Flower girls from old tires. Flowerbeds from tires with their own hands. We make flower beds from a tire

Today it has become fashionable to make useful and practical things from old, useless items. But many summer residents made flower beds from tires with their own hands, regardless of any fashion trends. Sometimes this is reduced to a minimum - put a tire, or lightly dug it into the soil, filled the soil inside and planted flowers.

However, it takes quite a bit to turn on the imagination, and an ordinary tire will turn into a swan, a parrot, a carriage, a flower vase and hundreds of other incarnations!

The most important thing to understand is that tires can fit into almost any landscape, any composition, any style! Country, modern, English style close to nature or sophisticated Japanese - everywhere there is a use for a tire! Of course, it will require a balanced approach from you in order to correctly assess the arrangement of elements in the garden, but the tires are not so difficult to "fit" into the environment.

Even if you don't have old car tires, ask your neighbors, especially those who own a car - they usually have plenty of such goodness, it only takes up space. Try working with one tire first before making big plans to turn trash into garden art.

DIY car tire flower beds - ways to transform

The easiest way to transform an old tire and at the same time make an original move is to hang it on a rope on the wall, and put a pot with a petunia or other falling plant in the inner cavity. Perfect for country style! And if you also wrap the tire with a rope, then you will get a cheap and spectacular flowerpot. Now let's complicate the task a little - let's experiment with paints! And not just any, but the brightest and juiciest.

Think in advance what flowers will fill the flower beds from car tires that you make with your own hands - it will be very successful to combine the color of the tire with the color of the petals. If there are several plants, and they are all multi-colored, then you do not lag behind, paint the tire in several colors, experimenting with patterns and shapes. It is best to plant - annuals, because it will allow you to change the soil in the flower bed every year, and undersized because the tire already creates a certain elevation, so tall flowers will look a little ridiculous.

Complicate the task a little more - try to make a composition out of tires. The simplest, but very effective - a pyramid of tires! You can also fold them with a ladder. By planting different plants on such a base, you will get a real hanging garden! Of course, one of the sides of the tires will need to be covered with a piece of film or tin so that the earth does not spill out, but these are very small labor and material costs.

How to make a flower bed from a tire - cut and shred!

When you are done with simple options, and you want to delve into experiments, you will need a hacksaw or jigsaw. With this simple toolkit, the possibilities for converting tires become many times greater! First you need to cut the tire lengthwise, separating a small upper strip of rubber that wrapped inside. If you also have an unnecessary disc in addition to the tire, it will become an excellent “leg” for a flower pot! Only in this case, before you make a flower bed out of the tire, you will need to turn it out, so the tire will hold on to the disk more firmly, and the shape will become more like a vase bowl.

If there is no disk, make an easier option. Work on the edging - the edge of the cut can be decorated with curly cutouts of various shapes or fringe. When you've finished cutting out the fringe or geometric pattern, paint the tire, let it dry, and then find a place for it on the site. Such flower beds can also be dug in, leaving only a patterned edge above the ground - By the way, this is an excellent container for plants that needs to be brought indoors for the winter.

To make a parrot out of a tire, you will need a perpendicular cut, then stretch two strips of rubber in different directions - from one you will make a tail, and from the other - a head. It is important not to overdo it, you only need to cut the tire in this way in half. The second, untouched half, will be the belly of the bird, and the remaining semicircles will be the wings, by which, by the way, this sculpture can be hung. Play with colors to make your parrot play with all the colors of the rainbow! Do not forget to decorate it with flowers that can be placed in flowerpots inside the sculpture.

You can even make an interesting flower bed with your own hands from a car tire. Crafts from tires have long been a success for decorating the garden, and today we will tell you how to make a simple mini-flower bed out of an old tire.

DIY tire flower bed

The easiest option is when you use the whole tires, putting them in the chosen place and filling them with earth. But before that, a drainage layer of pebbles, expanded clay or organic mulch must be laid under the rubber.

Such a mini-bed looks good from large tires, when the usable area is wide enough and allows you to place several rows of different plants, creating an interesting composition. It is advisable to choose for landing unpretentious flowers- tall zinnias in the center; marigolds, ageratum or cineraria - along the edge.

If you make the flower bed higher by putting the tires one on top of the other, this will create additional convenience when caring for it. In this case, you can plant an ampelous petunia or lobelia along the edges to hide the view of the cracked cord.

If you are using small car tires, then to increase the area of ​​\u200b\u200bthe mini-flower bed, cut off the top with an electric saw or a special knife.

However, black tires themselves look gloomy and trite. Take it one step further and paint them a bright color. And you will see flower beds, and the whole garden will become much more comfortable and more fun.

How to paint flower bed tires

In order for the old and cracked tire to take a bright color well, the rubber is degreased with acetone or white spirit, first painted with white or yellow paint, and only then applied bright. Then the color will not fade and will last a long time.

Good advice: do not put a thick layer of paint - under the influence of rain and frost, it will fall off in pieces.

What brand of paint< использовать, в принципе, не имеет значения.

Special paint for rubber does not crack in the cold and covers cracks and depressions well, but is quite expensive. Feel free to use old enamel or oil paint, which is left over from the last repair.

Paint in spray cans will also work - it is even preferable, as it penetrates well into the cracks and is applied in a thin layer. With such a can, you can make any pattern on a painted surface, and without much difficulty get a multi-colored base for a flower bed.

Paint the tires in different colors and place them side by side or one above the other, or arrange them in a chaotic manner throughout the garden, or group them in one place - and your garden will noticeably come to life.

For those who know how to create crafts from tires using a special knife or saw, you can cut out flower beds in figurines of animals, birds or flowers with your own hands. If you need ideas and ways to make beautiful and intricate tire beds, I recommend reading another.

Used photos rlibunao, Jules.

Spring, flowers, the beginning of the summer season ... What do you want to do in the very first days of your arrival at the dacha? Of course, decorate it. Flower arrangements have always been the best decoration of all suburban areas.

To do this, you can simply buy stereotypical flowerpots and plant them with flowers. But you can put in a little effort and make your site individual and different from everyone else.

Old tires are a wonderful material for such creativity. Instead of throwing them to the curb, you can give them a second chance. Free time, a little imagination - and old car tires will turn your suburban area into a fairy tale!

What can be done from old wheels

The simplest flower bed- this is the wheel in its original form, laid on the ground and painted with paint. This is a long-bored option for the lazy.

By connecting desire and imagination, you can make such flowerpots and flower beds that it will never even occur to anyone what they are made of.

All these garden architectural forms (pot, flower bed, flower bed) have some differences between themselves:

  • flowerpot- This is a decorative outdoor flower vase where plants are planted. Made from an old wheel and decorated, for example, with mosaics, it will look much more interesting than its plastic counterpart from the store.
  • flower garden- a section of a garden or park planted with ornamental plants. Plants are selected so that they are in harmony with each other. Various terms and time of flowering provide decorativeness of the flower garden all season.
  • Flowerbed- this is one of the types of flower garden, a small area framed and planted with flowers in the form of a pattern. Usually geometric in shape, but you can create a flower bed from the wheels in the shape of a frog, turtle, swan and even a parrot.
  • Which tires are better to choose

    It's great if you have plenty to choose from. Choosing the right old tire will make the job much easier.

    Here are some conditions to consider when choosing:

  • Tread pattern, i.e., the part of the tire that is most in contact with the road should be as worn as possible. Such a tire is much easier to turn inside out.
  • If there is a choice between imported rubber and domestic, then preference should be given to the first. The rubber of imported tires is better and thinner.
  • Winter tires softer than summer therefore, it will be easier for you to cut it.
  • The size of car tires - depends on your preferences and plans. Tires the same size suitable, for example, for creating chamomile flower beds with the same petals or small hanging planters.
  • wheels different diameter can be used for multi-tiered flower beds and creating flower beds in the form of animals.
  • We make a flower bed from a wheel with our own hands

    Consider step by step instructions for the manufacture of flower beds from an old tire:

      1. Start with cleansing tires from dust and dirt. This must be done for the simple reason that working with a dirty surface will dull the tool much faster.
      2. Decide what kind of product your product will have, i.e. what forms will be the edges of your flower bed. They can be rounded or wavy, smooth or with sharp teeth.
      3. The size of the teeth or petals of the flower bed should not be more than 12 cm, otherwise, in the process of eversion, the rubber will not be able to bend enough and the edge of the flower bed will be uneven.
      4. Draw the contours on the side of the tire with chalk or a felt-tip pen. To make the lines even and the petals have the same size, you can use a paper-made stencil. A sharp one is suitable for cutting a tire shoe knife. Even better if the house has jigsaw. With it, cutting curly elements is much easier.
      5. After the curly cut is completed, you can turn a tire inside out. This work is not easy. Dense rubber provides sufficient resistance. The hardest part is turning out the first section. When this can be done, the further process of turning the tire around in a circle will be much easier.

    Attention! If there are no assistants, press each inverted section with your foot so that the tire does not turn out in the opposite direction and you do not have to start all over again.

    Flowerbed decoration

    Agree that black flower beds and flowerpots do not look aesthetically pleasing at all. Pick up bright colors and take care of the design of your product. This is exactly the moment when you need to fully use your imagination. You can combine different colors and shades, as well as apply patterns or geometric patterns.

    Oil paint It will adhere more strongly to the rubber surface if it is pre-primed. This will help smooth out the bumps and roughness of the rubber surface, as well as save paint. Primer GF-021 quite suitable for a rubber surface, and if you add a little PVA glue to it, the coating will become even stronger.

    Advice! Your flower bed will be much more beautiful if you paint not only its outer side, but also the inside.

    The primer is applied with a regular brush and after it dries, you can start painting. Paint in aerosol can will save your time and the whole painting process will take no more than half an hour.

    Various options for decorating flower beds from tires:

  • Flowerbed-frog
  • Turtle flowerbed
  • Multi-tiered flower bed
  • Hanging planters

  • How to choose plants for flower beds

    The flower bed is ready, it remains only to pour fertile soil into it and plant flowers. It can be ampelous(with flexible long shoots) and cascading plants such as pelargonium, petunia or tumbelina. Their long shoots, decorated with flowers, will hang down spectacularly.

    You can create a whole composition consisting of high plants in the middle of the flower bed and undersized along the edges. Undersized marigolds, petunias, pansies are great as background plants.

    As focal plants in the center you can plant phloxes, annual dahlias or flowers that attract attention due to their shape or unusual leaves.

    Having tried your hand at creating a flower bed or a vase, you can start creating more complex figurines and crafts. From old tires you can make flower beds in the shape of a swan, frog, cup, turtle, snail.

    In a word, your imagination and ingenuity will help transform the suburban area and make it more beautiful and interesting.

    You can see detailed instructions for making flower beds from tires in our video.

    There are few summer residents who are only interested in material interest - a house, outbuildings, crops. Most love and appreciate the beauty in their land, which does not promise commercial benefits. But the number of rich people who are able to pay for expensive materials and the work of professional gardeners for the sake of a spectacular open-air is also not calculated in gigantic numbers. From here, a simple conclusion: you can make excellent ones in your summer cottage from waste, in fact, material, such as old wheel tires, by doing all the work with your own hands.

    Old tires - new design

    Walk through the city courtyards and appreciate their design. Car tires have long been an almost indispensable component of modern design. They are dug halfway into the ground, laid out in the form of a lower frame of trees and other vegetation, children's paths are made of them, hung as a swing, painted in different colors.

    Ask your friends - they will not only tell you how to make flowers out of tires with their own hands, but also show photos confirming the unconditional veracity of these stories.

    If the urban environment, significantly limited by public interests and tastes, has adopted such design tricks, then God himself ordered summer residents who have a personal space for fantasy, as they say.

    Tire selection

    When choosing tires for a future flower garden, you need to take into account not only their size (weight, by the way, too - there are such giants that you can’t budge), but also other features, of which the most important, in terms of facilitating subsequent processing, are the following:

    • winter tires are preferable to summer ones;
    • foreign tires are softer and thinner than domestic ones.

    Important! Another important point -the presence of a disc that will perfectly serve as the bottom of the "tire" flower vase. Without this element, we can only talk about tires taken off the wheels and equipped with our own hands.

    Plant selection

    Starting planning and, which will be done with our own hands in the country, we hope so that later we will not only admire them ourselves, but also show our friends photos of these spectacular structures made of tires, inviting guests to our place and satisfying our little vanity.
    As for plants, the choice is rich:

    • flowers of different varieties, including those replacing each other in terms of flowering;
    • small (although this is optional) trees.

    Important! There is only one general rule: the flower bed should be beautiful and correspond to the general style of your site. It is possible that the style itself can be built on the basis of the flower and plant layout.

    Making a flower bed with your own hands: the easiest option

    Now the most important thing is to create beautiful (if you decide that one is not enough) of tires with your own hands in the country: the result should be such that the photo is not ashamed to be shown to people, acquaintances and strangers.
    The processing of the selected (this was the first step) tire begins with marking it for subsequent cuts (this will be the second step). There are unpretentious landowners who use tires without pre-treatment, but it is still recommended to combine the beauty of living plants with a purely technical aesthetic.
    The intended cut should be like this:

    • the upper tire part is removed (not completely) and the lower part is left (completely);
    • having shown imagination and ingenuity, the cut line can be made wavy, broken, with teeth, with fringe, etc.
    Finely apply our idea on the rubber and proceed to the third step.
    They will be the cutting process itself:

    1. The tire is divided into two parts along the drawn line.

    Important! If the disk is available, then during the procedure it is not necessary to remove the tire from it.

    2. The lower part is turned inside out - this part of the process is the most time consuming, since it requires physical stress. The mechanism is as follows: with a cut, this conditional half of the tire is placed on the ground (or on the coating), its edges are pressed with the legs (and, accordingly, with the whole body weight), and then turned inside out, starting from one place (this is the most difficult) and, gradually accelerating, making full circle.
    It turned out either a vase (if there was a disk), or a future one.
    The zealous owner will not disregard the upper part of the cut tire. He will cut it several times across from the inside (by 10 centimeters) and make another flower bed, digging the resulting cuts into the soil.

    Finally, the fourth step in creating a country flower garden will be the transformation of a car tire, albeit one that has already been processed quite skillfully with a cutting tool, into a beautiful decoration for garden flora.
    This final step involves:

    1. Painting (who prefers enamel, and who prefers oil paints).
    2. Adding additional decorative elements (glasses, pebbles, etc.).

    Did you know? In African Kenya, local shoemakers got the hang of making excellent slippers from end-of-life tires, the demand for which spread throughout the continent.

    Editor Ideas 9761

    The creativity of craftsmen is amazingly diverse, and in modern landscape compositions among cozy arbors, artificial ponds and rock gardens, you can suddenly see ideas on how to make a flower bed out of a tire in an original way. A variety of techniques and color schemes allow designs from such ordinary material as used wheels to become bright decorative elements that can decorate the most sophisticated garden corner.

    Making a flower bed from tires with your own hands is popular and attractive, and an increasing number of homestead owners are adopting simple work methods.

    Flowerpot from a car tire

    The most widespread in summer cottages are flowerpots made by converting automobile wheels. For work you will need a sharp knife and pliers. The algorithm includes the following steps:

    • mark the upper part, while the cut line drawn can have a different shape (smooth, fringed, in the form of sharp or smooth teeth, patterned);
    • cut tires according to the markup;
    • devide into two parts;
    • turn the bottom inside out.

    The upper fragment becomes an original stand for the resulting flower vessel in the shape of a glass with patterned edges. It is permissible to install mini-flower beds on disks from wheels that remain after all operations. The color solution can be the most unusual, bright and attractive. Beginning craftsmen need to remember that it is easier to cut wheels that do not have a steel inner court. Certain skills are also required in order to turn out the cut off fragment, which is laid on the floor with a deep part. After that, you should pinch the edge with your foot and pull it up strongly.

    In order to cut the tire without problems, it is advisable to use a knife with a narrow sharp blade, which is processed with soapy water during operation.

    To decorate the resulting flowerpot, a variety of materials are used:

    • paints (water-based, enamel, oil);
    • decorative mesh;
    • stones, shells.

    Usually, soil is poured into such improvised flowerpots, and various plants are planted. But they can play the role of decorative planters, for which the inner surface is also covered with paint. After that, for the summer period, you can place a pot with a home flower in such a creative creation from a tire.

    Creative ideas for making flowerbeds from tires

    Making an original flower garden for a person with non-standard thinking becomes a creative process. It is advisable to place volumetric structures in open areas, flowerpots decorate the entrance to the house, are placed along the walls and paths. Multi-tiered compositions will serve as an excellent camouflage of the fence, animal figurines will comfortably sit under the trees, and snow-white swans will decorate the shore of the reservoir. The second life of automobile old wheels is embodied in a wide variety of models.

    A frog flower bed for undersized flowers is constructed surprisingly easily and quickly. Two car tires are stacked side by side in a horizontal plane, a third (head) is placed exactly in the center on top, and two wheels of a smaller diameter in a vertical plane (eyes) are attached to it with self-tapping screws. The whole structure is painted green, and in the center of the "eyes" a white circle and a black pupil stand out. The mouth is shown in red, and the characteristic paws can be cut out using a rubber mat. It remains to fill the flowerpots with earth and sow your favorite plants.

    The most pragmatic design is a tower, a structure that includes several tires stacked on top of each other, decorated in one tone, or made in multicolors with various patterns.

    Four tires of the same size, through simple transformations, are transformed into a flower bed. To do this, three wheels are cut in diameter to make six arcs, which are laid out in the form of petals to a round core. The color is chosen according to your preferences and the requirements of the surrounding landscape design.

    An unusual composition using tires of different diameters can be placed on an old wall or a large concrete fence. They are suspended vertically on cables, filling the lower part with soil for flowers with a shallow root system. By installing a similar but larger tire on a smaller diameter tire, after cutting off the upper part and attaching a handle on the side, the role of which will be played by the old hose, to the screws, you can get a cup flower garden, which should be painted in a bright background with floral decor before planting.

    Surprisingly, unique strict flowerpots will fit even into the park landscape, created by installing wheels on small tables with placement inside compositions made up of low flowers, which can be of the same variety, but of different colors.

    The variety of stylization of images of birds and animals serving as flowerpots is striking, for which, according to a certain method, you need to cut the workpiece with a jigsaw or knife and turn the details out. For example, by making a perpendicular incision and stretching two stripes, the tail and head of the future parrot are formed, the wings of which are the remaining semicircles. There are well-established techniques for making figures of a swan, a bear, a dragon, a turtle and others from tires.