to which a person is accustomed. But over time, he will forget about them. Especially if the period of adherence to the diet is long. In fact, eating certain foods is a habit. It can be difficult to refuse them, but it is possible. Here you need to connect willpower. In the case when a person is worried about pain, the process of refusing certain products in favor of the recovery process will be much easier.

In no case should you consume alcoholic beverages with a disease such as cystitis, as they will aggravate the state of the body for the worse. Also, do not eat canned food and food that contains dyes. It is worth paying close attention to the purchase of a particular food, namely, you should look at their composition. To relieve the inflammatory process, the use of honey in a small amount will help, one teaspoon will be enough.

Features of nutrition in the chronic course of the disease

If cystitis is chronic, ulcers may be present on the walls of the bladder. Therefore, the diet for chronic cystitis in women should be aimed not only at the urinary effect, but also at the provision of antimicrobial action.

People with a chronic form of the disease need to drink herbal teas daily. There is a list of foods that are strongly discouraged to eat with cystitis. Since they have an annoying property. Below is a list of them:

  1. Garlic.
  2. Horseradish.
  3. Celery.
  4. Tomatoes.
  5. Berries with a sour taste.

It is important to monitor the functioning of the stomach and intestines. If there is any discomfort from the use of certain products, then they must be abandoned. Since they will lead to irritation of the bladder mucosa.

It is better if the patient's menu contains such an ingredient as coarse fiber. A large amount is found in foods such as carrots, cabbage, bran and cereals, which are whole grains. They help to improve peristalsis and tone the body. Pine nuts are very helpful. Do not consume too many of them, just a small amount mixed with olive oil.

How much to go on a diet after an exacerbation or with a chronic form of the disease?

What should be the diet for chronic cystitis in women? The same. When the exacerbation of the disease goes away, you do not need to give up proper nutrition. Women are advised to observe it for 12 months. Diet food will benefit both the internal organs and the appearance of the fair sex. Perhaps in a year you will not want to give up such a nutritional system, and it will become a regular diet.


The state of the body in the process of recovery depends on what kind of diet for cystitis in women. It is worth remembering that proper nutrition is part of a healthy lifestyle. From what a person eats, his condition as a whole depends. If the food is fatty and heavy, then it will take a long time to digest, and problems with the stomach and intestines may occur. It will also affect the general condition of a person. A heaviness in the stomach can lead to decreased ability to work, fatigue, and lack of energy.

Treatment of cystitis at home does not imply a rejection of traditional methods of therapy. Antibiotics and other medications can be taken at home according to your doctor's instructions. Hospitalization in a hospital for cystitis in women is carried out quite rarely and only in the case of a severe course of the disease. In other situations, you can get rid of the manifestations of the disease at home for 7-10 days.

Do I need to see a doctor when the first symptoms of cystitis appear? Many women with frequent exacerbations of the disease prefer to be treated at home on their own. Of course, you can brew the herb or make a bath for cystitis without the advice of a doctor. Nevertheless, experts advise visiting a urologist in the following situations:

  • the first episode of acute cystitis;
  • inflammation of the bladder during pregnancy;
  • cystitis in women suffering from serious kidney pathologies;
  • cystitis with blood;
  • prolonged high temperature (more than 3 days) against the background of inflammation of the bladder.

Home therapy for cystitis can include both traditional and non-traditional techniques. In addition, non-drug treatments are of great importance. Do not forget about the daily routine for the entire period of the illness. In a cozy and comfortable environment, the patient will recover much faster. What can be done in order to cure cystitis and quickly get rid of the main symptoms of the disease?

What is important when treating cystitis at home

There are three important points in the treatment of cystitis in women:

  • peace;
  • plentiful drink;
  • diet.

Half-bed mode is recommended throughout the treatment. In case of high fever, it is worth staying in bed until the fever and chills completely disappear. When the condition improves, you can do the usual household chores that do not require much effort. Physical activity is excluded for the entire period of therapy. You should also avoid stress, anxiety and anxiety whenever possible.

Berry fruit drinks will help to quickly cure cystitis. An abundant warm drink is exactly what is needed for inflammation of the bladder in women. Fruit drinks made from fresh or frozen cranberries, blueberries, lingonberries and black currants are best suited for this purpose. These berries have a slight antiseptic effect and are detrimental to the main pathogens of cystitis. Fruit drinks from berries relieve intoxication, improve the general condition and activate the body's defenses. Also berry fruit drinks facilitate the outflow of urine and improve the functioning of the bladder and kidneys during an exacerbation of the disease.

Not only berry fruit drinks can be drunk with cystitis. Compotes from fresh and dried fruits, jelly and herbal decoctions have a good effect. Even regular black or green tea will do. Drinks should be warm, but not hot. You can add honey, lemon or sugar to your tea to taste.

Diet is another important consideration in home treatment for cystitis. The correct selection of the diet can reduce the intoxication of the body, improve the outflow of urine and significantly increase the body's overall resistance to infection.

  1. Eat often, up to 6 times a day, but in small portions (assuming you feel well).
  2. At high temperatures, halve the food volume.
  3. Steam or oven all meals.
  4. Avoid fried and salty foods.
  5. Do not use hot spices and herbs.
  6. Avoid smoked meats and marinades (even homemade ones).
  7. Avoid foods rich in essential substances (meat and fish broths, mushrooms, garlic, radishes, onions).


The first thing to do when cystitis occurs is to brew medicinal herbs. You can even start herbal medicine before a visit to a doctor and prescribing antibiotics. For the treatment of cystitis in women, ready-made pharmaceutical preparations are usually used. Kidney tea, Brusniver, Spasmotsistenal, Kanefron - all these agents are used to treat bladder inflammation. What does the use of plant fees give?

  • Improving the outflow of urine;
  • reduction of intoxication;
  • elimination of muscle spasm;
  • reduction of inflammation;
  • destruction of the main pathogens of cystitis (in combination with antibiotics);
  • activation of the immune system.

The drug Kanefron is available in tablets or as a solution. Daily intake of Canephron significantly improves the general condition and allows you to quickly get rid of the manifestations of the disease. The general course of therapy is 2 to 4 weeks. The drug can also be taken to prevent relapse after recovery.

Kidney tea and Brusniver are available in infusion filter bags. You just need to fill the bag with water and the healthy drink will be ready. Take twice a day for 2 weeks. The broth cooled during the day can be diluted with hot boiled water.

Spasmotsistenal does not have an antimicrobial effect, but it quickly relieves spasm of the urinary tract muscles. The drug is prescribed for severe pain syndrome, as well as in case of urinary retention against the background of cystitis. Spazmocistenal drops are used once during an attack of pain. If necessary, you can repeat the drug intake after 30 minutes.

Folk remedies

Not only pharmaceutical herbal preparations help to get rid of inflammation of the bladder in women. You can also treat cystitis at home using proven traditional medicine methods:

Camomile tea

To prepare the infusion, you need to take 1 tablespoon of chopped herbs and pour boiling water over them (200 ml). The drink should be infused for 20 minutes and cool slightly. The finished infusion should be filtered and poured into a glass container with a lid. Divide into 3 doses, drink throughout the day.

Bearberry infusion

Pour boiling water (200 ml) of dry herbs, let it brew and cool. Strain through a sieve or cheesecloth. Take up to 6 times a day in equal portions half an hour after a meal.

Lingonberry leaf

Dry lingonberry leaves can be boiled with boiling water at the rate of 1 tablespoon per 1 glass of water. You can also add lingonberry leaf to black or green tea while brewing in a teapot. Add honey or sugar to taste, drink throughout the day.

Hypericum infusion

A tablespoon of dry herb is poured with boiling water (200 ml) and infused for half an hour. Strain the cooled infusion and take in equal portions three times a day.

An important point: ready-made decoctions and infusions can be stored in the refrigerator for no more than a day. If during this time the infusion has not been drunk, a new portion should be brewed.

Chamomile, St. John's wort and bearberry are not only allowed to be taken internally. Sitting baths can be made with these herbs, which are very useful for cystitis in women. To do this, simply add any of the herbs or a mixture of them to the water. Take a sitz bath for 15 minutes every day. The course of treatment is 10 days.

What can not be done with cystitis?

With the help of antibiotics and herbs, cystitis in women can be quickly cured. Unfortunately, during therapy, many people make serious mistakes that can significantly worsen the course of the disease. What is forbidden to do with cystitis?

Warming up

An increase in local temperature creates favorable conditions for the development of bacteria in the bladder. In severe cases, a purulent infection can spread through the urinary tract and lead to severe kidney damage. It is not recommended to carry out thermal procedures at home without a doctor's permission.


Many women, trying to relieve pain in cystitis, apply ice to their womb. This is not worth doing. The effect of such therapy is very doubtful, and hypothermia can be earned. Such treatment can provoke a new rise in temperature and the addition of a secondary infection.

Taking antibiotics without a doctor's prescription

It is known that cystitis can be cured with the help of antibacterial drugs - and this is an indisputable fact. But the doctor must select the medicine. Uncontrolled intake of such serious drugs can provoke the development of resistance of microorganisms to antibiotics. In addition, many antibacterial drugs have a long list of contraindications and can cause significant harm if administered alone.

Summing up, it should be said that it is quite possible to cure cystitis in women at home. It is only important not to get carried away with dubious methods and carefully study the instructions for all drugs taken. If the condition worsens during treatment, you should consult a doctor.

Symptoms of acute cystitis are quite unpleasant: frequent, painful urination, pain in the bladder. The urine becomes cloudy and takes on a pungent odor, the temperature often rises to 37.5 degrees. The disease is accompanied by general malaise and weakness. In most cases, cystitis is caused by pathogenic bacteria (mainly Escherichia coli), less often - fungi, chlamydia or ureaplasma. Factors contributing to the development of the disease are inflammatory diseases of the genital organs, congestion in the pelvic area (for example, when sedentary work, wearing tight clothes), chronic constipation, metabolic disorders. In women, this disease is diagnosed much more often than in men - this is due to anatomical features; many of them develop cystitis during menopause. In case of untimely started or incomplete treatment, it can become chronic.

The impetus for the development of cystitis can be hypothermia, as well as the use of large quantities of spicy or salty foods. Since with this disease the mucous membrane of the bladder is inflamed, a special diet must be followed: with cystitis, you should avoid eating foods that can increase its irritation. Patients with cystitis should, first of all, completely exclude salt and spices from the diet. You can not use broths and canned food, mushrooms, cakes and pastries. The diet, therefore, should be dairy-vegetable, with the addition of small amounts of eggs, lean meat and fish. They should only be boiled or steamed; frying is prohibited. Strict "taboo" - alcohol and carbonated drinks. Of the vegetables, cucumbers are the most useful, and tomatoes, on the contrary, are contraindicated. It is also good to eat watermelons. Drink as much as possible: the diet for cystitis involves the use of at least 1.5 liters of fluid daily. Shown are herbal decoctions, cranberry juice, dried fruit compotes.

In the treatment of acute and chronic cystitis, medicinal plants are traditionally used: knotweed, horsetail, corn (stigmas).

and have a diuretic and disinfectant effect. Especially effective is a decoction of the plant, the popular name of which is "bear ears" (bearberry): with cystitis, it can significantly alleviate pain. It has a bitter taste, so many people avoid using it, preferring other medicinal herbs. But this is completely in vain: bearberry broth significantly speeds up recovery. At the same time, urine may turn green - this is not dangerous.

Cranberries also help well: with cystitis, fruit drink is prepared from it. To do this, take a glass of cranberries and half a glass of sugar for one and a half liters of water. Squeeze juice from the berries, then pour them with water and boil for 5 minutes. Then sugar is added to the broth, and the juice is poured into it only after cooling down in order to preserve the beneficial substances as much as possible. It is advisable to drink at least two glasses of cranberry juice per day. Diet for cystitis, therefore, has two goals: to eliminate irritation of the bladder and "flush" the urinary tract in order to speed up recovery.

The main task in this disease is not only the early cure of the patient, but also the prevention of the development of chronic cystitis. To do this, be sure to follow all the doctor's prescriptions and strictly adhere to the diet. You should not deal with the treatment of acute cystitis on your own: in many cases, this disease requires the appointment of antibiotics. In the first days of illness, bed rest is indicated. The patient usually recovers in 5-10 days, but the diet for cystitis, especially acute, should be followed for at least 2-3 weeks - even after the symptoms of the disease disappear.

Proper nutrition for cystitis in women

An infection in the urogenital canal, irritation of the bladder walls, allergic reactions to hygiene products lead to the appearance of cystitis. It is known that women suffer from this disease much more often than men. To get rid of inflammation, the patient should follow not only the doctor's recommendations, but also follow a special menu.

During the treatment of the disease, the diet for cystitis in women includes special rules:

  1. All heavy, high-calorie foods must be eaten for breakfast or lunch, otherwise pain may occur.
  2. It is better not to eat spicy, spicy dishes.
  3. Completely remove fatty fish and meat from the menu.
  4. Eliminate alcohol, coffee.
  5. Increase the amount of fluids you drink per day.

What can you eat with cystitis

The diet for cystitis in women is based on a balanced diet. The body needs a sufficient amount of vitamins and protein. Do not overeat, intestinal peristalsis should be normal. Complex foods are best consumed in the morning, but not for dinner. Allowed foods during illness include:

  • Bakery products. Croutons, fresh homemade bread, durum wheat pasta will be useful for those suffering from cystitis. Products with various flavors should be avoided.
  • Meat. Choose low-fat varieties. Fried meat is strictly prohibited, it is better to cook in the oven, steam, make broths. Chicken and turkey can be eaten in unlimited quantities.
  • Cereals. Oatmeal, buckwheat is considered the best option for cystitis. They are not only rich in useful microelements, but also improve digestion, remove toxins from the body.
  • Fruits and vegetables. Cranberries, watermelon, pumpkin and other diuretic products will help eliminate inflammation and remove excess fluid from the body.

What can you drink with cystitis

To speed up the treatment of cystitis, you need to drink more fluids. This is especially true for decoctions of chamomile, rose hips. In addition to the above, natural fruit drinks from cranberries and lingonberries are very useful. They can be consumed with breakfast and between meals. Juices and compotes made at home without preservatives and sugar are also suitable for a dietary menu.

What can not be eaten with cystitis

Limiting the use of some products is due to the fact that their composition is capable of irritating the walls of the bladder, thereby provoking unpleasant symptoms. If you want the treatment to go quickly and bring a positive result, exclude the following from your diet:

  • Alcohol. Increases the frequency of urination, is contraindicated when using medications. Although hops have a beneficial effect on the state of the body, drinking beer, which contains alcohol, is also prohibited.
  • Coffee, sweet water. They provoke frequent trips to the toilet, so it is recommended to avoid using them. The same goes for strong tea.
  • Condiments, flavorings. Favorably affect the taste of the dish, but worsen the condition of the walls of the bladder.
  • Citrus. Lemons, oranges can aggravate the symptoms of cystitis, so you should be away from them during therapy.
  • Sweet. Glucose, found in candy, baked goods, and jams, irritates the walls of the bladder, increasing inflammation.
  • Fresh fruits and vegetables. The exception is not all products in this category, but only apples, grapes, melons and plums, as well as potatoes, asparagus and legumes. Compotes and juices from the fruits of these plants are contraindicated.

Features of the diet for chronic cystitis

The chronic form poses a particular danger to a woman's health. On the walls of urea, wounds and inflammations form, which, at the slightest violation of the rules of nutrition, make themselves felt. To prevent discomfort, you must follow a special diet for cystitis in women. Ripe vegetables and fruits will help to saturate the body with vitamins and help fight the disease. The exception is foods with a high level of acidity: sorrel, celery, unripe berries, and others. During an exacerbation, you need to lean on cranberries, low-fat milk, cabbage, oatmeal.

Diet for acute cystitis

Acute cystitis is a purulent-inflammatory process of the mucous tissue of the bladder, in which there is pain or burning sensation during urination. The urge to empty the bladder is often felt, but pass in small portions. Also, the patient is worried about pain or discomfort in the lower abdomen, accompanied in some cases by an increase in body temperature up to 37-37.5 degrees. Symptoms last 6 or 7 days and then subside.

The diet for acute cystitis is aimed at flushing the urinary tract in order to remove the causative agents of this disease. Also, one of the main tasks of the diet is to prevent irritation of the mucous tissue of the bladder wall. When stabilizing the patient's condition, the following diet is recommended:

  1. Drinking a large amount of liquid, more than one and a half to two liters per day. If the body temperature begins to rise, then you need to increase the daily volume of fluid to 2.5 liters. It is worth drinking mineral water, but only calcium chloride. It is very good to take fruit compotes during this period, especially cranberry or lingonberry juice. Vegetable and fruit juices (with the exception of tomato) are also suitable - pumpkin juice, for example, has a diuretic effect.
  2. In case of acute cystitis, it is necessary to take herbal infusions that "wash" the urinary tract well. These are various renal teas, which include bearberry, corn silk, horsetail, and lingonberry leaf. The aforementioned medicinal herbs have anti-inflammatory and diuretic effects.
  3. It is necessary to introduce diuretic foods into the diet. These are fresh vegetables - cucumbers, carrots, spinach, zucchini; fruits - grapes, pomegranates; melons and gourds - watermelons, melons.
  4. In acute cystitis, it is recommended to eat one tablespoon of honey to relieve inflammation.
  5. It is necessary for the duration of treatment to exclude foods containing a large amount of calcium - milk, cheese, cottage cheese, yoghurts.
  6. At the beginning of the onset of symptoms of the disease, it is recommended to exclude fish and meat from consumption. Then, when the condition improves, you can introduce fermented milk products, unsalted cheese and cottage cheese into the daily diet, and later - meat and fish.

Diet for chronic cystitis

Chronic cystitis includes a variety of chronic manifestations, which may have an acute inflammatory phase (acute cystitis). The symptoms of this disease also include discomfort, heaviness and pain in the bladder, frequent urge to urinate, cramps when emptying the bladder. Sometimes there is blood in the urine. In chronic cystitis, the wall of the bladder is completely inflamed, becomes edematous, and small ulcers appear on it.

The diet for chronic cystitis is also aimed at providing antimicrobial and diuretic effect. Experts advise adhering to the following recommendations:

  1. Daily consumption of vegetables and fruits. Healthy vegetables, fruits, and melons include pumpkin, asparagus, cucumbers, celery, parsley, grapes, pears, and melon.
  2. Drink freshly prepared fruit juices, compotes and fruit drinks, without added sugar.
  3. Consume infusions and decoctions of herbs; treatment is recommended in courses.
  4. The amount of liquid per day should be at least two liters.
  5. Eat plenty of fiber to avoid constipation prevention. Since disorders of the gastrointestinal tract lead to the absorption of toxic substances into the bloodstream, which provokes irritation of the mucous membrane of the bladder when they are excreted from the body. The fiber necessary for the body is found in vegetables - carrots, fresh cabbage, and so on; in bran and whole grain cereals.
  6. A handful of pine nuts and 1 tablespoon of olive oil must be included in the daily diet of patients with chronic cystitis.

The following foods should be excluded from consumption:

  1. Canned, salted, fried foods, as well as various pickles and broths.
  2. Hot spices and seasonings.
  3. Vegetables that irritate the mucous membrane of the bladder - onions, garlic, horseradish, radishes, celery, cauliflower, sorrel, radish, tomatoes, lettuce.
  4. You need to stop eating sour fruits and berries.

Diet for cystitis in children

Cystitis is a fairly common childhood disease. Moreover, in girls, cystitis occurs 5-6 times more often than in boys, which is due to the structure of their urinary tract. The main cause of childhood cystitis is an infection in the bladder. The main symptoms of cystitis in children are pain in the lower abdomen, pain during urination, turbidity of urine, fever, and general malaise.

The diet for cystitis in children is made up of the following foods:

  1. Fermented milk products (unsweetened yoghurts, kefir, fermented baked milk).
  2. Porridge.
  3. Fruits and vegetables.
  4. Lean meats.
  5. It is recommended to drink plenty of water - fruit juices, especially cranberry and lingonberry; fruit drinks and compotes without sugar; non-carbonated mineral waters.
  6. Herbal decoctions. Three types of decoctions are recommended:
    1. decoction of flax seeds, pumpkin and hemp, linden and chamomile flowers, blackberry leaves, St. John's wort, marsh rosemary;
    2. a decoction of yarrow, licorice root, birch leaves, dill seeds;
    3. decoction of motherwort, chamomile, lemon balm, hops, string, valerian, water trefoil.

With cystitis in children, the following are excluded from the diet of a sick child:

  1. Spicy and salty dishes and products.
  2. Fried and fatty foods.
  3. All kinds of sweets - chocolate, candy, cakes, pastries and pastries.

It is clear that children cannot do without sweets. If the child has a great need for sweet dishes, then you can eat small quantities of honey, jam, marmalade and marshmallows.

Diet for radiation cystitis

Radiation cystitis is a complication of radiation therapy for pelvic cancer. Irradiation, which is ionizing in nature, causes changes in the vessels of the bladder and damages the cells of its mucous membrane. The consequences of these disorders lead to a deterioration in the nutrition of the mucous tissue, which provokes the emergence of various kinds of ulcers on it.

The radiation cystitis diet includes the following foods and drinks:

  1. Kidney teas mentioned above.
  2. Plenty of freshly prepared vegetable juices.
  3. Cranberry juice that can only be sweetened with fresh apple juice. It is known that with cystitis, it is necessary to take about 500 grams of vitamin C daily, but only natural, since it has a pronounced anti-infective effect. Cranberry juice contains this vitamin in excess, making it extremely useful in treating radiation cystitis. Also, cranberry juice has other advantages: the taste of the juice with astringent notes helps to eliminate various inflammatory processes in the body. Substances that are included in cranberry juice can change the composition of urine, which makes it unsuitable for the vital activity of pathogenic bacteria. There is one more useful property of cranberry juice: it contains a component that helps to protect the cells of the urethra from the penetration of harmful microorganisms.
  4. Plentiful drink: warm, non-acidic compote without sugar, mineral water.
  5. Wild berries: lingonberry, blueberry, cloudberry.
  6. Watermelons, melons, fresh vegetables and fruits.
  7. Dairy products.

With radiation cystitis, the following foods should be excluded from the diet:

  1. Salt.
  2. Concentrated proteins - meat, fish, cheese, cottage cheese, beans.
  3. Refined starches - peeled potatoes, baked goods made from premium flour.
  4. Artificial sugars - candies and other sweets; sweet drinks; carbonated drinks).
  5. Fatty and spicy dishes, sauces, seasonings; smoked meats.
  6. Vegetables that irritate the urinary tract along with the bladder - radishes, onions, horseradish, garlic, spinach, sorrel, radishes, and the like.
  7. Strong meat, fish and mushroom broths.
  8. Beer and other alcohol.
  9. Canned foods and pickles.

Diet for cystitis in men

In men, inflammation of the bladder is provoked by an infection that has penetrated into it. The list of pathogenic bacteria is large - this is Escherichia coli, Proteus, Staphylococcus aureus, Gonococcus, pathogenic fungi, Pseudomonas aeruginosa, chlamydia. In almost one hundred percent of cases, the causative agent of the disease enters the bladder from nearby inflamed organs due to the blood flow. Diseases such as prostatitis, urethritis, chronic pyelonephritis, kidney tuberculosis and others can cause inflammatory changes in the mucous tissue of the bladder.

Therefore, the diet for cystitis in men should be sparing. It should help not only to alleviate the patient's condition with cystitis, but also to reduce inflammatory processes in the organ that provoked the onset of the disease.

The diet for cystitis in men is as follows:

  1. Drink plenty of water - up to two and a half liters per day.
  2. Eating foods with a diuretic effect - watermelons, cucumbers, pumpkin, melons, cranberries.
  3. Eat cereals, bran, and whole grain breads.
  4. Dairy products.

The following are prohibited:

  1. Alcoholic drinks.
  2. Salty, spicy, fatty, fried foods and fast foods.
  3. Sour fruits and berries (with the exception of cranberries).

Diet for cystitis and urethritis

Urethritis is an inflammatory disease of the urinary tract, which has two subspecies: infectious and non-infectious. Urethritis is accompanied by the following symptoms - pain, cramps or burning sensation when urinating, especially at the very beginning; mucous discharge from the urethra is blue-green in color with an unpleasant odor.

Cystitis and urethritis are interrelated diseases, therefore they can occur simultaneously. For example, inflammation of the bladder can facilitate the penetration of infection into the urethra and cause an inflammatory process in the urethra. Also, an infection of the urinary canal can stimulate the development of cystitis.

A diet with simultaneous cystitis and urethritis should be diuretic and antiseptic, which is aimed at destroying pathogenic bacteria in the body. Washing the inflamed organs with a large amount of liquid helps to relieve inflammation of the irritated mucous tissues of the bladder and urethra.

One of the important tasks of proper nutrition is to relieve the burden on the kidneys, which is achieved by choosing healthy foods. The basis of the diet of patients with cystitis is natural food that excludes GMOs, dyes and preservatives in its composition. All recommendations given for acute and chronic cystitis are suitable for the simultaneous treatment of cystitis and urethritis.

Diet for cystitis in women

In women, cystitis occurs six times more often than men, and at any age. This is due to the specifics of the structure of the female genitourinary system. The urethra in women is wider than in men, so the infection is more easily passed through the bladder. Also, the causes of cystitis can be:

  1. Hypothermia.
  2. Prolonged work in a seated position (for example, at the computer), which leads to congestion in the pelvic organs.
  3. Long-term constipation that occurs at short intervals.
  4. Abuse of spicy, salty and fried foods.
  5. Non-compliance with the drinking regime, the lack of a large amount of liquid in the diet.

The diet for cystitis in women contains all the recommendations that were given when cystitis in men occurs, as well as in the section on diets for acute and chronic forms of the disease. You can add several recommendations that are well suited for healing the female body from ailment:

  1. It is necessary to drink clean, filtered water. During periods of exacerbation of the disease, switch to the use of chloride-calcium mineral water without gas.
  2. The daily diet must necessarily include vegetable soup or borscht prepared without the help of meat, mushroom and fish broths.
  3. Take every day medicinal herbal teas, which help to stop inflammatory processes, as well as infusions with a diuretic effect.
  4. Introduce a large amount of vegetables and fruits.
  5. Use cereals, bran and wholemeal bread in food.

What is the diet for cystitis?

  • The diet that helps with cystitis is diuretic and anti-inflammatory in nature with the use of large amounts of fluids.
  • Food should be natural, excluding the ingestion of products containing GMOs, dyes and preservatives into the patient's diet.
  • Food for cystitis contains a small amount of salt; in some cases, it is completely excluded from the patient's diet.
  • Food in most cases should be freshly prepared.
  • Preference is given to boiled, stewed or steamed food.
  • It is necessary to exclude heavy foods from the diet. In the morning, you need to eat more high-calorie foods, and in the second, less high-calorie foods.
  • It is useful to eat fermented milk products.
  • With cystitis, spicy and acidic foods, as well as pickles and marinades, are prohibited.
  • Diet for cystitis excludes the consumption of foods containing sugar and its substitutes.
  • For medical nutrition for cystitis, a diet containing a small amount of protein products is characteristic.

Diet menu for cystitis

Taking into account the above recommendations, you can make up the patient's daily menu. Such a diet must be adhered to within a year after the last exacerbation of the disease. From the above dishes, you can choose those that you want to eat during the day, thereby you can diversify the rather strict diet menu for cystitis.

Breakfast - cereals, steamed vegetables, vegetable purees, unsalted cheese. Sometimes you can treat yourself to soft-boiled eggs or scrambled eggs. You can use kefir, fermented baked milk or natural yogurt, cottage cheese. For breakfast, weak tea or freshly made juice is well suited.

Lunch - first courses: vegetable soups, borscht, beetroot soup, cabbage soup, cereal soups. Second courses - steamed cutlets from lean meat, meatballs, boiled meat or fish; baked or stewed vegetables; porridge; fresh vegetables. For dessert, you can eat sweet fruits or wash it down with mousses, compotes, sweet fresh juices, jelly without added sugar.

Afternoon snack - baked potatoes with butter, kefir, and fruit for dessert.

Dinner - cottage cheese casseroles, pancakes made from wholemeal flour, vinaigrette, salads, cereals, pasta made from unrefined flour (sometimes you can make pasta with unsalted cheese), freshly squeezed juices.

Diet recipes for cystitis

Of course, it is quite difficult to instantly switch to a dietary diet, which is recommended for cystitis. Especially if unhealthy food was habitual, containing a large number of fried, spicy, salty, sweet and flour dishes. To help patients with cystitis, anxious to restore their health, we will present several recipes for simple dishes that are very easy to prepare.

  • Steamed squash cutlets.

Ingredients: 1 medium zucchini, 1 egg white, a tablespoon of wholemeal flour, a little salt.

Preparation: Zucchini must be washed, peeled and grated on a coarse grater. Add salt, flour and egg white to the grated zucchini, and then mix everything. Grease the container for a double boiler with vegetable oil. And then, with your hands, form small cutlets and put them in a mold at some distance from each other. The dish will take 15 minutes to cook.

  • Steamed turkey cutlets.

Ingredients: 1 kg turkey fillet, a few slices of wholemeal bread without crust, half a glass of water, a little salt, coarse flour for breading.

Preparation: The bread must be soaked in water. Then wash the turkey fillets and drain. After that, skip the bread through a meat grinder for the first time, and add the bread to it the second time and twist again. Next, add a little salt to the minced meat, add a few spoons of boiling water if necessary and knead thoroughly. Sift about half a glass of flour into a flat plate, then pick up the minced turkey with a tablespoon and place it on a plate with flour. Can be sprinkled with flour on top and then formed into small patties. Then place the patties in a steamer dish and cook for 40 minutes to 1 hour.

  • Diet pumpkin porridge.

Ingredients: pumpkin, some butter and honey if desired.

Preparation: pumpkin must be washed and peeled. The pumpkin pulp is cut into small cubes, placed in a saucepan and poured over with water to cover the cubes slightly. Then you need to boil the pumpkin until tender, about 20 minutes. Mash the finished product with a fork, mashed potatoes, grind with a mixer or blender. You can add a little butter and honey if desired.

  • Diet buckwheat soup.

Ingredients: for two liters of water you need 2 potatoes, 1 small carrot, half a glass of buckwheat, a spoonful of vegetable oil. Small amounts of salt are added.

Preparation: Buckwheat should be washed and filled with cold water. Then add carrots grated on a coarse grater and diced potatoes to the cereal. Put the soup on the fire and bring to a boil. When the water boils, you need to reduce the heat to a minimum and cook buckwheat and vegetables under the lid until tender. To do this, you need to try the potatoes with a fork, and if they pierce easily, then the soup is ready. At the end of cooking, you can add a little salt and add one tablespoon of olive or other vegetable oil.

Diet food is not as monotonous as it is commonly thought. Recipes for preparing dishes for cystitis include soups and vegetable purees, casseroles and steamed patties, salads and cereals. If you wish, you can make the strict food menu varied and pamper yourself with permitted delicacies.

A diet for cystitis is a necessary remedy for the onset of a disease. Of course, serious dietary restrictions will be required, as well as the exclusion from the diet of favorite foods that are harmful to health. But such a measure must be taken, since nutritional therapy plays an important role in the treatment and prevention of cystitis.