DIY kitchen board decor. Original design options for cork noteboards. The effect of the product will not be long in coming

One of the most popular surface decoration techniques today. Moreover, its origins go deep into the Middle Ages.

At all times, many women wanted to decorate not only themselves, but their home. Decoupage gives you this opportunity, and without much effort on your part. That is, not knowing how to draw, but knowing how to accurately transfer the image to the surface of objects, you can get a drawing in the form of herbs, flowers, fruits and other images.

In this master class, we will show you how to decorate a cutting board using decoupage technique and the fashionable style of Provence.

You will need:

  • cutting wooden board
  • acrylic paint white
  • gray acrylic paint
  • napkin with herbs
  • acrylic lacquer
  • pVA glue
  • tassel narrow and wide
  • sponge
  • glass
  • candle
  • toothbrush
  • sandpaper

1. Apply white paint to the surface using pressure from above using a sponge. You can take a regular sponge for washing dishes by cutting it into 2 or 3 parts.

2. Tear off the desired drawing from the napkin, which we will glue on the board.

3. The napkin has 3 layers, one of them has a picture printed on it. This is the top layer we need. Detach it as carefully as possible.

4. Dissolve PVA and water in a glass, in such a ratio to get the consistency of liquid sour cream. Put one layer of the drawing on the surface of the board, dip the brush in the solution and in the center, just a little, drop it on the image.

5. Spread the liquid with a brush just as gently, ensuring that the entire image adheres to the surface without wrinkles or wrinkles.

6. Glue another illustration onto the board.

7. Rub the edges of the candle board.

8. Using gentle pressure strokes, apply gray acrylic paint to the edges of the board. Squeeze very little paint onto the sponge.

9. Rub the gray paint over the rest of the surface.

10. Use sandpaper to rub the edges of the board. The parts where the candle was previously applied will turn white.

11. Squeeze out the gray acrylic paint onto the toothbrush and use your thumb to spray a few splashes on the board.

12. Do the same with white paint.

13. Open the board with acrylic varnish.

Here we have a Provence style decoration!

This way you can decorate any surface!

Good luck in your endeavors and creative mood!

03.02.2017 10:04

The idea of \u200b\u200breworking from a resource board is far from new, but it seems to me that it is only gaining momentum here, like all types of resource processing, in principle.

This topic covers a lot of areas of our life, still invisible to someone.
However, the upward trend in demand for it is growing.
A high level of civil responsibility - points for separate collection of garbage, the number of which continues to grow (which is good news) and its subsequent processing into new products, collection of waste paper or Christmas trees, which will then be reborn into new books. Preserving forests, reducing air pollution and the growth of landfills, plus counteracting the cult of consumption - everyone is able to make their own contribution to the good.

But what about the creative component? Many of us are driven by it!

More than once I saw projects in which designers have successfully used an amazing resource board in decoration - a kitchen apron, walls of a bedroom or living room, headboard or decorating a TV area or a fireplace portal. And it looks really gorgeous!
The sentimental stories about the dismantled American barn and the subsequent restoration of the old board somewhere in the Austrian workshops touch and touch.
The cycle of the dollar in nature ...)

If you wish, you can always increase the price of your interior, no doubt about it.

Doubting that all sheds and fences disappeared in Russia, and not a single box, wooden pallet or pallet remained in the landfills.

Until that happens, we have the opportunity to make something truly amazing from the old resource board with its own history and unique charm.

Someone will say why use "old", because it is possible to "decorate" any board with an antique look, since modern materials and known techniques allow it.

As a decorator to a decorator, I'll tell you, maybe you can fool someone with this, but not a connoisseur.

Time, atmospheric influences in the open air, even traces of mechanical damage resulting from the operation of the facility, which will become a source of unique material for us for a new project - these are the components that give that barely perceptible vintage charm inherent in a resource board.

Again ... a home becomes a home the moment you decide to invest time to express your personality through it and distance yourself from current trends that cannot express you. Creating an expressive composition with your own hands is a difficult task that requires dedication and inspiration from us.

I have selected for myself and for you a lot of interesting ideas that can serve as inspiration for a new exclusive project with my own hands from a resource board in interior design and home decoration. Enjoy!

Disassembling an old summer cottage or country house, a podium, a terrace, any other wooden building is a real klondike of resource materials for the embodiment of new design ideas. Old wooden crates or pallets, formwork foundations, wooden doors, and even used-up, disassembled parquet can be reborn into amazing interior objects from old boards - like a chic desk from old parquet or baseboards and new parquet from boards from old wooden pallets.

Wooden pallets are a popular source of design inspiration. Pallet furnishings, wall finishes, headboards and enchanting wall or showcase décor, made from boards of disassembled old wooden pallets, bring industrial chic to absolutely any interior style.

I love furniture made from an old resource board - these rough surfaces without sanding and varnish gloss. Rustic and vintage - this simplicity fascinates.

Finishing the wall with a resource board helps to create a unique coating in the most budgetary version, will give the atmosphere of a country house and a warm rustic charm.

The old resource board at the head of the bed looks cozy and warm

A chic barn door becomes the main accent of the interior

A hand-made frame for a mirror made from old boards and resource wood can look stylish, expensive and exclusive.

Resource board interior decor - a fashionable interior trend

A cutting board is not such a status item, but with its help you can decorate your kitchen, give it originality. You can give this kitchen utensil to relatives or close friends, but it will be even better if you bring originality to the very appearance of the cutting board. In addition, a wooden plane is the best blank for decoupage, from which you can begin to get acquainted with this amazing technique of implanting a picture into a surface.

For flat objects, you can use large pieces of the design, for example, the entire quarter of the selected napkin. And here the novice master will face a problem: it is not so easy to glue a fragment without creases, cracks, or bubbles. Yes, and with the completion of the background, problems can arise: for the first time, not everyone will be able to choose the right color. To avoid mistakes, you need to start with simple jobs.

Let's talk about decorating a cutting board using the file method (direct decoupage) without painting on the background, with cutting out the background from the napkin itself.

Materials for decoupage

The work will require the following materials and items:

  • Napkins with a large pattern (here are motives with olive oil and a solid background for the picture);
  • A wooden cutting board, decorated in any technique, will still be remodeled;
  • Sandpaper of two or three types from coarse to fine;
  • Scissors;
  • PVA glue;
  • Glue stick;
  • White acrylic paint;
  • Soft brush;
  • A bowl of water;
  • Cotton swab;
  • Acrylic varnish in a spray can.

Work order

Free the wooden cutting board from any decor. If a drawing is applied to it, like ours, then it can be sanded with sandpaper (it will take quite a long time) and then painted over (so that the drawing is not visible through the white paint).

Paint the tree with acrylic paint on the side where the decor will be. Try not to stain the work surface of your kitchen utensils. When applying paint, it is better to use a dishwashing sponge rather than a brush. "Stomp" with a sponge, clamped in a clothespin, along the plane of the board until there are less bubbles of paint.

Apply 2 coats of paint in this way. After the surface is dry, it must be leveled with two types of sandpaper. For finishing sanding, you can adjust the back of the dishwashing sponge.

Now it's time to choose a napkin. Motifs with food, spices or drinks look best in the kitchen. Take a napkin with painted olive oil. This napkin is good in that it has not only motives, but also a background.

Measure the napkin and the board, figure out where the main motive will be glued. At the same time, keep in mind that the paper stretches out by 0.5 - 0.8 cm when it gets wet, and the position of the motif will shift. You shouldn't try to place the picture exactly in the middle, perfectionism is not what you need here. The motif itself is asymmetrical, and the olive branches extending beyond the frame will smooth out the position of the picture not in the middle.

Try on the central motif on the board.

The peculiarity of this craft, as already mentioned, is that the background will not be drawn, but glued from fragments of the same napkin. To fill in the lower part, we suggest taking the inscription "Oleum Olivarum" ("olive oil"). The challenge is: as few seams as possible. Therefore, we plan to glue the letters, aligning them to the right edge, and again not in the middle. At the same time, it is important to cut out the foliage, and carefully tear the background so that it discreetly lies on a napkin of the same color.

Attention! You need to glue the lower part only after the main motive has dried! The napkin that will lay on the previous layer should have an uneven, “torn” edge for the best connection with the base. To dry the first layer, you can use a hairdryer, but not hot, but warm air (1-2 modes).

Layer the napkin, leaving only the paint layer.

Now you need to iron the napkin with an iron from the wrong side. Once you get used to it, you can learn to spray the paper with salt water so that when you iron it, the bumps that are visible on the napkin disappear.

Place the drawing face down on the file. Drop water from the brush into the center. Pour in water, smoothly leveling the napkin, expelling air bubbles from under it. Try not to touch the napkin with your hands so as not to damage the paint layer.

As you can see in the next photo, the napkin sticks to the file. We can say that first we did the decoupage on the file in the reverse way, and then - from the file to the board - in the direct way. Drain excess water from the file on a towel.

Leave the file with the motive for a few minutes, cover the board with glue stick.

Gently place the napkin in its intended place, smooth and carefully remove the file so that the napkin does not reach for it.

In the same way - using a file - glue the lower part of the decor with the inscription.

Since there was a very small fragment at the bottom, find a suitable piece of the background and glue it until the lower part is dry. Smooth gently.

Pay attention to the edge: the extra napkin protrudes beyond the board. Tear or cut it so that the edge curls slightly over the side.

Glue the appropriate piece onto the board handle. Dry. After that, you can make a hole with a toothpick and a cotton swab.

The decoupage technique has recently become increasingly popular. It is a varnished application of napkins, postcards or various paper pictures. You can decorate absolutely any surface with decoupage - from to a banal cutting board. It is on her example that we will begin to master the basics of this technique. It won't take long, and the result will definitely not disappoint you.

So, we need:
1. Cutting board.
2. White acrylic paint or acrylic primer.
3. Acrylic varnish.
4. Glue for decoupage (can be replaced with ordinary PVA).
5. Sandpaper (zero).
6. Paper napkin.
7. Brush.
8. Foam sponge.

First, the surface of our board must be primed. To do this, apply 2 layers of white acrylic paint with a sponge with intermediate drying.

Cut out the desired composition from the napkin selected in advance and carefully remove the excess paper layer from it. Be careful if the napkin is two-layer, 1 layer will be superfluous, but if it is three-layer, then 2 layers.

We place our drawing on the surface of the board and carefully cover it with glue diluted with water in a 50/50 ratio. Do this very carefully from the middle to the edges. An already thin glue napkin will become even more vulnerable. Try to smooth out the creases with light brush strokes.

Let the glue dry for a while.

If your composition only partially occupied the surface of the board, then the empty spaces should also be decorated. Blot a piece of sponge in a suitable shade of acrylic paint and "poke" empty areas. You should not use gouache for this, otherwise after covering the varnish it will smear and your board will look untidy. After drying with a brush or sponge, apply acrylic varnish and let dry again. Do not be alarmed, the varnish will be white at first, and when it dries, it gradually becomes transparent.

Take a zero sandpaper and gently run it along the side of the cutting board. This will remove minor blemishes in the form of paint or glue.

If you wish, you can walk the varnish over the surface again. The more such varnish layers, the more durable your work will be. Well, if you decide to use the board for its intended purpose, then you need to put another layer of any varnish for furniture. Do not forget that acrylic is washed off with water.
And here's what you might get approximately:

By the way, the whole process took only 2 hours, and then only because of drying!

Modern interiors are striking in their variety and originality. Designers every day come up with new and new "chips", subtleties. One of them is decorating the room with old boards. This technique makes the interior more comfortable, mysterious, and unique. The cracks, chips, traces of nails on them amaze the imagination, stimulate to solve the riddle: to whom and where this building material served before, how old it is. Old boards in the interior will ideally complement such styles as country, shabby chic, loft.

Currently, it is fashionable to introduce wood into the interior of the room. It fits well when decorating houses, apartments, offices of reputable companies, restaurants. Old boards are valued among experienced designers, with their help you can create several options for interiors, especially since in the 21st century everything that is old, rare, and exclusive is valued.

Each owner wants his house to be different from others, looking for his own style, interesting decor options. Moreover, they began to decorate the dwelling with wood many centuries ago. With his help, the atmosphere turned out to be cozy and warm.

The new wooden house has always had a delicious scent of fresh wood, resin. But it became really habitable, family-like in a few years, when a special smell appeared in the room, the tree was painted several times, had chips and cracks. Returning to such a house, the individual always plunged into pleasant memories filled with the smell of pies, warmth and comfort. Even the creak of the floorboards is pleasing to the ear.

The use of old boards in the interior

Room design with old boards

It is always sad to demolish the houses of grandparents, since modern plastic, glass, metal, concrete can never replace wood. Modern glamor is no doubt beautiful and luxurious, but emotionally empty. Therefore, at the end of the 20th century, eco-style and vintage became popular.

Thanks to the presence of this material, a “soul”, a harmonious existence of man and nature, began to appear in the modern interior.

Most people, having built their house from scratch, try to make it a family nest, where everything is individual and unique.

Beautiful design with old boards

Modern room interior with old boards

Looking at a wall made of old boards, questions involuntarily arise about their past life, from where cracks appeared on them. Maybe they were sun-dried or cracked from the sea water, or maybe. just attacked by an ordinary bark beetle. There are no answers to all these questions, all that remains is to fantasize. New owners always try to treat them more carefully than in a previous life.

The use of old boards in the interior

Room design with old boards

Old boards in the interior of the apartment


Old boards are very relevant for modern interior designers. Applications - Mass:

  • Decorating a whole wall.
  • Decoration of a part of the wall as a bright accent or functional area.

Both of the above options combine 2 functions: they are an element of decoration and fully replace such finishing materials as wallpaper, plaster, paint. But in order for everything to work out organically, you must very carefully select the combination of tones and shades.

Beautiful design with old boards

Modern room interior with old boards

  • Full or partial flooring.
  • Highlighting the podium.
  • Furniture elements made from old boards: door, bar counter, partition.
  • Furniture accessories: shelf, table, stool, panel, photo frame.

Interior items created from boards of different shades and sizes look beautiful and unusual.

The use of old boards in the interior

Room design with old boards

Old boards in the interior of the apartment

While old wood is very valuable, not every tree has value. It is not enough to break a fence built long ago in the country and sell the material as unique.

  1. Old planks in the interior are good, but in reasonable quantities. Decorations or items should not draw too much attention to themselves. The tree should not be conspicuous, it is necessary to create a certain style, organically fit into it. When developing, you need to pay special attention to the thickness, size, shade, possible drawing of the working material.
  2. Experienced designers do not recommend decorating the entire perimeter of the room with wood. It is better to choose 1-2 large elements, then complement the finished interior with accessories. This can be a massive mirror frame, wardrobe, table, headboard. If you overdo it, then when examining the room, you will get the impression of a cluttered corner.
  3. So that the design does not turn out to be too gloomy, you can use good textiles, some modern finishing materials during the renovation process.
  4. A brick wall will look great against the background of antique surfaces.

Beautiful design with old boards

Modern room interior with old boards

Each room has its own board

Living room

This is exactly the room where a whole wall of old boards fits perfectly. Its understated beauty, scuffs and cracks make a great addition to modern furniture and accessories. You can also make the floor out of wood and decorate it with a Persian rug. Every living room should have a large mirror. It is ideally complemented by a massive frame made of aged material.

When decorating a bedroom, everything is much simpler. You can make the head of a bed, a dressing table "old", or place several decorative beams on the walls or ceiling. If you do not save on lighting fixtures, buy good ceiling lamps, their light will be beneficial to emphasize all scuffs and cracks.

Traditionally, the facades of cabinets, chairs, stools are made from aged specimens.

A place where a board in the interior will only inspire, tune the owner to a working mood, and in the evening, relax, immerse in the atmosphere of meditation.

The use of old boards in the interior

Room design with old boards

Old boards in the interior of the apartment

How to get special finishing material

It can be found almost everywhere. Most individuals can be borrowed in the country, in a country house. If there are no suitable options, then you can purchase it in specialized hardware stores. All old boards are supplied from Europe, so you need to be prepared for the fact that the price will be rather big. There are also advantages of purchasing: 100% quality guarantee, the material has passed all stages of preparation, it is absolutely safe. You can also age the surface yourself, but this requires special tools and working material.

Beautiful design with old boards

Modern room interior with old boards

Old boards in the interior are becoming more popular every day because of their versatility. They fit organically into any style, emphasizing it favorably. In addition to its advantages, it is possible to attribute environmental friendliness and a unique sense of relaxation and tranquility.

Video: Panels from old boards

50 photos of ideas for using old boards in the interior: