Flowers and bushes in the garden. The best ornamental shrubs for summer cottages. Winter-hardy ornamental shrubs

Often, from the owners of a young garden, you hear an almost fantastic phrase: I want a bright, varied garden, blooming and fragrant, but not requiring constant and vigilant attention, tedious care, daily weeding, loosening and endless transplants. Is this possible? Imagine yes. It is quite possible to organize such a garden-dream with very simple means, and you will not have to wait for years for splendor, decorativeness and maturity. One has only to take a closer look at the bushes.

The modern assortment of ornamental shrubs is so large and varied that it allows you to have a beautiful, spectacular and at the same time low-maintenance garden. Shrubs go well with each other, as well as with trees and most garden plants, and therefore their possibilities in garden design are practically unlimited.

Shrubs are decorative during the season for a very long time, and many all year round. Even if the main color of the foliage is green, the growing young leaves often have all sorts of hue variations (pink, reddish, purple, bronze). And in the fall, they amaze the imagination with a riot of reds, oranges and golden tones. Moreover, this effect varies noticeably every autumn due to temperature and humidity changes.

Usually, after a dry and hot summer, the leaves are colored earlier, after a damp and cool summer, they retain their green color longer. And if there have been short-term moderate frosts, then the palette of autumn leaf color is especially good and varied. And here you can already find not only yellow and red shades, but also pink, purple and even purple.

Many shrubs bloom so luxuriantly and spectacularly that they rival the best flowers. Bloom before everyone else Mahonia (Mahonia aquifolium) and forsythia (Forsythiax intermedia, F. giraldii, F. ovata), a little later - the so-called japonica (Chaenomeles japonica, C. speciosa, C. xsuperba), some park roses (Rosa) and rhododendrons ( Rhododendron).

At the same time, spring blossoms are rampant spireas (Spiraea): gray (S. cinerea), Wangutta (S. x vanhouttei), sharp, or jagged (S. arguta), nippon ( S. nipponica), Thunberg(S. Thunbergii ) and some other white-flowered species.

In the first half of May they bloom barberries (Berberis): ordinary (B. vulgaris), amur (B. amurensis), Korean (B. koreana), hybrid Ottawa (B. x ottawensis) and Thunberg (B. thunbergii) - the most desirable, with numerous and unusually diverse varieties.

This is an incredibly attractive sight, especially impressive when mature, well-grown bushes are in bloom. At this time, as a rule, the leaves have not yet unfolded, and nothing prevents you from admiring the golden tassels that completely cover the falling branches. In some places, young leaves begin to unfold, highlighting the golden-yellow flowers with their bronze or reddish color.

Evergreen barberries bloom in separate, larger yellow flowers against the background of tough, metallic sheen foliage, which has not yet lost its winter purple and bluish hues. The barberry showed itself better than others among evergreens. small-warty (B. verruculosa) Amstelven’.

Tatar honeysuckle "Arnold Red"

At the end of May, a variety of flowers bloom viburnum(Viburnum), chokeberry(Aronia melanocarpa), bush honeysuckle (Lonicera) and of course, lilac(Syringa), sung by nightingales. This is a long-awaited moment for all gardeners - spring is at its zenith, we are on the verge of summer, but still ahead. Long, joyful days, bright, warm evenings - I'm sure for many gardeners this is the most favorite time of the year.

The baton of flowering lilacs is passed mockers(Philadelphus), and the enchanting scent of our northern jasmines spreads throughout the gardens.

Bloom at the same time actions (Deutzia) and weigels(Weigela). These adorable shrubs are still not widespread in our country, and many are afraid to start them. But among them there are quite stable ones in our climate, you just need to try to plant them in a quiet and windless place, on well-prepared, moderately nutritious soil.

The spring flowering of some shrubs is replaced by the summer flowering of others. Wonderful pink-flowered flowers bloom spireas (Spiraea): japanese (S. japonica), Boomald (S. x bumalda), a little bit later Billard (S. x billiardii) and Douglas (S. douglasii). The latter are interesting for their candle-shaped inflorescences, which differ in the intensity of color in varieties, and powerful bushes, from which dense living borders up to two meters high can be formed.

Japanese spirea "Shirobana" is notable for its unusual inflorescences

But undoubtedly, no garden today is complete without varieties. spirea japonica and its varieties Boomald. Even if we do not take into account the forms with colored and variegated leaves (we will talk about them separately), the varieties of Japanese spirea differ in the size of the bush (from 20 cm to 1.5 m), the shape of the crown and inflorescences, and the intensity of their color. There are unique varieties, for example, Shirobana (synonym Genpei) - both white and pink inflorescences bloom on the bush at the same time, and Crispa it stands out among all the spirits with the carved edge of the leaf, which is why the bush looks curly, and the inflorescences have a more pronounced carmine-pink color.

Spirea Bumald "Crispa" stands out with the carved edge of the sheet

A feature and a clear advantage of summer-flowering spirits is their ability to bloom again after pruning. Therefore, when the first wave of flowering comes to an end, without waiting for the setting of seeds, it is necessary to cut off the tops of the shoots - new peduncles grow from the axils of the upper leaves, and the spirea will bloom until the end of summer and autumn.

Stefanandra incised - a creeping shrub with openwork foliage

Simultaneously with the "summer" spireas bloom stephanandra (Stephanandra). Incised (S. incisa) and its grade Crispa- shrubs with small, strongly cut leaves and a creeping form of growth, and the species can rise to a height of 1 m or more, and ‘ Crispa 'Spreads along the ground, not exceeding 40-50 cm in height, but still spreading its openwork branches up to 2 m in diameter.

Stefanandra Tanaki (S. tanakae) forms a large bush with arcuate curved branches, growing over time up to 2 m in height and width. Both species have graceful loose inflorescences of a light cream color. Stefanandra Tanaka is often confused Neilia Tibetan (Neillia thibetica), the leaves of which are really a little like the leaves of Stephanandra, but the shape of the bush and the inflorescences are completely different. Neilia has narrow hanging tassels of pale pink flowers, and the bush, unlike Stephanandra Tanaka, shoots underground stolons and spreads, which is not always pleasing in the garden.

At about the same time, it blooms colquition is pleasant (Kolkwitzia amabilis) is indeed a very attractive shrub with drooping shoots, graceful leaves and exquisite flowering. Kolkvitsia, planted in a quiet place protected from the winds, on fresh loose soil, winters confidently and pleases with flowering, tolerates partial shade conditions.

Exochorda x macrantha "The Bride" is still a rare plant for our gardens

Increasingly, in gardens you can find hybrid exochord (Exochorda x macrantha), which is usually represented by the variety The bride.

In early June, Potentilla flowers bloom, which have become very popular with gardeners. Grade "Goldstar"

In the first half of June, the so-called Kuril tea blooms. Varietal Potentilla (Potentilla fruticosa) today have become regulars in the gardens of the middle lane. The varieties differ in the size of the bush (from 30 cm to 1.5-2 m), the size and color of the leaves and, most importantly, the color of the beautiful flowers.

You can find a variety of spireas, cinquefoil, hydrangeas and other flowering shrubs in a wide range in our catalog, which represents the products of large online stores of planting material and seeds. ...

Hawthorn Scarlet, 1 g (? 15 pcs.) 48 rbl

Hawthorn Doubtful, 1 g (? 20 pcs.) 98 rbl

Hawthorn Periston cut, 1 g (? 18 pcs.) 79 rbl

Hawthorn Monopest, 1 g (? 7 pcs.) 48 rbl

Cinquefoil blooms throughout the summer until the cold weather like small roses (rose hips) flowers from pure white to pink and red, all shades of yellow, orange, cream and peach.

Enchantingly bloom in summer roses... Of course, these are the most beloved shrubs of all times and peoples. Today we have at our disposal both tiny miniature roses, and a variety of ground cover, park, shrub and climbing, floribunda and hybrid tea roses. For every taste and for different purposes.

No one argues, the rose is the queen, and in any garden there will always be a place for it. But in the second half of summer and autumn, attention switches to lush hydrangeas ( Hydrangea). Bloom first treelike (H. arborescens) Anabelle and Grandiflora with rounded, large caps of inflorescences, and a little later gaining strength paniculate (H. рaniculata).

And today their palette is especially interesting: white and cream Tardiva, Unique, greenish Lime Light and Silver dollar, pinkish Grandiflora and Pink diamond, intense purple-pink Vanille fraise... The shape and size of the inflorescences in the varieties are noticeably different, they often reach 30 cm or more, but, for example, in Kyushu inflorescence is loose, openwork, and at Phantom - very dense. In new varieties, the emphasis is placed on each flower, as, for example, in the variety Great star- extreme flowers are very large and similar to a propeller.

Among the now fashionable heather group, which is still little known to our gardeners, there are miniature shrubs and large shrubs that bloom from snow to snow. In the spring, a variety of blooms open Erica (Erica), behind them and whipped up (Andromeda), wild rosemary (Ledum) and cowberry (Vaccinium), calmia (Kalmia), brukentalia (Bruckenthalia), haulteria (Gaultheria) and dabezia (Daboecia), completes flowering common heather (Calluna vulgaris), represented in gardens by hundreds of varieties.

It is impossible not to say enthusiastic words about the fantastically beautiful blooming in May-June rhododendrons (Rhododendron).

For many of our gardeners, rhododendrons are still an unread book, because in our country there is no tradition of growing these shrubs. Fortunately, the experience of amateurs-enthusiasts convinces: very soon, fabulously beautiful and unusually diverse rhododendrons will bloom in our gardens.

It is impossible to tell in one article about all the flowering shrubs that I would like to see in the garden, because there are a lot of them today. But in addition to flowering, ornamental shrubs have unique and very important properties for the garden, which we will talk about next time.
Valeria Ilyina
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Ornamental shrubs for summer cottages, photos and names of which will be presented in this article, are often exactly the elements that harmonize the overall picture and emphasize the necessary nuances of the site so that it looks attractive, bright and harmonious. They are like strokes on canvas, which will help to properly "dilute" the necessary details of the flower beds, to place accents on some specific places. I am sure that every summer resident, gardener, owner of a backyard wants to do everything correctly and accurately so that vegetables, fruit trees, beds with greenery are all in their place.

Depending on the size of your site, imagination and general preferences, ornamental shrubs can be a background for other plantings, an element of garden compositions, appear in the form of hedges or act as the main nuance to which everyone's attention will be riveted.

In this article, I would like to talk about the most popular shrubs that are most often planted in our region, and, of course, the most beautiful. It is unrealistic to cover the entire spectrum of these representatives of this plant kingdom, but it is worth paying our attention to the main flowering ones, as well as to the ornamental-deciduous ones.

How to beautifully plant ornamental shrubs: the main criteria for placement

The very first thing is to choose just such a plant that will feel comfortable in the climatic conditions of your region. It is necessary to choose a certain variety based on this very factor. The second nuance is its location.

If you get a sun-loving representative, then you need to plant it in a sunny place, where there will be a lot of light and there will not even be a hint of shadow. But shade-loving, on the contrary, should be placed in shaded areas, or even in the shade of buildings or large trees. This is important, since the wrong choice of place can affect not only the brightness of the foliage colors or the splendor of the flowers on the shrub, but also its viability.

The overall picture of the garden should also be considered when choosing a particular plant. In a small area, tall and lush specimens will look out of place. But, for example, blooming frost-resistant, low beautiful bushes are perfect, and they will also delight you with their appearance until the very cold weather.

These are the representatives of the dwarf varieties of the Cossack juniper Tamariscifolia and Green Carpet - undersized, creeping on the ground, very frost-resistant. These are ideal options for creating compact alpine slides, rockeries, lawn edging, curbs.

Shrubs for hedges should also be chosen among low or medium-sized representatives with a dense crown, so that later, instead of an attractive fence, you do not get columns of tall thickets. Thorny bushes, decorative flowering, columnar representatives, for example, junipers, are optimal for such a design. Weigela, buddleya, spirela, oleander are well suited for joint plantings, they will look harmoniously with other green brothers growing nearby. And if you want to form an arch or, for example, decorate a gazebo, a fence, then in this case it is the climbing species that should be chosen.

The choice is wide! For each site of any size and shape, you can find your own option. In addition to flowering plants, there are many varieties of shrubs with amazing foliage color, with an unusual crown, leaf shape. Diversity is an important aspect in this business. In most cases, the dacha landscape is divided into three zones (or tiers): the lower one is vegetable beds and flower beds, the upper one is fruit trees. But the bushes can occupy the so-called middle zone. The correct selection and combination of plants with each other is the main goal for a summer resident who strives for beauty, comfort and harmony in his area.

Ornamental deciduous or flowering shrubs are not only a pleasure for contemplation, but also functional plants. Thus, by planting them near the fence, you can create a barrier from prying eyes or unwanted intrusion (spiked varieties).

With their help, it is very convenient to zone the site, for example, to divide the recreation areas and the territory for growing garden crops.

Curbs, paths, hedges, which have already been mentioned, creating protection (shade) for more delicate shade-loving plants, decorating some unsightly fragments on the site - all this can be decorated, decorated or hidden with the help of a variety of bushes and bushes. And if you decide to plant fruit representatives, then you will be additionally rewarded for your work with useful berries.

Flowering shrubs for summer cottages

Some of these representatives are also fruit, this nuance will be indicated in the description.


I'll start with blooming weigela. This shrub looks great both during and after flowering. The Nana Variegata variety can also be classified as an ornamental deciduous variety, its foliage has a beautiful golden border, and Nana Purpurea has dark, red-brown leaves.

Weigela Nana Purpurea

The kind of weigela blooming pleases the eye with pink bell flowers that bloom in waves during the season (usually all of May). The first wave is the most abundant. Some varieties can bloom twice a year, such as the Weigela Middendorf.

Weigel Middendorf


Spirea is very unpretentious and very beautiful. Its varieties can bloom in both spring and summer. If you calculate the time correctly, then you can plant these two species in such a way that one fades away, and the second only enters the flowering phase. Some varieties of spirea have beautiful foliage - Vagnutta, Pink Ice. For this reason, they can be classified as decorative deciduous shrubs.

Spirea Wangutta

Spirea blooms profusely and luxuriantly, bending branches literally covered with white flowers to the very ground.

A short, slow-growing Japanese spirea blooms with lush purple-pink inflorescences. It is as attractive and honey-like as its white-flowering species.

Japanese spirea

Spireas are not particularly capricious in the choice of soil, however, you should pay attention to the requirements for light / shade in different varieties.

Spirea in winter:

Jasmine or mock orange

Garden jasmine or chubushnik - well, how can it be without it ?! Because of its enchanting aroma, almost everyone knows and loves it. Today there are many varieties and hybrids of it - they are all very attractive. They differ in size, shape, color and aroma of flowers.

But in our case we are talking about a white-flowered representative - frost-resistant, disease-resistant, very unpretentious (can be placed in the shade or in a place illuminated by sunlight). It looks equally great in group plantings and in single ones, the main thing is to water it on time, but do not allow water to stagnate in the area of ​​the near-trunk circle. The flowering time of the mock-orange depends on its variety, but it usually begins in May and lasts about a month. There are some that bloom in summer and early autumn.


Jasmine (chubushnik)


Viburnum refers to both fruit specimens and decorative deciduous. A plant unique in every sense: it blooms beautifully with large white globular inflorescences, berries are useful, widely used as a medicine. The foliage is also noteworthy: its hue changes from rich green to golden and red.

In general, viburnum has many species (about 200), among which you can even find evergreen specimens. In our area, the most common and popular are two of its usual types - viburnum ordinary and viburnum bulldonezh. They are frost-resistant, non-capricious, decorative at any time of the year, like shade and moderate watering. Flowering time is mid-May / late June, approximately 20 days.

Viburnum vulgaris in bloom and with fruits:

Viburnum ordinary

Kalina Buldenezh:

Kalina Buldenezh

Rose hip

Some shrubs that can grow in the country do not even need introduction and recommendations, for example, rose hips. It is attractive in appearance, useful in many ways, not only will decorate your site in spring, when it blooms with pink or red flowers, but will also create a thorny barrier if you plant it along the fence. In some of its varieties, flowers are not inferior in beauty to roses (double look), and varieties with healing red berries will give you a natural natural "medicine", the valuable qualities of which are known to everyone. Rosehip is unpretentious, branches quickly, has a very dense crown, prefers sun or partial shade. It blooms from May to August.

Improving a summer cottage is a creative and exciting process; at the initial stage of garden planning, summer residents determine which bushes and trees they will plant. If the site is completely empty, then fast-growing trees and shrubs for summer cottages will create a beautiful landscape in a short time. If time suffers, then you can choose crops that have been growing for a long time, and enjoy their transformation from year to year.

Shrub species

When thinking about which shrubs to plant in the country, pay attention to their classification, this will greatly facilitate your choice. Whether you only need ornamental bushes or do you want to get a variety of fruits from them, it depends on which species you should give your preference to.

The appearance and agrotechnical characteristics make it possible to divide the seedlings into three main types, which we will discuss in the following sections.

The price of seedlings for self-cultivation is much lower than the cost of an already grown shrub.

Beautifully flowering shrubs

Unconditional favorites in decorating garden plots are plants that are distinguished by their unique flowering. The most beautiful shrubs amaze the imagination with bizarre inflorescences and a wide range of shades.

By planting them with different flowering periods, which will replace each other, you can achieve the effect of an "ever-flowering" garden. Flowering shrubs are perfectly complemented by compositions of conifers, as well as any ornamental shrubs.

The most spectacular flowering species:

  • Dogwood. It begins to delight with its color in early spring. It is unpretentious to the soil, like many shade-tolerant plants, it feels good in unlit areas.
  • Rhododendron. It blooms in April and has delicate lilac flowers. To achieve the most lush flowering, plant the plant in partial shade and fertilize with humus.
  • Forsythia. It blooms even before the foliage appears. After the bush fades, it continues to delight the eye with its decorative effect.

  • Japanese quince. Pleasing to the eye with orange flowers. It grows well in illuminated areas, it is most often used to create do-it-yourself hedges.
  • Buddleya. The branches of the plant are densely covered with pinkish flowers. One of the individual features of this shrub is considered its incredible aroma, which is able to attract many butterflies. This bush is capable of reaching a height of three meters in just 2-3 years and has a long flowering period.
  • Chubushnik. The most beautiful of all shrubs. It has large snow-white flowers with a stunning aroma, with its help green hedges are easily created.

Fruit shrubs

This species is able to play the role of ornamental plants, but their indisputable advantage is that they are able to bring us fresh berries. Therefore, we can rightly say that these are the most useful shrubs in the country. However, it should be noted that more care is required for them.

Below are some of the plants of this species:

  • Currant . There are white, red and black currant fruits. Some of its varieties can bear fruit for up to 18 years in a row. Do not forget that it is necessary to protect the bushes from drafts and excess moisture.
  • Gooseberry. Fruiting up to 25 years, but not too frost-resistant, so it needs insulation for the winter.

  • Raspberries . Grows well in the sun, resistant to cold, but requires fertilized soil and moisture.
  • Blackberry. Similar in characteristics to raspberries, but more sensitive to frost.

If you decide to plant fruit and berry bushes on your site, it is better to do it in the fall, then in the summer you can get the first small harvest.

Ornamental garden shrubs

Ornamental plants add elegance to the design of the site, and it does not matter what kind of country houses you need to decorate - they will be made of block containers, or built of brick or wood. The wide color palette and texture of these bushes can create bright accents, decorate individual elements of your garden, and divide the area into zones.

Unpretentious to care for, they are easy enough to grow if you follow a few rules when planting them:

  • Do not plant this type of plant too tightly to each other.

For your information!
There is a simple instruction for calculating the distance between shrubs - the distance is equal to twice the height of an adult bush.

  • Plant well away from fences and buildings.
  • Plants with burgundy leaves need sunlight, in the shade they acquire a faded color.
  • When transplanting, so as not to damage the roots, dig the hole wider and deeper.
  • Fertilize the soil.
  • Hydrangea. Its inflorescences are large balls of pink, lilac, milky or blue colors. All varieties of hydrangea are shade-loving and prefer moist soil.

  • Weigela. Can be planted on any soil, both a shade and a sunny area are suitable. An adult plant reaches a height of 2 meters, blooms from the second year. It has bright pink flowers.
  • Barberry. Perfect as a hedge, the color of the foliage depends on the abundance of the sun and can vary from red to purple. Regular pruning gives the shrub a neat and noble appearance.
  • Boxwood. Ideal for those who like to create shapes of various shapes from plants. Has undersized varieties of shrubs. It is thermophilic, but feels good in the shade. Differs in rapid growth and unusual odor.

  • Derain. A very unpretentious shrub, easily takes root on any soil. Transfers both shade and sun. It has crimson foliage and blooms twice a year.
  • Action. In a sunny area, it reaches two meters in height, has beautiful white or pink flowers. Not picky about the soil.
  • Spirea. Used as a hedge. Has inflorescences of red, white or pink colors. It especially attracts attention in the autumn, when its leaves paint the bush in different colors.
  • Forsythia. One of the earliest shrubs that bloom in spring. Requires regular fertilization and watering, like other moisture-loving trees and bushes.

At the site, you may need special gardening equipment, for example, an electric lawn mower.
The lack of electricity on the site makes it impossible to use it, but there is an excellent solution - a short-term rental of a diesel generator for a summer residence.


The choice of plants for your summer cottage can only be limited by your own fantasies and desires, you can always find some kind of democratic analogue of an expensive shrub. And do not forget about a little trick of unscrupulous sellers - when buying seedlings you do not get any guarantee that you are purchasing exactly the desired plant.

In the video presented in this article, you will find additional information on this topic.

Almost every owner of a summer cottage thought about the zoning of the territory: where to plant vegetables and trees, in which place to break flower beds, and in which one can relax after a hard day. Garden bushes have a significant place in botanical science. Shrubs are of different types, but the main feature that distinguishes them from trees is the absence of a main trunk. There are several of them, they are located at close range.

Depending on the species, the shrubs look different. They are divided into three large groups, here are the types of shrubs:

It is worth noting that such a division cannot be considered absolute, but only conditional. After all, there are numerous examples of flowering plants bearing fruit.

Moreover, groups are distinguished by the time of appearance of flowers or relative to the sun. There are sun-loving (mainly fruit), currant belongs to them, very fond of light. Shade-tolerant includes action, weigela and others. Famous representatives of shade-loving cultures are honeysuckle, euonymus.

If we assume that you need to decorate a private plot beautifully, then you should pay attention to decorative varieties. Unique shapes, sizes and shades, along with a number of other useful properties, make it possible to decorate hedges on your own, protecting from city noise, raising your spirits. Bushes can decorate the entrance or other parts of the site.

It is necessary to carefully study the properties of the plants that are planned to be planted. For example, if it is possible to build a hedge, you should find out everything related to the length of the flowering period, the size and shape of the foliage, its color, the rules of care, and possible diseases.

Decorative deciduous varieties

The main distinguishing feature that distinguishes them favorably from other types of plants is that they can be a decoration of the garden from early spring to late autumn. In many plants, foliage is colored in various shades, sometimes even bright, for example, they are bright yellow, purple, violet, in some cases they have minor specks.

The forms of the aralia and the tropical bush are reminiscent of tropical species. Fieldfare has a soft color palette... Young leaves have a pleasant pink hue, which gradually turns bright green. With the onset of autumn, they turn yellow, acquiring a golden hue.

If you need to embellish a solid wall or high fence, you can pay attention to the white turf bushes.

Combining some types

Do not forget about the rules for combining plants, because each of them has individual qualities and properties, therefore not all get along with each other:

Fruit crops

Representatives of this category are found in almost all summer cottages. We are talking about raspberries, currants, gooseberries and others. By the way, by combining different varieties of currants with each other, get excellent multi-colored compositions that do not leave indifferent any of those who have to see them. They are planted not only for beauty and protection from strong gusts of wind, but also for harvesting.

It should be noted that fruit bushes need to be looked after more carefully than decorative ones.

Decorative deciduous varieties

Among landscape designers, they have long learned how to combine in work not only trees with flowers, but also with bushes. Through them, they create compositions, shapes, or simply achieve a contrast of colors. When choosing, it should be borne in mind that there are varieties that shed leaves, and there are evergreens... The latter are mainly hybrids of the well-known conifers. All of them stand out for their love of light and warmth, in addition, they need to be planted in fertile soil. Further than the middle climatic zone of our country, they are necessarily sheltered with the onset of cold weather.

The prominent representatives are Japanese maple, various categories of barberry, aralia, mahonia, elderberry.

Shrubs for the garden

Decorating a garden is not an easy task that every plant lover can do. For these purposes, hardworking gardeners grow seedlings of seasonal annuals, plant flowering and ground cover perennials, ornamental shrubs, trees, and fruit crops. Each representative of the garden flora is unique, has certain qualities, characteristics, requirements for cultivation. In this article, we will consider the most popular frost-resistant ornamental shrubs for giving photos and names, characteristics, classification, care requirements. The material will tell you about the possibilities of garden design, the creation of hedges, useful tips for planting crops.

Ornamental shrubs: purpose, description, photo

Ornamental plants are those that are specially cultivated by humans to decorate park areas, gardens, recreation areas, squares, various urban and rural areas. Even a dacha with a small area can be transformed. Most of these garden dwellers are grown for the sake of lush flowering, but there are other advantages - beautiful foliage of decorative deciduous crops, delicate fragrant needles, neat fruits that fit into the overall design of the territory. There are even plants that value bark, such as green-barked maple or dogwood, which have green and coral-red bark, respectively.

On a note! Even bare shoots of turf in winter create a striking contrast to the snow, giving the plot a zest.

The shrub habit of a plant implies the presence of a certain number of shoots replacing each other throughout its life. Usually, the growth of such individuals ranges from 80 cm to 5-6 meters. Lower specimens are referred to as shrubs.

The main difference between arboreal and shrub habit is the absence of a trunk. But some types of shrubs, with the help of pruning, can also be grown in a standard form, resembling a compact tree. Often this is how roses and fruit crops are formed. The latter, in addition to harvesting, also perform a decorative function, because compact bushes dotted with fruits look incredibly beautiful, while bringing benefits.

The main function of ornamental shrubs is to please the eye, bring aesthetic pleasure. There are species that bloom in early spring, when the garden is just throwing off the shackles of winter sleep. For example, forsythia, which in many European countries is considered the messenger of spring. But there is also a practical side to growing:

  1. Protection from dust, noise, prying eyes. This role is perfectly played by hedges.
  2. Decoration of borders, various types of flower beds, garden paths. Stunted specimens are suitable for this function.
  3. Territory zoning. Almost all representatives of the group will cope with this task, because by cutting them they can be given any shape.
  4. Masking unsightly areas. Any lush shrubbery will cope with this task, and the old fence or building facade will hide the climbing forms. They will also successfully cope with vertical gardening.

Know! Ornamental gardening, landscape design, phytodesign, landscaping of the territory would be incomplete without the use of shrub forms.

Types of ornamental shrubs

The classification of cultures is very complex and takes into account many factors. Therefore, even within the same type of classifications, there may be several. For landscape gardening, the main parameters are considered - habitus (appearance), growth, life form, growing conditions, resistance to cold.

Based on these criteria, shrubs are classified as follows:

  1. Fruit - bearing fruits, including inedible ones, which complement the design solution of the territory.
  2. Ornamental-deciduous - this includes species and varieties of various crops, the main advantage of which is luxurious leaves. Not only variegation is taken into account (the presence of spots, stripes, borders of a contrasting shade), but also the change of colors in autumn.
  3. Blooming - the main advantage of this group are bright flowers, lush inflorescences, long-term abundant flowering, the presence of repeated flowering.
  4. Conifers - this group includes crops that form leaves in the form of needles and scales, the fruits are also diverse - cones, berries.
  5. Evergreen - this group of garden dwellers stands out for year-round decorativeness. The change of deciduous mass occurs imperceptibly, therefore, cultures are pleasing to the eye, immediately after coming out of hibernation.

Advice! in order to correctly arrange the territory, choose several varieties, taking into account the peculiarity of each culture. So you will be able to admire the beautiful landscape at any time of the year.

They also distinguish unpretentious and demanding species, frost-resistant and unstable to cold, tall and undersized, fast and slow growing. These parameters will be sure to be noted in the description of each culture that this article will talk about.

Fruit ornamental bushes for summer cottages

Fruit crops are able not only to bring a rich harvest, but also to please the eye. They are ideal for decorating a summer cottage. With a competent approach from such bushes, you can create a neat hedge that will protect against external factors. Most fruit crops are good not only at the time of harvest, they bloom luxuriously, filling the garden with aroma, and attract pollinators. Some varieties change their outfit in the fall, turning into bright spots of yellow, red, orange, burgundy and purple.

Consider the most popular fruit bushes, which are often grown as a decoration for the territory:

  • elder;
  • hawthorn;

Know! In the country, you can also grow lingonberries and blueberries. These semi-shrubs are very beautiful, bring useful berries, and are undemanding to growing conditions.

Irga round-leaved

It is a slender shrub 1-3 m high with erect shoots covered with greenish or brown bark. Young growths are pubescent, the leaves on the underside are also covered with an edge, which disappears over time. There are notches along the edge of the leaves.

The flowering period falls on the last month of spring, at which time the irga becomes a real decoration of the site. Graceful thin petals of white flowers when blooming widely diverge to the sides. From this, the few-flowered corymbose brushes look very magnificent.

Irga is a valuable honey plant, gives bees a lot of nectar, and helps to attract pollinators. Winter hardiness is at the highest level, this species tolerates severe winters, due to which it is used even in landscaping the northern regions. Even snow-white or pinkish flowers tolerate strong frosts down to minus 5-7⁰C. In the middle of summer, the berries, covered with a waxy coating, begin to ripen gradually. At first they turn pinkish, and then they acquire a purple-black hue. Fruiting begins in the fifth year of life. If the crop is not harvested, birds will gladly eat it.

Know! Irga is used as a hardy hardy stock for dwarf apple and pear varieties.

The irgi's autumn outfit shines with special splendor - a riot of colors can be traced in it, combining shades of red, orange, yellow and purple colors. Irga produces many root suckers, which are often used for reproduction. In addition, it propagates by seeds, cuttings, and grafting. Irga is absolutely not whimsical to the soil, not afraid of stagnant moisture and drying out of the soil, wind, frost. A well-lit place is chosen for it, planted in spring or autumn in prepared and fertilized pits. The root collar is deepened by 5-7 cm and immediately cut off at the level of 4-5 buds.

Care is very simple: annual removal of part of the root growth, pruning of shoots for sanitation and shaping in early spring. In the spring they are fed with nitrogen compounds, after harvesting with phosphorus-potassium compounds. To rejuvenate the bush, the branches are completely removed. Irga is beautiful in any type of planting - specimen, group, hedge.

Golden currant

This berry culture is native to North America and has been known in Russia since the 18th century. At first it was used only for decoration and gooseberry rootstock, but over time, high-yielding varieties appeared.

Tall bushes reach 1.5-2.5 m. They have a neat rounded crown made of three-lobed leaves about 5 cm long. Shoots with a reddish tint are not prone to strong branching. In late spring, golden corollas, collected in brushes, open. During flowering, a strong pleasant fragrance spreads. Golden currant blooms for 2-3 weeks. By July, shiny berries of various colors ripen. There are yellow, orange, violet-brown, black fruits. Fruiting from 5-6 years. Glossy leaves become yellowish-orange in August, and bright scarlet in September, keep almost to the snow. Especially attractive in standard form.

Attention! The buds and young leaves are poisonous. All parts of the golden currant are devoid of the characteristic aroma.

The attractive appearance of golden currant is highly valued, it can be attributed to the flowering, fruitful, decorative deciduous varieties. The disadvantage is low self-fertility, so other varieties are planted nearby. The most popular varieties are Venera, Laysan, Krandalya's Seedling. It is undemanding to the soil, develops well in a sunny place, is highly drought-resistant, tolerates an unfavorable agricultural background, easily propagates by seeds, cuttings, layering.

They are planted in a hole with a depth and diameter of half a meter, deepening the root collar by 5-7 cm. The substrate consists of a mixture of garden soil, humus or compost, a glass of superphosphate and the same amount of ash. After planting, the shoots are cut at a height of 5 cm. Annual application of slurry in the spring and compost with ash in the fall will have a beneficial effect on fruiting and decorativeness. Irrigate only in the absence of precipitation for a long time. Pruning is carried out for the purpose of sanitation. Golden currants have strong immunity to pests and diseases.


The beautiful and healthy fruits of the dogwood are a real decoration. Dogwood male is incredibly beautiful at the time of flowering and harvest. A large shrub reaches a height of 3-5 m and has fissured bark from yellow to brown. Large leaf blades shine temptingly above, pubescent below. The flowers, collected in umbrellas, have beautiful yellow bracts. In the wild, it lives up to 250 years. The shrub blooms early, but the berries ripen only in autumn. Their shape, color and weight depend on the cultivar.

On a note! Variegated cultivars are incredibly popular - Aurea, Elegantissima, Variegata. Their leaves have different shades, are covered with specks or edging in a contrasting color.

When growing for the sake of the harvest, it is important to consider that the dogwood needs a pollinator neighbor of a different variety. The male sun loves dogwood, but it will also endure light shading. It develops better on fertilized clay substrates, requires the introduction of lime into the planting pit. Poorly tolerates neighborhood with tall trees. To maintain its appearance, it needs corrective pruning, regular irrigation. The young growth is covered for the first 2-3 years, highly mulching the near-trunk space with humus, and wrapping branches with spruce branches. It multiplies rapidly by cuttings, division of the mother liquor, layering, with seed reproduction it develops for 5-7 years.


Another stately representative, reaching a height of 5-6 m. Large feathery leaves 15-20 cm long are divided into 3-7 lobes. White or yellowish inflorescences in the form of shields 15-20 cm appear by the beginning of summer, and after 3 months beautiful clusters of black-purple drupes with a diameter of 5-7 mm ripen. The berries are very tasty, aromatic, contain a large amount of biologically active substances, and are used in medicine.

Prefers shaded areas, fertile moderately moist soil, does not get sick. Pruned short, recovers quickly after shearing, gives a lot of root growth, reproduces by offspring, layering, cuttings, seeds. There are variegated cultivars, among which the best known are the Black Lace elderberry with delicate speckled leaves and Aurea with yellow leaves.

Attention! Only the fruits and flowers of elderberry do not contain the strongest poison, which, when decaying, turns into cyanic acid.


Chaenomeles is the name of the genus, whose homeland is Asia. Japanese quince grows up to 3 m and has the same crown girth. The crown is densely leafy, bronze in spring, dark green in summer. Red buds with a diameter of 5 cm are collected in shields of 2-6 pieces. There are many hybrids with a different color and degree of terry corolla. Blooms by the end of spring for 3-4 weeks, the first time in 3-4 years of vegetation. Rounded chaenomeles fruits are edible, yellowish-green in color, ripen by the end of September.

Japanese quince grows slowly, light-requiring, prefers a rich substrate, drought-resistant, flexible in terms of cutting. Since the winter hardiness of this beauty is average and flower buds often freeze out, choose a place where a good layer of snow accumulates in winter.

The soil is fertilized with humus, a potassium-phosphorus complex. The preferred substrate is based on leafy soil and peat compost with the addition of half a portion of sand. For the winter, they huddle high as possible, bend the twigs. Irrigate once a month, haircut once every 5-6 years after flowering. Propagated by seeds after stratification and green cuttings, can be grown on a trunk.

Important! The root collar is positioned flush with the surface of the hole.


Barberries have a shrub habit and grow up to 3.5 m. The Thunberg barberry is more decorative than its common counterpart, but less winter-hardy. The branches of the common barberry are covered with gray bark and are studded with triple thorns. Rounded or elongated small leaves of dark green color along the edge are covered with serrations and cilia. By the end of spring, clusters of yellow fragrant buds appear, bloom for 15-20 days. In autumn, the fruits ripen, and the crown begins to blaze with crimson shades. Color, shape and size depend on the variety, but most often they are burgundy, elongated.

The common barberry has variegated cultivars - undersized Albo variegat with white spots, Atropurpurea with purple foliage, Aureomarginate with yellow edging and specks. The Thunberg barberry has a lot of varieties, but the most valuable is the yellow-leaved hybrid Aurea and the Harlequin variety. Cultivars with a different color of berries are also appreciated.

Barberries are unpretentious, photophilous, not capricious in terms of soil, but they are afraid of waterlogging. They grow on neutral substrates of sand and humus. Barberry is irrigated weekly, cut in spring, correcting the crown and removing damaged branches. They are fed every 3-4 years with a full mineral complex. Propagated by seeds and cuttings, root shoots.

Important! The berries of the Thunberg barberry are inedible, but they will serve as an excellent delicacy for the birds.


A tall, deciduous shrub with double-edged thorns. The crown is dense, purple shoots. Flowers in different varieties are not only white, but also pink and even double, collected in dense shields. During flowering, an unpleasant smell of spoiled fish is felt. Graceful leaves turn red-orange with the arrival of autumn. The berries stay on the branches for almost 2 months, large in size, orange, red or black, edible. Fruiting irregularly from 8-9 years old, resistant to unfavorable agricultural background, drought. Prefers a sunny location and calcareous soil with good drainage.

To stimulate the development of the bush type, immediately after planting, they are pruned onto a stump, then trimmed every spring, giving the desired appearance. Irrigation once a month, feeding annually in spring and during budding, the trunk circle twice a year must be dug onto a shovel bayonet. Seed propagation, cuttings with a heel, layering, grafting.

Rose hip

Rosehip is known to everyone. Bushes up to 2.5 m high are covered with small thorns, bloom from early summer to August with bright five-petal flowers of pink, crimson, yellow or white. A lot of garden forms have been bred, which are usually called scrubs - park roses. Various colors of buds, degree of terry, sizes, make cultivated rose hips welcome guests in any territory. And how useful are red berries, which contain a lot of vitamin C!

Remember! The root system goes deep into the soil horizons, be sure to check the groundwater level. Equip the pit with drainage if necessary.

When arranging a planting pit, experienced gardeners recommend enclosing the walls with slate or plastic so that the roots do not spread too far. Rosehip loves the sun, can grow in partial shade, is absolutely not whimsical. It is recommended to cut in 2-3 years from planting, watering 3-4 times per season, three times feeding with organic matter. To obtain new specimens, seeds, root suckers, cuttings are used.


A low deciduous bush up to one and a half meters high is very popular in ornamental gardening. His homeland is North America. The leaf blades are oval or round, 5-6 cm long, green above, glaucous below. Dense flower tassels, consisting of small pink flowers, appear in the middle of summer. Blooms up to two months, very profusely. Gardeners are attracted by inedible snow-white fruits with a diameter of 5-10 mm. They stay on the branches almost until spring.

Rapid growth rates, unpretentious nature, good regenerative ability, plasticity are the advantages of a snowberry. Lime substrate is suitable, partial shade, irrigation and top dressing are optional. You can propagate by seeds, cuttings, layering, dividing the mother liquor.

It is interesting! Even the birds do not eat the pulp of the snowberry, they only take out the seeds.

Frost-resistant shrubs for giving: description, photos and names

The climate of different regions of Russia is very different. The sunny South with fertile lands and the temperate climate of the Central Belt is suitable for many plants. In the conditions of the harsh Siberian and Ural winters, as well as other risky farming zones with a moderate continental climate, most luxurious sissies face imminent death.

Fortunately, there are also such varieties that have a high or medium threshold of frost resistance. They are either not at all afraid of the harsh winter, or they will need minimal shelter for a period of rest. Now, in the conditions of Central Russia, about 50 types of crops are used for landscape gardening.

Know! A frost-resistant shrub with high decorative qualities - a welcome guest on every garden plot.

Ornamental deciduous shrubs for the garden

Ornamental foliage varieties are highly valued in landscaping. Their foliage can be delicate, have a beautiful shape or color, change their outfit during the growing season. The main advantage of this group is the preservation of attractiveness throughout the season. They create bright spots, are often used to form flowery hedges, colorful pillows, highlighting the beauty of neighbors. A description of plants with a photo will help you choose the right garden dweller. The most prominent representatives of this group include:

  • boxwood;
  • euonymus;
  • dogwood variegated;
  • bladderworm;

Goof silver

The silver sucker has a shrub habit, 1-3 m in height, a powerful rhizome, which gives a mass of young growth. Spiny reddish shoots with silvery scales, oval leaves with a pointed tip up to 10 cm long. Silver-colored plates look beautiful against the background of bright branches. Even the bell-shaped flowers of the sucker are silvery on the outside, yellowish inside, collected in 1-3 pieces in the axils. The sucker blooms in the middle of summer, sometimes forming a second wave of fragrant buds. The berries reach 1 cm in diameter in color and taste similar to lingonberries, only sweeter.

Remember! Silver loch is unsuitable for creating hedges.

Loch is photophilous, resistant to dust, prefers loam and sandy loam, grows slowly, giving a mass of growth from the rhizome, used for propagation along with seeds and cuttings. Looks great next to variegated cultivars, conifers. It does not need special care, but when planting, it is better to install limiters in the hole.


The small-leaved long-liver boxwood has been used for landscaping for a very long time. Its dense crown, consisting of sedentary dark green foliage, is so plastic that it has found application in topiary art - the sculpting of green figures (pictured). Wild relatives have

woody habit and high growth, cultivated varieties are represented by shrubs up to 3 m high. Evergreen unpretentious buxus is afraid of winter dry winds and spring burns, hibernates only under snow. Young animals must be sheltered not so much from the cold as from the burning spring rays.

Be carefull! Handsome boxwood is poisonous, contains a lot of alkaloids.

Seed propagation is rarely used, more often summer or autumn cuttings are taken. Buxus is rightfully considered the king of the shadow, even in full shade it feels great. The favorite soil should be loose, calcareous, fertile. Spring planting, regular irrigation and spraying, mulching is preferable. In the spring, the shelter is removed gradually. Due to the slow development, the created green shape is corrected every spring.


Euonymus is not so common in dachas, but it deserves attention. The genus euonymus includes deciduous and evergreen bushes growing from 0.5 m to 10-12 m. The usual parameters are 2-2.5 m, there are creeping varieties, variegated.

The crown is dense, but at the same time openwork, densely branched. In summer, small leaves are painted with a rich green color; by autumn, the crown "flashes" with a bright fire, revealing a whole range of warm shades. After the leaves fall, the garden is decorated with bright euonymus fruits, the seed is poisonous. A bright red box with orange seedlings resembles a parachute, under which tiny paratroopers-seeds hang.

Know! Euonymus boxes are popularly called crow's glasses.

The euonymus feels comfortable in partial shade, it endures urban gas pollution. The substrate must be breathable, nutritious and neutral. Euonymus do not tolerate stagnant moisture; after watering, the near-trunk circle is loosened, mulched. If the individual bushes well, a strong shortening of the branches is permissible. In the summer, potassium-phosphorus fertilizers are applied, and fluff lime under the autumn digging. New individuals are obtained by dividing the mother plant, rooting cuttings or layers.


We will not return to the description of the dogwood, he is dogwood. One has only to mention that the greatest number of variegated cultivars is inherent in white dogwood, the choice is truly huge.

Caring for variegated dogwood has a special feature. Experts recommend immediately cutting the stems with ordinary leaf blades. Otherwise, rasshimerization will occur and the crown will lose its decorative effect, becoming an ordinary bush.

Calyx-leaved bladder

An incredibly beautiful representative of the flora has a bushy habit. Height 1.5-3 m, stems covered with peeling brown bark gracefully droop. The leaf blade is 3-4 cm long, divided into 3-5 elliptical lobes with a serrated edge. The autumn outfit is golden. White or pink flowers are collected in fluffy inflorescences, bloom in summer. The Vine-leaved blister has a lot of variegated cultivars, for which it is highly valued by gardeners.

On a note! A large selection of varieties of bladderwort allows you to create harmonious groups, bright hedges, juicy spots on the lawn.

Unpretentious to growing conditions, propagates by cuttings, division of the mother liquor, resistant to gas pollution. Variegated hybrids need good lighting. The bubbly does not like moisture stagnation, does not require special care.

Rowan-leaved fieldberry

The mountain ash has nothing to do with mountain ash, only the similarity of openwork foliage. In fieldfare, it is very large, pinnate, consisting of 9-12 pairs of leaves. The bush reaches a height of 3 meters, in autumn it blazes with scarlet fire. White corollas are collected in lush pyramidal panicles, last up to 30 days. Fieldfare grows very quickly, so young shoots should be removed in a timely manner, as well as wilted panicles.

Needs moist, well-drained, organic-rich soil. It grows well near artificial reservoirs, tolerates partial shade. Ideal for protecting land from erosion, valuable honey plant. Fieldfare is propagated by cuttings. When caring for him, remember to water regularly, as well as replenish the supply of nutrients.

In addition, variegated varieties and garden forms of some plants are included in the group of decorative deciduous plants, that is, the same culture can be attributed to different groups. For example, barberry belongs to fruit and ornamental-deciduous species; juniper, action and other representatives also have varieties with cream shades, which are considered to be decorative-deciduous. Boxwood is included in the group of evergreen garden dwellers.

Flowering shrubs for summer cottages

The most extensive group is considered to be flowering shrubs. Although most of them are distinguished by a gentle character, a lot of representatives can be picked up for Central Russia, some still require minimal protection in case of a snowless winter.

On a note! It also happens that the main species has a low threshold of frost resistance, and individual hybrids or varieties may well grow in more severe conditions. Forsythia is thermophilic, but its sister oval forsythia winters well in the Moscow region.

Consider the main representatives of this group used to decorate gardens, parks and summer cottages:

  • yellow acacia;
  • forsythia ovata;
  • Potentilla (cinquefoil, Kuril tea);
  • viburnum Bul-de-nezh.

Yellow acacia

Caragana, yellow acacia, pea is a shrub-type plant with a height of 2-3 m. Leaves 5-8 cm long are complex, consist of 6-8 pairs of small oval leaves, sit on petioles of medium length. Flowers are large, yellow, collected in bunches of 2-5 pieces. The corolla is shaped like a pea perianth. Flowering occurs at the beginning of summer, lasts for several weeks, is distinguished by its splendor, wondrous aroma. The buds attract bees, which collect early healing honey. After wilting, long beans are tied.

Know! All parts of acacia are used in folk medicine as an anti-inflammatory agent.

Wild relatives are widespread in the Urals, Altai, Siberia. The harsh climate hardened the acacia and made it incredibly hardy. Therefore, the Karagan will not require special care from the gardener. Plant the acacia in the sun in a sandy-peat soil (3: 1), deepening the root collar by 2-3 cm.If necessary, lay a drainage on the bottom of the hole. The amazing caragana in adulthood does not require additional feeding, since it intensively enriches the soil with nitrogen, like its congeners from the legume family. Watered moderately, but regularly, be sure to mulch the trunk circle.


Lilacs are the most frequent visitor to parks and squares. This large deciduous shrub reaches a height of 2-8 m, and the trunks often thicken up to 15 cm. The trunk is covered with yellowish-brown fissured bark. Leaves are opposite, up to 10 cm long, oval with a pointed crown. They retain their shade until leaves fall; in the South, the stems go under the snow with a green mass. Small fragrant flowers are collected in a lush pyramidal panicle. Blossoming in May-June up to three weeks. The color and shape of the corolla depends on the variety. There are lilac, purple, white petals. A two-celled capsule contains several winged seeds that can produce young growth in addition to rhizomatous suckers and cuttings with a heel.

Know! Lilac is a long-liver, very widespread, partly poisonous. A fragrant essential oil is obtained from the flowers.

Lilacs need an illuminated area, protected from the icy wind. Young roots are sensitive to water stagnation, so landing in a lowland is excluded. A slightly acidic fertile substrate of moderate moisture ideal for lilacs. It is usually planted in summer on a cloudy day, which contributes to better rooting. The pit is filled with a nutritious soil mixture of humus, ash, superphosphate, garden soil. Moderate regular watering, standard fertilization, loosening, mulching and shaping are the basis of care.


Spirea is a gorgeous bush, the height of which depends on the variety and ranges from 5 cm to 2 m. Graceful stems droop under thick paniculate caps with a diameter of 3-7 cm. Corollas are white, pink, crimson. Spirea can bloom for quite a long time, and with the right combination of spring-flowering and summer-flowering hybrids, you can achieve the continuity of this process. In autumn, graceful leaves enhance the attractiveness of the spirea, acquiring a red, yellow, orange hue.

Spirea care is not difficult. It is grown in the sun, propagated in any convenient way. The peculiarity lies only in the haircut - those varieties that bloom in spring are pruned after the corollas wilt, and summer blooming only next spring.


Crown mock-orange is the brother of hydrangeas. The bush is 2-3 meters high and is made up of leafy stems. The leaves are large, up to 10 cm long, ovate, pubescent below. In the flower cluster there are 5-9 creamy goblet buds 2-3 cm in diameter. Corollas fill the garden with fragrance from the middle of summer for 15-20 days. There are variegated hybrids - Variegatus, Innosens, Aureus.

Know! The name was given to the plant because earlier shafts and mouthpieces were made from it.

Bright sun, low groundwater table, nutritious substrate. Planting without burying the root collar, annual fertilization with slurry and minerals. The correct haircut is the key to lush flowering. The weaker the stem, the more it is shortened to stimulate development. Chubushnik reproduces generatively and vegetatively.


Weigela is a beautiful Asian woman with large tubular-bell-shaped corollas 5 cm long, which are characterized by a red or pink color. It often blooms again. Growth 1.5-2.5 m, hybrids with different shades of foliage and buds are used in culture. Average winter hardiness, young growth must be covered with spruce branches. Cuttings root easily.

An open, well-lit area, protected from the wind, is necessary for the normal vegetation of the weigela. The Asian woman is demanding on the substrate, she needs loose fresh soil based on leafy and soddy soil. Does not tolerate waterlogging, but irrigation should be regular. Pruning after the wilting of the buds at 2-3 years. If a cold winter is predicted, take measures to warm the Asian guest.

Forsythia Ovata

Forsythia, fosaytia - a guest from warm Asia and Europe. An early flowering bush up to 2 m high. The twigs are covered with bright yellow bells long before the foliage - as soon as the snow melts. Forsythia, the messenger of spring, is incredibly decorative. Buds up to 2 cm in diameter last about three weeks. With the arrival of autumn, simple or triple plates turn red, orange, yellow.

On a note! Ovate forsythia is the only species of the genus with high winter hardiness, valued for its early budding.

A bright, warm place in the country with a well-fertilized calcareous soil and drainage in the hole is ideal for forsight. Every year, before flowering, a complete mineral fertilizer is applied; additional watering is not needed. After flowering, a third of each branch is cut off. For reproduction, standard techniques are used - cuttings, rooting of cuttings, sowing, division of the mother liquor.

Cinquefoil (cinquefoil, Kuril tea)

What can be said about cinquefoil shrub? Its main advantage is incredible resistance to any conditions. Kuril tea grows even in permafrost conditions, but flowering hybrids are more delicate.

Deciduous shrub, 10 to 130 cm tall, can grow upward or creep along the ground. Leaves are trifoliate or pinnate, consisting of 3-5 pairs of small oblong lobes. The bark is reddish, the branches and the underside of the plates are pubescent. Flowers with a simple five-petalled corolla sit singly on the crown of the shoots or peep out in bunches from June to the end of the season. The middle is fluffy from a large number of stamens.

Cinquefoil needs an open, slightly shaded place with fertile land and the obligatory presence of drainage. The land is fertilized annually, watering 3-4 times per season with mandatory mulching and loosening. Haircut every 3-4 years. Easily and quickly rooted by cuttings, layering. An excellent solution for growing as a ground cover or low curb.

Remember! Kuril tea is good for health, it will not be difficult to prepare raw materials.


Kolkvitsiya is a relative of the weigela, outwardly very similar to her. Growth about two meters, drooping branches, reddish-brown bark, exfoliating. Leaves are opposite, pubescent, glow with bright colors in autumn. Bells are bright pink with shields, 7 cm in diameter. Blossoms in summer for 3-4 weeks. The best varieties are Rosea and Rosea Cloud. It does not propagate by seeds, cuttings do not root very well, layering is an ideal option for obtaining young colquits.

The early autumn frost can take unripe wood by surprise. Openwork partial shade, light sandy loam without stagnant water, normal care - all that is needed for the development of a colquation. She is as beautiful as a tapeworm beside a pond.

Kalina Boule de Nej

Viburnum is a beautiful representative of the flora, decorative with fruits, leaves, which in autumn turn crimson and even flowers. One of the varieties is "Boule-de-Nezh", which means "snow globe" in French. This cultivar is very fond of gardeners, since it forms spherical snow-white inflorescences, consisting of sterile flowers. Flowering occurs in late spring, lasts 2-3 weeks.

Important! Kalina will need chemical protection with systemic insecticides from the viburnum leaf beetle.

The place for the snow globe is selected well-lit, saturated with moisture with acidic soil - an ideal option for placing near an artificial pond. Care is simple, it consists in the annual application of fertilizers, loosening, abundant regular irrigation. Kalina Bul-de-nezh is propagated vegetatively, sometimes cultivated on a trunk, once every few years cut on a stump for rejuvenation.

The park rose - scrub is also included in the flowering frost-resistant varieties. In fact, it is a cultivated rose hip, so the description and requirements for cultivation are the same for them. Shrabs are the most winter-hardy roses, they do not need shelter, they have a lot of varieties with different corolla colors and the degree of doubleness.

Deytsia is an excellent representative of the flora, having a height of 50-250 cm. It blooms early and very profusely, the buds are white, pink, bell-shaped, drooping, have no smell. Unpretentious, light-loving, drought-resistant action deserves attention, but extremely unstable to cold weather.

In the Moscow region, it regularly freezes above the snow cover, and recovers quickly. For the same reason, hydrangea is not considered a frost-resistant species. Even the treelike and panicle hydrangea in the Middle Lane often freezes without shelter. Although the fluffy white clouds look incredibly attractive, it is best to grow hydrangeas with a winter shelter.

Coniferous ornamental shrubs - photos and names

What kind of gardener does not want to add mystery to the site, remind of its proximity to nature, preserve rich green tones at any time of the year. Low-growing conifers of shrub habit are ideal for this purpose. They set off decorative deciduous and fruit cultivars, enhance the colors of flowering varieties. With proper care, conifers will decorate the site for a very long time. This subgroup includes:


The oldest plant in the form of a bushy tree with a height of 1-2 meters. The needles are flat, curved without edges. In different representatives of the genus, the length of the needles is from 3 to 10 cm. The fruits outwardly resemble berries. The stems are densely covered with needles. Yew berries are blue, scarlet, brownish-brown. Elongated angular achenes inside. Yew is dioecious and monoecious. The Aureya variety has yellow needles.

Be carefull! Of all the parts of the yew tree, only the prunus does not contain poisonous compounds.

Yew is rightfully called the king of the shadow. It blooms in spring, grows vigorously in good lighting. Wet soils containing lime are based on peat, turf and sand. Drainage of the fossa is required, the location of the root collar flush with the surface of the hole. Every month they irrigate 10 liters of water, the yew loves sprinkling. Showers are arranged twice a month. Yew needs loosening, mulching, crown shaping. Mineral feeding is applied in spring, young growth is wrapped in spruce branches. It is easy to propagate yew by seeds after stratification and by cuttings.


Monoecious thuja bushes are made up of flat twigs. Young growth is covered with needles; in adults, they are replaced by flat scaly needles. Growth depends on the species, most often shoots with a height of 30-80 cm are used. The cones are elongated-oval, covered with tiled scales, 8-15 mm long. Achenes are provided with wings; after stratification they germinate well. However, garden hybrids are propagated only vegetatively - by cuttings with a heel.

Thuja grows well provided a drainage layer is laid, in the sun or in partial shade. The place should be protected from blowing, the root collar is not buried. Any type of soil is suitable, but when planting, minerals must be added. They are looked after in the same way as for a yew tree, but irrigated weekly.

Important! Before the needles change, young shoots must be covered with lutrasil in order to avoid spring burns.


In the genus of junipers, specimens of large sizes are found, but cultural forms up to 2 m in height. The crown is ovoid or conical; when formed, any appearance can be given. Fissured scaly bark on brownish-red branches. The needles are triangular, prickly, collected in whorls of 3 pieces, change every 4 years. It begins to bloom from 7-10 years old, bears fruit with bluish cones. Cones ripen in 2-3 years, contain 1-2 seeds.

Important! Junipers need a sunny spot to keep them from growing loose.

Undemanding to the fertility of the substrate, drought-resistant. You need to water 3-4 times during the growing season, and spray weekly. The shelter is built only for the first wintering. cultivars reproduce vegetatively - by cuttings with a heel, layering. Slow growth and smoke intolerance reduce landscaping applications.

Evergreen ornamental shrubs

There is not even a dispute about the merits of the evergreen inhabitants of the garden. They are welcome guests of any site, because they preserve their beauty all year round. In the spring, while their neighbors are intensively building up the green mass and preparing to please with lush flowering, evergreen representatives are already bringing aesthetic pleasure. As soon as the snow melts, it is enough to correct the appearance by cutting, the bushes will immediately take on a beautiful appearance.

Such representatives are more often natives of tropical countries, therefore, they are not characterized by a frost-resistant character. In the Middle Lane they will feel comfortable:

  • apical pachisandra;
  • boxwood.


Heathers are very widespread in Europe; on the territory of Russia, their cultivated varieties are grown, differing in size, color of flowers and foliage. Heather is a short bush 20-70 cm tall. Forms a compact dense crown of small leaves, similar to scales. The plates are triangular, the petioles are absent, the color is dark green, the bark is brown. The flowers are most often lilac or pink, rarely snow-white. They are collected in dense one-sided brushes 15-20 cm long. Heather begins to bloom from the middle of summer for about two months, grows very slowly, is durable, good honey plant. Reproduced by seeds, cultivars propagated by cuttings.

Know! Tart heather honey is very valuable, contains flavonoids, and has an anti-inflammatory effect.

Heathers are mycotrophs, they get food through symbiosis with fungi. They easily tolerate partial shade, need good drainage of the planting hole. It develops well near tall neighbors, prefers acidic soils (pH 4.5-5.5) based on peat, sand, coniferous litter. It is important to choose the right planting material, it is better to buy plants in containers where the mycelium on the roots is already well formed. In the heat, it is advisable to spray the heather every evening and make sure that the substrate does not dry out.

Apical pachisandra

Pakhisandra is a guest from Asia. The bush has a long rhizome. Forms a low growth (30-35 cm) of three tiers of leaves. Each "floor" is an annual increment. Leaves are sessile, ovate with a carved edge. The surface of the plate is glossy, deep green. Variegated varieties with a white border are appreciated.

Pakhisandra is the queen of the shade, in the sun the greens quickly fade, lose their color, and suffer from spring burns. The soil for the Asian needs loose, the composition is not particularly important. Diseases and pests bypass the pachisandra, watering and feeding are optional. Reproduced by rhizome segments. It is valued for its dense cover, the ability to grow in the shade.

Criteria for choosing a suitable variety, where to buy seedlings

How to choose the ideal culture for decorating a summer cottage, planting in a garden? It's not that easy! It is important to take into account a number of nuances, to choose the right planting material. Here are some helpful tips to help you cope with this difficult task:

  1. When choosing a variety, be sure to consider its attitude to the cold. Some cultivars overwinter well in the Moscow region, but will perish in the Urals. Therefore, seedlings are purchased strictly according to the zoning rule.
  2. Be sure to think over the placement of the acquired "tenant". Among the bushes described in the article, there are slow-growing species that are not prone to overgrowth, but there is also their opposite - real invaders who can quickly displace neighbors.
  3. Growth rates are also important when placed near buildings, because the root system of individual representatives of the flora can destroy the foundation, and the crown can create strong shading. There are ways to limit the violent nature - cutting and creating underground fences made of plastic, slate.
  4. Choose plants for a beautiful and practical arrangement. You can think over the placement yourself, contact a specialist (landscape designer) or use special programs for your computer.
  5. It is recommended to buy planting material only from nurseries located in your region. If you take seedlings from other regions or countries, they may not be adapted to the local climate and will adapt for a long time.
  6. You should not buy seedlings with visible traces of injuries and damage - broken branches, traces of pests, diseases.
  7. Pay close attention to the state of the root system. Make sure that the roots are not overdried and that the earthy ball does not crumble.
  8. Do not take planting material older than 4 years, it takes root much worse. Avoid buying in markets, hand-held, at fairs.

Advice! Do not neglect the rules of pre-planting seedling processing. Be sure to spray the planted plant with a fungicide. Quarantine - watch development closely.

How to beautifully plant ornamental shrubs: basic placement rules

In order to admire the beauty of the garden from year to year, it is necessary to think over the design correctly. It is important not only to take into account the issue of color combination, the correct selection of flora, but also to practically organize the space of the existing site. For proper placement, you can use special computer programs based on modeling a landscape project. They take into account the size and color scheme of each zone. Speaking about the methods of placing various representatives of the flora, single and group plantings, ordinary plantings (alley, hedge), as well as vertical gardening are distinguished.

To use the bush as a soloist in single plantings, the most attractive specimens are selected that have a beautiful habit, play with bright colors of the crown or have a gorgeous flowering. The tapeworm is an individual located in an open space, away from neighbors and buildings. The majestic and lush appearance can be achieved due to the absence of competition for territory, lighting and soil resources. As a tapeworm, tall specimens are usually selected that can develop a lush crown. Spreading and drooping shoots look especially attractive.

Advice! A cozy meadow or a green corner of the lawn will be decorated with classic garden figures, spherical bushes, standard forms.

Group landing is already a composition. For her, you can select plants of the same species, but different varieties or different crops. In a group, from 2-3 copies are planted. A group can serve as a background or a bright spot, where the height gradually decreases from the center to the periphery. This technique is necessary to provide all parts with light. Also, groups are dense and sparse.

There are a lot of solutions for such a composition, every gardener can feel like an artist and creator, choosing the design of the site. It is important to take into account the compatibility of the selected flora, the growth rate, and organize the planting in such a way as to ensure continuous decorativeness. If we are talking about decorative leafy representatives, they are selected so that colors are in harmony, and the autumn outfit burned with a bright fire of various colors. Beautifully flowering bushes are selected so that flowering is continuous throughout the season.

It is not necessary to use only bushes in creating a group planting, a tree can serve as the center of the composition, and perennials can make up the periphery. This technique is often used to create mixborders, design rockeries, prefabricated flower beds. On an alpine hill, bushes can act both as a soloist in the center of the composition, and serve as a background.

The alley is a great solution for decorating a large space. She creates an indescribable play of light and shadow, mixing colors, aromas. Distinguish between simple and complex alleys. The former consist of one row of homogeneous crops planted symmetrically. Intricate alleys combine several rows of plants, differing in height and texture.

On a note! A spectacular alley is obtained from maples, holly, turf, viburnum, rhododendron.

Ornamental shrub hedge

A hedge is a favorite garden design tool. She is able to hide from prying eyes, protect from dust, noise, zone space, hide unsightly areas.

There are hedges consisting of one or more rows of specimens of different heights. There are also hedges, which are subject to giving a strict shape by cutting and free-growing, requiring only sanitation. Homogeneous and heterogeneous hedges are distinguished, monochrome and colored, different in height, color scheme, decorative qualities (flowering, evergreen, with beautiful foliage).

What type of culture should you give preference to? It all depends on your taste and wishes, but there are still general requirements:

  • choose individuals with a high rate of green mass growth;
  • you need densely branching bushes;
  • small leaves are an advantage for the formation of a hedge;
  • the formation of a large number of root shoots is encouraged.

Be sure to take into account the growth rate, the need for formation, the requirements for the soil, especially when it comes to heterogeneous plantings. Try to choose flora with the same requirements for soil, watering, lighting. A hedge can be used to protect the area - plant thorny bushes, for example, rose hips, hawthorns, barberries. Take the time and effort to shape your "green building".

Remember! When planting a hedge, the standard distance between individuals is at least halved. This technique will allow you to achieve the absence of "gaps".

Novice landscape designers should remember to follow the rules for planting various crops. In most climatic zones, planting is carried out in the fall, when the soil is warmed up and the humidity is at the optimal level. In spring, they are planted only in regions with a harsh climate, so that the bushes have time to adapt in a new place and get stronger. Planting dates are determined by climatic conditions and rooting ability. To calculate the optimal time, subtract such a period from the date of the expected frost, which is required for a certain variety to root.

Spring planting is carried out before bud break, and the site, planting pit or trench should be prepared in the fall. Be sure to take into account the needs of the species, the initial state of the substrate when "filling" the pit with fertilizers.

Follow the planting scheme so that the flora does not suffer from a lack of space. Low-growing representatives will need 50-80 cm of free space, medium-sized ones - about one and a half meters, and large and spreading ones as much as their crown occupies according to the description. Process the seedlings before planting and do not forget to control the level of the root collar.

Important! Control the level of groundwater, if necessary, construct drainage from broken bricks, rubble.

Remember the inadmissibility of planting near specimens from the superficial root system of bulbous perennials. The bulbs must be removed annually, divided, planted, while injuring the roots of the neighbor. It is also important to take into account the height of neighboring individuals so as not to deprive them of the sun's rays.


The decorative frost-resistant shrubs described in the article with photos and names are an excellent solution for decorating a summer cottage in regions with a harsh climate. Having picked up seedlings according to taste and compatibility, you will have a difficult path in mastering landscape design. The finished composition, with proper care, will delight the eye for a very long time and will fully pay off the invested effort.

Video tips for choosing and planting winter-hardy shrubs