Dasha is strict and natasha stefanenko. Natasha Stefanenko: biography and interesting facts. Will be an Olympic champion

"Take it off immediately!" - channel project STS about fashion and style.

About the project Take it off immediately!

The main characters of the program fall into "Take it off immediately!" thanks to letters from family or friends asking to help their loved ones regain fullness and joy in life.
Project task "Take it off immediately!" - to change the heroines not only externally, but also internally!

Leading the program "Take it off immediately!" it is necessary to get to the bottom of the reasons why women fall into depression, cease to attract attention, and eliminate this, outlining new perspectives for the fair sex.

And the presenters will definitely succeed, because they are absolute self-made women who know how to be the most charming and attractive. They believe that in order for a woman to change and look at herself in a new way, she must act decisively and radically. Therefore, no regrets about the past - just a confident look into the future!

Storyline Take it off immediately!

In each issue of the program “ Take it off immediately!»The presenters watch the video with the participation of the heroine of the release in any conditions (at home, at a party, at work) and give an expert assessment of the style of the program participant. Then they invite the heroine to one of the boutiques in Moscow and help her choose stylish clothes. The heroine of the issue herself can choose what she likes. As a result, the participant in the show acquires everything new for herself, and what she wore before is cut with scissors and thrown into the trash can.

Sometimes a girl comes in badly dressed, and we understand that she is like that, because she simply has no money. Then we try not to run over, especially not to kick her, not to anger her. But when we see from the home video, in appearance, that the woman just started ... Then - yes! We attack her hard. We need it to change not only in the “picture”, but also internally, ”says Sasha Vertinskaya.

To complete the image, the stylists of the show “ Take it off immediately!"Select the heroine's hair and makeup. At the end of the program, the transformed heroine meets with friends and relatives, and they share their impressions of her new image.

The program has become a long-liver, and now, naturally, we are sure that we made the right bet. All our heroines are very happy with their transformation, with many we continue to communicate and keep in touch to this day. In the entire history of the program, we have changed clothes for more than 300 heroines, - says Tasha Strogaya.

Project Leaders Take it off immediately!

Leading " Take it off immediately!»For several years Tasha was Strict and Sasha Vertinskaya... Then Strict and Vertinskaya were replaced Maria Zheleznyakova and Natalia Stefanenko... Not very long as an expert in the program “ Take it off immediately!”Was Tina Kandelaki.
Since January 2010, the program " Take it off immediately!»On STS Natalia Stefanenko and Tasha Strict.
Tasha Strict (real name Natalia Frolova) - Russian fashion designer, TV presenter. Member of the International Association "Union of Designers", member of the Union of Artists of Russia. Since 2002, she has been creating and producing clothes under her own brand Tasha Strogaya. Her pseudonym appeared after Tasha started working in the fashion industry:

When I started working in the fashion industry, a famous designer Natasha Frolova was already in Moscow. And I came up with a pseudonym for myself. Relatives on the father's side are named Stroganovs. And I became Natalia Stroganova, but then I realized that this surname was not remembered. And 12 years ago, I became Strict. And Tasha appeared not so long ago, my director came up with this name.

Sasha Vertinskaya - artist, TV presenter, daughter of an actress Marianna Vertinskaya and architect Ilya Bylinkin... Granddaughter of a singer and poet Alexander Vertinsky.

Natalia Stefanenko - model, actress, TV presenter. Leads a program on fashion and style on television in Milan.

Maria Zheleznyakova - stylist. For several years now she has been working with a very famous Russian designer Denis Simachev.

Since April 2014 “ Take it off immediately!”Returned to STS in an updated format, with a new studio, and most importantly - with new hosts. The hosts of the show Natalya Stefanenko and Tasha Strogaya were replaced by no less fashionable and aware of the latest trends Ksenia Chilingarova and Svetlana Zakharova.

Ksenia Chilingarova:

“I was watching 'Take It Off Now!' When the project first came out. It was one of the first programs in Russia in the format of a change of image and a hit that is watched by the whole country. Therefore, when I was offered to take part in the role of the presenter, excitement woke up in me: will I succeed or not. For me it is a kind of challenge, a competition. "

Second presenter, Svetlana Zakharova, said that she would like to make my personal contribution, to help these girls who come here.

“If I really can do something, then I want to do it for them. We do not just dress women, we are responsible for what we say and advise them, ”Svetlana Zakharova is sure.

Svetlana and Ksenia met the heroines in the renovated studio, and also conducted casting on the air. Therefore, in one program, viewers heard several life stories at once and could decide who, in their opinion, most needs fashionable help. To participate in the show, the heroine needs to convince both presenters that she really needs changes in style, that they will affect not only her appearance, but also her way of thinking, and subsequently life.

The concept of the program is the same: a magical transformation, a new wardrobe, a stylish hairstyle and makeup. But apart from simple dressing up " Take it off immediately!”Are full-fledged stories of destinies, seasoned with relevant and useful style tips.

In the next issues " Take it off immediately!”, As before, the heroines said goodbye to the old wardrobe. But if previously the presenters ruthlessly threw out unfashionable things, now the clothes were mercilessly destroyed right in front of the participant.

In 2015, Tasha Strogaya and Natalya Stefanenko returned to the project.

On July 17, 2017, the 8th, final season of the program began on the STS TV channel. In this season Tasha Strictand Natalia Stefanenko they accept in the studio not only ordinary girls from all regions of Russia, but also celebrity guests who have decided to change their everyday image to something radically opposite. Heroines receive a lot of useful practical advice on changing their appearance and style, changing their wardrobe and hairstyle. In the studio, as in previous seasons, there are relatives and close people of the participants.

Interesting facts about the project Take it off immediately!

Filming of each episode of the show "Take it off immediately!" last for about two weeks.

June 6, 2010 show "Take it off immediately!" celebrated its 5th anniversary and 250th edition of the program.

We celebrated the anniversary with a five-kilogram cake with the program logo. The pastry chef decorated the cake with a photo of the hosts Natasha Stefanenko and Tashi Strict, as well as different figures in the style of the program: beads, a belt, even miniature hangers, which amused the entire film crew of the show "Take it off immediately!"

Watch the show "Take It Off Now!" on STS TV channel!

Over the 10 years of its existence, the "Take It Off Immediately" project has helped hundreds of women not only completely change their image, but also regain happiness and self-confidence! In the new season of the project, not only ordinary girls, but also celebrity guests will receive advice on style. Moreover, viewers will find many practical tips for personal care.

Every woman wants to be attractive and desirable. Everyone dreams that her photo would be worthy of the glossy cover of a fashion magazine, and that the handsome prince would sing her songs under the balcony. But many of these women just look at themselves in the mirror in frustration, not knowing what to do to become stylish, to be in trend. Some people think that only actors and celebrities can look chic and elegant. Tasha Strogaya and Natasha Stefanenko are in a hurry to dispel these misconceptions - the hosts of the TV program "Take it off immediately!" and part-time the goddess of fashion and beauty. They always manage to make the music of happiness play in the soul of the heroine again. Each episode of the program is a story of a girl or woman who became disillusioned with herself, her appearance and forgot about her personal happiness. No easy task for the hosts "Take it off now!" - to reveal the sources of the heroine's experiences, make her forget about the past and believe in herself. Natasha and Tasha will definitely give valuable advice on how to keep in great shape every day, dress correctly, apply makeup and look spectacular in everyday life.

TV show "Take it off immediately!" not only talks about the fates of different women, demonstrating their wonderful transformation, but also gives practical advice for viewers. Every woman will be able to learn something new for herself from the presenters, fashion designers and stylists working on the creation of images of the heroines of the TV program "Take it off immediately!"

On the site site you always have the opportunity to watch a series of programs "Take it off immediately" and an exclusive video from the filming for free online. Each issue of "Take it off immediately!" unique. You watch the program and see how before your eyes a woman transforms, becomes effective and sexy. Many heroines at the end of each episode cry with happiness, looking at themselves in the mirror and accepting compliments from family, friends and colleagues. All this can become an impetus for changes in your own life. Different types of heroines allow one of them to recognize herself and take advantage of the advice of leaders and stylists. After all, every woman sooner or later has a desire to understand herself, open up to changes and change something in her life. To the presenters of the TV show "Take it off immediately!" Tasha Strogaya and Natasha Stefanenko will definitely succeed, because both of them are absolute self-made women who know how to become the most charming and attractive!

In the final of the program, reincarnation will not be appreciated by professional critics, but by those for whom we strive to be beautiful - men! Among them - singer Anton Belyaev, TV presenter Vyacheslav Manucharov, actor of the series "Youth" Igor Ogurtsov, actor and screenwriter, participant in many humorous shows Denis Kosyakov, TV presenter and official voice "Take it off immediately" Vladimir Tishko, director of photography / director Alexander Shmid, as well as top fashion photographers who create the covers of all women's glossy magazines in Russia: Stanislav Mironov, Yuri Koltsov, Roman Gorchakov.

Long-awaited news for those who miss the program "Take it off immediately"- On August 22, this legendary program returns to the air of the TV channel STS... Fans will be especially delighted Tashi Strict and Natalia Stefanenko , because TV presenters will again appear on screens on Saturdays in 11.30 in a tandem so beloved by all viewers.

At different times, they undressed, scolded and dressed the participants again Tasha Strogaya, Sasha Vertinskaya, Maria Zheleznyakova, Svetlana Zakharova, Ksenia Chilingarovaand Natalia Stefanenko. Tasha Strict can be safely called the "keeper" of the hearth of this project, because she was absent for only one season, when she hosted on the TV channel "Home" program "Collection of ideas", but in the end, she returned to the set "Take it off immediately". Sasha Vertinskaya at one time went on a solo voyage, pursuing creativity and family, and Maria Zheleznyakova is currently developing his own fashion collection. In May last year, we talked with the "recruit" of the project Ksenia Chilingarova , which, but, apparently, the return of favorite presenters was inevitable.

What awaits us in the new season?

Elmira Makhmutova , general director of the TV channel STS: “Shoot It Now has always been a hit on the channel, but we've stepped up this season even further to continue to amaze and inspire our viewers! For example, now, at the beginning of the program, the girls are given a surprise, in which their relatives, friends and colleagues are actively involved, and all this happens in front of a large number of people. In the first programs there will be draws in the circus, the bus and even in the aquarium with the help of scuba divers - positive emotions in the frame are off scale! In the new season of the project, not only ordinary girls, but also celebrity guests will receive advice on style. Moreover, viewers will find a lot of practical advice on personal care. "

Tasha Strict : “We started shooting with pleasure, and we hope that the updated format will pleasantly surprise the fans of the project. We have everything new: the scenery, the screensaver, in general, we keep up with the times to delight the audience even more. "

Natalia Stefanenko: “There will be many surprises in the new episodes, because each of our programs is an individual story of the heroine that requires a special approach. We will help women realize that anyone can be beautiful. It is important to just believe in yourself and love the way you are. "

For 10 years of its existence the project "Take it off immediately" has helped hundreds of women not only completely change their image, but also regain happiness and self-confidence.

Who, in your opinion, was the best pair of TV presenters?

"Art of Living"

Tasha Strogaya is an example of phenomenal zeal and clear understanding of her own goals: as a child, she fell in love with labor lessons - she entered the legendary Theater and Art School with practice in Lenkom, then graduated with honors from the Moscow State University of Design and Technology, created her own brand TASHA STROGAYA, participated in the Paris Fashion Week, hosted one of the most famous style programs on Russian television - "Take It Off Now!" In addition to her artistic talent, Tasha is endowed with the gift of helping people find in themselves not only external, but also internal beauty, light a fire inside. Because the perfect little black dress isn't enough. This is how the idea of \u200b\u200bcreating a School of Beauty and Style was born, and later author's travels with the Mikhail Kozhukhov Club.

Tasha is convinced that each person is unique, complex, inimitable and that each has a beacon that can illuminate everything around. But not everyone knows the way to beauty. And the point here is not in external attractiveness, but in the ability to see the beauty around you. Travel programs with Tasha are designed in such a way that they are interesting both for people immersed in fashion and for those who know little about it.

Traveling with Tasha the Strict is about finding inner harmony through beauty. Meetings with artists in the broadest sense of the word: from painters, fashion designers and sculptors to chefs, artisans and florists. Visit high-profile exhibitions and little-known museums that turn into a gem when viewed in the company of the right guide. Behind the scenes of the places where art is created: whether it be a pottery workshop, the legendary Fashion House or the cuisine of an old restaurant in Provence.

Who is Tasha Strict?

Tasha Strogaya, or officially Natalia Viktorovna Frolova, is a Russian TV presenter, fashion designer, consultant and teacher of fashion and style. Born June 27, 1974 in Moscow. She gained the greatest popularity thanks to the filming in the program "Take it off immediately!" on the STS TV channel. Now Tasha not only participates in television programs as a presenter and fashion expert, but also owns her own clothing brand - Tasha Strogaya.


Tasha Strogaya was born into a family far from the creative environment. However, her parents, an economist and electrical engineer by profession, have put a lot of effort into the diversified development of their daughter. She studied at a music school, took dance classes and attended an art studio. Already in her teens, Tasha realized that the most interesting activity for her was modeling and sewing clothes. As she herself says: "I started my career as a fashion designer with sewing on buttons in a labor lesson."

At the end of the school, Tasha passed a huge competition to the legendary educational institution - the Theater Artistic and Technical School (TCTU). After graduating from college with a degree in "designer-designer of female theatrical costume", she trained at the no less famous Moscow theater - Lenkom. Tasha did not stop there and continued her studies at the Moscow Academy of Light Industry in the course "Fashion Design". After receiving a red diploma from the Academy, she worked as a stylist on the Russia TV channel and as an editor of the Fashion section in a glossy magazine.

Our heroine began to think about the pseudonym at the very beginning of her career. During her student days, a well-known designer and her full namesake, Natasha Frolova, already worked in Moscow. Therefore, in creative circles, I had to introduce myself as Natalia Stroganova, such a surname was worn by relatives on the father's side. However, it turned out that Stroganov, although a sonorous surname, is not at all memorable. There was no zest in it! Then she came up with the idea of \u200b\u200btransforming her into "Strict". Well, the abbreviation of the name from Natasha to Tash appeared much later, almost before the very beginning of his television career.

Professional activity

In 2002, Tasha Strogaya was admitted to the Union of Artists of Russia and opened the Tasha Strogaya Fashion House. In addition, she teaches at the Moscow Academy of Fashion, which is part of MITRO - the Ostankino Moscow Institute of Television and Radio Broadcasting.

In 2014, the “Tasha Strogoi School of Beauty and Style” was opened, within which one can attend master classes of our headliner throughout the country. The main program of the school is devoted not only to the issues of creating an attractive wardrobe, but also to the psychology of fashion and shopping, healthy eating and, in general, issues of image and style.

The television

Undoubtedly, Tasha is known to a wide audience in the role of a strict (it was no accident that a pseudonym was chosen after all!) And uncompromising TV presenter of the program - "Take it off immediately!" The project was broadcast on STS TV channel in 2004. Our heroine was not only its first host, but also a co-author of the show. After 10 years of broadcasting, "Take it off immediately!" sent to reboot. A year and a half later, the program returned to the CTC broadcasting network. Now actress and model Natasha Stefanenko has become the co-host of Tasha Strogo.

In "Take it off immediately!" leading in partnership with a team of stylists and make-up artists help girls and women to get out of their daily routine and take a fresh look at life through the prism of their appearance. They not only select perfect looks and show how even a budget wardrobe can become interesting, fashionable and inspiring, but they also change the lives of heroines no worse than experienced psychologists!

In 2011, another program with Tasha Strogaya and Natalya Stefanenko appeared on the STS TV channel - "Eat it immediately!" This time, the presenters decided to demonstrate how not only to dress easily and stylishly, but also to create culinary masterpieces in their own kitchen quickly, tasty and inexpensively. So, going on a trip to Tashay, you will learn a lot not only about world fashion trends, but also about local gastronomic peculiarities!

In addition to working for STS, Tasha led two projects on the Domashny TV channel - "Handmade" and "Collection of Ideas". In these programs, she acted as a fashion designer and fashion expert. Tasha not only gave master classes on creating trendy wardrobe items, but also talked about the history of fashion and introduced the audience to the latest fashion trends.

Clothing collection

In addition to teaching and television activities, Tasha Strogaya is a frequent participant in Russian and international design competitions and fashion shows at fashion festivals. Among them are the St. Petersburg "Defile on the Neva" and the Moscow Russian Fashion Week.

The first collection of the Tasha Strogaya brand was released in 2004. Since then, the fashion house has released 13 collections. When releasing clothes under her own brand, Tasha focuses on modern women who live in the crazy rhythm of big cities and who want to remain beautiful and attractive at the same time.

Tasha Strogaya collections are traditionally dominated by warm colors - beige, brown, wine and graphite. In addition, a significant part of the models are elegant semi-fitted dresses. Tasha is sure that only this wardrobe item helps to feel like a "Woman, with a capital letter."

Books and Articles

Creativity and needlework

A collection of ideas with Tasha Strogaya. With your own hands

The book was published on the basis of Tasha Strogoi's program “Collection of Ideas”, aired on the Domashny TV channel. The publication contains the best tips for creating a fashionable wardrobe and interior decoration.

Fashion and Style

Tasha Strogaya shares her advice on forming a basic wardrobe and choosing the right clothes for every day with the readers of Domashny Ochag magazine.

Fashion and Style

What to look for in the latest collections of the world's fashion houses to complement the office and basic wardrobes in the new season? Tasha Strogaya spoke in an article for Forbes Woman about the latest trends in the fashion industry.

Fashion and Style

What to do when there is nothing to wear and nothing to buy new clothes? Tasha reveals the secrets of how to be at the height of fashion even in times of crisis!

Personal life of Tasha Strict

Tasha Strict has been married for 20 years! Her husband Sergei is an absolutely non-public person. He works in the construction business and prefers not to appear at social events. In 2011, the family had children - twins Fedor and Fedot.

- Natalia, your co-host in the STS program "Take it off immediately!" Tasha Strict says that everyone loves confident and beautiful women. You are naturally lucky with beauty, but what about confidence?

- Believe me, in my youth I definitely did not consider myself beautiful! She was a very complex child. I stooped because I was ashamed of my height - 185 cm, I did not like my thinness, faceless appearance, whitish eyelashes ... And only when I won the modeling competition and left to work in Italy, I realized that the “shortcomings” were mine

advantages: height, and thinness, and a face on which you can paint anything. Everyone knows that Russia has the most beautiful women. And besides, they are smart, they often have several diplomas. We have time at work, we bring up children, and we look after my husband. Sometimes there is not enough self-confidence - the effect of Soviet education, when it was not customary to stand out. The situation, fortunately, is changing, I already see a different youth. When, for example, I walk around Moscow, I often smile at passers-by - such a habit. I am happy to compliment a stylishly dressed girl or lady! Girlfriends sometimes pull back, they say, stop, they will say that she is crazy! And I am pleased that every time more and more passers-by are smiling back!

Of course, not only Russian girls have complexes. When in 2007 I was invited to the program “Take it off immediately!”, I led (and continue to do so) a similar project in Italy, but there are both women and men among our heroes. And they also have complexes, failures in their personal lives. They come to speak out and change. There, however, we use more radical measures to achieve the goal - for example, we resort to the services of plastic surgeons, trainers.

- When you look at the transformed heroines in the finale, you think: will they look like that later, in everyday life?

“I hope they continue to look after themselves. You know, we correspond with some of the participants - they are proud to share their successes. When we feel beautiful, we can move mountains. External transformation often entails changes in personal life, at work, in relationships with people. I believe that our program shows women what they can really be - this is not a miracle, but a reality, it is enough to believe in yourself.

As a rule, all the participants come to the studio with a certain list of complexes. First of all, my co-host Tasha Strogaya and I ask: "What do you dislike about yourself?" And then it begins! And the stomach is huge, and the nose is potatoes, and the knees are ugly, the ankles are like logs and so on. Not a woman, but a monster! We specially enlarge their "problem" zones in the photo according to the description, and then show them. The first reaction is shock, then laughter. Girls slander themselves! From the series “Invented it myself - I believed it myself”.

With Tasha Strogaya during the filming of the "Take it off immediately!" Photo: Press service of the STS TV channel

- It seems that women will not hurt to follow the example of Italian men - they are very confident in themselves. Do you agree?

- Oh yeah! Italians love themselves very much! You should have seen my husband get ready in the morning. Today Luca went through several trousers before choosing the perfect ones. While I was doing household chores, he kept asking: "And these fit well, and these ... What should I wear?" (Laughs.) He can change clothes several times a day. For me, Luca is the ideal of male beauty, and I am pleased that others like him.

An interesting parallel can be drawn: in Russia, women often dress for someone - for men, girlfriends, colleagues. To be noticed, appreciated, approved or envied. Here for breakfast a lady can come, conventionally, in an evening dress. When at eight in the morning I see a girl with heels and curls, the first thing I do is figure out what time she got up to bring this beauty. And I admire this dedication! Italian women dress up for the occasion. If there is a party or going out, of course, they will choose something special, elegant. In everyday life, they love black very much - a symbol of elegance and sophistication. And what do they say in Russia? "You don't know what to wear, choose black!" For some reason, this color is considered boring and dull. In Italy, fashion is created, invented, and in Russia it is literally transferred from the catwalk to the streets. Even my husband, when he comes to Moscow on business (he is a designer, he has his own shoe brand), every time he notices fashionable combinations, sets that could be seen at the last Fashion Week. Russians do not hesitate to look smart, just like the models from the catwalk. They have a more serious attitude towards fashion, let's say.

- This year, celebrating 20 years of family life, you and Luka were going to get married ...

- Yes, morally we are ripe for this, but so far our hands do not reach the organization of the process. Four years ago I was baptized in Moscow, and since then we have decided to get married.

And they got married in 1995, and you know, everything worked out somehow by itself, probably, this is really fate. And the wedding was arranged very quickly, and the dress was found. I remember that I took part in a fashion show in Rome when models were parading along the famous Spanish Steps. After the end of the show, I caught a glimpse of a white Prada dress in the window of the boutique, ran in, tried it on, bought it. It is laconic, in the style of the 1960s - I like these things. The dress is still relevant, hangs in the closet and is still waiting in the wings - I think daughter Sasha will soon try it on.

- We got married in 1995, and, you know, everything worked out somehow by itself. Perhaps this is really fate. While on holiday in Marrakech. Photo from the personal archive of Natalia Stefanenko

Sasha is 15 years old. She is already snarling, but every time I try to get into her position, look at the situation through her eyes. I never say: "Oh, nonsense, it will pass!", Because

that such words irritate children terribly. I always try to suggest, but I repeat that the choice is hers, this is her life. If she was wrong, it would be her mistake. It is customary in our family to talk a lot. If a problem suddenly appears, we talk about it. Previously, I could pout at some point, play in silence, they say, let my husband figure out that I am offended. Many problems are due to the fact that people do not talk about things that disturb them. Luke is different. He taught me that everything needs to be discussed. If you want to live life with a person, you should push your pride a little and learn to look for compromises. We have been together for so long, and we are not bored. We do not have quarrels with slamming doors or smashing dishes, we simply cannot sulk at each other for a long time.

- My daughter, at the age of 15, is already snarling, but every time I try to look at the situation through her eyes. I never say: "Oh, this nonsense, it will pass!", Because such words terribly irritate children. With daughter Sasha and husband Luca on the terrace of their house in Italy. Photo from the personal archive of Natalia Stefanenko

I learned Italian in a short time - there was no choice, I had the chance to debut as a presenter on Italian TV. It was terrible stress, but at 20, extreme situations are experienced differently. I set myself a condition: I can or not, pan or disappear. Although all that was required of me in the frame was to smile beautifully and say "si, si" to my experienced co-host Jerry Scotti. And at that time, just having arrived in Italy, I could not say anything else, I even spoke English

badly. In general, the first broadcast goes on, then the second - the producers are happy with me, but I feel like a fool! Everyone laughs, but I don't understand what. So I began to learn the language: day and night I struggled with grammar, I remember only the endless headache from cramming. But it worked. Now, without false modesty, I will say that I know Italian well. Some people say that I speak Russian with an accent. Probably because in Russian and in Italian sentences are pronounced with different intonations. I myself notice that some Russian words periodically fly out of my head, because most of the time I live in Italy. Coming in for a week of filming "Take it off now!" to Moscow, then I return home, where I have a TV program, I have a blog where I share fashion secrets, hold social events, interviews and photo sessions - and I love this rhythm!

- Arriving in Moscow in winter, you are probably glad that you live in Italy?

- Honestly, yes, this is one of the advantages. (Laughs.) I really love my country and I am proud to be Russian, but winter is a kind of test. I am from a small closed town in the Urals, it used to be called Sverdlovsk-45. In winter, the usual temperature is -40 ° C. The only joy is that we, children, did not go to school in such frosts.

When I entered the institute in Moscow, I was already happy about the milder climate in comparison with the Urals.

In Italy, my husband and daughter and I live in the town of Marios, on the shores of the Adriatic Sea. By the way, there is also a tannery center where 80% of Italian shoes are sewn. The places are stunningly beautiful - very similar to Tuscany, but there are several times fewer tourists, which means they are quieter. Italians love this area. We moved when I gave birth to Sasha - children are especially happy here. Now my relatives - parents, sister - come to visit us with pleasure. The latter, however, is rare, she recently became a grandmother! My niece is already twice a mother, so I'm also a grandmother to some extent, but for me this word sounds unusual. (Laughs.)

- How did your husband's relatives accept you in due time?

- Very warm. The mother-in-law is really my second mother (and I know that my mother will not be offended if she reads this). Her name is Tanya, Tatiana! It's amazing ... She is a fantastic woman, incredibly energetic, she is interested in everything around. At 72 she defended another diploma - in naturopathy. That is, she is a specialist in traditional medicine, methods of alternative treatment, she knows all useful herbs.

Luka and my parents were very similar. Despite the fact that some do not know Italian, while others - Russian. But there are phrasebooks! (Laughs.) Congratulations to each other on the holidays in social networks. My parents, when they arrive, bring gifts for their son-in-law: red caviar (Luka loves pancakes with it), fish, pine nuts - in Italian it sounds like "quill". (Smiles.)

- I wonder what effect you produce when you say that you graduated from the Moscow Institute of Steel and Alloys with a degree in metallurgical engineering?

- In Italy, everyone is delighted: for them, a priori, I become a heroine and the smartest person in the world. In Russia, first of all, they are surprised: why did you need this? Of course, at the age of 17, school graduates hardly imagine what they would like to do in life. I went to college for my sister, who graduated from it. We are metallurgists. And don't forget that our dad is a nuclear engineer, he worked with uranium. Explosive family! (Laughs.)

The Institute gave me a lot. Firstly, the ability to think systematically, and secondly, composure, the ability to quickly make decisions, which is not always characteristic of creative people. I am a very disciplined person, I know how to organize myself and in a short time I manage to do many important things. And sports brought me up. I have been swimming for ten years. I remember training twice a day: early in the morning, before school, and then after school. I am used to working for results and overcoming obstacles. Although tell me, what kind of Russian will you frighten with difficulties ?!

- We have been together for so long, while we are not bored. We do not have quarrels with slamming doors or smashing dishes, we simply cannot sulk at each other for a long time. Photo from the personal archive of Natalia Stefanenko

Natalia Stefanenko

A family: husband - Luca Sabbioni, designer; daughter - Alexandra (15 years old)

Education: graduated from MISiS (specialty - metallurgical engineer)

Career: model, TV presenter. She hosted the show "Battle of Choirs" (channel Russia, 2012, 2013), "Top Model in Russian" (channel Yu, 2014). Since 2007, together with Tasha Strogaya, he has been conducting the program "Take it off immediately!" (STS)

"Take it off immediately!", STS, 10:00, Saturday