DIY flower pot. How to decorate a flower pot

Indoor plants are the basis for creating phytodesign in the house, and flower pots are an integral part of the implementation of the concept for decorating residential premises. Nondescript clay pots are not always capable of giving expressiveness to the interior. So why not create original decor for them ?! Fortunately, there are many decoration techniques, and flowerpots can be made from seemingly unsuitable materials at hand.

3 wonderful transformations: making flower pots with your own hands

Each houseplant deserves its own abode. And it doesn't matter at all whether it will be a factory pot made of expensive ceramics or a homemade pot. Among the most common materials for homemade pots are cans, plastic bottles, and old teapots.

If a certain amount of paint or canned food cans has accumulated in your pantry, do not rush to part with them. They can be a wonderful home for your favorite plants. Tin is a very durable and lightweight material that does not interact with soil, water, or fertilizers. Therefore, flowers in such improvised flowerpots feel great. The shiny surface of the cans can be easily painted or simply varnished to give the surface a glossy shine (see photo below).

Plastic bottle pots attract attention with their intricate shape. In addition, they allow you to apply decor of any complexity, thanks to the pliable surface. To create a man-made masterpiece, the bottle must be cut with a clerical knife so that the resulting cut of the container gets an interesting shape (for example, waves, crowns, etc.). Further, the product can be decorated with acrylic paints or decoupage.

A regular old kettle can also be a cozy home for houseplants. It is enough to thoroughly wash and degrease it from the inside, as well as apply an ornament on the outside - the original decoration for the kitchen is ready!

Fantasies on the theme of decorating flowerpots

No matter how sophisticated the factory pots are, they don't hold a candle to hand-made products. Our photo selection of ideas for decorating flower pots will help you see this with your own eyes.

Ornament from cereals. To make an ornament, you need nothing at all: a pot, various types of cereals and / or legumes (millet, rice, buckwheat, beans, peas), glue and varnish. In the process of gluing, it is important to fully rely on your creative impulses; grains can be laid out in rows, through one, or laid out in a certain pattern. These flowerpots will be an excellent decoration for any kitchen and dining room.

Lace decor. Delicate lace helps to convey all the sensuality of the romantic style. Even if it is applied to the pot! To make an ornament, you need lace (hand-woven or ready-made) and PVA glue. To enhance the romantic mood, it is recommended to combine light lace fabric with light flowerpots; conversely, white lace can be applied to a black surface to create contrast.

Decorating pots using decoupage technique. The decoupage technique is not new, but it looks advantageous on any product. Plant pots are no exception. Before sticking pictures from multi-layer napkins (fabric), the surface of the pot must be painted with acrylic paint; after complete drying, we fix the napkin with a brush and PVA glue. Next, to maintain the stability of the pattern, cover the surface with transparent varnish.

Sisal and twigs decoration. Arrangement of premises in country style requires the selection of bright, distinctive accessories. Flower pots decorated with sisal thread and tree twigs are a suitable attribute of a rustic setting. To create a sisal ornament, you should grease the surface of the product with construction glue (PVA is also good), and then wind the thread randomly (or in even circles) on the pot.

A pot, twisted with twigs of trees, is an appropriate house for plants that resemble wild meadow varieties. For such a DIY decoration, you will need burlap, twine and even twigs. We cut the branches so that they are slightly higher than the flowerpot, and then we tie them with twine. Then we attach the bundle to the item previously "dressed" in burlap, and tie the ends of the twine into bows.

Mosaic paintings on the pot. To create a mosaic canvas on a flowerpot, not only colored stones and broken glass are suitable; shells, pebbles, broken dishes, buttons and small coins are perfect for such an ornament, as shown in the photo below. Before applying a picture to a pot, it should be drawn on paper and, if possible, made markings on the surface of the container. All of the above materials are attached with ordinary PVA glue.

At our homes, they do not always fit the interior of the room, but are often simply plain. Spring is coming and we want to transform our house, put things in order in all corners and come up with something new for comfort in our apartment. Why not start with flower pots, because they are always in sight - they stand on the windowsills or somewhere near the window. At the same time, we will transplant the plants weary over the long winter months into fresh soil and renewed pots. First you need to decide what we want to change in the appearance of our flower pots. Maybe we are tired of their dull brown or gray? Then everything is simple: take acrylic paints, a brush and change the color. Do not forget that before you start painting the pot, it must be well rinsed, dried and degreased (for this, wipe the pot with nail polish remover or alcohol with a cotton swab).

It is imperative to pay attention to what material the flower pot is made of. If it is plastic, then before painting the pot, prime the entire surface of the pot with PVA glue, let it dry, and then paint it in the desired color with acrylic paint. In addition to acrylic paints, you can use spray paints.

When the paint dries, if an even and beautiful layer is not obtained, paint the pot again and let the paint dry well again. To fix the result, cover the pot with acrylic varnish. Only when the varnish is dry, start planting a flower in a pot.

As you can see in the photo above, the pots are not just painted with paint of one tone, but they draw drawings that anyone who can at least hold a brush in their hands can easily draw. The advantage of coloring flower pots with your own hands is that you can come up with any drawing or pattern and try to bring it to life.

It is quite easy to decorate clay pots, especially those that are not covered with glaze. The surface of the pot is porous, therefore, before painting, such a pot must also be primed with PVA glue. When the glue is dry, carefully paint the pot in two layers. When the paint dries, start drawing.

If you wish, you can decorate several flower pots in one theme and transform any room in the house with their help. These are the pots that boys might like.

And girls may like pots of flowers, butterflies (dragonflies) or birds.

If your child already knows how to draw something, try painting flower pots together. You will surely have a useful and interesting time.

Children will surely be delighted with pots with eyes and noses. They can serve as containers for small toys.

For the kitchen, paint the pot with flowers, berries, teapots or polka dots.

For the bedroom and living room, imagine and depict something that fits the interior of the room.

When inspiration comes, drawings are quickly invented and immediately brought to life.

Sometimes even the drawings on the pot seem to us few, but we want to add something else so that the flower pots or pot turns into something extraordinary. Then you need to look at home for what can be glued to the pot so that it stands out from a number of its fellows. It can be anything: beads, sequins, buttons, plastic and felt flowers and other small jewelry. You need to glue with super glue or glue from a gun.

In a similar way, you can transform your flower pot by completely pasting it with shells. Such a pot will support the marine theme well in the room.

Planters and pots, decorated with shells, can decorate not only a room, but also a balcony, terrace or porch in a garden house.

If the pot turned out well, you should not plant such a plant in it, which will cover the results of your labor with its leaves. Plant in it, for example, cacti that grow slowly and do not hang down.

A ceramic or plastic pot can be pasted over with pebbles. You can use super glue or glue from a special gun to attach the stones.

Simple plastic pots, after decorating with pebbles, are transformed beyond recognition.

Have you ever tried to use textured plaster for decorating pots? Try it. Get an interesting result. Apply textured (embossed) plaster to the pot and use a comb or notched trowel to apply any pattern you can imagine to the wet plaster. It is important not to smudge the applied drawing, but to carefully dry the pot. In the future, the plaster does not crumble or peel off.

Another noteworthy way to decorate flower pots is by gluing pieces of tree branches. Take thin twigs of a tree (preferably not resinous species), garden clippers and prepare wooden "rounds". Begin to glue them to the pot with hot glue from the bottom and continue until the entire area is full. Alternate between small and large pieces of wood. When the glue is dry, cover the pot with acrylic varnish.

And if you don't feel like cutting branches with wire cutters, just put two rubber bands on the pot and gently push the equally cut branches under them around the entire pot. Then tie the twigs together with twine.

These pots can be decorated with thin twigs painted with silver or gold paint and natural or artificial berries.

Many ways to decorate pots have already been invented. Perhaps you will come up with something of your own. Here's another way to bring to your attention how you can decorate pots with lace. Cut out pieces of lace and glue to the pot, which is primed with PVA glue. Next, the pot of lace needs to be painted.

To decorate the pot with twine, you need a reel of twine, PVA glue and a brush. Take the pot and coat the strip with PVA glue. Carefully begin winding the twine around the pot. Further, also to the very top of the pot: coat the strip with glue and wind the twine. Then let the pot dry. The twine can even be painted in any color with acrylic paint.

If you suddenly want flower pots to repeat the colors of curtains or curtains, then you need to take the fabric from which the curtains are sewn and make a pattern for the pot. To do this, on a clean sheet of paper, "roll" the pot from one edge to the other of the sheet and draw two rounded lines: along the upper and lower edges of the pot. Measure the circumference of the pot at the top and bottom; these dimensions should correspond to the lines you drew. Cut out a pattern and lay it on the fabric, securing it with needles. By the way, do not forget to leave extra 1 centimeter at the top and bottom on the pattern so that you can tuck the fabric. Glue the cut out fabric with PVA glue on the pot, decorate as you wish.

From unnecessary knitted things, sew these "suits" for your pots. They look fresh and beautiful in spring.

Perhaps you will like the pot just wrapped in burlap.

Pots in matting bags look great, somehow it immediately becomes homely cozy.

Everything that you read above makes sense to do with flower pots, if they are still intact, without cracks, and ceramic ones do not crumble or crumble. And if there is no point in transforming the old pots, then take them to the dacha and make such a funny "pot" company out of them.

Good luck to all!

What and how you can make flower pots with your own hands, read

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Flower pots are not just a place where your flower can be located, but also an entire area for unlimited creativity. In today's article, we would like to talk about how to decorate pots so that they are interesting and emphasize the chosen style of the site.

Do-it-yourself pot

Naturally, you can buy a pot for creativity, and those who want to create it themselves - let's create! The purchased container for flowers may not always be the way you want to see it. A self-made pot is a unique thing that your friends will not find. And besides, any little thing made with your own hands will be an amazing gift for friends or relatives.

Clay container... Clay is the main material from which the container for planting plants is made, so we will start with it. Clay has always been associated with a potter's wheel, but this is a long time ago. We need:

  1. Clay.
  2. Oven.

Before you start work, decide on the shape and size of the container so as not to miscalculate. The next step is to soften the clay to make it more pleasant and convenient to work with.

  1. Separate a small piece and roll it into a ball. Flatten the resulting shape well against the base on which you are making the pot. You have prepared the bottom.
  2. Form a rope about 1 cm thick. It should surround our prepared bottom. In the same way, make a few more bundles to make the pot the size you want.
  3. Leave the product for a couple of days to fully harden.
  4. Burn the product.

So the first option is ready. This is the easiest and most fun way to create something unusual.

Woven pot... Another interesting option would be a pot that you weave yourself. To do this, you do not need to have any professional skills in weaving, since everything is much easier here than you think. For this work you will need:

  1. Twigs.
  2. Sackcloth.
  3. Twine.
  4. Glue.
  5. A small cylinder as a base.

Before starting work, prepare twigs... They should not be too long, so as not to waste time cutting them. Prepare rods equal to the height of the cylinder. You can take a little more to cover it.

This pot is ideal for plants with small and loose roots. For example, for decorative flowers.

Gallery: DIY flower pots (25 photos)

Decor products

The resulting options for pots want to somehow decorate. Thanks to our advice, you can make the decor of flower pots quickly and interestingly.

General decorating instructions:

Here are some simple options for adding variety to your pot:

  1. Decoupage.
  2. Working with glue.
  3. Small self-adhesive parts.
  4. Colored varnish or paint.

Eggshell decoration

One of the simplest decor options is eggshell decoration. This option is rarely found in anyone. This design method looks very advantageous and unusual. Let's begin!

Thus, you can diversify an ordinary boring pot and it will become a real work of art!

Other design options

Anything can serve as a decoration for the pots. Here you can turn on your imagination and come up with something unusual and interesting. Most often, pots are performed in a certain topic, so that this looked catchy and beautiful... Here are some options you can play in your own way:

  1. Cloth wrapping... Wrap the pot in a cloth to get a nice, even tone. A bunch of different parts can be glued to the fabric. For example, buttons.
  2. Gradient.Color the planter in such a way that there is a noticeable transition from one color to another. The main thing is to choose matching colors.
  3. Pasting... Very often, the pot is pasted over with various elements so that there are no gaps. For example, shells.

Twine for pots

The twine is most often used to make hanging planter... It is specially braided around the pot so that it creates a rim effect. You can find a bunch of weaving variations on the Internet, and we will show one of the most common.

This method is very simple and reliable, and even a child can do it! We need:

  1. Homemade or purchased pots.
  2. Twine.
  3. Glue.

Step-by-step instruction:

  1. Take a planter and make notes so that you understand where you need the headband.
  2. From twine we weave a regular braid, like on hair.
  3. We fix the end of the finished braid with glue and glue it to the base

Here is such a simple and unpretentious way to create a beautiful twine headband.

Greetings, dear friends! There are flowers in almost everyone. All of them stand in at times nondescript and ordinary commercial pots. But what if you give them a twist? Today we invite you to learn how to decorate pots with your own hands.

You can use a variety of materials for this: glass pebbles for aquariums, lace, buttons, and even simple pencils. The result is colorful handicrafts that you can't help but admire.

DIY pots: unusual options

The ability to make something original and new out of unnecessary or ordinary things is very valuable when decorating a house. Creating a useful thing with your own hands from improvised material is one of the most common hobbies, and hand made never loses its popularity.

You can make any thing yourself - from decorative ornaments to pieces of furniture. Here we will consider the design of a flower pot with our own hands, which implies a huge scope for creativity. Products created by craftsmen are suitable both for rural houses and country gardens, and for a modern apartment interior.

You can consider decorating a flower pot from a ready-made base in the form of the most ordinary plastic or earthenware dishes, or you can use things that seem unsuitable for this as a basis - cans, glass vessels, cardboard, pebbles, various decoration materials and many other items.

A masterpiece from nothing

For lovers of needlework, decorating a flower pot with your own hands will not cause any special problems. Moreover, for its manufacture, they can use a variety of materials. It is only important that the appearance of the product is combined with the decoration of an apartment or house. Flowerpots, pots, containers for home plants can be made from whatever you find at hand.

Used things

Each of them probably contains used aluminum cans, paint cans and other liquids, etc. Their appearance leaves much to be desired, but the right decor will help create unique and interesting gizmos. For example, fairly tall cans of canned pineapples or other fruits, soups, canned food for pets and decorative paints can be simply washed, carefully removed and used as flower pots. Their silvery surface looks interesting in hi-tech or minimalist style.

If the cans are bent during use or look ugly, you can additionally decorate them with fabric, fur, pebbles or walnut shells. Directly about decorating flower pots will be discussed below. Or you can just paint.

Every modern person definitely has plastic bottles. Do not throw them away right away, because you can create a lot of useful things from them. For example, leaving the necks of the bottles, you can make beautiful planters for climbing plants. To use the base of the bottle as a flower pot, you need to give it strength and interesting to decorate.

Recently, it has become fashionable to use old shoes as flower pots. It can be rubber boots or summer rubber sneakers. Most often they are used in gardens and dachas; in modern apartments they are not so appropriate.

An old, leaky bucket can make a great spot for a large fern or other massive plant. To do this, the handles are removed from the bucket, the base is decorated and turns into a design masterpiece.

The design of a flower pot and the very process of creating it from old plates seems interesting. The vinyl record heats up and easily changes its shape. If you give it the shape of a pot or a bowl, you get very stylish decor items.

You can glue together wooden or plastic clothespins, forming a pot for plants, use broken children's toys. They also make pots from rolled newspapers or magazine pages. It all depends only on your imagination, free time and desire.

You can also create unique pots, flowerpots or containers for indoor plants from old bags, shades, boxes, plastic packaging, watering cans or other utensils. Even out of used rubber tires, you can create an interesting flower pot, however, you cannot do without brute male power in this matter.

Building materials

Planks, cardboard, ornamental tile remnants, brick shards, wire mesh, or various barrels can also make great plant stands or pots.

From dense or corrugated cardboard, you can create completely different pots or flowerpots for indoor and garden plants. These can be regular round options for pots, or there can be elongated rectangular or diamond-shaped models. You can find a sweep of such a model from folk craftsmen, or you can come up with it yourself, remembering the lessons of technology or creativity at school.

Quite simple is the design of a flower pot made of planks or wooden blocks. Having cut out the base, you can easily create a real flowerpot for large indoor plants using nails or glue. Moreover, products made from rough unprocessed boards are more suitable for streets, and processed wood looks great in an apartment. It can be additionally decorated with burlap, ribbons and other decorative details.

The remnants of decorative ceramic tiles can be used to create a small square flower pot by simply gluing the pieces together. Mirror tiles and mosaic options look interesting.

Wire mesh can be used as flower pots, large production barrels are suitable for installations with large garden plants, and they do not even need to be particularly decorated: rough stands with delicate garden plants look harmonious.

Natural material

The most common material for making flower pots is considered to be natural material. It can be pebbles, stumps, shells from various nuts, cones, etc.

From pebbles - flat pebbles of a streamlined shape - you can easily glue a whole decorative composition, in which there is room for a houseplant. You can also use cones or nut shells.

Ordinary hemp or logs, which are often used as seating areas in the garden, can be cut into the interior and planted there. It looks very stylish in the garden.

You can also create an interesting pot for indoor plants from a vine or various twigs, but products from a vine are not so easy.

It is interesting to design a flower pot with your own hands from half a coconut shell. It turns out great pots for small plants that fit perfectly into an eco-style interior.

We decorate the usual

Now let's look at the question of how to decorate a flower pot, what techniques can be used and what materials to use. Moreover, you can use the most common purchased plastic or clay pots, or you can decorate what has turned out as a result of the skillful use of used things.

One of the most common ways to decorate a flower pot is to cover the product with various materials. These can be shells, beautiful stones, glass shards, birch bark, coffee beans, cereals, nut shells or cones, buttons or beads. With their help, you can create a certain picture on the surface of the pot using different textures or colors.

Eggshells, which are applied to the surface using the crackle technique, are considered a special decoration. The shell of boiled eggs is pre-cleaned, defatted in a baking soda solution, and then dried. Then PVA glue is applied to the surface of the pot, and the shell is applied on top with the convex side up. Cover the shell with a napkin or paper and press to form cracks. To keep the parts of the shell farther apart, you can push them apart with a toothpick. From above, the pattern is covered with ink, and after it penetrates into the cracks, it is washed off from the shell itself with a damp cloth. Ink remains inside the cracks, and the shell has its original appearance. From above all this splendor can be varnished.

Also, decorating flower pots involves painting them, and the colors are matched to the interior. Drawings can be abstract or realistic, and you can also use decoupage techniques to apply various images that repeat patterns on walls or textiles. You can also put some writing on the surface of the pot.

For decoration, you can also use polymer clay, making out bas-reliefs with toothpicks on the surface of the pot.

Wrapping pots with cloth or fur is also considered a great decorative technique. To make the fabric or burlap hold well, you can tie them up with strings, or you can stick them tightly. Knitted material, such as the sleeves of an old sweater, can be used to create a winter “garment” for pots that can easily be pulled over small containers.

Also, a flowerpot can be wrapped with twine or tight rope, then decorated with a satin ribbon for contrast. Decorate the surfaces of flower pots with coconut fiber, dry grass, and acorns.

An interesting idea on how to decorate a flower pot is pasting it with pencils or dry sticks. The first option is perfect for a creative workshop, and the second is perfect for an eco-style interior. To do this, you need to take pencils or dry twigs of the same length and, tightly gluing or tying them to each other, as if to wrap a pot with them.

Creating and decorating flower pots for lovers of such entertainment will be a real treat. With constant practice, you can create really interesting, unique and original things that will give the interior of your home or the appearance of your garden spontaneity and personality.

We bring to your attention a video with ideas for decorating flower pots with your own hands.

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