May your prayer kingdom come. Prayer "Our Father": text in Russian with interpretation

Question... What "daily bread", about whose daily alms we have been taught to pray?

Answer... When the laborer, remembering the words of the Lord, who says: "Do not worry about your soul, what you eat and what you drink"(Matthew 6, 25), and the words of the Apostle, who commands to do, "So that there was something to give to the needy"(Ephesians 4:28), does not work for his own need, but for the sake of the Lord's commandment (because "The worker is worthy of food"(Matthew 10:10)): then the daily bread, that is, contributing to our nature to the daily maintenance of life, he does not provide for himself, but asks for this from God, and having revealed the need for need to Him, thus he tastes what is given to him by those who , after being tested, assigned to carry out what was said every day: "Everyone was given what anyone needed"(Acts 4:35).

Rules summarized in questions and answers.

St. John Chrysostom

give us our daily bread for this day

What " daily bread"? Everyday. Since Christ said: "Thy will be done, as in heaven on earth"(Matthew 6:10), and He talked with people clothed with flesh, who are subject to the necessary laws of nature, and cannot have angelic dispassion, then, although He commands us to fulfill the commandments in the same way as the angels do them, he condescends to weakness nature, and, as it were, says: I demand from you the strictness of life equal to the angels, however, not demanding dispassion, because your nature does not allow it, which has the necessary need for food. See, however, how there is much spiritual in the bodily! The Savior commanded to pray not for wealth, not for pleasures, not for valuable clothes, not for anything else of the kind, but only for bread, and, moreover, for everyday bread, so that we do not care about tomorrow, which is why he added: “ daily bread", That is, everyday. Even with this word I was not satisfied, but then added something else: “ give us today"So that we do not overwhelm ourselves with concern for the coming day. Indeed, if you do not know whether you will see tomorrow, then why do you bother yourself with caring for it? The Savior commanded this and then later in His sermon: "Don't worry", is talking, "About tomorrow"(Matthew 6:34). He wants us to be always girded and inspired by faith, and no more yielding to nature than what the necessary need requires of us.

Conversations on the Gospel of Matthew.

Since He mentioned the earth, and the creatures who came from it and live on it and are clothed with an earthly body need appropriate food, then He must have added: "Give us our daily bread for this day"... He commanded to ask for bread "Vital", not for nourishment, but for food that replenishes the spent in the body and deflects death from hunger - not luxurious tables, not a variety of dishes, products of cooks, inventions of bakers, delicious wines and other things, the like, which delights the tongue, but burdens the stomach, darkens the mind, helps the body to rebel against the soul and makes this foal a disobedient driver. This is not what the commandment asks, teaches us, but "Daily bread", that is, turning into a being of the body and being able to support it. Moreover, we are commanded to ask him not for a great number of years, but as much as we need for the present day.

"Don't worry, - said the Lord, - about tomorrow "(Matthew 6:34). And why care about tomorrow for someone who, perhaps, will not see tomorrow, who undertakes work and does not reap the fruit? Hope in God who "Gives food to all flesh"(Ps. 135: 25). The One who gave you a body, breathed in a soul, made you an intelligent animal and prepared all the blessings for you before he created you, how he will despise you created, if "Commands his sun to rise over the wicked and the good, and sends rain on the righteous and unrighteous"(Matthew 5:45)? So, relying on Him, ask for food only for the present day, and for tomorrow, leave Him to care, as the blessed David says: "Throw on the Lord your cares, and He will support you"(Ps. 54:23).

About life according to God and to the words: "The gates are narrow and the path is narrow ..." and so on and the explanation of the prayer "Our Father".

St. Cyril of Jerusalem

give us our daily bread for this day

Our common bread is not essential. But this Holy Bread is daily: instead of saying, it is built on the essence of the soul. This bread is not in "The womb enters", a "The aphedron comes out"(Matthew 15, 17), but in all your composition is divided, for the benefit of body and soul. And the word "Today" it is said instead of “every day,” as Paul said: "Dondezhe, this day, it is called"(Heb. 3:13).

Secret teachings. Lesson 5.

St. Tikhon Zadonsky

give us our daily bread for this day

1) Daily bread, according to the understanding of St. John Chrysostom, means everyday.

2) Here not only bread is understood, but also everything necessary for this temporary living, for example, drink, clothing, rest, home, etc., as some interpret.

3) We do not ask for wealth, but we ask for what is necessary to maintain this life. It is commanded to pray not about money, not about luxury, nor about a valuable garment, nor about any other similar thing, but only about bread, and about daily bread, so that they do not care about the morning, says Saint Chrysostom.

4) It follows from this that a Christian should not worry about wealth, valuable clothing, rich houses, rich food, and the like. For a Christian must always be ready for the fact that the Lord will call him, and then he will have to leave all this. The Lord calls everyone to Himself through death. He wants, says St. John Chrysostom, that we are always ready and be content with what our nature needs.

5) When we pray: "Give us bread", we confess that we are beggars, wretched and poor, and therefore we must ask God for everything, and that we have, we must attribute to His goodness, as the Psalmist sings: “The eyes of all trust in You, and You give them their food in due time; you open your hand and satisfy all that lives according to good pleasure "(Psalm 144: 15-16).

6) When we say: "Give our bread", then we show that we are asking not only for our food, but also for others, out of Christian love. For Christian love requires that we take care not only of ourselves, but also of our neighbors.

7) It is known that God, since he is Generous, gives temporary benefits not only to Christians, but also to those who do not know Him. But Christians should, with all faith, ask Him, like sons from a father, and thus show that everything that they have necessary for life is God's good, and so, accepting a blessing, thank the Benefactor.

About true Christianity. Book II.

St. Ignatius (Bryanchaninov)

give us our daily bread for this day

It is not about perishing food that is spoken of here! "Do not bite yourself, saying that there are pits or that we drink, or what we dress with"(Matthew 6:31); it speaks of food that gives eternal life and eternally abiding, of new food, which was given to men by the incarnate Son of God, of the bread of life that came down from heaven, of the bread of God, capable of saturating and giving eternal life to the whole world (John 6:27,. Word "Vital" means that this bread is superior in quality to all that exists. His greatness and holiness are endless, incomprehensible; sanctification, dignity, delivered by eating it, are immense, inexplicable. The bread given by the Son of God is His all-holy flesh, which He gave for "Belly of the world"(John 6:51). "Give us our daily bread for every day"... Combined with the petition is a commandment that imposes on Christians a duty, so much now missed, of daily communion with the Holy Mysteries. "Having said "For every day" The Lord expressed by this that without this bread we are unable to spend a single day in the spiritual life. Having said "Today", expressed by this that it should be eaten daily, that teaching it on the past day is not enough, if on the current day it will not be taught to us again. The daily need for it requires that we increase this petition more often and bring it at any time: there is no day in which it is not necessary for us to use and commune it to establish the heart of our inner man. " This explanation of the daily bread does not in the least make it strange to read the Lord's Prayer before a meal, according to the monastery charter: material bread serves as an image of bread, descended from heaven.

Ascetic preaching.

Schmch. Cyprian of Carthage

give us our daily bread for this day

This can be understood both in a spiritual and in a simple sense, because both understanding, according to Divine gift, [equally] favors salvation. Christ is bread of life, and this one bread not all, but only our... How we say: Our Father(see Matthew 6: 9), because [God] is the Father of those who know Him and believe, so we also call Christ our bread, because He is bread those that touch His Body. And we ask daily that this bread be given to us, and we, abiding in Christ and daily receiving His Eucharist as the food of salvation, being, due to some grave sin, excommunicated and deprived of the heavenly bread, did not separate from the Body of Christ, because the Lord Himself preaches and says: I am the living bread that came down from heaven; he who eats this bread will live forever; the bread that I will give is my flesh, which I will give for the life of the world(John 6:51).

About the Lord's Prayer.

Venerable Isidore Pelusiot

give us our daily bread for this day

The prayer that the Lord taught His disciples does not contain anything earthly, but everything heavenly and related to the benefit of the soul. For she teaches us to ask for neither leadership, nor wealth, nor beauty, nor strength, nor anything that will soon fade, from which, when it is, we are commanded to refrain from asking for pleasure, and it is a superfluous matter to ask for pleasure when there is none.

Even what seems insignificant and sensual in her, according to the wise men, is said more about the Word of God, which nourishes the disembodied soul and in some way enters into its essence and unites with it. That is why it is called daily bread, since the name "essence" befits more the soul than the body. If this is also said about daily bread, proportional to the needs of the body, then it, with this use, becomes spiritual, for not demanding anything but bread will be a sign of spiritual, light and all-wise understanding. So, let us ask for what we have been taught, and not for what easily disappears. For it would be disastrous and would mean great folly to ask for what, if we have, we are commanded to quit.

Letters. Book II.

Venerable Maxim the Confessor

give us our daily bread for this day

The word " today", As I think, is meant the present age. Or, in order to more clearly interpret this passage of the Prayer, we can say: our bread, which You prepared in the beginning for the immortality of the [human] nature, give us today, in a real life of death, so that the eating of the bread of life and knowledge overcomes sinful death - that bread, the sacrament of which was deprived of the transgression of the Divine commandment by the first person. After all, if he had been satiated with this Divine food, he would not have been taken captive by the death of sin.

However, the one who prays to receive this daily bread does not receive it entirely as it is, but receives only as much as the one who receives it can [perceive it]. For the Bread of Life, as a Man-lover, although it gives Himself to everyone who asks, but not to everyone in the same way: to those who have done great deeds, it gives more, and to those who have done [deeds] it gives less, that is, it gives to everyone as much as he can accept his spiritual dignity.

The Savior [Himself] led me to this understanding of the true saying [of Prayer], commanding [His] disciples not to worry about sensual food at all, saying to them: Do not be anxious for your soul, what you eat and what to drink, nor for your body, what to wear.(Matthew 6:25) because all this people of this world are looking for(Luke 12:30), [and you] seek first the Kingdom of God and His righteousness, and all this will be added to you(Matthew 6:33). How then does [the Lord] teach in Prayer not to seek what He [Himself] previously commanded? - It is clear that in Prayer He did not order to ask for what he did not command in [His own] commandment, for in Prayer we must ask for what, according to the commandment, we must seek. And what [the Lord] does not allow us to seek, about that and praying is illegal. If the Savior commanded to seek the one Kingdom of God and righteousness, then He urged those seeking Divine gifts and in Prayer to ask for the same, so that, through this Prayer, affirming the grace of those sought by nature [blessings], unite and identify through relative unity the will of those who ask with the desire of the Giver of grace ...

If Prayer commands us to ask for that daily bread, which naturally supports our real life, then this is so that we do not cross the boundaries of Prayer, embracing whole periods of years with our thoughts, and do not forget that we are mortal and have [this] life, like a passing shadow, but so that, without being burdened with unnecessary care, they ask in Prayer for bread for the day. And we will show that we, according to Christ, transform [our earthly] life into contemplation about death, by our own will anticipating nature and before death, cutting off the care of the bodily from the soul, so that it does not cling to the perishable and does not pervert [by attraction ] to the matter of natural use of [one's] striving [to God], accustomed to covetousness, which deprives the wealth of Divine goods.

So, let us avoid, as far as possible, love for matter and wash away like dust from our mental eyes the very connection with it; Let us be content with one thing that sustains our life, and not with something that gives it pleasure. Let us pray to God, as we have learned, so that our soul does not fall into slavery and, for the sake of the body, do not fall under the yoke of visible [things]. Then it will be clear that we eat in order to live, and do not live in order to eat, since the former is inherent in a rational nature, and the latter is in an unreasonable one. Let us be strict guardians of this Prayer, by our very deeds [our] showing that we firmly adhere to one and only life - life in the Spirit, and to acquire it we use [all] our present life. Let us prove in practice that for the sake of spiritual life we ​​only endure this [mortal life], reinforcing it with one bread and keeping it, as far as possible, in a healthy state only so that we do not [just] live, but live for God, making a body, inspired by virtues, the messenger of the soul, and the soul, distinguished by constancy in good, making the preacher of God. And we will naturally limit this bread [to the needs] of one day, not daring to spread our petitions for it the next day out of [obedience] to the One who gave this Prayer. Therefore, having actively tuned ourselves in accordance with the meaning of the Prayer, let us begin in purity and to the rest of the utterances.

Interpretation of the Lord's Prayer.

Right. John of Kronstadt

This petition means that we should not worry about the means of living to the point of being addicted, and if God has given these means for this day, then we should thank Him and continue to hope in Him, in His Providence; do not be stingy, do not shake, as they say, over everything, especially when guests come or beggars and strange ones, but with sincere disposition and in simplicity of heart, accept them, treat them or give them alms. The basis for this: God did not leave me at all the previous time with means of livelihood, but gave them in abundance; will not leave, therefore, for the future.

Diary. Volume III.

Give us this day our daily bread- only today (today). It takes a little sense to figure it out. Everyone sees how little a person needs to maintain his bodily life. And fire, crampedness, extreme torment and some kind of disappearance from the desire for silver and from avarice do not they tell us too clearly that hunger for silver is death, not life ... These words mean, among other things: only the necessary book, the Bible and the Gospel, as bread for the soul, grant us, and we do not seek or demand many books. Grant us to read this book of books more often and understand it properly and apply its holy word to our hearts, like bread, strengthening our hearts with it.

Diary. Volume V.

Blzh. Jerome of Stridonsky

Art. 11-13 Give us daily our bread necessary for existence. And let us go of our debts, just as we let go of our debtors. And do not lead us into temptation, but deliver us from the evil

What we have expressed in a word necessary for existence(supersubstantialem), in Greek is expressed by the word έπιούσιον, a word that Seventy is very often translated by the word περιούσιον, that is, abundant, excellent. Therefore, we turned to the Hebrew language, and where they translated περιούσιον, we found sgolla (םגןלה), which Symmachus translated by the word έξαίρετον, that is, "special" or: "excellent," although in one place he also translated the word " special, own ". So, when we ask God to give us special, special bread, we ask the One who says: (John 6:51). In the Gospel, which is called “from the Hebrews,” instead of the bread necessary for existence, there is the word mahar (םהד), which means “tomorrow”; so the meaning is: "Give us today our tomorrow's bread", that is, "future". By the word supersubstantialem we can understand something else, namely bread, which stands above all essences and surpasses all creatures. Others - based on the words of the apostle: Having food and clothing, we will be happy with(1 Tim. 6: 8) - they simply understand that the saints should only care about their daily bread. Therefore, in the further words of [the Savior] it is commanded: Don't worry about tomorrow(Matthew 6:34).


It is like a seal in confirmation of the Lord's prayer; Aquila translated: “undoubtedly true” (fideliter); we can translate: "true" (vere).

Blzh. Theophylact Bulgarian

give us our daily bread for this day

Under " vital The Lord understands that bread which is sufficient for our nature and condition, but He removes concern for tomorrow. And the Body of Christ is daily bread, for the uncondemned sacrament of which we must pray.

Interpretation of the Gospel of Matthew.

Euthymius Zigaben

give us our daily bread this day

Knowing that angelic nature does not need food, but human nature needs it, he commanded to ask for what is necessary for nature. He said our bread, i.e. existing for us; a vital named it as necessary for being, being and maintaining the body. Or according to Chrysostom: vital, i.e. daily. I also added today, distracting us from worrying about the future time, because he wants the believers in their prayers to ask for one bread, and only for today, and do not care about the coming day, since we do not yet know if we will even live that day. Therefore, it is unnecessary to worry about that day, relative to which we do not know whether we will cover the distance to it. Later, He commands this more extensively, saying: do not chick ubo in the morning(Matthew 6.34). Thus, we will always be ready, yielding a little to natural necessity, and turning everything else to spiritual work. It is fair to ask for bread for the soul, because it also needs daily bread, i.e. in the enlightenment from above and the delivery of Divine knowledge.

Interpretation of the Gospel of Matthew.


give us our daily bread for this day

Following the Teacher Himself, Who teaches about bread, we will outline this issue in more detail. He says in the Gospel of John to those who came to Capernaum to seek Him: Truly, truly, I say to you, you are looking for Me, not because you have seen miracles, but because you ate bread and were satisfied.(John 6:12). For he who has eaten of the loaves blessed by Jesus, and who is filled with them, intensely seeks to more accurately comprehend the Son of God and hastens to Him. Therefore, He gives a beautiful command, saying: Seek not for corruptible food, but for food that abides in eternal life, which the Son of Man will give you.(John 6:27). When those who heard these words asked: What can we do to do the works of God(John 6:28), Jesus responded by telling them: This is God's work for you to believe in Him whom He sent(John 6:29). God, as it is written in the psalms, sent his word and healed them(Psalm 106: 20), that is, the sick. With this Word, believers create works of god, that are food that abides in eternal life... And He says: My Father gives you the true bread from heaven. For the bread of God is the one who comes down from heaven and gives life to the world(John 6: 32-33). True same bread there is one that feeds the created in the image of god(Gen. 1:27) of the true man, who, being nourished by him, becomes [created] and in the likeness(Gen. 1:26) Creator.

About prayer.

Stefan Thebaidsky

give us our daily bread this day

And it is also written: I am the living bread that came down from heaven(John 6, 51). And further: but the bread that I give you is my flesh, which [I give] for the life of the world(John 6, 51). [Therefore the saying] give us our daily bread this day implies [giving us] His Body, His Word and His Commandments.

Ascetic word.

Bp. Mikhail (Luzin)

give us our daily bread for this day

Vital... Daily (cf. James 2:15), or needed to sustain our being (Prov. 30: 8). Our being is twofold - bodily and spiritual, and food is twofold - bodily and spiritual; spiritual food is the word of God (John 5:24), the Holy Sacraments of the Church, and especially the Holy Sacrament of the Body and Blood of Christ (John 6:35).

To this day... One should ask God for this only for the present day, without further concern for the future, since excessive solicitude is contrary to trust in God (cf. below v. 34).

Explanatory Gospel.

A.P. Lopukhin

give us our daily bread for this day

Literally - give us our daily bread today(glorious today; Vulg. hodie). The word “bread” is completely analogous to that which is used in our Russian expressions: “to earn one's own bread by labor,” “to labor for a piece of bread,” and so on. bread here should be understood as a general condition for life, food, a certain well-being, etc. In Holy Scripture, “bread” is often used in the proper sense (cibus, and farina cum aqua permixta compactus atque coctus - Grimm), but also means in general any food necessary for human existence, not only bodily, but also spiritual (cf. John ch. 6 - about the bread of heaven). Commentators are oblivious to the word “ our”. This is, let's say, a trifle, but in the Gospel, little things are also important. From the first time it seems not entirely clear why we need to ask God for bread when this bread “ our, ”Ie already belongs to us. The word "our" seems to be superfluous; one could simply say, "give us today our daily bread." An explanation will be given below. "Essential" (επιούσιος) is explained in different ways and belongs to the most difficult. The word is found only here and also in Luke. 11: 3. In the Old Testament and classical Greek literature, it has not yet been found anywhere. Explaining it “was torture for theologians and grammarians” (carnificina theologorum et grammaticorum). One writer says that “wanting to achieve something precise here is like driving a nail in with a sponge” (σπογγῳ πάτταλον κρούειν). They tried to avoid embarrassment by pointing out that here was the scribal's mistake, that the original originally had τον άρτον επί ούσίαν, i.e. bread for our existence. The scribe doubled by mistake the τον in the word άρτον and in accordance with this changed επιουσιαν into επιουσιον. This is how the evangelical expression was formed: τοναρτοντονεπιουσιον. To this, without going into details, let us say that the word ημών (τον άρτον ημών τον επιουσιον) interferes with such an interpretation; besides, Luke. 11: 3 stands undoubtedly επιουσιον - as in Matthew. Therefore, the interpretation in question is now completely abandoned. Of the existing and accepted by the latest scientists, three interpretations can be noted.

1. Produce the word "vital" from the Greek. preposition επί (on) and ουσία (sic) from είναι, to be. This interpretation has the authority of the ancient church writers, and those who wrote in Greek, among them Chrysostom, Gregory of Nyssa, Basil the Great, Theophylact, Euthymius Zigaben, etc. If the word is understood this way, then it will mean: “bread, necessary for our existence, necessary for us, give us today ”. This interpretation is obviously accepted in our Slavic and Russian Bibles. It is objected that if the word επιούσιος is not found anywhere except the Lord's Prayer, then there is, however, επεσιος, etc., a word composed of the same preposition and verb, but with the omission of ι. Therefore, if the Gospel spoke specifically of the “daily bread”, then it would not be said επιούσιος, but έπούσιος. Further, ουσία in popular usage meant property, wealth, and if Christ had used ουσία in this very sense, then it would not only be "aimless" (Wiener-Schmidel), but would have no meaning either; if He used it in the sense of being (bread necessary for our being, existence) or being, essence, reality, then all this would be different in a philosophical character, since ουσία in this sense is used exclusively by philosophers, and the words of Christ would not be understandable to the common people.

2. Produce the word επιούσιος from επί and ίέναι - to come, to advance. This word has different meanings; for us it is only important that in the expression έπιούσα ήμερα it means tomorrow, or the coming day. This word was compiled by the Evangelists themselves and applied to άρτος in the meaning of the future bread, the bread of the coming day. Support for such an interpretation is found in the words of Jerome, who, among his rather brief interpretations, has the following note. “In the Gospel, which is called the Gospel of the Hebrews, instead of my daily bread, I found mahar, which means tomorrow (crastinum); so the meaning should be as follows: our bread is tomorrow, i.e. the future give us today. " On this basis, many recent critics, including the best, for example, German grammars to the New Testament of Wiener-Schmidel, Blass and the exegete Zahn, suggested that the word means tomorrow (from ή έπιούσα, i.e. ήμερα). This explanation is given, by the way, and Renan. It is quite clear what difference in meaning is obtained from whether we accept this interpretation, or agree with the previous one. However, if one accepts the interpretation of Jerome, then one should admit, not to mention various philological difficulties, that it contradicts the words of the Savior in 6:34 - “do not worry about tomorrow”; it would also be incomprehensible why we ask: "give us tomorrow's bread today." Pointing to mahar, Jerome himself translates επιούσιος with the word super-substantialis. From ίέναι and those complicated with it, according to Kremer, it is impossible to prove a single production ending in ιουσιος; on the contrary, many such words are derived from ουσία. In words composed with επί, in which the root begins with a vowel, the merger is avoided through the omission of ι, as in the word έπεϊναι; but this is not always the case, and ι is retained, for example, in such words as έπιέτης (in other cases επέτειος), έπιορκειν (in the Church Greek έπιορκίζειν), επιεικής, έπίορος (in Homer Thus, it should be assumed that επιούσιος was formed from ουσία, similarly to analogous formations from words ending in ία - ιός (επιθυμία - έπιθύμιος, επικαρπία - επικαρπίο. The meaning of ουσία in the place under consideration will not be philosophical, but simply - being, nature, and άρτος επιούσιος means "bread necessary for our existence or for our nature." This concept is well expressed in the Russian word "vital". This explanation is strongly confirmed by the use of the word ουσία among the classics (for example, Aristotle) ​​in the sense of even life, existence. "Daily bread", that is, necessary for existence, for life, is, according to Kremer, a short designation found in Proverbs. 30: 8 Jewish lechem hock, Ukranian bread, which is translated by the LXX with the words: necessary (necessary) and sufficient (Russian daily). According to Kremer, it should be translated: “our, necessary for our life, give us bread today”. The fact that the interpretation of "tomorrow" is found only among Latin writers, but not Greek, is of decisive importance here. Chrysostom, of course, knew the Greek language quite well, and if he did not doubt that επιούσιος was used in the sense of "vital", then this interpretation should be preferred to the interpretation of Latin writers, who sometimes knew Greek well, but not so much as the natural Greeks.

3. Allegorical interpretation, partly caused, apparently, by the difficulties of other interpretations. In a spiritual sense, this word was explained by Tertullian, Cyprian, Athanasius, Isidore Pilusiot, Jerome, Ambrose, Augustine and many others. etc. Of course, in the application of the expression to "spiritual bread" there is, in fact, nothing to be objected. However, there is such a difference in the understanding of this “spiritual bread” among interpreters that this deprives them of interpretation of almost any meaning. Some said that the bread here meant the sacrament of communion bread, others pointed to the spiritual bread - Christ Himself, including the Eucharist here, and still others - only to the teaching of Christ. The word “today” seems to contradict such interpretations most of all, as well as the fact that at the time when Christ spoke His words, according to the Evangelist, the sacrament of communion had not yet been established.

The translations of “daily” bread, “supernatural” must be admitted to be completely inaccurate.

The reader will see that of the above interpretations, the first seems to be the best. Under him, the word "our" also receives some special meaning, which, they say, although "does not seem superfluous," but could be omitted. In our opinion, on the contrary, it makes sense, and quite important. What kind of bread and by what right can we consider “ours”? Of course, the one that is acquired by our labors. But since the concept of earned bread is very extensible - one works a lot and gains little, the other works little and gains a lot - then the concept of “our,” that is, earned bread, is limited to the word “daily,” that is. necessary for life, and then the word "today." It has been well said that it simply points to the middle ground between poverty and wealth. Solomon prayed: "Do not give me poverty and wealth, - feed me with my daily bread"(Prov. 30: 8).

Trinity sheets

give us our daily bread for this day

After a petition for heavenly, that is, for the glory of God, for the Kingdom of Heaven, for the will of God, Divine wisdom gives place to petitions and earthly needs: give us our daily bread for this day... The word daily bread can be understood both spiritually and simply. “Our bread,” explains Saint Cyprian, “we call Christ, because we partake of His Body, just as He Himself says: I am the living bread that came down from heaven; whoever eats this bread will live forever(John 6:51) and threatens, saying: unless you eat the flesh of the Son of man and drink his blood, you will not have life in you(John 6:53). At the same time, we ask for bodily food, daily food. " “The Savior,” says Saint Chrysostom, “commanded to pray not for wealth, not for pleasures, not for valuable clothes, but only for bread, and, moreover, for daily bread, so that we would not worry about tomorrow. For this, I added: vital, i.e. day. Even with this word he was not satisfied, but added something else after it: give us today so that we do not overwhelm ourselves with concern for the coming day. And why care about tomorrow for someone who, perhaps, will not see tomorrow? The One who gave you a body, breathed in a soul, made you an intelligent animal and prepared all the blessings for you before he created you - will His creation forget you? Hoping in Him, ask for food only for the present day, and leave concern for tomorrow, as Blessed David says: Cast your cares on the Lord, and He will support you(Ps. 54:23) ". “In the word bread,” says St. Gregory of Nyssa, “the Lord says so to those who heed: stop, people, torment yourself with the desires of vain. Stop multiplying reasons for work on your own. Your nature doesn't need much; You are obliged to provide your flesh with food: a small and easy task if you mean only need. Why do you impose on yourself the yoke of bearing so many debts? Ask for only one bread for yourself; in this, nature made you a debtor to the body. If, however, Evin the counselor (the devil) enters into a conversation with you about what is beautiful to the eye and pleasant to the taste, then you will certainly be entangled in the nets of covetousness. Then you will pass from necessary food to tasty foods, from them - to luxury and every need. Therefore, limit your prayer to asking only for bread. " “When we pray,” says Blessed Augustine, “for our daily bread, we also ask for everything that our flesh needs on earth. And we need food and drink, clothing and shelter. And the word of God, which is proclaimed to you daily, is our daily bread. And his minds hunger, as the belly hungers for material bread. So we ask him in the Lord's Prayer. Thus, daily bread means everything that is necessary for the soul and body in this life. " “When we say: give us our bread,” observes St. Tikhon of Zadonsk, “by this we show that we are asking the same for others. Christian love requires that we try not only for ourselves, but also for our neighbors. " God, in His goodness, gives everything that is needed also to those who do not know Him; but Christians must in faith ask Him for these blessings, as children do from the Father, in order to show that they regard everything necessary for life as a gift from God and accept this gift from the hand of God with thanksgiving. So, the meaning of this petition can be expressed in the following words: Heavenly Father! You know our needs better than ourselves; all eyes trust in you, and you give them their food in due time; you open your hand and satisfy all that lives with good pleasure(Ps. 144: 15). We do not ask You for luxury, wealth, or golden palaces; do not ask for sweet foods to eat; do not deprive us of the essentials: give us our daily bread for this day... Bread for food, water for drinking, air for breathing, clothing to cover a sinful body, a dwelling where we can bow our heads - this is what we cannot do without while we live on earth. Thy holy word, Thy grace in the Sacraments of Thy Church distributed, especially living bread, heavenly bread - the most pure Body and Blood of Thy Son - this is that daily bread without which our souls perish with hunger! Give us, our Father, all this, give us strength, albeit by the sweat of your brow, but to get our own bread by righteous labor! Give us this day - not in the granaries for many years, but for today only the day, for we ourselves do not know whether we will live to see tomorrow and what tomorrow will give birth, maybe tomorrow we will no longer be on earth; and when it comes for us tomorrow, then we believe that if you give the day, you will also give food ...

Trinity sheets. No. 801-1050.

Met. Hilarion (Alfeev)

give us our daily bread for this day

Expression "daily bread" firmly entered the lexicon of modern man in the sense of everyday food necessary for life. In Russian, the word "Vital", meaning "vital", "important", appeared exclusively thanks to the prayer "Our Father" in its Slavic version. In many languages ​​there is no such word at all, and the Greek επιουσιος in the phrase "daily bread" transmitted by the words "everyday", "daytime" (Latin panis quotidianus, French pain quotidien, English daily bread).

Meanwhile, the exact meaning of the word has been the subject of controversy for centuries. In classical Greek, there is no such word at all. The Aramaic word translated with his help is unknown, and all attempts to reconstruct it are hypothetical. The combination of the prefix επι- (na-, over-) with the noun ουσια (essence, existence, content, property) can be understood in several senses. If we understand ουσια as "content" or "property" - in this sense this word is used, for example, in the story of a woman who spent all her possessions on doctors (Luke 8:43) - then επιουσιος can be understood as "necessary for existence." If, however, the term ουσια is understood as "essence", as is characteristic of Greek patristics, then the literal translation would be "supra-essential" or "super-essential".

Based on the semantic proximity of the term under consideration to the expression η επιουσα, meaning "tomorrow", it would be possible to translate the request of the Lord's prayer as follows: "Give us our tomorrow's bread today." The term is also close to the concept επι την ουσαν ημεραν, meaning "today." Finally, the interpretation of the term can be associated with the concept of το επιον, meaning "future": in this case "Our daily bread" would turn into “our future bread”.

To understand the original meaning of Jesus' words, it seems to us, we need to focus not so much on the meaning of a polysemantic and ambivalent term. "Vital", how much on the meaning of the concept itself "bread".

For the first time in the pages of the Bible, the term "bread" used in God's address to Adam after his fall: in the sweat of your brow you will eat bread(Genesis 3:19). Further, bread is mentioned in the story of how Melchizedek, king of Salem, brought bread and wine to bless Abraham (Gen. 14:18). Abraham treats three travelers who came to him with bread (Gen. 18: 5). Bread plays an important role in the history of Joseph and his brothers: when Joseph, who has accumulated a lot of bread, becomes the second person with Pharaoh, and in all the surrounding lands there is a famine, they come to him for bread (Gen. 42: 1-5).

Bread in the Bible is a universal symbol of food intake. The quality of the bread and the mood with which a person eats bread symbolizes the quality of a person's life. In sorrow, tears become his bread (Ps. 41: 4; 79: 6), and when God takes pleasure in his works, he eats bread with joy (Eccl. 4:17).

When interpreting the prayer "Our Father", it is necessary to take into account the Eucharistic context in which the early Church perceived this prayer. From the very beginning, it became part of the Eucharist, in the context of which the words "Give us our daily bread this day" could mean only one thing: a request for the communion of the bread that came down from heaven, that "super-essential" bread, which is the Body of Christ that is broken at the Eucharist. This meaning is filled with the words of the Lord's Prayer every time they sound at the liturgy.

If the Lord's Prayer is read outside the liturgical context, for example, before eating, then daily bread is understood as ordinary earthly food, which every person, every family needs. In a broad sense, daily bread can be understood as everything that a person needs for life.

Jesus Christ. Life and Teaching. Book II.

Complete collection and description: when and how the prayer of our Father is read for the spiritual life of a believer.

Hallowed be thy name,

Thy kingdom come,

Thy will be done,

like in heaven and on earth.

and leave us our debts,

as we also leave to our debtors;

and do not lead us into temptation,

but deliver us from the evil one.

For yours is the kingdom and power and glory forever.

Prayer "Our Father" is the main prayer of all believers, all religions and all confessions. This prayer is the main asset of Christianity. It is also the oldest prayer. You can find this prayer in the Gospel of Matthew (chapter 6), it is also cited in the Gospel of Luke (chapter 11). The most widespread prayer was given in the 6th chapter of the Gospel of Matthew. The fact that some sources quote the Lord's Prayer in Church Slavonic, while in others it is quoted in modern Russian, sometimes gives rise to misinterpretations. Because of this, some people believe that there are different versions of the Lord's Prayer. But this is not the case. The only difference is that this prayer, when translating ancient writings, was translated from the two Gospels (from Luke and from Matthew) in different ways. From this difference in translations, misinterpretations arise among believers. But, the Lord's prayer is the same in the Gospel of Matthew and in the Gospel of Luke. According to legend, Jesus Christ taught the apostles in Jerusalem on the Mount of Olives in the Pater Noster temple. On the walls of this temple, the prayer was written in more than 140 languages ​​of the world. In 1187, after the conquest of Jerusalem by Sultan Saladin, the temple was destroyed. In 1342, a fragment of the temple was discovered, on which the prayer "Our Father" was engraved. Subsequently, a church was built on the site of the temple, which was handed over to the female Catholic monastic order of the barefoot Carmelites.

Christians traditionally read the Lord's Prayer 3 times a day: morning, afternoon and evening. Moreover, each time the prayer is read three times. Following the Lord's prayer, the prayer "Virgin Mary" is usually read, then the prayer "I believe."

The Lord's Prayer, home bound.

The Lord Jesus Christ, as described in the Gospel of Luke in chapter 11, said “ask, and it will be given to you” and gave us the prayer “Our Father”. Since then, before any prayer, you first need to read the prayer "Our Father", then you can pray in your own words, but always first you need to read "Our Father", because this prayer bequeathed to us by the Lord Jesus Christ and is the most powerful prayer. By bequeathing this prayer to us, the Lord allowed us to call him father. Therefore, we have the right to call the Lord Father.

The Lord's Prayer contains first an appeal to the Lord, then seven petitions and praise. All seven petitions are closely intertwined. This prayer is the main prayer of all believers, therefore people are believers, they pray not only in the Church, at home. As the Monk Seraphim taught us, this prayer can be read in any position: before meals, while lying in bed, while walking, at work. When we appeal to God, we must ask not only for ourselves, but also for all those who are suffering and burdened.

Comments (1)

Victor 2 years ago


When and how the prayer of our father is read

When is the prayer Our Father read?

The phenomenon of prayer today is increasingly regarded not as a religious and mystical attribute. Various systems of auto-training, meditation, psycho-hygienic exercises have come into vogue. But for centuries on our land the functions of regulation and self-regulation of the psyche were performed by church rituals and prayers.

And when we destroyed the ancient systems of psychohygiene during the years of the total “offensive against the religious intoxication”, moral degradation began, the fruits of which we are reaping today.

We are justly carried away by the phenomena that the yogis of India or the monks of Tibetan monasteries demonstrate to us, we are amazed at the mysterious abilities of the priests of Ancient Egypt and Mesopotamia. And at the same time we don’t think that our ancestors could do no less. The difference is that some peoples managed to preserve these values, while we destroyed ours. Therefore, we need to turn to ourselves, our history, carefully study everything that previous generations left us as a legacy. Believe me, they were no less knowledgeable than us, and certainly.

Our Father, Who art in heaven!

Hallowed be thy name,

Thy kingdom come,

Thy will be done,

like in heaven and on earth.

Give us this day our daily bread;

and leave us our debts,

as we also leave our debtor;

and do not lead us into temptation,

but deliver us from the evil one.

For yours is the kingdom and power and glory forever.

Explanation of the Lord's Prayer, Metropolitan Benjamin (Fedchenkov)


The reason for the bold attempt to write the interpretation of the Lord's Prayer was an accidental circumstance. One person, even of a non-Orthodox confession (but deeply sympathizing with Holy Orthodoxy), observing the modern "Christian" society of different confessions, came to the sad and horrifying fact: people hardly ever pray! The whole world is entangled in insoluble issues of various kinds. Everyone is in anxiety and anticipation of even worse disasters. Everyone is looking for permission.

Prayer Our Father

synodal translation of prayer

Interpretation of the prayer Our Father

Complete interpretation of the prayer. Parsing each phrase

Prayer Our Father in Russian

Modern translation of prayer into Russian

Pater Noster Church

This church contains prayers in all languages ​​of the world.

In the synodal translation of the Bible, Our Father's text of the prayer is as follows:

Thy kingdom come; Thy will be done, as in heaven, on earth;

Give us our daily bread this day;

and forgive us our debts, just as we forgive our debtors;

And do not lead us into temptation, but deliver us from the evil one.

For thine is the kingdom and the power and the glory forever. Amen.

Our Father who art in heaven! hallowed be thy name;

Thy kingdom come; Thy will be done, as in heaven, on earth;

Give us our daily bread for every day;

and forgive us our sins, for we also.

For me, as for any Orthodox Christian, the main prayer is our Father, which everyone should know by heart. The foundation of any prayer is humility and acceptance. This is communication with God, this is our constant spiritual connection, children with the Heavenly Father. For a believer, prayer is for life on earth both food and air, in joy and sorrow.

Christian prayer teaches compassion, love for one's neighbor, forgiveness. The Orthodox prayer "Our Father" is read before starting any business, before treatment, before worship, before going to bed and during the day. Thousands of people turn to the Savior. Because "Our Father" is a prayer that the Lord Jesus Christ himself gave us and therefore it has great power.

How to read the Orthodox prayer Our Father

The text of the Orthodox prayer begins with an appeal to God the Father: "Our Father." Any person can communicate directly with the Creator, because everyone is equal before him. And everyone can call him his Heavenly Father. "Father.

Our Father, Who art in heaven!

Hallowed be thy name;

Thy kingdom come;

Thy will be done, as in heaven and on earth;

give us this day our daily bread;

and leave us our debts as we do, and we leave our debtors;

and lead us not into temptation, but deliver us from the evil one;

as yours is the kingdom and power and glory forever. Amen.

So, whoever says to God in prayer: let your kingdom come, but does not know how this kingdom comes, not knowing, does not prepare to receive it and does nothing that is required of him to receive it, is it possible that it will come to him this kingdom? What is the use, therefore, that he says in prayer: Thy kingdom come? Lord.

What is the Lord's Prayer? What is its essence and interpretation? It is on this topical topic that I would like to talk to you, dear reader.

Millions of Christians throughout the world practice this prayer every day. Unfortunately, for many, these are just memorized phrases, a stamp, a kind of form. The deep meaning of the prayer "Our Father" for many remains outside the sphere of their consciousness. And this is a big minus, because a prayer conscious in the heart could bring much more wonderful things in their everyday life. Yes, of course, this prayer helps, saves in extreme situations, but, meaningful to the end, creates a strong rope connecting a person with his Creator.

God himself repeatedly pulled me out of various critical situations thanks to this prayer, when I was still in search of Him. You can read about this in the articles “The Power of Prayer“ Our Father ”,“ Guardian Angel ”under the heading“ Miracles of God's Protection ”on my blog.

Let's try to interpret the prayer “Our Father” in the light of the Holy.

Our Father, Who art in heaven!

Hallowed be thy name,

Thy kingdom come,

Thy will be done, as in heaven and on earth.

Give us this day our daily bread;

And leave us our debts, as we also leave our debtors;

And do not lead us into temptation, but deliver us from the evil one.

Thine is the kingdom and power and glory forever. Amen. (Matthew 6: 9-13)

Church Slavonic text adopted in the modern Church

About ours and you are on.

Also ask

Peace be upon you is not funded by any organization, foundation, church or mission.

There is personal funds and voluntary donations.

Prayer Our Father: text in Russian (Orthodox)

Prayer Father Our text in Russian Orthodox helps people in many situations. I will teach you how to pray correctly and what words should be pronounced. Remember that the words of prayer always come from a pure heart.

When does the prayer “Our Father” help?

This prayer is considered the most powerful of all. She can help absolutely in any adversity and sorrow.

Who Can't Prayer Help?

Know that the Lord will not hear you and will not help you if you:

  • Envious of others.
  • If you judge someone.
  • Proud too much and consider yourself better than others.
  • If the resentment in your soul against someone is lurking, and you are not going to forgive the enemy.

How to read Our Father correctly and in front of which icon?

It is better to pray in the mornings and evenings all alone. Only by being left alone with his thoughts and with the Lord God, a person realizes the whole essence of prayer... You cannot rush while reading it. It is better to memorize the text of the prayer in Russian with accents, because it is short and simple.

And you can pronounce sacred words in front of any icon, be it the Most Holy Theotokos, Jesus Christ or Nicholas the Wonderworker.

The words of the prayer in Russian and in Old Church Slavonic with accents are below.

What is the history of the prayer Our Father?

  • History claims that the prayer of Our Father is the very first and most important prayer in Christianity. As Saint Luke asserted, the prayer of Our Father was uttered by Jesus Christ himself in response to the request of his disciples to teach them how to pray.
  • It was pronounced, of course, not in the language in which we pronounce it now, but in the Galilean dialect of the Aramaic language. It has not survived in the original in this language. Currently, this prayer can be found in manuscripts in the ancient Greek dialect Koine.

The miraculous properties of this prayer

  • There are many unusual cases associated with the power of the prayer of Our Father. For example, in 1984, in one of the cities of Russia, during a terrible car accident, in which a bus filled with people fell, a woman lost sight of her child and thought that he was no longer alive.
  • But then, in the hope of saving her child, she began to read the Our Father prayer and believe that her baby is still alive. And a few minutes later, she heard her baby crying. Everything worked out, and serious harm to health the kid was not caused.
  • Very few people survived in that accident. Most of them died, and the story with this baby and the prayer that the mother said is truly amazing.
  • And one more case was told to us by one reader. And it happened to her in those happy years when she was still studying at the university. She always believed in God and the prayer of Our Father knew, as they say, “by the teeth”.
  • During the next session, for one of the exams, she simply did not have time to prepare. Before entering the classroom, the girl recited the Our Father prayer to herself several times and asked the Lord for help in passing the exam.
  • When she entered the auditorium and took the ticket, it turned out to be very simple. The girl sat down at her desk, gathered her thoughts and began to prepare for an answer. At the same time, she once again silently recited the Our Father prayer.
  • As a result, the student managed to pass this exam with excellent marks. This is provided that the teacher was very strict.
  • It is obvious that the power of this prayer is very great and helps people in the most difficult situations. Of course, a negligent student should not count on the Lord's help in such a situation. God helps only those who piously believe in him and try to live according to his commandments, and he avoids slovens and scoundrels.

How to make a talisman with a prayer Our Father?

  • If you want prayer to run around you from any troubles and evil people, then we suggest you make an amulet for good luck on your own.

To make it, you will need this:

  • white paper:
  • red pen or pencil;
  • Holy water;
  • your own cross.

A small piece of paper is needed. We will write on it the text of the prayer itself.

  • So take holy water and sprinkle it on a piece of paper.
  • Then wrap your cross in this paper, squeeze it in your hands, and read Our Father three times.
  • Then write the text of the prayer Our Father on that sheet of paper with a red pen or pencil.
  • Fold the piece of paper several times and always carry it with you, so that this prayer drives away all misfortunes from you.

Now you know how strong the prayer of the Father Ours is in Russian Orthodox, and you can test its effect on yourself.

How to read the prayer "Our Father"

Many Christians think that they are of great benefit to the soul when they read the psalms of David with the troparions and perform other prescribed prayers, thereby reading them ... God understands only those prayers that, when the prayer says, understands what he says and feels ...

So who says to God in prayer: your kingdom come, but does not know how this kingdom comes, not knowing, does not prepare to receive it and does nothing that is required on his part to receive it, is it possible that this kingdom would come to him? What is the use, therefore, that he says in prayer: your kingdom come? The Lord says in the Holy Gospel: repent, draw near the kingdom of God... So, do you want this kingdom to come to you? Repent. If you don’t repent, no matter how much you say: your kingdom come, it will not come to you.

The Kingdom of God is in us when God is with us in unity, by the grace of the Holy Spirit.

Why do we say: Our Father, Who art in heaven(Matthew 6: 9)? Then, after the fall of the forefathers, the Lord, so to speak, withdrew from earth to heaven, because the temple and dwelling place of God on earth is a human heart, a pure heart, and it did not become after the fall: the earth was filled with atrocities(Genesis 6:11). The Lord from heaven looks upon the sons of man, you see, if you understand, or seek God. All evade ... obscene ... until the same(Compare: Ps. 13, 2-3).

Then we say: hallowed be thy name- so that it is sanctified, and not dishonored by people, their lies, iniquities; your kingdom come- so that the Kingdom of God, which has retired from the earth for the sake of human unrighteousness, may come again; Thy will be done, like in heaven and on earth(Matthew 6:10) - so that the Kingdom of God may be opened on earth by fulfillment on earth good will of God(Compare: Rom. 12, 2).

Hallowed be your name, may your kingdom come, may your will be done, as in heaven and on earth(Matthew 6: 9-10). Do you, sinner, sincerely desire holiness? Are you jealous, possessed by the enemy, the destroyer-devil, the peaceful Kingdom of God, first, in yourself, and then in all people; do you want to sincerely do God's righteous, all-good will, and do you desire and pray to God that all people know and do the will of our Father in Heaven? Every day we say these words of the Lord's Prayer without a deep understanding of their meaning and throw them as if to the wind, and therefore there is no good change in us ...

If you truly call God your Father, then hope in Him as the One Father, all-good, all-powerful, all-wise, unchanging in His love and in all perfections.

Read Our Father, but do not lie: Leave us our debts, as we leave….

... But this should be prayed for:

First, with pure intent - thy will be done, for I, sincerely wanting to follow it unselfishly, not for the sake of a reward or the acquisition of anything, and not because You, Lord, have enriched me with Your bounties and protected me from my opponents, as Satan reproached the righteous Job before God (Job 1: 9-10), and not out of fear of the eternal torment of Gehenna, but in simplicity of heart I follow Thy will, I want what You want, because only because You want it, that is Your will, my God!

Second, you must pray with love: thy will be done! - I am looking for one here and I think only, so that Your will be done in everything, O Lord! May the majesty of Thy name, my God, be expanded and glorified through me of Thy obscene servant. I consider this alone to be the greatest honor and reward, so that I deserve to please You, my Creator, Who gave me reason and free will as a guarantee of the closest communion with You, my Creator and Savior.

Saint John, Metropolitan of Tobolsk (+ 1715).

First part, foreword: Our Father, Who art in heaven! teaches the next.

1) The one who prays must come to God not only as His creation, but also as His son by grace.

2) He must be a son of the Orthodox Church.

3) Should not hesitate to receive what is requested from the Most Merciful Father.

4) Since God is the Father of all, we must also live like brothers.

5) The word "in heaven" instructs us to lift our mind from the earthly to heaven. In addition, it must be said that although God is present everywhere, His grace especially shines in heaven, which saturates the righteous, and the wealth of His wondrous works.

The second part is petitions, of which there are seven:

1. Hallowed be thy name.

In this petition, we implore, first, for the granting of a pious and virtuous life to us, so that everyone, looking at it, glorifies the name of God; secondly, that the ignorant should turn to the Orthodox faith and glorify the Heavenly Father with us; and, thirdly, that those who bear the name of a Christian, but convey life in evil and abominations, should lag behind their vices, by which our faith and our God are slandered.

2. Thy kingdom come.

By this we ask that not sin, but God Himself reign in all of us with His grace, righteousness and benevolence. In addition, the petition contains the idea that a person, being under the grace of God and feeling heavenly joy, despises the world and wants to receive God's kingdom. Finally, here we also pray that His Second Coming will be accelerated.

3. Thy will be done, as in heaven and on earth.

We implore here that God would not allow us to transmit our life according to our will, but that he would govern it as He pleases, and that we would not have opposition to His will, but that we obey Him in everything. In addition, here we have in mind the thought that without the permission of the will of God, nothing can come to us, from anyone and never, if only we lived according to His will.

4. Give us this day our daily bread. We ask here, firstly, that God does not deprive us of the preaching and knowledge of His holy word, for the word of God is the spiritual bread, without which a person perishes; secondly, that He would make us worthy of the communion of the Body and Blood of Christ; and, thirdly, to give us everything we need for life and to keep all this in this world in abundance, but without excess. The word "today" means the time of our present life, for in the next century we will enjoy the sight of God.

5. And leave us our debts, as we also leave our debtors.

Here we ask God to grant us the forgiveness of sins, for debt here means sins. This petition teaches us that we ourselves should forgive debts to our debtors, that is, that those who angered and embittered us, we forgive all their crimes. He who does not forgive his neighbor in vain does this prayer, for then his sins are not forgiven him even by God, and even his prayer itself is a sin.

6. And don't lead us into temptation.

By this we ask, first, that we be free from temptations that come from the world, the flesh and the devil and move us to sin, and from heretics who persecute the Church and seduce our souls with false teachings and in other ways; and, secondly, that in the case of suffering for Christ, God strengthens us with His grace to endure torment even to the end, so that we may accept the end of torment and so that we do not allow suffering beyond our strength.

7. But deliver us from the evil one.

Here we implore, first, that God would keep us from all sin and from the devil, which incites us to sin; secondly, that He would deliver us in this life from all calamities; thirdly, that at the time of death He drove away from us the enemy who wants to devour our souls, and send us an Angel to keep us.

The third part, or conclusion: Thine is the kingdom and power and glory forever. Amen.

This conclusion is in accordance with the preface, for as the preface teaches that we will receive what we ask from the Most Merciful Father, so this conclusion shows that we will receive what is required from Him. After all, His is the whole world, His is the power and His is the glory, for which we must ask. The word Amen means: "So be it", or "She, her." This conclusion can be said by a commoner alone, without a priest.

When we pray, let the Father know the words of His Son. He who dwells within us, in the heart, may it be in speech. Since He is an intercessor with the Father for our sins, then, when we pray for our sins, we sinners will also use the words of our Intercessor. He says that whatever we ask the Father in His name, He will give us (John 16:23); therefore, is it not the more surely we will receive what we ask for in the name of Christ, if we ask for the prayer of Christ?

The Teacher of Peace and the Mentor of Unity, first of all, did not want the prayer to be performed separately and in private, so that the praying person would pray only for himself. Indeed, we do not say: My Father ...

A new man, regenerated and restored by his God, according to His grace, first of all says: Father, because he has already become His son ... Call God the Father of God, and call yourself the sons of God in the same way as Christ is the Son of God! None of us would have dared to use this name in prayer, if He Himself did not allow us to pray so. Calling God Father, we must remember and know, most beloved brothers, that we must and act like the sons of God, so that just as we ourselves rejoice in God the Father, so He rejoices over us ...

… After this we say: Hallowed be Thy name, - not in the sense that we wish God, may He be sanctified by our prayers; but we ask Him to make His name holy in us ... Then in prayer it follows: Thy kingdom come. We ask for the Kingdom of God to come to us in the same sense as we pray to God that His name may be sanctified in us ...

Further, we add the following words: Thy will be done, as in heaven, and on earth - not so that God, as a result of our prayer, does what he wants, but so that we can do what is pleasing to Him ... Having a body from the earth, and a spirit from heaven being the earth and the sky ourselves, we pray that it be in both, that is, in the body and in the spirit, the will of God ...

Continuing the prayer, we say the following petition: give us this day our daily bread. This can be understood both in a spiritual and in a simple sense, because both, by divine gift, are equally conducive to salvation. Christ is the bread of life, and this bread is not for everyone, but only for ours ...

It can also be understood this way: having renounced this world and by faith of spiritual grace, renouncing its riches and honors, remembering the instruction of the Lord, Who says: whoever does not renounce all his possessions, My disciple cannot be (Luke 14:33), we we ask only one food and sustenance. Whoever has become a disciple of Christ, he, according to the word of the Teacher, refusing everything, and must ask only for daily food and in prayer do not extend further his desires, meaning the commandment of the Lord, who said: do not chill in the morning, matings are worried about himself: the day is overwhelming. his care (Matthew 6:34) ...

After this we also pray for our sins, saying: forgive us our debts, as we also leave as our debtors. When food is requested, forgiveness of sins is requested, so that a person fed by God would live in God and take care not only of temporary, but also of eternal life, which can be achieved if sins, which the Lord in His Gospel calls debts, are forgiven ... To this the Lord clearly added and added a law that limits us to a certain condition and a vow, according to which we must ask that we be left with debts just as we leave our debtors, knowing that we cannot receive remission of sins if we do not let us do the same with regard to our debtors ...

Further, the Lord gives us, as a necessary instruction, to say in prayer: and do not lead us into temptation. This shows that the enemy has no power over us, if there is no preliminary permission from God. That is why all our fear, all reverence and attention should be turned to God, since the evil one cannot tempt us unless he is given authority from above ...

At the end we say: but deliver us from the evil one, meaning by that all the troubles that the enemy is plotting against us in this world and against which we will have a faithful and strong defense if God delivers us from them ... Having received such protection, we are already safe and protected from all the wiles of the devil and the world. Indeed, why should he be afraid from the side of the world to whom in this world God is the protector?

Hallowed be thy name... For this we pray that the name of God will be sanctified in us: not because, if not being holy, it begins to be holy, but because in us it becomes holy, when we ourselves are sanctified and do what is worthy of sanctity.

Thy kingdom come... He who purifies himself by deed and thought and word can say to God: Thy kingdom come.

Thy will be done, like in heaven and on earth... Divine and blessed Angels of God do the will of God, as David, singing, said: bless the Lord, all His angels, mighty in might, who do His word(Psalm 102: 20). Therefore, when you pray, you say this in the following sense: as your will is in the Angels, so it will be in me on earth, Master!

Give us this day our daily bread... Our common bread is not essential. But this Holy Bread is our daily bread: instead of saying: it is built on the essence of the soul. This bread is not in the womb enters, a aferon comes(Matt. 15:17), but your whole composition is divided, for the benefit of body and soul ...

And leave us our debts, as we also leave our debts... For we have many transgressions ...

And don't lead us into temptation(God)! Does the Lord teach us to pray so that we may not be tempted at all? And how is it said in one place: husband is not experienced, not skilled at eating(Sire. 34-10; Rom. 1:28)? And in another: Have all joy, my brethren, whenever you fall into different temptations(James 1: 2)? But to enter into temptation does not mean to be swallowed up by temptation.

But deliver us from the evil one... If this: don't lead us into temptation, the same meant that he would not be tempted at all, then he would not give: but deliver us from the evil one... The evil one is a resisting demon, from which we pray to get rid of. After completing the prayer, you say: "Amen." Sealing through the "Amen", which means "let everything be," which is contained in this God-given prayer.

Saint Cyril, Archbishop of Jerusalem (+ 386).

To tell: Our Father- have the right only those who, by a miraculous birth in Divine Baptism, by a new and extraordinary law of belly-bearing, show in themselves that they are true sons. And say: hallowed be thy name, - those who do nothing worthy of condemnation. And this: your kingdom come- those who avoid everything that pleases the tormentor. And this: thy will be done, - those who show it by their actions. And this: give us our daily bread this day, - those who refuse luxury and extravagance. And this: leave us our debts - those that forgive those who have sinned before them. And this: don't lead us into temptation

Our Father, Who art in heaven!
Hallowed be Thy name, Thy kingdom come,
Thy will be done, as in heaven and on earth.
Give us this day our daily bread;
And leave us our debts,
As well as we leave our debtor;
And don't lead us into temptation
But deliver us from the evil one.

Modern Russian translation:
Our Father who art in heaven! hallowed be thy name; Thy kingdom come; Thy will be done, as in heaven, on earth; Give us our daily bread for this day; and forgive us our debts, just as we forgive our debtors; and lead us not into temptation, but deliver us from the evil one. For yours is the kingdom and power and glory forever. Amen. (Matthew 6: 9-13)

Interpretation : This prayer is called the Lord's because the Lord Jesus Christ Himself gave it to His disciples when they asked Him to teach them how to pray (see Matt. 6: 9-13; Luke 11: 2-4). Therefore, this prayer is the most important prayer for everyone.
Our Father, Who art in heaven! With these words we turn to God and, calling Him Heavenly Father, call to listen to our requests, or petitions. When we say that He is in heaven, we must understand the spiritual, invisible sky, and not that visible blue vault that is spread over us and which we call heaven.
Hallowed be thy name- that is, help us to live righteously, holy and glorify Your name by our holy deeds.
Thy kingdom come- that is, honor us here on earth, Your Kingdom of Heaven, which is truth, love and peace; reign in us and rule over us.
Thy will be done, like in heaven and on earth- that is, let everything be not as we want, but as You please, and help us obey this Your will and fulfill it on earth as implicitly and without murmur as it is performed, with love and joy, by the holy Angels in heaven ... Because only You know what is useful and necessary for us, and You wish us well more than we ourselves.
Give us this day our daily bread- that is, give us for this day, for today, our daily bread. Bread here means everything that is necessary for our life on earth: food, clothing, shelter, but most important of all is the Most Pure Body and the Honest Blood in the Sacrament of Holy Communion, without which there is no salvation in eternal life. The Lord commanded us to ask ourselves not for wealth, not for luxury, but only for the bare essentials, and hope in everything in God, remembering that He, like a Father, always cares about us.
And leave us our debts, as we also leave our debts- that is, forgive us our sins just as we ourselves forgive those who have offended or offended us. In this petition, our sins are called our debts, because the Lord gave us strength, abilities and everything else in order to do good deeds, and we often turn all this into sin and evil and become debtors to God. And if we ourselves do not sincerely forgive our debtors, that is, people who have sins against us, then God will not forgive us either. Our Lord Jesus Christ Himself told us about this.
And don't lead us into temptation- temptations is a state when something or someone pulls us into sin, tempts us to do something lawless or bad. We ask - do not allow to the temptation, which we do not know how to endure, help us to overcome temptations when they happen.
But deliver us from the evil one- that is, deliver us from all evil in this world and from the culprit (chief) of evil - from the devil (evil spirit), who is always ready to destroy us. Deliver us from this cunning, crafty force and its deceptions, which are nothing before you.
Father- Father (address - vocative case).
Yesi- verb form to be in the 2nd person of unity. numbers of the present.
Like Thou in Heaven- Which is in heaven, or heavenly.
Hallowed thy name- will become famous. Commentary by St. John Chrysostom: "Speaking hallowed be thy name, we do not bring to God the holiness that allegedly does not exist with Him, but we glorify the existing one. "
Yako- how.
In heaven- in the sky.
Vital - letters. with Greek... - necessary for existence.
Give- give.
Today- today, today.
As well- how.
Leave- sorry.
Long- sins.
Our debtor- to those people who have sinned against us.
Don't lead us into temptation- don't let us fall into temptation.
From the evil one- from the devil and, in general, from all evil.

Our Father is a sacred prayer for Christians, in particular Orthodox. Even as you are in heaven, it is from these lines that true believers begin to read a prayer to the Lord, no matter what language they speak and what country they are in. Our Father's Prayer is an Orthodox text in Russian, the most famous of all. People know God will hear them and help solve many problems.

How to read our father correctly

There is nothing difficult in this, now we will try to figure out how to do it.

  • First of all, it must be remembered that the Lord's prayer must be pronounced with faith and pure thoughts. If you are thinking badly, turning to God will not help.
  • Second, you must understand, no matter how you read the golden Our Father, the main thing is to put your soul into it.
  • Third, we must remember that the power of prayer is very strong, with each reading it becomes easier and more cheerful in my soul.
  • Fourth and last, realize why you are reading the prayer.

Reading a prayer brings you closer to God

Believers believe that the more often the Orthodox prayer of our Father is heard, the closer they are to the Lord. These lines can help to get rid of earthly problems, directly appeal to God and bring the pain of the soul to the high spheres in heaven.

The Lord's Prayer is most often read in Russian in full, since it cannot be shortened, the meaning will be lost and the effect will disappear. At the bottom of the article there is a text in Russian with translation and accents, in addition there are many other options and translations into foreign languages, including Ukrainian. Our Father's Prayer text in other languages ​​can be found with emphasis and other stylistic features.

The multiple variations of the prayer Our Father like you are in heaven, give rise to questions, for example, how to read the text of the prayer correctly. The answer is simple, each version is correct, you just need to follow the four points described above.

Why read a prayer 40 or more times

Let's figure out why to read our Father 40 times. This is done to enhance the effect for a specific person, the more times the sacred lines are pronounced (multiples of 40), the more significant the results of the request will be. Our Father in all languages ​​has the power to move mountains and help the one who asks in his request.

Prayer in Russian is suitable for everyone

Regardless of what nationality a person is and where he lives. You can read our Father 40 times at any time, in the morning or in the evening, there is no difference, the most important thing is your mental attitude and true gratitude to God. If possible, download this accented text, save or learn it.

To download the text of Our Father, right-click on the picture and select "Save picture as ...". Save it in any convenient place, later you can print it.

The Lord's Prayer in Russian text

Our Father! Who is in heaven!
Hallowed be thy name, may thy kingdom come,
Thy will be done on earth as in heaven;
Give us our daily bread this day;
And forgive us our debts, just as we forgive our debtors;
And do not lead us into temptation, but deliver us from the evil one.
For thine is the kingdom and the power and the glory forever!

Sacred text in Old Church Slavonic

Our Father, Who art in heaven!
Hallowed be thy name,
Thy kingdom come,
Thy will be done, as in heaven and on earth.
give us this day our daily bread;
and leave us our debts,
as we also leave to our debtors;
and lead us not into temptation, but deliver us from the evil one,
as yours is the kingdom and power and glory
till the end of time.

Video Our Father in Russian

The Lord's Prayer is also called the Lord's Prayer, because Christ Himself gave it to the Apostles in response to their request: “Teach us to pray” (Luke 11: 1). Today, Christians say this prayer every day in the morning and evening rules; in churches during the Liturgy, all parishioners sing it aloud. But, unfortunately, often repeating a prayer, we do not always comprehend, but what exactly is behind her words?

"Our Father, who art in Heaven"

1 Do we call God Father because He created us all?

No, for this reason we can call Him - The creator, or - Creator... The appeal Father presupposes a very definite personal relationship between children and the Father, which must be expressed primarily in the likeness of the Father. God is Love, therefore our whole life should also become an expression of love for God and for the people around us. If this does not happen, then we risk becoming like those about whom Jesus Christ said: Your father is the devil; and you want to fulfill your father's desires(Ying 8 : 44). The Old Testament Jews lost the right to call God Father. The prophet Jeremiah speaks about this with bitterness: And I said: ... you will call Me your father and will not depart from Me. But verily, just as a wife treacherously betrays her friend, so you, the house of Israel, have dealt treacherously with me, says the Lord. ... Return, rebellious children: I will heal your disobedience(Jer 3 : 20-22). However, the return of the rebellious children took place only with the coming of Christ. Through Him, God again adopted all who are ready to live according to the commandments of the gospel.

Saint Cyril of Alexandria: “Only God himself can allow people to call God Father. He gave this right to people, making them sons of God. And in spite of the fact that they withdrew from Him and were in extreme anger against Him, He granted oblivion of offenses and the sacrament of grace. "

2 Why “Our Father” and not “mine”? After all, it would seem, what could be a more personal matter for a person than turning to God?

The most important and most personal matter for a Christian is love for other people. Therefore, we are called to ask God for mercy not only for ourselves, but for all people living on Earth.

Saint John Chrysostom: "... He does not say: My Father, Who art in Heaven," but - Our Father, and thus commands to offer prayers for the whole human race and never have in mind your own benefits, but always try for the benefits of your neighbor. And thus it destroys enmity, and pride casts down, and envy destroys, and introduces love - the mother of all that is good; destroys the inequality of human affairs and shows complete equality between the king and the poor, since in the affairs of the highest and most necessary we all have an equal share. "

3 Why “in Heaven” if the Church teaches that God is omnipresent?

God is truly omnipresent. But a person is always in a certain place, and not only in his body. Our thoughts also always have a certain direction. The mention of Heaven in prayer helps to distract our mind from the earthly and direct it to the Heavenly.

Saint John Chrysostom: "When he speaks in Heaven," this word does not enclose God in heaven, but distracts the one who prays from the earth. "

"Hallowed be thy name"

4 Why specifically ask for this if God is always holy?

Yes, God is always holy, but we ourselves are far from always holy, although we call Him Father. But can children not be like the Father? “Hallowed be Thy name” is a request that God help us to live righteously, that is, so that His name will be sanctified through our lives.

Saint John Chrysostom: « Hallowed then yes it will be glorified. God has his own glory, full of all greatness and never change. But the Savior commands the one who is praying to ask that God be glorified with our life. He said about this before: So let your light shine before people, so that they see your good deeds and glorify your Heavenly Father(Mt 5 :16). … Grant us, - as it were, the Savior teaches us to pray, - to live so purely that through us all will glorify You ”.

"Thy kingdom come"

5 What kingdom are we talking about? Are we asking God to become the king of the world?

Kingdom of God - words that simultaneously mean two concepts here:

1. The state of the renewed world after the end of the world and the Last Judgment, in which people transformed by grace who inherited this Kingdom will live.

2. The state of a person who, fulfilling the commandments of the Gospel, conquered the action of the passions, and through this gave the grace of the Holy Spirit to work, which every Christian receives in the sacrament of Baptism.

Saint Theophan the Recluse: “This kingdom is - the future kingdom of heaven, which will be revealed after the end of the world and the terrible judgment of God. But in order to sincerely desire the coming of this kingdom, we must be sure that we will be honored with it together with those to whom it will be said: come blessing of my Father, inherit the kingdom prepared for you from the folding of the world(Mf 25 :34). Worthy of this is the one in whom, during this still life, the kingdom of sin, passions and the devil has been suppressed. The suppression of this kingdom is accomplished by the action of grace through faith in the Lord Savior. He who has believed surrenders himself to the Lord, promising Him to live holy and blameless. For this, in the Sacrament of Baptism, the grace of the Holy Spirit is given, which revives him to a new life; from that moment on, it is no longer sin that reigns in him, but grace, teaching every good and strengthening him to do it. This is the kingdom of grace, of which the Lord said: the kingdom of God is within you... The future kingdom is the kingdom of glory, and this is spiritual, it is the kingdom of grace. The prayer "Our Father" together embraces both kingdoms. Otherwise, those who want the speedy coming of the future kingdom, but who have not become the son of the kingdom of grace, will want the end of the world to come as soon as possible, and the Last Judgment, at which he will inevitably be on the side of those who will hear: depart from Me curse into eternal fire, prepared for the devil and his aggression».

"Thy will be done, as in heaven and on earth"

6 Does not God, even without such a petition of us, carry out His will on earth?

The will of God is carried out on earth not only by His direct action, but also through us Christians. If we live according to the commandments of the Gospel, then we do the will of God. If not, then this will will remain unfulfilled in the place where we did not fulfill it. And then - through us - evil enters the world. Therefore, in words your will be done we ask God to protect us from such a misfortune, and to direct our lives to the fulfillment of His good will.

Blessed Augustine: « Thy will be done, like in heaven and on earth... Angels serve you in heaven, may we also serve you on earth. Angels in heaven do not offend You, but we also do not offend You on earth. How they do Your will; so we also create. “And what are we praying for here, if not to be kind to us?” For the will of God is then in us when we do it; and that is what it means to be kind. "

"Give us this day our daily bread"

7 What do the words "daily bread" and "today" mean?

"Essential" means essential for our existence; "Today" means today. So this is a petition for what we need most at the moment, today. The holy fathers understood the word "bread" here in two meanings: bread as food; and bread as the Eucharist.

Saint Simeon of Thessaloniki: “Although we ask for heavenly things, we are mortal and, as people, we ask for bread to support our being, knowing that it is also from You. Asking only for bread, we are not asking for the superfluous, but only for what is necessary for us for the present day, since we have learned not to care about tomorrow either, because You care for us in the present day, you will be cared for tomorrow and forever.

But give us this day our other daily bread - the living bread, heavenly, the all-holy body of the living Word. This is our daily bread: because it strengthens and sanctifies the soul and body, and not his poisonous one does not have a belly in oneself, but his poisonous one will live forever(Ying 6 : 51-54) ".

"And leave us our debts, as we also leave our debtors"

8 Does God forgive sins only to those who themselves have forgiven their offenders? Why shouldn't he forgive everyone at all?

Resentment and revenge are not inherent in God. At any moment He is ready to accept and forgive everyone who turns to Him. But forgiveness of sins is possible only where a person has renounced sin, saw all its destructive abomination and hated him for the troubles that sin brought into his life and into the lives of other people. And the forgiveness of offenders is a direct commandment of Christ! And if we, knowing this commandment, still do not fulfill it, then we are sinning, and this sin is so pleasant and important for us that we do not want to give it up even for the sake of Christ's commandment. It is impossible to enter the Kingdom of God with such a burden on the soul. Only it is not God that is to blame, but ourselves.

Saint John Chrysostom: “This absolution initially depends on us, and in our power is the judgment pronounced about us. So that none of the unreasonable, being condemned for a great or small crime, have no reason to complain about the judgment, the Savior makes you, the guilty one, a judge over himself and, as it were, says: what judgment you yourself will pronounce about yourself, the same judgment and I I will speak about you; if you forgive your brother, you will also receive the same benefit from Me. "

"And lead us not into temptation, but deliver us from the evil one."

9 Does God tempt or lead anyone into temptation?

God, of course, does not tempt anyone. But we cannot overcome temptations without His help. If, while receiving this grace-filled help, we suddenly decide that we can live virtuously without Him, then God takes away His grace from us. But He does this not for the sake of revenge, but so that through bitter experience we can be convinced of our own powerlessness before sin, and again turned to Him for help.

Saint Tikhon of Zadonsk: “With this word: 'do not lead us into temptation', we pray to God that He will keep us by His grace from the temptation of the world, the flesh and the devil. And although we will fall into temptations, we ask that you do not allow us to be defeated by them, but help us to overcome and conquer them. This shows that without God's help we are powerless and weak. If we ourselves could resist the temptation, we would not be commanded to ask for help in this. We learn this, as soon as we feel the temptation that comes over us, to immediately pray to God and ask Him for help. We learn from this not to rely on ourselves and our strength, but on God. "

10 Who is this - the evil one? Or - the crafty one? How is this word to be understood correctly in the context of prayer?

Word sly - opposite in meaning to the word straight . Onion (like a weapon), from Ray ina river, famous Pushkin onion omorye - all these are words related to the word onion avy in the sense that they mean a kind of curvature, something indirect, curved. In the Lord's Prayer, the devil is called the evil one, who was originally created by a bright angel, but by his falling away from God he distorted his own nature, distorted its natural movements. Any of his actions also became distorted, that is, crafty, indirect, and wrong.

Saint John Chrysostom: “Christ calls the devil evil here, commanding us to wage irreconcilable war against him, and showing that he is not by nature. Evil does not depend on nature, but on freedom. And what is predominantly called the devil wicked is because of the extraordinary multitude of evil that is in him, and because he, not being offended by anything from us, wages an irreconcilable battle against us. Therefore, the Savior did not say: Gizbav us “from the wicked, but: from the devil,” and thus teaches us never to be angry with our neighbors for the insults that we sometimes endure from them, but to turn all our enmity against the devil, as the culprit of all angry. "