Flowers according to Feng Shui. Energy of indoor plants according to Feng Shui. Indoor plants according to feng shui

Everyone knows that living indoor plants have a good effect on the energy in the house and on a person. Correctly selected plants according to Feng ShuiThey can not only saturate the air with oxygen and clear it of dust, but also help the owners find health, peace in the family and material well-being. According to Feng Shui, houseplants are endowed with a very good property - attracting beneficial vital energy Qi into the living space.

Well-being in the home depends on Qi energy. Knowing Feng Shui techniques for indoor plants, you can control the energies. Indoor plants can stop the influence of negative Sha energy or slow down too fast Qi energy. After all, too fast life energy Qi can harm your home. Sha energy is generated due to various reasons, for example due to sharp protruding corners in the house and on furniture. Protruding corners can be found in every home, there is no escape from them, but indoor plants will help us smooth out the influence of negative energy.

In Feng Shui, the basic elements are used to characterize all objects: Fire, Earth, Water, Metal, Wood, and each element corresponds to a specific location in the house. Plants belong to the Wood element, so the best location for them would be the eastern, southeastern sectors of the home. The element of Wood in Feng Shui means vitality, growth, prosperity, so plants in the house contribute to the growth of wealth, give strength to dreams, strengthen vital energy and health.

But it is not always possible to place a plant according to Feng Shui in the right part of the apartment. After all, we try to place all the flowers and plants closer to the window, where there is greater access to light. If it is not possible to place the plant in the right place, then hang the plant on the wall or make shelves for them, while the rules of location according to Feng Shui will be observed. By placing flowers on the wall, they will receive enough light.

But according to Feng Shui, not all flowers belong to the Wood element. Flowering plants of red, pink, and purple colors belong to the Fire element, so they should be located in the southern part of the house. Color is important in Feng Shui, so keep this in mind when arranging your plants. The plant has begun to bloom, then move it to the southern part of the house, this will activate the action of Qi energy and strengthen the work of this sector.

At the same time, not all Feng Shui plants can be a source of positive energy in the house; some plants are even a source of negative energy. Therefore, before you get a potty pet at home, adhere to the following rules:

Choosing indoor plants according to Feng Shui

Never bring home sick plants or plants with signs of wilting, they are powerful sources of negative Sha energy. If you have a sick plant at home, try to cure it. Do not leave dried leaves and flowers for a long time; tear them off. According to Feng Shui, dry leaves symbolize death, and therefore are the source of Sha. It happens that a plant continues to hurt and stops growing, no matter how we treat it. The cause of a long illness of a plant may not be poor care, but a bad environment in the house. It has been noticed that in houses where there is no love, frequent quarrels occur, and flowers do not last long. Try to improve relations between relatives and then you will be guaranteed a blooming garden.

If you decide to decorate your home with Feng Shui plants, then choose flowers with rounded leaves. Round and oval leaves are symbols of wealth and good luck. Sharp and narrow, carved and prickly leaves do not attract positive energy. This is due to the movement of energy around the house. Positive energy should smoothly flow around the rounded leaves and continue to move around the house. Sharp leaves become an obstacle to the smooth movement of energy. The energy in such leaves becomes confused and its movements become intermittent and less smooth. Thus, positive energy turns into negative.

Therefore, even very beautiful cacti cannot be placed in residential areas. Positive Qi energy gets caught on the thorns and turns into negative energy, which does not have the best effect on the well-being and mood of the owners of the house. Young girls should not have cacti at home; such proximity negatively affects happiness in their personal lives.

But what to do if you consider cacti to be the most extraordinary and best plants in the world. Then simply move them to a non-residential premises, for example, to an insulated balcony. Then the cactus will use its thorns to capture negative energy from the street and not let it inside the house. It is also believed that cacti placed on the balcony protect the house from thieves. Cacti capture negative Sha energy and prevent it from moving further, so they are often placed next to computers to absorb harmful radiation.

Such a wonderful and popular plant, Aloe, is considered a cactus in Feng Shui. Aloe, like a cactus, accumulates negative energy around itself, which negatively affects the emotional state and health of all family members. According to Feng Shui, scarlet is prohibited from being placed in residential premises; it is especially not recommended in the bedroom.

Despite the fact that arrangements of dried flowers look very attractive, they cannot be placed in the house. They will not help improve the energy at home, but will only worsen it. Dried flowers are a source of negative energy, since dried flowers are dead plants, they symbolize death, and therefore are destructive to the vital energy Qi.

To improve the energy background of your home, choose flowers with rounded leaves pointing upward. Such plants best activate the positive energy in the room and have a beneficial effect on the personal life-giving force of Qi of each family member.

Types of useful plants feng shui

In the teachings of Feng Shui, several plants have always been identified that attract positive Qi energy more strongly than others, these include the golden lotus, peony, chrysanthemum and white magnolia. But such plants are problematic to maintain at home. Feng Shui allows you to use images of flowers or artificial copies of them for your home. Therefore, to improve energy, hang pictures depicting such flowers or buy artificial flowers, just wipe the dust off them regularly.

Fresh cut peonies and chrysanthemums can be placed in a vase, just change the water regularly; rotten, standing water emits negative energy. You should throw away cut flowers as soon as signs of wilting appear; do not accumulate negative Sha energy. The peony is considered a noble and courageous flower, the flower of rulers, and if you have grandiose plans for the future, then be sure to place fresh peonies in your home. Chrysanthemums are considered a flower of fun and joy; they lift your spirits and fill your home with light and comfort.

In Feng Shui, the orchid is also considered a powerful plant for creating a positive energy background in the home. If there is a girl growing up in your family, then be sure to decorate her room with images of orchids or fresh flowers. This will help the girl open up in the future, become more feminine and beautiful. Images of white magnolia have the same effect, since orchid and magnolia are feminine flowers. If you are a girl, then install a photo of an orchid on your computer desktop and you will be saturated with tenderness and beauty from the flower every day.

Geranium not only cleanses the air of harmful substances in enclosed spaces, but also enriches the home with positive energy. Geranium also gives a person strength, endurance, and helps to overcome obstacles on the path of life. In order for geranium to please all year round, it needs to be watered regularly and abundantly, and annually transplanted from a cramped pot to a larger one. Do not forget to pick off dried leaves and flowers so that the plant does not become a source of negative energy.

According to Feng Shui, violet also creates positive energy in the home. Its rounded leaves are ideal for the smooth movement of Qi energy. Moreover, with proper and regular care, violets can. Blooming violets give you good health and a great mood.

According to the teachings of Feng Shui, it is very useful to have a living money tree or crassula at home. The leaves of the crassula are round in shape, resembling small coins. The money tree is believed to attract wealth into the home. To enhance the effect of the money tree, it must be placed in the wealth sector, which corresponds to the southeastern part of the house. Place a few coins under a pot with a plant - this will ensure a stable flow of money into the house. If you decide to start a money tree, then take young shoots only from the houses of wealthy owners.

Ampelous plants perfectly absorb negative Sha energy. They hang in beautiful waterfalls from tall cabinets and shelves, smoothing out the sharp corners of furniture. It is very useful to hang them in the corners of the room, because it is in the corners that negative energy accumulates. But hanging plants are not suitable for lonely people. Hanging plants are considered a symbol of loneliness. So if you have difficulties in your personal life, an ampelous flower will complicate the search for your soulmate. Hanging plants are not a hindrance for happy couples; feel free to place them at home. Ampelous plants include:


Hoya fleshy


Fuchsia ampelous


Fittonia ampelous

According to Feng Shui, dwarf bonsai trees are considered the most powerful plants. Bonsai is a living tree in miniature, a symbol of life and health, it attracts the vital force of Qi better than others. If it is not possible to have a live bonsai, then you can put an artificial tree in your house - the effect will be no worse, the main thing is to not forget to wipe the dust off it. An analogue of bonsai is topinary, but choose a composition that does not consist of dried flowers.

According to Feng Shui, indoor plants are a powerful tool for attracting positive Qi energy. Flowers love attention no less than humans or animals. Love your potted pets, take care of them, water them regularly, pick off dry leaves and talk to them. This way you will convey to them a piece of your love and a positive attitude, and they, in turn, will answer you. They will grow well, begin to bloom and at the same time will continuously increase the positive energy of your home. You can find out which house plants will bring good luck and improve the microclimate in the house. Good luck to you!

South According to Feng Shui, part of the house corresponds to the element of fire. This is the glory zone. Here you need to place plants that look like fire - with red flowers and pointed leaves, for example, palm trees. In general, it is not advisable to keep holly-leaved flora in the house; it is better to place them in the office. Red is suitable for the southern part of the living room.

Southwest. Element of earth. Love zone. A plant with round leaves and yellow flowers is absolutely necessary here; it is strictly undesirable to keep cacti, palm trees, and aloe here. Crassula ones are perfect.

West, element – ​​metal. Zone and everything we create. This is the place for white flowers. You can put it here if it's not a bedroom. According to Feng Shui, gardenia, fuchsia, white orchid, etc. are also suitable.

North-west, assistant zone. Also a good place for white. The peculiarity of this zone is that there should be single column-shaped objects. As for plants, you can place here trees with unbranched trunks, for example, palm, aloe or bamboo.

North. Career zone, element – ​​water. The colors of this area are blue and black. responsibly, you can place plants with blue and black flowers. For example, .

Northeast. Element of earth. Education and training zone. The flowers here should be yellow. You can also place Dieffenbachia in the northeast, because it is believed to stimulate brain activity.

East- family zone. Green color, element – ​​wood. On the eastern part of the apartment, in accordance with Feng Shui, you can place eucalyptus or ficus.

The southeast is a zone of money and wealth. The main color of this sector is green. Element - according to various sources - water or wood. Here you need to place plants with round, fleshy leaves that look like coins. The “money tree”, a fruiting orange, is ideal. Cyclamen, begonias and violets are also suitable for the southeast.

When choosing plants for your home, follow your intuition, the main thing is that you like them. An unloved flower, even if it is located in a favorable place, will not bring any benefit, rather, on the contrary. And wherever the plants are located, it should be healthy and well-groomed, dust-free and without dried leaves.

When purchasing another flower, we do not even know about some of the harmful properties of indoor plants, and then suddenly we notice emerging health problems. If a small child or animals live in the house, then you need to pay special attention to the choice of indoor flowers and plants in order to protect their livelihoods. Some plant species contain poison in their sap or release harmful substances into oxygen.

In addition to plants that are not recommended to be kept at home, some flowers have an adverse effect on the human body. In this case, you need to choose the right location for the future green resident, without placing it in the bedroom or, conversely, in the kitchen.

There are a huge number of disputes and disagreements about dangerous plants in the house. All the sayings are mixed with various signs that can ultimately confuse a novice gardener.
In this article we will look at plants with which you need to be careful and be aware of the likely consequences for the body and for energy.

List of poisonous plants

This group of plants includes those species that should not be kept at home, especially in the presence of animals or children, due to their extremely dangerous properties. A child, like a pet, can be poisoned by such flowers or get burns if handled carelessly.

If there are no children or animals in the house, then take precautions when caring for such plants. Be sure to use gloves when working with these colors and wash your tools thoroughly. Never trim these flowers with a knife meant for eating in your kitchen.

In this article you will learn:

According to the ancient Chinese teachings of Feng Shui, a person should live in harmony with the world. In order for internal energy to interact beneficially with the energy of things, you need to be able to properly plan space.

In addition to arranging furniture and interior items, followers of geomancy recommend taking a responsible approach to choosing places to place living plants. According to Feng Shui, flowers for home well-being should be purchased with love, placed in suitable rooms and provided with regular care.

What do flowers symbolize in the life of an ordinary person?

People attach great importance to indoor flowers. Plants fill the room with oxygen and living energy, making the house cozy and attractive.

Housewives usually select flowers so that they match the color scheme of the interior and have a pleasant smell. Also, flower lovers often pay attention to the influence of indoor plants.

So, according to some people, the money tree brings wealth, geranium protects against diseases, and blooming cyclamen helps get rid of nightmares. The red rose is considered a symbol of love, and the cactus signifies patience and constancy.

However, there are different interpretations of plants for the home in the world. They differ depending on the cultural and religious beliefs of a person, his place of residence and his nationality.

Feng Shui interpretation of indoor plants

The teaching of Feng Shui states that in a living room one should place those plants that symbolize rising to the heights, that is, growing towards the Sun. To grow at home, you need to select flowers with round leaves. Representatives of flora that need a lot of water are recommended to be planted in red pots.

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According to Feng Shui, indoor plants have different effects:

  • geranium helps get rid of stress, reconciles people when conflict arises;
  • violet calms the child and adult psyche, protects against diseases;
  • the myrtle tree helps to get rid of troubles and strengthen the marriage;
  • chrysanthemums reconcile two warring sides;
  • chlorophytum reduces the number of harmful microbes, converts negative energy into positive;
  • ficus helps to cope with problems, provokes decision-making;
  • aloe strengthens family relationships;
  • the lemon tree develops curiosity and increases the desire to acquire new knowledge;
  • royal begonia attracts prosperity into the house, cleanses the air of toxic substances;
  • Azalea maintains vigor, helps restore strength, and restore inspiration. Helps those who experience constant fatigue syndrome!

According to Chinese teaching, there are several elements, and each of them has its own flowers.

So, the elements of Earth belong to yellow plants: aster, hydrangea, tea rose. The elements of Fire correspond to beautiful bright flowers: cactus, succulents, geranium, hibiscus. The element Water is characterized by moisture-loving representatives of the flora: iris, violet, dracaena.

Male and female flowers

According to Feng Shui, indoor flowers are divided into female (Yin) and male (Yang).

The first includes begonia, violet, crassula (money tree), cyclamen, spathiphyllum. To create positive energy, it is recommended to place them in the kitchen or children's room.

Among male plants it is noted dracaena, lemon, sansevieria, chlorophyllum, asparagus, lemon and other citrus plants. Flowers are placed in the living room or study, as well as in rooms that face the southeast, south or southwest side of the house.

To create balance and harmony for home improvement, it is necessary to acquire Yin and Yang.

What types of flowers can cause great harm to residents?

According to Feng Shui, flowers for the home should not have pointed or drooping leaves, as they negatively affect health, financial profit, career growth and relationships between family members.

According to Chinese teaching, there are “vampire plants,” which include prickly representatives of the flora (cacti), monstera, fern, poinsettia, dieffenbachia, cyperus. To neutralize the dangerous energy of the listed plants, it is recommended to place them in an office space, near a work computer or on a windowsill behind a curtain.

Dried and wilted flowers in the house, according to Feng Shui, take away vital energy Qi and are breeding grounds for pathogenic bacteria! If a dying flower appears in the house, the shoot must be cut off for rooting, and the rest of the plant must be disposed of.

Plants donated by unpleasant people or enemies should not be brought into your home. Their energy negatively affects not only the atmosphere, but also the well-being of people.

What about artificial flowers in the apartment?

According to Feng Shui, absolutely all flowers and indoor plants are a positive symbol. Artificial flowers have their advantages over potted plants because they can be placed in places where real flowers cannot exist. For example, near fire, in rooms with high humidity, places without sunlight, etc. And the most interesting thing is that, unlike flowers in pots, artificial flowers can even be placed in the bedroom.

When choosing flowers, you need to follow the same rules as when choosing plants in pots! Tall plants will bring growth in all areas of life, short plants will bring harmony and peace. Holly leaves symbolize the masculine principle, round leaves symbolize the feminine principle.

When choosing artificial flowers, pay attention to their maximum similarity to real flowers. The more detailed the similarity, the more good energy will enter your home!

Is it possible to place fresh cut flowers?

Bouquets of cut flowers also bring positive energy into the house. Peonies, roses, orchids, chrysanthemums, poppies, and lilacs are especially good at this. The color of plants and their location play a very important role. Such flowers can be placed in the bedroom, since, unlike flowers in pots, they do not undergo any putrefactive processes (which occur in the ground). But do not forget that cut flowers fade over time, and fading, rotten, dried plants only eat up the positive energy in the house! It is important to constantly change the water in the vases and regularly pick off spoiled leaves.

As soon as the flowers begin to fade, you should replace the bouquet with a new one. Don't delay this!

Rules for arranging plants indoors according to Feng Shui

It is better to use different types of flowers to decorate your home interior. Then they will generate energy and influence the well-being of residents.

So, chlorophytum should be placed in the kitchen, which rids the house of toxic substances and enhances Yin energy. Other flowers that can be placed in the kitchen are begonia, geranium, and bamboo. The latter, according to Taoist practice, passes negative impulses through itself.

Flowers for the bedroom According to Feng Shui, it should not be placed near the bed. Some plants do not produce oxygen at night, and this can negatively affect the well-being of residents.

Optimal flower for children's room considered a Chinese rose. It purifies the air, improves memory and has a positive effect on the child’s psychological state.

Important! Children are negatively affected by cacti, spurge, yucca, and nightshade.

Negative energy in a living space accumulates in corners and dark places. Therefore, it is recommended to install pots with flowers there that eliminate negativity.

In Feng Shui, each element has its own plant. If you choose and arrange them depending on your element, and thus activate them, you can achieve good luck in various matters and on the love front.

Metal elements correspond light (white) flowers with light leaves. They have healing properties and can awaken passion. These include phalaenopsis, primrose, Kalanchoe, gardenia, jasmine, begonia, violet, cyclamen, aloe, crassula, ficus, tangerine, lemon.

The elements of fire belong to plants who adore light and sun. They have beautiful bright flowers. These include cacti, gerberas, oleanders, impatiens, succulents, yuccas, geraniums, coleus, physalis, poinsettia, pineapple, anthurium, hibiscus, gloxinia. Here you should focus on the nature of the plant, and also abandon tall and narrow-leaved ones, which look like arrows instead of leaves.

Plants of the Earth element, as a rule, have yellow flowers. These include hydrangea, tea rose, aster, orchid, and philodendron. They help in relationships between the inhabitants of the home, bring stability to the house, and improve the emotional background.

To the element Wood include almost all flowers. However, you should be wary of chlorophytum, which is known in Feng Shui for its “unpredictability,” as well as aralia, nightshade, and yucca.

Indoor plants of the element Water They love dark rooms, they are moisture-loving and loving. In their environment, a person can begin to engage in creativity, communication between family members improves, and the number of quarrels decreases. These include asparagus, dracaena, lilac violets, camellias, irises, aspidistra, etc. However, you need to choose with caution, as some are capable of bringing a certain amount of depression into the home.

How not to make a mistake

First of all, carefully select flowers for your home. For example, it is not recommended to place vines and other “creeping” plants in rooms, since their own energy is too passive, and they will try to take it from other plants. Their branches are lowered down, and it is believed that in this way all the accumulated positive energy “runs away”. The so-called yang energy is activated by tall plants whose leaves and trunks tend upward. Place them in the niches of your apartment. But it is better to place prickly flowers where people rarely visit: cacti, for example, are good in the office: the negative energy of the computer, colliding with the energy of the cactus, is neutralized. Otherwise, the cactus will negatively charge the qi atmosphere.

The following “vampire” plants are undesirable in the house:
1. Monstera. It draws energy out of a person and absorbs a lot of oxygen.
2. Cactus and other prickly representatives of the plant world. It is believed that the sharper and longer the needles and thorns, the more negatively the flower affects a person and the atmosphere in the house.
3. Dieffenbachia. It tones the body, but is only suitable for offices.
4. Cyperus. A real vampire, absorbing human energy.
5. Fern. It has an overly stimulating effect on the nervous system.

In addition, be sure to give other people plants that for some reason you do not like, are tired of, or are unpleasant. This applies, first of all, to gifts. It is also believed that yang energy will disappear if you place flowers between doors, at the same distance between windows, or a window and a door.

And be sure to remember: a well-watered and well-groomed plant will thank you in any case.